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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1922)
THE OMAHA HF.E: MONDAY, AlX.l'ST 5). 1022. THE GUMPS i" tit IT IN fOIOM THE SUNDAY SIC FKOM FA II AWAY AUSTRALIA Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith Qxl jOMft ttciM, a trrTit OM WHCVt aA n tk ste-ivr NO"t tTt 4 fCtMl WO 6l WOT OS.V UtMf fTt Tt V, W)VXt Ut-I 1 ir i T aeiats VttH ItiOUt to IV tOMX IMtftCrVt tOOM I M4y CAtlt rrm a wAvt vow omi I Ulvf ft. Mtm( lAJMICM t MkVl Tll i nntm tio a.sgt -usase "1 ttn.i will . .LJVJ rMUYt irrAuiMi font OsfTTtVt MX ATOM. .J ' IcHI aU, WiKH OSA wot ttovr it w to wia Mtam tM lot OW VOVt ,1 '1 . - ttTttAlH.TWO . TVItt IWOvtAlO r"OU0 - v H0.0OOU kftu ok U xtkta . Ml TXM Hast- WIW, "THM Ktt m tiowl I III ift.!?-) i f lU TO TO II3 I WTAUA lit Mkvt TO y J ? 6T A lOT 0 Nt gs: "fy lCu'Mt wwtHT a VLEPy-TIME TALES i?s2rf MORE TALES of faj CUFfY BEAR nr . - CJIAI'TKU XUII. Cuffy Friglitem ih Fiinily. ( nil v J'.rar hurst into the dfli, 'irrkthlr. Jl? hud ftin no thitl ). couldn't nk, hut ttitod Ik fort l ii father mid In mother mid nud liit (iirrrrl motion. lie waved a raw toward inotith of the ii-n, lolled tiia litllir eyel, moved liin head ! ,1 . , ,, I mountain would you v4tit lrrf', C'tlffy krd him. When XI it. hrt tirard tlut the klirn krd, "Tire! The wou'U are on fiir!" he ried. "V mint hurry," Mie feared furrkt firr ii luuth hr liii.luiiil f. iired iik n with k1""' "So, mai" naid (.'ully. " I line' 110 fire." 1 " J hank tfiodiirl" hi mother rx iilaimrd. "And if that'i , 1 don't tf why wr hould move" Cuffy liear wa only 4 little rhap, hut he tried to look very Ihk tnd M11 port ,1 n I k b told hit, parrnlt I lie in w that he had drought home oil the run, "We'll Itaef to move hiiane f the teavem," he explained. "They're Koiiik to tilt down every tree Oil lowly from iiidc to kide "What in the world it the matter?" XI r. Hear hrnoiiKht him, "Are you ill? I.el me ee your tonjrue!" "I'm Mil ri(ht, mother," 'Cuffy jiauted hut. "I've hurried home not vroantUd. ih It "You-re Id tell you that we'll have fn move." I'pon hearintr thit newt Mr, Hear tprtiiK to hit feet. "flag tome man, with a Rim, din covered our home?" he demanded. "No, pa," taid Cuffy. . Mr. Dear ank down again, heav ily, ukii the floor. , "Then your remarkt don't Inter est nir,'" he growled. "l"or nothing hut a man with a gun would make me move." "If there vaon't a tree 011 the Hear exchanged Mr, and Mr, look of wonder. "Mow did you learn all thin?" Mr, Hear iiimed, "Old Mr, Crow told me," Will, when Cufly aid that, Mr, Hear roared with laughter ami ave h'r own knee ii''li a ulap with hit law that he roared aK.un with pain. When he iopped roaring he atd to hit on, "Mr. Crow fooled you," "I'.ut I mw doeni of tree lying on the ground, not far from Heaver Village," Cuffy iioinled, Ag.iin hi father and hi mother gave eVh other a glance an umlUy glaiue, thit, "Uon't you think you'd tetter look into thin matter right away, Kph raim?" Mr, Hear aiked her hut hand. lie grunted and groaned. Having intended to enjoy a nap, he did not the thought of a long tramp to live j to the other idr of the mountain. "Tomorrow" he aid ' tomor row will do." "Today would he hetler," Mrt. Hear oherved firmly. "If we have to move 1 want to know it at ome" N Mr. Hear trudged off. with ( uify tagging after him. At last liny rraeited a look-off place way around Hlue Mountain. And there t tifly Mopped and poke to hit tathrr. 'D'o you iee that gap down there where the treei have heen felled?" Mr, Hear Muintrd at the itrrtch of tree top hrlow them. .Sure enoiifihl there wat a great gap in it, "It lotiki had for u," he wheezed an he hurried down the mountain, "If the Hcavrrt keep that up long, there won't, he a ttit k of timher Handing for mile around." "Hadn't we hetter hurry Hat k and tell mother?" Cuffy Inquired. Mix father ahook hi head. "I want to get a good look at thoie felled tree,' he replied. And toon Mr. Hear had hit look. One wat all he needed. "No heaver ever cut down thee treet." he declared. "In the ftrtt plaee, no heaver fella treei to big. And in fhe neroud place, no heaver fells a tree l y a clean, iquare cut like thit," Mr. Hear laid a paw on top of a frrih Mump. "Thru what aort of animal thi work?'' Cuffy aked did "I.umherjacktr taid Mr. Rear. "They mutt have ttrong teeth, Cutty remarked. "Ve!" laid M sharp." "When are we going to riiove?" Cuffy wanted to know. laid Mr. Bear, "Strong and Nebraska Wetleyan University Autumn Quarter Sept. 11 -Dec. 1 College of Liberal and Fine ArU with many professional eourtei. Teaehers' College with Training Schools Academy Horn Economics. Inquirica welcome. Literature free. Address , Chancellor Schrocbangast, University Place. Cotner College College of Liberal Arts, School of Fine Arts, School of Education, College High School, School of Dusineu. Courses Offered in History, Literature, Mathematics, Sciences, Philosophy), Sociology, Sacred Literature, Edu cation. Music, Expression, Art and Commer cial Work. Fine new girls' Expenses lorv. dotmilory. Strong faculty. School Opens September 12 BETHANY, NEBRASKA "Oh, we shan't have to move," his father answered. "I can see that TARKIO COLLEGE VII. Alhl.Hct Rakthll rhtmplonahlp, 1122; sec ond m fostbsll, 1W0; third In tr'k, lZl. rlMtit field. I.'lnrfcr track. Cms gridiron, CI, tennis courts, fhralrsl training rnjglrcd. Course In coaching. Address fras. Thompson, Tariiio, Mo. HASTINGS COLLEGE Calvin H. French, L. L. D., Pret. HASTINGS, NEB. Fall Term Opens September 12 these lumberjacks want only the big gest pines. They aren't going to cut down the whole forett," "Then Mr, Crow fooled me,- Cuf fy muttered, "Yet. Rut I'm glad I came over here. I mean to find out where the lumberjacks' camp it, for there may he a chanre to pick up something gone around it tome night." "Something the lumberjacks' don't want?'' Cuffy aked. Mr. Hear nodded, They won't want it after found it," he said pltaaiitly, ti'uariiskl. Illl I Farmer in (sage County Plan to Fred (tig Crop Pesirue Msny fsrinert in Gaga county are making pUns to feed part of their big crop , ilinr stiMk this fall, holding that t'.rie is mote money in (Imposing of the grain in this way than selling it at present prices, imawaM SAINT KATHARINE'S SCHOOL -.. I'mtof Iks Mrs tso aiWMs f4 at. Hifi a UM-uk soiti-r srkml fee s Iwnu4 swib-f o tins, M ItM-ni ),' li ,,,,11 M ( smll lwSik ths MlMlMiiia S'M.C lha liSM SMltl4, Saint kSl. Ilci!. Ivs scnoa MUSIC One of America's largest anal most notes) Music Schools, wills 100 highly trainee! teachers giving private lessons in all branches of Music and Dramatic Art. Public School Music Public School Art One and two-year piano, voice and violin coursee leading to certificates and diplomas. Low Tuition Rate Catalog Fie Dormitory With Room and Board Sand lor This Intarasllnf Raoh FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 11 REGISTER NOW MacPbail School, Nicollet Are. and 8th Si., Minneapolis, Minn. The University School of Music Lincoln, Nebrntka Twenty-Ninth Year Begin September 4th MUSIC DRAMATIC ART A large faculty. Complete course in all depart mentt. Degree, diploma, teacher' certificate. Anyone may enter. New catalog on request. Address ADRIAN NEWENS, Director 1103 R St. Van Sant School of Business You know someone who is about to choose an occupa tion. You know that busi ness needs an in creasing number of well-educated, well trained girls and women. You know that busi ness offers immedi ate and satisfactory salaries and oppor- , tunities for further education and pro- motion, i You know that this school which offers business training for girls and women is owned by a business woman mid that its instructors are all experienced b u a I ness women. You know that for thirty-one years this nchool has offered a thorough, special ized training which puts its graduates in line for the best types of commercial ami p r o f tudonal positions. Therefore pleai . tablinh a connect, im between u and the flhri vho needs our training and v h intercut we desire to enlist, We hope to fill the steadily increasing demand of employers, lone C. Duffy Owner 3d II. Kennedy Dldf. DOutU Snft) Y. M. C. A. EVENING SCHOOL Opens Tuesday, September 5th 30 Courses Enroll Any Day YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, 17th and Harney Streets Room 318 C. J. SHAW, Director Phone At. 1600 lYMCAj Peru State Teachers College PERU, NEBRASKA FslI term registration, Septemeber 8 and 9, 1922. Regular clauses, Monday, September 11. Two and four-year college couraes with diploma and A. B. degree, A complete Training School System consisting of: Ungraded One-Room School Kindergarten Elementary School Four-year Demonatratlon High School To aecure good room, resenratlont should be made now. Address : A. L. Cainoss, President R. D. Ovorholt, Registrar High School i Rise to a Good Position Through Dworak Business College Training When you graduate from the DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE you do not have to worry about finding a position. The demand for our graduates is increasing each year. The reason is that Mr. E. A. Dworak, Certified Public Accountant, President and Director of Instructions, has designed the training to meet the demands of Modern Enterprises, and his recommendation means a position secured. Our training will make you capable to fill a responsible position, earn ing a real salary. Most Thorough Business Training Dworak's Modern Methods make business training practical. No time is wasted upon tedious, unnecessary details. Only actual requisites, which the business man demands from his valued employees, are taught. THAT IS WHY DWORAK'S GRADUATES MAKE GOOD. Individual Instruction by Experts The personal attention of skilled, conscientious teachers, pleasant personality, refinement, special training and experi ence make your interest their interest. With their co operation you will finish a course sooner and more efficiently. Share the Advantages of Our Methods ENROLL NOW Fall Term Opens September 5th Day and Evening Classes fv - rW,,. . Mi I 4r W' Y.f V 1 '-vsviV:i 1'. Ccitified Public lecouniiftl fisiiJanl Nskraaka State Hoard of EtamUert of Car lit lad Public Accountant!, directs all eourial l tarsal by this inilitwlion. Our emir t In Stenngraphv, Dictaphone, Comptometer and Rurrough Calculating Machines, l!okkeeping, Higher Account ing and Auditing will produce for ou better results In let time and In a more up-to-date mntuirr than could be obtained eltewhere west of I hieago, Only a limited number of students rait be accommodated. Therefore, to make sure of securing a place in our ilatsf. it will be t your advantage to enroll NOW, Reasonable tuition fee and on monthly payment if desired. Call, tnju vt our school, and secure our catalogue, If you cannot rati, rite or phone, DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Second Floor Wend Huildinj:, 18th and Far nam l nhleenlh Street fntrance Telephone AT Untie 74IS Graduates Are you contemplating further training in a cul tural, business or professional way? If so, do you realize the great advantage that a Uni versity training will give you all through your life in efficiency, sure knowledge of facta and in the general rounding out of character? Your own state university enjoys a most en viable standing among the great universities and colleges of this country and offers to you a complete training in a number of professional and business courses. And in addition to these splendid opportunities, you will have an oppor tunity to associate with many of the men and women who will lead in Nebraska life in years to come. Nebraska activities the athletic field and gymnasium, debating and literary societies, music, drama, the university publications are all worth while and in them there is to be found both pleasure and worth while results. The 1922 catalogue and other literature de scribing the university and its many activities will be mailed you upon request. Address the Registrar University of Nebraska Colleges and Schools The Graduate College The College of Arts and Sciences The Teachers' College The College of Agriculture The College of Engineering The College of Law The College of Medicine The College of Pharmacy The College of Busi ness Administration The College of Dentistry The School of Fine Arts High School The Schools of Agriculture The Summer Session University Extension Courses jT University of Nebraska LINCOLN, NEBRASKA The Riant School The Bee Is prepared to give Information regarding schools or colleges teach Ing the following courses. This information is free, Simply indicate with an X which course you are interested in, fit! out the coupon below and mail to The Omaha Bee's Information llurean. Doys School ftutineis Training Schools Chiropractic Colleges Corrective Speech Fine Arts School law School Military School Music Conservatory Normal School Young ladies' School (locution, Oratory and Dramatic Art Name IIIIMMIII'MIIIIIMMIIItlH i Ml I I M I HHHI tity .,,( i - , 1 US