The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 21, 1922, Page 3, Image 3
TIIK OMAHA r.KK : MONDAY. AIT.UST 21. 1922. ,Tn 11 rtn It MrMtwtt .illIll wt i til nil i Sees His Dairy Cows Excel Again Apriruliurul Cil!fg IU C.nn Frronil jii llultrr Vut IVoiIik tlon - Hmtrire Man Wim Lincoln.-fEy A. l')-V. J. Jen Vinson til Monroe, owner t,f t'ure- bled dairy tos, (ur the second timf Ibis luiuriirr witnctd one til his herd earel other dairy tow in the state in bu'terut .iii!in lion. In the July conical conduitcd by llie I'm rrify id .Nebraska Agricultural lollige, Mr. Jcnkinson' Oak Lodge Conn t ti (lr 'I the liiatme Aii'l senior 4-vearold cUst with lrtn!uc 'linn of 3.V5I pound o( fat in in r third inonlli of test, Oak I.oilge (uiiiia Clyde a rloM-ly followed by Varsity Derby Snltitns, owned by the Agricultural college, with production of S,'4' pound f( fat in her fourth month en list. Third p'aie went to Marie lie Kol fif K not) (irni, owned by Kil palrick I'ro'.hrrs of Hiatrir, with 8 production of S,"6 pounds of fat in In r rfniiil month. Loup View Co rona, owned by Mr. J'likinsoti, at tained fourth plate with a produc tion r,f A.ViH pounds of fat in the 10 day' teal, l.avcrne f.inroln, owned by llie L'nivenity of Nebras ka, in ber ninth Month produced 4, U.ft pound of fat. hixih place went to Woodlawn dairy of Lincoln, won by Urena Ifengcrvrld I Kol Mer ccde, which produced 4,47 pound of fat in bcr third month. Fonda I'ctlo llenjerveM, owned by C. II. Van Aradale of Peatrir took lev enih place with a production of 4,. JK2 pound of fat in her ninth month., V'arity Derby Olda, owned by the agricultural nlrge, toppeyl the junior 4-year-old clan by producing 4.2i') pounda of fat in brr tenth month on tet. The aenior 3-year-old clas w led by Fay Huntress, owned by F, M. Jilakcslce of Wahoo, producing 5,210 pound of fat in her seventh month. Rosalie Pontiae Ormsby Lincoln, owned by the Watlhill HolMcin com pany of Walthill, took firt rank among the junior 3-year-old by pro dusing 4.0JJ) pound of fat in her aecnnd month. Jessie Orbcn I.yoni, owned by the (rbool of agriculture at Curtii, topped the nior 2-year-old cla with a production of 3,500 pound of ,fat in two day. Jean Gerben Lyon, owned by the same chool, ranked first anionic the junior 2-year-old with a production of 3,579 pound of fat. The rott of honor is baed on pro duction of butterfat during the two day semi-official tet for dairy cov. In order to be on thi roll, the. fol lowing ia required a the minimum production. Mature and enior 4-year-old, 4.5 notindi oi Durienar in iwo oay. Junior 4-year-olds, 4.25 pound of butterfat In two day. Senior 3-year-oldi, 3.75 pound of butterfat in two day. Junior 3-year-oldi, 3.5 pound of butterfat In two day. Senior 2-year-olds, 3.25 pound of butterfat In two day. Junior 2-year-o1d, 3.0 pound of butterfat In two day. Crate Feeding Broilers Urged for Leghorn Breeders Nebraska farmer who market liorn broiler are confronted with a evcre discount because the poultry buyer claim they must crate-feed the Leghorn tock tor 10 day to make it acceptable cither to local trade or on the eastern market. The Uni versity of Nebraska Agricultural col lege ugjzests that farmer adopt the policy of crate-feeding the broiler before taking them to market. A atisfactory crate can be made by dividing a regular (hipping crate into four part with a small "V -thaped trough made to hang on the coup extending the entire length. Thi crate with It tenant hould be placed in cool outdoor place. A feed of ground corn, barley, oat and short (hould be fed three times a day, New Livestock Emblem Now Being Distributed A new emblem of improved design for recognition of good work in im proving live tock is ready for distri bution by the United State Depart ment of agriculture. The certificate, which resemble a steel engraving, is suitable for framing. Any Nebraska stock man holding an old emblem and desiring to ex change it for a new one, may do so by returning the old one to the extension service office of the Uni versity of Nebraska College oi Agri culture. About 7,800 of these em blems have been issued to breeder and other working with the depart ment in improving the utility value of farm animals, reducing the number of runts and In other way benefitting the livestock of the country. Two Typfl of Smut Infect WlifHt in Nelrai-Ka Field Many (.irmer ate not familiar with the Iwtt kimU of smut that infect ' wheat. The blark heads that are seen in the field at bliiming time are caused by what is called "Iimm smut." Anoido g ti the Vmvmity of Ne bratke I'ultrge of Agriculture rpeit thi kmd of smut i nt preventable liv formaldehyde treatment, as the di.eate U Inside h Urnd instead rl en i, uin-e, t it n in oi'n-r 1 .f smut. The lx smut de bit! ,Unu4. In Sebrak. It is .i d, but t)ff it i-nnjidrraMe ilinu: m tied smut bunt, whiih ji!e'U b , In e"ititrri t t' , b ( ' ' iv. p4 I I City Trttr Slw lit Allrart I arj! I'rowd lUvi I t t lvi I l ur, NV , I ,)!!! fil '? I -.( S'lOSK i I b .11 Kill M'llU1 I'll 111 fl t IH ! . I 'r i' I p'l'ii,) I t ' . (fviil li"l f bu;,i-S niesi, I ' - .'.t b la i in, ,r i f n. I .1.-., hi' u! !' 'Ift ilitm, nl lt esn , g I I y t I I ln t ' t H n I ! , k' e i , r. l'i I li.v) u rV tl-n i . . ' County Agents' Notes DOUGLAS COUNTY Arrangement ki being nude for lb Douglas county farmer' tour August 25. Agricultural engineer ing work it lo be fcitured on this lour and five stop lis been ar ranged. The first stop will , at If. -'.. (a, nrs' jrm, lour mile north ol I'.lkhorn. Her everyone will have the opportunity of ecing t) result of a good bruh dni demonstration. number of briuh dam were i,ul in by Mr. tijine jtl summer and they have worked lartrsttiilly, 'J be tint nop ml) t, ftt Cbarle rau . one mile north of liennmg (on. Mr. (rau ha intii a lot vi at tinlimi to soil frrtility and the con trol of oi erotiou. II i carrying on an experiment tin's year with com varieties and with corn root control. 1 brse plot will be of interest to the visitor. 'Ihr stop at noon will be at Sum mer Hill (arm, four mllr southwest of I'rtiiiington. hveryone is asked to bring lunch and enjoy a pome dinner at Summer Hill (arm. After lunch there will be a demonstration liv the girls' setting dub demonstra tion team that will represent llnuglat county at the state fair. Arrange coins are alo being made for an ex hibit of girls' sevviug material which Will be of speciiil mtirett to the women. Wayland W. Magee, man ager of Summer Hill farm, will pre sent some figures on ihe cot of farm lighting plants. There will be a num'ier lif interesting thing to see at the Magee f irm jut hiding the large herd of bog and machine shed and equipment, 'I he net stop will be at the farm of V. J. lioetig, r, two mile north of Irvington, At Mr. Jioettgrr", those (Harden NoIch ("lipping gras after it top grow ing in the fall it detrimental to the lawn, A long growth of grass left on serves as a protective blanket in win ter. If the grass is cut late in the season, leave the clippings on the lawn. Question arc continually being (sked about the proper time to trans plant peonie. The most experienced gardener claim they have the best buk when they set Ihcui during September. They are ometinie e the last week in August. Fall Is the best time to plant Jap anese lilies, particularly the gold banded type, Liliunt auratuin and the spccioMim are good varie ties. The report of (J. A. Koser of Franklin county, Indiana, i good (vidence of the value of planting cer tified eed potatoes. Mr. Hoser dug 1M bui.hel of pofatoe from each acre where be used Karly Ohio seed and only 150.7 bushel per acre where he used the best of hi own seed of the same variety. T. C. Real, county agent, weighed the potatoes a they were dug from each row and recorded the exact figure. Vitalized .Agriculture School Called at Fairliury Fairbury I'rof. Ilert C. Cooper of Nodoway county, Missouri, will hold a hort course of vitalized agricul tural at Fairbury beginning Monday. He will be assisted by lilanch I-eighty and John Snyder, Jefferson county teacher. Jefferson county hold the distinction of being the richest county in Nebraska to install a courie in vitalized agriculture. Farmers' Union Notes Tli Nebrk Fnri union will put on thru cmitnn at l' h,liurt-ri ,t th lai rlf. The eonl-i will b follows: Tu1k, th bt faeinern' iiiiIoii nolo by boy or rl un,lr 16, wrliiiiily, ih b-t choriu by inimban of on furmcea' union lorn I, oimn to iierr sons of all acta. Thiiraday. boat pawn by boy or lrl uniler IS, ivln thin thraa baat raaona for ornanliln aurleultura e eordln lo tbo prlnclplaa and purpoaea nf lh farmara' union. Th cnniala will oii ur at a p. m. aaoh ilay. Cash prlita will be paid to Ihn wlnnara. I rienlri at Vsmllxr. Vrdlr. Klva hundrail rnrmara aKanil. d lh plenlo held In Atneriean l,ealnn hall by Klvrsln local of lh- rnri,a' union. J. o. Hhroyar, vie prranlei,, of lha (lata farinnra' union, waa lha aleakr. Ha alvora,iei lha aitenalon e,f eo-oiura-lion to lha flnlahln of larm products for eonturnpllon. Tha Vardlgra band fur nlaliad nfualo. Candidate Are Actlra. Talmadia. An anormnus crowd sttsnd sd th annual plemo of tha OK, a i n.mly F'armsra' union hald hr. (?. J. Ounorn, siala praaldfnt of tha orsnlatlon, mad tha principal a1ilrs. Kfvaral randldataa, wars alao on lha Job and told how thy would aava th alluatlon If (Ivan an op portunity. Hand munlo was furnlahrd by tha Nnbraaka Clly band, and voial mualo by th quartat from Bratton-Unlon con solldatad acbool, north of Humboldt. Malm Ooml Nlinwliur. O'Nslll A nt profit of li.lSt.4T on a total turnovar nf .',. 5S ns waa mad by th Varmera' Vnlon Klsvatnr eompany hra hi th flseal yaar anding Jun SO. Thi company handlea ar, a I ti, coal and warahoun mcrehandiia. (if th tnial turn, ovar, las. 171 4) waa train. IIS, 87? It tvaa msrrhamllaa, and 17,21171) waa coal. 11 Is not th Intention of th company, tha dirarinra arty, to tnak bi profits, but lo aava nionay, and lha momb-r ar wall i!raad with tha alumina. Th eompany has a aubatantlat III alavsior ami Wat huui. Audit Nlion rmfll. Nflwmtn tituva. Haiaa of lh farnisia' union stora hwra in th iik month rov- rvd I, v ti, lalaal audit of lh h,tol war I&1S19IS, with a net profit of ll.'L' IU, not tha mark-iiB on onla i,l" bn kpt low, It I ataiod, tha proiu -tit J hav ban niu, h rtr To I'wtMtin a ah.truaa ,i,ilai. lh atork hlilta rf th aau-ialini put In about I " "w of nw (,,himI Ut wiitlar In lb l"itu of loatm. 1'h..a loans at pM rr ,! on it, bu.,ta a a dlia.'t liability at hm!!d llta aaiti ia,lay (. a t tw v,ltal Ma irri.'lanl I Inaat ia a,,,ra ai ,,, i, ,;,,'ut tta btiia. l,ih ,,aua ft savlit-, vlnxi tat, ol i,u a f ar. i wwii vi.d nut. l.anaTh .i.fl.ll l.,,.n.. Ih.l aa'alad u It, b-'fea ol lha la,,,,!' I'umoi !, Ul J,,ur, a ,,ii,ii w,ii, oul l Jui II ia ai i,, .nib- a"- 4i.l l!l tti, ua liiik th l piilil ltMaia ln,,aa. Vtlf.,.l n.,, , ,,, ,. ,,.( t, a i H ,,- ' ia t ' t 't 1 1 li, a-.,i n ,.( lha Ha, b-aaa Ik -ar ,p,, t,-i t,, i a ,,.-t., a , !, ti,.,i,in !. 4,i ii it,, i't,.-, t,.,a M ,ia !,. ha .n.. .f ., --J . I I a ' I.., ,,i.i..i, ls (. .,,. a ,,Hht at in- . la th. ,,,t , .,,t f i,. t t tk a,e ,,( I kr lb aw. t-ao a -14 a vt k , o4 1( 'I I1, " IW. " Itua,!!!! A l.,al,a , . t V1 jka a'-a St fc Sat-,,, , , ! - la t a a a ', - ' f-ta-,l , b r , -. ata l. a- I r-wa lt ,, - ' a a , a4 t' 4,-IM,a ,-a 1 I-, ! t-ift III t,.va.l--a , l w t i,i ,a,k-t-i .,-i -.l..-. h- , ,4 la a--n is. a I I ! t i, i -i l tft. f a j taa fc-, a1 l ' t,-fc'a k ,.,l I, - a, :..., I i , m ' 1 1 i it " '.,. i , a . i t i 4 . a . ' a a - - I - . 4 ' S ,,.,,,'t ulU .', 11 I 1 1 i I !'-.( c.l.. " ..-,'- t .H, " , ' ' ' ' ' '' l a- ti . - n i -a t ua - prrwnt will lav an opportunity of eting Nebraska type b g houe and view a terracing Job to prevent toil erosion. '1 hi, in partie ular. should be U interest lo everyone, especially Ihote in the eattern patt id iiouglas coiiniv, 'J hi is lh it'si itriiioustra tn,n of il kind that lias been started in tins nii nly. (iur U-.I ainp hiII be at the farm of Henry Moltrnbutg. one mile east and tine mile north of IWitger' farm. Her radio will be discussed. Mr. Stoltenhiifg ha a good radio re ceiving c and get message from breid'asliug stations all through the middle west. We will aUo have a thrap crystal sit on hand thai anyone mtertstrd in tin kind nf a set may get some lib as how they may I, constructed. I. 1). Wood, eatelisi'in engineer of the state college, will be here that day to assist in answering cuestion in reference to oil rrosiun control, farm buildings, radio sets, etc. Member and leader of the five glils' tewing club and one canning club nut at Llkhorii, August ) to take up demonstration ork in prep, aration for selecting a lem to rep. rrsenl ),muh county at the state fair, Two sewing ilu!) e4n put on demonstrations, and on August ?j another meeting will be held at whit h time the team will be selcted to go to the stale (air. Mia trial. f:r.ii of the junior department was present Ke we gins some ncip m uieir demontratie,n work. MADISON COUNTY, lla'tla t'laak Mo'llaon rn,lity I l.yln flaim lo lh lilla of II, a luef -r.i.r of lh. world It, A iha -i.iy, r.,-,rl thai a it( numbor of !.,i.ia f,,,, ot,r e,t,ti,a in fit ala'a. P-Illy from th aoutli Plait, emintry bava I,) In Madlaoa enunly raer,tly In IiHaT lb Imioa htd Afr makll. lh round. It wa fraaly a,rIHr. that lh elalin In lb til la lually lli,.d lo Madlaon county ll, from Okla homa, K,aaa llllnoia and Ti,i,ae a la hava l,..n lo lb rmnily,a l, ,ure no lota. Ihaaa la avim.d lb upluion II,. t lb ll balot, h-ra. A numtf of waat.rn ranrhman ae atl. In fd.ra on th ran- ilirari la th farmnr fr lie-ml,r and eteiobar 4e llvaty. I'lrrulara ara bain reita, from a number of dlffar-M out lit eovarln di rart swum plan To data. Wyonilr,- and mark lllll country r.tll.m.n bava b..n offrln lb... plana. Tb farm.e I allowed to pi, k and aoit tha t ain wnl, pay In lh marb.t i,r,a Th etflii,n pay lh fr.litht o Nahraaka point ptovld.d It doe a,H ecd lh fi.iabt fall lo Omaha, . rr v" ' lh drartm.nt t Animal ra'bol,,r, at th Itnlv. rally nf N.biaaka, baa jat laau.d a eireuiar undr lha una- "Waleh tha lion Choi., a Ullua. Hon" Tbl ,ooklt contain lb follow ing eatra'l: "It a.ama opporlun lo call stlantlon to lh r. thai ,n four or (ia yr .', I, d t... hr,l una of I'a low l.vl. and lhal lliora ar I nil -tatlnn lhal aim lhal lima II ha eem tnor prv.ol. loirlna- tuo ,.-! of tlila year, mora than a .iua num'.r of p!a aff-rt.d with ho noia.-a war t eld for anamination by lh 'l-,arim, t nf Animal l'aihooy and llvalen. wiiila lh r,im (ale hav lt,riaad rlurln lb sain parlod." T"lan r pronr.aaine w. for lh at:hlavmnl day profram whl, h will b rld at Meadow Orova, Auvuat fA, Ar. ninaamani hav be.n ii. fr ball Ram.a and minor apori aa well a a pltehltif Tha rommlt l o paa-.ant report plan for 'bat event ara mnvin (lonr In ood abar. Thia,t will b hlatnrbal ,f th aely day of Madlaon comity. FRONTIER COUNTY. " rri7nnr rounty pnm in Ntttwid thm .nrtly fair, Annumt , Si mn4 lock, Mnil in trmiy (;.tnoun fur thi hraiatl I rt t r.l .. U- mli. . a ... " " Hum ), j ma h nn i hi mnuw Ifrnwn wHh fh yAri, W. U. Clump' " "J eau-ip., reiiwrta, t ?"W Ol)' county whin hm utn'fn: "Sow thnt rl lltttlCaal 4 n I a-at - (.. . a . . t i l. ipr ii r riir linrfwork of th hom r.l tha proturt a U .a . a ,iw mini nnii ai in nrn um mur for put touit tho rtJoym-nta of an oufinff s i ir-iriis aii'i ii'im niKirp, u 1 1 ci i j.erii of thm county phoulil turn out to ftink, our ias.ii rm iQiitrr nnya oi a wmy ynr, CASS COUNTY, Waapln Waiar l.a.t week th Nebras ka llortleuttural ao Inllon vl.ll.d a larie nutnbar of fiirms In ('as county. Anion tha waa tha 4(-era orchard tra't of W. H. Ilannln-, near Tnlon. Mr. Jlannln planted this orchard In HIT. It contain 1.411) tree. Iiurlnr lh flrat year of rowlh Mr. Banning Inal but 27 tre. An oiher orchard vlalted wa that of th I'nlvralty of Nebraska, near Union, wher SJ acre I laid out In traes. In thi tract Is a thre-tiirter arrn or, hard rndilel of what an orchard hould b. It I an perlmantal and damtmsi ration tract, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Tllir A ap(,c meetlnir of th Waah InBtnn t'ountv Fiirin buieau board ha been called by J'ruald nt Nel M. Jensen to eonaider plan for rreat county cele bration In mark lh fai t that Wxahlnx ton rounty, th Inat county In th iat to aiart th campalkn for ttlnr tubereulur cuttlw, waa pracllcally lb flrat to com plet flrat teat. Clay county I th only other county which hat flnlabtd th te.L. Th Washtnprtnn f?ounty Beakepr aa or.latlnn will hold It flrat annual plcnlo and fall demonatratlon by ntrtalnln all who ar lntratd in th sclenca of be k.eplnk. Kunday, Aiiauat 27, ha been t s th dot of th demonstration and th ple I th TJ. K. llstr farm alieht mile northeast of this city. An anormou flow of honey 1 on thi yar and vlaltnr will b shown verytbln conenrnd with th ear of bee. Aecratary (iaydou of tha itat association will aaalat at th meet In r. Sir. Ilaxtar ha an Immana apiary and hi supart are ovarflowlnar, ahowln a apUndld vampl of what can b accom pllahed hy th Intellliient rnr of beaa, I, "at yaar Mr, Kaiter harvested mors than 1,000 pounda of honey. Banner and band music will help liven up th firm bureau tour planned for Nnutheaatern Waahlnitton county by Port Calhoun booeters on Auiruat 2b. THAYER COUNTY. irtl-ron Tltny! rnuniy hnn i rnw Ufi bf tii Npliritit Cmp Irfn'ri mititltir. Th ntrt A. S f'orlUa, H .1, Wrii1l nnii lUrry Hrynt f llebrno, r, 1!, Viri(irlrM( tl1lrt1; A. IT 'J hoint(n, ie! vlilT tinrj Wsitt-r H. of t trl. Inn Wttr H"hrli tlio u on th Hit M th 9nT at criiflnrj m4 ont. Q'iH fair fl-lrU fit whit In Thayer ffMiAtr ur affmuft ulth umt or hunt, Th rlanttiff thit i1iii t.i ht U at ia linn h In rt-lit in ilia ylilta II im In tl Hiiury tn iha ij unlay nf tha whti. Shi"! t.t. i.ciiaHr Ut fittj nwr n I, t ihriatn, th tuUMiy uniia.ti airiisi, rpori that fit UsV ft t ! ItM t ilhjft in trai h4 ht Ut siiitit la t m t am . . (ui, iu a lh i a ir .' sU"tr nth o4i ht va tiit nuM jf l thai. Hit a4ithalttsff mtrOife'i fhainf v to h-ta ruhy ah it'll sif asrn.Ht tuf hi i.i.tt4i t at Hi Ufa ftr th-a ir Tha in la In ka a rarluasl t.f i .t,lM U fur t t' its. t ;n svi -!, a ' 1 i I ( ', t h 1 1 ) i f si, tha vuuhl a(4ia.ft ast'til, SAUNDKKS COUNTY. Hh kl .) ih.H t H )l n4 li r'sj' tlMs 0ititit i alUit h I tit dm '41 t - yft )...r-U a tf-.l.-M 't it V.h.. Ui ell sji I l a i.yla l" ss in ittiy a 4t i i f w.ftt I h a iivlWtia t a 11 0 .vkt. i.'.. ! hi Nh K, f ta I t -, iUH ft''t 1 Iks a--a mss st ai.tU . si h'i i a ira l4 eiiatsl, 91 V$ WaUsJ ,l4tVt, lh ftv4Ml Ht. I ( a tM(ffa I I 'a M ' " ' ig tVa s-wttr n-j t. ta i ta S.vv Asat. a - 4 li '. t e' i i It) oa!s--st f r Iv h ia t' ! ' - f'sflt I a it ,r ai .t'i. 4 f t lt i ai4 ar -! otok Bounty , t a,-t s..-l a' tast (., si a t at !'...( A - ..I M II ,1. fl- aJ'F .f !- S.- e4Va I I IT 14 I . I kl.t k'-t a ti.) a.i.,, 4-a n s.i i a i f , f a H : - V I M I It l ' 1 " -a r-a h 4. a- - . tlf 14 -J V V I . .1 iff i an i i -: Potato (Jrowens and Experts Make Tour of Nebraska Iiieiirrtioii f rifMss Sliwwnl ('ni VrutiU fur ivnl Urst Hvrr Ssrii (Jlaim riilimitfil MjrLrl. Al'i'ati., Nil., (SprriaD-Mor I luti 1KI poiain giorr ol iex limif ami 'l,Minng rotmtir, frjeth rr vvilli a imn.lirr of potato irrt fr mi vanoii part of lli tatc and several either stales, joind in an an nual Wc.tirn Nehraska pulalei tour umler tlif tlircetiuii l the state dr. larlniriil ol ariruilur ariej Hi lensidii i Mtrlineiit of the anVul ttnal sollt'K' lh' ,u,e iinivetsiiy, Ort the rvrninu of lh linn! tlay of the foiir-ilay auto Irm ssliirh took thrill IhroilKlt Klinhall. Siolt lllufl anil Uas ttiinitics, thry wrre the (fiicsii of the Alliame (.'hamhrr of ( oiiiiiicrte ami III I.mtt cluli, I'ol Iovmiik th him he ii, a spee'liiiif pro U rum was hrlil. Mjor H. M. Jlaniif Ion Kavr lh address e,f wrlieitn. Other talks wr niale bv Tru Mil ler, presi'lriit of lh rliamhcr of coiri ineri': Karl I). Mallery, pnsitlent of th I'otary rluh, arid ;, (J, ones, prei,nt 1,1 t he I. ions club- The potato men who ma't 'l dresar (w hi'l'd Se-nalur J, VV, Good of Chsdron, II, O, Wrnirr, associat hortirulttirailst of the stnt uni v-rit v and sccrrtary of th Nrlraka I'eit to Improvement association; Val Kuska, iiurliitKion immiKraiion HRent of Omaha; U. F. Howard, chairman of the horticultural department of Ihc stat university; C. ), Sawyrr, liad of lh potato Kfading section of the stale department of agriculture; J L. 7.nnU, head of llie agricultural tx pcrjmt'iit sjrition at North I'latte; licyer Anne of Newell, S. D., up rintendent of lh xperiment station at Helle Foiirrh, S. D.; I)r, McMil lan, plant pathologist of th xpri nicnt station at Greeley, ("olo ; C I. Tiehmil, Jiorliniltiiralist of ISaton Koukc, I.a., representinu lh a(?rieul tural extension division of the Uni versity of Louisiana, I)urin the trip through P.ox Butte county inspection va made of th field and eellars owned y Harry fierce, Arthur Carroll, Frank Alex nnder, Georg Gahtis, Glen Pierre, I'irrce Kc Jenkins, Harry Wilely, (", I,. Suddith, M. I!, Terrell, W. I, Hald win, A, If. J'.aron, M. Bunc. William Newman, O'liannon & Newswanjfcr and other. The visitini: potato mem' were en thusiastic over the field inspected and pronounced the crop prospect for eed potatoes the best they had seen, Tiehout stated that there are al most unlimited markets in Louis iana and othrr southern stale for western Nebraska eed potatoes raised in the unirrigatcd section and that test have proved them to be superior lo the eed obtained from any other tatc. He (aid aouthern buyer will he in the market this fall for probably several hundred car load of western Nebraska eed po tatoes. ' Fanners' Co-Operaliv Company Changes Uy-Lawg Beatrice. Stockholder of the Farmers Union Co-Operative com pany have voted to make ome change in the article sand bylaws to conform more closely with the state law. The name will be changed to Farmers' Co-Operative company and the change in the bylaw will Kive th firm $10,000 a a working fund. The drive for $22,000 to wipe out all indebtedness will be finished thi full. There are 181 stockholder in the concern, and, according to the report of Manager Jark, 6.1,000 bushel of wheat, 4.1,000 bushels of corn and .1.000 bushel of oats have been han dled at the. local plant during th past six months. Woman to Take Charge of Cou nly Home I'conomjcs Geneva Edna Tcgler of Lincoln will take charge of the house economic work for girls and women in the county August 21, relieving County Agricu'tural Agent Lee Thompson, who ince the first of the year has been in charge of all branches of the extension service. Thompson will give his entire time to the activities of the farmers' and boy' clubs. Miss Pegler i a graduate of the University of Nebraska with the degree of B. S. and ha had four years' teaching experience, beside practice in conservation work during the war. Heavy Horse Coming Hark Inlo Uhc, Statistic" Show Heavy horse are in greater de mand this year than at any lime for a number of previous year, accord ing to statistic compiled by the Horse Association of America. More horses have been sold duriiiif the first live month of thi vear at the' principal horse markets than during tlie corresponding prriod last vr, according to th association, Horse men attribute the gain in sales to the I. u t that many l,ui:r firms lit the lilies are finding that the horse is more rititiomical than the truck for lite in short haul. I'ann Bureau Petition for Lower Freight Hale Lincoln The Nebraska Fat in llu re .iu (nitration ihtouvli us si'ttrtsiy, II. ), Lute, ha M, d a petition in iiilenflitiuil in llif ra ol II C, Mf. Krlwe hrlur lha Nebraska IU!e Mil WjV tiillilliissiun it hitter I'eliilil latil till pill btrd hvrntutk s'ut'prd ill lent thm rail,, ai( I Ii ttiimilsslon Ims li t I ti, by, September H, l th tun III ber the M I lui,'ii. Mr, 1 in suit lhal iit.iny sluij'i !' i it t,i sti!oii! I- m.iii ,iiv, i ! Itriiift Cootl Trier, ! i ) - At th Hi Urns. & I am : i licit t't of put it, ',,Un,l liui li,S, hell S'HI'h ft fill. It li's iU at telee ft) si I l, huh i (inti del. I ,,y (,,.,,1 ,ir 1'is In. f( tt, H'Af ff n Onmha Stop at Hotel Rome Iowa Has Truck Farm of 700 Acres Ojterutei! J.y s't. Aitspr Man Ha 90 Ae re of ( Iiiioim, VA) of (!a!iage, Iom i widely known for it rorn, hogs and fat elile, hut few persons onl.iile the Hawkey sute evrr fur. inr Iowa farmers rnmiiiiM a truck farm, lleipite that Mitrhell rounty rlaim the honor of having the targe! truck farm III i'rna, probably in th t'lnit'd Slilei, and ventures "p"sibly in lh whole world." There ar 7'"l acre in the farm, owned and opiatd by Frank J. Sd lairk f M. Anigar. This year be is growing V) acres of onion, M arte of rbhge, fO arte of soy bens, ami 150 acre of potato, in addition to corn and small cram which are ueeesary crop in the rotation, AH of these crop are on a tingle farm of 1)21 acre. Mr. Sedlacrk has 50 acres of onion on another ptte of land for which h paid f lOODO two year ago, 'I he tirne was for lh land alone, there iit iiig not a building nor a lent on it. Ill spile of the ireiieral hard time h savs that this land ha returned him 25 per tent on hi investment. Mr. Sedlank rspect to market 100,000 bushels of onion thi yar. lie fay his other crops will pay the expense of running the whole farm for a year, leaving the onion a clear profit. Mr. Sedlaeek I worth more than a quarter e,f a million dollar. He began 21 years ago as a hired hand and Is now only A'l. He it a pioneer triuk gardener, aceiuiring bis land piree by pie, until he now rails 700 are of ionic of lowa't best land hi own. 90 Per Cent of OaU Haineil at Lom, Fxperiments) Show Scott sbluff Th xprimnt farm near thi city ha made public the result of seven year of growing eat under 21 different rotation and declare that the crop cannot be grown on irrigated land at a profit unles cded with alfalfa. Ninety pr cent of lh oat raised in th county i produced at a loss, the re suits indicate, Flevatom Overcrowded With Wheat at Fullerton Fullertem. The grain elevators here have had to stop the buying of wheat due to the fact that they have no more storage (pace and car are hard to get. Wheat ha been bring ing 77 rent here. TheE Wife armer s By MARY ANN GRAY. Community Club Recipe. ' "Thm-in-Onc" Ginger Snaps: One cup sugar, 1 cup dark nolase, 1 teaspoon alt, 3 teaspoon oda (level), 3 tablespoon ginger, 3 table spoont vinegar, 1 cup lard and butter mixed, 3 egg beaten to lightne. Flour to roll out. Bake in hot oven. Drop Doughnuts: One-half cup nugar, cup milk, 2 cup flour, 2 tablespoons) melted butter, 3 eggs, orange flavoring, 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder. Drop a email tea spootilul of the mixture into boiling lard at a time. They will coolc quick ly and be round and light. Peanut Cookiet: Three tablespoon cooking fat, Vi cup sugar, 2 egg, 2 teaspoon baking powder, xi teaspoon salt, 1 cup flour. 4 tablespoon wect milk, 1 cup finely chopped peanut. Add a few drop of lemon juice. Drop from rpoon and place a nut meat on top. There ar three chief purpose of cooking. The first is to change the mechanical condition o that the di gestive juice can act upon the food more freely. Heating often changes the structure of food material very materially, so that they are more easily chewed and more easily and tliorpughly digested. The second i to make it more appetizing by im proving the appearance or flavor, or both. Food which i attractive quicken the flow of saliva and other digcrtive juices and thus digestion is aided. The third i to kill by heat any disease germs, parasite and other danzcrous organism it may contain, Thi is often a very im portant matter, and aoplie to both animal and vegetable foods. Kggless, Milkiest and Butterless Cake lc brown sugar, l-3c lard, 1 t, cloves, 1 l-4c water, 1 t, cinnamon, 1-4 t. nutmeg, salt. Boil 5 minutes. Add 1 t. soda and 1 t. B. P. to 2c flour. Add to cooked mixture. Bake 30 to 40 minutes. 7c lb, for aeml-flut launder ing. Wet wash, with flat work ironed, HA 0784. ?IANOS II THVI II AND HI I'AlNl II All VS aie t.u,lM a, ttosrK CO, I SI I IWuaU lei. 1.U Ilk CASTORIA For Infanta and Chlldi IH USE FOR OVER 30 YEARS Ciiticura Soup Comnlextous Arts IIiMiUiiy hs tk4.4 f?m HttAs p t m s. -s saww I ., aji Dog Hill Paragrals aaaMssasji UM tf. v s H i n K a m mmmtmmmJ . (V J w aM.eiii Sim 1 lindei report be has a cili! osny at hi home in the hp of a boy who ran go out and nt under a green apple tree without rating any. Frisby I Uncork say if hit vr runs out of anything to worry alioiit he is going to lake up the vast amount of pepper that is blown away by electric fans in restaurants. Atlas I'eck swapped horse with Ihr Ithnd Man of lh Calf Hibsneigli l.oihood last Monday. Alia says th Mind Man never will know the dif ference anyhow. Prayer Each Day fear 'into M. an I will tir. Jar 21 12, Our Father, we thank Thee for Thy presence, for hejine and health and strength, for the many friend we have. Help us to be friendly and worthy of rirndsbip with all who are noble and pur. Forgive u for the sins of the day. For the evil, known and unknown, for the thought and purpose of mind and heart which have not been right in Thv tight, we crave Thy pardon. It is written in Thv Word that if we confess our sin Tou wilt be faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and to clean us from all un righteousness. We ask a blcsiug upon all whom we love and upon thoe for whom we ought to pray. We think of our church and Sunday school, and of all agencie everywhere which are eek ing to establish Thy kingdom. Give Thy favtr to all, files our family and make us a blessing to other. Help u to love and serve ach other. Help u to be true in the home, in the chool, in our work and play; and make us to be what, at our best, w appear. We auk in the name of Jesus. Amen, (luy, J T) , l'hll)-l,hia. i'ann. Parents' Problems How can girl and boy bet be taught to understand and to endure amiably, good-natured laughter at their expense? Teach children to join heartily in laughter at their own expense, till the general hilarity make them en tirely forget the original cause of it. Fresh Pears They're here! Carloads of fresh, juicy, luscious s filled with thiwtjuenching flavor. You can't eat too many pears they arc healthful and well known as a cooling fruit. Pears are nourishing and refreshing. Nutrition tests show that they have more food value than most other fruits they contain earthy salts and vitamines good health in hot weather. J' "ill i ."i ri' rs fit Nebraska Fruit Dealers My Marriage Problems AdeU Crrison'f Nw I'h of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" rreti tttti Th) Wr Kati LsMd at Her' Chanc to Srv Made. "I.feik lh diHir behind you ll.ilae." Lillian admonished I ! I eliler-- ill lil.fjfv alter aerinie 'i'lllll ' Ihrsttr nut. "Fve Mil" a bill l-H, inor lei sput brfore Katie conies, but I don'i car lo hav her !umb! in here he lore I r,iiih ' I did as sli bad m. and Lillian went on in lapid liuln fashion, "Of course, he'll mine ti auosl lot, bul if I figure In menial pro cesses aright, be won't Iry Ihr route h did brlor. I lain V b has a very dii nut memory of what liar pened l bun then, and there only out other way for him lo pprorh the house thai i sloiig th road till he reaches torn siilln lenlly secluded (Hit ill the hedge where he ran bide In bu vi le and steal the rest of the way through th shadow I ol the or chard. "A Cuileles Hint." Tv been over th road." the smiled, "and there's just one place tabulated to appeal to Inm. I'm going to hav Katie there all primed for a stunt that I think he'll fall for if she lic what I tell lier lo and I think she will, Then he'll sneak along in Kafir's wak till he gets inlo the yard. She'll leave th door miloiked for him and lead him lo lb library, where the eyeglass case is hidden. "Kali will drop a guileless bint that Madg is asleep on lh veranda opening off lh library," sh went on rapidly, "and I cunt on Smith at tempting to get in a stray hol or stab on his way out. The rest, Allen, will be up to you." For a dismayed second I wonder rd if Lillian really meant to station me in that dark veranda. Then, as neither my father nor Allen Drak made any demur, I realized that her plan did not include my presence. "With a dummy in th rourh ham mock, and a coupl of mn in lh shadows of the veranda, we might be able to do a neat little job," Allen Drake said languidly, "Fxaetly," Lillian answered ap urovmgly, "And then, Allen, whn you heat th mental gridiron, and proceed to stretch Mr. Smith upon it boy, I wouldn't miss it for worlds! You have a rar gift on the mental rack, laddie, a rare gift." A timid knock on the door j Katie's knock startled us all, I think, even thourh we had been ex pecting it. As Lillian moved toward th door my father spoke softly: "You don't need us for your in structions to Katie." One Shrewd Question. "Bui I do," Lillian replied a soft ly. "Th more rf an audience Katie has the better she will remember her instructions and carry them out N'ow, Allen, remember none of your usual brilliant persiflage." She was at the doo'r as the finish ed, and at the unlocked the door and threw it open Katie came buoy antly into the room, her eye brighl with excitement, her perton arrayed in her very best dress, a flamboyant affair of pink and purple, calculated to set on edge the most unimagina tive tcth. The mention of "something better than the movies," which Lillian can nily had held out to her, evidently Cooling Serve this Fresh Pear'Salad: Tl 1 rufi,ii aW fr4i p. sea, Isvskm sepae.iea m 1 ttbUsiKWM hoppd tlaaa!, lemac laae. Are.. Mrs iW kituu kets m !) Vak (kvh . trP) . ski. lfirw. i wmU uS,aa, Sfevail (Safe.. HM4 Maet, ssa e.Mk tatat) aVe M Ur, , rmtttvi W SMyMfaasM ) tap, CM (altar Mvg, Tke 4iIium ti Ittll (saAlesal ( enl mk, im tatW aWaWy tVW-'s, BUY PEARS NOW While Uey Are CAm Can, IV U 0 1 T I if 1 t , t had nt ber pinis "aiu g I'ut a th an: lit iht nl Alls it 1'iake, whom the drteslt, sh appeared t i tlif ink into liee sr If. A luy balloon with a pm pritk could not base (hanged it appearance more ipiukly than did my little maid, ''You roe 111 in bit people hr" she muttered resentfully, she reached luy ldr-sh had walked straight to m a toon at the rim through the door. "I lirre aren't," Lillian assured br cheerfully, "There aie only four of us, am) as we're all going to b in this thing tomorrow inglit, we have lo be her to plan it." "Vol I'ls?" Kalir't ton we d l tinelly Misuiurian, Lilhan shrewdly countered with a question: "You don't want any harm l com tn Mrs. Graham, do you, from a matt who is a friend of Joe's in th hot p.tair Katie started violently, and put ber hand proteetingly uxn mine. "F.ef anybody Iry eet," the said ciledly, "I keel, I" "You won't have lo do anything; deipfra'," Lillian returned praetM ailv. "You'll just hav to do what I tell you now, and not forget a tingle word." Katie look ber hand from mine and folded ber arms as if the were film ing Fit Jamet against KhoderieW Dim. Then she taid tolciniily: "lf I fatft run leetle word, ef no do efrryiing thooet vay you tav, you lake me dowa trow me In bay t fcethet." ' Of lh Wm womn who be came bride in England last year nearly 25C were more than 70 year of ag. luitMjr Blue-jay to your druggist The aimplett way fo end a corn i Blue-jay. A touch stop the pain instantly. Then the corn loosen and come out. Made in a colorless clear liauid (one drop doe it I; and in extra thin plat ter. The action i the tame. Pain Stops Instantly 4Jltt ' 1 8c per lb. for air dry. De hydrated wet wash, flat work ironed, HA 0784. Fruit artvt hvaen I km Association s- at. -,, . la I S .,