Heavy Firing leasts All Night in City of Dublin Frre Slate Troops on Patrol Fir on Snipfri ami Ma rhin Cunnrri Who Publm. Au, 19,-JBr A. P, MiliUry uihnntiri tnhy arn4(iti-i-rn to remain jiiduort this tint, thrrt i fMion ia txlwvt Ih4t Hit republican coiiicinjilDiit attack in f ft lain t.la.ra in Uutiliil tfty and lounly, Dublin, Aurf."F(Uy A. !.) Thr ii ir4vy linn? nil U.I niuht throughout Hie tliy i. DuMm g. irrn national army lour in 4 re pulilitau trrrfiilar, Vrt itt ifoot on patrol iiiftf t nuiirrt and tnarhitig jiunnrri. who attarkH n. l'fial annv pott til varlou aili ol ide rity. Tha tnt oi tht irrrgular, hotvrvrr, wf re truilratf 4 by h tigil. mitt of ih national Iropt, it wa afd today. Fighting at Dungoolty, IWlaat. Aug. J9,-(By A. P.)-A iinifd right of four boura' duration occurred early today brtwrcn na tional troop and republican irregu lar at Dungoolrv. on the Louth-Af-niagh border. Tht republican fin ally fled aero tht bordtr with Iht itrt tair in purtuit. No detail ol raiualfiti wer reported uji to thu blternoon. Nationalt Advance. Dublin, Auk. I'A-IRy A. 1.)-Tlie national forcrt are atlvaiit hik, on the irregulars from both the north and kju tli in County Cfuk and an official bulletin announced the capture of Marrootn, one of the mere important center in the western part of the county. Milatrrrt, the lat pott un der the Mai-room command, ai taken yeaterday. A fierce fight for Kildorrery, near Mitchrlitown, rraultrd in a victory f'ir the nationalii, who took 27 pris otiera and a large quantity of anni and ammunition. Two Ked Cron workera attached to the national army have been killed in the Killarncy district, according to a report from Tralce. They were irwinn the pictureaque acenery from a unall boat on Lough Leane and were fired on an they were ditcm barking on Inni.fallen inland. Hathmore Captured. ' The capture by the free atate force of Kathmore, County Kerry, and Newmarket and Kanturk, County Cork, it confirmed in an official com munication iisurrl by general head fluarieri of the national forcet. The wirelcn atation at' Cliidcn i again working. The barrack in Dundalk were blown up by mine which the free tate troop did not discover when they entered. All the officer were put out of action, many of them being buried under the debn. 3 oman Killed in Auto Crash. Loa Angeles, Aug. 19. Mr. James McCahill of Lake City, Minn., mother of Mr. Franklin K. Lane, jr., was killed in an automobile ac cident in Germany Tuesday, accord cording to word received by her daughter here. No detail were given except that other member of the party were afe. Ernest La'me Vies. Pari, Aug. . 19.Ernet Lavisse, historian and member of the French academy, died yesterday. He was born in 1842. AIVr.fiTIHEMKf. Reader Takes Newer Form of Iron Feels Years Younger "Six weeki ago I mw a iptclil off In th papur telling how thousands of ptopl urow old in looks and energy lona befors I hey ars really old In years, baeausa, as laminations by physicians hava shown, an enormous number of people do not hava enough Iron la their blood, t have bean taking Nuxated Iron for two weeks; th results art simply astounding. The roses hava coma back In my lips and cheeks, and I can eonstlentlously say that I feel ten yeare younger." The above Is a typical hypothetical ease showing the results that have been achieved by a great many people alnee wa started this "satisfaction or money back" offer en Nunaied Iron. We wilt make you the same guaraitte. If, after taking the two week' treatment of Nutated Iron, you do not fl and look year younger, w will promptly refund your money, fall at oiv-e fur a bottle of K'uialed Iron at Peaton Drag Co, Sherman A Me. Conned. Hsmee Prug fa., MerMl tru Co, and Oreea Prug Cn, FALL. TOURS FRANCE SPAIN ITALY Satliai 5l, 23 4 Oct. IT 0 L Crt Tr la th MEDITERRANEAN By $. S. Uataael, J a. tk. It J biok how, i tioit I aisvATio.N PIERCE TOURIST CO. 1ao BtMwway HSel ltrl) Htm Yark MOISMtwfcM Away Goes Eczema Pctcrion'i Ointment "tin ly a at .M ,' My rtt, "tWi IVttrwun'l tvintmrwt ! boat yeantty M fsr h traa. It il yu'H vr matt ay n it. K a I ls., ' bew it a.' rt suk a'y tkt rn!y tt!t! iarfti t m4 All He's Only 6, But He's On His Way to Be Hero . . i i : o am -' f Steve Farach, 6, is not ambitious to become a "nojer by." JJc want to be a fireman like hi big brother. Harry, and he ha made a good start in that direction, a the picture in dicate. The elder Farach i a pipe- man with r.ngme Company No, i, Klevenlh and Dodge slrcrtn. Steve live at 1407 South Thirteenth trcet, will be 7 oi) March 2 of next year, and tome day he may be a pipeman and rescue little girl and their doll and kitten from burning building. Wealthy Detroit Man Suspected in $2,400,000 Robbery Arrest Kxpected Today in Connection With New York Truck Holdup Last October. - Omaha Hr leased Wire. New York, Aug. 19. Secret service agent expect to arrest a wealthy Detroit man Saturday in connection with the $2,400,000 mail robbery here October i it was learned last night. This man, reported to have had deal ing with the robber in their effort lo dispose of their loot, cbnisting of liberty bonds and other negotiable paper, wiU be brought to New York. If he turn state's evidence, a has cue member of the robbery baud, he piay escape punishment, it wa said. The Detroit man's testimony at' the trial of Gerald Chapman, George Anderson and Charle Loerber, held a three principals in the robbery, is expected to smash the alibis which counsel for Champman and Andcr ton offered. Loerber turned state' evidence on Wednesday, charging that Chapman and Anderson hatched and engineered the plot to steal the bonds. The defense conceded Chapman and Anderson had attempted to dis pose of the stolen securities, but claimed neither had anything to do with the actual holdup. They were victims of circumstances, it was said. The jury wa shown $200,000 in bonds and three revolvers, one equipped with a Maxim silencer, which postal agents seized in a house last month when Anderson and Chapman lived there under aliases. Loree Sends Peppy Answer to' Pepper New York, Aug. 19. President L. F. Loree of the Delaware & Hudson railroad answered Senator l'cppcr of I'enntylvania, who charged Mr. Loree had been dealing with the rail strike by substituting "anger for judgment.'' "I cannot accept it that a plain itatement of fact or of concern for the interest oi employe may prop erly be criticiaed a a duplay of an gtr," wrote Loree, "There are nrarlv 250,000 men on the payrolls of the railroads in their mechanical department. They came into the lervice in the faith of the resolution of the labor board of July 3, assur ing thent they were entitled to the pMfitum ot every department and branch ot the government. A deter mined effort i on foot to drive these mrtt out of employment. I am eoi reined lor their iiiteirst. Are their intert r net concent to youT Woman l.ol Male in Fire, Sttt'i Sun of ChicMtt ltt krr t hicigo, Atn I'). V,Jr4 ' ("il lit.v, s- n nf th pir, tiled tor $10iKHI t!msrt by Mis tr tairt J l ow, whue hmdind, John J.ntt, died a ' (torn but tulfmtd whnt h i'cud lK ta s.in ut Mf t. u.'iSv lnm thtif burn if'g l.V I'uresl b m. In i bill tl ei'1smd r( Ml. t .'uthy had rrm4 l mi iilm. iit . a Mil I w a fesii't I ff h.nhii.l itrih hut b i t 4-' HaiUav (itiard I ltrf ! ; Willi Murdff f llrakniun ! li .'. Ami I IUif Snix-r e4 .' i , ! ' ' el bif t J t-t '' il Svnh'( (a-,. I a 1 : li4i(( l ! tt 't t .'K I' e . t. i l : t.r.of M ,;.' nu-i't, tit it S .. -its tr ", !')! tin Deaths I (- ill- NHnlrl.Mii, I?iaPd It -. rat Attartt !lul ken II, fe.ltier. d . . l Ike t. rrnrM t.Mei-Mal. He eit I't .iih ier.ie la) ixtai.tr, (.t. an4 e-lu U IN llantiiiaa runt, Omltini rVmsn NmiSs. Oran4 Ui.n.1 Hiertruie ri'!-.!,, Sism. to, iKi.e Us4kier at Mr eM Mia, Wul fi4 ieiiik, ,t es at rr keino. iMeitstH Islliw r.iMe.l. Qrsa4 l'.t.1 Meninei I. tithe gmmert, s aat reti'ii ! line ititiiir. .Iit e l 4leH'r.t hie.lll- He IratS. telri'S fte ile, he uMttor thfte tnftiais. Jnkn. T". William ami le, tit a I r I . mnit ohm ,.t slie eWea Tf, 'I literw) lelelil Mr Kimrt. tthfil re.nntr mm a i.fifi. fr ilia I nn J'aiifm rera4 He an seilw, haviua Lean a K.ernhce vt the Crt ) .lis t, i.f t'eira Uui4, III. Mrs. Kalhrrlne Hoffmen, OfeM Ileii4 Mrs. Kellietllt tlt.lf mm, se Hle.l al (he home nt hr eon. K. lluffman 1N f'Jiielal ea belli al Ilia I'llauuia' hut. a. Mra. Melkk aa ritanil l.l.iel Mia Weikka Vee. Tt. wife ir Kte'l a farmer near t'eiro, 4e) at ihe sum. at Nr Uauahter, Mre. I'tio IM'kman, near l airo aha is aur. tve4 tr her hualnd, Vt4 Vaae, fine 4etjati(er. she ifita Mhmin, three eotia, elas anil Herman, A.ar I'airo, ail Cbtta uf t una ha Mrs. JulUn IHsaene, (Irani 1. 1 ihJ I lie fuii.al nf Mr Ju lian ll eaene h tlle4 at Allien. a N.n, wee hel4 here. Umv Helms btflrlellnfl. tra. iiieaena aaa f"rm-rie a ilranrj let and ree.dent Tetn deuahiera, Mrs, Hen. .I.r.'.n. f Hert ek, la, ana Mis. I'en.t Hnaea a mtsnieil Ilia kilr tv (Iran4 leleml Mra. Mlnnla itnhlfce. Oran4 Island 1 he funeral nf Mrs Mln. nla lahlk. whn aiad at the hums nf her tauihier, Mia Uentae Wilson, nf Omaha, ras held al I he horn of anwlher dauan. ter, Mra. W, J. Hum-ie, ailaa Mulll.an. Orand laland Hitaa William dulllfan, II, Uied at hla ims aaven miles squill Weal nf Alaa. Kervliee wera held at the I. tie. dale ' liurrh In Marlln luwnehip, linr Itedrlrh. hiilner Our liedrirk, r. h died re- raftllt. m,h kiirlarf fr,..n tt ki i i,arnte In Hliliiav lun.,.l ta la hara or the Amerlren l.plnn and Masnnie U-0b t aidner. Mr I'eilrlrli mat em- nir.red In ih lnal official f Hie t'n x.ti 1-ailllii railroad. Aimed Thtiman, Reatrli e Mlaa Aimed 'I human lit IIIU ai,rlnas. died eu.l't-i lr at Ml. I'aul, where eh liad heen vllllttff liar len lirnlhera errainpanlrd the li'oljt to Blue Mnrlna lor liuilal, Mra. f lr Murnhr W( t'rjlnt Th funeral uf Mrs flare Murphy was held at Ml. Mary'a churrlt. Phe is survived by fnur dsuahtsrs and ona an. William Kiiasan. West Point Th hodv of William Dn--an, 4S, was taken to Hubbard for burial. Mr. Iiuaaan din! at the lluma f'ir the Aaed bere. Mra. John ftohotba. fleslrbe. Funeral aetvleee fnr Mra, John florw.ika, who died at tier home In O'Neill, war held In Ht. Joseph Calif die church. HUM Coon. Hhellmi HIlHa Cob, ;o. died at his home aavernl miles north nf ahelton. He had been fatlln In health for many rears. Ha had been a resident nf Ihls cvinmunlty alne the aarly1 seven I le. William A. Wise. hiivlr. wniinm A. Hliaa, a Inn tun resident ot bvhuyler, was burled here, Itev. Kausnouth and llev. O, M. Oates of firlatlna'. Membera nf th Odd fellows lodk-e of ahuvler ha.d rharae of ths riles. Those to mourn his death are hla widow, three sons. A. Ti, lilies. Miller, Neb; lllenn Hllaa. Jlurllnatnn, Colo., and Hoy Wise. Schuyler; and K daukhtar, Mrs frank I.anxaaler of O'Neill. Neb. Br. Hll.e waa In th employ of th Burllnaton railroad for many years. Mra. I. T. Martyr). Columbus. 'omnllcatlons resultina from an acute attack of appandlcltle whlrh aha suffered eeveret montha aao caused th death of Mrs. Martyn, wlf of Dr. D, T. Martyn, Jr., at th Columbus hospital. Mra. Martyn was born at Mount Hterlins, III., June , There she waa mar ried to nr. I. T. Martyn, Jr., October 1. 110. Three children survive her. Mrs, Martyn waa affiliated with Orae Kpla enpal churrh. Hh waa a member of Ih Tuesday rlub, th Han floucl and the Wayside Country club. Mra. Nnrah KrlrUson, Beatrice Mrs. Harah Krlckenn, US, for 40 years a resident of Virginia. Neb., died at her home at that place, fiha is sur vived by four children and a number of grandchildren. Mr. John I'rbauer. Clay Center Mre. John Urbauer. wife of John Urbuuer, died near here after a lona Illness. She leaves a, hueband and five aons. FuncrHt services were held In the Emmanuel Evangelical church. W'lllinin Hi In. Callaway. William Main, pioneer resident of Hedforn Table, died at hla home In Kearney. Hla body was taken to Kansas for burial. John Nelaon. Upland. John Nelson. 60, a farmer llv- Ina between here and Mlnden, met with an accident that caused Us death. He witn others waa rldlna In a farm wagon near Hlldreth when ha waa thrown orr nia balance and fell on the front and gate. He regained consciousness a few times before he died. Mra, A. M. Harmon. Shenandoah. I. Mra. A. M Harmon. 7. a pioneer resident of nhsnandoan, died t the Hand hospital from a general brenkrtnwn caused by old age. Ths funeral waa held from the home of her aon, E, A. Moore. Humui-t W'alil. Falle Cllv. Neb Practically every bus). t,itu irMa fitv .a neaa an.uii.iiiii.i.. ... j closed for an hour when the funeral of Wamuel wail, pioneer lorsi nierwnaiu, waa nsm nere. Mrs. J. B. Allen. York Mrs. Helen Allen, wlilow of J. B. mien, died at her home. Mra. Allen came to Nebraska In 1S71 and took a homestead in York county, where they lived for !s yeara, and then moved to Tork to make their home, Charle Klngsolver, York Charlea Klngsulver, 5, died at the home, of hi daughter, Mra. Pearl Tllller. Mr. Klngsolver was a farmer for teveral yeara in folk county and then moved to Oreaham, where he made hla lioma for a number of years, Mrs. falberln O'Honnell. llentrtre. Mrs. Catherine (i nonnell, si, fnr HO years a realdenl of Healrlne, died nt her home. Her husband, Jack O'lmn. nail, employed at the feeble minded ln ntltuta, and thre iihlldran sunn. f hartea W. II. 1'apa, nealrlce Charles W. II I'ai.e, II, of Cortland died at a ho.pltal here Ha la survived by Ms mother snd a number of broihsrs and aiMer , SMnd. atromehurf suneial srirr f.ir A B. t.lnd, who died st bis h. me at'er a Un. cut lllnesa, wei del I at lha Mih.1t ehurrh. t.eorie llnrsey W llkema., Yfh-ueutss (latvev W ltkne'i, l, ef fork exuaiy weal'hlut f.ier, died at lbs l.utbetsa bt)Uai. H aie t Yark eauelV aver I 'S a lie w ur tie4 br a lte ! I h!Ulen. William HianlSk Y-itb WIIIkiu Hrs Ir , . "f Mr eat Ml. William Har..s "f Whaallsat. .i , ail kune.1 bate, lie s b'S bum In IVfiniM M . a mI M.s limn I mi. i i tia.Ks r b. ,mmuM.ir. ninanM. '"' " lltaa l t.'a-.. v i- - ti.aa ttus Saa-ag tt .ileal la Ik s ij' f I ' a k.ia be (.. air a Sd I ' L.ki,!! a I I aik.r , ant a teotkief i tb f : ie . lSeaul Itwek. . ! a-Hnt ' t i s a . ' I . r ai 6c l lt f i dry ssk. W h,,!,,!, ( l with,. HA e?ai THE SUNDAY CKK: OMAHA. AUGUST 20, 1922. t lU'H. died al IHa kiu. bis ir?nie !'. ihi At tie age if M It... iiitmd . Lit utaily h.4 r.;n...ir ae s.it.e Ikal lima l.aa tatiieal a) bullet lu lite ! SUIieisI a. IM.ee a el eld I 'tl Melh. .I.al ekat.a. He la auraiaeal br hi (reuls, tia eisleta aid Ihie bmlbas tlsrli-e Aannuni- i. -nt he bea e. reived here iHe 4-ain ef J .ba Ai .l t.in.erle ef lilae Sl.tu.aS, "bilk ne.ni.e4 at e hHi i'i Miauuc Mr Amald as slat4 la ereiilli lb saae h4l hue e( ll4. tirtHs twin lime ajo. With llie County Fairs tiMbier, 'b. Aug iai.a.ial Tb THarer cuunty fair will b held at l eakier lb laal week IH Auauel. thill., five ibltdien'e elube. repraanimg 1st tuye slid gltla, ate BeMll.g lhair w.itll read, una huoilird tiu'dren from verioue eititM'l 4eitiita have aigaad up for rlaee truth, wbu li will be g.ien by ai- isl ln.'ta. l,.is f.i.ln to II ea. k fxratioaiii. ta tliu. aand free tbildtan's tirkeie bv keen ilia lrikui'4 Ihivusb Ih .huia la this and nelglilMtrlng ttiunllea Ih. tar. tta.a has bierl la. .1 In eblemlid innrlllliift snd there will be big taring field. Kleven bulldlhae ate ruelvilig a riveting of whit Mini, All alalia and pane are labs and tem(M,raiv Muaiiefe r beig provl.ied fur the overfbiw- A far of agricultural e.blbii win go dlre-'t from heie I ihe eiaie fair I'aul guls and liaymund K'okruw, faim koya residing bear Ales. an. tela, have been ei fe'nud rereaenia tivea fm Thayer rnunty la lbs boa' lamp at the stale fair. Knlarg fair, rtenttsbluff t our daya will I devoted t the eounly fair tin year, inatead at three aa formerly, accent. ng to lb aannuncs. mem of the fair board, liuniiirg races will be a b's eiHerlainm.nl feature, there will t special preniiume for esblblis, sad a batter bsbles' shuw will also be held, ' Ills- NI.Hk Hhow, Kullerton Ariai.geittenia t being mads for Ih Nsuc eounly fair rieplember 1 a -1 s. To make ibis lb b!el fair the ssaocla. tion hss bsd, baeeiii gamea. races of all kinds and other amusemente are ashed ulad, aonte of the beat blooded live atock In Ih aisle will be al.owo Uenlaon, la Th Crwfor4 County fair aeao. latn.n. whli h holds It fsir at Arion, haa authorised many Improvements on lb grounds Ihls year. To guard sgslnst loe by rain, policy of 1 1, MO baa been taken out. flail . amra Kralura. Illoomfleld Plv ball game will be featured at the Knoi county fair, which opena hera Neptember It. IMoomfleld snd Wsua will play on th opening days I'teiaiiion and renter will in is it on the en:oiid; Niobrara and Wlnuetnon will tangle on the third, and on Ih fourth and last day there will b a douiiie beader Wau.a against Verdnl gnd flloi.in. field sgnlnst I'tamview 'i ha linoinllal4 band will play on tha opening diy: Wednesday, tha Crelghton band; Thursilay, the Verdlgr band, and on Friday, th Croflon band will be her. Harry Mage of Ulna ha will umplt all th ball (antes. fglort I'lan llnne. Illooinfleld Th Kay Iamtt post of th American Legion ha completed arrange ments for aiaglng a big bowery dance at th Knos county fair. A big bowery with a fine floor will b rcted and arrangements for high-class mu.lo have already been completed. Heady for fair. Orand tslsnd The directors of th Central Nebrsska fair have everything in readiness for th annual shlblts snd entertainment dsJtd for Tuesday to Fri day of tins week, August 2 to 21, Inclu. siv. Th first day will b school day, Wednesday I here will b a big barbscu put on by th Chamber or Commerce. A racing program Is certain, arrangsmenls having to b mad for additional room for Ihe track horssa. It ts expected that both the agricultural gnd th educational displays will be larger than usual, To Hove Educational Hhnw. Falrbury, The Jefferson county fair begin Hcptember 1 and continues four dnye. A strung fealur of the fair Ibis year will be educational exhibits with special attsntlon to vitalized agriculture. About 611) premiums will b awarded to thos bringing th best exhibits. Business Activities .ells Caf. operating the City caf for some tlms. has sola out. to jonn ocnroeawr oi nsirn.e, en. bs. u..p.,.vu. Beelgn to Knter Bank. Beatrice. 'J. C. Haley, for th past ftv years employed In th traffic department of Black liros. mill, hae resigned hi position and will leav eoon ror uvanon, Neb., wher he will enter th mploy of th Farmer Stale bank. Appointed Mamsger. Beatrice II. T. Cooper haa been ap pointed manager of Black Bros, elevator at DeWlit snd ha snsumed his new duties. He he had yeara of experience In th (rain business and should make the film a valuable man. Open Now Factory. Friend A new factory haa been opened In this city by Hchaschterl. brothers and C. O. Erkhard. who ar putting on th mar ket a clothesline prop on which a patent RADI0 SPECIALS for This Week Only Look-in our display window every day. We are offering specials that will s a v e you real money. Monday Special 50 Hour Philadelphia Diamond Grid "A" ?,."".'. $12.50 RADIO APPARATUS CO. ra lli.7 iiiiwari! M Omuli.'i Aiiyy.atiaryirM? Regain the Vital Force of Youth 4 CrmaJa Mem Tem.l. vat. ! tMawst lea. fiat a ? ) 4mb I tsraxr. Natur t geesieet (f I snl4 ts feum Ceayour4, tV lbs s Juvxtalio t I ( anal Mae. If t- e e li .red til si ait ewartf I the l .iWu v r a tht 4i el ', f k M Ike llKtif f eo k-iae lnai 'i.a 1. 1 ! an -.. 4uli m t l . k ...t t a-i-.al ti lii tt iks tetnlt al fcasy at af S-..il(. la tea.afc. I t tl hMMfwl tt.nu tl set s4urii U tki I Ik s.iaj f-.r-.t in ma as woeMaai I ta.n ik (- l t il e4 tiai. It .e w.4e'r ta.ktis.4 UI Ileal met.lt as Id 4 '! aii-t- I as IMWa.fal lfc 1 'ktJ gl taia4 as. inT aa,4 I ..r in. tkt kaa4i.M ef ykeeui eiMtkeaS evaai" li- m b.aaV 4 mi t lasi haws Is 4ik14 sa4 gMeala4 aaitf t It b),.t. I a take, as lal tit, ta.e.t kiMe'.t Hit, fctat l'. 1 fii liaaiaatai 1.1 .n-e 1 e ..l ..a. t-t a. , I i il .., ... .4 -. , tee s- a, t ttw . itaa . tt tat.a " e . t !. t . eat f "!' l "l a t k. ... , mi '.. .. . a. eat tat tt j al a. I n-4 4-1 i.. bii aiii!.a tr The falviy b et-flel MS .... t4 SUS tft a Iwtaef ai'MISt llula. lura4 y thm aam ma Ibea iHaalii, fru). la lit k mi4 as .,i.,S agents t feiaiieia a4 Sal ia4. 1 .4 la jiai4uia ae th gg tuiaer tt is. iii.ai. The riy ill bs lhair am. :es a gieplsy at la Mebis.a t'at tot , llrgeala AaaMebslkM, laikeat.iiia-.taa I suaiy Rat K.iai 4 laautaac -Mliua baa baa aais4 her Ik ..i Ja. i af ifca er laKltetiiHt le I Vf.uiiiil ina tatweai I CMuaty Th .liwing oflieef War !rled t'art Faugii.. Ue4, frael saoij 1 t-. ti bell, l.uiaiaa i-e Htaei Sent, C uiieohaier, MosAeakut. vi. ai.aai4aiil; Jtiba t'arfv, Ovaflnw, vb- preal.lenl. Haltih Mlr, .ell.lea. a. reiaiy treaamer. nHlli fbMMH. ChaPiMl Ati-r fan. 4 eeveial nai.lt. a f ...aeaa t'bapt-ell has again .taita.l building prugrsm Ikat will nieaa iiiuck) f-ir lbs low ar.4 cmwunlir l W. Wcud of tienver bae started ea.eisUe lor lb e.i Couuiy High seheol, wblrki I ia lw einpli4 ht February I. Wood ale hss the ennlraet for lb a.ae . tin f new meal w aikel fnr Jiibn It I' h . I I. la The me maiset for Allen bmik. er I aimavt romvleie4 and ready for e.Fupanry Buasal t under o. eirmtlon snd (till b resdy belors anew III. S aiaae The lee. Central City . F llobpea Ttk a old tun ntulion picture man. haa leased Ike Kmttrees theater triira Jama Faskea 4ar the prea.nt manager. Mr. Happen bi In alive liaise of the len theater at York ami will run the Cenir.) city hov.e In conjunction with thia. Make Faaey Pmiss, Falrbury. A pioeaee I mould fancy deals us In le cream brleke haa been pat. enied The inventors are F, K. I'erief, il. A, fl'a and John Wlllar4 af Fair bury Tb pm-rea le in nee new by Ike ftnbineon Ire it earn rompaay of thla ally. Th lnvnloia mar matiufsetut th bra. ee marhinej aell th patent or lea the .rwceee. rrrl hew llalldlng. idney A na brick bueinae building Is to be elected In Sidney A j jor(. neon ta be occupied by W H Waaden. fin marly In lb furnitur and undertaking buamea In Kidney, a rat wba I returning hat to court . 1. 1 ih earn buel'e with A hew sim k at goods. t, roc ery block flolaV Humboldt Fiank Ctam.r nf Fslle Cits' hss pun hee4 th grocery stork of N. C. t'smpaell of ihls rlty and ha take pot saaaion ef th buaineee. f'lgar Maker Hetlr. Falrbury I. J. Nutsmsn, h salsb llahed a clear business In Fslrburr nearly It yeara ago, closed out his etork snd otd his fixtures In a lleatru firm. Until eight years sgo Mr. Nuttinan (ev Ih buaineee his persnnel attention. At fhst time he was elected probata Judge, a poaiilon he still holds, Bitllit Filling atatlian. Bsalrli e. 1 li National Jtaflnln com pany haa begun th erection of a filling staitnn. In cost approalmaiely lit 000, Th pinperty was recently purchaaed by th company for 1 1 Due. II la planned te hava Ih elation completed by Ih middle of rleplember. Buy Th enters. Beatrice Wain Cook of th Klalt theater, baa purchased th Ulibert theater, operated the past few years by Oeorge Monro of Omaha. Monro own a theater tt Clinton, la., and may locate there. Jtuyg fUetanrsnt. Beatrice John Schroeder of fhl city haa purclissed lb reataursnt of Charlea Fulton at Wymor and haa taken charge, air, Mrhroeder waa formerly engaged In th business here. Hells Real Flst. Friend, Neb. John liurke ef Boulder, Colo,, haa disposed of his rsal estst hold ing In th vicinity of Friend during lb past 1 day. A half (action wa Mid to First Comfort in 15 Years A lady who was wearing her flrt pair of Cantilever Shoes and wished to know where one of her friends ia another city could buy them, wrota to the manufacturers; "I am having such comfort as I have not had in fifteen years in new shoes." Cantilever Shoes are comfortable when near because they are shaped to the natural shape of the foot. Most shoes are unnaturally shaped, and the period of "breaking in" is a trying one because the shoe and foot are having a conflict as to which shape shall prevail. Usually it ends in a compromise, with the foot giv ing in to the shoe. Or perhaps the pair of shoes la put away in a dark portion of the closet and never worn again. How much better to buy shoes that you can wear, from the first day to the last, in comfort, enjoy ment and peace of mind. How wasteful to have a closetful of shoes that you can't bear to put on again! If you are interested in true econ omy, try the Cantilever Shoe. It wears well and looks well. And its correct features such as toe-room, flexible shank, good heels rightly placed, may save you from foot troubles which are as costly as they are painful. By wearing Canti lever Shoes, you can forget your feet, you can walk further with less fatlgu, you can stand longer with out impatience, you can look well aud feel well, you can be happy. All fjuMwork sllminatad; vry ho I now fitUd by X-ray without xtra charge to you. Six 2 to 11, Width AAAA to EE. For Man and Woman HOSIERY, SPATS and RUBBERS Sold In Omaha Only by CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP Ntw Location 1708 Howard 8tret Oppotit Y, W, C. A. Building Writ for Fr Booklet. What Are McKenney Dentists Doing . Tuesday? Sv Page 6A I li I j asaamil fag III a iiuarisr ii.t lu J' Ss 'lattk for III si eat a uaai. i Huh la W. W i.vkai.a 1.4 lit ta Hark allle4 bale t tare age Wl'k ispilal thai frpteeeftlea) i.a Iks lta (has 11.4 Ibenl Ftallaniailib'--tin mi lha biet lea 4sa s in in iuuer in aaeeiai tests b.s fc-H r i tie. 4 bi-. intiitalag apptet'inalair eaea, ikiaiuk ki. k J..a W kasa of 'laltsolaulk Wani lha wer t lb hart k.ei.il lain, ef lit .i.e near I'tia. a4 ths ti Nell I lawk near Ornate, ea4 by e fue itwHi ef sit I'aawplet Bak-llon. Oere.a-. wa.ao.asi i eie.plMlli( lb tub aislloa ft th r..l aei.tal t.ae a4 F!et.t eampany IbrooeH whl.h P"ef will b up ll4 far llgbiing Iowa of lb tounly, lb paaa I s.,mn ar lb Iran lit eeiue line rarrylug n II see soilage. The Irensimaaiiin tin I rtii.et I a paint f..ur utile tiaith e-f bi..'ai nnk V ai k aa in. i.arliv of in s pert af Ibe sieiem fallal la tatitr uisletlal has daisied lha laatlruclioa. Weddings Ilale-lnlatlette. 1 H-lr. Wi.iiani il Hale. It. 4 Veeitaf akolll. J bain ..f ll.aliue 1 were mnie4 al Lincoln Hale na a4 .r4a a farm tar ihls tt. I Xalesi . Bfnnl. I Wet fnlnl I...UIS jtohal ft this city sn4 i Miaa Anna Maui af Haall Mill ast msrrl4 at Ibe ham af tb bri4e Ih.r will make Ibalr bom aear 'r'lhin, kbara.aeiaaa4ell. ' II a t rice Hariaa M bharon tl, an4 , Manrlce Vsnaus4ll. tl. both of Ilea It i.e. wr anile.1 la marriage al Islrburr, Mullen-H aalibuen. aVhurler I'billig H, Mullen af I a Angaiee, t'al. an4 Mia llertba A Wash-I bain af Ncburler. wer married by key it M. Hale st Iivi4 Cut. where a mar- i tisge Iteenee wss obialn4 It was a sor. Ei i .a ta Mies tVtshburn frisn4s. The no wss reer4 In Calfa count t, sill for flv teara haa been emiire4 a fna. lal Teiegranh eceretor hare an4 at Ileal- Inge Yb grnm la a Uvltng aalsamen : ai i.oa iib, wnar nmw ain nieae their futui hvtn. , Maai - Kha4aa, Wnnere Mi.a Th'lm thi4e, 4ansh. ter uf Mr. gn4 Mra. l. If Hho4e sf . mr, waa matne4 t llermsn ftsu of Ksnea l ily at tualh. Kan. The yogng oatoplst will mak their home In Chlrsg. kinrr.nhrotr. Kealrlr lianjamln Mfencar, IT, nl4 reai4ent nf Meirlc and Mrs. Msry bbrnyer, In, of fsirbury, wets msrried here. tilaaT7"bll. Mad Hon llarrlau- llcana wss lesued In Al. M Kinney, Jfcrlolk, and Ju-.a Maria While, Rvola. Wells-Kurmnn. York Tre4 J Well ,.f Tulaa. Ok I., Stv4 Oerirude Kurman wer married af tb horn of tb biit parent. Mr. and Mra. W. It. Kurman, Itav. W. It. Janes. Iieetor nf Ihe I'nlted lltethren church, of ficiating. Hrennan-Keeulrli-k. York Ccil Ursnnan and Mabel Hand rick, both nf York, wer married by Juris H Q. Hopkins. ' Kolla-Mdler. Callaway. Net. Mies Lois Sadler and Rueben Kvlhe, br.lh of Callaway, were married at Itrokqn Bow. larpenter-f arre. Beatrice, Meb lisle Carpenter of Ore gon, Mo., and Miss All' ( srr of this rlty war msrried her by County Judge Mess more. The nralywed left Immediately after th ceremony for Oregon, wher thy will make their borne. Prlr-llawkliia. Table Rck linrranee Pyle of Pawnee City and Mies Altbea Hawkins of Uufiols. were msrried at the home of friends of tb bride st Burlington, I'nlo. Te bride la a daughter of James Hawking of lu The Automatic 55. down $5.montli Cheaper, better wash methods are brought to you by The Automatic Washer. It's a new one here in Omaha, but elsewhere Automatics are selling in unprecedented numbers. Some of the reasons for the popularity of The Automatic Washer are : Solid copper, ttr&ight-side tub (large capacity). Malleable gears (practically unbreakable where ' the strain comes). Enclosed gears (making the machine abso lutely safe). Steel frame and wringer stand to bear all strain and weight, tome and see The Automatic Washer in operation at the Electric Q Shop. Convince yourself of its quality. Convenient credit plan al lows anyone to purchase this washer. $5.00 down and $5.00 (less than laun dry bills) each month. Use the machine whilfl you are paying for it, and the savings made in your laundry will pay for it. Nebraska M Power Co. Sale Lasts Hits, sad Ike grcuui i. a f Mr, 4 tl'a J II In. af laaa-a Oil ila biaia n laaiinaiM. itnn silk briigr 4 I'i ' I I'.smt I I't. akar lb eaa( i.ui'ia mil mak their heme. rardTNaae. t.lk K.all fa.4r s4 ffaa Wear o. n t'H'l at lb .ts f Ih bndes rsianis tie. a.l Mia I' a aluar, lte '. V llaim. ya.wr if la thiled Kven a!it tbmik. atri.iai.4 K lefcarde Heller. Yaik liar Huastds f Hsvslorh s4 tiaaa w auar at l.laeain wet lsu4 met li.se luane ky Ja( liopkine here, W 44eU -neblaelamaia. Tsbt Ha.k-.een U..I1..I ac f Mr. I Mia tteelev .4.1.11 ef I'.ao.a 1'iiy, ea t Mia l-aarl V k eaiemaiar af Nehewke, war Hiairiad at hiensak Augu, I Th gioam i n gr4ut t'f th .krska bVeaistan unlteiaity ,so4 I I h!4 Ik a. The Ashless Sootlesj Odorless Fuel Lump and Egg Sizes Also Genuine D. & L. W. Scranton Hard Ef and Nut Coal. All New, Clean Stock. CALL KENWOOD 0810 Walrath-Sherwood Co. LUMBER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND COAL 1 30th and Bnyd Streets, al ih Ball Liae. W. H. Warwick, Mgr. Iron more easily, more quickly and better with the Westinghouse Type M Iron Your Local Electrical Dealer Can Supply Yen WhoIetaU SIOUX OMAHA Only Six I' '"' 1 i '"r i 'nt iir --mi in ii ntsnr-T utrruon i i)-A iiiun af I'l 'l'".' uf ajknai.e In Ik loe weaaln M'liega lk. .'iiii er, Ya Maeeiatea. Kaatrbe T inarrias sr a' ferme4 br t'etimte Jule Meaamor far iht Ml. i Maraa IL.ll- keteiea l an M-e blaiy Hiibi-r. II, balk af Uei.a.Hle, has. HesUy tain II. and Meriiei Man. II, bih al tailtaa4. heb. Mini I lvira Alworitl Pfail, . Concord, N. H, Au 19.-Mi Elvita Adin Atwood, rfMnl "' filitur ol lh tatrt 4r Journal, died in a ho.jiital life yifrlav. Mit ai grand chaplain of the maud ihaj'tfr ol the Kirti Star in Mirhi. gan. Distributors CITY ST. LOUIS Washer More Days dfs!. Ji 1 1 Oi. It , H 40, iit in t s t k il (J V. e ; . i ! Ilj'l '