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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1922)
THE SUNDAY BKE: OMAHA. AUGUST 20. 1922. 7-A Missouri Synod . Tl Celebrate i Diamond Jubilee Big Meeting in City Audi torium Tomorrow After nooo Sirred Concert Of in Evening. Omaha Lutherans will join with II Lutheran lontregatioii tt the Missouri synod in Nbraka nd Wyoming and their reprtscnunwi ttrmblrd (or iht annual convention vi th Ktbratka diurict here lo icte. t.rate the diamond jubilee of the Mu.nun synod in a great Lutheran atrvic l the city auditorium lo inurrow at J p. w. I'rof. J. H, C l-riu of Si. I.oui ami I'attor t r. llrsnd aUo of M. Louu will be the principal sneaker. " I'rof Frits i Iran of the Lutheran Concordia seminary, M. Loun. Mo. One hun dred and six graduates left the semi lury in June oi ihia year to enter the tniiiittry ol the Lutheran church, ihe largrit known graduating class ol theological studrntt ol Ihe year, t'attor Tirand it first grnrral vice prttidcut of the tvangrlicat Lutheran synod of Mistouri, Ohio, and other atatea, one of Ihe largest Lutheran thurch bodies of Amenta, numbering according to ihe latent centus, 1,0.' J, V4H membert gathered in J.J41 cote grtgatmna ami aerved by 2.4 50 pat tor, tie it alto inspector of foreign mUaions of the aynod and hat jul recently completed an inspection lour around the world, vioinn Luth eran niitiioiik in China, India, and in Lurope. Sacred Concert. At 6..V( p. m. the aermon of Prftf, J-'ritx will be broadcat from the radio nation at the Omaha Grain exchange, and at H p. in. a Lutheran aacred concert will he given by the anoruM Lutheran choirt of Omaha, the Lutheran teachers choir of Ne bratka, and Mitt Margaret Link of seuard. Neb., soprano, at t lie Au ditorium directed by Prof Theo Af Vmherg of Omaha and I'rof K. Haute of Seward, Neb,, profettor of inline at the Lutheran Normal tchonl of Seward and musical director of the Lutheran teacher choir, ' The Nebraska d -ict of (his aynod. now in srsnon in Omaha, vij organized 40 year ago at Hoop er, Neli., by 17 pastor and 16 con gregation. At. the present time it number! 182 pator. 2J4 congrega tion, and over 50,000 member. Five flourishing congregations with over 2,000 member are affiliated with this synod in Omaha. ,1'he present general officer of the Mistouri svnod are: Rev F. Photcn Jiamr, D. D., of Chicago, III , preni dent; Rev, F. Brand of St. Louis, Mo., first vice president; Rev. J. V, Miller of Ft. Wayne, Ind., second vice presidents Rev, G. A. Bernthal of San Francisco, C'al.. third vice president; and Rev. H. P. Eckhardt of Pittsburgh. Pa., fourth vice presi dent; Rev M. F. Kretzmann of Ken dellville, Ind., secretary; and E., Seurl of St. Louis Mo., treasurer. The program at the concert Sun day night, free to the public, will be as follows: f Omaha Choir. "Jahotah. I.t Ma Now Ador Thee" Choral "Ort nl Wonderful" .......... .Hpohr f.nfhran Tahia. "f h T.nrd In My Hhapharil" '"Th J.oM I Orm" I . . . . Ml. I,nk "Com lTnt Him" "Th Lard I My MkM" .... Omaha Choir. "Brk Forth Into Joy" "Thine, O I,nra" l.nlhrrnn Tcaehrr. "HllrluKh Chorua" "Th T.ont C'hnril" I'linlr, Trarher and Ml Link. "Illr...l la H" llnuned " Mlahly Kortrraa" Hauler Unsettled Weather and Shower Forecabt for Week Washington, Aug. 19. Weather outlook for the week beginning Mon day: Upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri valleys: Unsettled - and1 local showers first part; latter part gen erally fair; normal temperature. Northern Rocky mountain and plateau regions: Showers at begin ning of week; generally fair with normal temperature thereafter. Southern Rocky mountain and plateau regions: Local showers; nor mnl temperature, Pacific states: Generally fair in California; occasional local showers elsewhere; normal temperature, Polish Army Increased Due to Russian Danger . Warsaw, Aug. 19. (By A. P.) Poland's army, which normally num bers 250,000 troops, is being increas ed to 300.000, due to the presence of Russian forces on the Polish frontier. The strength of the soviet divisions, it is reported, has been increased from 10.000 to JO.000. Reports also have been received here that Moscow has been making attempts to obtain military supplies and explosive in the United States, but without success. It is believed by Polish military authorities that the soviet government i also attempting to obtain .supplies from tieiho-Slo-vakian plants. Lo Angele Train Loses Identity on Chicago Run The west bound ! Angeles Limited. No. 7, hat hern cniHolidjtcd with Overland Limited, No. J. on the Northweitrrn lint between Chi cago and Omaha. N'o reason f.r the contolidation was advanced at the Unal Northwest, ern oifue. It explained, how ever, that it is putcly a temporary we. The I'nioa Paciite will lV the enn!idaittl trams on wtt to Ihtir lUitmation as separate train, No. 7 tt to Angele and Nv I lo Sail Francisco, hxal prtgrr otn iiaU said. Peraonil I.e$l Adter of Secretary Mrlln Die piHtbwfiH, Aug J9 James It. Pi!e, ttttt iUi pi tstair MttUMt, tu tmn4 i' m ltKim at th etl;aK ct F, K, Jtsbeosk yi4a. Mr, Im Ka Wath.Bgt.i I we .! I, ma BaliAl it r.t dm kiitnt.ti a., ail CUl't tt h HtHtH l Kin, hi tl. Klaln Rla .Handel Allllaon .Barnhy ...Kant .Handal Hulllvan Omaha Pastor Reads 1 at Lutheran Meeting ! ten J Gen.' Pershing Accepts McKelvie's Invitation Lincoln. A ug. J9 tie ft. Jhn J. Prrahmg Hat aatpied "ie nviuti'i Ualrnded bv Governor S. I. M'KfW I vi to urticiptt in the Uymg id ! iht to'nrratone of th new Nr!nV state lioue on Ar'tnstice day, i ember' 11. !oldirri of all war arc t take part in the ceremonies. Three Die of Heat in Cleveland, One in Coluralma t'olumhus, O, Aug PA Ileal )rurday caued lite dcatli of one prrMMi tu4 pio.iiaiiiiii of another. I Hit iiiatiiiiuin Diticul temperature I at '.. within one.ienth ol de grre of the year's record t itablohcd i jrtierday, A heavy ram, accom i.iiird b much lightning tonight brought relief. 1'racmalJy all elec tric lights in Ihe cily were put out r cummiaaion for !inet an hour and trolley cart idled on their tracks. Three Die in Cleveland. Cleveland, O, Aug. 19 Thundrr ttarmt late yoierday brought relief from Iht heat wave which itruck Ohio several days ago, but not until 1 three pertoni had dropped dead car. her in the nay. Rev, F.. T. Otto, j-aator St. Paul Lutheran church, 1 weuly hfth and Kvans street, who is reader at the Mistouri Luthrran synod convention in the Hotel Cattle, His churrli it the largest of this synod in Omaha, Banker Is Rcwcd to Divorced Wife Luther II. Tate Remarried Wife Who Divorce 1 Him in 1920. A marriage license was issued in Council Bluffs yesterday to Luth er H. Tate,' cashier of the Corn Ex change National bank in Omaha, to re-wed his former wife, Frances M. Tate. Mrs. Tate was divorced from her husband in district court here July IJ, 1920. She charged cruelty, Mr. Tate hied no contest and no alimony was ordered, although Mrs. Tate in her petition said her husband owned their home at 4810 California street, was worth $10,000 and earned a large salary at hit position in the bank. Following the divorce Mrs. Tate worked in a downtown office as a stenographer. The remarriage came as a surprise to friends as Mr. and Mrs. Tate made no announcement of their plant. Shots Fail to Stop Thief. Awakened F'riday nieht by a bur glar who knocked over a lamp, J. W. Morrow, 4648 Cuming street,, fired three shots at the man, but failed to hit him. The burglar escaped with $20 in nicklrs. filmo! i 'PPT I li'.t ''i l.'iii,. ,3 i aim , 3 Pi' I, i hi i. m'i.i I ,1 .1. 1 M m : ' m iHi'T-1'!' Hi ,' i , ', ' 1U si i r;i i ii ' i 1! Ml ll ii MP The Brunswick Plays All Records Better $roo Places This Brunswick Phonograph , In Your Home $C00 a Month V Pays for It These Terms Are Special for This Week Only BRUNSWICK STYLE "200" ' Height, 43 Inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 21 inches. Trimrpings nickel-plated. Equipped with all-wood Oval Tone Amplifier. Single Ultona all record Reproducer. Brunswick double-spring motor, nickel-plated. Twelve-inch turntable. Automatic stop. Tone modifier. Shelf filing system, designed to accommodate albums. . , Price Complete With aix 10-inch Double-Faced 75c Brunswick Records Mahogajiy 104 50 Fumed Oak Sjiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinie L THE PLAYER Kfc You Have Been Waiting For Tomorrow morning we will place on sale our entire stock of Players, Pianolas and Duo Art Reproducing Pianos. If you want a strict ly high-grade, up-to-date quality PLAYER PIANO don't pass up this opportunity. In the sale you will find such famous makes as WEBER, KURTZMANN, AEOLIAN, STROUD, ANGE LUS, TROUBA DOUR, etc. $25 Sends a Player Home WE DESCRIBE JUST A FEW v,u lnffOllIC riaytr. t-!rt ,'1 u not ,n 100 AII&viU) triyint bulU ty Ihit tamuua rumpany. Kirh ilark maho(ny caw, Kurt, ftnt on. TAX III0O MONTHLY $460 Drachman Player Piano, Only i$395 I Used $750 Kurtzmann Player Piano tall not nnrumnt brtrid rtrw, in mhiny rait, TK It tparitl taixplt, rt ttOOQ MONTHLY Hrrt it gloriout Inatrumtnt. Klnrl walnut ct and, tactpt tor ilifht varniah chrt'kt, it abtiilut ly at firm at ntw, PAY 114 00 MONTHLY Nil $600 AEOLIAN Player A pmrvl (rnt in 4ar brown ma h 'liany. tUrt la ral quality PAY 114 00 MONTHLY burl $490 Piano $495 At Htk ) Ntvttai. 4lt I. Iliti St. ' '"! iniiii fwaajaiaaaa,., i,, , a a i ill mil m t M i hi : 1 1 I i l U 1 III ar-y. ll rmammmmmmm I 1 i II ill hi Monday-Sale of 6000 Yards Early Fall At Less Than the Cost to Manufacture A special purchase, made under un usual conditions, makes it possible for us to make this astounding offer. We bought at n price whicy repre sented a loss to the manufacturer. We pass this wonderful bargain along to you when we give you these remarkable values at 1 85 Per Yd. Silks suitable for fall dresses, wraps, blouses and lingerie, in the best col ors and weaves. Every woman should take advantage of this ex traordinary offer to buy silks for her fall wardrobe. Below are listed some of the silks. Velettes and Roi-Tyne, 36 Inches Wide These are the two best grades of the crepe knit famijj'. For suits, sep arate skirts or the cape dress, they are unsurpassed. Thirty-six inches wide. All colors, including black, brown, navy, caramel, camel, steel, Indian red, mode, gray, jade, wine, blue, henna; cocoa, French blue, taupe and negro. Brown Crepe Meteor A beautiful shade, in 40 inch width. Radium Silk Similar to pussy willow; several light colors; 40 inches wide. ' Charmeuse A beautiful quality for gowns in dark street shades; 40 inches wide. Foulards Twill quality; 36 inches. wide; in black, blues and browns. Fleh Wash SatinHeavy quality for lingerie; 36 inches wide. ' Crepe de Chine A medium quality in a good line of colors; 40 inches wide. Taffetas Plain colors in all shades; 36 inches wide. Satins Solid colors in all shades; 36 inches wide. Canton Crepe Good line of colors; 40 inches wide. Fancy Coat Linings A few patterns; 40 inches wide. Main Floor Center Monday Domestics and Wash Goods Percale 36-inch width in light and dark colors. A standard quality in serviceable 1 Alp lengths. Monday, yard, 1ttzL Cotton Cballiei A beautiful as sortment of new fall patterns and colorings. 36 inches 1 7A- wide. Special, yard, 1 1 2 1 Mil! Remnant of Printed Plitse Crepe An ipal material for un derwear and boys' and girls' waists. It requires no starching nor ironing. t Qi Per yard, 10 2 1 Printed Organdiea A variety of pretty patterns in this sheer crisp material for frocks and blouses. 40 inches wide; special, 1 C per yard, lwC Peggy Cloth Remnants In as sorted plain shades. An un equaled fabric for washing and wearing. 32 inches wide; 1 C special, per yard, IDC Printed S i 1 k o 1 i n e Long mill lengths in floral, Persian and ori ental patterns. 36 inches 1 C wide. Special, per yard, 1 t)C Basement North Cretonne Remnantt In a variety of floral and tapestry effects suitable for comfort coverings, fancy work and draperies. Very special, per 1Q yard, 102C Mill Remnant of Gingham 32- mch width m assorted checks and stripes. Special, per yard, Unbleached Sheeting 85 inches wide, a heavy quality for making full size sheets. Monday, ir per yard, vno aim 18c For the College Girls Gloves Are Most Important Girls "who go away to school cannot put off the selection of school clothes much longer. And with the prospect of cooler days and tailored clothes, gloves become indispensable. Lone Kid Glove 16-button length in a splendid quality of real kid. Our own importation. In black, brown or white. An unusually C AA good value at D.UU Kid Gauntlet Stunning glove with pique seams, heavily embroidered back with adjustable wrist strap. In brown, beaver or A CA oxford, 4.JU French Lambakin Glove 2-clasp style in O CA brown, beaver, gray, black and white, Lj) Suede Fabric Gauntlet Strap wrist style 1 AA in beaver, mastic and covert, 1UU Mam Floor North Unusual Values in Women's Union Suits We are reducing these union suits from our regular stocks because they are somewhat soiled from display. Included are athletic suits of dimity or mull and fine lisle and cotton 'suits in Kayser, Springtex and other equally good brands. There are all sizes in the group, but not in every style. This special CQ price is for Monday only; per suit, ' OUC Third Floor Center Laces at Special Prices Spaniah Allover Lace All silk laee-s for frocks and blouse In black, brown, navy and other colors. Specially priced, yard 1.95 and 2.50 Hand-Mada Lac Medallion These are somewhat soiled from display, but the value of real lacs is little affected by this. Ther la a great vanity of shapes and styles. Specially 1 r priced for Monday only, each, Main Floor -Center Special Selling of Household Linens Pur Uaaa TwU --Many will think thrae the vhuireat offerings of th V, h'quitt patterns and iinrl quality tn linen damask, hue a and birdYsys) eav the kind of towel you ran lay oul with prtilo fur your mut critical guest, AH ?r th larw'x hedrmim sus and hauti ally hentitvhid, llcfular AQ ! Hemstitched Linen Muck Towel A practical linen towel in the Urge 'ut. These are termed re jects because of art occasional drk thread or oil spot, but the defed are not conspicuous. cry specially priced, each. 69c Ua Nia - lite, had tnd siWvr hU avh. J napkins, hammed ready fur ue In th ) In. a sue, Regular f-rk, din o 4 &o; sal ftu ws f O SiUaf Blak4 lla Nkiai Jkifi tvl match rUiths and athr Uttrf pattern. Hammed ready far R'fMUr I (jr prie I sals fn, IiO ile nlaatkad !- Takl j Clalft Pattr i Wth In at. trattit square and rnjid ! , Sign, Th hv nu tlr ii( j i and ar on lalfully itl. In i tu a'O, 2s J ad 1i S i l ! 6.00 .4 7.50 Aatn f7.t'f 1CI Pur) Irish Linen Table Cloths Pattern cloths in a heavy satin da mask in both round and stjuart de sik'ns. A beautiful cloth, full bleached, yards. Regular 4.00 fur lwk liaa Tskl CUlk Sumlar qua). ty la th Hv hut In h correct Si fur the nw whUeat lahWs, ttlH yrJs. ( (f , Mfffular pric 90ttj mI pru, U.UU Pkl Daaaaak ajt C'Uk fulWfion it st'.mt 4a rl.'ih n vnuu stia 3vii H, and yard. I'aiurit, )1 pur Neil tn fin meiWw t.m.H. Haf- Q Pft uUr pri li m tt 3S otj sal prht O.OU li"tt Mig to. I t lit . Kr tit r. !. i f , i im t Ptaf. rtt. h H.!. ( hull My, t A R I ' tt IKfinhK ltt l ....(f M i I a i4 !att tai ih.s Z OTfffe(r U coy it i rMIMMtlimtMlltlllllllilMlliaiMimMMIIIIIIMIIIHHIHHIIMlUaiMltlllMatHIIIIIIHUIMHIIMItlllU inuiiaui