The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 20, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Omaha's Loss in
Miners' Strike
Continuing Our Department Managers' August Selling Event
Set at $1000,000
PrJr-rt Say Closing of Kansas
nl Illinois FieM HoofU
Price $2 a Ton
''Why mattf admit foal dufinf
Hit .nd ,f etcr.aive h'a'P a.aH
a n 4ii lni t imK rmnff Uil
1 r 'itutrv
(Jnulia't tntiiul m r.ffW calls
I"r ;ntly ' ' iil lout, iiiih in
il'l'lrt r k M all hifl'tt and (or ill
i ' 'I hit amount of ri would
f't'iir a urn k of railroad rart e
'-'iJ from Ori;i4 to i liuas'i.
A; i fpi(r, ity jttjtnn font art
uM lor if'itiirdir pufixncl in hofiira,
llr r"'iit' . al atrr lif, Ne
I'f'o I'omrr roinpiiy and the frrf
i(:liy ro-njuny normally uht more
lian .'".'' fm Hi strain Cal in
4 )nr
ll.0O0.000 Loss.
Mow nituh hi ihr nul strike
foil Omaha imrr th turn enl mil
Itt April'' i alf d r( irvml roal
f 'tin i o Mid l II ariyhMys
lit", liit irr"l tint 1 1, 'AO")
wmld I an iiiriitii'liiii. It it
liripriMe 10 fj'f'lie this lots in
s't tern
Orditur .ty lf,m f"j i t to tliit
ti'aili't rowrt Iroin KatiM and
lliiion fi'lli, lio'li of hIii.Ii hve
Irrn rioted rjnrirs; tho airier Jiurilitf
thia tijint'irr I'llif nr4'ii coal h
l.rrii rr'f ivnj In, in t olorado and
Nrtw M'iko, rotting the Omaha
liiyer 2 to f! per l'n n;or than
It.' normal rr.f of Kmai and Jlli.
nni s"aril roil. This siliiati'sfl has
i.uliH in extra r',.rnr ct nearly
IVjO.OM to Omaha inr c April 1. at
rording to an cttiinate of one deal
Paying Heavy Premium.
"f Honld venture to v that Oms
I a ha lire n paying a premium of
iSfm to ffOOf) a day (or umiii coal
sinre fti airike on artount of our
i(rml t(!m roal lourrrt brinK
r'frV 4i'l fanjill K. Hrown.
"Strain roal U ro(ma; $4 to 'i prt
ton. ai apainut f J to fo 1rfore the
atrikr It will he September I it
the esirli!, in my juHfrmrnt, before
ri-nmj.tioii nf operation. cotiM be
rflerirl in Omaha. There will be
tol for everybody, but all will not
be able to erer jt the roal iher
want. We don't know what ditroi
tion will be male of Jlh'noii coal for
a while af'cr the minrri retume
K. C. Goddard explained that ,$
fr rmt of domett ie roal ued in
Omaha normally cornel from the Illi
noi f,rld and mont of the eam
eoil from Kana firldi, neither hav
ing been tignrd up ai yet.
Using Oil.
The normal conaumption of iteam
eoal i beina; affTted by the recent
introdurtion of oil burning apparatui
tinker the boileri of varioui larjre
Dtilitirl and induttrirl. The muni
cipal watrt plant it conervint 70
ton of itum coal a day br uing
10, W (llon of oil each day un
der four boiler at the Florence
pumfniiif an'oii. Tin' plant will
continue lo ttr oil a Jona; a oil
i iheaprr. Similar itu;ition exint
a the plruif of the Nebraska Power
compsnv and the itreet railway com
pany. The power company i minir
oil f'ir fliiee-foiirihi of ji normal
fuel iiipply, which m-an I'JO ton
of ;riin coal per day now beinz
ued a ai?ai'nt 400 ton before. The
traction company i uina; 40 per
criit o I and 00 per cent coal. Power
company official Mated that it f
pro'inwr nicy win ue on tor several
month at baft.
American Legion
News Notes
N'ewi of 32 ex-iervice men and
vomen i onght by Harry (',
l.'ougii, adjutant, (I)oiila county
pc-it. The l:t include Willie Kiemi,
ohn Siiiiiiiil Franklin. F.dward Fran.
Daley, Abraham liauui, ll-nry E.
'onion, Mantel Max ISautn, Howard
ViUon lirown, Vincent Rokki,
0oe p. WiIoy, Hiram Arthur Weit,
Mr. Roie Riirnell, Dave Rutnell,
l arl Thoma. Joncph S- Utitler, John
, Strucbrr, Jame A. Ryan. Leo P.
Hill, FredcHck K. Merritt, Tom Mc
l a'l. Vinton II. Lorkhart, Herman
A. Klcnttchy, Mr. Elba Quinn, Uo
(iiiinn. Ma;. !.'. H. Smith, Jame A.
Mcldrum, A. P. Hnke. Capt. Albert
I'elionek. Ilmrv Autin, J. '. Har
n, J. F. Mendon, David Caron,
f?errv4tion for Pullman and bo
ld ai i -omniodation may be made lor
the New Orlcan convention through
the po-t adjutant, w h hae proper
Meeting clicdukd :
Entertainment bv Omaha Athletic
cliili for litnii" 5 aii'l ''. at 8. ,10 Tiie
Hay ti thl; (or itrotip 7 and S at
8 .''I I hm t-iiy mi'lit
I'n.t meruit; at mum :l chamber,
city hall, Aiiisni-t .". to nam d'le
fair t" tate (oiHriilion.
Roe I". llaiiiiiaii, iltvmlon, nurc.
i 7 ,H the nilit r( Scttcm!'er 7, at
J-I.'O H.ttncv Miert.
st.tte eonvnitioii, Yoik, 5eptnt'
her 1H :t.
Vatiotul convention, New Orlranf,
OctoScr I "20.
Manawa Fiir Phce for
r.trinlini( Slimmer VaratUm
Maui pmk, thi iny't bin ""-jt-U
pU,-e. i prmnlinu 4.atum ;?
nunv hIio tii'll to tVe their
airtitrmr. ii to far ay U'
th tummer, 'f i i1"' id many tetrhd vi
inmiu hfl want to felani Ihrr
con id 111 ai hull a pool!)!. l
...t ..... i.,. bikini, ihr
ritinni'iiiM. if. . .
IW th ether iveuinn d be wanted
t rtiH l!i hflit i'in
i ... i. i . . . t ..... ..ift itn iioithl
Un' a lew proil who pend a
F't thnf pi lima
MiiH l i!i m they iMtncd l
. . . . i i...
I III I I'IJI I I tM ll'HIIillg
I ti li i n 1 now they l
it k m 'i iM !iy ri''i
in (.,
A U' iimnlvrf . pi. Hi. tie
i l'fl-1 t Miikd i W Difi 't)
i!i'i'i il an t iwl it!'iu;,
in' Km " t nilr "' in i'
l'f(l' "C lll't'l', 'ltl
- I . k. ... .1... .1 .. .1 t.l.,.1.1.
ii.iil in fi huffy I il il
i - 1... i.. . . . .
Welcome Visiting Merchants
Wt ara !ad that Omaha hai tba opportunity
of antartalning you, and wa tiopa that wa may
hava tha pleaaura of bcinf af aarvica to you.
Wa want you t maka Burftaa-Naah your had
quartara for a feava planned unuaual aventa.
Our diaplayt of new fall merrhandlaa may in.
trt yia.
Welcome Visitinpr Merchants
Tha convenience! of thia itora ara offered
freely ta all Viaitinf Merchant! and their fm
llieai Keat Room, Information Hervlce, Writlnr
Table, ak Mr. I'otter Peak and Accommodation
Bureau. Tea Room on tha Seventh Floor will
rva you with a delightful S luncheon; cafe
teria in tha DowmUlra IStore.
Sensational Events Planned for Monday
Continuing the "Event"-
"An w announced in our Friday's advertlaement,
tht exi'cutivea have rcpieatcd ui to continue our
"Department Manager' Auguat SdiiniT Kvent" for
another week. The generoua rcponae of the buying
public indicated their intenae interent, which waa
gained by giving them unuaual value at a time when
they really appreciated receiving them.
"The third week, which will be the last, makca ita
entrance by offering apeclal featurea for Monday,
which will be followed by hundreda of apeclal itema
throughout the week.
"Read our advertisement each day. Watch
our window. Shop freely, with the aaaurance that
the merchandie you purchase i priced unusually low
and that it I of a quality to merit your attention."
Auguit 20th, 1922, UURGESS-NASH COMPANY.
Arthur Reeves9 Special Values in
Women's Sailor Hats
In Black and Brown
Luxtroua pluah with fac
ing of rich velvet in self,
tone. The regulation
straight brim, and for
women to whom so severe
a style is not becoming, a
model with slightly rolling
Priced at
395 -d 5
BurfM-Nh Hal 6bop Thli Flaw,
Fall Silks : Woolens
Offered by L. A. North
Plain and Fancy Silks, Yard, $1.00
1,500 yards in all; 36-inch checked silks; 36-inch
striped taffeta; 36rinch printed foulards, and
32-inch tub silks, Special clearance price, yd., $1.
Persian Corduroys at, Yard, $1.69
35- inch velvet corduroys in beautiful Taisley
patterns. Makes wonderfully attractive bathrobe.
Changeable Taffeta at, Yard, $1.95
36- lnch changeable taffetas In tint. for evening
and In rich color combinations. Very special.
Plain and Brocade Satins, Yard, $1.25
38-inch widths In attractive shades of rose,
orchid, tan, henna, orange and spark blue,
Middy Flannel at, Yard, $1.45
Fine all-wool flannel In the popular shades of
carlrt, emerald green, delft blus and white.
Kr middy Limine, aporta suits and children's
fitata. An exceptional quality at thla rrloe,
Volouw, Wool JerncyH, Plaids
Monday, Yard, $1.50
5 J inch, all-wonl material, l ovely soft woolens
In plaid, atrlpr and In plain ro!orlnt. At
this prlc tlx' ars very apeclal offerings.
Special Values in Towels, Linens, Blankets
John Harmon's Feature Items for the Third Monday of This Event
2000 Yards Celebrated
"Fruitofthe Loom" Muslin
Yard, 19c
Turkish Towels
Each, 14c
J;la hrd towel of an excel
lnt quality. 17-1S inrti air.
Huck Towels
Each, 10c
Mal of good
with hemmed end
24 to a cuntomrr.
quality hurk
Limit of
. Turkish Towels
Each, 39c
22x44-inch iz towrla of
two ply yarn; apecially prictd
at 39.
Turkish Towels
Each, 59c
28xfi01nrh towel of extra
fine quality, An exceptional
Huck Towels
Each, 24c
J7xM-!nch size, of fin qual
ity huck, with attractive damaak
Turkish Towels
Each, 19c
A aixrd fine thread
towel of rood quality. t'nuuol
Extra Large
Turkish Towels
Each, 24c
2"x40 inrh towela of heavy
quality. Mad with neatly
hemmed enda,
200 Dresser Scarfs
and Center Pieces
Each, 49c
18xC0inrh ararf, trimmed
with finny lc and medallon.
30-inch center piec trimmed
with 4-Inch filet lace edge.
Burf...-Nh l.ln.n Shop hce4 fUur
The celebrated "Fruit f the Loom" bleached mus
lin, an unusual value when priced at, a yard, 19c.
Limit of 12 yards to a customer.
Double Bed-Size Blankets
Very Special, Pair, $3.15
The kind that look and feel like wool. In attrac
tive block plaid designs, in all the desired colors. Size
66x80-inch size. Limit of 2 pairs to a customer.
White Nainsook
Yard, 26c
86-Inch width of excellent
quality much used for under
garments, yard. 26c.
White Lonprcloth
Yard, 19c
86" Inch width. A fine qual
ity that will maka dainty and
serviceable garments.
M. Van Uithoven Offers
Extraordinary Values Monday
Valuct So Unusual That One 1$ Prompted
to Supply the Needs of Next Season
Golf Hose
Imported all - w o o 1
hose of medium weljfht.
Brown heather and
light and dark grey
heather mixtures.
Kiddies' Sox
Three-quarter length
Dorothy aox. Two-toned
with accordion tops.
Not ordinary aox, but
an especially fine hose.
Union Suits
49c and 59c
Good quality lisle in summer
weight. Made sleeveless with reg
ulation top and tight, shell or lace
knee. Priced according to aiz.
Sizes 81 and 38, 49.
Sizes 40 to SO, 69c.
Pure Silk Hose
Pair, $1.00
Pure thread white ailk hose
with patterns embroidered in col
ors. A good weight with rein
forced feet and garter top.
Greatly reduced from former
pricing now, pair, $1.00. v
BurfM-Nli Hosiery Shop Main Floor.
Sport Suits
This is a new ship
ment of these khaki out
fits for girls.
The bloomer-knicker
is made with box pleats
front and back, and
with side pleats that
are pleated into a 2-inch
adjustable belt.
The middy is made
regulation style with
sailor collar and patch
Sizes 6 to 14.
Special at
Burfiat-Nath Third Floor
Manufacturer' 8 Complete Line Specially Priced
Novelty Sports Belts at 50c
Through an unusually fortunate transaction the en
tire line of a leading manufacturer was sold to us at a great
concession, making it possible to offer a value we believe
to be without parallel.
There are thousands of belts belts for sweaters, belts
for sports costumes, and belts for afternoon dresses in an
almost endless variety of colors and styles, including girdle
effects. At this price you should have a belt for every
BurfoM-Nih Loathor Cooda Shop Main Floor.
Yard Goods : Sheets : Domestics : Curtain Materials
Windsor Crepe
' Yard, 21c
Attractive duiigna and In all
wanted colors, Specially priced.
Tissue Ginghams
Yard, 25c
32-inch width with silk plaids
and stripes. Exceptional value.
3,500 Yards Batiste and Voile
36 and 40-inch batiste and voilo of excellent
quality, In many beautiful colors. A very un
usual value, priced at, yard.,
Crash Toweling
Yard, 14c
Very servlceabla quality,
Outing Flannel
Yard, 12c
27 In, flannel r.f soft fininh.
Unbleached Muslin
Yard, 14c
Sa in, width. I'lrm quality.
Bleached Muslin
Yard, 14c
!10-ln. width; exceptional value.
Unbleached Sheeting
Yard, 39c
7-4 sheeting; excellent quality.
Seamless Bed Sheets
Kach, $1.45
MuSo-in, sheets; 8 In. hem.
Yard Goods
Yard 15c
32-inch Gingham, good quality,
in checks and plaids.
32-inch Plain Ginghamt, In all
tha lovely colors.
32-inch Striped Gingham, dark
grey, for work shirts.
36-inch PsrcaUi, in light and
dark bcakgroumU,
40 inch Printad DatiiU aad
Voiloi, in variety of patterns.
36-inch Morcoriiod Poplin in
plain colors. Unusual value,
Table Damask
Yard, 49c
68-inch bleached tabla da
mask, 1V to 10-yard lengths.
Figured Cretonne
Yard, 19c
30-inch figured cretonne In
attractive designs. Special.
2,000 Yards Crepe Tissue
White background with colored silk stripe. A fine
lightweight fabric that wilj make- dainty and scrv
iceable garments, yard ,
Feather Pillows, 95c
A good no ft pillow.
Pillow Cases, 25c
4.'x38 Inch six of good quality.
F)u! NilMUIa Stat
Curtain Scrim
Yard, 10c
36-inch width, Plain center
with fancy border.
Cotton Blankets
Pair, $1.95
74x80-in. site. Fancy border.
Table Cloths
Each, $1.49
!2 yard cloths; excellent
Cotton Blankets
Pair, $3.95
fltixSD-in. size, Tan, blue,
pink and grey pluiils.
Damask Napkins
Kach, 16c
20x20 in. sut; mill stained.
Bed Spreads
Kach, $1.89
71x8 in. site, fipeiial prios.
In the Drapery Section
"Tha first two weeks of the 'Managers' Auguat
Selling Event' have created a number of remnants and
ihort piece that 1 h ill sHI at prices you never expected
( see, On to five-yard lungth priced each, at 2S
and upward." K. l liUIMr.S.
Manager Prapery Pept,
Fringes and Edges
Yard. 10c
Many patterns an t tutors af od aial
y ttlnns ftingo and ta,
200 Porch Cii5hions
Kach, 59c
lias Kair M!4 f!!l.. f Ms.'k bather
tt tm h i n.
, ha-ro rw
a t tiMti
Kach, 59c
Final clearance dale of
children' paraioU, Plain
color and pretty flower
design, Natural wood
handle. Auftut durance
price, 5tc,
Tea Strainers
Kach, 40c
S.lvcr-plate I tea trin
er wlih ebony handle,
?U priced at 4V,
S00 Pairs Women9 a
One-Strap House Slippers
i) $1 67
Pair v i
Mark ic Vld al!pr with hand turned
!; ruhher hrU atuchrd,
lade of aott leather and uuh hand turned
aulas, thry are without doubt the n.ot mfort.
atl ahoe tn fan buy (r home wear,
N ra Mail O.J... ha C O D (VW
aHs a ivum s
f: . . r et y lpriiL
... i. ' ..'j "
I Ik. I, a. - .ft fttl.O. u r. ,tl ! t