The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 20, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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THE SUNDAY BEK: OMAHA, Ait.uar so. iks.
!r f i
iprlmng's Grave
"'r'rtliMwtlon Delegates
j I'j irm(5 ivrorauon rrom
Agrcatral Home.
dJ3EY tr (Py A. P.)
''j'!Vvy 'rom rumor
ikrave, ancettitl home of
irtiington, will be taken to
State by ilif .Stilgrave
Lit,l:n.H'Ktion when it sail
nvi'i September 2, end placed
grav of Washington Irvine
Jrhrfation will he preient at
'ivli'ui in WohiliKl'Mi f.f ihe
ff Kdiiiund llurlir, prr.riitcd
I'nilH State by trie Kritish
h nl th trittuilinii.
td"iW"fl Willi the ptrtrrva-
Fa) n fdl the lir iiunr home,
Ejjr lilt .I'M 4 .Vjurthchlle recently
King Alfonso Leads Mirth
and Gayety at Deauville
Ruler of Spain Is Chief Social Figure at French
Resort Where Merrymakers of Noble Birth
Gather Paris Delves Into Mediaeval
Days for Styles.
Pb t piir u' pUn to make SiiIku.
for Ai'i
the Lo
bit let
iiUn to make Sulnuve
ft'l what Mount Vernon it
inerH Si uf t filt?riiiiAKe
ir 4)1 idin aoipt) ilif Kff;it George
Wirnfiiti fens) (J'i I lie (rii ixUlui'
hrien rnef HrttsMu and the Unit"!
Stalls, 'it'll li. brought about
i thrriJh lint Wi - on liberty for
iPapcts, ("l'ly Amerlcn.
A'fcinl inusllv ii dull month for
ot11;,,.tiiliir but this month
ecr tl'C'i h-it "( an furrption,
ame ukTux ol American vis-
lyrs.hii wirtr& Hh ropy.
I I PrfiiniO'trl' syttotss; (Jii- viitor are
I iSI KM '-f'W Jjruii WooMer uni
lrrijy ftlliM.,l Jviited France
.early in ty'"(t te attracted at
jtntis)n iy !yto.ii)i the unimtal
!cour oi fittng aViplJriKlaiid. They
reams) inCrkHI ty f ''plane, loud in
Art- AmeTieii' wnman receiving
murM aif n'i't hr-ls, press
BtirrJ h';ljiif Kn Rritinh read
... ,m f 1 frtrnluiinnarv view
on t4rriat, Mpt rf the illuttratrd
papef hffrritl lirr portrait in
I Ote ii4y tia, tryiBnIf a column
Ifrorni Henry Ford.'divmK an impre
iion (rif Mi life "d work.
Li J VbftiHi. Athlete Train.
Trw ,ctifiiptitor in the
traelc infl field meet tour-
i nament in J'ar'uf, i hav I been taking
great paini o lit lhe.melve for the
cpntf-itnit fiV of the." fact that the
trong team tj American women ath
letenwill make 'the lUngular gamea
nior ItrCPHPUi tlljn me previoui
, meeting io wnicii onyrencn worn
en eomiudA i t i ,
s , Thirteen Britfsh Vnnien' were e
Iecte4 lait week from 7J entrant!, and
eapeet ta make good ahowing. All
'the girli are abf tabling from eating
j pantry and imoking while In train
lie g. f 4
J 5 K'wi Lauda Northcliffe.
n Although 'h ting, and neveral
'memcra of the royal family aent
meigef of regret and tribute on
the ah of ;Urd JS'orthcliffe, the
' rt f RMitkig. viceroy ,of India, the
jnfadl of the principal coloniea and
iirlaiii other ' prominent pcrsonagci
maintained iitence;
U After the1 aharp thinga Tremier
lj1oyj. Geor(" jid about Lord
'Nortlfclfffe iir hii ipeechf it probably
'would- have been difficult for him
' to frifW a flfiry. Northcliffe wa
feredited with being the power that
ibrought down be Asf;uith cabinet in
trje war, altjujugh Mr. Asquith never
impressed Ilia resentment against
Ifjorthcliffe punliclv. The carl of
ftnlfour, Andrew Bonar Law, Lord
;f!trkenJiditAjiten Chamberlain and
nVintonliicer Churchill alio re
ftjiined from sending messages.
'Doctf jffttle Argument
'Can Man Love Two Women?
v (London, Aug. 18. Can a man be
love' iithl two women at the aame
nine? 3
!" This was the intriguing ouestion
r'sed by Dr. David Forsyth, well
kfiown lecturer and writer of books
;on psvrho-analysis, (liirinm the course
i of a lecture at the London Institute
A Hygien.
L( He admitted that in his opinion it
tas impossible.
JH"A man." he insisted, "has only a
ii limited fund of love on which he
ctn draw, Any affection that he
i gives to No. 2 means that something
ji withdrawn from No. 1."
5s ' To make this matter still clearer
the lecturer added:
"A man can be 'head over heel' in
love with only one woman at a time.
"He can be half in love with two
; "He can be one-sixth in love with
six women and one-twelfth in love
with 11 women,"
Paris, Aug. I9.-(By A. P.)-King
Ailonso ri pafn Ii leading the social
world at Deauville, tht world-famous
rrenih seaside resort, where
frrny ol jumbling enlivened by
constant thrill, ii running its mad
nei pare. Wherever the king goes.
stores ol merrymakera of noble birth
gather. The shah of Persia, the
rroMn princes f the iialkans, Prince
Christopher ol Greece, the nulla
rajah of KapurthaU, riueent of
movie-land" and rapiaina of indus
try. clinter about him.
The king is the special favorite of
ail V4netir (if women, who hope
might ki.s their (mid nr dance with
Ihem. He is everywhere, and al
ays where he i leant expertid
Wlieii lie shoiili he al his pretty
(lutein, ip a(ipe4r at the cafe
When mie looks (or him at the rae
Ing stables, he is tuobably at church,
imh Minn.iy, tne poor auhot was
briide himstlt, becaue the mats was
finished wIkii King Alfonso entered
Oil ti ring the king Hie abbot started
it Mil over aiiain, J he monarch.
always, drives hi own big .Spanish
car and at a speed that threatens to
drive I)eauville's chief of police into
Citroen Makca Winning.
Andrew Citroen, the Henry Ford
ol francr, is reported to have won
j.wiryxKi- trams recently in Ueau
ville, sittiiiK with Senor Anibal lie
Mea, Cuban planter, He is credited
with running 10,W)0 franca into
nWfm, Americans and Untish make
up the great majority of the visitors
Americans, including Haronesa
Robert ) fcrlanger, formerly Mrs.
I'eter Cooper Hewitt, and a former
American ambassador, try their luck
at the table, One American de-
scribed the life of Deauville recently
"All you need is a fur coat and
100,000 francs."
There are a few of the palpable
nouveaux rich and many country viS'
itors who find that a lunch costs
more than they expectsd to aptnd on
the whole trip.
Hats Arc Armorial.
Fashion moulders, flushed with
their success in resurrecting the J
njiri ii our K nuiliuincr, nave
plunged further into history in search
of inspiration. Several of the big
gest dres smakeri are showing dresses
and hats patterned alter the designs
of the middle ages.
These medieval dresses have been
restored in great detail. They jre one-
piece dresses with thre-q'.iartsr
length coats, fitted to the waist. Fur
cuffs extend at the elbow and there
is a narrow band of fur arounl the
neck. All hav high collars, reach
ing from ear to ear.
These dresses have long, full skirts
and are fitted with bodices. Some
"Thsi Dsvo. Paint Stoe."
rints, Varnishes, Dry Colors
and Olta
Ws D.lir
1322 Farn.m AT 4333
(Opposite W. 0. W. Bldg)
Aged French Woman Jailer! '
on Picking Pockets Charge
Paris, Aug. 18. Seventy-seven
years old. Louise Drouin was ar
rsetcd on a charge of pocket picking.
Police say she was caught stealing
a purse containg about $1.50.
Interrogation disclosed that Mme.
Drouin, known in her neighborhood
as a respectable aged widow, owns
several Paris businss buildings.
Coupons of bonds worth at least $20,-
000 were found in her possession.
The walls of her room were found
covered with empty pocketbooka. It
is believed she- stole for the sport of
it, and that these were trophies of
tier chase.
French Producers- Ban
Hubnian Child Dancers
Paris, Aug. 18. "Too much Rus
sian stuff" would be the curt Ameri
can translation of what Parisian the
atrical managers told Isadora Dun
can when she suggested bringing 20
Kussian child dancers with her to
Paris, according to Aux Ecoutes. The
Paris public has had Russian plays,
concerts and ballets until they are
tired of them, the managers are said
to have complained.
Change Are
Set Pag S A
The Latest Music
Roll Hits
Only 49c
Synchronized Rolls
Our special price of 49e per
player roll has beep made poa
sible through factory concessions
to us. We are giving you the
saving. Come in and hear these
hits. There are sure to be sev
eral you will want.
Remember the Price
Smilin' Thru B.ll.d
Colorado and You.. Walla
Sho's st Moan Job.,,,. Fox Trot
I Want My Mammy, , . ,Fo Trot
Just a Littlo Lovo Song. Fox Trot
P.IIT O N..I Walls
Ka-lu-a , Foa Trot
Cot Hot ,..Fo Trot
Schmoller & Mueller
collar have pleated ruffle of wide
tare. Helmets of medieval d-.ign
art worn with these costume. They
rover the head and extend down the
back. The helmet are of velvet,
while the half moon cobar are of
Silver cloth i used to give the t at
a more armorial appearance. The
helmet elfeits heightened by the
embroidery design and the many
Steel trimming.
American Women Cartooned.
The American team of wnnre.i ath
letes competing tomorrow in tin frst
international track meet tor women
at Pershing stadium, have attracted
mote attention from the public and
the pres than either lliii Pritish or
Swins or Czecho-Slnvakiari teams.
Cartoonist have de.iirled the
Americans in training, while sterl
ing editors have given lolumn to
their preparatory effort. The girl
have been working faithfully, realiz
ing that they face an uphill task.
The I renrh have featured the 'riith
of the American team, f r it i li e
youngest in the field. TIk member
are often photographed in their track
suit. Their bloomer r very ilif
ferent from the European kind. The
women over here uually perform in
flapping pnt, imilar to those I'sed
by the American male runner.
Belgium Against
More Time for
German Payment
Stand Meant Refusal of Mora
torium bj Reparalioni
Commission To Grant
Short Respite
Hr Tka ArlU4 rreos I
Perlui, Aug. 19. Tha Width gov
eminent has communicated to the
(erman embassy in London joint
allied note embracing the agreement
reached by the allied esprit with re
eaid t') the clearing hoiur payment
of iiermany on pre-war debts owed
by German national to aiiie I na
tionals, as indicated by Sir Kobert S,
H or ne, (he Crtlish chancellor of the
exchequer, during the recent confer
ence in Iittdoti,
The announcement cif Sir Robert
was to the effect that the expert had
agreed unanimously that Germany
mint make it next payment of
412.0(70,000 which fill due Aug'Mt IS,
within a month.
It j setuj officially announced that
no further rash payment in connec
tion with pre-war debt will be de
manded from the German govern
ment until the middle of September.
Rrinsels, Aug. )9.(By A. P.)
The Itelxlan delegate on the rrpara
lion rominission. under instruction
from hi government, will vote
against granting a moratorium to
lermany, which accordingly will
be refused by the commission.
The eommtrtion then will give
Germany some day of reipit for
About 600,(XOOt0 pounds of wool the payment of the 50,000 gold rmjrk
are scoured in thi country each year. 'due August 15 on debt of allied
lionaU, During tin tun tha com.
mission will discus tht faolitiet for
payment that are lo l accorded
Dlgat to Berlin.
Pari, Aug. 19. Th reparalioni
foriimusiort will tend drlenir to
Berlin to eonlt-r with Chancellor
VVirth on the reparation problem,
The delegation will consist of Sir
John Bradbury, British niemher of
the reparation romiuittinn; Lugcne
Xlsucler. president of the allied cxinu
mission on guarantee, and two ex
perts. Th piny will leave Satur
day night.
On of the chief purposes behind
the derision of the rommirsMn to
have representative confer direct
with the German aulhorilie i to de
termine whether Germany ran
mobilize uflirient securities to flost
a loan of l.'.OooOOU pounds with
which to meet the remaining i.h
payment due thi year. The rom
mission believes that if adequate col
lateral can b found certain interna
tional' banker would arrangs the
loan, it i said,
Russia Again Pulling
Fighting Hiipa to Sea
London, Aug 12. The Kussian
navy is being reorginised, and al
ready a few of ite ship are at sea.
Two submarines are on twtrol be
tween Sebastopol and Odeisa. but
seamen in famine relief ships opine
dial while these craft are all ntcht
on the surface it is doubful what
may happen if they submerge. But
while the submenu personnel of
the old imperial nvy was never
large, it i attppored that it may have
been supplemented by rating from
I he aoviet have planned maneu
vers on a large scale, and fishermen
in the Gulf of Finland have been
warned to teer clear of the fed
Bee Want Ad Produce Results.
Troops Ordered to
Nova Scotia Mines
Infantry, Cavalry and Ar
t tilery Called to Keep Or
der In Coal Strike.
Toronto, Ont Aug. I1). Infantry,
cavalry and artillery, with th appro
priate supply train, have been or
dered to the Nova Scotia mine fields,
where a strike ha been called.' The
pniiiipal mine art in or near Cape
Breton and the troops will be sta
tioned there. The Koyal Canadian.
Ih 22nd infantry regiment and Ihr
Hoyal Canadian dragoons, with a few
batterir of artillery, have been enl
ln Livingtton, , newly elected
president of the miner' union, ha
moved hi headquarters to ths strik
ion. Tremier Murray of Nova Sco
tia conferred with rrpreseniative of
both sides in an effort to reach set
tlement. Further conference are
The conciliation board dealing with
the rut in pay, asked by the road in
Iraliug with their shopmen, is taking
testimony and probably will consider
its sward next week,
V. S. Itox Car List
I Puztle to Russians
Rig. Aug. IH How the bolshevik
government finally came to have con
Mence in the American Relief ad
mmulration is explained by one of
the members of the Moscow t(f of
lie A. K. A. who has just arrived in
lhia man declarr that when the
A, K. R, first entered Russia they re.
reived a large number of telegrams
After the first food shipment had
been sent to Mosrsow vis Riga th
A. R, A. headquarters in Pig sent
a long mcssag to the Moscow of.
fire, containg the number of Ih b"
This telegram did not arrive. Aboul
two month Uitr the telegram ws
delivered to ti e A. K, A. oftinats by
a bilih soviet oAicul, who d'iiundr
to know the meaning of this cod
rneisage, Jt took t' s A. R, A.
eul hour to ronvime this man t' t
the Cipher expert cf the boNdrnVi
had been working two month
tempting to decode a lot of box in
flea mrKj -'Pone by anef
My Hands Will
Get You Well
II you aro sfek 4 4tutf4
with sr pniMit fhrlrl conrfo
IIm sy o vltlt U Dr, Hurhwii. tl
will eu ru !) ) hxlik.
Till mmIimM ckiroorullc mUIim
ha alutlf lliuna sictlullr
from aJI over Nrrli(, Intlutmm
Our Only Tools
lo Ih blrlxtl old-
tial, socmJ onst butmns ill ol lh
rtioiio Douf SS4T lor ppoinl'
oimiI. Ollico hour t A. M. to S
P. M. CompMo X Ky laboratory.
l-4y allendanl
Suit 414-424 Socurilio Bldg.
Cor. 1 6tlt and Faraarn St.
Foot Comfort Demonstrator
Hpeclally Trained in
Dr. Scholl's
Foot Comfort
Will Be at Thia Stoft
Monday and Tuesday.
August 21 and 22
If you havt foot trouble, thi
demonratlon will Intereat you.
Foot Comfort Service Fres.
Shoe Market
320 South 1 6th
1 1 II II II I I I I' II I I HI I i IIS S III ' S"S I III HI II I I I II I I I I II I I II I ..m . 1 1 , , , , , ,,,, , , , , ,
ti ia i p; r T.ik
UmI. SI. I ISD0 1.0. n. II
player piano
I wanned intnetwju
V tr-t
I )- i
rn fni 11
D i
600 '403
Visit our Store duHng our MID-STJMMER AUGUST SALE. This is the lime when those who are Kere--nn'd ready to huy-will '
save many, many dollars ain furniture of reliable quality home furnishings of noteworthy dignity and add greatly to the joy
of living. Thousands of dollars in reductions mean great savings to you.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 4
We List a Few Examples of the Hundreds of Individual
Items of Furniture to Be Found on Every Floor
Mahogany T?a Cart with loose glass tray $12.75
Chinese Pcd Hour Glass Chair $10.00
Oak Telephone Set, tahlc and stool $ 3.95
Windsor Arm Rocker or Chair in brown mahogany $13.75
Cedar Chests as low as $ 9.85
Urown Fiber Arm Rocker $ 4.75
Mahogany Spinet Desk $29.50
Mahogany Tea Tables $ 7.85
Oak Dining Chairs, wood or fabricoid seats, each $ 1.15
Two-inch continuous tubing Vernis Martin Reds $ 7.85
Louis XVI Bedroom
In American Walnut
Vanity Dresser, large size, like cut $65.00
Chifforobe to match $10.00
Bow-foot Bed to match $45.00
Dressing Table to match $39.50
Large size Dresser to match ......$48.00
o o
For those who desire, we will
hold goods purchased now for
future delivery.
An Attractive Three-Piece Living Room Suite
One of the Many Unusual August Sale Values. ,
Davenport, like cut, with loose spring cushion seat, pretty ver
dure tapestry upholstery $67.00
Rocker, like cut $33.00
Chair, like cut ! $32.00
A Modern Sheraton
Bedroom Suite
In sMM mahogany Included tn th srreat ORCHARD
Sc VVJI.HKLM .Auguit at a notably low price.
Lir.nlgned to meet th tantva of thoe appreciative of
a qui-t digntried type at furnitur. for a bedroom.
Hold mahogany throughout and full dint proof drw-
fr contru tlon. Ausiint Kle prken
iriT with 28x34-lnch mirror. Ilk. cut ..009.50 with 2tx30-inrh mirror f63,00
Thlfforobe with r.movable tray IIO.OO
lied, full size f lfl.OO
Iire.alns; Table, trlpla mirror .5.00
Vanity pressor, with one 18x44 mirror and
two ItixU $88.00
We gladly arrange convenient
monthly terms of payment il
, Rugs and Linoleums
Seconds and drop numbera secured from the leading mills in all sizes, these together with
our large regular stock enables us to offer rug values that any one contemplating pur
chasing cannot afford to miss. Inspection will prove that there are really worth while bar
gains in this August Sale. Here are a few examples.
Only a few left of thtse wonderful wearing Seamless 9x12 Axminster Rugs, slightly imper
fect. Regular value $G1.50. August Sale price $49.50
For Your Bedroom
0x12 heavy quality velvet rugs in blue, rose and gray, plain and two-tone patterns. Regular
value $62.50; bought by us as seconds. August Sale price $42.50
Chenille Bath Rugs
Slightly soiled; August Sale $fUX) value, size 30x60
$3.95 value, size 24x43 92.35 value, size 36x72 .
$1.10 quality burlap hack printed Linoleum in discontinued patterns, at
per square yard SfC
12 patterns PRO-UNO, heavy felt base, special at per square yard. .. .49
no a
Basement Department
A tremendoua cut in prlc of our rioor tUmi'laa of Kitchon ('ahlnl. Orasp this
wonderful opportunity this aniailni harsln. Now la th tint t .cur )ui
wnat you n t'teu wantrsi, thus upio-tiai
Kitrti.n iallnia hav ba insrkml to float out
durlni our AuiMt Mai.
5I eo 0s KKcha t'Mnt, ttilt nm-
I tinnm.d at $ 10.00
HIM 0k Klt.lieo l'iilrtt, ohlta nm-
I trtmnuJ S.WOO
3J M Whli i t4iul M lMiitt Kltt h.A
(at'lHt. prlsln tp $7(1.00
l?t0 lr an Osk Cabinet, hll.
(tism.l ltltsw. f,MI,Oft
Whli. I.'nsm.l M tHisl I at.ln.t $.i.tKI
Km mi oti. ku inMiiiMtim bim.m
NMuc4 fr B'ir Ayttn.i usie. W li.l a I. from
our sttst vmpi.ii tmh
III) Iml Ka. Auvtt ! f h Ml'JJ.rill
ma oi h !(, AMjust rial i'ii'
ll I'mI Hsi, l4.t lM
11 1 tinl Hsbc, Au H.U bit.
li t t otaklaaMuD t 'mI ati4 liu lisas
Aumi ii fttcs ftTO.50
TH.r. ar MlMai4 miIm. A Ira. Ml.
U wt. lim Hi. Iml pier, ar illml
al prirr luarv lltaa II.--r-SMlarlf
.haraed. TStra I. aa
I aaalllr. 1Sai' Ik. kind at aai. naa
a IK tlAMl UI HKI Si (.
Draperies and Curtains
Curtains, Curtain Materlala and Over-draperlea all marked to show a decided savlDj durlof this An
gust Sals. Many ar reduced to one-halt price and les.
Marqulaetta and Voile hemstitched Curtain, per pair SI. 00
Lace edged Marquisette Curtains, per pair $l!lJ5
Cluny lace edgpd Marquisette Curtain, per pair , , jftl.ftO
Ruffled Marquisette Curtains, per pair Sl!.0
Ruffled Voile Curtulns, per pair !2."00
Ruffled Dotted Marquisette Curtalna with tlo-hacks, per pair $li!h5
Over Draperies
Ws desire to call special attention to our 50-lnrh plain and figured Mwlraa purchaaed especially for
this sals and marked to sell at the unusually low price of, r yard s 75j
A saving of fit)',", and MORE can be realized on all 1'opllns, Klber Silk, Repp, Armur and Shakl mate
rials, sbown In the best colora lllue, Rose, Mulberry, lliown hh1 til ii. Many ere ninfiiM Auiust
Sale price., per yard 7oC. 85. $1.0U. 81. SS. SIMS, S2.U5. 83.05 nd 83.05
Phnrt length of Curtain and Over-drapery material that have accumulated during
th season's businesa must be cloned out. W have nmtked thee al very attractive
prlc. Her you will find oiateri il of all and In leugtlii from 1 to S yard.
Now la the tlnia to buy fine fabric for an odd window her or Itet at a savins of
50 or MORE,
t :it.?io
. 91 j jtt.f.H
The Gift Shop
China Sperisi
IVimaille H I r
lt, nd.Q plirnl
pattra. iw pine
s.t. foruter pru
11119, August Jl
e '.
.. . .
Al.n aa aianriin.nt
ol l pi..- iMnn.r
s.i t
Tab!) af Otft
aoo t.i kam
Trunk Department
! Ilttj IIIU lU nirui A(UU1- n filler 'U f
qutpt1 full ftliM lUrtnunn 'irtlrrtto Trunki itur I'
In Ih Annual fiaU ski W III lf
a w w 1 1 I I I t I M Ml I t I . .,Wf
W .julpp4 lUrtuisno Wardrub Truitka 9 10. till
fully qu!cp4 Nil tlid liartmaq Wardrobe Trui.ks.
fully julppd full ld Harlmsen Var.tMtba Triin.i.
950.(10 lo 900.00
P.lbtr ll tutpp-t full li( Trunk ,., JIJU.OO
tt.!br imppa4 alia Trunk 9StI.(MI i i'i'rt'd (t.amer Trunk 9'!H. IVO
H.ttwr )H iulpp4 Trunk 9,10.00
8o Our August IsJa on Ladies' Bags and Miq'i QUdstcnii
I.adin Cases, Fittd Caes and Unium-I t'se t ln.-ej 2) to 51 p.-r eent,
Oar tatirt iteck of Waits and Woik PuVrt reduced tJ 0n HUf 1'nct
U dvui out diuts our Au.ujI 8.:,
Tht Ait anj Muut $ter
IStJ.lS DniUStrl
t i
n-f I I S I I I I I I I I I I S S I I I