The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 20, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 15
Stephen 5 iHilKCS fni)ro enient in Oiling Svstem .Vw Control Automatically (in rrar Lubrication Yeri l-n Car hit llcr Ilcay Strain. A noif worthy impro rnirnl in niKinv iuiritalimi recently wa in tinunifil by the .Strphrn Motor I'ar rompany, niaiiufacturrrt of flic hipffifM Salirnt Si. Slrphrtu motor liiliriralimi method always ha trrn the prrtiuie type , powerful oil ttriif loialPil low jIowh in the imnk fr pump the ml uinli-r prfKourc, through tlic ren ter num linrmif into the hollow crankshaft to all main hearing and onnrrtinfc rod hearing. J hit tyt lem always has made the Strpht-m motor free from huriied out hearing aurt looe rod. 1 1 fnrcea nil right lo the hrariiiK surface ami the ml miimi it ol lui'h power as to elimi nate clogging of the oil line. In the new tt'iie ran now heina huilt. thrie have hint added marked improvement. In addition to the prumire system in connecting rod ; I'd main hearings, the drtigntr have added a full pressure syttrni to all tsrist pint, llirrrliy eliminating un necessary wrist pin wear. They have (hanged the oil control no that now when a Stephen car i put under heavy tram. tui'h an pulling in deep sand or mud or on a strep grade, an automatic valve in opened, mak ing availuhle an extra amount of oil needed lo take rate of the added Mr.nn on all working pari. According to V. .S. Johnson, man ager of the Mid City Motor and Sup ply company, distrihutors of the Stephen in this territory, these im provement! ire the greatest offered up to date, in motor ear luhriration, C!ia!mers Claims New ' Low-Price Record " I t'c announcement of the reduc tion in price of the Chalmers Six to SI.1H5 is one of the most important of the recent prire changes. a it eslahlinhes a new low mark for fine t.ix-cyhndcr can, such a the Chalm ers has alway! been," says VV. S. I'etcrson of the I'eterson-Millard-Ifayward company, "The policy of the organization now producing the Chalmers Six ha been to make the car an outstanding value, "Under price conditions that have prevailed for the last year, the value of the Chalmers has been very pro nounced. "But the new price puts it practic ally in a class by itself. It is the lowest price that has ever been placed on a ear at nil to be compared wjjh the Chalmers Six." Omaha Branch Is 4th in Tire Sales Race The Omaha branch of the Kclly Springfield Tire company has so in creased its sales during the past year that it now occupic fourth place amonsr the 30 Kelly-Springfield branches, whereas . it was in last place a year ago. This is shown by the latest bulletin on the $100,000 "Kelly Sweepstakes" sales race for branch managers. If. C (Rip) Swcarington, local manager, dashed into fourth place at the "sixth flag" and is determined ta maintain or better his position before the "12th flag" is reached. , Albany, San Francisco and Jack sonville entries are the only ones leading Driver Swcarington's "Ne braskan." Close behind at the "sixth flag" are El Paso, Baltimore, Chi cago. Hartford, Richmond, Columbus and New York, placed in the order in which they are named. Garage Owners and Automobile Dealers Attention! In your community there are iurely farm er who can use a farm type motor truck or in your town there it an opportunity to make a good truck pay out in stock, grain or mer chandise hauling. Trucks to Trade for lined Cars, aVo Cash Involved We have several new l1, and 2-ton models, standard make,, equip ped with pneumatic tires, starters, bodies and cabs that we will trade for used cars no cash required just equal value In cars. Our Price It Very loir An opportunity for you to move your used cart in a profitable manner. noxw.m HIE OMAHA DEE Good Will Girls Travel First Class in France; So Much to Eat, Fat Ones Wail, Thin Ones Rejoice aaweeaiia 1'aris, Aug. 2. (By Mail.) So tbi1 is France! Omaha'i Good Vill delegation boarded a train at Le Havre and sped toward I'aris through a land of little farms, green fields and two wheel carts drawn by tandem t'-ams, and stepped down at the railroad station here to re-echo the cries of 2,000,000 Yankee soldiers. "So this is Paris." No war, no booming of cannon, no crashing of falling buildings, nothing at all, in fact, to remind them of heroic conflict except for here and there a maimed veteran and frequently little evidences of the struggle the French are having to rehabilitate their country. City of Clever Shops. They found Pari! distinctly a city of clever little shops, then discovered that !hopping tour! with no com mand of French are difficult. That was solved, however, by hailing the drivers of odd little taxicabs that chug-chug around. The cars start at 7 cents and the rest of the way is correspondingly cheap. 1 In a few hours, however, the Omaha delegates had mastered the simplicity ' of the Parisian Metro the subway system and could find i t - i n. rrzzr- greater Volume; Lower Prices So rapidly has the volume of Nash sales risen throughout the country that our business this year has broken all previous records, Xhe production economies of increased business have enabled us not only to im prove upon the known qualityof theNash but also toreduce the price of every model in the line. Now is buying time. Bring your check book and drive your car away. Fturt i Sues y New Reduced Pr ices Range from $9 1 5 to $2 1 90 f. 6. b. factory NABH NASH-VR1ESEMA AUTO CO. UTAIL WHOLESALE ICKVICC Tenia an J Howard Street Eacluaive to a J Factory ReprvacnUtivt s FK AT Untie 2tlf (emitted from lha leUpHone directory) Haet 14 Weil j U Maiaf Cat Valaa their way to and from any part of the city without the slightest danger of being lost. Entertainment Profuse. Trips to the war zone, particular ly around Soissons, Compiegne, Ceu cy le Chateau, Chateau Thierry and other historic points of the Aisne and Marne battlefields are early on the Good will calendar, however, with the charms of I'aris calling the Omaha young women are not impa tient. "Everything ha! been done to make our trip pleasant," said Miss Kathleen lositer of. the Omaha group of the dclegatidh of 89, "and the sea coming across was so pleas ant only two of the Omaha girls were seasick. Entertainment (was profuse, and, even if Mine. Julie Des pres, instructor in a Cleveland girls school, party chaperon, did have French ideas as to keeping unmar ried girls in the background, every body had a wonderful time." A feature of the entertainment was an Apache dance by Mile. Mis tinguett, French actress, who, de spite her 52 years, caused New York to grow envious of her $100, OPO legs. Conversation with French atten dants on the La France, which car In as Hi TUi: SUNDAY HKE: OMAHA. AIT.UST 20, 192; itJtl 1 fc "i'lO i ried the delegation across the At lantic, afforded the delegate! amuse- nient. Many of them underftood i:ng!ikh "a Icetle," and ipoke it "a lectio," but few, if any, had ever been to Omaha "Omaha, ahhhhhh!" exclaimed the Omaha girls' stewardess when she learned from whence they came. "You leef on ze ranch." The delegate Explained her re mark! by declaring the '80s fame of Mayor Jim Dahlman had spread overseas. A steward who repaired an elec tric curling iron for one of the Omaha delegates scored a hit when he returned it with a remark that he had placed "ze apparatus for ae frizzing" in her stateroom. Celebration of Own. Omaho delegates had a celcbra tioo of their own July 28, when they observed the birthday anniversary of Miss Nellie B. Donn of their party. A special table was set for the Oma ha girls and was graced with birth day cake with candles. After having been placed at different tables to make them acquainted with other delegates, the girls found the feast almost a "homecoming." tvarybody had plenty to eat on ti No. 1. Just before the Omaha K roup of the Good Will delegation landed, showing evidence supporting the statement of Mis! Kathleen Hot- iter that they had to. much to eat "the atout girl are wailing and the thin one rejoicing. From left to right: Miitet Mary M. Leary. Kot aiier, Irene Kice, Nellie B. Donn, for whom a party was given; Kbzabeth Kaufman. Kathrine O'Brien, Ella Fenn, Anne Morgan, Anna McNam ara and Elizabeth Pace. No. 2. Here's Laurence Hebe!, Vt. Detroit, the youngest "Good Wilier." His mother, a French girl, married an American soldier and was elected by the American Legion at Detroit to membership in the Good Will delegation, Laurence will see his maternal grandparents for the first time. No. 3. Everybody rode first-class when the Good Will delegation, in cluding a group of Omaha girls, boarded a train at the Havre and sped away to Paris. These coaches appear to be similar to American passenger cars, but inside they are much different. The delegates are standing in a corridor that runs the length of the car along its right side. To the left of the young wom en are little coops, or compartments, nicely furnished and easy riding. the ocean voyage, so much that Miss Rossiter, in writing; included a para graph that "Our staterooms are very comfortable and we are given every service. We are fed often and much These acknowledged facts, vividly confirm 'type 61 Leadership rWi'nf Cor OMAHA CAD Ill liout ( ill ate waihl'f 1'lJ !lf .hmonr.rr Imboitv lr!l in tme wiih fiitte LwrtHft h.i.,1. : t,i Dr.M.,1, hote mother, a rrrtuh r hnilr, wal rlrtlril tlrlriute by the i American l.rgiun I'l Drtroil, I ur. jeiut is ifiMhg to nee hi maternal ! grandparent fur the first time, the nelesatet were made to feel at i Saint Claire car in tecent ptnoini home from the moment they de- .,.;- .M vif. 0 trended at I.e lUvie. The mayor and s)us-prcfrt were there to greet them, and a great crowd of Fiencli cheered us the viitors hurried lo their train. After a tour of the battlefield the delegate will go to Normandy and llrittany, the chateaux rotiiltry. McCook Owner Elated Over Newest Cadillac When H. P, Sutton of McCook. I Neb., purchased In new type fcl Cadillac sedan lie enprrued hi de sire to drive it home from Detroit. The tar was delivered to Mr. Sutton ljt week, equipped with a special trunk, bumper, and other extra, and lltiholstered in brown .Spanixh leather. Speaking of In trip to Mr, MuU dooti ol the ), II. I latum Cadilllac company, at he stopped in Omaha Ihurnday on his way to McCook, Mr, Sutton said: " The new type 61 Cadillac is the finest car I have ever had the plcature of driving. I he thousand unlet I have driven sinre I If ft Detroit have made me realire more than ever what a wonderful car the Cadillac i. Didn't make a single top exrept for gasoline and nil, a far as the car was concerned, and the ease of operation and smooth riding ?iialitie are a revelation to me, and have owned several previous type Cadillacs." Demand for Closed Autos on Increase Sales figures just completed by the Buiek Motor company of Flint, Mich., indicate that the demand for the closed type of automobiles during 1922 will break all previous records. Jn 1919, statistics show, the de mand for closed cars was but 10 per cent of the total produced. In 1920 there was an increase of slightly more than 7 per cent in this business and in 1921 they jumped to 22 per cent of the total. Thus far this year the percentage promise! to run between 30 and 35 per cent. Respite the year-around warm weather in the south, a healthy de mand is being experienced there for the closed type of automobiles. The difference between a boot legger and a spellbinder is that no one tries to heckle the former. I MUSTER a few of the facts that stamp Type 61 as a fine car, then see if you do not agree with its owners that the new Cadillac is an outstanding motor car value. In the first place, you know that Cadillac has had the advantage of twenty years experience in building exclusively one quality car. You know that but of its unique experience Cadillac has evolved a standard of craftsmanship and pre cision manufacture that could scarcely be arrived at in- any other way.v You are aware that the Type 61 Cadillac, built in accordance with these precision methods, is declared by European and American en gineers to surpass all previous Cadillac records for dependability. . Indeed, many critics go even fur ther in their admiration of the viso StOO I'Ktoria , , , , $Z7t aar-. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPAN V, DETROIT, MICHIGAN ! f Ct.M.I af.i.t C..i J. H. Hansen LINCOLN llf'H C I M (Wills oainte Uairc i r ft fill I roves thoroughbred' I , : .. ... . up hiath nd trmherout I'"" ' n',,, '" unusual furmol ! i'emonnration cieditrd t Will Mo.t motor car stunts have long since lott their seuibUme of novelty, although the regulation tna's on iraik, liighway and lull can sidl bs urd ellei lively to prove speed, power iiitd stamina and the Will Sanue Claire claims it full share of spec tiruUr performance of the ionvn Initial kind. But It remained for Jauir C. ( attell, jr., who handling the diay l.oo.e in Santa If, to add an ritia tomb. One of the convenient feature of the Will Sainte ( lane i an eii light in the rear t be u'd when batking at night. When the hiihtt are on tins estra Ik'1 burn when ever the car it throw n lulu reverie. Mr, t at-ell wa conveying a party of friend from AUniqurrtiiie to Santa !, a dmlarire he covered, incident ally, in two hours and ten minuter 'I here i a lull on the route railed I.a lUjaia. It it about 1,000 feet Quality Is Economy Among the of the Wilts Salata Claire are hundred of men ao4 women who can afford any kLrvd of a motor car. Thy drive th Will Saint Claire becaue,ln all their motoring ea ptrlence, they have found it to be the beet WESTERN MOTOR CAR CI On lUrwy at MHfe AT lull BJ I WILIS SAINTE OAIRE OCM.W.C new Cadillac, and agree almost unanimously that Type 61, in beauty, comfort, power and all round perform-ability, is th Standard of the World. The public, itself, in conclusive confirmation of this verdict; regis ters its approval of the new Cadillac by buying more Type 61 Cadillac cars than all other cars combined selling at the Cadillac price or higher. . These things are not alone our testimony they are the acknowl edged facts, and as such are of peculiar importance to buyers of nigh grade automobiles. We believe that almost every individual, after careful consider ation, will understand the justice of the majority decision; that Type 61 Cadillac is both the Stand ard of the World and the world's greatest motor car value. T f , Cr W Seiaa 4CV laWsui .. i,hm Cadillac Co. SIOUX LAC 5-n I H, l, lite being made th.n II .Ul( l (tbout tt 4 I' t iiiiUt I lie hill it dngrrout at (UHiiit and lull i.f tlurp iitrnt rt' it in hfnt iiud at ivkIiI. Mr, Cf'l 'ilrttdrd 'io the UMluhif.t ( lh. ttA, i,,. Ltn. i h, i,w i,.,,, . il,lt hill. And ht did uhtHit mix hp or hiti h Rolls-Royce May Be Sold in Omaha Noting in haughty wty nuiettirtl. ly through crowded street a beauti ful, rrram ("hired Rolls-Royce, C the genus automobile, tare and royal, allia. ei t lie (iino.iiy of pe'teitnant lid envy of other automobile own er. It wa the terond car of that calf ht-r to ute Onuha streets. Harry Wilkin, being th firtt owner in thil city o a Koli Koyie. I he rrram eolorrd car wt brought let by K. II, Jaikton ol Chirigo, who in company with hi Wile is motoring through the wetl in the in tnrUt ol the Koll-Kyre company, finuli it one of the niiet in which Mr. Jarkton may rtuhhth a dis tributing (.'Her for lbs de luae rar, he ilatrd. , 4&W CITY SUnJ, i