The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 19, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Society (
WtdJmg Announctnttnl.
Tht wedding o( Mia Hclrn J, Mc
Donald, daughter e( Mr. and Mr
John McDonald of Omaha, ami Mr
Hrod J'tmaburg, mn of Mr. and
Mr G S- Ktmthurj c( Snief
worth, N II , will i4kt pU- Umit
lay evening, Auti .'4, at lit North
j'retbvteritn church at S o clock.
Kev. XI. V, Hitbi ( fcoone, It, ill
ficrlnrm tht reremonr.
Mia 1 .01 MiDvmM, tistr of tht
rride, will b the maid ol honor, and
l"tle Mit n Kidtety, !nwr ir.
Mr. George liner will b beit man,
nil tht lollowmc Iratcrnity brothert
( the grvm ushert: Mrtart, Clyde
Urnnrt. rimer oreeiinit, ney
i:oldt and Leonard biroinbcrf.
Mrt. Harry Nelton will ptcsidt al
the organ and Kiclurd Kcynohl will
ing "At Downing' helort the cert
inony. Twenty-four little cirl will tretch
the ril'bont lor the bridal ptrty. A
reception at the .church will follow
the ceremony, alter which the bride
and groom will leave lor a honry
moon trip by automobile through the
While mountain ol New Hampshire.
A gmral invitation hat hren ex
tended to the member ol the North
1'rrthytrrian church to attrnd the
wedding. The young couple will ,be
at home fier Oitobcr 1 in Ne w York
City. Thrv are both aradualM ol
the dm ol l-i ol the I'nivertity ol
Dinah. , '
For Viaitor.
Mr. Richard Murphy and daugh
ter. . Jean Ellen, entertained 14
Ktirtt at aimming party, fol
lowed by chicken picnic aupper, at
Carter Lkt club Tueaday in honor
ol Mrt. M. II. Scott and daughter
of Ohio, who are the aummer gueit
of Mr. Scott' paarenta, Mr. and
Mrt. 11. C. Droit. -
' Mr. Tame Englith gave a picnic
tupprr Wednesday evening for Mr.
Scott and the Mitte Scott.
For Mr. Spaulding.
Mr. Chart Rhamey entertained
at luncheon Friday at her home in
honor of Mr. Benjamin Spaulding of
Chicago, who ia the gurst of Mr. C
A. Itakton. C'idiola and alter
decorated the table, and cover were
placed for Mrsdame Spaulding,
Isakson, Collin Forbe. J. M. Lowe,
Harry Hinder. Ensley Weir. James
Tros, C. E. Corey, l.otiis Sineiana,
Bert Reave, A. B. Tebbens, W, A.
Smith and Rhamey.
Mia Joy a Viaitor.
- Mis Margaret Joy of Marshall,
' Mich., arrived Friday to be the aueit
of Mr. and Mr. V. R. Wood for
two week. Mis Joy, who i a niece
of Mr. Wood, ha visited in Omaha
before and will be remembered a a
moat popular visitor. Mr. and Mrs.
Wood will entertain in her honor at
dinner Saturday evening at the Field
club. ' . ;
Word From Mia Met.
Miss Harriett Metz, who is spend
ing the summer in fcurope in a party
with Mis Mary Munchoff, Mrs. C.
C. Allison and Mrs: A. V. Kinsler,
writes from Taveyne. France, that
they are "taking a six -day motor trip
through southern France and find the
country ia the mpst gorgeous one
could ever dream of."
Country Clubs
, ' Field Club.
Reservation for the Saturday
dinner-dance at the Field club have
been made by Guy Williams for 20
and R. H. Beauchant for four.
Mis Rose Schalek will give a
bridge luncheon Saturday at the
Field club for 29 guests.
Dr. Impey entertained three guests
and Miss Theodore Pillotson, four,
at the regular Friday matinee dance
for children. -
Happy Hollow Club.
W, R. McPharland will give a din
ner for eight guests Saturday even
ing at Happy Hollow club, and B.
H. Dunham has made reservations
for eight for Saturday evening.
Special SU of tha Famous
Gas Range
$5.00 Down
Easy Monthly Payments '
A l'imit4 ubr a i!hi
traW.1. thi h4 lliful Cabins
Cat k'r t only ana of tr
U ffrnt t!a t frru
Hut.ful aUwKa pvrcalaw
Kaf with f 'at d-'wra
a 4 g)i!ain aluminum
a'.iuy unlff.
Mid -Western
Appliance Co,
AT ) 41) . tail. St.
Oyta tile Oaaks
Mr. and Mr. A. N. Fatoa are trie,
ituig in Prnvrr thi week.
Mr. and Mr. Chart E. Met will
return neat week Iron their ruthft
Cody, Neb.
Miu Gr. haltenberger arrivrd
Tuei Uy alter viatt with her tiuiin,
Mr. W. C AuMe. ol Chicago.
Mr. arid Mr. Wayne Selby Irlt
AuguM II (or lakt Ma-luon. Wn,
and later ill go to Lake Okoboji,
Mi Virginia Koye of xtenonio
nie, Wil, will arrive Saturday to If
the gunt o Mis Elizabeth Urt for
two week.
Mr. and Mr. C W. Hinrie and
daughter, Mr. J. F, Harmon, have
gone on a trip to tht lake ol north
ern Witeontm.
Mr. II Jqph Cohnof Chicago
arrived ' Tuetday to ipend two
month with her parent, Mr. and
Mr. Mont Meyer.
Mr. and Mrt. William Gardiner,
who left Omaha the tint part r(
June lor point In southern Cali
fornia, have returned home.
Mr. R. I'erleman and daughter,
Ruth, left Thursday for New York
City, where they will vii relative
and friend' for two month.
Dr. Ray Byrne leave early in Sep
tember lor Vienna. Aiutria, where
he will ttudy for a year or 18 months
ecialiiing on diseam of the akin.
Mr. and Mr. J. I. Doddi and ton,
Robert, who have been (pending the
past two month on Lake Belle Tain
Alexit, Minn., will arrive home Sun
day. Mr. Finny Manning, - assistant
superintendent of the Home of
Friendship, ha gone to Buffalo, N.
V'., for a visit with her son. She
will remain east for several week.
A daughter wa born to Mr. and
Mr. Arthur Scribner August IS at
the Methnilitt hospital. Mrs. Scrib
ner was formerly Miss Helen Ruff
of St. 1'aul, Minn.
J. B. McKitrick and family, ac
cctnpanied by Mr. McKitrirk's aunt,
Mr. George Keller, of St.. Louis,
Mo., are motoring home from the
Minnesota lakes, where they (pent
five weeks.
Mis( Stella Robinson motored
home Thursday from Columbus,
nrrnmnnnimA K.. fr Ctll
- ( .... 'J ... I . LM. MM
Chambers, who will be her guest' for
me week enn, ani .Mrs. Lloyd Jwain,
who will visit her (ister, Mrs. J. J.
Mrs. Gordon Leonard of Laurel,
Neb., spent Thursday in Omaha with
the Will T. Graham family, en route
to Illinois, where she will visit rela
tive. Mis Helen Graham enter
tained at dinner Thursday evening
at Happy Hollow club complimen
tary to Mrs. Leonard. j
Facts About Women'.
Miu Elizabeth Kyle, who won the
Brook "scholarship at the Irish bar
in Belfast, is the firf wnman W.
ristec in the British Isle.
The women of Wichita, Kan., buy
on an average from eight to 10 hats
a year, as revealed by a canvass of
the millinery shgps of the city.
' Only one day of the year are wo
men permitted to enter the Chapel
of St. John the Baptist, which is the
filoy of the Cathedral of San Lo
renza, in Genoa. The prohibition
goes back to the day of Pope In
nocent VIII. who imposed it ih rec
ollection of the daughter of Herodias.
Barley Drop Cookie.
One cup barley flour, two level
teaspoons baking powder, one-half
cup molasses, three tablespoons
melted fat, one egg (well beaten),
one-half cup raisins (chopped), one
teaspoon cinnamon. - Sift Hour and
baking powder. Add rest of in
gredients in order given. Beat well;
drop from teaspoon two inches apart
on greased tin. Bake in moderate
oven 12 minutes.
What Are
August 22
See Sunday's
(Sr i i i I mm.'
1 V tWffy I
1V -iLlr1 I
Not Neglect,
But Real
(iTnllK nun I eapect to marry
I some day i making me very
unhappy," write C. J. W.
V'v brrn friend Ut two year.
It Hn't that he tame riKlit out nd
aked ni to b engaged. It's just
that h doem't go around with oth
r girl and act a if he loved me
and i aUay talking of our luture.
So I thmk I have a right to plan my
lift with him in it. But h neglect
m o that I can't b happy. He
work three night a week, lie got
to lodge one mght.
"One evening he spend wilha a
crowd of men friend. And he at
way gor home for Sunday with
hi mother in the country. And
that leave two evening (or me
Wednesday and Saturday. If I
have tomcthifig important on for
one of thoe evening, he trie to
be nice about it. But I know he
is hurt Only it never occur to
him to tuhttitute one of hi busy
evening for it. So tometimea I
see him only once a week. We've
talked thing over but to no avail.
He term to think hi lodge and
hi boy friends all important. But
nothing I want to do count.
"He lay that if I eared to see
him Wednesday and Saturday. I'd
keep the evening openand if I
don't be irn't to blame. A little
coldnrst is growing between us.
And yet I feel I can't live with
out him, I can't give In. But I
want to find a way to make him
treat me right."
Here another letter which toll
practically the tame story. Rosa
"I'm ecretly engaged to a man
of whom I think the world. But
I'm not happy because I don t think
he' treating me right. He ha time
for everything, but me. Me al
way has excue about reeing hi
partner on business or having to
?o out of town on bitumens or hav
ing to take customer to dinner.
And often these thinn come up
at the lat minute and I find my
self sitting at home . night after
niffht crying my eye out."
Now while I rymnathire most
earnestly with the girl who find
that having a man' love doesn't as
sure ynu of hi attention and devo
tion alt the time, I'm not sure that
either C. J. W. or Rosa or any of
the numerous other irl w'ho write
me to the same effect are doing
much to improve their situation.
As long as there are uch thin?
in the world as business and ambi
tion and the need of making a
living, men are going to be off
about their affairs on numerous oc
casions when their women folk
would like them to be dancing at
tendance. Love and marriage are the (erf
ou business of life. A man need
the equipment of money . and a
bright future before he takes unto
himself a wife. A man doesn't give
an all desire o tret thead in the
world the minute he finds the Rirl
he wants to get ahead for. And if
he did who would suffer more be
cause of hi "shiftlessness" than
hi" wife?
The woman whose love is big and
constructive must teach herself to
share a man's ambitions. She
must urge him on to achievement.
She mustn't put the moment ahead
of the great future of days and years.
She mustn't be so intent on her own
pood times and the companionship
she crave at a given moment that
rhe loses sight of the goal toward
which a man may be working all the
time he spends away from her.
- If a man is so absorbed in his own
viewnoint, however, that he doesn't
see his sweetheart as an individual
with longings and hopes and desires
of her own then he is selfish but,
perhans. nothing worse. - And even
a selfish man can be educated by
a girl who has tact and love and pa
tience and understanding.
Generally when a man devotes his
time to one woman, it is because he
thinks her The One Woman. And
if he doesn't come up to her standards
of devotion, but is honest and fearless
and hard working, she mustn't lav
more stress on sentimentality and
attention than on the big sentiment
which impels her man to work hard
to give her the kind of future, he
wants her to share.
Informal Luncheon.
Miss Elizabeth Hart will enter
tain at luncheon Saturday at the
Brandei restaurants in honor of her,
house guests, the Misses Katherine
Bradley and Virginia Noyes.
Needed at Dances
and the Sea Shore
(Aids to Beauty.)
Here is a home treatment for re
moving hair that i quick, painles
nd inexpensive: With some pow-j
dered delatont, nd water make i
enoiiKh paste to thickly cover the j
objectionable hairs, apply, and alter 2
or 3 minute rub off. wash the tkin
and it wilt be leit toft, clear and hair
iest. Th' treatment will not mar
the tkiu, but to avoid ditappointmrnt,
be careful to get real dclatone. Mix.
tresh at wanted. !
25orimpit,73 m.ekKa.
S raM la f'-r-t, Waata Hv
ht lurl N hsik. alii s
s -r -lk-, -
!. ' yt m , taJ a.
aia a,M - '. I - aa at
M iitokiafc, ant s.t Im
Kaa a. a l , at
!. it r n
a it M-tmi w t
siaa1 M 4 iia i a
H.a aii lrt,i...,ii a)
a saw a.. a i ,i K a
My Marriage Problems
Adel GarrUon'a
(Carrriaht lilt)
Tht Work Lillian Laid Out for Tom
Chatter to Do.
Allen Drake wai tht drt to peak
after Tom thcktrr't dramatic out
bur. I.
"II tht young man will kindly ex
plain whoe life he means, he
drawled provocatively, but Lillian in
tnpotcd wilily:
"Keep out, Allen!" Tht the turned
to young Mr. Chester with a rea-
Hiring air.
"I won't dmy that there I a cer
tain rik to all ol ui," the aid grave
ly, "but 1 am very ur it ran !
reduced to a minimum. And there it
no reaton why Mr. Graham" ht
caught my indignant eye, and cut
hort her entenc.
"There i every reason why Mr.
Graham should ahar any unplrat
antnei," I id icily. "l'leae re
nirmher, Lillian, that wherever yon
are in thi affair, I (hall h with
She flatbed me a glance of ap
proval and apology, although I well
knew that a far at hr plan ol cam
paign wa concerned, my drliant
wordt were worthlrt. I would be
stationed exactly where the chose.
Hut at Iratt 1 had declared my own
attitude, and again I felt my father
hand prctting my thoiildrr, and
knew that evrn through hit fear for
me he approved my ttand.
Lillian Look Ahead.
"But wa art watting time," Lil
lian declared. "Mr. Cheater, how
good an actor are you?"
"A. very poor one, ' the young man
antwered with lincrrity in hi tone.
"With "uch modety, you're ex
tremely likely to be a good one,"
Lillian retorted. "But, honcttly, now,
don't you think you could stage a
convincing road bandit holdup for
the benefit of Mr. Smith tomorrow
I could do anything to clip that
fellow'a claws," he replied earnestly.
"And that's exactly what I want
)ou to do. First of all I am going
to ask you to interview Mr. Briggs,
Smith' employer, early tomorrow
morning, and tee that our precious
friend' every movement i watched.
Then, when he (tart over here to
morrow night a In lurely will
ttage a holdup along the road, take
any money he hat to make it real
istic, but be lure to frisk him for
"If he' the man I tnink he Is
and that' a little thing I'm going
to find out, please Allah, when he
get here he' a walking araena!.
Vou won't get 'em all. for he prob
ably ha - some mighty ingeniou
weapons hidden in those rags of hi,
but you'll be able to get nearly every
thing he has. Then tie him loosely,
to he can surely wriggle free, and
deposit him in the grass by the side
of the road, then beat it down-here
of course, leaving one man near
him to watch his proceedings.
"I'll tell you now and then we
won't have to keep you any longer-
that Katie will be walking up and
down the road, so don't be urprised
when you see her," Lillian smiled.
"Probably Smith will be talking to
her, at least we sincerely hope he
will. From that point on it's all on
the lap of the gods, although Mr.
Drake will probably do a little cele
tial stage directing."
"Don't Underetlmate Smith."
"Juet o I have a chance to direct
Katie, the- beautiful young decoy
duck" Mr. Drake murmured, but
Lillian threw him a wrathful glance
because of his frivolity, and he sub
sided. To her, when she is absorbed in
an important problem, levity is an
unpardonable sin, but Allen Drake
is a law unto himself. So he re
turned her angry look with a lazy,
impudent grin which she ignored,
turning- her back upon him, and giv
ing 'her attention to Tom Chester.
The young man had risen at her in
timation that he would not be
needed longer, and was evidently
waiting for a more definite dismissal.
"Remember!" Lillian sounded a
ciutfumnmfN piKNGSfORovTco
a m at cm revt (Utc
TrtrNTrXmtwcvificrr u pltiicmd
?.PLEmURK TO vtou
Nw Tbaaa of
last warning note. ' r'
enmat Smith. ilr'
Madge, will you Ui ,
Hrr query wa pprrniy tht
moil innocent, matter-ol-lact thing
imaginable, but 1 caught the merest
flicker of her eyet it the turned
them toward Allrn Drake and
guessed that h hd deliberately
tent mt to the door becautt tht
thought by doing the honor lor
Tom Chrtier would annoy the
vanity of the brilliant hut conceited
government agent. Lillian admire
Allrn Drake, but hit vanity u an
abomination to her, and the never
lose an opportunity to wound it in
ny way the can.
I rote Irom my teat at my father'
tide, outwirdly composed, -but te
crelly annoyed at Lillian, and went
into the hull with Tom Chester, lie
retrieved hit hat nd roat from the
table and turned to me at I dipped
bark the latch on the door to ay
tensely, jerkily:
"Iok here! Of rourte none , of
my HiMineM but you niusn't get
near that man Smith. I'lrnty of u o
tee to him. I'lrane promise"
I interrupted him ruthlessly,
"I can promise nothing, Mr. Che,
ter," 1 laid a trifle coldly, "except to
do my pari, whatever that may be,"
He wa in the doorway now, low
ering above me, hi boyith face stir
red with emotion.
"Then just remember," he laid,
"that Smith won't have any chance
to get near you until he' put me out
of commission first."
And then he bolted through the
doorway In an agony of embarrass
ment, fairly damming the door after
E'PY - T I
A unnr
What Cuffy Met on the Road.
Cuffy Beir' father often boated
that he wa the hugett creature on
earth and afraid of nobody or any
thingexcept a gun. No one had
ever questioned hio claim, for Mr.
Cuffgi ftftt thought waa ta -run.
fear' friends had alway lived in
the neighborhood of Pleasant Val
ley, As for seeing the world, none
of them had been 20 mile from
home. They firmly believed that
Mr. Bear was everything he said he
Young Cuffy was always proud
to ko on tripe with his father. He
enjoyed being the-son of theibiggest
and strongest creature in the world.
Secretly he hoped he would some
day grow to be greater in every way
than Mr. Bear, tint until that time
should come it was pleasant to be
seen in the company of such a
mighty gentleman,
On a certain morning Mr. Bear
led Cuffy to his favorite blueberry
vi ws im raj ia
Visitor i
I .l j ' . t 'Mm 1 I
,!:Her. ff
'til?; 1 1 a A ' 1
Many affair have been given for
Mil Catherine Ann Bradley of Rea
Irice, who it visiting Mitt Elizabeth
Mitt Hart will entertain at lunch
eon, complimentary to her gurtt, Sat
urday at the Braudci restaurant, and
on, Sunday Mrt, J. .A. C. Hart wilt
give a picnic in honor of thit attrac
tive visitor.
Mist Bradley will be a guett at the
Hart home for another week.
Sleeping In the open air on tleep
Ing porrhrt it obligatory at the Uni
versity of Arizona, Tucson.
ta i r-r r r-
bt Anxuiin erWTT dam
patch, which lay a few rodt bark
from the country road. A thickly
wooded knob hid the berry patch
from patterby. Mr. Bear felt so
safe that even the jounce of a wagon
as it hit a stone no more than
caused him to raise hit head and
listep a"d an iff the air for a moment
or two. He wat fond of blueberriet
and did not intend to leave that spot
until he had eaten hit fill.
Although Cuffy'i appetite wa
wonderful, ft wat at nothing com
pared with hit father't. Mr. Bear
wat only what you might call well
ttarted on hit meal when Cuffy de
cided he had had enough. Saying
no word to his father of hii plan, he
rambled on through the woods until
he came outupon the country road.
Cuffy taw a chipmunk flopping
along the bank at the roadside, and
stopped. He wat just thinking that
he would try to catch the chipmunk
when he threw up hii nose and
took a deep snuff at the air. There
was something odd about it some
thing he had never noticed before,
anywhere. Then suddenly a strange,
shambling object plodded into si(fht
around a bend in the road. Cuffy'
first thought wa to run. But the
creature was" so queer that Cuffy
Follow the Beaton Path-Where Omaha Buys
Specials for Saturday and Monday
Venida Hair Nets, double or
single-mgsh, 2 for...25t?
10c Elona Hair Nets,
per doz 50?
$4.00 oz. Coty L'Origan
Extract, per oz. . .1.00
$2.00 oz. Djerkiss Extract,
per oz. 81.25
$8.00 original pkg. Cotv
L'Oripan Extract ..$5.48
$5.50 Houbigant's Quelque
Vleurs Extract, fancy pkg.,
at S3.98
$1.00 White Rose or Locust
Blossom Extract, per oz.,
t 49
$2.00 Jickey. Extract,
per oz 31.10
$2.50 Gold Point Self-Filling
Fountain Pcn,v special Satur
day 98
$1.00 Yeaat Foam Table!
for 9
40c Wakefield'a Blackberry
Balsam 29,
SOc Kellotrg'a Tatteles Castor
Oil , 19
$1.10 Tanlac ........ .9 It
H5e Nujol 52
25e Mavia Talcum ...... 1 7f
40 Fletcher'a Castoria, 22t
35c Sloan'a Liniment. . .2.i
0c Itt-alnol Ointment.. -I'Jt
SOc Phenolm 22
S0e I.ytul 2lr Freetnne ,2.
500 llinklo'a Pill ()t
33c Nature' ltmely Tahtrt
for I7
lt.25 lyko Tonic Hlt
3i Menthvlatum .....17t
50. Phillip' Milk of
MafKoala (l
$1, : 8inp i;t,,,,,Ht
3Sv S tUpatlc ...... 2 It
tl 0i) (i llettt fUtrf.,.!9'
tltm tiilleiu lilaJa..,tti)i
iO larhant PupUt il!adft
II ta ,uta !tft HlaUa
" (
tt.ut) (; ,'r-Kady
Ak-t aSttwfa Kai r, . .7JtfS
IJSa ll,r tbMSfM..$.4l
couldn't uk tut eye oil it. If
bailed into th btuhtt and tlmdj
tt Mt Uxh. wrinkled. duU hi 1. its'
great rait iMtl Uprd now u thru. 1
and l long tail that hunt ot all
l Ucrt fiOM IU n. '
1 h rrrtturt couldn't bt a l'i
it Kiokrd. ior it looked Iiuny unit
t inker ttun hit lather. Ana (ulty
knrw that that wtt tilty. It (imply
wotn't possible.
"1 hen tame other rreaturr likt tht
first. Cully ttw then that each on
carried a man on it head. A man
on a bona appeared around Ih bend.
"What a liny horte!" Cuffy thought.
All t onrt a great Irtr trued
him. 1 he hortt wtt like any other
horte. It wa the enormou tire ol
i hn ttrange thulllmg animal that
made the hone brildt them teem to
little. . They were mouniainnutl
Turning, (uffy lirar dived inio the
woods and ran baik to th blue
berry patch.
"Kurt, lather, run!" he git4.
"Tht biggrtt creature a you tver tw
art jutt beyond thett wood. They
art len lime bigK'r than you art.
Mr. Rear grunted.
"Probably you taw tome load of
liiv." he tii,
"N'o! They art alivt!
"Ir can't bt true," Mr. Prr de
clared. "Out I'd likt to know what
trared vou. So I'll cut around the
other corner of th ri and head'
them off. I II have a look at em
myself. You can wail here for me "
Mr. Dear hurried away, lit wasn't
gone long and when he came bark
he wat traveling very fail. He ran
like a rabbit at ne dahed arroti tht
blueberry patch and plunged into the
Cuffy needed no urging to follow
"Styla Without
Extreme Values Jor Saturday
Correct foot dress In essential to your
good appearance. This feature event
makes it decidedly advantageous to make
selections here.
At this pricl we Bhow the liveliest styles
of the season. You'll delight In makipg
selections here.
AH sizes and widths. .
' Courteous, obliging
taleimen to serve you
$2.00 1-pint Vacuum Bottle
for 89
$2.50 Electric Hot Plate
'or $1.98
$2.00 2-quart Velvet Hot
Water Bottle and Fountain
Syringe for 81.25
$1.50 2-qt. Velvet Fountain
Syringe .; 89c
$1.25 Pocket Knive'. . . . 79
30c Woodbury Facial Soap, 18
30c Hesinol Soap ........ 22
15c Lux or Fab Chips. ... 10t
Vacuum Tube Detector Re
ceiving Set, ready to wire,
for $18.00
Detector Tube $4.00
2,200-Ohm Head Seta, $5.00
I III a mild, aaiaM laaatW s .
I It latlava CouaUMtlo tad til II-
I auanaa ant kaa lb alaala 4
I KaMaauatiuaUMia awimat.
If l "i " ttta i
I lliJ k aiii I I
1 V J n an ta,, I
taaaa aaaaf avataat, I I
1 a'la) a at ana, j I
Mall rjrt) flllt-l at tktta ptU-.a
until Tufi.lty s m.
Beaton Drug Co.
turn, Hut bt soon 111 far behind !
lather. II never trn ctHght ait
oihtr ghinpst t! Mr. U'ar unlit h
rtathrtt limn and 'found bun hud
dled on ll' Ihx'r ol tht den, ttnvcr
mg and t'ukmg , ,
"Your uther bt a lemhle chill."
Mrt. It'tr ioh l uMy, " think bt
bat rttrn tomrthmg that duagrrrd
with hmt. W hen an) body a big at
ha hit a chill, it t a pmlul thing to
if, there' to much ol him tu
"I'd likt 1o ttt ont of ihott "
Cuffy began.
"Siltnctr Mr Betr roared. ".Vol
nothrr word! Dont' you te I'm
very ill
Mr. Hear never would let Cuffy
mention ihH itrange, huge m
ml . lha htd appeared down the
county road, lit il he knew, well
enough lhal they wrrt nothing but
lot'li ol bay, on tegt.
Culfy noticed out thing. N'cvcr
igam did hi father boat! lhal b
wat tht biggest crraturt on eirth.
Indeed. Mr, Hear ometime even
remarked that it w ain't what
counted, to much trcnglh, And
ht wtt tuit there wasn't a creainra
on earth ai ttrong at ht wtt.
Cut then, Mr. IJer had never
teen a lrveing circut with ele
phtnlt except onct. And then bt
rwdn't know what it wtt.
tOflhl, Hit I
Auio Viw Rt.
Reservation fur dinner at Aul
View Rest Thursday evening in
eluded A. A. Lowman for five: C
(), Wilrockten, two, and R. J. Din
ning bt mad reservation lor I)
lor Friday evening.
ISIt-21 Doaglat 8trt
A Few
Advance Styles
of New Fall 4
,''.,: I I
$1.00 Piver'a La Trefle or
Aaurta Face Powder, 69
60c Djet Kisa Face Powder
for , 36
$1.25 Pinaud's Lilas
Vesretal 88t
SOc Neet, for removing
hair 33
$1.50 Henna de Oreal, 79t
15c Amaml Shampoo. .. lit
$1.50 Djer Kiss Vegetal
for 81.10
SOc Tepsodent Tooth Paste
for 36
85c Odorono 24
25c 3 and 3 H -inch Powder
Puff 10t
60s Dame Nature Skin
Improver 42
60c Newbro'a Herpicide, 36
$1.10 Pvto, for the teeth and
jrum 73
$1.00 Krank'a Lemon Cream
tor 79
50e H lb. Theatrical Cold
Cam 35
15c I -a Aiora Biltipore,
3 for 25
15e Sirena, Corona alzt,
2 for 15t
Bx of 50 $3.50
5t Ma tart, Amerlcanoa,
3 for 25
Hox of 60 $3.50
All you want at the prlct.
Camel, I ucky Strike
11. for 254
rr carton 81.25
AJI Be rr ration or boa on
mail order for pottaja and
filast Dalaaal Kr Wk
IMal Art) Oralaraai.
tl SO IVktlH Kto(.t
Cam.raa. attwU .
13 SO m44 K.naatu
tamar, tpaeial ..$2.7S
tUiSVi t T Mtiurt
'rm. InehtJlnf vita
a4 taa4 back ,,..25
5T to T10 iVti.ra rramta,
IntrMitif ilasa an Hand
ha.k ., J15t
i a a la . I ti , 1 . ai .-
in l a t.a Mat a at tkt
aaa t) saw,
Ti tlMt tWta
tMa tkt
t4t a