The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 17, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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The Morning Bee
twc u rvauiHoa comfamy
IV tmm I II it PM. a, M4 W MM W I, ,
t MM M, t4 lIIIHi. f ,1 mm ,. .' U 4 4
W W MU KM 4 I Wi h,H
44 r.i f !. w ",i , hm f. w mmi
ft.t khhi l Tk Oak .. ,ah, ISM
Daily. , . .. .71,625 Sunday. . . .7(5,332
LMt ft, HOUU, I'malaiM W
W I m4 eakMrlk." Wlw till 4ih r Aat.t, till.
tl W. N. UillVIV, ft.iy rlM
TM a. Am It ! af mm Sana af riwawM. Me
!' lt - imwa, H4 w ta ft M, nm4 I Mi'
MI H t lea HIWI1M
art t union r
f'li lnik Bttktnt Ak f.. ta. I)m("iI
. W.l.l .... I. ..hi I All, ill. l I II
Mrtorl fariai. lii 111 ' IStl, 1000
AT Unlit
orri l
off--ltt 14 ft ratal
C. Blaff II lml M ' . S. Ink (,
N fid .
Wkita U tt MM. tki.t. . . in 0ir BMe
rit, fr,m,-t;l Kx, SI. llaaar.
7k t'rt rfaliy .I'laltlm af Iht tJitk flee
(r , Kit. 11. HI. a ( lift! uv,r J"o W
I'll Ik , paid kvn-laf irulu af th
Oauk far Jum, lint. tl,J4, l,US
nr Jae. ef 111 Till, M Itnn atia ihaa Iktt nia-l
k ar etkr S.ilr r pr,
would have the t&Vt ef rauiing- hit wife shame or
rrrrt-l, were it to become known tht ht did it.
The matrimonial r it tirklith enough under bt
.f eonditioni, but lh voy . th mothr
whn two hand, art at lha helm of tha rraft, and
han huhanl and wifa tach know, what tha othtr
la doing and find. !aaaurt In helping along tha un
dertaking. And iseilher can get any rral aattafactiun
gt af helping tha other to do wrong.
Both repuhluan and drtnorratic platformi in Ne
hraika ur(a tha paten ly tha arnutn of tha five
fold bonua law, already patted by lh houe, and
which tha aenate in eitprrted ti lake up a toon at tha
:a tariff maature it out of the way. On lint point tha
, Irora atande even.
What elce hare tha partiea dona in the interett
it tha men who made bp the great army of d frnte
, in 1U17-18T
1 tjinea tha armistice the legitlaturet of twenty
ttatea hava patrd lawt, making prontion for tha
payment of honutei to tha auldicri. Kuih of then
' legblaturee were republiran; not a democratic atata
hat patted auih a law,
Seventeen republiran ilatea have by luw granted
et-iervica men preferenra In civil nervice employ
ment. Not a democratic ttate hat patted tuch a law.
Seven republican ftate Irgiiiaturc have enacted
. favf exempting ex-aervica men from tUte and local I
Wh.l tha public ia gratified over tha protpect of
raving a iteady aupply of fuel during tha coming
winter, it will hava almott eiual Interett In certain
proviaiona of tha terma of aettlrment an which tha
tink waa terminated. People will riot ba concerned
li any great extent by claima of victory aet up by
lither aide. Plana to look to tha removal of rau.ea
for future atrikea are of Importance to all.
Part of the treaty between tha opcrhtfiri and
miner, providri for the am-mMing of conference
early In October, at which time atepe are to ba taken
for the appointment of a rommitelon to examine
into all pertinent facta relating to tha coal mining
Indmtry. On tha batia of tha report of thia cum-
mitlre reform In methoda will be worked out with a
view to reorganixing tha Inda.try. Included in this
la tha general queition of employment, that ia aa it
afTerta wage and working condition!. In tha event
of tha failure of tha conference to name (urn a com
mlteion, or of ita member refuting to aerva, tha
preaident of tha United fltatea I to ba appealed to,
that ha may name tha committlon or eu h membera
thereof a are needed to give it working ttability.
Tha germ of permanenca of Industrial agreement
it contained In thia plan, and if reasonably developed,
it ought to work out to tha end that tha whole active
life of the nation will not again ba menaced by a
ttrike involving tha greater part of tha f jM Industry.
Generally tha tendency ia In tha direction of auch ar
rangementa, whether they be the retult of private
convention, or are brought about by general law.
Tha world ia weary of etrlfe of any ort, and tha
mine owner and tha men are wiaa in their effort to
coma to a common understanding that will preeervc
peace and protect tha public.
When Ak-8ar-!3en field wa aquired, the an
nounced intention of tha Board of Governora waa to
entaklith there an annual expoaltlon, which would ba
What Other
Editors Say
Jutt a little mora than a atata fair and a home trot
taxe. Two democratic itatet, Texa and South Caro. I combined. Moving along the line of firtt providing
lina, alto hava fuch law.
Twelve republican atate have provided educa
tional aid at public expente for ex-icrvice men; three
democratic date have dona the tame.
Five republican atate hava panted law designed
to aid ex-ervice men In acquiring home; no demo
cratic atate ha patted luch a law.
Ten republican elate have law that make
provltlon for loaning money to ex-iervice men aeek
. Ing to acquirt farm; one democratic ttate, North
, " Carolina, hat made a similar provition.
, Thirteen republican atatea hava mada appropria
i tlont to relieve needy ex-aervfee men or their famil
it; enly two democratic atatea hava done the tame.
Four republican itate have board to find em
ployment for ex-iervice men; no democratic atate ha
made tuch arrangement.
Three republican atate have arranged to make
loam t needy ex-tervlce men; no democratic atate
ha adopted the plan.
Eight republican ttate have eatabliehed welfare
, boarfli or committion for the ex-crvlce men; no
democratic ttate ha done thia.
Nineteen republican itatet have provided for ad
minion and free treatment in atate hospital for ex
tervlce men. Only three democratic ttatea have
adopted a aimllarly humane plan.
Take it by and large, the republican! have thown
their active interett and appreciation of the aoldiert'
eervic by work; the democrat have let it go at
Ui ' Germany'e financial problem, will, it i now re
's i ported, be tackled again by a group of international
jj ; hanker, headed by the Morgana. Thia announce-
' ment ia bated on acceptance of an invitation to take
f ' part irt a conference to be held in Pari, early in Sep
I tember. Such a conference ia apparently the one
method yet open for setting Germany' affair on a
tound footing. All mutt realize the effect the'utter
"" collapse of the German nation would have on the
r world t large) it i equally well understood that the
f Ebert government has gotten into deeper difficulty
j by it persistence in the practice of currency infla-
,i tion-
; , Againtt these outstanding economic facte ia the
greater fact that Germany is economically and indus
trially tound. It is producing, and i capable of pro-
duiing more. Private enterprise in the republic it
' ; not in the tame predicament as public business, save
j at it it affected by the depreciated mark. When the
i public affairs of the country are set on a better
I foundation, the great industriet will be ready to go
'! ahead and a new prosperity will be the part of the
i people.
.' International bankers are familiar with the facta
' surrounding the situation, both within and without
; Germany, and are willing to undertake the rehabilita
tion of the country. A former effort fell through,
! because of ihe unwillingness expressed from Berlin to
; Accept tome of the conditiona proposed. Thia dif
. Acuity may be overcome, and the plan of tho bankers
i'be to modified as to preserve the integrity of the
; republic at all points.
What Is known to all it that Gcrmany't finances
art in a very low state of vitality. Resuscitation of
thent Is a job for tho co-operative effort of tha
' bankert of tha world, Including Germany' own. With
I thete tinrerely interested, the way back to solid
ground, free from the flood of Irredeemable paper
money, will douhtleta toon appear.
6ne of tha darkest tragedies of life hat Jutt de
veloped in local police court. A young wifa haa
' discovered the husband she loved and trusted, tha
father of her child and stay of her hop is a burglar.
gh faced him at the police station, and he s'ill had of manhood tn hsng hi hd In shame.
A powerful trmn miht ba written en thia topic,
j tt the bare ftct should provide homily enough.
Sureful marriage and htppy hi-me life depend on
the mutul tri and eonrtdenre, horn of 1-iv. that
et'ttt between huiband nl wife. This doe tot
frreelude either from having tha lift!, hsrw!t
secret that rh cher .hei, tut f r the purpote of
deceiving the other, but uaHy with tha vert h)eM
af ( disturbing th e.-e af mind ef tha mu.
; lack eMerarUe la t ll time
. twar f the iieiu ef t h cret.
Hhen deil It tamed the Onroe, at In this
l.e, ef the huthaat efnil in criminal enterprtte
tteut knwle. af his wife, th rntsmty if "'
tjeck Wm. tha wife, if the it wotthy tf h Mm.
el4 tie (Jinaenl ta 4h aU, and waull u alt
kef -n ( W and tfitut't-'tt ! 4'nutl her
llhatfrni h' evil Intent On the other hM,
i last at4 thvuU l kdlra': 4 a tjlruti I.Hal
amusement, the board took up th racing feature,
and now haa the spring and fall meeting fairly well
established in the sport world. The Omaha Manu
facturer' association ia now actively engaged in ar
ranging for the other half of the original program,
that of establishing the exposition.
The purpote ia to make Omaha the hub of a great
enterprise, with permanent buildings, and all the ap
pliance and accommodation required for the great
est thow product in the west. It I not to be rival
or an adjunct of the atate fair, which will continue to
attract attention at Lincoln, but to have something
in the nature of the great Toronto ihow, that is tuch
an important feature of Canadian industrial life, or
tuch aa the St. Louie exposition of former yeara was
at the top of its popularity. This can be accomplished,
and will be with the support of the forces enlisted.
For the current year temporary buildings will be
uted, to be replaced by permanent construction. The
exposition at a substitute for the street fair ia a goal
toward which Ak-Sar-Ben ht been moving for sev
eral year. It ought to prove most satisfactory, for
it ia a proof of the increasing importance of the in
stitution in which Omaha and Nebraska have auch
Interested pride.
In their great desire to forget the past, to for
give one another, and to rush madly into each other's
arms, the Hitchcockite and Bryanite did something
that occasions' wonder. It was all right, perhaps, to
turn to the wall the picture of the Money Devil, the
Rum Devil, and the Suffragette, but why ehould the
League of Nation have gone the tame way? Wood
row Wilton ttill must live in the hearts of tome of
the Nebraska democrats, yet his dearest project geti
no mention in the platform that was adopted by the
democratic convention on Tuesday. Is it possible
that Messrs. Bryan Brothers Hitchcock consider
that a closed incident, or were they so carried away
by the ecstacy of their new found harmofty, or the
exuberance of their glee in denouncing all the repub
licans have done or propose to do, that they forgot
all about the league, which James M. Cox insist
still is the great issue before the. American people?
The omission, whether an oversight or intentional, ia
sure to occasion comment, and may be the subject
of some explanation.
riani ik, wi ana s.t ,
"orb la maaaiin ef tu.nat.
rtiaraiierlted bf at'ind aeaaa and
i l,r fiimiaM. It I wail tiiforrned
lM.4'iiii, a'l ! ni.i i,alt raprl-
11.11,1c t,r fjniiriillr attuut what It
lilirvna mar tn..rt In tha future.
Irt lha current mu, lurtira r.irtt
Ik Important development I rial wa
ar lik lr lo . "' of thein with
in lha ntl f rnonlrit. oilier with.
Iti a yr'a lha ll.t
I Hather aut rl(f of tin
eklllrd lahorer.
I. A riina iendrnr In wa
I. lUrloua tonaaallon tin lha
milroml,, Willi mat delay In in
delivery of '
4, niiari n In not fw In
t. A fitrllirr adtanr In colon
and f'MI'in good.
t. tirealer tpaneln In Import
than In eiporla.
7. 'ma revival In shipping
k fiiti'flr hither money rate,
ur(ln very shortly,
t. I v.irariou ahaorpllon if
near fitrUf offerlnaa.
19, (nrraad activity lit ainrba
and decreased activity In bond,
with mora nr hullleh ex lie-
ment In to k aiienitation.
II H'erdly of a few i lat of
lO'-ri Imndlaa and many Inelanrei
i f rUinorlng for Immediate d llv-
If!. Harveailna of aafttfarlorf
rrona and freer hurlna throuah
out ili traln-arowing atatea. with
'oirifwhat Improved condition
al In th fitith
1 1. t'heapee eoal.
1 4. J.w.rlne of rent
IS. Novrnhr alln reaulte
whlih will apue tha r'puhllran
1 1 wnmkfre In pondut themet-lve
In more hiialna-llk fathlon.
IS. Recognition of Hl o,
IT. I'aeifn ailnn of Ireland.
II. An upheaval In 'lrmnr,
lirrripltated tY (he hardthlp Im
poti-d upon the working date hf
Hi rnllapa of th mark' pur
cliMtina value.
Id. yitrthrr ahandonment of
aovlrt pollrle fn fttiaal.
20. t'faatlc modification, or run
i;in(lin, of Europe' Indelled
nc to Itrltaln.
Zl. eadluatment of lha Car
man reparation hurden, moiliflca
lion of Kranoa, and then a tare
liirniif lonal (icrmn loan.
12. Thereafter rapid p roarer In
r.nroin' a rehahllltiifion.
22. Heavy Invatment hy Amer
Ira In foreign entrpn.
24. Further revival of optlrnlant
In thia country.
It. And, generally, gradually
improving lime.
Atatirnlfig that Forbe ha even
fnlrly correct forecaat here, there I
nothing to l unhappy anmif. f'heap
er coal and lower rents, for Inatanre,
ouaht to make IK averaK houaa
holder lift up hi galea and alrig.
Free buying throughout tha grain
crowing atate mean good time for
Wichita and It vlclnlly. Kurther
advanti In cotton mean th end of
petalmlam In southern Oklahoma
and Texa. November election re
suit that will bring rongrea out of
It thllly-ahtllylng mood will be we I
com to all of tit.
Iterognlllon or Mexico will mean
a aethack for th jingo who want
to atlr up a Mexican war. Progrea
In pacification and rehabilitation In
Europe mil be reflected In beftr
and mora atabln bualnet condition
In America. Peace la th hand
maiden of prosperity.
if you ar Intereated In prophecle
It might well to clip thl Hat of
forecaat, keep It In tight for a year
and rncK orr th item a the
prophecle ar fulfilled. It will
check up mora than 80 per cent
correct within a year.
An explosion in a coal bunker on the great steam
ship, Adriatic, did much damage and placed the huge
vessel and its load of lives and treasure in grave dan
ger. The captain assembled his crew, and reports
that they "behaved according to the best tradition
of British seamen." This is probably as far as the
formal statement ever will get, but the press re
porters have dug up a little incident that makes a
very readable paragraph.
Jack Corrigan of the "black gang," second s
sistant chief engineer, started down a smoke-lined
tunnel into the gas-filled hold from which the flames
were rushing. 'Whcre are you going?" asked the
captain. "Into the hold!" answered Jack. "It'i
filled with gas," said the captain. "Damn the gas,"
responded Jack, "one of my men's In there!" In he
plunged, and out he came with the body of an elec
triclan In his arms. The young man died from the
effect of th burnt ha had received, but he died in a
bed In the thlp't hotpital, and not In the flaming hell
from which Jack Corrigan earried him.
All In "the day't work? Perhaps, hut it sheds a
little better light on th ways of the "black gang"
than on may get from reading "Th Hairy Ape," or
some other modem sea tales. As for Jack Corrigan
well, maybe you remember what was written of
Jint Bludsot
M hnewed his duty, a dd sur thing.
And hs went fr It, thsr snd then.
Finttein't theory of relativity may he all right,
but th New York man who sought to tell the
mausoleum that holds th hones of h i parsnU t
tainei the limit ef something.
About th swestett musle now It the tot of the
whiMles reHing mlnert bark to work.
At all around denouncer, the N'ehrstVa dma
etats ar In cl b themselves.
Jmi K. Vardaman teems la hsv torn admtreii
In Miettttippl,
Vtun time I aver fi'f th mtn mules.
On Second Thought
111 " M STtftlirtN .' 1 1
N.'iiti i!,imt ,.)., 4, ,; , m:ma
than ,,iti unJti nuf.
Tlie Xi'w Out-of-Dorrr.
from th M!tnrAltt iarn$l.
A social worker, commenting on
the eigne of th time, note th
extraordinary development of a new
out-of-door life In thl country. Th
prairie arhooner ha given pine to
the touring car. Hardly a village
or city now that do not hav Ita
tourltt csmp with firewood, running
water, ovens, shad frees and open
p:e. Far and near th river
hanks and lak shores ar lined with
lent, and th great natural parka
ar dotted by th canopie of tour-
All thl mean a revival of otif-of-door
life, of friendly visit, and th
loy of the open road. It menn that
hundreds are taking a new pleaaur
In some of the simpler taate of
pioneer day. They fr; nature In
Its elementary form. .
If In winter the tourist llv In
steam healed apartment and aleep
on hair mattretae. In summer thy
build their own fires and extem
porize their bed. If In winter they
u electric washer. In aurhmer they
lnunder their clothe In a brook and
e,-irn to mak hlft Irt rain or sun-
There la little, excut now to view
nature through painted window, or
to regard the simple life a om
thlng good for th other fellow. In
th twinkling of an eye atarch and
rh" pnllah nr put aside, while
lefuge I found from sophistication.
Hewing wood nd drawing water
give a keen dg to th appetite,
while old worrle ar forgotten, a
life I lived In th open. Whether
or not thl return to nature will
keep the nation young, It will do
Komethlng to keep It fit, It Is a
form of summer prepsrednets for
winter's Indoor Hf.
This new freedom place th tour
ist under th net!ty of certain
eelf-rettralnf. H should b car
ful not to ba a flr-preadr or
slacker In cleanliness, !t him r
member that other will want to
enjoy th csmp after h le. I es.
OM.TImc iloys.
rmm IS, Hurt) Wklv
Along about thl time of year,
back yonder in in psst, th drowv
congregation pricked up It r aa
th preacher announced; "Thr
will b an lc cream toclal on
Hunker Klontheart't ln Thurtdty
evening, under the auspices of th
Young Idl Aid society All ar
cordially Invited lo attend, firing
th hill folk A silver of let log
will b taken "
"Amen"' waa still ringing In lha
church air when tha ynmig bucks
mal their ruth for th door, to Una
tin nutaid and spring tha conven
tion! "Mtr I vi heme'' on th
lilt'frnckd dsmtela. preparatory
t arranaln "ilttet" for th l
I'topl en th auniet tld f I'l in
(Mitt hnk In th old lim ch'inli
merttlnmenl with enntldill
' iroint, knowing that, having
prtti'li! In im. Ihey h,e not
lit d in in
Th chunh "iai"fr ".-i
t ! " t oi pretKC wt 'M d.
mit" It )roi ml tnur iil nv in ynur til kr k"ttv. ltor
tik h 1 ilcft,. and in t hm
l't'ii tnIU ! Ilanied ther
ii inn liir a f rmind nf old
ft,hlond 'lf- r-H'iel
Th I er,ut wa alwttt lota
In th ehurH knini, undtr th
illr,. linn l l ill' WOMitH wh
1 1 lit t la ihi kin AH ) toul-t
4i fur a ilitn - im u tin 1 1. unit
(ti tkl hauMWlvtt wha
tiUrtl t-rlilout In loll kip a
t Wtm U,k l a
Th I rrm i-Hikl -b.i ef
14 ttlH. tii n - t lh iike.-l ef
tHinnnt f it ttmtiiMl
f !. Ikiih ktrl weikia
tit Im lin,4 ' Ik rhirkt ijinnat
hill a H-I ,Mviti f blt
aiatil could l towd away for
II ent t'f cmi r a nu.rttr wa
a lot tf money la) tli. iUt but
vary un aarl that th thurctj
chi. kn tup.r wa worth II,
Thoa ul.l lim gatherlrit. la lh
la at alti. were f r th purpi
of matin th voting folk In a
wholecnm alniowpher. They wer
charcierlil of la, inte, nal
LI anl i d
And a good roany mm who ar
nutti with Ub baiida and n
Ihello gm would aiv a lot to mt
th rim k lack and etpcrlrni a
other l cream tmiii, or even a
game of cro-net n, patvnt leather
hoe, red n- fcti or liahtly wrapped
rhoker. atraw hat with an Inch thlik
hrlni, and whit. Mart bed llnrq dutk
troiixia, with mayo a WalchlhalA
road of braided hoatrlnaa.
Ilild i4 Lmt.
ri,r, i, , ia Mia a'ki,kr,
"Tea ! fMft"
Men who ha been thrmnh
ttrike and ItHkoul bnlll Ihey bv
len reduced lo rage and hunger
pin r no true In lha Itueelan theory
that meg ran int work and loaf
their way to wealth. W loafed nut
way q hunger, miaery and ponr,
W saw that th who! World wmild
torn lo our fat. If all ahould follow
our Hum til. Mjckiiy w won our
point. w went back to work and
heliiad feed th staraed eocltl a(t
and In a few year AmerMa wt rich
gain, And AmriUm t onlinued rb h
and ful until lh world war wataa
alirank her to akin and boo iio
Mmh of her muarl haa dlipr
d 41931: fit million worker ar
Ml I, and eh iriml b Pureed hack
to big erop and big output by labor
befnr th will b etron enouth lo
reabaorb Into her vtrii vry
mui. I In America. That' my be
lief. Thai My aoeoal did Bot
mak l hi gotpl. It I fiod'a law,
and w to not l(r It. It I wer
iked to writ th HlLIe of lAUnr
thl chapter would ba lh liw and
th prophet. And from theaa truili
I would advia each man lo writ hi
own Ten Commandment.
Capitalism found a world of wood
and iron or and in da It Into a
orld of at eel IfowT ft puddled
the plg-lron until Lh 4rrM waa out
and lh pur met I wa baemred
Into ate, Kow the taak I lo purify
men w have purified metal.
Men hsv dro In lhir natur
They break under i Ivlllxallon' load.
A steel world I hopeleaa If men are
plg-lron. Ther I greed and envy
and malice In Mil of u. Hut alao
ther la tha real rm tal of brother
hood. Our taek la it puddle out th
loipuritl'-a to (hat (be true Iron ran
ba atrong enough to hold our rhlll-
ritlon up forever. I bav been a
puddler of Iron and I would b a
piiddlr of men. Out of the beti
part of lh Iron I helped build a
stronger world. Out tit the bct part
of man' metal M ua build a better
Aa Id rrrnmiM-riry,
Ttom IS Krooklf Stndr4 t'nloa.
JreMnt com nd go," V
marked ex-fjnvernor f'og of Ohio In
a oe( h tt i;-neva th other day.
but th leagu of nafjofie la a per-
manent Inatltutlon." .
Th I nlted Hlate I permanent
Institution that need not fear corn
parleon. When It started, th holy
ftoman empire waa a thound years
old end t In xifnc; Franc
wa ruled by a king, th prim min
ister of Knxland conauld hi royal
matter on hi knee and ther were
at. leaal (wo core rrowned sov
ereign In frmny. Our pretldent
mint nd go without any Interrup
tion whatever. The 2th now sit
at Washington,
Th leagu of nation I thre and
half year old.
lieadm' Opinions
labor" Rights.
frnm th Stolon Seifceefrun gtrle.
Iowa republicans In tat conven
tion in Ie Molne defined with
clarity and oundn th rights of
organized labor and of th Individ
ual citizen.
The platform recognizee "th right
of labor to organlz for it own
protection and It right to act col
lectively In a lawful manner,'' but
the constitution of th L'nlted War
guarantee to every citizen the right
of life, liberty, property and ihe
purtiilt of happlnet. and every In
dividual who wante to engage in any
legitimate employment, whether h
be a member of a labor organization
or not, ha th right to do so with
out being Intimidated or molested."
it would be lmpoibl to maintain
Just, and continuing government
upon a contrary principle or theory
of human rlshis. As th Individual
owe an obligation to th government
so the government owe a counter
balancing obligation to th Individ
ual, A government, whether it be
federal, ttate. or local, which neg
lected or refuted to protect the In
dividual In his constitutions! and
lawful rights would be worse than a
failure, It would b deception.
II Ma 4aliB I 4ta4 a
k ,! it tiia lb,a akkk )
e f IM tiNMk aw mm 9 ,ak ta a
Mil aiMkaB w -11 Wta f vi aw
M mmmttt ml mmmtt, tailt lil.,
MX m Umtt w wa tbaa " ,ail, totlrr IWH HHMl,t kt Ika
ttmmmm ml Ika miH9, tteeafM k f,
ml Ifeal It im pmUmH4 I
Think for firxf.
nmaha, Ag. II To lha IMltor
of Tha Omaha Hue. Th nlder wa
trow, lh mora nrinly do w
com ronvimed that lh world'
) illon la In l.iblee - J 4t or.limry
1 ibl. The kind ait around.
F.verybrxlr know thai make pot
ati g rn 11I im I tinderetandlug Ifll'S
deyelnped between einplo)r and
I'rior lo July I, f dvited toy hua
band, who hit In en fontd to par.
Ili Ipal In lh nation wide railway
ttrike of ahopmen, that I frit that
th thopiriin wer making a great
rnlataka by dlarexardmg the advice
of th railway labor boa id by par.
tlolpatlng In lh (ink. A lh
day advani. my tonientlon r
provlna thatiiaalvea i',ii,'I for, after
being on Tike for a total of 41
(! by rditig your djily till
lorial. piibliehed In your paper,
If I quit MitlreaM that It Will b
tiereiHiary for tha atriker lo rmiurn
a group and thraah nut th dif
freni around Ihe fable, so to
peak that la, lh dinrn''c of
Opinion that etlat between th l'
reaenlallve of th alioptrvn and
Ihe repreacntatlve of ih itllroad
m ijllvea, will ba aolijcii in a re
hearing. I ll not rgrfthl tluU
lh men involved in thl trik
could not hv loked upon thl
matter na I have don from th
trt, wheretry anOVrlng 1 anted by
an empty pay envelop iould bav
bi en off t ? j
My huahaiid now admit licit, for
oocr, ha mad a rntiiuke In nol
heeding bl wife' advti. How
fnany other wotkera ar willing to
admit making lh e-irii iniitak?
I wonder T
What It's All About.
Ifaatlnra Nh , Aug 11 To the
F.ilitor of Trt Omali l!e: f would
like to reply lo Mr. Ilrp e, In th la
u of the I 'it ft. In regaid to Ihe
preteut trlk
Now, Mr. nrle, you. Ilk many
other!, hive a wrong Idea of (hit
strike, I want to say thia if Hie
farmers ever expeit lo get anywhere
Ihey fiut atop llil flgliting the
11 nlon t, Thl strike 1 a much for
th farmer na any other flat. It t
for better condition1. When you
kick on thl ttrike you are kicking
agulntt your own Inter-!. Tin
men don't want more money, tiny
want belter conditiona, (he miners
want a chance lo work (nor hour.
Vou seem to tt ink th-y want more
money. It len t mora money, 111
mor work. Th miner would tak
lea money If they could get more
Vou ''. why don't they buy
All 6 Rettaurantt
Hotel Castle
Tt CSOAVa Ft.leat Mall trka U
fwinthamptmi n4 I herbaur.
Till SMiAta Ta lokk. (4peaPm)
an4 Liverpool,
SA'M a T FlrowMitk, r berboarg
n4 HmmuWt.
Ta 1 iwinnArtrj 4 faagrw.
sfMiai, tMA. ai wiaTra
SWUM, lo MKltlTr.HHAxr.HX
VI P(tMr,'i St. Itwrenr Riju'e
Vatrtl tt Clt,iw
( AKSNtlKA , , . , , Aug 21 it. i l t 21
kAriRMt Mrpt. Oi l, .Nov. 2
Mun'r'tl ta l.ivrpol
.IlkOfll Sept. it 0,1, it W. II
il.HIMt pt. 1 tret. 21 Sitr. is
1VHRHKMA n-w Oct. tS Urt.l
Hll (rftiii HnUlht.
l on 1 ri ta Plymouth. Ckeibourg
an4 1,'mil'in
IMMMI Aus- 2 . JS Vo. 4
A STOMA lni HVpt. V Oct.
Apple fompanr', Ical AgM. Kvarrwbatt
"Deity, I'm Vti y9
tot Kill' Corn
flak mi trait far
lupptr. l'ml$t4
out with th hat
tlt Killotp'i h th
only 14 that would
eppttl ta rny -tit:
It 4li$t 0
Ilyan4ytl knata
it It naurlihlntl
Gu$a I'll hava ait
ethrr htlplng. Tho
Ktllttt't crtoiniy
art dtlitiamt,"
I mine of f hair owat Wlt. I en
iil toil why- In lh fiit plat they
MS I buy a mln that will pay and
If It did pay. th g.rvrniinl
wouldn't let them. You try thia
once and how ou euro out.
)n' Ihink but thea miner know
few tiiins In regard to lh bu.
nee 1 01 you uppoa lha govern-
j trier.! would lent you or in or
n II men Ilka u a paying tnin :
Not on iir 1 ml v pa W hen th
rioralli'i tald ".Nil," Unit would
ul nur ileal. have Irdd thia.
VVIin you buy a farm, you run It
a you pleimc, but you buy a coal
inlii nd If ymi an 1, aa you
I hava wuike-l for th railroad
and II Ilka f irming In a way. Vou
will eiuk lu It under a j.roirn thai
londillbli will t Letter, ami keep
lyoil parlflrd by prurniae whlih
i never come and. when tt.ey ihirik
joil ar tired of It. Oiey will lr yon
oil a l'-w oi4 ann tnen mint i-ai a
to you with freth one in I yd vim
lo oma b k and In a short lire
It's lh Mm old elory
I want to y. If you want a man
to work and glv you good aervb
st i raonahl prP. make Hi
condition right and there will ba
no trouble, no etrlk 1 have efi
pili tt goiut pav on account of con
dition. I'lii don't mak tl. dif
trcn. whh lhw men, It's tb con
dition. I know man thai would Ilk lo
have m work for them thl I
wouldn't work for t ny prt, on
count of th condition. Rom
will ay, "Vou ran't get a union man
to work on a nocnion )ot," Now.
let in Ir-M you t.oiieihlcg --If you
ran't. It's your fault. I helonsed
to a union for tU yr. hut don't
belong now, nd I never bav any
tronlil getting union men lo work
with me on my Job. Why?
cauiMi I get good men and they e
I know what a man ought to do
rid don't fisht tha union. I know
mIimI a man' duty I and I rion'l
huva to worry about lilm and tie
don't glv me Hiiy troubl. lt' all
wrong lo tight union If you under
tnd lh Intern lout of thern.
My ton I a farmer and h never
rut any troubl. H gt all clate
of men to work for him and never
pay l or 17 a day, either. Show
rue it. man that ha troubl with hi
Eat sensibly'
during the warm weather!
an nourishing-refreshing-deli ciou;
Wi i loot "P 'or health and riddance of
lumraer drowtlneu and that tluggUh fading if
you'll all atop eating 10 much heavy, grtasy foodi
and let Kellocg'i delifloui Corn Flakea do your
health a fool turn! With cold milk and luscloua
freih fruit, Kellofjt'i art extra delightful 40
crlip, and appetliUg.
Kellojg'a Cora Flakra are nourishing and tup
ply all the summer energy you nwd yet, they
dlgeat easily and actually rear the itomachl On
turh a diet you'll feci 10 much better; your mind
will ho keener and youMI aefampllih a lot more
t t . 11 a ..
vi run tuapiy snuj vncruuii
Pe rsftiln to huy Kelldgi'i
Com Flikr In the I? I'D ant
(KFEr? PicKsge belting the
r jture of W, K. KelWt;, ot ti-
w w
nttor of Com Khlii,
genuine without It.
,Nne ate
AU HlttllfX.Ct ERtwIIU is KUlftCC-1 Mil, ,.Ui aJ I-., 1.4
mm and will tll yuti whr lha
III. ul. I a I bat bean aloe lb
road for 4d r and ought to know
in that Imi'h of Urn. I am willing
to admit it htrd for a mn t'
know what la !t for hi own In
tereet. but It mini lo me lbt a
ii an I kliking againat hi awn In
lerr.t I In! kbke alalntl thia ttrike.
If w don t "t beftee rnudltlons fr
our labor, whr will thl mttr
land n? Th raltro-td labor board
la only a port f-ir Milrnad to a'
irotectlon from. Ilk tha pur food
law I a poit fr Iti dealer m 1
lh proh'bltloft Uw a Job for a I'd
of im loll lo I what Ihey .inl In
ilrink and kep th couo'ir In nil
uproar, I am pro!ilMiiuli hot
Want in tr It tarried out In legal
way. lliva u aood. lan law an t
an unpardonable ptlaon n. n'eni for
grafter arid emlMli and prof
i,lt I ". I" I'M' i. "4
f'erhap a broader View will be
tiiken r.f lha bbmrner skirt Culij.
rado ttprlns Tltrph
The iiilwnv men art a great
ti'klera for aanlorrfy aa army and
navy offer, ar, 5 "illdlpbia
"Taper Money Wear lul ltp
ld!v" ta headline All of na have
Policed that If di.,n'l wear long
Teoil Ttaetcrlpt
Well even If we laol t coal
(In f.ill, we liail have pbnty of
polltlial tin Hoion Trv!r.
When on reflect that a
lap't required to wear eaw-edga
cellar. If la rtnr difficult to under
villi what Siake hiRi vg
lllrmlngharn New
I.I vet of pedi often remind us
W can break lha limit, too, and de
parting leave behind u what Is
bit of ujr horn brew Hartford
1'iilly Times.
That man who propoa national
Imigh weeg will never make a t.o -cm
of it unle h make th d.ii
contingent on th sdjournmsnt cf
cotigrn and lh lt lenient of both
of th big strike, Detroit Free
Machinery used in the
manufacture of port
land cement wears out
faster than in most in
dustries. Mechanical equipment
has to be replaced on
an average, once every
ten years.
Firebrick lining in that
part of the rotary kiln
where the raw mate
rials are burned at
nearly 3000 degrees
Fahrenheit, has to be
renewed about twice a
To prevent long and
expensive shut-downs,
spare parts for practi
cally every piece of
machinery must be kept
in stock. In addition,
most mills maintain
complete machine and
blacksmith shops.
For every million dollars
invested in the cement
plant proper, from $75,000
to $100,000 worth of spare
parts must be on hand.
One company's Inventory
of spare parts runs as high
as $1,000,000. Interest
must be earned on this big
Capiul requirements of the
cement industry are luge.
Turnover is slow with
some companies only once
every two years.
e ( SHI Ore 4lVlf mmi
f faierote hJ I'ifeW ll t'tei ftMttrr
, Ulwk.,
I" --V"-" r " ft
I m