The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 17, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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American Capital
Needed in China,
Says Synod Head
Railroads Should Be Built to
Put Yellow Nation on Map,
Declares Rev. Fred
erirk Brand.
R. Frederick Brand, national
ct president r( lh Missouri I.uili
run synod, who returned recently
from a Inn srniind the world vint
ing missions in Japan, India, China
ai'u India, addrnsed Ihe meeting of
ihr Missouri Lutheran synod last
mght in i he auditorium ol Ihe Cat
tle hotel.
"I (ound Japan venr prosperous
ffoiiomif ally, ' he Said. "Missions
art hamper by tht government.
.Sentiment In China ii pro-American,
with open doors (or Christian nni
tioni, the punishment following the
floaer uprising being not (nrgotten.
The (art that the United State ii
ihe only nation that returned the
Hoxer indemnity, devoting it to Chi
ruse uplift, left a favorable imprei
(ion. American Capital Needed.
"China ii a great field (or Ameri
can capital. Natural resources in
the interior are irarrely touched. 1
aw raw oil exuding from the earth,
copper and coal vein cropping out,
ill unexploited. What China needs
mare than capital roads, railroad
and meant of transportation. The
Chinaman adopts himielf ta chang.
ing conditions very rapidly and once
the Chines nation can unite in a
common government, tt will be one
ol the great powers.
"Missions in India art in tli Sa
lem and North Arcot districts o( the
Madras 'pretidency and in Travan
core, a native state under the lint-
ikh sovereignty. e have over J.ux)
students in our Christian day school.
"The maharaiah ol Travrncore
graciously accorded me an audience,
ordering me to visit him at S .45 in
the morning. He was clad in urt
ern dress, wearing a black coat to
the knees, black trousers and low rut
shoes. He was deeply interested in
the surceis ol Lutheran and other
missions. Though a pagan himself
he promised in 'no v. ay to hamper
minion rndravor.
Prospecti Better.
"The chief impression I received
vas that the prospects for missions
are lieiter after the world war than
before. Natives throughout the
heathen countries seem to be look
ing and longing (or something bet
ter." Mayor Dahlman delivered the ad
dress of welcome to the convention
at the Castle hotel yesterday after
noon. Rev, C. K. Brommer. presi
dent of the Nebraska, and Wyoming
district, delivered the annual address.
This morning at 9, Rev. W. Mah
ler of Hanover, Kan., will deliver
the first of four doctrinal lectures
on "The Relation Between Justifica
tion and Aanctiluation.
Almost every fresh water (ish can
be (ound in Michigan.
Former Dentist
Weds Third Time
Pr. J. Franklin Anson. Once
(f Omaha, letter .Moie
Artor, Marries Widow.
Dr. J. Franklin Anson, former
Omaha dentist, furmer innvie tutor,
now a contrac tor and realtor ol l.o
Angrlrt, has married again, I' hc
third time
Urfore their marriage in Holly
wood, July t, Mrs, Anson III aa
Mrs. 'irrcsa Boyd of l-o Angrlr.
wealthy widow, mother of four
dunning children, a nahtc of tail
ada. Dr. Anson's fusl wife was Miss
Mabel Hates e( 1'ounnl Mulls. She
died two years alter their marriage,
and the dwtor later married Mls
Laura Kuhlnun of Unuha, who is
known mi the movies as Lura An
son and is carving a career with the
La.krr company on the west coast.
I.ura An son obtained a divorce in
Los Angeles in April. I'M. Dr. An
son also tried the movies and ap
peared with several famous stars, but
he gave it up.
Mrs. Anson III is a daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. John F. O'Keillv.
Canadians, who still reside in the
dominion. Ifrr four children are
I'eggy, H; John, I.'; Bilk, 8, and
Bruce, 5.
'Ihe wedding ceremony was per
formed by lev, Joseph If. Malaihe.
a Catholic priest, in the presence ol
a few friends.
' Kngtrr iiu Training
(.'amp at Fort IV Moinri
: Maj. O. t. Kngter, chairman (or
J Nebraska o Ihe Military 1 raining
j I amps' association t the fiiiied
Mate. It u fat l ent Drs Monies, la.
lt visit the military training tamp
being held there during the month
ol August
About fmm Smith Dakota,
lawa "d Nebra.ka ar now at Fr
Des Moines reciting one month's
training tinder regular army officers.
1 his part of the new defense ixjliry
of the I'nitrd States and similar
training camps are bring held
throughout the country,
injured workman Ak ;
$1 3,000 for l oss of Job
Alrsandrr I!, Chambers filrd suit
yesterday in dutrirt court against the
I'niwt .Stuck Yards company for
flS.omi, He allrgrs the company,
in settling with bun for injuries sus
tained in an accident January IN,
agreed to give him f.tx) and restore
his job as switchman. II failed In re
store Ihe job. He is 68 and can't
get another job, he says.
Omaha FJka ill Discus
Proposed' Plain for Home
Open discussion on the building
plans for the proposed new bilks
building will be held at A tonight in
the Klks club rooms. The building
committee will bear all suggestions
of persons interested in Ihe plana, ac
cording to Otto Nielsen, secretary of
the Omaha lodge.
i i
Radio-bearing mineral have been
found in Madagascar.
4 1 3-1 51 7 South 1 6th St. " J
2nd WEEK
Breaking Sale Records!
Tfcia sate MslHm Hh tha mi
wllml aaa atar marrim kr
fmcass'i '' aaSaalTlr thai
kara an real bargatea.
A Real-Money Saving
Value Here!
Hm aaart for axAa-tf-srittlofi Just aa w
llluairatt It h.ra. Solid oak, ollni
finish Willi wi1 tray and omfortabls
Banal back. Sturdily eonalructad a
ainst prai-tlral high chair. . . AA
Van? bargaln-h u t a r $y JJg
thla rloa TjaT
-In Every Department, SMASHED t
o o
You'll Like these
I em mnd In mlmtntj hp Ihm
rm psBiaavn rtui you riit th traj-
has frU enftlllaKon.
. Usual Terms!
Davenport, Chair and Rocker
. Choice V flour Upholstery
When you think of parlor suites you Invariably think of
Hartman's. With their main floor devoted exclusively to
the display of medium and the higher
priced kind. Soma special sale bar
gains await you here tomorrow.
The Three Pieces
This Large Size
Colonial Dresser
sluait snothtr rl vtlu during thli
Urnf ), Solid onk, foUUn
olfr itb Urg clor mirror aorl
rMrny drawer ie pictured. A
reruUr oft iue,
nni aperUlly offre4
fW JrlUl'Wskrk, pe
el I, e4 antyss......
il "SraHl
Sale of
Pull davenport length, In
design very similar to
Illustration shown here.
Rich brownish cast of
mahogany finish, 127.50
value, spectat, at
$1 O 85
Elegant Gate Leg
Table Bargain
Kti-ellently cnnsirui ud and nlcsly fls
Ishad In I ha brown nnhoian)'. Martha
Waalilnaton In daalirn
and In all a bargain
worth whlla lnvtluac.
ln. roalllva Mb valua.
for this sals
With a Reduction
From $58.50
r not col(fua thla bargain with Uis
amallar buffaia usually offerad at
about thla prl-a. This apaclal la
larf In aisa. aoild oak, somen rin-
isn. noiisnaa; ma
r.omy kind. Ask ta
aaa thla clearance
barraln, St..
n oaa, somen iin-
s $46 .2
5 Pc. Dining Suite
Popular Jacobean Oak Finish
The. kind of dining room furnitura you wtll
b proud to pi are in your henna. Round top
table uhluh eitenda to full sis feet, with four
rnairt la rhoka of panel or
caaa batk style, tha flea
plaeea priced eornplete, dur
lag thla sale, at.........
Priscilla Sowing Cabinet
4 s a k. i4 Hri t iiiss. a
, xi h t ta. sas sa
a-a la S' -
s.... T.. . f"T J5
am.aa, s-. , ar,.i at
Attractive rouslht Iron t
UnJc Lamp
tt. w. .. ' awat
tut a.M
tl -s I .." SI
tut s tsiaav ts isisik
Dopartmemit MaEagI8, Aungniist Sellimg Evemit
Select VfflllTULet3 Im TlhMiFsdlayy8 'SelMmig
The First Arrivals of
Apparel for Autumn Season
Are Attractively Low Priced
Wonderful-the Fall Suits
$3500 $4500 $5950
Thpge have jut thia moment arrived, we may
- ay, and so aKtoniithinffly amart are they, that
you will nfver believe their prices could be 10
moderate. Tricotinea and poirct twills in navy and
So diversified arc the styles that every figure
may find a model flatteringly becoming. There
are knee length and the ahorter blouaed jackets
each catering to a distinctly different silhouette.
Skirts of Soft Woolens
$2500 $1750 $2250
Kxccptionally lovely are the heavy and medium
weight woolens of which the new skirts are fashioned :
Scotch tweeds, fancy striped gaberdines, Scotch Pru
nella, and a number of others. Plain .and pleated
styles of stripes and plaids in favored combinations.
Navy with Cray Tan to'tth Brown
Dlacl( with Cray Drown with Cold
Sur(et-Nsk, Suit Shoa Thlra" Flear. -
Louise Christian Offers Real Values for Juniors
Broken Lots and Soiled Garments Further Reduced for Final Clearance
One Lot Girls'
Organdie Dresses
Each 95c
Dainty organdies made
with ruffles and sashes,
some of them trimmed with
embroidery. Pink, light
blue, yellow, buff and or
chid. Sizes 6 to 14.
Broken Lots
Junior Dresses
Each $1.00
Slightly Soiled
Middies for Girls
Each 85c
Several dozens of mid
dies .taken from regular
stock to sell at this August
price. They are Standard
all-white, white with cadet
collar, or all-blue. Sizes
6 to 14 years.
Burfsss-Nash Juniar ShopThird Flaar
Good quality gingham?,
percales and dotted Swisses
in plain colors and plaids.
Some of them are made
"slip-over", style, others
have coy coll ana and wide
sashesSizes 6 to 14.
Clearance : Wash Goods
All summer materials to be offered Thursday
at the following low prices: "
Tissue ginghams, yard 49c.
Imported dotted Swisses,
yard 75c.
Colored ratines, yard 79c.
Irish dress linens, yard 95c.
Sports dress voiles, yard 29c.
'Teter Pan" dress prints, yard
for 39c.
Burgass-Nash Linan Shop Sacond Floor.
0 0 0
Women's Hose: Underwear
Sale Priced for Thursdays Selling
Women's Union Suits
In this wonderful lot are garments with
French band top or crochet edge finish,
in bodice or regulation style; tight, loose
or shell knee. White and pink.
Each, 95c
Mercerized Lisle Vests
These are substandard of a fine mer
(prized quality tha finish almost like silk.
French bnnd top.
39c 3 for $1.00
Fibre Silk
Thete itocklng-i are all first
quality hos with tha fancy
Richelieu rih. The colors are
black and brown.
Pair, 45c
Silk Hose
Especially jrood are these
pure thread silk with rein
forced feet and carter top.
Black, brown and white.
Pair, $1.00
Noteworthy Shoe Values
White Pumps and Oxfords
The season's favorite styles and leathers all white
or combinations of black and white, tan and white. Low
military or junior heels. Reduced
to effect a sure and quick selling
Pair, $4.95
Odd Lots Footwear
Pumps in one -and two-strap
styles; high heels with oxforda with
low military heels. A choice of
black or brown kid, patent, brown
calf, or ooze.
Pair ZQZ
WM. ERICKSON Shoo Shop Mala Floor.
If V Haassry Skaa Mam llaat.
One Hour Sale
12 to 1
Shop During
Your Noon Hour
500 of These
Boudoir Doll
Each $1.25
Just see these beautiful imported boudoir lamps I
The dolls have naturally wavy gray, white, brown, and
black hair.
N C. O. DV N Dolif orias. N EacHaaf,
iMiaas-Nask AM Dearlaisal-jMM4 rtaaw
"I Am Offering Exceptional
Values in Phonographs
For the last three days of
Ihe Managers' August Selling
Kvent I am entering a limitrii
number of Cabinet Phono
graphs, There are both
"17forM and "Cheney
mavhin in ' variety of
Mrodi. I'riotnl according n
lse .fpwardi from $50.00.
ta l a. .
Printed Batiste
Yard, 14c
3 ami 10-inch width fine quality batjate,
There ar many, many pattern and colon from
hioh t chooie this prtly and servlceaU ah
H C. O D 'i
N Est !
Ma rUaa CalU
.Manager ktroi lejt, h i. at?
., Ms fhaaMataavh haalH Va)
..a im
rt si ........
! Maaa., 4 A itk, tat ftai.