4 rm: omaha hf.e: tiitrspay. ait.i'st it. o:-:. mammas iMB-jnofiie ATOMse He-noting Mr. SpaultUng. Mrs. IffrtMi'in N-asild.ng ct C.i. regi, who it vu i'i'a" l.er il'f, Mit. C. A. Ik.i, 4t luii..r tuj'l at lum beg VVdtirtJt fcn-ii by Mri. Louis Sn'rUn t n.ets ttrrf p!t( (if Mr.danirt C. N.S. IHIIIMII, .Mit (i'jylil, HH tint tier, C E t ore y, C. A lukton and On hid MfY thgrlrt lUnmrv ll give Win beon al hr liuiiit hr the titiior, and iin .iuiUv Mr. anl Mrs. Mar (J"uld will j.unijlimeui ; Mr $tiltirtg at limnrr at iir r lxm, o!lot"i ky (rlt. CompUmtmarf Chicago V iiot. Mr. ami Mm K. VV, HkJIohI rn Kriaiii'd al flimiff al honir, l"Un. bjr djlirmg al lh Alhlrlif i!nd t'nl lati cvrmng, ulxn M' an l Mt W. L. LoiiHoii fia tir hinmr aunll. On 'I hurt'lajf ( hni'f S'laman will rnfrrlaui right gnriU al 1m . ti 'on al hrr hrtuir in di.M.r o( !t. London. Thai rinun Mr. ami Mr. C K. Tfirll iH t li" and hoti- at a thl'irn dinner al tlir Suimur (arm at (jVimood, la On Krid-v Mm. I Utile UiM gitf a luni hmn lor Mn. Ijimlen it f hr hoinf For Mm Gaga and MUi Gil. Mrt Janiri I. lfw(.,i(J rnlrr Uinrd latl fvtmnii al limlKf al hrt homg in honor of Mr. Alhrrt I. Cava ol Chiiijjo and Mi Ina Gall ol I'aona, 111., gunt ( Mm Mum Strdingrr. Th' gurttt ttrrr llir Mrtdainri L. F.. nhnon. t. K. Gaithrll. Krnnnh rinllipt, Nnl Fv arrtt and thr Mtr Anna Trauli, Fuih Cattidy, Mmti Sird'tiarr. Marion Mflallrry, Horan-f Unit, Graf Strnhiirg ant) Ijod" llavrly. Church Luncheon. Thf Big Sialrra Mimonary norirlv of Kounua M'mofial ch'ttrh will antfrtain at lundirou TlmrvUy, Augatt 17, at Camp Prrwttrr. Pcrsonrils E. E. Day leu Tuetday for a trip it Chicago, Mi Mabel llodgin it pending a month with fnemit jn New Votk City, ( Mitl Lucille Siball avrt 1 hurt day lor a visit in Kana City and St. Joeph. Mr. and Mri. E. V, Drilaplane are pending the month at Etiei park and in Denver. , Mitl Gladyi Hodgin Iravei Sat urday for Detroit, Mich, where the will tpend three weeki. Mita Annie Doyle left Sunday for New, York and other eastern pointi to bf gone atveral week. Mr. and Mri. J. 8. Brisbin and daughter, Zcrlina, leave Friday for motor trip to Lake Okoboji. Dr- and Mri. V. F, Milroy re turned Saturday from a month at Intrrlaken Inn., Fairmont, Minn, Mr. and Mrt. HowirtJ Martin of Sioux City vvcek e"nIed in' Omaha vith'Mr. and Mr. V. t. W'etlon. Mr. and Mri. C. Dean Glover will move into their new home at 307 North Fifty-fourth tect Ihe laiter part of Augutt. Mr, and Mri. E. W. Bedford re turned lait week from a teven weeks' fiihing trin through Minnesota and the Black Hills. Mr, and Mri, Henry l. Budget! ill return Sunday from the Black Hills. S. D., where they spent the last two weeki. The Mines Dolly Burnett and Maud Budgett leave .Friday for Lake Okoboji where v they will spend two weeki. , ; Mre. C. O. Hester of Exira, la., ar rived Thursday with-her daughter, Grace Irene, to visit hernother, Mrs. H. A. Messmore., i . . Mr. and Mri. Oscar. Engler left Wednesday to drive to Fort Des Moines, la , where they will spend the rest of the week. Mrs. Clinton R. Hamilton-and son, Billy, accompanied by Mrs. Clyde Low-ry, leave Kridav for a visit with friends in Grand Island. Mrs. Lena Ellsworth Dale, who has been visiting in Buffalo, Can asqr.ig and Horuell, N". V., will re turn to Omaha about Augutt .'8. Mr. Dale finished her musical work in Chicago the last of July and then took the Great Lakes, trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. London, wlio have been visiting with Mrs. Lon don's sister, Mrs. C. Dean Glover, leave Friday for their home in Chi cago. Byron Hastings and Baldwin Sin clair, who returned Tuesday from j a two weeds' stay at I ake Okohoji, are going to drive back to the lake Thursday. ' Mr. and Mr. C. A. Overton and daughters. Pauline and ilor.me M.iv, accompanied hy M: Katherinr Alleman, leit (his morning .ir a li' day motor trip through low a. Mrs. Roherl ,S. Fge and her son. W an en. relumed !at nittht irom a trip through the Thousand ltlan.lt m the St, Lawrence river. Mr fg has been aliening the law school at 1 lat tice?, . Mits Msrgsiei Howes, who bat Ven makiuc an eatfuded trip ihtnugh Ihe es, (oilowii'g the uiiueuoon of the Ksi'pa Iphalheu torotitv al Lakt I'Umd, it tpeiir. hoiiii A14 gU .V, Mrs. Siit .ft tuott bit lufiljv f-l hi' I cii'e in I '.' f r I ' I i g a t t i'l a I1" i'ut with Mr. an. I Mi. liairr V h,te Mtt irtt t t i tu'v h '"' t 11 Not ik, white h ln.'iil it'll 'tes. t 1 t l.ri.i I. v . -i am M t t .li-an lv. lari .i I . -..). 1, tjl.,i ha 6n t t, 1, Kg M . Xl i'ut Sti l tegie, ItH 'ttm't l tier hun M i Its ti.; ..1 l t I t . a.tf-l I tttetda f i i t a w 1 M s M ! uni t riiri Hp5 1 .vJjnr.i-io SILK E P Y -TIME T A L t 5 MORE o ' imar i ll M'lTK l. CuOv Ki.Mhirm Hit fathtr. ' I (! fcnfw 'Mir pihr jfamr." luff)- I'.'ar nii In In tulrr, ! Nlkf. Ihry h1 bffii tlimhing lrrr. lailung in !hr lirook, anil i li't.ii lin a K'ay link Ami mt't, liimg dl lr (or It, ihf ) wrtr vjmhuii iil.lri-ty down lilt iiioiimIuki, ' t an't i"i think . loifrlhing no Nilkw akrd liifit, "S", I r in'il" t'uHy r ( linl. I?ui h I'h.ii itni'l that lir irttiM, l.owrf Hi III Iiui) I'l llir nniiliid l.r Katr gui.Un.9 omaUtiitf rtrwrh. aim t WW fW UmM laas til am tafJaatM a putb with hi hind legs. Ouf he lloiiprd, to Silkir't great )oy and hit own aioiiiliinrn(. Though .he didn't know it, he had turned a s'lmertaull. "Do it aKalii'" In t V Silkie cried . o be liiiin d auolhrr, and another, and another, and another. Soon they were both turning iomeraulti upon the little level tlretch of woodland. "I'll tell you what would be fun," C'ufty cried, as he sal up and looked around al bis mMrr. "Let's lind 1 good, aterp slope -a long one with no trret on il, and turn somersaults on that!" 1 don't believe we could turn them very well uphill," Silkie ob jected, "Of course not!" he agreed. "That's not what I meant. I meant to turn them downhill." Well, when she learned that, Silkie was delighted. "I know the very place" she ex claimed "the path of the big land slide I" CufTy knew that great sear that ran down the face of the mountain, where a rush of earth and rocks had swept every tree and bush before it, "Come on!" he cried, springing to his feet. And off he hurried, with Silkie scrambling after him. At last they stood at the top of the. old scar. It looked steeper than they had expected. "You ro first," Silkie suggested to her brother. "No!" said Cuffy. "That wouldn't be fair. We'll start together and have a race." Silkie didn't want CufTy to think she was afraid. So she agreed to his plan. Side by side they stood and touched their noses to the ground. "Are you ready?" CufTy asked. Back From Summer School. Edmund Booth returned Thursday from Madison, Wis., where he has been attending the university summer school. He is spending a month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth, and expects to leave in Sep tember to do graduate work at Har vard, Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. A. H. Viin Camp will enter tain the following at a bridge luncheon Friday at her home. Mes damcs F. C. Farrington, J. W. Van (.'amp, Lena W. Noble, A. N. Giles, A. H. Ellsworth. R. N. Pratt. I. W. Summitt, E. K. Day, G. L Tracy and Miss Laura Leaf Bridge Luncheon. Miss Marion McCaffrey will be lio.stcsi Saturday at her home at a bridge luncheon, when the honor guest will be Mrt. Albert E. Gage, who, with Mr. Gage and their son, is visiting her sister, Miss Anna Traub. Some people defy convention mere ly for the sake of being conspicuous. tin i;rti!.i:mf.t. FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMANHOOD Woman Relied Upon Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound Fmrvrla. Kansas. -'l began using I I'. I'itikhaui'a medioiue years lago when 1 waa a Kin. ror aavarsi 1 ,ara 1 had ao vr pgii-aat men- ; itmtl periods, makmg ma very weak and inter fering with m 1 rfirular tluiiea. ined several rm ..he without oh- I taming. rlief, I i amjiiedtotry , 1 . y it 1 as t r 1 . bait segatabl (mpunj t fnt (a an t it reatoted nv t norm) heaUh. I ofteri hive H-cl..n and rtvmmri4 'e Vul4 Com t.un4 l f frtvtt U Ma b trtMl 14 simutr ta my Yost mat i th fa is a a Uatimoeual. Lva At i n , Sil tmwA gt,, Cm. ...-1 a, km tea. Thr ' mn women sthtt f!e w4titi sfeUtii Crtipsun.l gurirg Ih.j gtriv- v! at , hf f4n ti ,; h'p d jtipg trying rKMta. i ia f patS iri u u Hfttr ' th feel IV- ante tiff ayniptflea ; wr.i,H wvire-eaufwn h. It kt t-fiNsrl er"f4Hy fwen mU. j nl iit (-f v,.,, i . 1 -'. : 1 1 rtsl Ut itwt, , I.' I s .1 '. 1 llllimilHUtlimilll TALES OF P,Yi ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY -Vn!'' "Onr. Itto, thrrt-to'" ht c'l. Hul nnihrr ol thiin luittnt, "What a th piatit't.' I uy akrd S.lk.(.ngr,ly. 'Why .lidu )ou "'why .ii.i,ri ).," ,), in..nr.i. -I'll HI ou hy II tta, l r cau.f I a ..i In..) rounung I (,. .,m -...h 'TU 'and brhim! tmi an I -iveI "y "i","" you a ihotr," .Silku- idlern! ..niiniiin.t nf a niimiir htloi "No! Thai oii!.:ii't l.r la t hfi ,lf 'ntriiiionnlly or not. lie aid. "V1 hatr a d-d ntrr y.iu'!l',l divrftdl rvery rnc' atlriition ' .... k ..... J.tt.. .. 1. lltril. "Vou're aftaid. nhe told I mi bluntly "I am not, he l aw In!.. Turning l, out. he dri w haik a I'att to ml I her. And at thai moment. Willi Intiiug woman ttK-hU for your training link to the tlotir, be !ipprd on a round lone lie tluti lied al Silkie and nutted lur. 'Ihe iirt:l moment be was turning .1 toui.r sauli backward down the moun tainside. Now, Mr, llr.ir liimtrli wat limit ing a titoutr at Ihe very spot where Ihe great landslide had ttopprd, He was so intent upon hit IniMnos t hut he knew little ele. .Suddenly tome thing strut k him a blow Irom be hind that all hut knoikcd bun otT his feel. Litile did Mr. Bear gue-t that by landing where he was he had saved his son tome broken hours; for Mr. Bear was a soli object 10 bit. He was big and fat and wore a h.iufy coat. We never paused to tee what bad struck him, but leaped like a l.er over a fallen tree and vanished in the forest. Later, Mr. R.-ar fold Ins family how a mountain lion had If.inrd upon his bai'k and how be. bad shaken off the creature, which had run away brfore lie could atta.k it. When thev heard this story Cuffy and Silkie flashed a glam e at each other. "Did you say you ran away, Pa?" Cuffy inquired. For an answer Mr. Bear gave him a smart ruff over the bead. "This cub," said Mr. Dear to his wife, "it growing more impertinent every day. I run away from a mountain lion? Certainly I didn't!" Both Cuffy and Silkie knew how truthfully their father moke. (opTrlaht, lott. The at the Greatest Saving! NOW, during our August Fur Sale, is the opportune time to purchase your furs; se lections are at their bpst, and prices effect a savings which will not be available later in the season. The Skins and Pelts are received DIRECT from the AULABAUGH TRADING POSTS in northern Canada . . . which, aside from Perfection-in-Skins extends a Price Advantage by the elimination of the middle man's profits. The beauty of these luxurious skins is-en-hanced by the subtle creations of Aulabaugh designers garments charming in style . . . exquisitely made nnd finished. Come in and view this wonderful showing. finrment selected during ihla sale will be held ia oar vaults until fall without extra eharge- A tew of our Special August Fur Sale Prices Hudson Seal Coal, i) Inch long, escepnon ally (loa quality, Urge Hudson tieal Coll.tr and Cuffa $i(H Natural Hudson tuy tUh Cape, twenty fit akin, t.uiitul tar tt $7iH5 Itlack Caracul t'ap. 4 inrhta, chin rctus ef Kummer .... aa .1 Southcut I 2222!lwl!w!--wiwit- My arriage Ad-U Carriton'a New rba of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE'1 icftt$ if:i) Th Report Tom Chriir MJ lha Confartnca 'It I rtf )ou. I'hul, 1 ttnuMii'l ttaiiil !r ivi lady, rtru a irtlit niir ijliiikf iim iwi naiiwa like Oamal'tl " A!rr, ,)l4U-, ,,uw,mg Vlli,r ,r4i. 'i ",r!';' h,h i 1 rn..l.nf . ronp and I lor ..nr., , rt u ily igmirtiil m lum lor thr hantmng imi.1i me hi in; intni i, wm piiimi iniinineniiy ,at lum.. I "When tou'te a oM at I am, Al- j my lath, r replied, "you'll liave i ' -n i'r,l lo kit (lie rod anv tharm- Hul, imlced, in lV rate I am hikjhly j flattered. I a. ml the mine, but nni't play a ailrnt role loiughl Mrs. I'udi rwood, tins allair of Ihe man Smith and of Joe in the liopi- al bat been in your hands from Ihe fiut It is to you we must louk (or the rrport upon their actions, and the plan for dealing with them," It wat tli uaiterisiic of Lillian that hr nude 110 demur, but struck di rectly into the heart of the matter that had called us lonelhrr, with only an arily mocking gestute of at know b'dgmcnt in my .niter's di rection. ."The only report I bae," she said, "it from Dr.'I'etiit. He says that Joe is able to leave the hospital, and that people purporting In be his em ployer are wailing to take him away, and will take Mr, tli.kett as nurse, hut that he will delay bis consent un til we give the word. That, of course, wr do not with to do .until we bate dealt with Smith here and found out what his future courte is likely to be. Dr, Pcttit it Koitiff 10 tell Smith tomorrow that his ankle is well enough for him to walk. And then I think we may get ready for ructions. That wat the extent of my information up to Mr. Chester's ar rival. He had jnt begun an inf'r cMing report when I was called away. So begin at the beginning again," she smiled encouragingly at Tom Chester, "and tell us what you have found out concerning Smith," "It Isn't Cricket." "It itn't much,'' Mr. Chester beiran modestly, "oijlv we've been keeping a 1 line on his mail. All of it up to a few 5 A Fur Purchase NOW accom plishes the re sults which every woman seeks Best of Furs Jan Mink Coat. Inch.' a long, fin dual ity and good color. rout bf ill (.irnietil t S3U5 Jap Mink Ca. Urg roll collar, tail and paw Irliu, a 00. 1 iii SHJ5 TfrfiMa Mlna f hokr. tlsrk skint, astiirsl '"lor gt.'jfl . - - T Corner v urs Probl ems ilMati an a irru u..iiM,iit,f In.m Ihe fily, lull i.r the la. fk he hat lirrn K-iing l tt-r. p.iiinWfki. Uinc.lute the poia, or Ihe hrilhauif ol gne. We ilnl a litile jmln umu atint.f - the ol.lrr n an, hut a a man lie t ing around ihi tr, and tumid m by Ittitrth I'l tunr Allrn Drake, ttid pin lurk that a iruji!f r( lutri(;n to mttrlf holly, loigrttin lor a mm loukiiiji bi'dt ttith an mptn.ite and line in my ladilm parti.antliip Ilia iower.i liitiniitiiie I ,n hun tlrop- iiii(ir.ime of Ihe l.t y 1 urn t liettff ping into Ihe poMoltite etrty .lay Un trlalmg. in man irner, i nry tiuin lii lotig around there, and tnially aonu hmly patted iIh-iii at ituniiig iroin lOvrr- i nran -anj imy imI iirru auvintt up1 ihrt U,r 4 1 or in. We .i a Wham to lamp one of llif rnvflopra, j , and, mite enough, n ttat in Anton, at 1 L L . .11. I t, I I i ?nin ii taut iiiuisi'ii m ir. "Striktt me you are tluriiuir toine of the detail, yotmg man," l.illiai) keeping ompnny with a young man mtt iruptcd wilhmo. k severity, ' How ! ,w" yaia with tha understand did you manage to g t a tlanl at thr j1'"1 ,hB' ' ""rr""1 ,n"rl''' letter'" I ,Nw, thlts young mn ha al-d hi .... ' 1 ... 1 , 1 mother for her ronwnt and h llirre was littiuci a miiation iu I t..nHW ui,jr. 1.. Il-r re,ion 1 that iter voice, and young Mr. Cm tier colored warmly under it. Ihe nest iiisiimi, however, the flush receded, leaving lum pale, but with cold, an gry eye as Allen Drake'a mate voice diawlnl languidly: "Don't ak the good youth to be Irav his triond-Ntory methods, dear lady. Il isn't cricket." A Caustic Retort, A slangy couplet 1 bad beard from Dicky's bp on more than one occa sion (lathed, into my mind, "it isn't what be m , hut the naws ly way he sc it," and 1 ateruly put down k 11 impulse to cry out lo Mr. Drake that his own action was dis tinctly not "cri. kct." Tom Chester did not need me as a champion, however. At Drake's in terruption Lillian opened her fine ryes wide and looked at lum steadily, though with apparent smiling mock ery for a second or two that seemed eiidlet. "Don't rcI jealous, dearie, because you didn't have a chance at the snooping around," she advised rare lesly. "Go on, son " Her eyes flickered to my face, Ihen hack to that of the brilliant secret service agent, and for a panic-sirii ken second I wondered if there was a hid den meaning in her words. Mr. Drake's fare was unmoved, but h' unusual Iomr womanish lashes sud denly veiled his eyes. It was a move ment I had seen before, and I won dered now as ihen if he had not done it to conceal his resentment at Lil lian's gibe. When the lashes lifted I ITI I II I I II I II III I II I I I II Arrangement mad for convenient monthly payment. D ARE Reductions mark this Mid-Summer August Sale as a real eyent IV with splendid selections from every department, at low prices which make each day a passing: opportunity. Furniture and Furnishings that go to make up the equipment of a successful home a great collection is offered at reduced prices. August Sale Prices on Dining Room Furniture Mean Material Savings 45x60-inch Oblong Extension Table in Kensington two-tone ttQ Ofl walnut like cut PJO.UU $55. 00 Fumed or Golden Oak 48-inch, (5-ft. Extension Table S3G.00 $58.00 Fwned Oak 54-Inch, ft. Extension Table $39.00 Fumed or Golden Oak, Box-Sent Dining Chairs with genu ine Spanish leather slip seats, each 94.75 Oak Dining Suite in Italian brown. 50-inch Buffet with mirror: 45-ineh, 6-ft. Extension Table and four Boxed Sejtt Chairs to match, complete $50.50 $59.00 William and Mary Dininir Suitu in American wal- e nut; (iO-ineh Buffet, f. 1-inch, 8-ft. Kxtt-nsion Table and six Chairs upholstered in tapertry, complete $20S.OO Rugs Kinai dear.iiuf vt thmre Ilntl-Mad Bar Harbor (Iras lluifa t I cm than cot. ti $t3.T5 rvMi s.T sU 9s'4t.75 llcsutifjl flain vtlor ht ruga In two-ton, blue, rf-i ansl irray; iatl f-r I'ftlrooms; lihlly tm I rrlt't , ?ti; regular ' . $' ' Wi Vi .' i-rt.g, $ 12. 50 $Uto M nt4 Wis a ui'i a . , fji'j.Mi SHI 912 U ,!',! , $.M. vs .. 1 ,. .., .. $13.50 I I Itlllll Ml I M I till llltll ag4.ii, h.rsrr. I.u. keen eei were licit UMti.r at fvrl. ' I taii'l brln bung madly jealous" hi iluwled, "lint dun'i In niv pnvatr li'tlilit illlrilrie Willi an t!riiutic a ffiitat." 'I hi rr Mat t tm riintf i!iuafair- mrnt il li nohim'T maii'i woik in hi. lone, lm l hf ilul li'it try I'l vtil, .ill. I 1 taw hour! lllilrlUOU Tom 1 1 In it umniiiiimly taith hit up mr tin in hit Irrth. We nuM never Problems That Perplex Antwtred by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Mollu-r I nfilr Iienr Mis Kulrfa' I hav It-en , h it dm mnln support of th fam lly hut l' hm 11 timer winding lau. Now. I urn willing lo work after I ntn mnirlrd and lit with hi mother 10 keep up thn llttla home, but he nlrnngly oli)e-'l to thlt alto K unity aihlx- rim a to what I .hall (In, a wr lot erh other U'l.irly nd find It vrry haril lo part. A IJItOK EN IIKAftT. Th niru mother Is being rnoal unfair. Y'.ii hnv marl nu hnn.it offer lo do your har toward mak ing marring prn.'tlenl find no catlM of harilthlp or auffrrlng to her. When yon offer lo go on working you ur doing lh tame thing but unlrna he mother fee thing mor genrrouKly and tolerantly you'll hit hard I lint uniting th fahi llir. under on rnnf. ut It would b it grent iniiiRiic for you two 10 civ pin n other up hcrnuaa aelrith woman I afrnld her son happlnea la going lo c-ott her omlhlng, KiK'Inl liiirrli-r. fieur Mint f'alrfnx t am !f and In line with mm of 2 4 who I" mndlv In Inve with nie. Itul my parent say he I Inferior lo 111 In every rpe.i e.lueiillon. appear run e, ami noclnl and flnan.'lal tlanrl Ing. Tlmt la partly true, but 1 know Unit 1 can Influent him to do bigger and better thing In life. My par ent would never Rlv their rontenl to my marrying him. They say I am very young and will forget him, What ehall I do? M. M. Horlnl nnd educational barriers necm nnlhlng lo young love, Hut when man nd, wlf don't enjoy th hum ie thlnga, hnv no Interests In inmniniv. nnd protlleslly do not "ipenk the ram Innguage," what I II II I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 1 I I I I II II SIXTEENTH AND Furniture (50-inch Kensington Two - Walnut Buffet like cut Whether you want an odd piece or a complete suite, now is the Op portune time to make your selection. Seven patterns ef havy butlap back printed Linoleum, dropped jattttns; $1 10 value, August Sal price H5 Jti.ghl'.y S.nle.1 thentll Path Rii. s.7S, . $5.Ki H OH, JOVIIU $3.!i0 1 4 7 5. ';;sM $2.05 H Mil II II lllltMltlltll llttl ll tt II IIIHIIIUII Ml I ham la thi in' ih'f wilt ill! dimn la happy life tigihr? If! l h is man I itiiiiilili'iie and 'H nudyl land air It I" malt blme'f w.tithyi ' . .. . . . . . , . ... . . . .. i . . .iu hr-uM Mrn a them-. II .1 h I will . . !. H'fr " if ' ,,,, .-,.. i . f.. ih tt; tprak .l wl.i she tees and bean, t '.,, n.nr l.fi.i le i.H a tl.tti t'ulLe.ii hrr lunl ami trl utetrnt hrt pint. Snl iflral)U. I'.ar Uia Kanr I am a. nun Ulutavr anil hat ! lilllrrn. 1 hat tn a i'aiiili nh yount N.ly fur lht taai ana nt p !,,, ai.vaara in ( in uri. lhr tenia am a iif i4v, lui.t wurkini loan, earning amid wagea, ana hav hank an on nl I am alwata klng th girt to many toe Hli I alwst putting Il off, itln: "(lint . wail a while?'' 4h i glttav nagging and (tnlillng al my ilul.lren, ami If I Intel (era eh nag nl in. Hit ran hat mtMng and nnxhing the fwant. e ah la not .tifie. Whut thiii 1 .in? rrttii.KXKii. Hinr th wotnn lan'l kind lo sour children, and ihovt ynu no great lndernet. don'l ' we alia wnn'l reak a very gnml wifT Th fit.l that h nng and Inslat on her own way, and doean I make nv etpUnn linn of her teiiaou for putilug iff 1 tha wedding front tllli l lime. Ii ail Indl. -ndv that ah ln t vety tie. voted lo you, Luncheon for Daughter. Mr, II. A. Mettmore wat liotett Tunday al lu-r home in lumwr of her daughter, Mrt, T. O. Ilrttrr, of Extra, la, who Is her guei. Those pretenl wete Ihe Met.lamet I', C. I.armou, Paul Villeman, A, W. l-raftcis, t O. Wetter, Fred Guggenmot, S. A. Bixby and Miss Grace Irene Wetter. Church Picnic. The loth aniiii-il pi. nie of the Luther league of Kouute Memorial church will be held Thuttdav eve ning, Augutt 17. at Riverview park. Misl Florence Anderson and 1 heron Jensen are in charge of the affair. Country Club. Among -those who enl.rla'n. d at the dinner riaure lat 1 veiling at ! the Country club wete tirn. F. Li Kernan of Fori. Crook, who bad 14 guris; l I Irofnot, in- Dr ('. A. Roeder, ft, and Mrs. Luther Drake, ft. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 BCLL ANS Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AM S 25i ncj 754 PacKtt Cvrywr I II I I III It I I I I I I I I I. I I II HOWARD STREETS tone $75.00 $509.00 Antique Walnut Dining Suite; Hfi-inch Buffet, Oblong Extension Table, Wood Door China Cabinet, Serving Table, five Chairs and Arm Chair; upholstered in blue denim; complete, 10 pieces. .............. $385.00 $58.00 Queen Anne Buffet in Jacobean bak. ...... t ... $30.50 $115.00 Louis XVI Dining Table in antiqua mahogany;' 64-inch, 8-ft, Extension Table $68.00 $23.50 Chairs to match, ech $6.50 Oak Dining Chair in wood or Spanish fabricoid scats, "eh a $1.-15 Draperies Curtain Materials Curiam Swisses. Voile and Mar quitette, plain an. I figures!, white, ecru or tutored, that will effectively and inex pensively curtain win liiw in bedroom, dining room and living ruums, greatly reduced t a! al lMt"20(3:!f 2s,.r2s;:oa.is:jr- IOM5r IS and RO pr yard. Cretonne A uitctual b.Ting i.f fretenn in ' unutnal sanely ef fat. tern. 25f Uf Mf tlHg 754 " U5 rr yai.t Overdrapery Materials f tn IK mi I aUractit ccim- it, malberry, n ant gteen; maty at Siittfasii ihs iwchla a inetui a rrt f e'aiis a I f "stm I Wa tra. f of! na ;H.f A lean. at' t stuti s i'tt a'.s, all matkt l I '.! al htlf pt at ). . . , , , . .75f u $;.U5 fr ,ai Parents' Problems .'" ' .','" '' - !fi' I"11' ' 1 ,Ur' ,f If. t.,1 ,,. u auf.k UM.iill' HULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO Waiionalb'WcecL r i it (miucm a s v "-" S'itrVlut 70O OOO 495 llrsW The Arl and Music Store 1513-15 Douglas Street It! I I I'l lilt I I I II III Good purchatcd during this tal held for future dlivry if dtird. "I ,.- . , ...i'-.. ,.. m p.---.,-. A hwly child o any age 1 try apt lo sr ami h.tr eteiyihiug she can; and if the it f.md of talking, the will i: ail the bear and tees, Hut the tan le taught peter lo ie pett aiivlhuig unpleatant about peo ple, and nrtrr l. ue nauirs Ihti the may chime to hear, Parents and ether people are loo often at fault by setting a bad esample in thete respects. Of lh 27.(n women wh be. came brides in I ngland tat tear nearly if 50 were inote Ihin 70 sears of age, aioiatieittaNr. ASTHMA HAV FEVER BIG FREE OFFER I Witt r.ee.e Ik raatafa If Yag Will Mat I It it AmiI T.ll. I ttr patiutelr ii Atihmt 4 flay ftttr rtn liemnl ': h nniirellag, mailer akti age ir In alitt il,nt .-a II.. la .re this ill I tM it ! y I hi mt'lirint, the !.. Ir(ul nt.tit al wklfh litt tt'tetg all uer the tnuntiy. gmpljr t4 m yvur aim and I .i t ihtrgtt r-tultr tU belli. It ten dtrt n4 (ltn If ttutliti iih yaur Imtiriii'tinv't ft an niy II t Oihtrau yea Bilnna arur 1. 1 uil ttr thlt It 4 ffnenl from anyihin elte In the world an4 (hit th flrit battle enihla Item ta tier well, tiitp4 rhohln. rletrt iht hftg an4 iunat tn4 lav real inreforl. In, n't 'i.H a pennri rti.n't et a penne unlrai yiu Irel it it rleht ta I tru-S evrrrone I'tyrt Leatefignwl, 111 g, W, llltrl , Hnt4ale, haeaat. r,rr it iii i .ava w u 11 tte -an 1 1 1 1 1 1 itrIi ' j Set of five Chairs and Aim Chair, with full alip seats in pretty tapejt-ry up holstery, Kensington two- ftCC ff tone walnut, set -,V . ; vJOOiUU f T I a i I t e a i I I i til IttlHItlt tttllllltll' J 2 i