4 HIE OMAHA PEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1022. Third Party Man Urges Sympathy for Rail Shopmen U'ray, la Keynote Spfrrh at Prog.rfi Convention, A! vocttr Curriuiiriil OwihnI Vullie I'tHiilm.' Lincoln, Auk. 15 (Special ) Rouing ihcr Ivt fgiiuJ Wior (rriit J'K) ttrikiiig hnimrn (rum llavtlotk, S'rli., vvhm thry stalked into irogresiv (rt y slate eon. r n I mii lmti opriirJ at 10 to'1v in JMil l.indrll. I lrniri minit.rrcl ?W. The ley put iirtch was liy Arthur i. Wry ( Voik, I hint .3it noiiiinre (or lh ViHfrd M4W ti-liatr. He was p (Miiiiifil temporary chairman, Favori Waterway Project III III imh. Ii 'Ivoralril (or tli iirogmsive national ,Utform: Frrnlo'ii fur the I'liilinfilnr : inter national lahor (Tiovcitirnt in end war; government ownrrililti i.f ril romll, trl-i!'l'h lines, telephone sys tems, i linn, terminals and iol mines, lie Uvftffl Ijrral Lakes K I airrn,e ttiiruatf i.rnii-el? It. Itienc ol currency directly by the Intend government; rcKiiiatiun 01 picking and gram fichangri; 10) per cent sympathy with HrlV.ru thi'pinrn; restriction of iniumtiont m lahor disputes; jury trial, in con ktruitivc contempt cues; unity of farmers mill laboring men in fight on monopoly, i )! I it, ilia l jl ,,1.i.f,trl,i Mr WUI,,,lMa till i . Wray stated tin tirogrcssive part ... If- .1.1. .!., . I I u(( I'tr auuiiiiuu m inir iw fme Kiiildra' 1'rolrclive tmnii liiiii .Mattifitirm IfoiTI luxation ol farm improvement! unci city homei U to preservation of direct primary ly constitutional amrni tnent; rtcall of nil elective ollkerij rmiovil of parly circle,; rural credit i ostein; paMaga ol llit Omaha iviiciil light bill. Argument Over Credentials. Following Mr. Wray't discussion ensued on the appointment of a cre dentials rommittec, due to argument anting for seat in the convention between the IJiK'-low anil the llarrop faction in Omaha. Two rl lcalioJi rrived from Omaha, W. ). Taylor tA Menu, Neb., propord that rach delegate he given one-half vote. The quarrel was settled liy the appoint ment of a committee of even none from Omaha to art on the matter. Jiolh tide emphasized intention of earrying the fight to the floor of the convention, notwithstanding the de cision of the special committee. Receipts of Cattle Not Lowered by Strike According- to stockyard official, husiucsi at the yards is suffering hut little from the railroad trike. The largest cattle run of the season was brought in Monday and Tuesday a large run of livestock wa received with most of the train arriving on tme- Tuesday "the Northwestern still "maintained a partial embargo, refus ing to take easthound shipments, but all other road accepted hilling for all point. ' Railway representative urge shippers-to disregard all rumor regard ing the situation and to depend on their local agent for all information relative to shipping conditions. Vault SmelU Like Saloon an Mailt Breaks Bottle Grand Island, Neb,, Aug. 15. (Special.) Sheriff Lorentzen'a vaults in the county courthouse now smell like the "morning after." Over 1,800 bottle of hecr, alleged to be of more than ordinary voltage, were taken when the l'latte county trans porters were caught in thi county after a hooting scrape, These bot tles all were neatly piled up in the , vault. ' A few days ago, some dynamiting was done at a nearby awimming pool in order to level the bottom. The i ('donation jarred the courthouse, live blocks away, tilting a small sec- 1 tion of the piles of bottle and break ing a few underneath. " Failure of Guardsmen to Appear Causes Flurry Grand Island, Ncb Aug. 15. (Special.) A bit of a flurry was oc casioned when Company II of the National guard was about to en train for the encampment at l'latts mouth and found itself a few men shy. Application had been made by three banks for the exemption of clerks who were members of the guard, these clerks having had their regular bank vacations, One of the clerk was sent for by detailed of ficers, The necessary quota was se- cured, but the train was delayed for two hour. Mate Water Shy, Charge - J-'all City, Neb,, Aug. 15. (Spe cial,) The charge that her spoil, Albert A. Schtuiderwind, has not Uken a bath aince they were married, Jecmler V, V20, i the basis for l iv ore a'tiou brought in district i oiut by Alice Schnciderwiml. Not a Laxative Nujol ta lubricant nut ft meiiiein r Uaati cannot grip. Mh a ar coiutlpat!, l nuug f . Naluit'a luhrlMting Uqtt4 i ' ttucsnt In ifct kMl o B Ik Im4 ft an4 tUf, Hi) rib Najul It Ilka I It la natural lubricant IktM replato Try U day. Marriage of By RUDY M. AYRES Copyright. 1XX Tin lat " I I0 out whrr v.st on our wedding dy, I think, y.n't it b asked caully. Sin nod.M, flushing a little. "Vet; and Notman bt broke "Oh, I wis so rry to hear about Norm.n," she Mid. -Vet, it b'd Ur- """I agreed though hi oic aounded bard "My umle and aunt are my run. h cut up, of course." lie gave hi urdcr lo lh waiter and took a chstr "of thr fir,t unit he really looked at her, "Who rhoon your frotkf N asked suddenly. .She lluheJ eniiveiy. Air. Greaves sent m te somebody ha knows. She' n"1? a lady, and '0 has beatildiil tasie." "She rertainly ba. I hardly rec ognize you.'' . "J'eihips I rtl not reanv ciisnn.i n tnui h a voii think." h "! at- ,iint ilijlldlhlv. Harry fotcrd a laugh. "1 aw a photograph of you in one t the psj'tr fiday," be aaid. 'If what one hears is rorrert you will soon be the talk vt Imdon." She did not answer. "I shall think about you tomor row night," In weiii on lightly. "And wish you rvry ucet. May 1 end you tome Dowers?" "If you would like to." "I avonder they allowed oii out tonight" be said presrnily, "Oughln'l you to be retutig or prat tiring, or something? 1 don't know what a star does the night before her debut, but I should bav thought Greaves and Jfulbcrl would have been very Strict jailer." She looked up at him. "That's why 1 aked you to lake me out," h said, painfully. "Mr. liulberl wanted to rome around to see me, and, oh, 1 don't like him," she added tremulously, Rarry knocked the aim from hi rigarrt into a tray in (rout of him. Ills band was not quite steady, "Vou'vt changed your opinion," he said, quietly, "Vn ... I ihnuuht he was lo different; I thought , , ," "Oh, he not sum a dad map, tlsrru mj'iit sr1ff hit fllllltfll till heart wa racing. "It doesn't do to take him too senotinly; he wa very !ecent to me 1H month ago people tike mm, a a ruie. Ha looked at tier and nulcklv away, but not before be had seen how her lips trembled, and that the tear tood in her eye, lie let hi cigaret go out. When he (poke next there wa a different quality in hi voice. "Vrtu ara tint et'taii In mflL 1 irlmnA iA liitn if vml drifl't uifth lO do so, you know," he aid quietly. "Hut I've told him I, don't want Mini," she broke out impulsively. ' A n A it im rftA eatwl nvsii 1 II N m''J eass "vr m-r I thought if I told you " She ti-itittd tmu tn riikh nn affaiit! "I know I haven't really any claim on you, hut 1 tiiought it ... it you wouldn't mind. . . ." "I shall be pleased to do anything I can." Barry said, formally, lie kept pis eyes averted. What wa "What do you want me to do?" .She leaned a little toward mm i Making History. INFANT MORTALITY In pist ages has been something frightful, something almost beyond belief, and even today It occupies the time and the mind of leading physicians in all countries. The death rate among Infants fs being gradually reduced through new methods of hygiene, new preventatives and new remedies for infants. This reduction in the death rate has Nt)T been accomplished by adapting the precautions taken and remedies used by adults. Rather has it been to keep clear of the old methods, and choose after long research the precautions and remedies specifically applicable to infants. This being so, is it necessary for us to caution mothers against trying to give her baby relief with a remedy that she would use for herself? Will she 'remember that Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for infants and children? gssig pCpt ronton. lSPluid Draohnit Ml ' ' I U .ALUOHU1.-U run 1 AVetablc IVcpartitiontorAi 11 JI 'm . aa ! JtlfilT. CnfltiwStrmach5iJlBqwUrf toerMnttiawwr-r nthhrjrOplttm.M'iniMn': llnerdl.NoTNAHCOTiv Br (fc.vMaaW 1 Ahtfrrfulllrnwftfrf CnMipXnn4DIrfrHV ftnnVrtah. ISfW wl liii waH r 1 i . . i si i iix I i nai w mW .mmtLn Barry Wicklow over I be (able; hr eyr wtif very pleading. "If you wiuld rum to Liverpool; I just dread going Ihera without without anyoji bfliiamg lo me. If you wouhhi I mind coining it would make all the difference if 1 knew von were Iherr." Harry raneej M eye aiowiy, uiq she still ibtb of bun a "someone Mongiiig l her?" "You really wish me to come?" 'Oh. if vou would." Kor a moment he wavered. He would have igiveti anyihmg m the world lo hav been able to refuse, but soon how, with that look in her eyes, that tsgrr not in Iter voice, refusal teemed impossible, "Very well," bt td. ! hal be t'clighled, of course. . . , Ah, here i dinnif.' It wa quite a merry little meal in it way. llafrl pok no more of herself save to trll him bow bard the had been working, how dilfcult it had all been, "They even had lo teach me bo to walk on the stage." he sid. Mr. Greavr laid that very few iieople know how to walk on well, lie ha been very kind; do you like bim?" "I prefer hint to Hulbert." "So do I." liarry wa leaning back in his chair. 1U looked rather tired, she thought. He looked some how older, too, and there wa a Ut ile worried line bctycen his eyrs, He had been kind lo her lhat eye ping, and yet he wa not the Harry she had first known and loved. He eenicd to indifferent; he had spoken rf Greaves and Jltilbert quite eau ally, though once he hi told her that it drove him mad lo know lhat she wa going about wbh them, It was quite true thai a sudden In explicable fear of liulberl had driv en her to make this overture to Har ry. Something in the way Hubert looked at her, something ditferenl iu the tone of hit voice, had routed vague apprehension in her heart. In sudden panic aha realised how utterly alone she wa, that there was nobody but liarry to whom she could turn. She was unstrung and nervou it had hern sheer desper lion lhat had driven her to mn that evening. He wa different to those other men there wa something about l.im that had already given a feeling of security, It wa quit early still when they left the restaurant. "I don't know if you would rare to go anywhere else, Harry laid, ten tatively, a they drove away. "I'm quite at your service, you know." Uut Hazel said she would rather go home. "I think I'm a little tired." she laid. "And I ve got to work bard, tomorrow , . . Oh I" The taxicab, twinging round a corner, had flung her against him. She laughed nervously, and tried to raise herself, but Barry' arm wa round her in a grip of tteel, He did not tpeak, but he just held her tightly to nun. He quite expected that the would try to free herself, but her little figure seemed to yield quite will ingly to his touch. liarry half turned. In the light of a street lamp they were passing Children 3) Of Course You Love Your Baby. You love it became of itg very helpleuneii, becauae it can't tell you what la the matter when it feels bad. It can only cry and look to you for help. But the more you love baby, the more you want to help baby, the more you ought to reallia what a wonder. Jul remedy Fletcher'! Caitorla ii. It hae been tiled fur baWer' jilmenti for over thirty jinre. is experienced doctor diacovered Fletcher'! Caitorla especially for babln' vie. It la a harmleae tubatitute for Caitor Oil, Paregoric, Dropa and Soothing Syrup. Doctore who know what Ii eafe and beat for bablei have only good to lay of it. Don't neglect your baby. Get a bottle rf Ftetcher'e Caitorla and glvti baby a few duaea of it. See how the little one imllei at you aa If trying to thank you fur helping it. Soon you will learn to depend ea Fletcher'! Cmtorla, made Jurt fur Infant and Children, and of courie you would not think t( using anything for them that waa not prepared t spec la liy for lnftnta and Cblldree. So keep It lathe houie. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the he taw her etc. She wa lotking i.p ! at b in aJ t r a moment it wnt ii if I fie pji unhappy week were wiped out and (ortfuiim. She was once mora the bid girl he bad I known and loved the little girl who had Cited so titlerly when be went i away, and who bad followed him to I on don ar 1 married him. "lUirlT ' wid Harry, doa'tely lf diew Iter hrad dun to bit shoulder, and, bending, found her lip. There wa no lime for words. Ilasrl had l.arrly freed brrsetf from I nil when the taxitau stopped and I lie ilmrr came to he door, "I tin the number, nr?" liarry iwore under hi breath. II baldly knew if he were standing on bis bead or hi her!,. He paid Kit driver eitravagamly, and in another moment he and Hael stood alone on the path In thr autumn night, Harry lMket at her. ll'.fl' I,. ..iJ i....til She an,wirl in whispered con fusion. "I isn't talk to vou her and I've got u muih to tell you. win you - sne Krone oil.. The big door leading Into the block f'f lints behind them opened suddenly. The potter came ou'. He flood for m moment against the b;M, wnuinng tor a laxuao, a woman had followed Inm out and stool "n the steps waiting impatiently. It was Ifeha. sue saw iiiiri, Nie came rtoii the steps. "Well. I never!" She looked the gjrl up and down quirirally, "I've hern w ailing an hour for you, my dear. 1 quite thought I should catch you in tonight; you ought to he resting instead ol kidding about A nice sort of wreik you'll be in the morning, liulberl luii't hall been swearing, I can tell you. She glanced at liarry. She gava a little excumalion ol amaenietit. "You I Lord, what in Ihe world Will happen next? Hasel had moved away from him Mia felt horriVy rtrvotu linl ef conscious. Shi dreaded what Lie I la sotild say. Harry guessed how tin was feci lug. "I'll lay good night," he said, quktly. He held hi wife's hand hard for a moment. He felt that he could have wrung prlia'i nrck fsr having appeared to inopportunely, "I shail tie you tomorrow," he said, There wa no lime for more. Harel turned and fled into the house. A taxi came crawling up through the darkness. Helta looked at Harry, "Can I drop you anywhere?" ih Ikke'I turn. "Yes, you can," Harry told her, un compromisingly. "I want a word with vou. too. The porter shut the door and they drove away. Helia leaned back and drew her coat cosily round her. "I've been waiting there an hour lor iiazei. she saiq, disagreeably, "She't a little fool to have gone out tougni. jiuioeri wa man, I can tell you. If she's not careful he'll chuck her up, and then she'll be in a nicr IIOIC. fr.rry laughed.' He felt tnat he csiild afford to be magnanimous I fancy Hulbert will get hn conga sooner than he expect," he said, lightly. "My wife ha no further use for him. He spoke confidently, but D.-lia tt'rt into thrill laughter. So you ve nibbled the bait first time," the laid, coarsely. "I thought you'd got more sense! I tliougnt you were a match for Hazel, but ap Cry For Signatuio of turtntly iha'a oo much for you! I lr ihoughl ht wa o imartl' till laughed a iii ii. ".So you think she want you lrb, do your" she mocked him. "Uarry Wuklow, I never lhou(h you were o irtenl I'd have hacked you to tee through her every lime, Hies your hear!, it' not you she wants at all; lis your cousin's money and Kreshie Hall, and all the rest of the para phernalia you've tcppd into; she" "What ih devil do you mean? II this i more of your infernal mis-chief-making " Mia shook herself free. "Hsbr she said, contemptuously. "You can't bully ina any more, I I ever lked you, but I never hated you hall at imrh a I hat llrl. with her halv face, and her way of getting round evrryhmlyl It's you one day and H'H'.erl the neat, an J (irraves the mat. , "I thought she'd finished with you, ai.d she would have done if ihu citniii ill yours hadn't ionvinu mlv died. Oh, she know vvhat tic s ilSIHN III UN III l ill 1 - i l l 1U I Mctor quality means the highest musical standards "HIS MASTER'S VOICIT REG. U.S. pat. off. Important Look for these trade-marks. Under the lid. On the label. Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, New Jersey ffiiiiimiimiimiimiMinnmmmi Wsha.h Train Na. lA'.rillCAfiO 10:80 A. M. AR.HKTKOrr fl:fk I. M. AH. lU'rlAI.O 2:M A.M. Via t.4 Ut Ff.MIKA Hit? A.M. H, fit 'K ANION ..,.105 A.M. Alt NKWAHW lift INM, AiUIOHOKKN 8:13 I'. M, AH. NEW YtKK ... S;80 l M. W.ks.k Train Na. II I.V.OIIi'AiiO Hija !'. M, AR.IKTRtIT A.M. Att.UmAl.0 ...... t:10 IV M, Via I . AR, NEW OHK ...,(l;45 A. X. R3I ili inn! She Untiri hcr.ell lir. liarry Wu klow, with I te.lu Halt in lli haik ground, llii.lfii was Hlhng hrr lai nighi thai oud co"r into it all. He lulj hr tnat you'd paul up what you owv.l him, h ft ii! n't say minn; shr's Uu ttr to giva heisrll aay, hut I knew v hal th riiranl lo do; I cnuld sre II in her er. bh' li.o clever ti ut all tier eKg in rne haskrt i wjfiu a saver all the tune. II she a irost itli (ireavct well, shr'll fall li.uk on you, i you're lool eiioiiijh lo 11 her. What arr you g'in li A1 if lljrry had l t i!';wn the window Hh a run and ii shouting to the itrivei, "Where are yu going prlia aked him, fearfully, llui Harry did not answer; the laai ti..(rd and he till her without a worn or a look, and strode away iiilo ihe daiknr.t Lieha lM;ked l'er him with anyry eye.; then siidd'iily she Uuyhed, "I'll Icaih you to snub me, my hoy." she said, viaenit'ily, under Iter hrrath. T he driver rame lo the door; The supremacy of the Victrola among musical instruments is directly attributable to quality. The greatness of its artists, the perfection of its records, the faithfulness of its reproductions, the design and construc tion of the Victrola itself all bespeak the highest quality and make the Victrola the supremely satisfying musical instrument Victrolas $25 to $1500, New Victor Records demonstrated at all dealers in Victor products on the 1st of each month. Victrola From ('hlfairo to Nnw York ami the Kaat, the) Wabaih offer unuMtial gervicu with it through equipment of nil. atftl glepjiinir chm fttul I'OMt lu'H ami firm 'dining car aervir. Summer Excursion Fares are now In effect from Omaha via Chicago ti many Kaiti-rn ritlca itmt rieorta, Nn mean fare via Wabanh Ihe lowrit fnrra, rlther cno way or rviml trip, apply, W Invite you to write, phone or call for Information. Wabtih Tlck.t Offices, 1410 II. C. Shi.ldi, Division Pats, h ItM.ked at Deha suspitiously. he lnt out angrily: 'Oh, drive on. and don't stand there aP"g l you want me lo catib my death ol colli,'" -he Iraned over and. ritdi in ihe handle, slamiued the Cri nm'uly, and ihe rest moment the ias had started aa1". II mIImm4 la The Ha V ara, Common Sense Are You On of the Easy Goerif ll is did, i ult for you to keep our mind on anything whuh it hard and o actual. )utt why i il thai you jieler to think of the Ihingt which art easy In undertiamtihe duties which re quire little ihoutfl'tf Are you mind lary, and going to krrp along that wayr Are you jusl flutlrruig through life, givina liU'e Ihoughl lo er. thing, and no concentrated Ihoughl to any one thing? And all through life you have teen . . . , .- fl Ddg St, and Union Station! Agrnl, 190J Harney, Omaha! of this tor), and vet, )ou iiionoun. your sutiesstul fnrmls a lanky, H" laking into conniirr.iM.il ihe hard study and rent .mud rtioi lo gi orr the lop Iff course soma day )fU intend I' I'W'kW down and make real iirepara lion for tt I.sii yr in ight, pn bly. hut iioi now Itrf.it. ..... . .... I.... r9t mt reaihed ihe tone wlirn oi l aye should nave uea ifrovmsi lot: ana i . . a . . m what Iheil, when it is lixi U(r Are you one of tlx ra.y goers It'gin l hustle btlore you lu't out. I' , f i. lii I Fire Dcsiro) llarn Falli City. Neb, Aug lJ--Oi rial) TweHe hund'td bo.h.ls r.f corn, ') huiluls of whrsi n4 a munlily of hay went ut in smoke when a In destroyed I lie barn of licorge Coon liou live mors (torn this iity. Ihe Mae is believed lo have or filiated from st'Oi tsnrous f IMIll.lHlloll, 1 Ai hKriahtU NT, THE WOMAN OF POISE, One a rarity, Is now lo d nlrrvc I anil iilmiiet! uhih ivrr ham). Iiulsnl, no I'llirr woman ran flourish "i the iniiltl if llui innilrin, iuniliiatri life, In the liomr, in l.iiniri, m soriat lilt, tlx h.hikii lin is nno ami rMifnltiil wins. Hhile the nnviiio, llu.itifil liuiii'iilutl Hi.tri hrr )il. nit and Kis howlisr U rmirt, imms is ii .il'nl msiiily itmi souml hralth lttl tt'Sily norvn II yuu frrl th nti ai bring krpl hs.'k In this sy. why mi lum to that it . inaii't iriiii.tj, I i tt i ; I'mkhsm's 'raii,l l'ui'iuJ, wl'Kh was niaiibfti tuird 1 1 mii a thonah un i!(iiitiling of Ihe nrivlnis Hmt it w ointn -Y CaU. Caallaf, PalltlaM WATFRMEUON 10c- lit Want A4i 1'ivJoi Riu!t W W0