THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16. 13:: Buffaloes Run Wild in Wichita Park and Win Final Game of Series 12 Omaha Thumps Three Witches for M-3 Score Jo Hrrnr, The Yrari Man irr of JV2I ClMmj'i, Rf Tjikpa Hrln. Wiihiti Km. Aug. iS. Omaha punpH tbrre Vviihiu hurlert hard anil l"k (lit final game ol the arrirt 14 14)5. II lh lirtl (ame V ichl U bad Jilyd under IK niaiiaNrmriit .l Howard lrraory. wnj irlievrc, J Berg'r, manager (or the local tlkb tor III ptl lit yean. iVi4 irniion III 111 leam tued liffgrr'l rrngnalion, S-f' OMAHA- 4 h. it r r. fllelaaajl, Ik I I f Hal, Ik i... t I I N I limiluia, Ik I I t I l.tiffla, II I I Miwii, r i l i A pp.. a. rf .... ....... S t I f I Mll, m 4 I ( 4 t Op'. ...... ....... t I I oklia, y ......a......,.., 4 I I Total , t II II II If wirmrt. AH. H. fO.A. r taufc. ............. t. it m, Ik I I I I , 4 111 44ael.lM.ia, lata, rf Hera, m ,...t ........ 411 HllW, I,. ........ I ' I 1117, a , I I vt. limn. .......... a i MrlhmWI, Ik 4 111 Maaa, p . ............ I ttrllawell, ........... Aellaaa, I I irirrea , Total . I II II a Halt I Mian k alntk. Imaha , , t4l III Ha It dl.l.lla WaaMI-l MmMtfr-. rtrW kltat Hale, i.rtf fla,, App.eaaa. Vt Ileal Hi. Tww- baaa kiiat naiaa unniiMa, a.perea, mm. Waaiikava. V . Mrllawell. M..m. iiimi draalbane, P-a. MUi kwl M Il ia. HIM ana) ranai Off Maaa. 1 aaa) 7 la I I I laalngei arff Mlnaall, a aaw 4 la I l-l lalfi af tellaw, an) ( la 4 I I lanlage. hlro.k aall Mr lrfcl, I kr Maaa, i kf aVIInra, I. fhaae kallei tit Ufkla, 41 af Maaa, II y Mian, l Ml aa aaiati wunlta, i irmana, 1 1 Im4 ranai WVblta, l Omalia, II. I at. plrral JII4 aa4 llama kn. Tlaaabl:. George Boehler Hangs Up New League Record Tula, Auk. IS Gforre Boi-tiler rrlifved McLaUchlio in the ninth in ning lodajr nd hi-ld the Denver lirr in check, and the UHrrntart til a rally in the ninth and put 'the Knif on ice. 7 to 6. itorhler act a nrw Weitfrn leaftie pitrhinit record whrn he liuiig tip hit JOih victory of the rtn, bcore: AKHS AI AH M O A. ffHiitn.i t III n.finlt, If 4 I I t (I'imni. If I I I Irirpcia. Ik 4 111 WrighMk 4 11 1 I'tri; it 111 ln, rf lit I Uiiii, r I M I'ail'M.Sk III 1 r-liv.K. lb I 114 K.rr, 114 I liau'fta, lb 1111 I'arl'l. Ik I I I I'NIuarl. a I I I I l-.rk.r, I I I l(-rnlr, I I I 4 V fhl., fit I.M Ut'1, I I lllnaklar, p Total II II 14 iacyii,U 111 I Total II 17 IT 14 Runnif kit kr kt4 ball. &m mM wh.a winning run ''rd. luttatf fnr M'luhll In lnill. ar kf Innlaga; Tvar ............... ,, tl 00 I Tmaa 4l 40 tit 1 Nummary Bunai OnmH, WrlKlit, Fal Ifraun, Karr, Cartrrlkt, Tarkaf, Hannalt "II, ThompMB l, I'ala, tlaaniaa, Ktaart. Krrri KaKrr, Carl wrluhl, ilia, man, Croalir, MrLauihlln. T-kaa h: H'.niaa, lav!: llvina run: llnnlt, kac HfK hlla: Lnnt. farkar, Vovrhlaa, Iiau. man. tloltn kaaM' Wruht, Krr, Curt. wnb(, Tarkar, Thmin, I,llvll (II KaraU run; Uanr, I; Tula, I. Ift on ha am: Danvrr, ; Tolaa, 11. JIHa and funa; . off Mcluirhlln, I and 4 In I limlrna. ' aaa an kalli: Off Vvnrtiala, Tj nff Me l,auhll, I; eff B...hlr, I. Wlnnln plthr: floahlar. Blru'k qui: Tl Vixir haia, 4; kr lolulilio, I. riouWa play: Karr aa Wright to CartwrKbt. t'mprra; Jl ad Andaraan. Tlmai 1:11. rwkar Wla la lllk. Oklahoma CHy, Aug. II klu nty avaaad ID rla ky fakln lh final am from Oklahoma City titr today, I l 4, In II Innlnaa. kcora: aioux cnr. I okla. riTT. AHH.O.A AH.H.OA. Kami's, I I I lltt. rt 111 Hmn'y, Ik I 1 I I (ilnn rdl, Kill Kiab. ef III llTala, iti i I I I t'almar. Ik III 3 Kru-r,lb I 1 I I Hh alliif, pill liH'ln'i, lb 1119 oal.r d, If I I I l.nn. 111 guarry. If 4 I I liU'ln.lla, a I I I I T.aar, rf 1110; Moor, tl t I I I Jucll'r. Dili tin, p IV a - Thirin Till I 41 II II 14! Allan, P 11 4 0 4 Toiala 40 7 II 1 tMnora eut f'vr Intarfrtrln, Haltad fur Y.Af la lllh. Mruta by Innltia: m,n City 4 io ooi oil I Ok'abama CMy 101 410 (l 0(1 010 -4 Summary Huita: llnnitlton it, Hfmlnf. Oalrrnard (I). I'm it). Ulnalanll, Tala. Krrura: Hamlhon. llamlnKWay. falmar, Hhnlln, Haviia.r, Talc Ktua. r. Two-baaa hit: llmlny, Palmrf, Hhanillna, ., tliaalai ill. I'ltt, Tata. Nacnflea hiia. ll, Ktu.f.r li, 1,011. inln liaana: llaiiiln(Hy, Kl.h, tiaur yard, Quarry, I'm (1, Tata. Haara on l.alla: nff Kdy, 4, off Itaaitaar, 1. airu.-k ami H r My. 4: ty ln..Hr, I. wild IMlih: dy I'aaaad tialla: Hlinlllig. Qurr. fr. l-nii Hui.a and hi'a: tlf Kly, 4 and In It Iniilina; nff Allan, 1 and I In 1 inntn l.oamf piffbar; AHrn pnultl li a a Mi. ..r., Wiadla to Mi I'anirla: l.mi, "Tl 10 Kru'im Kurtlaar lo Mali; Klik to H.itili. , Humllton lo I'almar lo Ma(ij ljurrry in Man t.rft vn haara: hu.ut tHy !i okiahmn i'r. I. I'm lira. Molina and Utiwl'. Tuna: 1 41, State League Twa I'aaara Halt" l-laka, Itaailnca Nab, An lt-T k'la emipLd with l" a In lha aananlk lie (ilea I In. a i I M'iir ll.aiinaa k' t-la,. H( lIMill.V I M.kriNll AM II A A I'll" kyian. aa I I I r lb I I 4 I rri il I S a M" .ar, .1114 1 .,a Ik I I f .. If III I oaa, t I ( - if 111 ii'kaua t 4 I .' !!: li I. If ( i a n ci to f f I -.t."..: :r r... ",a , , : ; I I I I il. tta. 4 I l ni.i.aiip j a i ami, l i-a. k I I K1, k 114 4 m 7 n i7 Vlal i t tl II TUI . ln a I aala ,, 14 ll.lliai I I" a. ..(.. Kia IHOI'I , Ml, M.. i, aii" a. I'.a.i Wii lu. a k. .... ). ! . i a. P. kia. wane. k l "i S. -a tn taa hi'l M.t . kill l-nat. g,,a.r !.( liiM ( I fcaaa W' l , !'.. ia HI ! i. 1 mil , ( . -. .t a.a-a.'lll ll-, aaa lltMUl I n i if t'a.. I el t I I 1 a" I . lull! oal Wt Wat .,i l, 1, I tl ia. I I alt aa tlii.t I la-.ia, kaiaal ,-. I Hat. ago I aa,!,. ..aaaa l a I 44 'Sir.iitlpr" UwU W, I Kbit. ). NiHi;, Ai U- l.4 'M.!,'! tllt dff44 )lhll 1. 4' ll'K4 l WHllIll, III tlu.Hl Mi' !) 'Itt k tH .e-sj Sarazen EDDIE'S FRIENDS 1 M l TOLD THt f055'.ToPAy W DOMT MAHC IT TH Yw(M I 4 That T THOUGHT l'p TAWt ItK. PfLCAuSe t's WA rj; tlK Off AUD Tav , G0'r4& TO Bt p05y. ' " AT HOMt Few A fttST. ' Ay BP.0(tl CIV 8 PLAV f "imr " fl I"THiMk.TW00tO HtRC TUCSPAV AMD V - 1 PoiVtAtOT 1 CTtrXTAiNTrAC-LErJD Of 60OP. " A'HANO SoCitTy OW I ! ThUS0A, AwD OM FftiDAy T I'M HAvff40 A TA V CAU'T V5U BP- fVvoe y y , C'5 I tpiwa aa IT-t. ftv fcavna. I - ; National League Bad Mat Oal fklllla. Cincinnati, Auf II. linnuhu In far furm today nd tha I'.rda ahut out lha PIiIMIm, I I . Maiouai Mia alao affa'dvo airapt in lha third, B.u tbt local rorad all lhair mno on ainio ky llurn and Dauharl, a paoa aial a duul ky I'lnalll. Maadoa awrurod half cf Ibf an mad by hia loam. Tf.o oiore: Hlli,ArKI.PHIA, CINCINNATI Abllu.A! ill nil Walona lb 44 I'llurtia rf 411 rorkon.lli III Jiliaunritlk rill I Wllliam.rf 4 4 1 Juii-n If III K alkar rf 4 I 4 i Hr.iwh.rf III Mokaa.lf 41 r..nol.a.Jk 4141 yi.u hr .a 444 l'lnlli,li, I I I 1 l.aalla lh 11 I'ayaiiy.aa till Hanlin. 4 11 IIWinao lilt Maadowi.p 111 4i tuija.bu,p 111 Total II I II ll Total If 1 ST 11 00 000 (f 0 Philadelphia Clnrlnnall ,,,,, ,.001 00 oo I eummary Huna: llurn. liaubart, Pen. a. icrrora: Klatuh.r. Pin. in. nnn.thu.. Two-kaao hit: Plnalll, Walkar. (arrilliaa: Uunran, PlnallL Jioubla ulara: Maail.iaa ta Plotehar to l.aallo: Piotcbor to Italia. I.aft on boat: Philadelphia, I; C'lncmnall, aaa aa nana: Off iinaohua. 1- nil Maadowa, 1, aiiU'k out; By Iwnnhua, i r Moodowa, I, fmplra: irntalla and lam. Tuna tit (into: 1:1. Cooro firit tamo: BODTO.V, I CHICAUO. AH.H.O A. A uuftk Pu'oll, rf I 1 (ifliats, cf 14 a opr. o i4 1! Hollo ar, a I I 1 4 Nlrh'a, rf 4 I I 0 Tarry, In till Ford, a 11 J flrlm.a. lh I 111 t Holko, Ik 4 10 Uli.a'ol. rf 4 1 i 4 Klaun, If I I I liFrllr. If 1114 Kbaro, 3b I 1 I 4 Kfur ah l 1 a 1 O'Nall, l I I I 4'O'Parrall.a 4 I I I aHOO'kol 11 OiKaufnn. alii Hraiton, p 0 01 Wataon, p I 0 t Total 1110 27 1 til boon, 1 1 I vl Tatal J 4 24111 a Ballad for O'Nall In lhlb Scor by Innlnia; Bnalon ., "I'D 000 000 4 C'hl;o Oil 20 U S nummary Buaa: Hollochor, liriihroto, Prlbrrr. Kru(, O'Parroil. Krrora: NHhol aon. Two-haaa hlla' O Karrrll (2.) Hma run: Ifollorhar. Harrlflra hit: Km. Doubla play: Tarry to Holloehar toflrlmaa. l.rft on baaaa:, I; fhliexo, . Itaaaa on tall: Off Walaon. 1: off Kauf mann, 1. at ruck out: lly Walaon. t; by Kaafmann, I; by llraalon. 1. HU: Off Walar.n, I In 7 lnnln: nff Ilrajton. t In Innina. Hit by pltrhrd ban: r wai- aon IPrlbar) Loln plti'hr: Witaon. Umplraa: Uut(lty ana 11 or an. TIB); :!. Marond aama: BOBTON. CHICAIO. AH H.O A I , AH, II, O A J'owll rf 4 J I 0i Mtatc rf 4 114 KnpMh lilt1 llnlin hr,a 4111 Nlrhlan.rf 4 110! Torry,2b 111 awdy.e 11 SI a I H i Pord.aa 4 1 1 1; H'alhct.rf 4 114 Hnlka.lh 4 1 ' Priliara.ll 110 0 Minn, If 41 !Krl, 3t Hill Rarbar.Ib 11 l O'Parell.p 10 0 0 M'N ara.p I I 0 II tna.p 10 0 0 m naevea.p i o i j Total II 1 14 111 ' Total 11 ! niwtnn ,..,. o 10 I hicao sio oo :: Kummary Runa: Pwi-ll. Itolka, Mr. Mamara, llnllm h.r, Tarry, tlrlmra II), llalhinti, yrihrra, Krua, O'Ktrrali Ki- rnra: Krua. Knrf. Iloina run: flrlmaa. Hlnin Imaa: Kru. kiai ill. Hacrlfli a; Krua, Ihravra. Tarry. I'oulila playa: tl'Karrall In llnllnrhrr: Orlmia to llnl- lfMrr In Orlmaa; rliava to ilrlinra. Ift na Aaaa' Itnainn. ft: t"ht'a an, 4. rlana on bulla: Off MrNaniara. I; nff .lnni'a, I; (iff h.rvra, 1. Htrurk mil: My, 1; hv Mi'Sainara, I: by rhr.vaa 1. IHU: tona, 7 In I. tinna mil In aavnih; nff h-aa, nana In 9 II1' bv .ll.hl ball: Hv l-hva, flnwdy Wild I'llihaa. if. Samara .T.ini-a. Winnlit plirbri .Innaa. lupiraa: Muran nd gmalfy. Tiin, I II. Afier Swim Krrord. !. Angeli i, Aug, B K. A, Ban- field of Venule, iititl til bt, tile only nun to iwiiii three mile in the cold wateri of Fugrt Sound, has arrived In I oi Angelri and annmiiicr lir will rtieinpi lo iwim llie rlunnel helArrn ! StilM I i.ji1ii. I. -,t.l B.i.l (. m.iii. ' land Tl.. . l.rivwr., ,u , iwiinli ( over .'5 nii!e, but HdnfirMJ i..fin cinilideiue in tut ability to! im id tbiiani, thiii.otmii..4,!n. li.el, I , Harne laya tn See Self Lut tn Tottrneu riiubufR Aug IJ Inn Rainn hJ in nay It in m him.l f4i. Iitipti in lha natlunal pi laoia. al toiwaimini tl 0kmvtii Cvwii. try llutj im, y. Hat a Im4 i ut hi l(4 1 MiHr HruH iht dmitiu. 11. kul h lt4 atH.ui a wall a Wall ltiia tli4 al Shekit Un naalk, tiara llnatly fstij tl la Ih4 fmt ! IvuO tr tl klltr M h4 k( llmrvl4 fiaww lh) l'tsaii k lh voiiih. M lNa Fmii'I. Tha K i la) S kiuiy'i I lu trt4 o4 h i mmi 4a. I I'm -mm- -W to Meet Jock Hutchison m JNationai "rro Tourney lociay EntrV list for Early CloSlUg Races Full of Fast Trotters and Pacers; Meet Opens Soon WITH tliouundi of dollar! at bait, icvcral of the country'i fahtest trotten and par.cri are expected to be entered in the Ak-Sar-Bcn - a annual fall festival harnria race meet which opens at King Ak'i minion dollar' punt, rptemi)er i Sir Koch, Hal .Mahone. Johnny Quirk, IORan HedKwood, Main Direct, Hal Bee and AquilU Dillion are aome of the fast hamefi hornei that are likely to rare over the Ak- Sar-Ben oval thii fall. The early doting hit u chucked full of entriei and each event, judg in g from aome of the trotten and pacen entered, will be an intereiting rare. Horseman have until August 22 to titer I he lata i-tnainir avenlr. onri ' when the time rolli around for thee ! -i .-J .U.. . cnirici iq ciubc it l rxijcucu inoi i the cream of the harneu game will be entered. ' Should Sir Roch compete here. And it is likely that he will, railbirdi will get a chance to lamp one ot the most promising pacen of Grand circuit racing. Hii yictory over Australia Tennis Team Beats French Longwood Cricket Club, Aug. 15. Australia advanced to the final round of the Davit cup preliminary competition today over the tennis team of France. Pat O'Hara Wood, doughty little player from the "Land Down Under, struggling against an aching ihouldcr and a one set ad vantage gained by the giant French man, Andre dohert. who was favored to win, (cored the deciding point for hii team by winning, 2-6, 6-2, 6-1, 6-4. Gerald L, Patterson, Australia's captain, in a post-climax match with young Henri Cochet, woiv another four set victory, 6-2, 2-6, 6-4, 6-2. As a result of the tournament, totals stood:. Australia, 4 matches wrn; France, one. jor League Moguls . Hold Annual Confab , Chicago, Aug. 15. Change! in the date on which major league clubs mut cut their rosieri to 25 players and on which trading or sales of ball played-i ean be consummated, were given unanimous approval yesterday in an informal ditctission at the joint meeting of the National and Ameri can leagues before Comtr.'f.Moner K. Kf. I.aiutia. No definite anion on thei natters, however, was takrn today, it bring ucre.iary to give .1(1 div notice!'' rolt ,;"'":V,r?,T to ",e previotu to olfieuliy votipg on i!ilc":'a ;l'le for $I2,5ihi, mhjrct, but the imanimou a- uroval I , lh" l arnhroi.k ul.le pan HOW of those attending lodav'i $et-cn as-! i ured the adoption of llie rnt;e at J 1 Hie next anmi.l iiirfin., a . . a " ' -Mlllirr l'rk Ire til I'liiV lieriew I'trr 1 i .11 i i . ... - i , t n- Kevot ihowi.i,. rhuniiicn at Miller .Tark. wil!''.' u., ii.i.. h.i .I.. ,n uani , lift,' .. i 7. .... VftiU at Kivmiray 'park, jo special iiutih ih'l wrrkl i.ii lb Niiunu t'outti. Th winiuf id li ltd will b pir rd with tb gill (lunipitift of .m i'lhr rik, A ptu. will h giU t inner j by I Iiiiii timiii Slnttl Ol lb h.il4 VllU 111 V,V piV wilt b r.ld putri I,. ,k. U l l'.,W tl .'l .'..h by n M,iil I' Id I I tit. ( Fure.t V alt Makltr. ,.il H i t. N V V'sr - I 4 ,1111 iuuh 1 luda i I. 1 Jar in: Wiimtu'l ittluiptl t'in' 1 4 tf ,1111111 at I" M"il" 1 U' I I Kiwi I hi.. tA a.i,a b-ti, l ..a A a a : tt -.1 si k i -I k il.. 1. in t t'i t - l-a. 4-a.l uiitd , u -... .. it ?( tit -t";l-4 lApaeta. It (w.Jt Ma s. II.,4 , l u U- ( la. ! t I lltet I i -a w.. -a ... I , .. u ' t-gaat 11-lnMi aaalt . 4 --, I , t'.t 41 . ia 4 j !. I -t .. . I w . 9 . a 4-iitf k-t-a. 1 TT-T- .14) "T CONFLICTING PATES and contmuei until acpteinbcr 10. Margaret Dillon at the recent Toledo meeting in one of the mot sensa tional pacing racci ever staged, landed him right in' the center of the spotlight. t - ' Sit Roch paced to a record of 2:02 1-2 at Columbus last year when a 4-year-old. His first start this sea eon was at the first Toledo meeting where he hooked up with Margaret Dillon and was beaten, forcine the mora tr nira tfio trnni host in 7fHl ! flat. He raced at Kalamazoo where ! I.. t..-. t.. l: nc wan ucaicii vy jiuuiiy .uirvctiuii hut won the third heat in -L At Columbus he came through in the free for all pace, his first heat in 1:59 3-4 and the next two in 2.02 and 2:01, Margaret Dillon won the 2:04 pace at the same meeting, pac ing the third heat in 2:00 l-. Taylor Off to Join Jack Dempsey's Camp Jack Taylor, light -heavyweight negro boxer, left last night to join Jack Dempsey's training camp at Michigan City. ' He will remain there nntil the 20th and then go to Sioux City to fight Sam Lang ford. He will return to the Dempscy camp after the fight. According to Jack Lewis, "Taylor probably will box Kid .Norfolk on the semi-windup to the Dempsey Brennan scrap at Michigan City Labor day. Kearns and Dempsev saw Taylor box at fobi-rIy, Mo., July 4. Japan Aspires to Win Cup Wilh' New Stars Soon San Francisco, Aug. 15.- Japan is building a formidable tenins organ ization with the sole purpose of capi turing the Dfcvis cup within ' five vearr, if possible, according to Wal lace Bates, captain of the Univer sity of California tenuis tem that toured Japan and China this sum mer. Colt Sell for SI2,r00. Saratoga Springs, N, Y Aug. 15. Mosely and Madden, consigners of the most promising offering of yearling to be old at the Spa Sale naddorlci, announced the private sale wr fo" lIfl",VJl"; l01Il", t -i T Ul f I. X !) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . Cluuini A, llva't. ifitlral fittd iirriPnUiii. of the Ked t'roM die orp. a iteiunnstration 'i iur-s in aim aw iniitttiikr in . i. . . . .i . . i rv ,,v' r and t'luirl a ritmi at l ie unit 1 Dm Important Hoxlng Houti This Week laaaa I V IW.avt AAM aMM4 dlea a.. !... jMMMft, ta a.,4a la ln.iaa til au4 - 4 . J k . h .. . la-r-kaa WH-h.ll ( a V Ha.aK .. i la tuit.U. taa la-U.K. Mull-a u.nal H W. 1 aua. i I .... . aa iihkm,, lu I ( Va.aa aaalaal I fcaita HaiM.I, II k V.avt ..a. it -- a w it -a ..4 ll-ra a wa.ti. aaalaa aaaa- laaaat I P !4.Uea e tiari il Ma ,. la IM(Hh (U(. - 4 4,4t l-H.rt I.. ata ti. - a&.ih. I a. l. la - - tal4 II .a kae tl aa I kill ..kiada , I a..4 lat ri ta a So o" IVAfe Slam Oat 25 Hits and Win Iloaton, Aug. IS. Chicago made 25 liiii today and defeated Bo.ion, 19 to II, the wiiineri tiling four pitcheri iwd lioston, Sherty, S rulk, Mulligan ami Kf cCIclUn hit the ball fiercely, line hiti being the rule. Score: riUCAOil I IHiHTiiN AH II OA I k All HO A U'llmn. lb I 1 lif.'kold, If 114 htrunk, f I I l a I' no. k, p li I I OiWl'llnap I I I M i ll. II. aa 1114 1 I I'Huma, lb I I II 1 4 t 4'1'rall. lb 4 111 I I I Una, If 14 14 I I I M, rf II I liy-aiar, lb 111 14 1 Hurl, O I I I I I I I'ljuiiin, p b u.arll, p 141 4 4 p 4 I 4 Miliar, tl III .aKarr M'laill. rf I Y. Ciliia, lb I llm.l,rf I Hti-.iy. lb I I .m, If I '"Ian, a 4 J kina, aa 1 kVbalk. o 4 It lann, p f'tnay, p II alilp, p l a bar, p I J'lliuaua 1 iJ I'lillln 14 4411 II ll'it.haplin 114 Total I Tnlala 41 II IT II Hallad fur Mrriallaa In a.ahlb, sliaiud rr Yti'nn In ta.h aliaiiad f ir W, i i.lllna In ninth. lialiad tor llbold In aluh. lliliaao oil of 4 117 II IliMiun lu lof 0 1 o 1 1 kummary Runa: Mulligan, H iatal K rnllina 111, llonpir (21, Hi, r'alk ll. ilrd.llan 111, Mihalk, Hlankonalilp, Pabar, MIKhall, Hunia I2i, l'rtil (I), J. Ilarrlo. llanuaky ill, Pawaiar. Itual, kf II I. r. Krror. K. I'olllna. Tan l.aao hila: f-h.aly, il. ri-llan, H. halk, Ptatt lit. Thraa haaa l.lla: K.'halk, J. llama. Hlni.n haao: Mem.eky. karif ii'.a: Mulllian, Kalk, an unh H halk. In.ulila playa: Mcl'lallan In V. fullllia, BYlialk lo ll.l lall'in, Mllrh all 10 Burna. Jvft on baara: I'hlraao. I; Hnainn, Haaa on bulla off Hlrin, I: nff t'ouiinry, I: off Hlankanahlp, 1; off gulnn, I: uff Pu.a. II. 1; off K.rauann, I Htrui-k nut: fly Unbarlann, I; by Qulnn, I; by Hlankanahlp, J; by I'annock, 1: by rnlllnl. 1. Hlla: tiff Knbrrlann. 11 In 1. Unna nut In anth: off r.uriny, 1 In l-l; nrr iiianHananip, in I l-l; off Foliar, in I I I; off gulnn. I In I l-l; nff Itua aall, I In 1 l-l: off Pruaun. In 1; nff Pan nor k, i in 1 l-l; off W. Collin, I In 1 l-l. Wild I'ltchra: nuaaall, 1; rnurtney, j; r.nnoiH 1. Vi'innlna- Pltchori Piankanahlp; loam plli har, l'nnu k. t m plraa: Nallio and Kvaiia. Tlmti 1.17. Indiana anil Allilrllia kplll. I'hlladaliihla. Auf, It Clavaland and Phlladalphla divided a dnuhla-haadar to day, tha former atinnin lha flrat Kama. II 10 4, and t'hllad.lphla lha ennd, T o 4. CJaranco (Tllllo) Vialkar mada hi lllh homa run In tha flrat (aina and hi 27th In lh aacond. kenro aacond aaim-, CI.KVei.ANU. l'llll.ADKI.PHIA. i AH.H.O A I AH H.O.A. Ja'aon. If I I I li Young, lb I 1 1 I Wainby.Ib 111 3 lUuaar, lh I 111 1 hpna r. rf I 1 1 0 W elch, rf I 1 1 Mieph' 4 11 i Miller, cf 4 14 1 W all, a 4 1 I 41iruKify, o I 1 1 4 Wood, rf 1110 (Meilnwan 0 00 (lulalo, lb 4 111 011'arklna, o 0 0 O'Nall, 0 4 11 2!dall'y, aa 4 I 1 I llnona, p 114 tj Walker, If 4 1 I 4 t,innoay, p i u o 2lykaa, 3b 12 11 i.runrr j a llDinnia, P 4 4 I 1111871 t.a aaon, p o g o u 1 Tolala an i aa i ii Tolala xllaiied fnr Undaay In alahlh, zllattad fnr Hruay In aevaiith. (Scora by Inrilnia: Cleveland , 00 onj 000 4 Philadelphia no gig joi 7 nummary Huna: Wamby. Sneaker. Hta- phanaon. O'Kell, Hauaer (2), Miller, llal loway (3), Walkor. Krror: Young. Two baa hlla: Walker, Wamby, Hruxy. Jam- leann. Throa-baaa hlla: Uallnway, Iykea (2.) Homa runa: Dtophenann, O'Nall, Walk er, Stolen Imae: J, Hawaii, kacrlflca hlta: whv In Tonn. 11 T .i h.... woan, Mruowin. Jtoublo playa: OhIIo L''"'1"'?; '"L th"',:'.s'li'1.' " ",U"M ""i """". : noona, j; on I.lndaay, I. Struck out: ny Rommell. 2. Hlta: Off Hoone., In 3 1-3 Innlnaar off I.lndaay, 1 In 1 2-3 liinlim; off Edmund ami, 0 In 1 Inning Hit by pitched ball: By Kommnll (J, Hewell); by I.lndaay fDykeo.) Wild pitch : Hnnne. l'mplrra: Mnrlarlty and Owena. Tima: 1:60, , Tlrown Jlrrak Kven. Waahtnctnn, Aug. 15 fit. Loula split oven In a double-tiiader hero today, win nln 7 lo 1, after being defeated In tha opener. I tn 1, Zanhary proved a puzzla to tho vlaltnra in lha flrat gam while the lorala bunched hlla nff both Wright and Pruett. In tho aorond enrounler tho In cala wora baffled by Davie whlla Kranci wn bit hard and fiequanlly. fcnra econd gaihe: SfN LOUIS. WASHTNSTOW. AB.H.O.A. AHH.O.A. Oerber.aa Tohln.rf .Taon.lf M'anua,2b Wlllma.rf Heverald.o Hnklo,3b Cavli, p S 3 I 2IP.lca.rf 1 1 4 12 0 Hrrta,2b t 210 OUudga.lh 4 14 OlOonlln.lf 4 11 SHrowr,rf 411 0Hhanka,3b 4 14 lil'pauch.aa 1 1 111 0 2 0 J 0 1 1 1 l i 0 4 4 0 1 4 0 4 10 0 1 Pclm-h.o 2 0 0 3 xBuah , Torrea.e Kranrtva.p zztioebel Total IS 12 27 12 Totala M 7 27 18 gtHntled fnr Plofnleh In aevenlh. rr.Hatled for Ftancla la ninth. Scora by Innlnga: St. I.oula oil iin2 210 T WaalUngtnn Out) 000 001 1 nummary Run: Oerher (3),-Jcobaon, McManu ). Iniyla, Prcklnimugh. Krror: Hntrla, Pocklnpaugh. Pruncla. Two-haae hlla:. Judgo, Thrne-liaao hit: Staler. Htolen huaa: llarrla, MrManua. Harrlflc'a: Oavta, Tobln.- Left on baaca: St. Iuia. fi; Waah Ingtnn, 10. ltuara on lialla: Off I 'a via 4; nff Francle. 2. Struck nut: Hy Down, 0. lilt by plli her: By Davla (Hrrla. I'aaaed bll: Hevereld. I'mplrea: c'ii:inolly and Uuthrla, Time: 1 : 4 J. New York, t llctroll, , Now York. Aug. II Meutrl' hum run In tha ninth which tin! lha and Elmer Dmlth'a circuit drive In tho loth, gava tha Now York Yankeea a 2 to 1 victory ovor lha l)lrlnt Tlgcra tn. day, Kaaal"r' muff of Mauael'a foul In tha ninth gava Huh a new "life" and ha Ihen alammed out tha lying blow In h'a f tret appearanra on the Polo hi a Yankca, Eini.r Mmiih, aubaitititlitg fur naba lluth, whn lo atlll r'iivanna from hie reran! operation, made an auaplctooe debut by amacking out a hnm-r In the f nal fmma, wlih wn mil, Nhnwkrv waa effecilva In lha lni hea b-avlng II Tigna airanded en lha boar, .t.nre: I'KTHillT ,KIV. TOIIK- Al If O A AM It O A i l to i win cf j i i a .li.n.a lb t'xbbrf ' h If llmann if i .bi :h I'.igiey a lUai.r a k, liinka p Olilliam p 111 M Mllnif 4 11 hllamn tl( 4 11' Mnitlh rf 4 11 Pll.p.rf 114 lid. hang o I 4 M-'i.-l If 4 t 1 H .(. ;i, 4 1 14 si-. (. p T l.ia lillilttli Tii.'a If lii: itaa ut ahaa alnntdg fu a o'.d k oi It Inamaa r 14 do I N. Tak t-i) l.l l I -1 luatniti- Mi(.f- fuhH. k ,nk V i .. Maua.) ... n .,,(... v.a, a i.fta I..i4hi i. .4., i W. l, f.fl n t.-a S a t ! 4. l i" ..I It ri-a .a hma -ti ah. s. . 1 (l P. I , a ( . I' ah. ., tr Hlll I III". I'll , a:.... . - I, i. a t i iKL... .... t I. i iu., t-4r ' t. ( i ih. ! j lM ut. I'luaea tm l l.i4..l.,e4 1 m. ( . IS4.,, I It, mttarH Mau Attend IknipneU'llrfniian Tilt I ' t i A"'i, t It .. f I !ti W il!( I, f.irnur hti. y n r.ti( cHtmfika.. ( a'fiKSI ' b-iimitt liftin jit I in p sjn.l I'.iii tV,'. Pi.i ii id Si f ,:Ui-li ii ti "l " f . , '" " ' (i I it II Hit h. at 1 'ii!i4ii ( iii. Int. li 1 , K'".i'it I .i iitd i n!a. I I t . til' ! -I t ' I. .1.... .1..'.. - - - - I 1 T"" BaseBallResults 5naSiandinp HflTlky I KAbl K, a landing a, W I. p. I 1 W' I. Pd. Tula. 1 44 .tie tluffakt 4 al aoa l. Joaapb II 44 .tit okla t lly t tl ,4l WliUlla 14 If .I4llaatlallia 44 11,144 kivut CUP II II ,111 I'ti.ver 41 II .111 lealerdai'a Haaull. Huffaluaa. I4 Mkfclla. 4. el. Juaepk 1, I'aa Muillea, I. , lulaa, li I' kiuui I'H, I, tialahoma I'll), 4. Taalai' Oaiuea, lira Vninea at at. Jiii I, So aibar gainaa arhadulad M.IIKAhkl kTATK I.P-AOIE. kiandlnaa. W. U I'H l. W I. prl. Norfolk 11 la ,t4l Palrbury II I ,44 l.lni om 21 14 ,lli llaaiinga II II .4 " llaallli a 1 I .414 il. laland 11 14 .141 t eelerdaj't Haaulla. l.inroln, ; llaaiinga, 1. aiihjry, 14, lirand laland, I. Norfolk, li liitlca, 4. TodaV llama. Ilralrlrg at'Uiand lalaud. lairbuiy al Idm'oln. Nuifa.k at llaainiga. NATION Al. IP.AGl K, ntandloga. W. U Pi t W. U Pel. Naw Tork 14 4t .III Clnclnnall t II .III KI. I.OUI 4 4T .174 llriioklyn II 14 .111 I'ltlaliurk II 41 .l4Phllad.. 14 II, It! CliMll 41 4 .IH.IlnalOB .4 11.11 Irelerday't Koaulla. Plilaburgh, . New York, t. i lnrinnatl, I; Philadelphia. I. I'liloagn, -l, lloalon, II I. (N other gamea a b.Julad ) Today' damn, Union at rhuago, lliuoaiyn t kt. I.oula Naw York at Pltiabuigh. Philadelphia al t Incinnail. AMP.ItKAN 1.P.AOIP.. W. 1. pi t. W. T Pel HI. Ixiult 4 .lllCl.val.nd fl 17 ,101 N. York 44 .Htjwa.bin ft IT .4(1 Iiatrolt I II .I37hlla. 41 14 .401 l.'hliag IT II .lllUoaton 41 II .171 Veatarday' Kraulta. New York, I; Iiatrolt, 1. Cleveland. 11-4; Philadelphia, 4 7 Waahlngton, 4-1: MU Ijjuii, i-T. Chicago, II: lloalon, 11, Today'g llamaa. Cleveland at Philadelphia. Detroit at Nw York. Chicago al Iloaton. "t. I-oula at Waahlngton 22-Year-OldPro Defeats Jim Barnes Oakmunt Country Club, Pitts burgh, Aug. 15. Johnny Farrell, 22- year-old professional at the Quaker Kidge golf cluli of Mamaroneck, JS. y eliminated the veteran cam paigner, Jim Barnes, from the na tional professional golf tournament yesterday afternoon. The youngster steadier, and more accurate than the star from Pelham Manor, New York, was one up at the end of the 18 holes. Farrell and Barnes brat par for the hy a stroke, each making the round in 73. On the lay green, B a r n e a 'overshot while Farrell pitched hit ball within two feet from the pin and halved the hole. Gene Sarazen of Pittsburgh, na- tional open champion, and Jock Hutchison of Chicago, are among the 16 survivors who will participate in the doublet round of 36 holes, match play tomorrow. Schmader Is Matched With Tommy Gibbons Lincoln, Aug. 15. Nebraska fans will have an opportunity of watch ing lommy Oibbong, bt. faul heavy weight, in action here September 6 against Andy Schmader, the Louis ville slugger and former heavyweight champion of the United States navy. Both fighters have accented terms. but articles have not been returned nor the forfeit money posted. September 6 is Omaha day at the Nebraska State fair and the fight will be held at State league ball park late in the afternoon, according to present plans. Santel Regains Sight. Sacramento, Aug. 15. Ad Santcll, light heavyweight champion wrestler of the world, will defend his title here some time during the Califor nia state fair, September 2 to 10. He has accepted a challenge to meet Jack Dod, light heavyweight of Sac ramento. Santell has recovered sufficiently from his recent attack of blindness to enter the mat game again, Dod announced he was told by the cham pion's doctor. Logan to Challenge Richie Mitchell for Glove Title !ich;c Mitchell and Bud Logan probably will tangle in one of the twin Cities before this fall, with the junior championship at 'stake. Mitchell is running far ahead in the straw vote being taken to crown a junior welterweight king and Bud plans to cballege him. Logan yesterday turned down an offer to fight t'TuIli Kid" Herman at San Antonio. SchJuifer Leaven for Bout With Nichols at Hihliing "Kid" Schlaifer left last night for Hibbing, Minn, to light Johnny Nichols, St, Paul writer, who twice ha bealen hint, The bout will be 4tged Saturday imteaj of Friday, f urih'inally pUnned. SililanVr wii invmnim t t! in f,n. thipe inr the bout, Mr. Mjllnry Win. Kottr.t HiSU, V, Y..',ug 13 Mr. MnlU 1. MaUur?, New Voik, lb pUi in,! ibf.iuh liauipion, i!. frat'd Mu. Maty t. Nmfulk I .nil ,' fi it, fill, in th Ihifd Iraiut el t!io ii iUy ( lb W outfit . ,.... I ...... ,k c: .l. - - ...v.... ,,. . ...... i,... at lr et k! !u' ludtt. . Betters k llus 11 . tllll M at I ia III Itt 4a , I .(.., I -at til 1 It ,.., s.. 11 III II .... , .. . - . -. . . . ... nt t4 ; l.l . iha, ,, ,.( mitt x I.I tal II : j,. ., 1 ... . ... at III a1' I -tt law .h aa tai it t-a w,.ia. KI li III Ml , . a II lit tt at tt aa III 4a tl 44 , 4) IT"! Mr i. Johnmui Win 1 rcinont (olf Honor rrrmont, Nb, Aug. IS. (Sp rial Telegram.) Open day at iht Fremont Country club for llie Wom en' golf tournament wai a big mo ceis with lb largrtt number ol par ticipant! entered in a local t vrni of hka nature. Mri. thnTtri . Jubntmi, , run. nerup in t ilat tournament, won tint prize ill the tow gron score romielitiori. Feminine golfrn Ironi Omaha, Lincoln, Council lllullt and rrrmont were rntcred in the vari- oui ronteiti, Mr i. Jobnion hnithrd the big event with a 4.1. Mri. Kay Klliott, Lincoln, look tint place for low net. Mri. Harry Arnold, ex state champion, imathrd out the longest drive. Mra, II. H. Harper, Omaha, won the blind boury match Mri. Walter Silver, Happy Hollow, captured the honon in llie approach' inn and puttiiiit eontrit. while Mri Blaine Young, Omaha, took irrond place. "Rudy" Knepper, tranimittiiiippl champion, negotiated the Fremont eouri in a Scotch fouriome in 4.1.38. Stanley Daviei, Omaha Field club "pro," made a bid for the course record when he started with 17 at the end of the fifth hole. He was forced lo lake a ii on the next hole, however, and finished the round in 36, one over the rrYord held by Cai Marten, Fremont "pro," Following are the icorei of the low gron event: Mra, C. N. Jnhnton, Premont, 41 Mra. I.utber lraon. Pramont. 44 Mra. W, ailvere, Omaha, Happy Hol low. 41. Mr. Ray rillott, l.inroln. 41. Mr. Howard Uoodru-h, Happy Hollow, 4. lira, Tllaln Young, Plaid rlub. 41. Mr. Harry Arnold, Plaid elub. II. Mra. Clifford Calkin. Omaha. II. Mr. K. V. Arnold. Field club. If Mra, If. If. Harper, Plaid club, II. Mtaa Mlldret Morna. Happy Hollow. II Mra. J. J. MrMahon. Field club, II. Mr. W. J. Aaenmacher', yield club, 14. Mia. W. II. Plainer, Plaid club, II. Mra. -Allen Parmer, Plaid club, II. Mra. J W. THann, Field club. 14. Mra. W. H. Plynn, I' Ml lea, II. liertruda Koontie, Country rlu'j, 14. Mra, It, 1. Mulr, Fremont, II. Mra. K. I.lnlngar. Happy llhllnw, II Ml.a Clair Liaugharly, Happy Hollow, Mr. f. W. Aektlnf, Happy Hollow, II, Huphlna Patera, Country club, Omaha, II. Mra. W. O. I,ron, Elmwood, Omaha, 1. Mr. W. W. Wall. JJImwond, Omtha, II, Mra, rVhillll. Preltleat Mile. Omtha. II. Mr. William Mtrobcrger, Council llluffa, IS Mr. J. W, Mknglund. Ikom. 47. Mr. Albert Poll, Council Hluffa. IT. Mr. K. L. Plainer, Field club. 47. lra. Han Prle.len. Council Hluffa, 41. Mr. J. H. Parraif, Lakoma. II. Mra. Y. W. Arnold, Plaid club, l. Mra. Prank Uarrett, Council Hluffa. II .Mra. Cramnuer, Fromont. HI. Mlat llladya Hodge, Council Hluffa, 11 Mi. '. J. M err lam, Field rlub, 71. Mra. R, T. Vanmelra. Kfemnnt, 74. Mra, I,. 3. Hough, Field rlub, 71. Mr. K. tl. Hhlney, Field club. 77. Hr. J. I. Kino, Fremont. TT. Mr. Frank Wright, I.akoma, TT. Mra. fttewart Idvtneaton, Fremont, Tl. Mra. Joo rlmlth. Fromohl, 71. Mra. Ilarnard F.ddy, Framnnt, ID. Mra. C. H. Harley, Happy Hollow, II. Mra. W. W. Faat, Ijikoma, If. Mra. Rudtlawalt, Lakoma, tl. Mlaa I.ydla Martha. I.akomt. It. , Mlaa Helen Marr. Fromont, 14. ilia, Jtooa, Field club, 17. Rosenberg Beats Krug for "Title" New York, Aug. 15. Dave Rosen berg of Brooklyn battled his way to a 15-round victory over Phil Krug of Harrison, N. J., and won the rec ognition of the New York atate box ing commission as champion middle weight of the world last night, at the New York velodrome. It's Always Cool and Clean in the Fontenelle Barber Shog .,V - ( .j ii prf ? 'JPft IX addition to its ultra modern san itary equipment and its exeej tional tonsorial service, the Fon tenelle Barber Shop is one of the eoolest, brightest and airiest i,ots in Omaha. t'ltntf vt Cltn Towtlt -and the SAM PRICES cm ehtuhm HOTEL FONTENELLE Sanitary Barber Shop t a i.i lit b-.h a , l Hdl lalkU p-ett Mitsti la tkik "a . fMtil l f "r !! J-if !Tt''W''4.liti-l Liiiiiiti1 'u,'- .UU' ii-;.!.,!'; tfl'l' , ,t,.!lli',ijj't, 4t,liit'iif!! FT! 1 9, Champion Must Heat Chicagoan to Win Title I'ittkliurgh Colfrr Comjilfleli Outplaynl Jotk in National Open Tourney. Oakmounl Country Club, J'iHs burgh, Aug. 15. Gene Sarazen, pnil of I'itubuigh and national operi i-bampion, niutt eliminate Joifc Huichison of Chit-ago from the ra tional professional golf tournament today for the second time in two in soni or forfeit an opportunity to wear two crowns. Tht Pittsburgh youngster, and lb veteran Scot won their Jo hole matches today, decisively, ai a tun seouenre of brilliant play,vparticu lariy in the afternoon round. Sari ten ii one of three Pittsburgh itari who will participate in. the four niattbci tomorrow, ths fourth round of the tournament. Bob Cruikshank of Westfield, N. f, will meet Charlie Rowe, l'itu burgh, and will be in llie upper bracket with Sararen and Hutchuoii. In the lower bracket are Tom Karri gan, Siwvioy, N. Y., playing John (ioldrn. Tuxedo, N. ., and Kind I.oefeller, Pittsburgh, who will meet Emmett French of Youngttown. . Sarazen and Hutchison met in tha second round of lha national profj lional tournament at Inwood, N. Y., in 1921, and Gene completely out played Jock, winning 8 and 6. Hutchiion and Sarazen met with stiff opposition for 27 holes today, but their opponents failed on the home stretch. Hutchison eliminated Harry Hampton, Detroit, 5, aud 3, while Sarazen, only I up' in 18 holei, went wild in the afternoon and downed F. T. Sprogell, Memphis, t and 7. Gene developed hii hkokie stroke, and putts, long aud short, all looked alike. Rowe won from Jack Burgess, St. Louis, 6 and 5. Burgesi wai off color; Rowe was iteady. Paddock to Run Against Time for Home Folks Fatadcna. Cal.. Aug. 15. Charlei W. Paddock, sprint champion, will run 100 yards against tune here next Saturday at Brookside Park, ' Pad dock has promised lo run so that fel low townsmen will have an oppor tunity lo ree their "flash" in action, the athletic committee announced. All Week 10 Cool Watermelon When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome Ol Va X- I 'nifarmlf Count . 41 Srnif amwiifi-, a-- i.-ffl Am - 4- 1 tf-a III I II ' tl aett a. ( eaM-a, rt. ,