English Complain That U.S. Tourists Keep Purses Closed Sliup Krrprri anil Hotel Own rn Find Viaitori No hmg rr SpfnJ Money in Lavish Way. Undon, Aug. ll (By A, P.) England's shopkeepers, hctst and restaurant proprietor an 1 head Matters lay thi year's American tourist crop jt Di.t of the munificent prewar vnrty Of tht persons and enterprises that usually waa fat on lourUtt rushes lh steamship com psnwl r ihe only one who havt po complaint, lor at vet thru it an ateamthip substitute lor tran SHantlr travel and they havf sel dom, if ever, eclipsed tin year I nusiiictt, liut our landed on F.ng lub toil, t hi vear's tuiinat has con (Juried himself unite differently from I'm old timet who made the Amen nn traveler known lit liii Iavui tip, rriklest buying of jewels and clothing and indiscriminate pu' c hates f ''curio," gcnu'ne or cither-; vine. Instead of buying truukifull ! ;l apparel, th Wli tourist i bring my plenty (l clothing along and do ing h'1 sight-setting from "rubber iirtka" chartbanie intrad of frou lb privately hired motor car cl former years. Outtipptd by Britiah. According to th waiters, the pre eut day tourist hte trimmed 'htir lint to a trant 10 per cent of thfir hill in fact, are outdone by Urit ih and continental oatron in the mittrr of tipping. Th holrl nir ager note a marked decrease in the miuilitr of American tourist who davel da lue Hith their 'anvl: and retinue td sc'ariti, "Only a few of those most fortu nately situated apparently can af ford to travel in surh state nowa day," itii the plaint of one manager. Chest Given Boom. The world's ches congress, now in session in London, ha given a ((real fillip to the ancient game and bud ding Capablanca throughout the city may be puzzling over the open gain brtf and complicated nwvM, com pletely ignoring their roast beef and boiled potatoes One firm of caterer! that operate 200 hop baa act of chessmen for itl patron, which, incidentally, would teem to give an Insight into the amount of time available to tng liah buines men for lunch. City of Khaki Tents Built by Guardsmen (ratina4 Vrom Pat e.) put up prize for the best drilled men in it Company K. The road will give an annual pan to the men of the heit uuad in the company. Col. Thoma laid the afternoon will be filled with dress parade. guard mount and just plain drill. The chaolain who i in charge of welfare work plan to give moving picture how m the evening. There will alio be boxing and wrestling ) Lt. Col. W. A. McDanie! i senior iitstructor of the camp: Capt. J. W. Qitsy. assistant instructor. They are permanently detailed regular army men. For the two week of the camp theie additional regular army offi cer have been detailed for instruc tion work at the camp: Maj. C. IS. fJodson, Maj, 1'ruym, Maj. Bendcll and Capt, E. R. Colpin, besides tev cral regular army "noncom." Government Pay Bill. The men receive a minimum of $1 a day during the encampment and the officer receive regular army pay during the two week. The federal government pay all expense. Telephone wire were strung to the headquarter at the camp today and the extemion of the I'latttmouth city water system to the camp wa completed and water turned on. A canteen has already been estab lished. There was a baseball game this afternoon, "The camp started out with the smoothness that should mark the working of an army." said Col. Thomas. "This is a fine lite, liut, oh, I hope it won't rain. The ground is very low. I think we are due to have a dry spell of two week." Man Who Won Big Verdict From Road Loses on Appeal O'Neill, Neb., Aug. 1.1. (Special Telegram.) Judge Kohert D. Dick son Saturday granted a new trial in the damaite suit of W. J. Gartner of Caper, Wyo., against the. North railroad for an injury received in February, 1921, in falling from a stock train. Last spring Gartner wa given a verdict of $15,000 on hi claim of permanent injurv. The new trial was granted on an affidavit showing that Gartner had engaged in heavy manual labor for a Caiper oil company oon after the first verdict. Read The Omaha lie every day, you will lika it. :i3ARETTE ITllTOWIP If. toted. This ono extra process 0lvt delightful quality that oan not b duplloatod t Compare Thii Price New Tire.. Fr4 ffC QC kite ,,,,,,, J.7J At tke 9fea ftar, I till and C'wmiag Marriage of By RUBY M. AYRES Copyright, 1922. f aatlaw4 1 1 ljrry' lettrr wai propped up againtt the triipnt, and f"r a moment Hazel sat looking at it with appre he mum. fclie knew quit well that the week wat up today. She had wakened that minding with a little quickened heartbeat, wondering what would happen, what he would ay to her, what b would ep(U. Her bands shrink a the opened hi letter. He lal never written to her since their marriage, hht fluihed a the read the fir. word. "My darling wife" He was Uking a great drat for granted, she thought, and was sur prised that h did rot feel moie angry, She read on eagerly: "l am coming Lark to town to morrow, and shall hop to ee you immediately, Hael, I've been very patient. I've tried to do as rov wished, but a docn time day I've nearly thrown up the sponge and come b k to you. t an't you forget all that you can t pirgtv about rne. afld jut remember that onre e were very happy together? It' o difficult say what i want to in a litter, but 1 love you, and that') the greatrit argmnrnl f en ue, Writ to me, Hael. I shall look so eager ly for a letter when I get back to town. 1 n ver was an eloquent chap, but when I see you again but J'm afraid to count too much tn tiiat,' Barry," Not much of a letter, perhaps; but .nmelhinif ill lis lllf lo'lUCIlCC SP pealed to Hazel. She sat for a long time while the breakfat grew cold, reading and rereading the few lines. Lately she had begun to feel the loneliness r.l ner position: nc n tn llanie and had re ceived no answer. She felt cut off feom evervone she had ever known or cared for, Barrv wa her husband. He wa her natural protector, and if she cast bin? off , , . She heard voire out- side in the paisage and the next mo- ment Delia entered the room. Hazel sprang to her fret. She could not believe her eye. Delia herel At this time of the morning! She began to stammer her amaze. ment. but the elder girl cut her l,ort, "I just had to come. Have vw heard the news? Isn't it too awful? Poor Mr, Wicklowl I can't believe it' really true. I" , Hazel' heart teemed to stand still: she went white to the lip. Barry I Sneneihino' had haooened to Barry. She felt a if every drop of gtood in her body wa frozen. Delia rattled on "It' in all the paper. Haven't vou seen the papers? My goodness! i ihmifftit I should have died when r uw it. I wa only having lunch uirh tiim two davt ttio. and 1 dare say you you ve si Isn't U frightful? ou ve seen htm mce tnen, i You never know whote turn it I to go next. ne flung herself down in a chair, "One thing, it will be a good tnmg tor your Barry," he aid grimly. ti-l ,uMh her hreathi then it wa not Barry. She felt o weak that she nearly fell; lie groped for her chair and at down. She knew now how great ner icar had been that something had hap-1 pened to Barry! Ueiia wa too wrayv up in her own emotion to be very obaervant. Mf ,Ur...ht vam wnutd be sure to know: Norman was tuch a pal of your, wasn't he?" - . , Norman 1 So it wa Norman illazel felt ashamed because in the sudden eevuUinn of fceline the had no room for an v emotion but gladne. It watl nnt Karrv. and tnat wa an mi aa.Ma1 in malfpf. "Utt was dead when they picked him up," Delia said with a shiver. -I rn't iieiieve II Door Otlll 1 n.l.r 1in 1, HMn't suffer. c.u, innked oale and unset; she Ui,l Heath in anv form. She had felt that he must rush off and talk J to omeono about it, even if it were Only Hazel. She tat looking around the room critically; hc had not been in the flat before. . Well, they ve done you an rigni, she said. No wonder you preicr in fry V hnle f.f a nlace." ,. w J - - . m , , . f l:eH heinir with VOU: 1 tnouio have stayed with you it you naa wanted me to." Hazel answered. "P.h .Imnt Knrman . . But Delia was tired ot the topic ai re any. "You'll find it in all the paper, she said. "Let talk about some thing more cheerful. Give me some rnffee- mv head' just plitting. I never nn aland arettine UO early." Hazel ooured out the cottee. iter hands shook badly; she wa all un nerved. She took Barry' letta-r up and tucked it awav in her frock. It teemed to have grown very precious all at once. She wished Delia would go; he wanted to be alone to think itiiiiai nut nuietlv "Mv darling wile , , , J ne word kent echoina: in her brain loftly. Uelis sinned her coffee and drew her chair nearer to the fire; she had a great deal to say about everything In the room; tne saia tnat virravr wa evidently not urh a mean beast ti Jluinert. Plie atK'fl now many timet he came to see Hazel, He hardlv ever come. I don t like hi coming here when I am alone," Deb crrmed with laugh, ter, 'Little Miss Prude! h said mnikmgly. "Why dont you get a hapetoit? Haiti was glad when the went away, Mie tmng tne winnows w me lt ttt em the uuurarably hraty prr. I m e, Delta was alwayt si entrd up to the eyes. Then tb tf do fjin. Me would b biiiii 1141 night, tier iheek luitied with ri itrmtnf. In the latt lew lliniultt h h4 learned imelhing Mie bad tetriied that deep down in her h'jtt h hid P'Vrr "! to 'e br him, that h lvJ him at mthh tr...iy, in spit f( evtrvt'iU'g, the H I it.we when be l ut k tr I hh bad no rilnrnn tils l-r (bt tig!'t, the Wun lued ll ti tlid g rmind t.i bit t.wint li w'Mdi-. wh b wkiiM lay if hit waikt.l itl mt (..und h' lti'; H i br I Hit thrill a J' ,t nr tht tlsl.ght i b' ttt . , , It .tit!) b i piihh iiiir than ! wMig a tetii -1 iitMfb t.r tKsn Ill I t' I be Jiii hs y 1 1 i in V I g ! i'. l ,c!vmJ ht ,tt. th tyttid tt ( Barry Wicklow btr every tirtid of lUrry' room, though the had only been then once; she had so often thought about Hiem sine: thry bad '"t ol mas culine comfort that appealed to btr; lh liked them better than this new, tapeniiH flat. fhe looked out on of her pretties! frorki. tshe sang as she dieed her. self. Harry was on mure the ort rierful man she bad f rt thought him; and be a her hu'd, too! Her heart swelled with pride. Mi was jiut putt'ng ott her hat when Hullirrt tailed, She went to e him ii.p4iiin'l , s)ie did net want to be detained now; h greet ed him almost coldly. His keen eye scanned her flu.hed fare. "1 hope I'm not worrying you. I wanted to see you rather urgently," He stopped; T just etn VVk low, he said j4rryr in nam rutnri w nrr if . I. a L -. lip,, her hrart gave a little throb; she had wanted to see bun betore nvne ele, "Vis, 1 went round to hi loom; he'd just come brk to town." "I I now; he wrote to me." He looked at her with sharp sus pie ion. "Vou know where he ha been?" "'Yes; I know of course I do," She wa impatient with tin cross questioning. Huibert shrugged h; shoulder. "Do you know who b been stay ing at the same hotel with him?" She echoed hi word vaguely, "Stsymg at the sain hotel! What do you mean?" "Mrs. Dudley was there She ha been there all this week, They came up town together tin afternoon" "Mrs. Dudley r Hazel' thought flew back to that night at the res liurant. to that afternoon in Barrv' room when Norman had flung Mrs, Dudley' photograph to the floor, She said again dully: "Slaving with him at the same hotell' ',7'" , , Huibert was not looking at ber; he felt a trifle ashamed of the part he wa playing. After a moment. "He's not worth a thought, my fear thud, he said gently. "I-ct him go; he' no use to you. A a man he' quite a decent chap, but a a husband , . ." She let her band lie limply in his; she felt very cold and unemotional. Barry and Mr. Dudley. Huibert pressed hi advantage. "He' the ort of man who will handicap you all the way along," he said. He was clever enough to get a certain amount of aympathy Into hi voice. He ounded at it he were really very orrv for her. "Let him go once and for all. , . . He never cared for you." nazei dragged her nana tree; pain wa waking again in her heart, tear ing her. Oh, leave me alone leave me alone!" he said. She went back to ber room, and locked the door; he paced up and down, wringing her hand, Harry and Mr. Dudley! She could think of nothing else. All her happmes of the day bad gone. She loved Barry, and be wa jvsi piaymg witn ner. When the wa sure that Huibert had gone hc went back to the draw. intr room. She tore Barry's teller acrot and acrosi, and watched the P'ce burn away to gray ash. One, fluttered by the draught from the chimney, lay for a moment on the iron bar She looked at it with miserable eye, .My darling wile, The word eemed to mock for She dried her eye fiercely and went over to the writing table. U she did not write now, she would never write at all. she kuew. She dashed off a few line. "I have decided that I cannot ever live with you. Tlease do not try to JCe mc again." She did not even ign her name. She folded the paper, slipped it into an envelope, stamped and addressed u, men she rang the bell and told me maia to take it to the post. .She ttood in the center of the pretty room till the heard the shut ting of the outer door; then she fell to crying a if her heart would break. CHAPTER XXVIII, Barry went down home the niht he heard of Norman's death, and for a week stayed there in durance vile. As a boy he had been fond of the old house, but now it depressed him, and got on his nerves. 11,'' I.I ,1 t 1 ir. vvickiow was oroaen-ncanca. She could hardlv bear Barrv out of her eight. She talked to him hv the hour of Norman, recalling incident of the day when they were boy to- acincr, he took it lor granted that Barry wa a cut-up at the death of his cousin as the wa Barry did hi best: he not tbroueh the firtt day of mourning without once showing impatience, Mr. Witklow told her husband that she had never realised before what a kind heart Barry had, She begged Harry to come down and tee them often. You're the only one who can talk to m about my boy," she said over and over again, "I know you were everything to efh other. Hrl' brie) dismissal wtt tent (a him Irom hi London roomt: be hut trad it through once tnd burnt it. Alter all, it wat no more than be had taprctrd; h tuppoied be had been a fur.) to hope bir anything different. tliut evenit' he Mlnwed hi umie inti the library, and kd apnloget. icilly if it would matter if he ran m ta town for a few dys, The hatcher between Barry and bit u iu' Ir had liren lun if. I by multia) mil tent, llittl had never been men. hiuieil between them ag.nn, Ther wit tomeihtng pstheiie In th Mrr man's or at b looked up l hi in phew, Mattel, why, ,. court not I V t rl I r siicr VvU In stn lld auf l.fi t! tl here Do at v -tt t.luve mv lt'V, ci t!tinr - - li t only inf a dn- i.r i, " hairv tjid tskr.lty. "I'll !. bat . i.ir Hit vena end l!s iiiimd t.i K ibh r, but Mr. it ka-w rslkd bun ha, I, "I want l,i ti r ta ,t " liitry tiutiit. id ittaittly tj tt I M tiig It wtlaiitn la Vfca m ttaM It it t ! ii. .tN ( t falittt ' I olhttt at )a i With ) v ti vi, THK OMAHA MXi MONDAY. AUGUST 14. 1022. Oil Producers ir . . pi . .n .voieiOainuiuown All Drilling Work Fir if I i . 1 p'iintnir nt w made by ar h. Ilumlertl Uprratura I'tjKrgter, new sounty thairn:an, Tlw Susprtt'l Aftifirt I're. trntinn of Further Trire Slutiiii. Tu!a, fJk!., Aug. JJ Appro rnatiiy 5 indepeniJent oil projuref gathered fcere from five nates of southwest, uiuD'noui'y voted U,t complete shatd'mn of drill, rig opera tions as the only mrsia of preventing further d'fline Ml (tie price of c'l oil, 'I h$ five (Uies represt nted were; iniiu( Tea, Aikaniai, Kama and Okthon;a. The action wa taken at a joint meeting of the Mid Ointment Oil and tja association and the Nitmnjl At ocialioii of Independent Oil I'lw diicers. The final drnsmrt wa prae I tirlly tb same a the i.nr,nl pro r m , . f. w.j ,1(t- ' r'' tu erii Mciaiitin A secondary proposal designed to inrret storage fauiitit via adapt ed. It was for tb rert!on of stor age tank by every producer who is able, A central committee was appointed whoe duty it will be to see to if that the drilling shutdown I made effert ive The committee is composed r-f M, M. Doan, ihairman, Julsa; Wirt Franklin, Ardmore; C. L. Frrelaud, Hnstow, Okl ; W. G. Skilly, TuUa; C. J, WiigMtmart, Tulsa; 0. A. Gil ford, Okmulgee, Okl ; Howard Jf. Col. Frank ( ull.min. Dallas, Tea., and J, Fdgar I'ew, Dallas. A joint committee of producers and rrbners also was appointed with instructions "to arrange details of storage of rrud oil on co opera tive plan and the Isiuanre of war bouse receipt," This commide It composed of Jf. K Straight, chair man; C. C. Brown, fWi Oiy, Okl.; K, R, J'errv, Tulsa; W, J- Ms-ur, Tu'a, and W. E, Wood, Okmulg-e. Answer to Peace Plan In Strike 1$ Divulged j If ollnt rtm fas On ity arise with them which cannot 1 ttttled locally, they will be referred to the United State railroad labor board for revkw. "'Further resolved, that the strike is to be called oif with the under standing and agreement by all par ties that tio intimidations than it practiced or permitted a against any of the employe who have remained or have taken tervice or againtt thote who may return to tervice un der the proposal of the president.'" Minority Report, The following minority rtport wis supported by roads having a milage of $7,222 mile: "Ketolvcd that the chairman be authorized to reply to the president's telegram ol August 7 that the rail road represented at this meeting are willing that; "'(A) All former employes who have not been guilty ot violence against the employe or the property of the railroad thai) be attigned to their former positions where vacan cies exist, "'&) Ifa, after these men have been assigned, ouestion of their seniority arte which ran not be set tied locally, they shall be referred to the united States railroad Labor Board for review. "'(C) In agreeing to submit questions to seniority as provided above to the United Stale Labor Board for review, it is understood that neither the railroads nor the employes shall be deprived of the right to review by the courts of such decision if they effect agree ment between any railroad and its employe. Engineer Killed, Two Men Injured in Train Wreck Columbia S, C, Auk, 13 Sea board Air Line railroad train No. 3, Jacksonville to Wathington, left the track near Dixana, S, C,, killing Kngineer John Treacher of Savan Slevent, alto of Savannah. One oa scger wa injured. Sand on the track, officials believe, caused the accident. Aviator and Mechanic Killed When Plane Fall Cleveland. Aue. 13. Louia Yahn. 22, Newark, N. J., and Jame Kav. JI, mechanic and aviator at the Me dina Aviation club, were killed when their airplane went into a tail spin and til about 200 feet a they were preparing to land at Chipewa lake near Medina O,, Yahn was visiting i'ay, nit lite long friend. Man Charge Woman With Inducing Wife to Return to Kitchen Denver. All?. 1 J Charuinn that Mr. Carrie M, Cordf. prominent in Denver society, induced hi wile, Mrs, Kd S. Grolf. to forsake him and return to the kitchen of the Cor. de home, where tha had previously berti employed, Jacob VV, (iroll brought suit against Mr. Cordet in tht district court for $40,000 for alienation of affection. In hi rompliint Grolf charged tht Mr, Cordr md ui o "a ttunge influence" to indut hi wife to fmttke him. tiimi run ins wiie m ivi, in j rnmiilaiut ei lorth, when the s i, mail in the Cordr home. Ihe ou-, pl were nuitied and lived in Denver j until I'tv, wlirn I troll took hit wile 10 Sail I k t Mv In V7, liii'ff alleges, bii teile utt iiuliird i return to Denvtr and at l.ler tltt b defla'ft ht Mrt, I ii.ln iIkji Up til bit burnt in big atiiotttiiliila and utiicd bit til 011 (ti ' e vi " m mi mii mi tmr ttt tinttt Mir HwtttiMt' sua fautbaia --Mt t-l't'-- - ' ' ll 1-4, t Si -It 4 ,'!' I t.'l,l ft ' t f 4.1 , t Ptlwt - . . ,1 !.. e . m HtlllatHHr ALLEN'S FOOT-E.iSE DOES IT Wlta tkst -H e Kir.f t sit, j.s at I in tntf ta. is a ,(.,, i, t S'tt t tkt iki ia tn ttikt)a lit 'St t tak ll lt s'n t al ttt 4 t.titat Tukey Made Treasurer I t r r i r .. i or u. u. r. Lommi ee i - A'Un A TuVey hs been named as UritU'er t 1e refuMirin trsunly lentitl i 't)ii)i"re, whlh was exg4H' I utility atleri.lrfitl, 'J be !' tetrnnf will ri't be named untj aftrr the ta fonvention, I.C.C, Rules Hales to Nebraska on I WlfH If If' I JlllN'f ' lMdiU4ter of the National M -'cr-MtMJ Jllr I'lljll. X t, ttUjtitWl Mte , (llt fPf, , " in i I'iinl Twin Gtir Are- Tat ored lrjsiltl Graiii Con pgny Allowed o Inter une in .Si if. Wsiliington, Aug. I J. (Special Til' gum.) I be Juters'st Com merre commission, in the ca of Cerlamtetd I'roduct company against the Santa Fe railway, decid ed: Ha'e on pr pared rooiing, apbalt, building and roolu.g paper, roling rement and related arlules from F.asl hi. Louis to pom's in MiuiKsoia, Ne braika, the Dakuias and Kansat, bed by the roa'ls, are unjust and un rtatonable and unduly prejudicial a cmnpared with rate to the Jm jtns and Missouri river cili's. 'lb coiumismoti aiso found that proposed mrrestis tri.in St. Ijuis, Marseille and Last S, 1,'juis, J'eona and Chi i ago, to and from Twin liitie to Chicago and related point on the Missouri river eroding are nt ju lilied, and reanb!e rstes are au Ihontd, In the cawr of the Mr au'l Din inure company against the Chicago, t, J'aui, wini.eapoii a uir.ana roao, the L'pd ke tra;n company and large number of elevator coii.pani., knn concerns, in ouum Da. kota. are atktwed to iritrrvrnr. The intervrntor will be treated a parties to th complaint with the right to have notice of and appear at the tak ing of iettimony, produce and cross examine witnesses and be beard in brief and oral argument, provided, liowcver, that the perniitsion to in tervene shall not be construed as al lowing interventors to introduce evi dence which will unduly threaten the issues raised in the complaint, Man Sitting in Front of Drug Store Shot t Viiaarallall. 1113' Pacific street wa shot in the right Irg at 10 Saturday night while be was ttting with two companions in tront or tn ( amel drusr store, l nineeiun ano l'teee ateeet. Martin Anderson, 1244 South Four teenth street, arrested by Detective Buglewicc and Ckh, was identified by witness of the shooting a Nu- raliah assailant, KnArrum was found seated in the side car of a motorcvele three block from the scene of the shooting. He denied shooting anyone, but a Ai caliber revolver was found in one of hi pocket. Police taid last night that Ander ton wa drunk. He is being held or investigation. Nussrallah' wound i not eriou, Police Surgeon Kinyoun aid. Oklahoma Senator Opposes Ford Offer wi,;noiein Am?. 13 Henry Ford' offer .'or the Mucle Shoal nretieela -u.'9fl declared "unconscion il.le" t.v Senator Harrefd of Okla homa, a republican member of the enai acrirtilture committee, in, a letter to Crav Silver of the Ameri can Farm Bureau federation. "In my judgment thi is an un conscionable contract so far at the peop e of the United Mates are con- cerneo, ano i mmut iawi Senator Harreld. "I am not averse to leaving this power to Mr, Foed. hut cannot favor losing it un der such terms a these (in the Ford offers Esncctally do I oppose the makine of such a lease tor iw year. Cold! Cooling!! Delicious!!! Satisfy the craving In your parched throat with slice of cooling, satisfying and deli cious Watermelon, It top off the noon or eve ning meal in tasty way, And as t, bite between meal, i just tht thing during hot, weather, A slice for ine Is waiting for you at WKI.CH'S. Try II ll fmir Mtlt llllt (Hit. WtlXtt Wslat mIm It Ik ckatta t Ik M 1 1 k 1 1, Sit Owtli a,llkalt Buy Today At 83.11,1 I'rrth Made lit At lb Sptut Fsslury, llk and Curat. t What tn Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome 'Work on Highways! i J t ... ti I i...: Is Threatened hv p. - , , Miortaiie ol l.oal i; " " More Than 300,000 Mm U ill lie Thrown Out f Work if Fwl I N. OIk lainril Shii. llMMh Stew la4 W i Wasbitigtoii, Aug. li -Tr'egiaphic .. i,i.,il i.t it... Vj, li.i, tii nil i an jngnway coniruriin inrnuun'Mji the country ' ' . r thiea'cned diy the shortage of roal and the rur tailuirnl of transportation. More, than in.'fi tneu will b thtown out of ertiployment withmthe (teat lew wrrk if c al it nd ob tainable by that time," is the Mire sag sent bv the automobile iluhs throughout the country by Vaymond Beck, field ecretary of the National Aonalion ol Motorists, In a ronferencr with f hairVnan Chart t , MtCoid d the Inters'ate ("oiniix r commission, it wa pointed out that the transportation of roal was very essential for road building purpriwt, o 10 operate strain rollers, steam shovels and other t"ad building machinery, as well as for the rr.anufarture of Irghway materi als. "Chairman Mct'ord has atfced us to make an immediate survey as trt (lie situation in all fate," tontinues Beck. "Thi we have started to do and report o fir received h,-. rliat from 4 'wo to 3O,'0)i workers on b gh way in different ate will be out of employment unleil relief it fur n'shed. As rapidly a more detailed infrrmation is received as to thi situation, it will be t.romplly fur nih'd the nterta Commerce tom- j fri;Mj,.fi mul ),e Department ol Com n,e.ffe , yfe you,1(l MaronlH-d on XjnYf.t in M';Uiilaini Yotemite, Cal, Aug. 13. Three youths, Ivan L. Anderseiti. Robert Hones and Clifford Freeze, all of .Salt Lake City, were marooned on the rocky apron which pr" up per from lower Yosc uiite falls, l,W feet from the f!r,f,r r.f tjie valley, H'tiirniiig from a fip to the erett of the falls the you'h tbrided to blare a tiew trail to camp and at darknets found themselves cnught in the spray whirb the falls give off OU the ledge before the second t,'rp to the Merced river. S, F. Towntley, chief rang' r, aird corpt of toluriteers are sialinir the rocky ledye from the valley tn an effort to extricate the boys, but it it expected they will not b able t affect a rctcue until daylight. KoMterg Fell Victim Earl bteiner, 4506 Frederick street, wa knocked down with the butt of a oistol by one of two highwaymen who topped him near Thirty-third j and Arbor streets Sunday morn ing, Steiner resisted the robber and I wa given the pistol blow, after j which the robber ran to an automo- J bile parked near the scene of the attempted holdup, and escaped. Sterner wa not searched alter he fell. Fresh Pears They're here! Carloads of fresh, juicy, luscious Pears filled with thirst-uenching flavor. You can't eat too many pears they are healthful and well known as a cooling fruit. Pears are nourishing and refreshing. Nutrition tests show that they have more food value than most other fruits they contain earthy salts and vitamines indispensable to good health in hot weather. Serve this Fresh Pear Salad: Tk tunfuit ttansd fnta pasts, 2 tvtnew separata J in us Mdtoeu. 131 j Nebraska Fruit Dealers "Brevity" Is Motto t tlf V 1 .li 01 woman anuiaaic M.d. Neb.. Aug 1.1 -('K- -" i Whii"-,twlht ' an lanbdie for I'n'r f preieiitsliv m th N'.l".'k diotrut, nil the only wi.n.an tn!i.l4ti ti be t'U I upa ; to or tiver an a tares nnoi in roun ity cnnveiiiion br. Ib convrnnon j was held in the dittrot court room and fa nig i L g aud em the N'ur i l..:k W 'lnan pointed to pirturc of her liiher, the la! I use I'owers, I win dutrifi judge and onre member t. the Nrbraka C ' n 1 1 1 u l . r. I rrm j k iMn. i "I iii rvii wl.ni V'"l tked rue io ii'inef o jiren, ii.e woman rjiMi'!.te said, ' hut booking into ti.e fa r.l my U'C father, my nervous n' bis !( me, und I have so i'i- tptrahitii. Die late Ju-fge )'mers atway told me of the value ol bre I'y. and L therefore, will be brief I am a woman candidate, now i'i politics, and pf'hap it it new fr tried and enperi tired politic tint to bear a woman talk at a f oiivelilmii. 1 will merely say that election it tome lime off; that I am ttudying the epir itiott you sk wte ta talk about, and until learn more about them from ib'e tho are more experienced I mill be briel and merely stat that I thank ynu for the honor of calling lijxin li e to speak " , Underwood Opposes Plan to Settle Claims! Washington, Aug IJ Formal protect against the action of the ad- miniitraii'.ti in concluding an agree-! ment i'h the teerman government! for establishment of t joint commit- siou to pats on American war claims' aaim Onrianv was made by Scn-J a'or I 'ndertiood of Alabama, di nio-l cra-ic leader; in a letter t Chair-: tiiitn Cuir.iri!iis of the judiciary sub-' committee, "I be stiiiommiltee has' before i Senator lnderwood't bill i for an all Ameri an committioii to adjudicate war tUiiii. hetiaior C'ndcrwood, in hi letter, challenged Jhe conteliltoli of the Ma'e department and White HouteJ that precedent existed for the ad-1 ministration rotirie. i Taltlrt Unveiled Suirar Island, Thousand Islands, Aug 13, A tablet wat unveiled here by the American Canoe association as a memorial to members who died hi the war, raddi'-rs trom many state and eastern Canada witnessed : t':e ceremony, i Safe and ,37,CXtO aatata Is tha OxuJ-n'al'i reof of tb Stt it years, gAfg kaeaMta rA tmrrtul eneat tir f.traC(ta. tjr(enc1 alfltmrn because id sta upeeiskn; tweaut erf a resets fan4 of 06,000 ant bacauaa of see uric n first nurrtfaea on horn: tVCCtt.lt VU beeaua r mamtiars' savincs ttava navae aarned lass than t pur annum, 4ltrl4itit parabl aa anuary, aell, Julr ait OeiaUr. tIVIDE,l0i QXJAM T t gLV AB50I.U7 1 fECUWTV CET glCH Y gAVIMC. 18TH AND HARNEY I tsUespawsM choppsd sIiikmhU, kiluca btscn. Arrtnga ptatrs nd lelttM beaew la salad dull (individual te Ugs) twang smMcmu firmin link ttmmd lhaari. Sprinki (hocipad itucs peart, rxHsr t r'nttHk frull salad dnsttng, mt plac ihhhiU M tMvtwiiaiM M lop. ii bafttft steving. Th siidutan tf i lirvW snJtad gwgtf stil mat uSas salad douWr sWIkwms. BUY PEARS NOW ll'hilt They Art Cheap! Can, IHill gml Actors in (iVnnaiiv Facing Poverty 1 .nnr.w ur ntte r-ir. ,,, , .,. , ( i i ,iuirr I ii is in . am I.Urliliitiiil. Perlm, Aug ll -inv A. P.-fii' usually baiti t met b !! ";"'H th ttg stC't'd of terc,,ny, tin nomic ditictihte vlitt h I .e breii dittrrssirig tlntii'l iiMn.grri ever si.ie th revolution bve ibtotsn hundreds cf a'tort and cire,e into Ihe itre,tt and at tie sn,e 1 mt floed fliaiiy tbralers. Numerous direitott are wanmg tirttd al'no-t curiam ( the (sut ler seaton before entiling into contract i-'r members ' tt(,;r Cattt Ihe art "t thriinr!r bat btcn to hard ree. I t means ol gatioiig livelhood that they h. tern i ur hi o tr to o'hrr work In our loan m she ocruptcil terrl foiy an at tor who once jilayel le .'fl ing hero pattt I jt taken up tht pick of ft coal lii ifr rather than tioop to a minor part on the stage or Kiept a s,t!ary hI.iiIi would be lw roii. pared with a miter's stage, ' hiss instant la a:d to be lypital, Katisg Court Autliori.r. H truival tf 'I'wd M. I'. Train Topeka, Kan , Aug, II - Ti e a'e Industrial court granted pertntttic.ii t'j the Missouri Pacific J'aiitsay com pany to tike off two through train operating in Kama Kansat City in Fort Smith, Ark, and Katit Ivy to Omaha, Dr. Frank F. Burhorn Chiropractic SpeclalUl JW lAitlncta is U rt it'll reil.lt well, hu eataa aee4 ht I etrt sxH h'v. Cantullallon tr. Cltfiea liurt a m. o, . m, pbona Vim. (117 f'.e ilmmnl, Suit 414-426 Securities Bldg. Cor. 10th and Farnara St. Successful 33 YEARS IN OMAHA I'ttti rvt I hsttt (hikr from Association wMmm. eSfSlBStST "SWS- wl a..1, a- na. ' l-i l ii mi j tw" It f t t -O, I t IS ltt 4 sr sr aits b'f , its star lW