THE SUNDAY BKE: OMAHA. ALU 1ST IS. 1022. The Small House: Need Not Lack Elegance Furnishing the mull home with elegant d not neit4nly mean furnishing a v ith lavithnrts. Mr. gnc should be the result of f ' ndiou discrimination; it should cre ate (he sort ol rooms in which re tired, cultured family life finds a ympathetic background. Like ihe proverbial woman ol good breeding who Is always at home any here, ou i furniture ol good hue. A heavy oak artt and c lt chair lacks ele gance because there it no fineness in Ma lines and it fmdt no suitable place except in a ("'! or bungalow; but a lonilortahlc, overiipholttercd chair of traditional contour tan have elegance nd he at home in almost any stir lounduigs. . 0 In the bedrooms a much more rlf kmI, softer appearance it gained by arpedng to the baseboard, suggrtt a writer in House and Cat den. He Mire and ore that the building con tract doesn't call fur fine hardwood ilooi underneath. Orientals, are good lor the library and, in a subdued tune, are suitable for the dining room a well, but they should tint he used n bedrooms except at a mull pine lielore the fireplace, and they should he in toft lone to harmonize with the color scheme, , Carpets and rugt are to varied in Miality that one inuit he ture that 'he fine qualities are fine enough, "ieamles chenille it by far the beat thing to me, leaving a foot border. 'Ike essential furniture in auric itantly decorated mall house in a problem that niore than repayt clone -i ml y. More elegance ii given the living room by using two small, scmiupbol--tered sofa than one great large one, because generally the large aofa it often out til scale with the rent nt the furniture. Preferably choose kidney ' shaped ola, at they cannot go at strictly right anglrt to the square mantel: if oblong tofat are used they five the fireplace grouping a box like appearance. Except in the case of a large room, t elect several medium ie table rather than one very large one. Using these, magazine, books and lamp , ean he distributed over the room, forming the nuceli of comfortable groups. On the other hand, the vogue extremely small occasional tables has been overdone; an abun dance of them gives the room too busy an appearance. A semiupholstered chaise lotigtie of rather formal lines lends an air of elegance and an air of intimacy that are so often lacking inn'-r living rooms. Living rooms are becoming more and more masculine in their character, losing a little of their grace Every tired business man de mands an overupholstered lounge. Certain things in the living room should be chosen beautiful to be ture because they are essential; others as objects d' art. Thus, the main comfortable chairs and sofas and tables are essential. They should he chosen for their beauty as well as their utility. Other pieces are chosen because they are lovely in themselves and add elegance and richness to the room; such as a pair of small, fine Sheraton bookcases, with little brass wire grill doors, or a lovely Italian credenza or a fine old red lacquer secretaire, and, of course, lovely mir rors, pictures and other accessories. The dining room table which can he enlarged by adding console ends seems to give good service, It is an excellent way of making the room more handsome. Ctyi ordinary occa sions these ends serve as consoles. These two console tables are in ad dition to the serving table and the buffet, and should be finished exact ly like the table. Dining rooms are apt to be a little sparsely furnished, since china cabi nets are no longer used. The serv ing table and buffet are generally put to such utilitarian purposes, that they have little or no decorative values in the room. Semicircular table ends can he made quite a feature of elegance with handsome vases or some object d'art. Puff of White Organdy Vary This Brown Swisa it :'S k r mm, .nsA'H a.- 44n i- '.iqs (3) lioppin vitli folly -Jl,Kt fy 1 s With the New Seaton Comet a Vogue (or the Fabric Pur Coal a Wrap of Lavish Pur Trimming Corgeout Linings. T3KANDEIS Store iniioducct li " Eathion's Eairett, you madam, mad rmoi telle, the entrancing new fur fabric coat told in Augutt at tpecial prircs on the same lerms as Ihr fur roats are nierrhandited aud sold a depotit with storage Iree, 3o longer are tin .e wrapt t ailed by fliuW live ol ofie (i live, and Jo at olhcrt Jo, I'll tlott my little House of Life t-ith timet' flitter ho. But ionic aicre through the mother -thine Of all the thinft men point oi mine, I'll tet a tingle pane ajar To flimpte a foUen-bendinf ttar, And let the moor ninj through. If I mutt love oi other t lave, with cyn'wthfugging p'ote, I'll tlrip mj tmall Love-far Jen plot of jettamine and rose. But somewhere in a secret rxoofr Where no one the mould think to lool(, DEAR FASHION FOLK: ' tpae a patth of heart't-eate tweet Where I may run on wittful feet At every twilight dote. If I mutt think at others think, in terms of Everyday, I'll hang my little Room of Dreams with arras drab and fray. But still a tiny tended fire Of leaping hopes and fay detire Shall tet the dinfiness alight, To fold me warm and dote at night, i nd shine acrott the way. . . THE OTHERS, by MARTHA HASKELL CLARK. l mj ihr firitinnrif finni tA "nltifth" inilrd no, they now captivate feminine TP YOU'D revel in a lavitbnett of rub falnu, ibe tilk die.s ih iHinciit of the ttoies are the placrs lo go. Daily arrivals in Irtiglhiwf silken Heaves t..w iaiuy by to. h name a Novgorod, of marvelous inleretl. Sever ert fabrics to deeply woven, to enolic ii rnloring, so adaptable lo gtatefully diaped foldt. One might ahtiott tty Lapiiiex, Ni.hni. Kitteal. Karakul- t i l H due apology to Rudyard) silken (old, a bit of fur and a labochin tare, to all outward appearances the compotiiton of lb eternal feminine lam, K era in i; Kerami I'ertia, and . they're trimmed in i '" ! "r. ShlpmenU ol Advanca FsJJ Fashlona Softly Shaded Lampa Add tha Coin- Pall and Winter Modeli in "Tweed Lull In Social Obligation! Makes 'uffs'fur, well kno n to one ver'el D,k1om R'h"f Slylefulntaa. fort Not. lo the Newly Decorated O'Wool" Man Tailored Suits) Ar- Posbl. Decoration of the lloma in pe'ltrie.. Siiuirrel. Australian Oil (lKK,N. BROTHERS. Hotel to- Room. rive for Early Pall Selling. TV,'Y Omahans are finding the possum, rttaver. Racoon. Filch. ana Harney, is TJaRTU4"!4 ill S.,, 1..H. MHIXOX & Allen. 17th and liar. floll In Skunk, Eox. and Nutria. One notet a place tiiott appealing to the pennn the new side drapes on some of mteretied in the newett of Ihr new TTiliTlllvc iit s. I. 1..1I. ITTtt friY V Al',n I7ih ...i.l ll.f. A,Alllll in social activiliea an nmmt. One note a place tiiott appealing to the person XI ireet. have jutl received an ex- nev. haif etiahli.heil a lime luniiy lo redecorate the home and be- By CORINNE LOWE. New York. (Special Correspond ence ) 1 he Swis republic is fast be coming the Swiss monarchy, for, al though the many new jazz materials such a the Komer cottons have distracted the attention slightly from more conservative summer fabrics, dotted Swiss rules more and more the heart of the practical woman. For summer mornings in either city or country there is certainly nothing quite so sane and safe as this tra ditional material in one of the dark colors. This summer brown follows up its victories in other dress provinces, by asserting its wiy in this field, and today we show one of these new brown Swiss frocks dotted in tan. For the Swiss frock there seems to be nothing more charming than the puffed short sleeve of crisp white organdy, and here we have this sleeve in a double puff form. , Furthermore, the puffs are asserted again on the skirt in the form of side panels and the sash is of the same material. Youth Should Help Age to Keep in Touch Of Ihr new ..i ... . ri t .1. ... . (ora buvinir ni-rdful mrm i these wrap mode I.,' on others heavy '-odes for fall and winter. The Or- ' " "rw " ' ', tor (he smartly imtAxwit ,"lt juration of the wall. corded and metal giidles. Linings kin buying corps for their eight stores "'d ''e silken shade on a poly- man-tailored "Tweed O'Wool" suits. Uim fir contideraiMin, The Sain of two rolor. sometime three, are ' now orV and ihelr enor- 1 drome lamp bate, ibe gold veiled Afodel lift fall and winter, itiodrr. ' Nevunait Decorating Shop, 2M South hand embroidered, very often not n," volume of-purchases nukes in heavy black lace, an mutually a. ately priced al $J0, $JS and $4U are IKth St.. ofler a very fine line of un satisfied with tilk. crepe or satin tie possible the nominally priced ap- fraelive combinalion, $1275. High arriving daily. Very high grade man- ported paper for the stinroom or designer ha lined the wrap with a which yearly delights llada-n and graceful is the metal frame 01 a tailored top coals will alto be car- breakfatl room, exquisite silvery vivid ihrmlle velvri in .iiiii. Omaha. A surnattiniilv large alio rtiahosanv ba which holds the rose tied bv this store, coat nl tiacrir ilimttL t.r lit liftfl rr mil. I,- rwiin lint, shirring Ihe silken softness of of voguish models for early sea- lined shade of fold, rose or b'ur. nwing, fashioned t,i finrtl imported Capers of rare loveliness for fvrrv held lor the hairdrs.t-r i, the imin Blankets of Pineal Texture, Rare Coloiint, Sdken Comforts for the Cueet Room at frits Latraoe. dinar f. HI Kf.I SS NVj f,fT. r a iimtt mlrrrs'll'g HV i.l (me liljnkrls in Ihetr August brihlmg sjlr S Vf try's all who) l.tjnirts ssilli hrav sliii bamtMigt. llNl are g I I V. mi hlue. vrlliiw "d in Mifi'y mrigrd Mm kings. l kUiv'j lilai'krlt, a ii Inure I1I4 it in Infilling m the tamr sie. 1 1 1.C. 1 be I iiiwiiiil liUnsfls in Iniliaii and bl'H k detiitnt arf 14 VI, a irrouiing i.l ll.r tafnr blan ket in rnliiri l l inlo anr 10I01 chrine are o7S Willi Ihe prie Ut 111 hilf are lie luxurious tilk ioiii. loilrrs fur the' gtMl rooiil, ttllril wild finrtl Uilih ss'iol, lull . 7! sX4 at a f if re rarve of Imiu IIJ? IO $.7.'". Ol I'ltrrrsl air tlir IV((uol (illlow r s, 4.'.l'i al Wi eai t A ale of rlrliglitlul Salur Leaves Omaha lo Attend Eastern Convention of Ihe llairdiettei MISS JENNIE S( II MM I I. r.( the F. U. .'clia.MI ti Co.. 15. Dmiglai, hat itour to cstfrrn cities where the will attend convention the fabric round the wrist in fur on wear will te lound in tni store, chenille fringed, ) 75, wrap style, J he lustrous surfaces fabric, all priced nnuually low, room in the bouse. ' Beauty. Last night wild Beauty walked on land and sea " Girdled with stars and shod with fireflies; Wearing the moon upon her breast; her eyes '' ' Heavy with dreams and with the memory Of other gardens, under other skies. She from the the drew enchantment sleeping earth; She sprinkled star dust on quiet sands, , With slender pale and prelude plaintive hands, She stirred the treetops to a singing mirth , And bound my heart with silken, secret bands. -FAITH BALDWIN. Keep yourself in a receptive mood and contentment will find you. There is ' no loneliness like thA of old age. Not-all the love that is showered upon the "old folks as they approach and pass through the three score and IU years can quite blot out that loneliness. The reason is because the old men and women, always in a pitiful minor ity, are scattered among the "prime of lifers' and the young, and the latter can never quitesee eye to eye with. them. They've never been 70 odd themselves. .' Fashions,-methods, change quick ly I Old age cannot keep up with the mad rush. Everything changes suddenly and like lightning and the gray heads get confused. Puzzled, they ponder over the difference be tween now and their own younger days. Do the young always realize what an enormous difference thatt really is? Wise old granny an4 granddad are looking back upon 70 years and more. One learns much in 70 years. Youth is inclined to forget that and merely disagree., And the olds folks have seen their friends, their relatives, their one-time playmates all pass on before them those dear souls who remembered granny's wedding dress and the little gray bonnet with blue forget-me-nots. They toddled alongside grand dad when he, too, was toddling to the fhtle school at the top of the village. But they have passed on to another world. And one by one the remaining friends pass away. Jane Smith whom the young folk knew as the oldest inhabitant, but who granny re members still as sweet 17 died last year. Sam Jones, granddad's school chum, died two years back. Mary Simms was "taken" only the other day, and there's poor Ted Harris, who will never get up again. Yes, it's a lonely time! It's up to us to make things as cheery as we can for the old folks. Let us listen to the reminiscences of granny's courting days, and granddad's boy hood. At 70 years of age one can only live the past over again, and it is such a weal tli of happiness to have sympathetic listeners among the youthful ones of today. Train Child to Respect Wise Rules of these new plush coats are gtii anteed lor two years, the wraps grouped at different prices, ?JS, $.i'v. $49 up 10 $75. The new blouses appear without rollar. but showing a rather deep V or wide square. . To Be Modish Make Your Own Clothe. ' CLOTHES today need line, artis- ie effect, and style. They must he" rut correctly because you can't cover up imperfections with trim ming. The Keister Ladies' Tailoring College, 1630 City Nat. Bldg., makes a specialty, of cutting, fitting and in structing you how to finish the Bar- jnent. Day and night class, 20 les sons, Drawn work is often the sole trim ming of dainty colorful voiles and dotted Swisses. . Just in Time for the Harvest Moon Broadway' Newest Song Hit, "Underneath trie Meadow Moon." rpile sheet music department of the A Hospe company store. 1513 Douglas, introduces Broadway' sue- cessivc song hits in a surprisingly short time after they have proved themselves truly popular in the me tropolis. The lead this week is par ticularly appropriate to the season of harvest time." I'nlerncath the Mellow Moon 30c Keep on Building Castles in tlfe Air 30c Montana 30c Moon River 30c Blue Danube Blues ........ 30c A list unusually good you'll agree after you've played them on your piano, ocna cnecK wnn orocr. , The fad for pendant earrings is acute which, of course, means an early decline. Not' the "Flapper". Alone But Really Truly "Crown-Up Ladies" Recog- . nize the Value of the Permanent Wave. THE specialists" on beauty, Mr. , Roberts and Mr. Franks of the Black and White Room, Burgess Nash, the Salon de Beatite, Hotel Fontenelle, and the Blackstone Beauty Shop, find it interesting to ..1. .1.,. .u. ,:..,t:c.' n(...i. uulc 11101 111c Biitiiiiuiaiij' Jti hvilu w J . - - , ' tl SNM v. M . - Lanoil Frocess Permanent Wave "-" .usmu.o w.o.. c..u.ib nw...., has enlisted the interest of the more fJlHE McGuire & McCoy Dress rpHE Crawford Beauty Shop, 1001 serious minded woman who realizes X Shop, mezzanine floor, Paxton W. O. W. Bldg., Ja. 3325, is of the value of added comfort and block sixteenth and Farnam, en- firing a special inducement to worn charm with a minumum of time con- t c. . . ,. . . , . , . . ..... sumed in its achievement. If un- trance on Sixteenth street, is now 111 en who have neglected their hair, a able to call for a consultation in re- readiness for the btying of fall war- hot oil rub with steaming towels, 50c. gard to the advantages of this new drobe by Madam et Mademoiselle permanent waving process sena tor Omaha. Stunning dresses for after- ,Wide hats of scarlet or orange Illuail.lU TT1II.1I g'lV. U., Htai1 in rpfrnrit tis it display" in their spacious daylight with fruit and flowers. Whit svoa! iW. and ii,iv shop. A lizard skin crepe frock in ' shells are used on bathing suits of bottle green is a caDtivating exponent black taifeta. l'VA ,k - 7. 'n if. 1 T'-wsr j-t atr - .. -r v. m mmm m-mu mw- m 1 mtmn 1 iri try an aisiiraure that Ma-tin ('in ha will ii'tinut'ly l.Mulit liv ilrilli'lltlrat'Otl III lli S badell- hop n new and novel bairdrring siliitvtii'fnis. klie v ill alo tmv in-w luir jjii'id and titttaitie nit while away. Prepared for the Fall Outfitting of Hair Health Attained Through Sci- Your Hat Will Civ Week of Early Wrap for Fall and Early Winter Fall Wear If It I Reblocked. AT the Kruger Hat Shop, 303 Barker block, where you may also have your feathers refashioned, your fur and marabou piece remodeled. Upstair Purhop Location Answer 'the Question. rPHK Coldtteiii Shop, .'nd floor, over Fry' Shoe Stoic, I Mb and Do'tglaa, explain their un usual fur value by Ihe modrrtr tent est of an upstair l'iiiou. Marvelous vsluetl A silken mole, 4i 111r.l1 length, heavy silk-lined, l-iir crush collar. Mandarin tleevet, t2'6: 4'Mnell lenglh Hudson seal wili lulural marteii or Siberian 'ijirre trim, $2'5, Semi-Annual "No Profit" Sal Extends Through Ten Days. HAYDK.VS are now holding their . Semi-Annual "So Profit" sale, telling quarter of sj million dollar' worth fif merchandise at cost, I or a period of V) day they will ion-' vert Ihoutand of dollar worth of merchandise into ca-h at actual coi. furnithing salespeople, light, delivery and other cost of merchandising free of charge, Thev will do thi M help the unemployed, to boost pros perity. Not all the goods in the store are marked to sell at rod but $250.. 000 in goods being sold at "No J'rofit" prices, the balance at Ihe tiMia! rash-small-profil price, li e Sior reserves the right to limit t!'e "No Profit" purchases that all iu tomere msy' share equally. ... , There' an Exquiaite Grace in the Pleated Panel, THE Ideal Button and Mealing company, third floor Brown block, Sixteenth and Douglas, make a specialty of fine pleating for the new draped panel deeorative key note for the new fall frock model. One they finished thi week had soft crepe panel from the left shoul der to the right hip, accordian pleated in liny pleats, caught at the hio line by a big embroidered butterfly of bine, appiiqued, Pantheon Silver Design for the Hostess of Delicate' Perception. THF, John Henrirkson Jewel Shop, loth and Capitol, are showing a rlasiic silver dsign. Pantheon, the newest note of artistry in the tilver- trail, wnim junin iui rovery to the hostess who svMies her table- appointment 'to express her spirit of Hospitality, wrougnt Ar Reminiscent of the Orient, T AMOND'S, 17th and Farnam re receiving daily hipment of (rom f0ytty ,jvtr thrre. an exquisite marvelously designed wraps for early solidity jn the appearance of the fall and winter wear. A sub-deb coat design which i at once appcaliint- rif Klai-1 Pa.K.i ir.iU Itq. tl. a ... Send for one of the beautifully il- Announcement of Long-Waited Ship- bloused pane, back, heavily embroi- 11 ment From Foreien Port. ffdered in oriental traceries of black .,.,,t,(;. h. mtvicr tiler e noon and evening function are on transparent straw are wreathed rpHE Nippon Importing company, ?"d ?olf' mul thread, wide hanging ava;iaM( in the Pantheon pattern. If a: i...- : .l.:. ; .I-...- i-. ......... I . rr " r Mandarin ilrrv hnritirert in Pur.ian . . . -. .... ... ........ ... . ..t.'r im,.rf.(,ifri ill stinir in irr tici X Fall Fashions Are Lavishly 'Broidered. T7VERYTHING in fall fashions, fads and fancies calls for lav- of the odd long draped sleeve and skirt of the fall season. Tres Char mantl An accordion pleated bolster puffing round skirt edge cuff and col-, lar, a side drape from the waistline caught by immense cabochin declare the knowledge of the designer. Rav els south itn street, wishes r..mK ,n ma(rh th. . .,,,. , umr,,,,.,, , .. . ....v.. ... .,,.Kv,, .m. nfi, vrr nervice that service rioon- to inform their customers who have collar. An enchanting feature of the j,-t will also be sent. "Gift That Children are just as happy happier conforming to wise and kindly rules from babyhood, and the' fact that tltere are such rules, and th.H they are ohterved, make all the difference to the rett o the I'nusvrudd, ti ciul vititor, and to all with whom they come in contact To order and clesnlmess I attach special iniportance. I believe v let ting ihe thiiiis the children use be ss good, withm reason, as i can ai lord, so that they may tepect ihcir things. And I behre in taking trouble tt let Ihent associate with their rontenipourie. It may b a Imre having t'thsr children about in man house, PUl 11 cyif sr issu 11 r! or bo are brought nt "pri," iliv in 1,1 atii lo be ruber thy '..if fniffnl. r snobb th. Stdliouitt a lot cl vii ihev may gryw wo without keeping bak. I. k.k of "l"kmg friftidv" I bene, m B.nt children plenty .mum U e strvinie, That if a child has made a mis take, he or she must be ready to ow.n up to it. Never to make a threat which will not be carried out. Never to break a promise lo a child. Never have "favorites." I make it a rule that the tlnUlren sh!l always have Bod thick boots and ttotkiHgs in winter and shady hats in hot weather. I depend more on good iood and healthy hung than on thing from the chemiit't shop foi Verping Ihe children well. And, unci health i more im ptrt.vit lliatt fjimi'it pritrs, I (!: iOUr overdoing il at sch""1 M .-tine rac, oi Ci'urs. there is no tendenty In vtrd il. but there are thiUiten who wtut ishly, wrought embroidery. The n co,or an? li" "Canurmg in Mode Pleating Shop, 4th floor Pax- 18 an evening dreg of apricot ton block, Sixteen and Farnam, is tch,ffo"- w'dely circular as to sdver well known forthe beauty of its em- ace-edged skirt which is Huffily at- broidery, whether it is traced on tract've in its .oft drape over an ac- sheerly thin chiffons and georgette ford.on pleated chiffon foundation. or on the thick-napped cloths for ,r,ny ,' ,bc.afs oulll"e the s,,vr coats and suits. , "I tUt J,',u,yJ cre?V backed black satin dinner dress with Practical women almost unani- lrl.e train secures its draped rfemand wanhahle doeskin skirt under a big et and rhmestoiie gloves of lisle. b,,ckIf- ,our early viewing of the , new models is invited. Mak Early Appointment for Per- . , . . . . . , . . w A skirt of white pirated crepe de manent wave. injie f, worn g mrx jUi ket THF. Brandcis Beauty Shop. 3d () NVhfte wool, floor, are having wonderful sue- ce with their 'Lanoil Permanent Juvenile and Junior Golf Sej. Waving process. All the girls who Tlf UCH has been said of the tninia- are leaving for school m the early IVI ,ufe m), tall have rcalued the absolute nece- r sitv for permanent wave, which maha s fine, homes where the nukes an early appointment impcra- women "! children of the family tive are perfecting their knowledge oi the great game of golf. Th iown- , , send Sporting Good Company, Ufl To acctuiipany a veluns linen ' , " . . 'u i. I . i.1 . . . . I ' HI IIMHI, Ul li It IMI I'l Ml. II HI! Ires w a oli velvet parasol .. ... ' ... ... . r....:,.. ...... been waiting for carved pendants, jade crepe lining are vivid baskets of . , .. hand-carved beads and ndestructib c , - corners of the front. Designed by pear necklaces, that they have ar- the ,ame n)ari j a (,ack coat of Ve. rived. The pendants are $3.50 to verelta ctotn witn caracu coar, 4.50; the carved beads, $1.50, and :uffs an(i g(ripr ,jowr, the loose pan- the pearls, $3.75. ,cj ,ack of the skirt. Two irdle , are furnished with this coat model, To wear over slips of brilliant one of woven metal, the other of the satin are dresses of shiny lacquered same material as the wrap. l:ire in white or irrav. lace in white or gray Lovely Fur Inseparable From the Charm of Lovely Women. T IRRESISTIBLE are the furs of- fcrrd this year in the showrooms of Aulabaugh the Furrier, 19th aud Farnam. Rarely beautiful is a Stone of fringe are left to shift for thein Marten ncckniece so lame and Ionic '. sometime hanging in one di Coat Sold at Surpriingly Reason able Price. LKNKETF.R, tailor, second floor, Sixtecnih and Howard, will take your measurements for one of the smartest rain and weather coats you've seen. The price reason able, indeed! A lull line ot high clas lined with white silk. whatever of frth r -m ncss-r Wilis' hiul 1: ps-siiH.n tuts rxinr irtm-aitu in mmy ISiiHtutlty at meals 'their thought 111 ihe tbircltcn sd l t"csif an.t tist'tsni l. bejhs'lptng iiit fvf the ks,ii help- i.Li-itW.ft til mi.lh It Alt.. . tt'rf 1 - " . t . . . 1 - . .t . ( (!- m getting irein mtis tne v n( ukmg a ''it s dunk i'l "'' .iee evtty usi.rfi 04 st lismg l4t sstsind anl 'r rum'-i-d kr rt' S i pr, . s' in -l bs ' 1 1 , ,.- ai'.l . :: if s I msns w . hit li d M-niUi mviig I.hshI wts.l . tiw'4 is iirtp.wt. sm.!.!y mbS l be tmos4 t l !'i it t Vt l.-vt n4 bsl 1.1 he put s. i.iffty l-K ti.ii M KJ S Mvllt Kl, .,l't 4 ict tl sJiH nt, NOW FALL FASHIONS SHOWN, , 7 Hr'N you order pmi fall f apparel, chic chapraux, jaunty 1 eoat, tr 'ght line U.iHuir, lur coal, dinner dies and vsii. tSve ior tireet and h. u.e wiih due itiuipiinnent 1. 1 titiclttl itnrt'st ni'e lit -.rr thai IVdW Ihe Shopper l the Onuh lie is at j one sts e. woh ti t fr hup. suit; sii'ltrs li'i'l II iMlS i lit be si nl i'ii 1, IK l. sfi i tSI ti'psstil I.l b llf ilih t I irni l,it fstsl, h bl tiH i t. l liny tot a well at the junior nicni- hers of the family. Specially priced are .tdie bathing suit, a discount of 33 1-3 on every tui bring nlfrrrd. And for th Autoist re uttered spe cial value in camping and outing good. furred that it give the effect of fox- skin, rich and dark in coloring with a soft Ivory tone showing through. A true August tale offering at $rtJ. Luxuriously silky 1 a neckpiece of two Hudson Sables, unusually fine In texture of fur and coloring, $135, A season of neckpiece, Milady Fashion is making an early srlrftipu 01 chokers ranging from $15 up in mink, squirrel, I itch, Raccoon and Hunk. A novel material that is worth hosiery in all the new fall color is looking at is a silk or crepe materia! now on display 111 the Kneeter Shop, with looped up fringe or, if one may Reduced prices on tailoring continue use the description, fringe fastened throughout August. down at both edges. This material .,... 1 j . . is gracefully manipulated into frock., J W"' Un,''It U Cr.U,1,r L i.arasol ami hloute. Ihe lome strand Upon a Charming Head. I. line silk fiats, so nemure aim unpretentious there oil the shelf all alone wait 1 Wait till that same demure little hat U crushed low down upon a charming head! Noth ing so piquant, so youthful, so aittat iniily clue in Ihe way of headgear lui a 'd cur vision tins many a lection, somrtime 'in another. Silver and Cold Lac Will Add to Brilliance of Social Seaon. rpillC Silk Shop. IM7 Douglas, is - daily receiving exquiniirirs from yrar. Vivid or modest 111 color, the ihe looms of Ihe world, elurmdil effect is the tame; it will frame your l.iliru for the adornment of MiUtly l.nt as though designed for it. Fashion, Ravisiliing 111 eticcl air the oi w silver and gold lairs, the smart Milady nuy be t caprirkms at thing for ilihiier and evening writ, she wishes in the wv of jrwel for Not tatntieil, howrver, were ihe ikiII- there's a new lingrr ling of feathery ' il mamifariurer of line lace IkIuhi, vsrought pl,itiuum deinn which it for they've combined the di hcate really Iwu huh' for there's a liny ntrUliic thread with vivid rvi'ii'i g hue of coloied ttones, emeralds, sati thaibs in an rfdet vslujlv sllu'ing, phurs or lulors In lit inside ihe tdver and d'4guiily blue,- tinriai u. aiming of the mam ring Lovely 1 pink ami antiqiir gohi, total ami hrotuel Send duett lo lit ilmp Im I4ltidrs sent b I fit ir "One Day S-tmple ServUe tlepai Uncut " The Decorative Possibilities of Pillows Ptl'owt, whitli have tome, more ih-I lotntiut v.r'1 betaiue lltv ie and more, la plar an uiiporum pari l,t t,"1 h '' ,l,f "f'-s-t lh in th dreoraiise tchrni ( lh '''"' 11.,' . , ' t i ii.i.lff irUtl, sai'it and s litli.ii.. hom. and si-s tally in lb bon loir. 1 (, )4lf,to , , fwt, ttxife show stjr (I'ttly He floitt wbish Inl-i tiuh tonihiiulioii on (null ti v he suilal ly mdiined i'.. mifuduit a t in r a 1MI..11 lur esaixpl. -Willi utitl ili ifmi oe m-d rti I el ss-i't ihe tir .' n Muvli imhilt! III. bv lurtti ihr) ssoulj vnly UlcHlt ft loutisit, tut 11 n t4 tsiivt dsi sietuum, t ) White lltl glove with a flower o a htrd lu'iil.'l 011 the batk. I hat is one of the things al lh glov cou ttr. Anoiher it the stlsrt-tarrd cut', in In it, !. t blur (if giiltlt ii sellow 01 li.i'nf, AHuther is the vtitrrrd '!"; hiiiiw in not poik or old blur, o bUi is i-f in ulttr hi v or amhrr A I lliiU, llisl uun.lri lully at 1 mil- tllrt, t hilts ghe ihe gl.nts -e wlm gUct kit), iimdaliiig tialrriat, fl earn the a motif id disistali.nt u tme imi"i if nil due it ami amply justine i't In lie oblong pillow nli htiols t.i.l !i tn.e pilltiw of Uifrla taiin used 11 l IniiiiiUtii'ii Hilh ihilitm tentrc ihe 111 is vvded ss.ih 1I11I111 tirl-1 ii 1..10U i.l the t'liUhb smiih tut. ml ( plat user 1 iot.1 lUmlt t l g o t 1 t-i's tiuiute '- ii!!us, 1 . 1 1 n..ili. li(rU f t'lin. tl.mris i fitlisiorit ,ti the m! t i la vi ih tiun'ilr pill.' vi loi i ih fioli. rtiii oi . r ft'Stl Vltis 'lt