THE OMAHA PF.E? If FATOM. ACT) CARPEflTl il How I Transformed Ruth Into a Beauty. Federal Tests of Cattle Gaining on Tuberculosis fly Frank Kulfuvy, Tuberculoma germs ar doomed. ! 1 P r. ,eW If i. V. V". tali I E ' .e- -, J NEW TOnK. rflpeclal Corr pondrnc. Can tmrdly txt lJv ah ia on nd tha umi Itlrt. can youT With but flva waaka dlffaraoca btwarn the " hoina If ducklluf " and tba bfauly? I oiah yao micht aa bur In tha flah that yon could fully appreciate what transformation haa bn acoompllahnd la thia rlrl who cam to ma flva waeka MO downcant of expreaalon, much underwclffht, mlnerably unhappy becauaa aha believed aha waa the bomelleat flrl In tha world. Ignorant of beoomlnr dreaa and coiffure and graceful eariiag:e, which further ac centuated her unhappineaa, auper aenattlva and melancholic. Today I preannt her to you register ing pbotorraphlcally a marveloui chance, but my retrret la that I can not portray for you her roey cheeka, faer clear, fine akin, the rejuvenated plrlt of happlneea from which the had well nigh estranged herself by her unfortunate belief thnt Rhe waa doomed to hopelem oblivion becauaa of bar look. I Kvery Utile Hit Help. A real cirlT Aa real aa you and I ' are folk of fleeh and blood! There were but 109 pounda of her flva weeka ago. Today aha carrlea fifteen addad pounds, making a grand total of 124. Fifteen pounda added In five weckf to what you already have, meager though It may be, mean something bealdea junt a little bit more, doean't it? They mean covering for a number of bonea and a hiding place for numerous angles, better health, a smile on the Hps, and many other graces which I shall enumerate later. Tea, it waa just five weeks ago I wms Introduced to Mlsa Ruth through a pitiful letter from her to me signed "Tha Uiihappieet Girl In the World." Yesterday she told me she would write me another just so she could sign It "th happiest girl on earth," which she now claims to be. Before and After. I will confide that Ruth O. Is not her real name. But you appreciate why she prefers to have her own withheld, and I would not break confidence with her after her faithful cooperation with me in an experiment I have been want ing to make for some time to prove the wisdom of the old French adage "there are no ugly women In the world, only those who do not know bow to be beautiful." Her before and after photogrspha bear mute testimony to a number of things, don't they T What a girl can do for herself If aha makes an Improve ment In appearance a straight business venture; what a smile on the lips will da toward beautifying a woman, and If I may be excused for no small amount of pride n this particular ac complishment, what a beauty editor may do for an unhappy member of her iu, that member willing to glv whole Hearted cooperation, Weeps for Joy. rtrtionUts have repeatedly U-4 th them of the ugly duckling weeping by the fireside, lonely, beau les. young, and pining for a I'rinra ( Nurimnu. who does come to her quickly enough ller she din-overs it waa ll pretty inurlt a trick of dress uni buoyant spirit, govJ hellh and a huppy es press Ion. Hut her In Miss Ruth yiu Hv the truth that la not stranger hut mu.'h batter than fiction. fr she is a rl (ImK ant hlort.i gtt rnn.t real r In fl'h than she was n wevks af.t, aiih roal cl'f vn hr vhk, a real smil on bee t. n4 so real a tn her heart that !! r wl ttsppmee when a rertaln him he he always HVed lt,t hf sh piu.!y beautiful" hs eih ifrt Unt ht ett' h0 Hetvon Wtli, M m ltus 4 1 fee H at tay it THi It I th ! ". M4 titt that bin o!ee. '! and axtw d ''e. m Ju la ! leet, i.;,if.. at a la i,t r Btealin4 th e'! t m kI uue. r. t '!' M m i 4 tt b te f e. metry and the graces of a former dayt Or, on tha other band, one with so great a dearth of poundage aa to ex pos bones, knuckles, and psisful anglesT Or on whose complexion la eullow, blotched,' or blemished? Or she w!o auddrnly awakess to a widening chasm between her and th one who sometime back promised to cherish and to lova her, due perhaps to her own carelessness about akin and dress, teeth and hair? There la grief and tragedy and romance and jealousy and other elemental requirements of a fic tion tale In many of these letter that com to ma. But bast of all I lev tha letter from our Ruth signed " Tba Cnhsppleat Olrl In the World " becauaa It brought her to me and becauaa that meeting haa In flva weeka' time) ao transformed tha girl that I feel her accomplishment will be an Inspiration to many an other "discouraged one, and becauaa they, too, may follow Ruth'a own atory and profit Immeasurably thereby. Again, because ah la young, and youth has no right to b unhappy nor to look, it, Trier waa appeal ao direct, straight,, and pathetic In her letter that I was touched deeply and resolved at one that through no fault ct mine would eh retain that mental and physical at titude toward life. This 1 what sh wrote: L'nhappieat Girl In tha World. "Dear Miss Donnelly: Uiave read your many article on beauty and what you have dona to help people, I know a girl who wrote you and you never aaw aucb a change in her. But I don't expect you can' do much for me. I am so homely. I don't believe there la a homllar girl In tha world. I am ao unhappy t would just Ilk to run away and hid wher I never would sea anybody. ' " I am an orphan and I am 20 yeare old. I never had a beau or what you could call one. And all tha girls I know have good Hmea, but I never do. I just have to alt and listen to them talking of parties and dances and fun. I was taken along a couple of times, but I would have been happier If I had stayed borne, because the fellows did not ask ma to dance, and never would make a date with me. I have overheard them calling me 'string bean 1 and ' toothpick model,' and a lot of other names like that, "I just feel feck of living through remarks some of these people pass. I fael so blue when I sea tha other girls going out all th time. I hav a good disposition, but being homely and thin holds me back and makes my Ufa mis erable. I am a failure In life. I don't have luck getting a job, either. Th employer just looks at me and tells me the place Is filled. If you could help me put on some fat and become batter looking I would be th happiest in stead of " Th Unhappleat Girl In th World." REAL IN ACCORDANCE . WITH MAKCirS DREAM, IT was my mtsfertun severs! year to b In a hospital fur two month. Tim passed slowly until I made the acquaintance of another patietit who proved to be more than congenial aa tha dey passed by, Amor her dally visitor w vn hrdj eur caller was a charming young girl who my frln4 xptaln4 i 4 t bee M t StFM t a wwtmg a ame4 l lit I I'M It 4 tiy lu'l l4l Ik tie It UMwMt4 la taet ) 7 It aVe.epen" V (S sea. wtth tr Aee1r ;;..;''.'; ? A.' A' ' 7W' " P. I bop you will answer my letter with good newa." Making Surrey . ' I aent her an answer, with tha re quest that aha com to my office. Sh came the following day. tih wss thin, all right. Th dreaa ahe wore and the hat accentuated th fart. Homely? I made a mental appraisal: Particularly good eye. Pretty good teeth. In need of a little 1 attention; easily enough remedied. Hair good color, dark brown, but bobbed with shears nowise concerned bout aiding and abetting th cause of beauty. Htraight Ilka an Indian'a, brushed sharply back off a high fore head, caught with a comb that waa without decorative Intent, and hanging straight over the ears, with a dip down on Ita backward course, which was . roost unbecoming. But th long slen der neck n'd shapely head promised well for future operation on a coiffura bandied expertly. ' Complexion: Skin with slight and easily remedied blemisea, but colorless. Figure not ao good. Walka badly; etanda badly; nervous awkwardnesa about It, showing decidedly In tba car- . rying of hands and feet Corrective exercise, deep breathing, food to re build, Instruction on grac and car riageand that could be changed read ily enough. Expression: Discouraged, unhappy, drawn down mouth comers, all regis-, taring her hopeless attitude toward llf In general. Easy to change that. See Her Possibilities. Clothes: Therein Ilea much of tha discouragement,, if she but knew it. Dull, dead black taffeta dress with wrong lines for one so thin; hat with upturned brim carrying on It upward trend an exaggerated tilt to her nose. Shoes -well, they could be Improved upon. Feet quite good and ankle neat. " I paid M5 for this dress." sh told me. "I don't know how to dress. I always buy the wrong thing." Sh , confided ahe had some money sh would gladly spend for tha right drees and hat if I thought that would help any. Summarizing: Although a casual observer may hav doubted her possi bilities, I saw that wonderful things could be done for the girl. So I ex tracted a promise, eagerly given, that she would put herself in my hand for five weeks, at the end of which time I could pretty safely guarantee her a smiling, 1922, up to the minute model Ruth. Certain forms of exercise not strenuous were to be don dally; cer tain foods to be eaten; certain dally car of skin and hair and bands, and then a final shopping trip, with no ex'" travaganea to be Indulged, In, how ever. Aa you see for yourself In the pic tures, sh waa an apt pupil. Bha ac quired a graceful walk, a well polaed LOVE STORIES troop In Franc at th tlm. From his letters, little incident In his lif that th mother related, and th In terest other displayed In him It wss star for m to imagln what an Ideal sort of a rhap he must be. I'p to that tlm his life had been apparently on of caennr. He hsd given up school early that he might work and mak lif easier for hi mother and th younger children, After war waa declared h enllstsd and wa sent almost at em to Franc, Th ving from hi small monthly check r divided equally between hi mother and Margie, "the girl," Th whol family fairly rdiatd lev." and Msigi seemed la be en t? them It a she ha paid lha dn lor fir tha operation when tr mother wss pustitng how II rou.d be n.. pawl, , wtth the winner !' .t eenl her and whka e h4 hoped .m day t u In her wt hems la th m uninh h rated fur ' th ynunger chilJre during th mailt r s teai tm am Ring aha burst tat eur ream teaming A letter hd )u free tv Ullieg kee k w h pern 4 wasted t warty aa ' aa he ree t4 New Tr And eaa bnagia, eaethee," ::me4, 'y lt 'M I dreamt! tA"v 'v .;. (Mlahkla feet I manner In addition ta her fifteen pounda, a real honest to goodrTV rosy complexion, a winning expression, and a number of other assets, all of which I shall reveal to you In a aeries begin ning next Hundsy on "How 1 Trans formed Kuth Into a Beauty." Anrwtti fa Btmuly Queries. DISGUSTED: THEN I WOL'LD.VT try ao hard a diet. Oo at It easily. In fact, I think It an excellent ida to begin by shaving off at avery meal. eating th same thlnga you have been, which seem to tick I your palat so. but one-third leas quantity. Then re dura to one-half the quantity, and If you survlv that and still hav pounda to spare, go on tli rigid fast. EL IE DE R.! RHUBARB 18 AN excellent spring food. There Is a great deal of Iron In rhubarb. People do not cat enough of It. Besta, too, are health ful for the sams reason. In fact, any aprlng fruit and vegetable may be con sumed In generous proportions with tha knowledge that It la going to pro- due a better complexion and dJgeatlv system. Foods, indeed, have every thing to do with your general health, alnca digestion Ills and constipation are th baa of 75 per cent of th Ilia of th world. HEIJIN: UHE SPmiTS OF CAM- phor for th hands. Th formula, you refer to la equal parts of the cam phor and glycerin. It will work won ders. Rub It Into the skin thoroughly befor retiring. It I both softening and whitening. Tie careful to dry your band well after washing. Not doing so causes chapped hands. L. II.: LEMON JUICB IS GOOD for whitening the skin of tha neck; But, dear, you must not expect re sult Immediately. Apply the lemon a thick elice r bed over th neck at night before retiring, and allow it to dry on. t would certainly advise agalnat tha peroxide bleach. VIDA: THE WHITEHEADS MAT be eaally removed by pricking tha cover with a sterile needle, and press ing out the contents. They do not recur as persistently as blackheads, and the local care of the skin will pre vent further trouble. FATTY: FOR WHAT IS CALLED tha "old lady slump" between your shoulder blade I have some perfectly good exercises that will rid you of It quickly. Bend a., a. a. In th mean time, learn to atand correctly and alt and walk with body erect. OOSSIK: TOU CAN SOFTEN hard water by using the following: Put, one pound of bran Into a muslin bag, place In four quart of water, and boll for fifteen minutes. Add enough of the bran water to tha bath water to make It milky. that h fell In lov with a nurs and never married m at all!" Both laughed at th Impossibility of such a situation and began at one to mak plans for the futur. In due Itm lt..b arrived In New Tork. but wrote that hs was being sent to a hospital In the east to lake treatment for romninl.iii deafness, Th mltrut h could leave h would be home, and then . Tw week pasned, full of aruMy on hi part to be with tha Umily and Mersle Then earn a week with no pw-nuihr, and then th blow) II ram horn bringing a bud with him, nurs n hsd met t th hospital. Margie truohed. My heart went out t. her, Perhaps In brl'l tleene. .,n un ihv. for sh ml into a n:i4 with rrnt- Bient Instead of uv. tt h4 ft'"! ..I. ins niiltier tuld me, snl h4 furll'led hlinaelf with u.H a well f resert that quettiun and ipaiini aeerued mpMiki. only etir Ml he broken t, h n. plained. n4 then tiM.iim, ' i ntuiBj. ee, why a inl ihty let en em iriait hn " I haa ftn .ie4-4 whether th iir ee XI. , a Ks i'e. Mitth thought u thai dfe entieis are gaining control and hilling them as rapidly aa e'ate and federal fund can Us appreprlated to carry tha tasting work. No vicioue eeraped onUt wa ever feared more than I this destructive mfc-roba. !alrymn, veterinarians, and the general public ar member of th poea that la out a erdl't I ubrruln. 1 1, Herd en (ieverwnent I Jt. ftelomen are realKlng that tha ea!u of their hsrde la greatly la- rreeeed by th removal of Infected ant- Riala. farmers ran no longer ignore the Imparlance of having Iheir herds teeter! (rid put on I he government a ac credited i. Most dalrmn know this, but they ar divided Into two classes. One grup wants o rlran up Its herds and ci.'.perste with rjnVIe S In avery way; tha other e'lhmlt to the teet to help the eal i4 (tix k. Interefafe shipping la, compelling farmers to teat cattle tiefure shipment out of the e'ate and reieatlng by th new owner wl'hln aisfy days, hsv hsd mm h lo do In lntretli,g farmers in the federal government s accredited herd plan. There la no restriction on Interstate traffic In rattle wher Ihe owners are on the crrr(flted herd list. Kvldenne of th farmer' Interest In radicating tulrculrMia la shown In recent summary of tha government's ork In rofipera'lon with forty seven fs'e. Approximately It. 000 herd, representing 221, J7 rattle, are on the accredited Hat, which mesne they are free from luberrul'-ela. Mors Impor tant than this la the fact that 2,241. 171 nan la ar now under government supervision, In th pnre of being accredited, There would h more on the Hat If fund wir available toe-arry on th t eating and pay Indemnities, Interest In Test Increasing. Tha report ahowing that there are about TOO Illinois herd owners with nearly H.000 rattle wsltlng 10 be tested Indicates that dairymen are mii'h In- MY MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT The One Track Menu. A f'-w month ago while traveling rlth my huaband In tha south wa dined with friend. Although I do not like oyatera, I managed to consume tha oyster aoup which wa th main part of th meal without appearing to be diasaUafled with th menu. Tha reat of th crowd praised the soup highly, i I-aat week, while w were visiting my aunt, thee frlenda of her invited my husband and myself to dinner. Just before th maid announced dinner I happened to remark that it waa a pun ishment for me to rat oysters and I did hop that aha had not been the martyr that I waa when our huabanda had bean o lavish In th praise of that oyster aoup for which that southern restau rant waa fomou. My h.)ste said nothing, but tha queer expression- on her far wa ex plained when the maid brought in oyster cock lid la, then oyster aoup, and later large fried oyster with the third course, As the woman had no sense of humor and wor a distressed look all through th meal, which f,?r ma eon- alated principally of potatnee, aalad, and deaaert, I had no opportunity to make light of It J. II. Thit It a Sad Tale. That thl Incident happened neither last year nor the yer before you may know from th fact that at that tlm It waa th proper thing for th girl of th upper clause at high school to wear their skirt to their ankle. I wss lamentably out of the mode until the day I made my first public appear If I the Deadly Monotony. When you were tired of chool yoti probably played hookey for a day, and had a great tlm all by youraelf. Even If you didn't play hookey there wer vacation sprinkled through the whol year. There are few jobs that do not offer om kind of a vacation through th year, and if they don't you wilt usually find soma way to take on. Why? Be cause a vacation la good for you, give you new life and pep la different from the usual treadmill of things. Married folka need a vacation from each other avery once In a while. That First BITTERNESS OF DISILLUSION. IT la a weeping shams when one be comes ao eaJloua that one la willing to retail one'a shattered In fun t ro mance for a bit of cold cash. Mow- ever, U faut da I'argent, which In this rase means, the rent's due again. While I wa a sophomore In high school young man cam to our town to conduct a sane of saniisti server in th church of whiuh id a etur 11 ws a must beautiful rouitg man -1 ue th adjective ad vta.iiy ilh Ihe cnp turta ef an Apll and th Uiigulatung lulx and it.eliin eye lea ertheiii, in fi t - vf lt.MU4. Kvery fernal In too a be tween th l(t f II and M wa pmniptly eaei.ej ty h of re tlguiu livr, r4 tunihitd pell null r H ether la their neme. T velnt, natural)?. ite4 at ur bane and I became the envv of very irl in . luw. ian e.'n!4 ! I hat shavteg soap eur iM um1, hew risMng ha Invked In hi hlr :eee. set jhehee M ltk4 hie bard ft fur druattsl tel4 4 that UM aa hr an4 a r. I rts tr.XTKT Of i't;r.l'ltHM-TliV too H lre riru rAtikea anal rr qmiU )utl paOed row aa old Aiey' lar rj0 aiewg fM ti all to rool; i4 lAey are rsu srs need let . J. lpte recewl Ust wukI l M'tfcontl ttoliun to thorn ou preiwa af eattaj tmfiium ffrovlh. Trut vm la rlyl ui 14 fwra d grrew elmr; trio w le-ff receiied corn, rioter, and Him mtik. tvffgt wtl l torn f rrtprrliiflu, i gramt a fnO jfriin. Att rhUht ur of aaCra, poultry rpe my earn and rlm rr or u Aeal ad clover r sol eVIcteM In rnrrov, mineral, or vltnminri, but Iht mUlw Is aof e foo4 a ira re Ilk is added. ferreted In tha plan. There are three times as many on tha waiting list in .New York, and 1171:0 In Michigan. Tha Intereet In testing has become so general and the demand ao greet that 11, M. I'svideon, director of sericulture, and V. A. Laird, atats veterinarian, recently found It necreeery lo call conference of fat mere and veterl narlana In Illinois lo decide upon the lies! method of carrying on Ihe Ireling. Ir, I.elr'1 orX'ed tha ares plan. The conference spirmed of it and recom mended thst Ihe appropriations for In demnities of slate and f'd-rl govern, menu be divided, three fourth to be used snvng th countu s testing on th area bast nd on fourth for general testing work. Waller Faroes Area I'lsn, Flva coijnllea-K.dgar. Montgomery, McLean, Tsrwell, and Woodford now on Id county unit basis, and K or mot other will start tfi work after July I, when tha federal appro priation becomea available. After that data tha federal government will hav ance befor the entb" school ssnembly to show my skill In public speaking. Tfiiit ws to be a great day for m, and to relubnit It properly I wss to wear my first long skirt. Ths day arrived, the hour drew near, the minute loomed. Mine were th parched mouth and the shaking knees, but I felt If those helpless knees would only carry ms past the end of the plt form and up three tep th wort would be over. I would s'snd fees t' far with th whol throng. Then, with my mouth once opened and th first word over, ll would be well. In that trying approach th skirt alon would austaln m. It would be my one comfort It wa new; It wa loud; it ws long. It alone pried me from my seat, bore me up th long aisle. I could hear whispered comment of, approve! and admiration. That skirt steadied my shaking knees, lightened my link ing heart. It lifted m up the first two steps of the rostrum Into full view of the walling throng, and there It be trayed me, Its unaccustomed length got under my fret on the top step, I tumbled, ploughed forward, and fared my aatonlshed audience on all foura, like an excited dog plunging suddenly from hi kennel. Curtain. Kmsik. A Woman of Determination. My moment of greatest embarrass ment csme on my wedding day. Th ceremony hod been carefully planned, and I knew wher everyon ws to atand. A I descended tha stair to th trains of the wedding march, I found, to my surprise, that the minister had 5 Marriage a Failure? Each need to meet people, hav good times, and go through experiences that the other does not shire. From my own case and those I gee around m very day, I know It Is th deadly monotony after the first year that breeds so much discontent. What could be worse than to bo forever in th company of some one whose friends, thoughts, hubitn, and doings sre juaj as familiar as one's own? Thers Is nothing to talk about. I know one couple that has stayed happy and contented through a long life together. They both sny It Is be cause of a plan they worked out, when both conferred to each other a dread of marrlaee. They agreed that one night a week they would do just eg. Love Affair had told tha crowd of the young man'a preference for a certain Uioth powder he waa completely sold out of that commodity. But, ilackadayl Our hero caught tha flu. For five daya ha tneaed fever ishly on ths guest room bed while my good mother plastered and doctored and fed him; and I, my heart In my throat with anguish and dread, kept rigorously away from his room. But un ths sixth day I was allowed to t carry his supper Iray lo him. Trem blingly I fluffed up my hair, dunned my prettiest middy, and ravaged y pansy bed ef Ita choicest bloom tar the dear Invalid I rapped gently upon bla door. I entered, And once again 1 Mked Un that beloved cnintetime. Then I hastily set (be tray down ami rk'ted my eta, vein! trying nt to sea what I had seen. Something seemed in have gun 4th lh belnved mum pane. I kimw of nothing tshkh tract mr fr,,i the rvitianiie acinar am of a tnn than a flv days' guwth nl heard and la a blue woolen mi. k arniul Ihe IhrvMt, The erslahile Itonieo had fcvth. AIM he enitrted ,lte I tuilvt My hern' Hi, ii (Tin,,-. 'i4 h, war a ltihtahtrtt Nut dtiiair pair of ai;kf'i4 -)maa, but a riiahlahlrt. a hiUautta ull) ana with spluii haa' And lh -e, of lha lty ei.ieii fi. tha a He p'thta plaaief t Ma manty bTi well i er"a'4 we' Well, that aH. I never eet. hi favwii luvtk wdr in n m r. ll.7r.o0 set il4 to pay Indemnities and t0,009 for operating epnaaa. llllmii haa an appropriation af morj than I2o0,09 f indemnitie. Th government will py 121 for grade and t for pur brede If Ihey are eoa demned. Pure llrcd Hog Payt for Iter Ownrr'i lhm hsve been fa moo a a anort gage llftera for many year Ncea they are becoming prominent aa ham builders, "The House that Ke limit" 1 th most recent addition l hogdnrn' hll of fame. flo, a Po land China ow, la queen on an Okla homa ranch a a rewilt of her eon trlbutlon. (h wa a mere pig when brought to M. A. Hhuler' farm near Lekamp, Okla., five year ago. With in flv year her owner ha aold 16,270 worth of her progeny, and (till has seven fin pig left. Flv thou sand dollars of this money wa used la psy for "Th Houe That Roaa Built" arranged th wedding group In dif ferent way. Just aa I reached my plac I Inter rupted hi opening word by exclaim ing, "O, thl len t how w should tsndr Now my husbsnd ha a hard tlm convincing our friend that h Isn't henpecked. O. C. 1. She Forgo Her tell, Although l am but 11 year old, I have experienced a most mbrraa!nf moment. On day I wa called upon to read history,- All went moothly until I cam to th " Star Bpangld Banner." I got to "Whoa tr(p and bright tar through th perilous flight", when I heard loud laughter. I (topped and cam to myslf. I found I was singing Instead of recit ing, I hurriedly got through and went to my seat, B, B, i Too Late I Ta Late I I wa at dinner at th horn of a. friend and, desiring to ntertoin, I told a story tru about ft woman wh bad brought her husband to court for nonsupport Th worthy husband' defens wag that ha waa a aecond lieutenant in' th army, on special service, and couldn't afford to support himself, not to mis tlon a wife, And then It dawned on m mln host wa aecond lieutenant on pelal servlc and hi wife was working U help the family budget. On of those heavy aHencei followed. W. X. actly they chose. Th wlf never asked him wher h went or what b did, and he never asked her. After tha children cam they took different nights, but kept it up Just th ame, Lctur, play, movi, visit wttH friend, a new book Anything they wanted to do oiled that evening, Tb other they had together, but thl on Rave a little touch of mystery, and they had lot of fun about it. Thoee nlKhta wer absolute vacation, amail ones, but they wr all that waa needed to break that feeling of being chained. There 1 no coupl that can't flgur out some sort of a vacation Idea. And the beat and queerest part of It 1 that no matter how much you want to ft away from everything, you ar usu ally Just glad that ther 1 n end to th vacation. B, L. "With Alt Her Fault When I come horn and And Miy haa been houseuleanlng my roiled top desk, arranged all my Junk in neat tlera, and burned aome greasy paper I eapeclully prised, I wonder If mar. rlag Is worth whll. And when I say to Mary, Where' my pip, that old on I alway liked?" and aha answers, "That awful black thing?" "Tea" "The on that smells so perfectly horrible?" welt, 1 knew h ha made away with It and I sigh for bachelor day. When I retail the purple xvk ua4 ta wear and lh plaid tie and green hat bands, whlrh I gv up for Mary sake, half with I'd take Harry Jon.' advice and auyed elngl. And thl morning whan I got ready ta ahsv and found my len raeer Hal waa dull and Mary auggeaiad I he I there must be a uf.i. hi. i. r..un4 aont pi., e.aue aha had ripjien aeina aim II teeletday, why f a few minute vgUely win4rd what Id ert in Mrv that e.nleg thl vr bn aha ia,s ur4er tha rue arbur kwhing up t aia m)h lh seeeleal amila In ih ,14 atsegt thn aha give i Iwlap, And I II l.ll yi akti, huma I a eeey ratata, a4 a .4 pr. t a wir h 1 aiww, j,,, 4 eheerful at.4 Usm, ks avee Mas fteta ee eeeepleaea, , tma I re all te-a, t ,M rata, eaa a , mMk ltt.,f tar I arrl Mary, f, T