The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 13, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 12

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    flin SUNDAY PEE: OMAHA. AUGUST 13, 1922.
Appointment of Athletic Commissioner Is Asset to Big Ten
Former Illinois
Coach to 'Rule
Ul Dkmiics i
National League
Creation of the Office In Vrt
rrn Conference Mirk a
New Fri in Iiitr
collejiale Atlilriici.
Appointment ol Ma). John I.. (inf
fiih of t', lit, who hit been a
member of th instructional staff in
the department (
athletic coaching
al th University
t( Illinois suite
at totuniit
noiitr ol Western
I n r t collegiate
toiifrrrnre sthlrt
ics, .hould i a
long way toward
tearing up many
unplra.ant angle,
which hav
cropped ur most
every year In the
Dig Ten,
In (he rati, sort
of gentleman'
latduaala I
lama, lyl II Ik. t.al4iaala
u t ! I ia . eat dmpp-4 t m4
V-.nt 4-akit i. l ta.r Mramkir. !
.4. .UiljJ M 1 taH.4 I- I k. !(
aa latt4 la ika aitlh laai.e ad
. i.yta.a kr Mama tifbaraa. AM-
f...l !. dlll.t !) I
mi.an4, k.i. ka IHiMiUM la
air tfiar Ikf.aftatpa l Mrtaa fial
H"lla- bar.
11 Parian a name raa M lha at.k
mni wiik twa manna wan ikt
l. iht . al'.r lha had
galna4 lha . 4 r lallla fonr IIIHM
la fill, atl 4 at,.alk laaiaea.
All II f I
aw. I
li,.i. kr, m I
Tat.,. k I
'Irl.n.a, k I
friliaig If I
ll."l., ff
Km, Ik I
o r.ri.i, a 4
) BareBailRejulls
I,.l.n,l, a I t f Ain.i.ik
Jul!.., Iff f'1'...ll
". a
a f rifk, if 11
t lhi... it i I I
I .!.! h, ,i lava
, ; a a a
Ik ill I
I a m ..:.., .fill
I I !...., Ml I i I
i i' iama, a I I I I
f f
T"ialf II II II II t r.ffai, a I a a I
a a a
I a a a
II II II M f-ff.,
I iStaoa
I hull
I toaiaar
TValt II ftfll
kail f.if 1 1. man. la tiaia
Malt. 4 f. Hain't la a'.lH
it. I!. 4 l'if amiik la mail.
Iltwff bv Inalkft:
iiiia ai ai-
at Ix.m- , .,, atf an fint
dumnifr-flkiw llkll"' kar, Tarr.
riiiraa. ribaa, Krc. Ulimll, annih.
airf(lnfnl Iloraacr. Ma.u.r. l.icwt. Tar.
HAi U hrlwrrn roaihral' Tf'kaa Ha Tatwrcar, l-mt.i..
VkiriTM. Kf'Wf'n coainra ,,ll(( , , 1hfM MM ,,,, 0rln)M
Hill dir'llor ff- rialf. 1..i.r, M-.ia tuna: orar.
gar dm, Ih. ahgihilily of cuUir. j;,, :-ur'k. ; .V;; S;
ulirrri. 1 he ataiui of ln iiuycr or i,u i,.. . b.ii,, ,,ti is.....
playrri (nrolvrd wat I-ft rniiirly to I ' t-k, i, tt tuut,, a-ra-n ai.
I; lr yi-lltr. I. Mi: till lmrn: 1 la
I I Innrifa: aff Jmh, aoaa la I I I
laainfi, all Vi, I la I I I Innlnaa, aff
II. in... I la I I lonli.f; all Pl-tl-t. 4 la
I Innijii.. Ilil tT eH'h.ri ttt Oahnina
the cofh of athlriie dirrctor of Ihr
jnf itulion. II fiilirr a conyinifd
the infii had not vioUltd the to1,
thry wtr ti'rmitted to roniprte. In
miaf fatal
blank to th ..hl,t., who im.r.lly Mt?i.t:m""",
Ctnitti hiving bfok'n ny ruin, I "
can invaangaw vvunuui Piilabarab. ll -A .(tint rally la
f.rla in l). I I ha aaranh flll.r-lrh a a la via
""" "". ........ """I lory avar Cinriaaail, lha llih rnaaaila
caic (an vc uincmrn in irniuNi.K am fr in. i iralaa Alama f Invln
tiMfinrr nd invt..lg.(d wi.hout ot- m. J, VmnvnnM
i-ne to f unrr Pry. in omir woraa. am no I ahmoa
( owntliaioiiff Griffith will br tlfar- nurm, r I I mhu, m a i i
i. l ,.-...i-.i. ..i.i. 1'iinrt, ih Jl -ara, lata
"a " l ' I'tin-aa, Kill fi nifkai
.1. ....... riw'l. I hi a I I "luaa.l,
, . . ,(. I'lnalll, III I I I I Ti.m.f, 2k 4 I a 4
if will 1 callrd upon to imootli !-..,, Hi i ,Tr.Br, ik a t I
sm ny brich(i which may ru '" J i 'J''"'"',: ' ! '? f
Kliarril iii.u. vi biiii'i. mil, Iff I AUimi, B I I f
no, ll nfftinary, win prraoniiuy in
Kf1lall tftTK II AMU.
W. . l-.l , " . W I. f,l
i.ia..r, . raiffcani it 41 .til It l .it 1.4, (l
Maaiiua II II lit llaaiiaa J ) ,,
ian. t aaiu.
hai'alk. I, r..a.. a
ll-aln... ,,, I, Haa4 I. aaa I,
Twlai'f liautaa.
I'.am.t tl itaiiuik.
fai'K'r al Ui.4 Ialaa4
Uaisia ai Ma.iii.ft
Crosby's Single
Beats Sioux Gty
Tulaa, kl. Aua 11 Tui.a a.... i. i..
aiaik lit'Ht kiout I'Hy Mir i i.i, ( aia.
f if frallna llaainaa trim Ibt imilHa f.
Tkf fiaia at a la a. Ika a.nia I .l..a
fffatr flam lha Lfal. Il.jalla.
kialaai aina p.. a.
Hit I II I
I II ll A 1
Ham aa
II. ai r, Ik I
ak. if I
Malt. Ik - I
a'.r'4. rf I
i,t k, If t
f-.iaf, k I
rir. f I
Kattl I, p 4
All I
I i
TlX A.
Ill N II 1
4 n.naall. If 4 a a
f I I I fcu an, Ik 4
II I la, if 4
If I .a ink. if 4
I t a I a. I. all. Ik 4
t li.u an, ik
III atuari, at I
I I ,''itai.r a I
I I ) M In, , 4
American League
Tl(aa ItVal ladiaaa
taalaa. A:t II I..I..U hll l"af.
I'ai. a 4 (.. 4 Clf.a laa4 I la I,
k'. l.lar.
Ulna, Ik
i .'n. Ik
I kk, 1 1
kaa.ll, If
II .111.1, tl
J -a... 1
faaar. k
' . at
llaaalar, a
Kllalla, a
'.ik.wi, a 1
I' lamia. If
I k.aiif. If I
lialaial-r. Ik I
a .akal f t
f ai.k , Ik
I I f.ll M
a i.a4, r(
I iluiaia. Ik
y,, a
I I. ..all.a
1 w 1 a, a
II H If II .... Ir.r
.M laait
W Tnlala la It tl 14
a.'aion mr ' aaiakla Ik llflfc,
liaii.1 rr Muii, a la alnih
Mi-iflf ka Inalnaai
iala4 tt to! Ill- I
'"' lit IJII
imimri-lwi! I.ul.h.w, (aik III,
T m f.i. ii.i nan. junn a.i a.,i
Una, . I.I ham, Ktaat, k..a'b.r, kt.ih.n
a:., nwi, p.w.H I'uiahaw
Wamb, Tai' liaaa lillai
'I"'. ", kM. lilltakaaa hll
V.ah. Ii.n t.a.. V.aih Ji,.. Kia
aar, pai-iirt. a; ruiakaa. iiauiiia
iiphanaoa, WamM-, um.iai J, aaaall la
I'allHI, fi !.. I. nH, , llaaa aa t,.Ha:
on k.iaaaia. I, aff Moiiua. I, nff I'll
!". I, i.lf Oldliaiii. I III) l.ff I'a
talaakla In Innlnat: i.ff Marlon, I
In 4 Inala..! Air I'm.., a i a ......
ult lililhani. I In I Innlnta. lilt ky allrh.
balli II jr I'nvtiaakia. J.,a. llirark ami
Hr Cavalaaiiin, j br- Uotum, I: br I 'id.
htm, . Winning blirhan fllltlia. Ialna
fii.tar; r,.al..l. I'mpliat, y.vant Hi 4
vaanf Tlmai 1 11
llrtMBa Inarraaa Ia4.
rnmlakay I'alk, l hi..,o, au. tl-kl
i.i.uif imr.iuD lit aa4 la ant iimi n.r
Srm Tik In lha pannani rara 1 4'
li4 I'b .ato t la 4, ahlla lha T.nk'.t
a.ra 1.11a. malar ItA lha alifk for lha
nalioia wh ibi'a hi'a tn'l a alk la
fiva lilpt In iht I', tnA Collin.,
Maprr and Kha-lr 4 4 lha ad-k
am far I rn,au, lha (nrni.r tlr maU
li. Ihrat mil ttblla khaalr aina.h.4
uui rur. k.A.ti
a, If I I
U."rt ill I
Toialt 14 II 14 Tolt'.t II t If I
roit kr inaiaat.
out C,l Ill in. iaa
Ta'a 11,1 atl Ml 4
wwiiimarr nulla 1 mm 1.. n,n,in...
Halt. 11.1. if. i4., 7lioinpa.,n, I 1.'
rit. Lamb, li.nm.a II I Krimi ji.ur
r.arnail luna. 1 ulaa. 4. klnua f'lla 1
a btaaa: kimj. l ily, I; Tnl.a, It Taa.
btaa blla: Thi,..oB, llaiiiilian, Malt. 11a.
laiaaia). Hoariaar, r.lak. Palmar, karri.
lira niia; ll.mintaar, Oflaifall klnlan
baaa: Hauin.n i..a an balla: ,ff Mr.
Xuhli. I; nff lio.iig.r, t kirwk O'H!
fly M'Muahlln, I; by No.lia.r, llt
kr klirhad ball: ly M.l.aufhlln fl'alm.r.
Il.iinna, I; by H'.MUir i'rabr liou.
Ma part: kluarl la lllvallj Um. 10
roaby la M"l,agahlm. I mpliai. an
Anl.raoa. Tim. I a.
IniHaaa Win Tarn,
Oklahoma Ciir. An. M a
"(, mada hit Uh fiklahnma
Illy, thullina tut f.anvar In Iht fual
lama af ludar'a Akbla.h.air and Ok'a
h'tma I'I'r l',k lha a.rnno 4 In t 1 n.
"onl ijma aat rall.a In lha tl.lh la a 11.
kbit fnvar In alh a train , nt.
lirnvrn k'KI.AiioMA ITT.
n uri.B i f a a 1 a
fl'.maa, If talk
! ' I
1 1 1
Apperson's Blow
in Ninth Wins
for Buffaloes
1. J.'a.i.h, Ana II A iimt.r b.. br
"it.k Makbir' Apytraaa In lha nia.k
biaka Ika lii kaiatan ki. J,....i
a4 un.aka an4 lha lailar a on 4 in ,
tlvlnt ika lia.luit Ihr.t il af fia am.t
I 11
4l.l.laan. fk
lliln, rf-lk
; .. ,r 1 1 1 huritr
-Kid'' Schlnifrr.
fl.rh.r. aa III llntm.
'PHI, ff
'llar.ll. If
AH H tl A
T'll II 114 17
k-oia by Inniatt;
rio'lnnt'l ,,,,,.,.0t a "It 4
I'liiaiivian nut ano ii a
Nurnniarr Hunt: Maranvllla. Iaty.
flarnharl. 'irlmm (ll, .hml1t. Erfurt;
Cavan.i, Wib Too hata hilt: Ti.m.y,
Oriiiun Thr.t'baaa hll: HrRf. ktolf-D Tlarn.y. karrifuati AiUmt III.
veitieal any rhargri of profcion
ilim which may bt lo'lgrd with him
Athletic director ol Uig icn initb
tution r intrrcitrd in conatruc
live program primarily and a law en
trirrrmrnt one arcourfarilv. Wrttcrn
rr.nlrrmrt ttlilf lii 1 have drown to "' h"! flBtlnnaii, 4: J'liiai,uah,
Cdflierenr ainieiica nave Kroy.ri iw , flM Hn bfl, r,f( fat.f, n,,tt,k
ucn nroporiiuiia inai ilia imrtivit 1 jui: ny Aiarnt, 1 Hiia: 1.11 nitty, If in
feel that it if a good inventment to
have one man five all hi time
to Improving condition in athletic in
their conference and to lifeguard the
The Die Tn chool will undoubt
,'edlv olav toovar ll,000,XW gate thin
fftlf .id no $1,000,000 corporation will "fi.roK.'.l iir,irJSiS.VffX
'heiitate tO pend trft money to im-. ha Fount had ll.4 Ihaa.raan4 khnrkail
l'iur v"iiiuwii win.. ii ... vw. i hi' Bit 14m hmr in fna aaumn inniiifj.
I I Jh' 4 I IT.... in 4 I
rnH TIna,rf I I I i a-.ll,.,, :k 4 I
I 11 mi P ar...n, Ik I M. rHa, Ik 4 I
Kf", at
C rlnht, Ik
K IB, f
4 I (
11 lina. a
V'lll-t p.
4 I rwinrlltaa
a I a I Mor,, tl
t I I lnnlnai aff K.ik, I In 1 l-l In
hlnv. I.'.aii.g :(,hri rlitar. I'mplrat;
Mccormua ani niaiar, nmai l ii,
dlanlt Mln Daubla mil.
0roklyn, Am II Tha Nam Tork
lllanlt mailt a rlttn of tha Ihrat-
pama t.fl.a wllk H'ooklrn by lnnln( a
ii9uht-ha4r hr aort of It It tn'l 1 1
la I. Hiah't muff ef a pap fly
in ma ttranin 01 int iirtt famai
Comm!iioner Griffith will make
hi headqurter in Chirago, which
will nuke it eaty for him to make
trip to all weitern chooi. Jie i in
,tenely lntereted in the new office
" and according: to the director, a
W. gglll.n. formtrly "I Iht Motion llrav.i.
piith'il hit urai victory ror tht uiantt in
mi t.'ond f.mi. peart, Jirti aamt;
rum timi
rt'rriifl, Hill liOltnn, Jb
(troh. lb 4 I I I! J'tn.n, at
rrla. h, 111 I I I I H ll'fllk, rf
Mau aI r 4 J f fWhaat. II
f tetter ihoice could not have been Iffiftf ,! hftffi
.made, Although a viluable ait to J'Miah.ib
f the coaching staff at Illinoi. Com- J fj"',';
4 114
J Hard, p
It, 0
M inaijn, p
11 ii ii ih ima.a
f Halt
t I I
I My,p
I 11 II tl II
1 oiaia it t jt
kllallad fur Voorhiaa lo nlnlh.
P.nvar Aia ota ana
Okiahuma city not iiii) iii-i
Biimmarva-lluna: I'll! t.i. ril,. 11.-
fianl-lt, fcrmra: O'.maa, Tt Thr-a'-baaa
mi: t, Mint. T 1 haaa hi.: kiihu n.
(iinaltrrll, J. Imnt. ha, rlflra lilt; Vnnrhl.t.
nioian arlwril.l pin, 11,... on
htllt: riff, i; off My, I. lilt hr
t.lti'ha4 ball: (torn. a by t.fy mruik out;
ity voornait, 1; ny r,ny, 1 1 .0. ultra!
Mnnanlala fa K-lb.r In Mrlianlall.
In Ktrr, Ltfl an baaaa: K.nv.r, : fikla.
Iiutiik I'ity, I. I'.arntd runt: Oklahoma
1 ity, 4. Tinm IH. I inplr.l; (omi
ana urmiiiy.
fftronif aiwaf
Kcnra t..-nn4 aariiti OK LA. riTf,
AH H OA J Pitt, rf a a I 1
rrnrltn, 'f I I fUllarHI, If 1 I
f 2iTl, ih
I IIITalrwir, Jb I 1
D.tMnla. lb I 1
I 41 Umt, all
t liWlnmlt, at I t
I ' Moort, rf 1 I
" t rtyna, p
a 11
Town, rf
hialar. !
J l..n. If
'i.l,. r
A'lauii, lb
n ok r, i p
W abl, I)
4 Mirunii. "I
2 1 ( I '"Una, b .
I 1 lH p.i, rf
III THbMlylk
III niKtlb. If
4 I llM liaan. lb
4 11 lllf r.n a
I I i r in.y, p
a a iHniit, p
OjH.1,1.,. p
11 1 If ( aJ.nklnt
All 110 A
I 4 I
411 I
I I I 'I
I t
l.riiiln, ir ,
Maanak, rf
VI II.I. r, lb ,
Wllraa, aa . ,
tlipla, p ,
Apyiaraaai, H
Ta4alf , .
4 I
i !
I'll R.
Tkt flahl.r ktaaka kit niaalart a
rli.l fipklara 4ma,
Ant) kia amailM flia-k a.4 fallay aaA
hk lia In ananlak faam.
Hal ka kta nt h mm fck allllafl nub
dr. naat alaaaly ra,
to tha btak.a n.111 .( hi at ant
aunt ptrfaata allkl,
ITH the Le'diard-Tendlrr fight
hiatory, fialif fan have
larled fpreadnig tht word
Olaatl, lb ...
I -I4a, If ,
yUbaa. rf .
Ii..n lit, rf
Mrltatialil, Ik
haft, lb ...
ttrama.. an .,
kandlar, a ,, 9
a I I II a I
T. a'OhM'll.
Ann. m. in a r
a a
around among the brethren that the
champion light weight i much bet
ter iii filer at idtrhwelffhia than he it
at US pounda. The bat their ar
gument 011 the fact that Leonard hat
iiuia the weight on a number of or
cauor a during the lait two year and
alway he baa won, but not without
ihowiiitf tome aigni of wraknrii dur
iiilf the battle.
Thrie futic fan ooint out 'the
(liA'UDion'a two battlra with Unrkv
1 - . .. .. .
a isaiiaat. In the Ir tint bout lien aot
down to the lifhtwiirht limit and
. T? Tl .li.l.i. .... l ij...i. ...i.-i, i
1 p 11 it 1 "in. in. iimi 11 aim a i ir, winie in
by Innllitll thfir Im.I fiulil f rmi.rn (,..,ubl k'an.
wwilll.,.i.' ..:'::::::::::: KikZi j -tiiweight. and the riump
Pammnry Munai Omaha, 4i Pt, tntrvh, loiignt a HIUn better battle, knotk
I. llaaa an ball 1 1 liila 11 , I Iwlbart ! lb. challennte nut '
ia, klrurk aul 1, At l.lnUl.wg, a, I .-
lll an naaai umana. ill nt, tfiiaapk, la.
Wild pllrhi Tlupla. Tao-baaa hllai lirlf-
fin, IJnilkrr. Ilalaa. Thra-baaa bkl:
lialaa, Barrlllr. hill Manuali. I mpbrrf 1 1
riuyati w nnn nana, nmai I ma.
Earn Less Than
Parisian Maids
Science ha Invented a alow
moving camera which cart catch an
oak tree growing It inch a ytar,
At leaat that' what thaw tall ua.
If that'a tha truth, w wiah on
of thoaa movie men would take a
picture of Carl Black hurling a
Sam. Science would then hav
aomethlng to hero about.
If there' anything alower than
"act hurling a ball gam it muit
oe a anaiL
"fa" Knurkc. former ottnrr nf tit.
French Capital! Typit Earn Omaha Wettern league fnnchiie
I - .an a u,.ILI.NA..,,t I. ... L . 1 1 -. : 1
-i . - m niir.iivwii i.aaua'l nidll, fklU
uarc r-xpcnei Aiirr a
Yfar of Practical
ilom., If I
hhanl'y, Ih I 1
T, l,onf, rfl
Palaon. lb I
Karr, a I t
(rt, lb I 1
park.r, a I
I.nnvlr, p
abury, p f ( (
II To'ala
i i
i I
T T 10
Tniafa ll
xrtan for Ulllar In almh,
mUuii.I rr Uimlnilil III alslh.
Ma. y,.rU Alt 40 2041 1
lirftuklrn - I" HO
hummtrr Hunt: utnrron, nr"n no an built: Oil Ryan. I iff Mam-
tnaut, ll aff D'tur, li tf
if " . T . I nanln's t hrnw n i.nlnar Tliitltit lha n ata
Itvan, I In 1-1 i nil ,J " i. de MOIVFilf 1 WICHITA
ntnln, rl I I I l mllh, ff 4 I
Waentr.ln 4 I 4 , If 4
Hnran, rf 4 I tllWa.hb.. Jb (
tira'am. lb 4 tlRaal, rf 4
Oranar.lf 111 ' 4 114 JIFVi'lar, lb I
rn'nally.Sb I t I ll llalay, e I
nthnar. 0 114 llM'Pnw . lb I
f'rnn, p 10 1 KClraeory, p 4
Conpar, p t 1 ul
Totan li it 90 in
Ona out whan wlnnlnc run acorad,
Boora by Innlnta:
nt U-rin.i 100 on 00,1
Wichita 100 Hi 100 11
off Van't, I In 1 1 nil JonnarJ, 1 In 1 l-I;
off D.raliir, 0, in f (".ma ""'."''
w o n un vinr. i .aim wo...
ylir., rf 4
Kally, lb 4 0
Nianitl, cf 4 I
nydar, all
I, l I
Ol.orf, lb , I M I
Johnt'n, t
BCIr'ib, rf 4
Whtat, It 4
Mv.rt el I
o!a h'nilt, lb 4
0IHah, lb t
li Muri ne, a
0thrivr, p I
Canort, p 0
I miM.oner Griffith can do more good
; m hi new office.
"t Mark New Era in Athletic
i Creation of the office mark a new
!era in intercollegiate athletic and
fplainly how the middlewett it ct-
: ting the pace in it eiiort 10 euau-
Hl.k olaan allil.tira Pvif tinrC lllC
! we.urn conference wa. organized a; rrtjj-b 01. r, k... & ,. ..!.
.locution tormeo in oiner pant ,.u, icrrora: riirrn, "'?;. ""
j " . .1 : ' i :.a ... ...I-. Tk Johnaton fl), Hlh, Two-bt.t hHa: Ktlly,
j tne country nave .uyiicu na i.ia. i B,ur Tllftfbata hltl Tour., Horn!
: Miitourl Valley conference follow ru,; Ktiiy, hiniib. amin i.att;
t .. . . .i n -r ...... Mairtflct: Mtuatl. Olton. II, flrlfflth.
I tne ruie oi mi o.g in i,i.n..i - , ( rtrh ltKh ,
i ly. a do th Rocky Mountain ana oi.on m krbmandt, M.ytra t johntton,
t (', . " i-.. I rfl on btt-t: Naw York. 7! Brooklyn, .
ii Following the wholetale houe
j cleaning after the football scaion
, la.t year, inttitution in inoit every
' prominent cittern univertity inve-
'' ..i.A tU.i ait.lola. witU th. r.autt
' '" r ' n i nu i. .iieh.?:- j.i.n..d; mtm, piifh.r.
everai were eiimiiiaic'j iiwiii '''. ,,,,,,.. -jjn.ptr,,; Kl.m and atntain.
lr.tercoiirgiate compcimon. llic Tlmi: :n.
; . the commiitionrr will be watched " laennd nmn,
c!otely by auociation in all part IW W;0.a
' ol the country. Jt it na oetirea re- Btnc'ft. i 1 4
, .ult. it i. only rei.on.ble to a.iama Of-JJ
i like office, will be created in the M.Ut.i. if 4
' ether conference bodiei.
I Whether Major Griffith will retign
I from the committee which ha con
I dueled the national collegiate track
- and field game, for the lait two
i year i. not known. Th commii-
ioner w. one of the hirdest work
i er on the committee and it wa.
mainly throuph hi. untiring effort.
that the game, held ! June on
fiagg field were .o iicce.ful.
" Thi. meet can be developed into
the country' greite.t et of track
f and field gme. In fact, it might
i well be tilled th American inter-
- collegiate Olympic.
f TWa Yeir'a Mt Attractive.
f Thi. year' meet attracted etrie
' from eoatt to co, while the aouih
j wit welt repreiented. Commbiion.
j r Gnrhih will undoubtedly b urged
; to remain on th commiitee, tecu
t hit new oltire will eiuLle him to en
tnurag alhlfllc diiertot. and tiiik
i toirh. tu en.J ipreenttive to
th garnet. At any rate,
j ar th wntrtn conlettiu ha madt
I a mov in the tight diiernon and
I the director could not puibly hav
I mad a belter rhnit hn tht t(
Mai. John ! Griibtrj a. th rommit-
UPhir ot athletic in the Hig Ten,
Following thi. ip'intinni ni
I th annouiittnif til lium (avii t h v
f thit Jiitimy Athmoi, bhl an
biiket I.U ici h at lii I'lihtinty
f l lia. hi if 'gnr t li Hat mtr
I th iihUuc dnectouh p t t 1'auw,
AiSfi.fiia U f4t't'l ii' and
tHie ti th but liHtt! n -'tt in
' th tounttv M kisenat t'n grtUiron
j trr, whit bit kittl-f ft Iff
J and takt bH )x.t kein
j tl that ff ny ihihim m th fdii'.
' tv Aihm.t will mat a .!uV
t'UK fVif h tl'tllt. Illlf IMIiul rn, 11 4 11 (
rort br Innlnat:
000 1101
.1 02
Oklnhoma Clly
nummary Kuna: O'Drl.n. Ktrr. tllna.
i-.m. 1... . ili'.r. i.I, .mora, r.rri.r.
dlnaltrdl. Twa ba.a hilt- abanlay, Olna-
lardl, Tata,, Thra-h..t hllai
Vlof.rt, M. I on halla: till Parna, 1; nff
l.ukanavle, I; off Pallahnry, 1; Mtrurk null
Br Parnt, I Wild uli'h: Kallaburr. Runt
and hlit: (iff l.ukanovio, I In I I I In
nlnai. I,otln( pit'hnr: I.ukan'.rle, Karnad
runt: fonv.r. 1: Oklahoma Clly. . I.tft
on baaat: n.nvtr. li Oklahoma f'lly. 4,
iimi, i:ui, umpiraa: urniai.y ami iioimra,
I Tottlt x 41 11 IT 1
riait.n rar n:ankantnin in nlnlh.
rPan for klittly In nlnlh.
t. l-.iiia 00 401 ooo T
Chlrtaa 104 tot 114
Nummary Hunt: Uarhae, T"bin, malar,
Ja.oi,, Mi'Mai.ut, All. till III, Johnaon,
k'runk, rollina, ln.l(,tr 111, M.ri.llan. Kr-
rurt: Auann, raryan, Two-aaat nut:
Wllliama. Nlalar 111. Auailn. Palk 111, Mf
f'Ultan, llonp.r, Thraa-baa. hllai ' olllna,
Auailn. airunk klnlan baa.a: (olllnt,
Wllliama. Iiouhla nlara: khaaly to John-
ann, Na.araid to Auailn, Hlrunli to John.
pi. lrt .1 baaaa: pr. Mma. I; t'hlrav,
10 Ha.a on balla: off i'ourtn.y, ti aff
llodfa, I: off lilakrnahlp, I. ktruck ant:
lly Mho'kar, I; hy Hlanktnahlp I. Hut:
Off rtunnty, f In 1 I I: off lllankanahlp,
I In I; off Hodya. . in 1 1-1: off tthu.k.
ar, IT In I 3-1: off Pru.ll, In I, plti-h-d
to I hattar: Wrlaht, in 1-1, Wild pilch:
Lourtn.y. Wlnnina pltchr: Bhurkar: t
lull Plt'bar, trourfnay, 1'inplr.n: Iflldt
brand and Morlarlly. Tlm: 1 11.
State League
the other day that the maior lraaue
magnate in their frantic attempt
to ouy pennant arc killing tne de
velopment of young player, and
thereby cutting off the iudu v of u
Pari, Aug. 12.-Maid of all work We believe (hat RnurW. .airf
are better paid in France than (ten mouthful. The craze today teem
. . . . I L ! ... J ! .
ograpneri, point oui xa i'reic, " i"r atari, judging irpro tne
aummini no an analvii. of womm'i purctia.e and trade the own
tr are trytnu to buy' their team
WCI. rradv-mart anil hanrf Ih. t,nmUA
It int that the French "bonne" product into ome one' hand, to
get much money for her long day pilot.
of hard work. It i that money u
not worth 10 much theie day a
food and lodging, which $ reaion
able amount of money no longer will
buy. ,
A French itenographer earn., aft
Wondcri of the World
A wre.tler who never chewa,
amokea, ewear., drink or ty out
late at night.
are anxiou to ar
with (ome (trong
H.Kap Hold Hattlnft la Una Ult and
Maatlnat, Nab, Auk. 12. m .liar pitch
Ine by M''Ka, who ttt Haailnaa down
wuh ona hi', won fur llrttrl. t htra today,
t m I, Uood fltldlna cut off at viral hiti.
yulnn, at
Moonay, If
Win, rf
K hmtn, o
IcKta, p
llH'('laln.2b I
Moallar, i f 4
Mom.., If 4
(I, barb, rf
0 Witt, lb
2iK'bvtr. lb
Oiciriffln, at
0Kirby. a
O.W'fion, p
0 1
o I
o i
0 I
Hllehff Win In tilth
Wlrhlta. Ana. 11, Turaaon't Inltrfar
enrt en niakttmya fly in tha mm
lowed Wirhlla. to in tha wlnnina run
on waahburn a amaah to da.p oanlar to
day, tvtnlna tht tnrlaa. Tha t.ort wai
H-nllral with that of y.atarday, to I
1 I
1 1
I 0
0 I
1 10
1 0
wai. M fi,iieNuiher JJJJJJ New Emblem Prepared
.Bat.rd for .hrlvtr In.'.'h'h. " ' Stock ExpprtS
...j.orv hu' ,nnln",, ... ... ,-. Wa.hington, Aug. 1.A new em
iirookin .oio ooo oo t blem of Improved dffiRn for recog
bummary Runai Bahfroft, Ii.niH ti), . . . 1 . , ...
Myaia Kirori Olaon. Thraa bait hll; Plan- nition 01 met'ltoriOll. work in I'll-
fa, nu.irn aetra: nantroii, urn, "" ..,' ii.,..i..i, !. ...J.. f. ai'.
lii. limibia otoii tunaa.iiiadti proving livfitock i. ready for di-
n.hmtmh fiinamtiad); llmh. rn.-h and tri bulion hv the fir pa r t til e ll I of Igri
tl. 11. I .1, ... k.... . M.u V,.rW 10- I .
" . "' t. .." n,; " r.o. ' culture, me crrtiurite
itn. li off' hrivt.r, .. ktrmk aun ny 'A by 0't inche., reoemblp. a .teel
M..iun. ii by Hhnwr. ii by or. engriving ind i. luitabie tor (ram
I M a rill Ht.rlha. t Im I Innlna.! nil I .
Clduia, I In I Illume. Wild pil'hl dhrlvtr.
Inline plt'kar: Mhtlvtr. In.plraa: KHm
and Rtmtlla. Tlmai I 40.
An. II lirll
rUnrt Mri Nearer Fartlt
Than fr I al 11 Yean
TrattJe, Aug. 1. -Mm i fitifg
u t thi. i :mi.
I' M ftyMf. atiiitmr, t r
titj hf'f l nf iiS.naii.ft
Ult khi.H ll ti'Hk imi i a ll?l
ialtary, Alia, lanada
r. alf., ,.f tvinnii t.dir imliad Iht
il4a mat fr tht IM-taid dak al
tkt anauil i.f l t .Haitian Ainattur
Alliltlla ai. 'alluk by iHKn'Hf Ih. alia
i la I I t ... t.iJi tha lima t--
iiwi.i t rant4a iaail I .t th. di.
ttkvt Th. Ii.r 4 Mi ai.i i.i.'ij .t
I I i.no4i Hi.! by rb aim at M.m
llltk. til
hta tm, t II llakl al
ka pilii.k .mtiaut a"l i-4i I - !.. i4 Im. i.kM. alintl
tiaa -a ika rtfi.aki t .tp...a a Aiit
t I". t.i l it .1 t.,v,,a: I,
t la ika ti ll ait'ai.iial nMai
tt W.ifa,. i4t. a4 ta .-f'a it. r in
ia i. -tl tattt4f iktmyivi'tk p at
...a..t ,Vlt
Ti.aiaa. h J. Ae H -1 . tab.
4a k.a a. ti.. t,4' bt.i, aba
i.n.t al'.r tn k A i tin k"
t'H.-Ur t a.t i.4
i. a .---Uw...rt tn a t l a
ik i4 ..ti, .1 tkt k..... k..a
l.' kf lt a kt t4 .
.....I.4 Ik.. ,' I. ,,H,niik.4 tin tha
i it ky
- .a
kanfat .ilt I . M-l.
lata. kf!.i,.i a- at n.4
k.a t.i k.a.t l-!l la ik. tttk l 0
ik. a. ... i . ..i, .a... at.
"liA i.4 III 1.1. bt I la
l l. It IHI it I -oat t , In I .4
ia ii l.l.i
k. I., .il.i ! .... tl ... kl.
Ik..... I... ,4 n, a . . ytaal.
a ... Mil. . .k -i.i. t
Former Empreai Zita ll
Hard Pre$ed imanrially
Berlin. Aim. Ir Termer Fninien
Zit nj Auitria It hard up. Her bu-
band' bf in.uranre amount. O
ohotit S.wm.OOi) Auitrian kronen, iv-
able betwren lOJ-.U. Tti i. hardly
htort than 6,000 Fretirh Itane.
Zltl ponetie. about If-OtlO
krontn, nr I,'! franc., whuh ar!
mit!y tttveited in Au.tnan war
Tottl. UltlT 7 Total. 27 I It 11
yuimi, out, ltln pit by a balled ball,
nummary Run.. C.iilmi l), Dtla.
autira,. Klrctinar, riowman, wiaan, 7.i.-
nl. tin, Krrora: Klrrhn.r, Tom... Two.
baaa. til'.: Qulnti, llowmali. RacrlfK't
hlia; Herb, Urlfflfl, I.thare. Hat. a on
balla: Off MiKta. 4; off Wlalnaton, I,
hloltn baaat: Kchlannfar, tlrlffln,
Qulnn. lay: Wlalnaton to K-hltr-maytr
to Kaia.nhain. btruck out: By Mf
Kra, a: by wiainaion. o. l.rti on win:
Hratrlca. t: lliulliiaa. I. i'aaaed I'll!
Kuhman. Wild ill.,li: Wlalniiun. Barntd
runt: lieatrloa, 4; lUiuim, 1. I'mplrt:
Joiiliiun, lima. l:ti,
r:lkt Trim Fnlrbary.
Norfolk, Nab., Aug. U Tht Klkhorni
dtf.atad Kalrlmry today by a tcora of . to
I. A twn-baaiar by Mlti-htll, who atolt
third, ad a admit by Marr In tbf
winninc run. Htorti
Over in far awav China there
' i- . i -n ...... . . :
er about a year at a "debutante"- ? lTV,1 ?."n,t.wmcn w.n" ,t0 S?.me
the word it .trange to American 7' "'.y'""'1 Vu. KZ' I'
ear ued in thi. .en.e-about $50 a "'ff,n?JI t!h '?rv hl Mm
month, out of which .he mutt oav. ' "veiopca in -nin. oy lormer
accordinir to U Treire, $12 for a i"1" en JL0
11 t j ti .t.t... range a game
i in 1.. ...1... t 1.... at tn eleven in thi country.
Imagine a Quarterback on a
Chlneie football team calling air-
nala. Would Bound like a Oreck
waiter giving your crder of "two
over eaay" to J he chef.
According to the We.tern league
$1.50 for carfare, $2 for heat, $1.50
for laundry and incidental expeiiiet,
i. I He total, pitiiuiiy little even
rom J'rench .tandard, amount
neverthele to more than the
amount received, or $55.
I he aervant gtrl," on the other
i j . i- -.1.1 ii""."".. .i ri
nana, continue. j. i rcte, ir pain i r.rnrii. r. .,i, uiii:, .....-i
a . . , , f a . I l.wi't v 1 1 -1 1 v.ip PLUIIk Ml
at lea.t $17 a nionth, with board. UnnMnx out two home run in one
room ana laundry tree orant ner jnni jf bi f . fof j
$7 for maintenance and incidental, .,, cagU.ri
and .he i left with $10 a month . . v
.ivfA A couple of year ago Everet Yar-
"Only prejudice keen. B!rl from rv'nA.'?rl?.I.hU,, ca,che ".
houiewortc nowaday," conclude, the two in one frame' i
In 1911 Tommy Mee dammed out
two homers in one inning oft the!
Do You Remember
When Charlie Scheie II w.t a
lgr clerk at tb corner of Sia
laenth and Farnam trt and all
th fiahura and nr.fightr 4ac
orti the place?
Th fine iporttminthip of Walter
Hoover, in wotitii champion tcul
ler, I thon in hi dernion to rl
fend the Gold ChalLriige cup in a
tpecial regatta at Duluth on Labor
If a tot of our piigilitlie tham
Ion. would follow in Hoover'
footifcpt what a help it would b to
th boatng game.
Jet Willard'i alleird pbytlcal im
provement i the tubiett of much
diicuuion among ea.tern tport writ
er. However, it 1 the coiiiiniu of
opinion that Jt.t ha. about a much
chance to get going a an Indian club
.winger in a telephone booth.
Biff Jeaa ha declared that if he
tucceeda in landing a match with
th champion h Inttnd to go along
crfully when he tangle with
Dmpy until ha geta warmed UP.
which aounda to u a if h intend
to win by dgrt.
It will be juat J' luck, though,
to have Jack knock him cold about
tha tim he gt warm.
Knute Hansen
Wants to Fight
Jack Demp.-ov
19-Year-Old Dane, Standing
Si Fuel and Weighing 200
Poutul. SliOWt (
in CWcaao Ojtn,
Eiahteen more day until Srptem
her 1 and no announcement by local
hght promoter, regarding the, fu.t
boiing program of the teaton.
Louldn i be that .ome ol the fight.
er. ar giving thia burg the dip,
Surely Dav Shade and Champion
Jack Britton carted enough money
away from Omaha to make thi town
a niecca for fighter.
It ii probabl that if th Yankee
(ngigt In th 1022 world (rit they
will have to aplit with Harry Fr
it, owner of tha Soaton club.
A B, H O. A.
Boo'ay, u I 1 I 1
:ivfd. Jb 4
H'D't. rf- .
H hit, If-rt I
IV'huah. lb 4
Hllta, f .
Gnod'ln, lb 1
f Conn'r, o 1
Ath.r'n, a I I I I
.lltih'll, lb 4
SlMHrr, lb
Rouaa, If
Kna'i, rf
r'tdarlt, rl
Clark, 0
lirav.a, ef
0 Haiarty, lb
lbp.,art p
oilndltr, n
iHllton. p
14 li 10 litbarntll
I 1
1 1
1 0
o o
. 4
4 0
0 1
0 0
a o
My.trrl.MU "KilIerM
Apoeara in Florida
MillvilV, Ha, Aug l.'-Pfonl in
ttu. lection h long bn m lmot
ttihlly rr ( tl piowbti nf
nimtl, .aid to b a ttithr. h
malti itoclufinl taiut pit Is '
gvilirttU 4 nt1 I ' Vint
irutkm iwiiu On t4itn!y ityoiw
ft I'ft. nf nntn hca I i t i"n '"
itntly, Ifliuuntl t'l h a tv at
f Totala 1114 17 10
Twn out whan winning run fond,
.Hailed for Knapp In tiglith In til ii c by Innlnat:
Palrlniry 010 110 4001
Norfolk 100 00 Oil f
nummary Buna: Bonnty, Clavtland, Mo-
riarinnlt. Hrlihla. M'linbuah, Bll.a. 1)00.1
win, Athartnn, Mltihall (3), Marr (I),
How. a tl), tirnra. noun.y (II,
Itvalanil, O I'onnnr, Alhtrlon, allt'htll.
Two-baaa iilia: Barnall, Houat, Kntpp,
lark. MH. ball, lllitl, Tlirta.liatt una:
Marr, Rimiify, Bli hla. Blnlan Marr,
Jill, h. II. Hit by nli'h.d ball) Hy Ppma
(.lannty) kannfira hilt: MIL hill, bp..,.,
.nvl.-h. Ilata on ham; otr rf.nnty, ?( ntt
Wlli.v, li nff Pldi.r, I. Ktlrurk auti Hy
lannty. Si by Wlllay, I; by kpanja, I: l.y
l'i,l..r. li by Hi inn, . Pnufla i-Ur: Itiiat,
Jtnnar IA iiTnnnar, Mill l.iu h :,ltnnay.
aft on baaaa PtHbury, ; NnifnIM. II,
iialk: Williy l'miit: Lambaeh. Tima:
l.lh.i.n'a Hamif Malpt.
titand I. land, Nib, Atl V 11 l.ln.oln
man. .'..! .Ai--.ii uf tb. .an. a htr. nt.
.nun fl-.M lid n 10 iniiaa I'mar,
In 1 ll wit a uflhl pit. har a bault
Hi,) tn lunin. ab.p rnuii.iil davtioni
.im o. It'll' khili- in .am
la lha niouad la lha aptalna f Iht tantk
i,.l a t ...i-r lt HI" t-! M M.H. I Hint
luna h :
I'nt.y I nAMi if.Avr
All It C A All II A
Both lervant girl, and ttenogra
phere .ay, however, that only cir-
ctiinotance. pnd immtcrration dilh
cutties keep them from America.
Yankees May Preserve
French "America" Houge
Paris, Aun. 12. That Amerigo Ves
pucci, name should have .Kg-
Rested the appellation of the new ron'
tiiicnt discovered by Christopher
Columbus was a historical blunder
that has been consecrated bv time,
but it is none the less a matter of England Dominatei Country
intercut especially to American. to '
pre.erve the landmark, that com
When the new date orTiri.l. lake
their place down In Lincoln some
thing should be don with the present
boxing and wrestling laws.
A the rule now aland, th Y. M.
C, A.' throughout Nebraska cannot
stag their amateur boxing and
wrestling tournament without firat
taking out a license and going
through a couple of yard of red tape.
Prior to legalizing boxing and
wreitling in Nebratla. the X wa
allowed to itagc amateur tournament
among th boxtr and grappler. Hut
no more. The auociation hain't th
money to .pend for licen.e., and iy
aliould itf The i.tociation doe
not reap a financial benefit from (tag-ins-
amateur tournament. A tmall
admiition fee it charged, but thit
lometime failed to pay the expen.e
ol holding turn tournament.
Wouldn't ft b a treat to tht
Y" tag " an amateur boxing
tournament in Omaha a tourna-
ment that would be open to any
amateur boxer In tha tat anct
have, say, 10 or 12 four-round
bouts? With amateur champion
hi De at etaka and medals aa prists
you would see some real figuring
no stalling: but lighting.
Why isn't amateur boxing and
wrestling given the same chance to
grow in Nebraska that the pro end
of the game i given?
Our idea of something excidng is
to watch a pair of fighters who
blew into Omaha on the earn train,
members of the urns stable, mill
through a 10-round semi-windup.
Fight on British
rower in Persia
Urged at Moscow
aattr ta
I ll
I'., la
"kt; . f
ii'i.n rl
H.-i If
n-i- i Ik
f-iS'l ik
1 kiiatdt k
p nk.n If
Mla ta
0 k'-.k. If
I'i.ii. Ik
a pi.w.r Ik
'""ii ill!
I h..h..l, a 4 4 11
I ri4 f i I I 4
T'i II t llj
t-.-.a ft lo.aii
I In vim , 4-t
. i4 ln4 .. i ft I
,1., kt-l If'ill"! l l"ll
it. i . .1 - t i . ., a-, Vital,
rl-'bi... t'.n.ktv4 ki "t ! tktl kf.ta.l
it t .a tn I h ti'i
Im.:H llC.l al(wbs.ll alS'l.fUltt' Cltt I vf ' 11-
S UhJ..P !.. I he nn..lei.la3 f;r;.fM v'l'Z
tnuiul fil l fftilelillv , l 1 1. ii I .... '.u ti. ! la
m m ' 'tz'TUu.
i.i'i.ll at ruaht H, that t. th Uitti. y .. . i !.. b... ,t km fit
t i ik,.,, ' t.t t a-4 t -a I all Pi.i "4 I 4
memorata the event, namely the
house at Saint-Die (Vosges), where
the name "America" was first used
and which is soon to be putjup at
Mrs. Robert Bacon, widow of the
ambSssador. who attended the fetes
at the "baptismal home" in 1911 and
is desirous of presenting the home to
th. town of .Saint-Die. finds it im
possible to comply with the incidental
tax of 2S per cent ot tne sale price,
and the present tenant desires to use
his privilege of refusal. So that the
question remains open whether the
house is to become a museum or to
continue to serve as a residence.
About 1510, in the low, planter
covered huildinir in the mam strie.t
of Saint-Die, near one of the most
ancient, cloisterad churches in
France, Waldese Muller and his com
panions directed a geographical io.
ctetv. printing their own mips. One
nf these wis the first map showing
the newly discovered continent a.
"America." , .
The building bear, a tablet relmmg
the origin of the nam "America
and proclaiming Saint-Die a. the
"marrain de 1'Amerique "
Spankinff Cow Willi Auto
Provei Cosily runtime
Ruevrus. O . A'ta U Jiltmi Frti-
nr. a Pucyiu. lad. hs hit own
opinion at to whit constitute! n im
movable force, Never, never agsm
will be itmr to spank a cow with
the Iront end ol in aui v
Juiimi was dtivjig hn car along
tha iincuMhly-patfd thoioughtai.
itvttal miles ft. I ol fWiivrui, al
lair tl ef speed hrrl h saw unfit
ly ahead, traveling without warning
' . I Hts. a lottuwni nt
ll ul th anint! wsh in '" to
ih i.iiia dirtt'n il4l iitimn i r '
wt m1"! m ,im" "
Ukft In fit it the ti'iiint.,ii anj tht
i . niil a r ikiiI iitnUit
thft a itih. a
Hint I "'M.'r' an 4 tt' ti,ii''bli'
iM'pt d4
ul an with th to iiUtt-
fc't I It bf ll and ih.l nit una Ih
I t 1 I
4 1 wks Ml tuoif t 'l
vxllir) U"gt el ih anittul bivf
!:U4) ii tar, n. tn-a ! bv
t.iHi tglii e the taut )'?
it ona ef fvit pt
Ml it it iUa, iiihtit ltanvt A KIJ
I ti'tin a li'tii! it i fi'V H -
. I k kr ti.k.a 4 kt
Cm k.. l I k. pk.,4 li .a ....
ii..l l...4 l i n t aj.ait ..hi
.--:a I tiia.l Sit. I -a-g
li'-'ki . IJ Mitut Tw4
1 4.
.J . . I . . . tL a . .. it. .r at k atllll Iritl
MJulM (Hiikk4 10 k""4 infvtW P4lt tfil,
iH It.Hi t hint r, tn ha tl an)
lha e il nbtly mii'c; I
Ih wtikiia ir I'4J tlv .mi
ttk Intii lori K. t , Al
ihmigH a vt t I II la
fJ 1f Ortha ta ait th Wty jth.iughl SI Ih. ra.l t ti
tt'ff v will P n 4 it ii i'a ivytt jUiitf st , .., ,,j
and la Pumping Gold and
Silver Out, Rothstein
Moscow, Aug. 12. Greit Britain
has practically established a protec
torate over Persia and wviet Rus
sia must aid the Persian in their
struggle for liberty, according to
Russian Ambassador Rothstein, who
has just returned to Moscow from
hi. post in Fersia. , '
"Entering Persil lust year, I found
British domination at its height, with
a protectorate practically in opera-
lion," Rothitein laid. "The British
bank wai publishing piper money
and pumping silver and gold from the
country. British financial advisers
and army instructors were nio.t
"Unoffending , Russians were ar
rested in Persia on charge of sus
picion of being bolsheviks. Thert
was no parliament or political parties
or contemplated elections.
"It is our obvious mission to help
IViiia out of thi British domination.
Th masse in Persia hve received
our emtssariei with n awikened
spirit and have now elected ratli-
nienl and annulled th Anlo-Prin
agreement and removed th British
(nisntiil and military advuirs
"Ih political for i if in I'rrsia t
now consolidating, the liberals, na
lionaliiis. siHialtits and communi.ts
joining together.
"Soviet Hussi muit become th
Mv of prrsiA, " a if' and pow
1 1 u I Peru Iftson th danger of
v. ar on riur bolder and )ncrnri
tti poinhilitie of eompUt manri
rMi i p Asia
PrUntirr Fitiy I'niform
for ('op Tltey Rliied
tnsiiitiii, Aa I? rllfmtt)
Pro Wt f t4 houi 3 iit
li !n hr r nig htm
tt'.tt tn a t.ouitfrtu in. hn.r II
1 am init ff j ifind Ulr, bi
siij sum
mint. 4 Nlji 14 rt' tat th titfit, Th
in 't I '" 4 t t ify it iofn.
ii a4 (ton tf I i' Ih h4'(a
Mky h 4rvf a ta vniitf)
nl wt dt 11 nt"' k st'4
4,4 lha time pr.kmitit fcf liipr4 i
It ih pkMfy ,". j
Superiority of U. S.
Boxers h Admitted
by French Critics
The opinion of American boxer
in France ha undergone a change.
The French boxing critic have con
tended for tome time that Criqui
wa. the logical contender for the
featherweight title of the world, just
a. they traued last year that Car-
pentier would be world', champion
L'Auto, one of the Pari, .porting
publications, now admit, that Criqui
11 not good enough to coniidered a
contender for Kilbane'i title.
L'Auto .ays: "The task i. difficult.
Frush, Chaney, and Kilbane are not
only good hitter, but scientific. Cm
Criqui expect to conquer these men?
His victories over Joe Fox and Wyn
are insufficient to permit us to say
with certainty that he will be the
world', champion.
"We remember the defeat of Car
pentier in 1921, and we hesitate Is,
State tjtat Criqui can beat the gieat
American fighter., who are superior
to our best men. American second
rater are dangerous agauut F.uro
prim whom we consider unbeit
ible." Alimony Club Formed
hy Covington Citizen
Cincinnati, O., Aug. 1J Coving
ton, Ky., has organised in alimony
club with II charter members,' and
Cich year, when the memory of Na
tional Independence dav it fresh in
their minds they will gither to cele
brate their domestic fteedom, New
member, are U be admitted from
nine to tune, but a rr'imiite of ad
mission i. that tton thall be taken
in vk ho at tny time during hi. family
troubles failed to 10 ml net himsell li
I atmlettuii.
F41I1 initiation nigh? is to be ,
jubkita ocvitmn, with niuili Uatt
ing II flora being taken, m th i.ti.
fMtfs at requited 10 rtconnt as
fiunttiwuily ponH! th details
of Ihfir ptinial dtt'eiilne., Th
rtiotiu of ih cluh it, "We kve fount
ItetJoin ftom th ntHr.nvtniAl ''
(an li.late Playa Jn
hi uetl for llallol
Columbut, tt. Am, lll.i.i
iaitifihiB kt m the sy ol pclnual
tt'tipAigit ng,
A hval taiididti hat tl i,!4
ivnlaiti. ol fig watiiy bv nttuiH
t Ui im ! at a iti u'litei
Ih (til Pith ttt 4 inline Kilns'-
111 tv) a Ui4 i(inii4 aitiplilitf b
hil iiiptiit kiia) ih vi shtatn
a kh .i.titth
hii (ha n4tia litu fU4 t
ttaliAste vim it an 4 tnugi if
I kUtlt
Cangwiyl Gangwiyl Th (Irr.t
Dane f. itrpping jn our midst and
need, plenty of loom. Knute Han
sen, 19 esrs old, .tsnding mote than
11 feel, weighing close to ?SI
pounds, and with a perfect bond tg
bout rraih, eased himtdf into town
Ih other day, and allowed a how
he wa in search of .trouble, and
didn't rare a whimp from wht di
rection it came.
What a broth cf a kid. to li aur.
Of course, it it easy to ni.irr that
Knute a trad is boslnhtuig, and
sooner or later he esprrts t pel
torn attention from Mr. Jik Iinnn
sey. As a matter of fart, that is the
uppermost thought in the mind ul
the giant Dan right now.
Knute was bom in Coeiihsirrn II
years (go, but wa brought to Amer
ica hy hi. parent when uuit s
baby. If hts lived ever im in
Kacine, Wii, where h hsi been fin
ing plenty of growing and knocking
over th native kid who chanced to
rrosi him.
Si Plght With Dad.
Five year ago Knute' dad look
him to hi first boxing match,
and, singularly enough, it wa th
first and only time that the Dane
ever aaw Jack Dempiey, The champ
knocked over a guy by tne name or
Homer Smith in a round or two, and
straightaway Knute derided that
boxing wa his diT and ht must bt
The bis? fellow (farted out a year
ago, during which rime he ha had
even fights. In fiv of the eram
bles ole Knute flattened five ef his
opponent with the old haymaker.
wlhtc two other bout went four
round, with the Dan grabbing tht
decision in each event.
Ned Carpenter, the Milwadke
heavyweight, waa the first to tee tht
possibilities in th youngster and
tipped off Tom Andrew. The latter
ticketed him to fieorge Lawrence and
ioe Woodman in New York with a
iff boost, and the kid i ready tnd
willing t fight anybody and every
body if need be.
Shows Wall In Gym.
'We took a slant t the Great Dan
doing hi tuff tt Sprgue gym
nasium in East One-hundred and
Twenty-fifth etrwt. If gymnasium
work count for anything in getting
a. a a. t- '!-- I a m
a line on a ngnier anility jnm
Hanten is a bright looking prospect
Thia hlsr Dan. with the face of I
child, suggesting eomewhat the laU
Hnh, Pflyaimmona. broad of ihouldel
and with powerful leg, prance1
through s aerica of Hunt with tht
agility of a bantam.
There ise nothing about the youn
giant at first glance which would
iik-treat the narhter. but when th
youngster get into action on real
ize hi abiolut qualities. A good
straiirht hitter with either hand, tnd
with marked gracefulness in hi foot
work, he impress you a being a
kid who i likely to be heard from,
That is, of coure, hi gymnatium
There have been fighlera who
looked lika the stood in the gym
but were awful bust, when confront
ed in the ring with a real opponent.
However. Knute Han.en look at
though he is a real fighter. He has
all the confidence in the world in hi
ability but I willing to bide hj time
until he can work hii way to a place
where he might get a cahnce at the
beit of them. "
Saw Fulton and Roper.
Knute got here in timt'to iee Fred
Fulton and Bob Roper flounder
throueh 12 rounds at one of the Icr-
sey clubs, and said that if he couldn't
beat that oair in the same rinif on the
same night be didn't want to be a
fighter any longer.
Who knowa but that this Danish
boy might have the makings of a
championf Uniy a lew year, nacic
Tack Demosey blew into this town.
practically penniless and unknown.
Today he Is at the top of the heap.
Tick 'didn't look so tood in hi. first
few .tarts, and there were oulv a
few who could see in him the next
chamnion. Wonder if Knute Han
sen, the Great Dane, is destined to
be a champion some d.yf tt nas
lots of natural ability and might
reach hi. goal. At any rale he sav
that he will keep en trying. Fair
enough, Knute I
More Yankeei Attend
French Univrnitiea
Tar!., Aug. 12 Th Interest shown
by American collegrs and secondary
school teacher, in th mean offered
bv France to imnrova their knowl
edge of tht Unguige, customs, liter
ature and art of th country is shown
In th greatly increased number of
American protestors and teacher
ho ar regUlcred It th Sorbnnnt
fur th summer work of that insti
tution, which has itatted upon its
th'f months' eouts.
Theie are Americans segi
Ifted tt th Sorbonne, nurly ali ef
whom r taking ih July cur in
early French eiviltiition. Ol this
number mor thin 110 ar engaged
In tenhing, either in universities or
high t-hools. Not a'l at fmamn,t
in Fafii, bvr, lor aqual'v, at
tractive rout hi at ciKif t to
Ftench provincial universes ,
Albany (N. Y.) Copper
Z tM tm Fortre
Alpsny, Aug ,Vr-4rt tUims
t hats vm th c.Ml intve s
li.tmul in Nt otk, in I Mt
llMmat KiHha, wh h bn wr
tnf lha b!. 'J er
Ii.wi.atiH Kfuh tt I liltm t
th mi! war an t bt hi. tn.ny - I
t hi t I 1
I ititratt ftHrit sail that ""
tt Iht voung thuit k,ih i.n h
fontas in totatifl at far int r
i ih", Ht tv. f thi eMef