The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 10, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Market, Financial and Industrial News! of the Day
Omaha Grain
Omaha, Auf. 9.
Fricri of train were aiain on Ihe
downgrade and again new low JvIe
were rachJ in wheat, corn and oatt.
The weather continnea favorable
generally and Ihe demand continuei
inadequate to 'abiorb the oHeringt
and the countrr it thowmc more
diipotition to turn Ioom and but
tor the aerioua car ittuation, rreeiptf
would incrraie materially. Export
butineit wai very alow and the do-
tnettic demand no better:
Receipt! of wheat at Omaha were
11 J cart afttnit ZW cart latt year,
Corn 65 cara againtt Jo cart latt
year and oatt- 3J cara against 2J cart
latt year. Total ahipmenti were '243
rart, the fcuik ot wnicn waa wheat
at compared with 392 cart a year ago.
There wai only a fair demand Tor
cash wheat in the Omaha market and
telleri were unwilling to meet the
rtrcline in tome, catea and tome of
the aamplet were carried over. Salet
were 1 to 2c lower, the bulk going at
about If lower. Corn told 34 to
1 1 -4c tower, oati were quoted 1-4 to
l-2c lower Rye and barley were un
changed. . '
Ne, Liars kerdi 1 ear (smutty),
11 .
No.', t daclc hard ! 1 ear (?).
t.Mt I care (shlpaar-t weight). I
2) ear. '
N. t.derlr kr4 1 ear (smutty).
I.ttt. t ear. 11.01; 1 ear. II. II; l ear,
1 lit 1 ear.' 11.11: I nr.
No. 4 dark hard: I cara eiutty).
11. M; 1 ear, tie.
No. f dark hart; I car. 11 .11.
Mampla dark hard: 1 care. $1.0.
No. I hard winter: 1 car. ll.ll! t
tar. .
Nb. I bard wlater: t care.; t
care. Met i car (emuttr).; t cara
lahlDcar'a wslaht). It Ha: 1 ear (smutty); 1 car, fl.lli 1 car (smutty, tl par
rent darkK ti ll; S rare. It.c; I ear
(smutty), 11.11; 1 car (tt per oast dark),
II a. '
No. hard winter, t ear, lie . 1
ear TT par cent dark). It'll I
rare, lie: I cara, ITe; 1 ear (smutty).
II. tlf 1 ar. Hi; .1 car. 11.11 i 1 ear
T pat eeat dark). 11.11: 1 ear (TT par
eanl dark). tl.ltt 1 ear. I1.M.
No. 4 hard winter: T can. 17c: 1
ear (mutty), lie: 1 car. I to 1 ear Met
1 ear, 17 h: 1 car l per eeat dark),
lie: 1 ear.
ample hard winter: 4 ear. He; I
tare, lie: I car, lie; 1 car (baatlaf).
SOei 1 ear, lies
Nb. I ysllow hard: t ear. He.
No. I yellow hard: I ear, He; I
ear. ITe. v
No. 4 yellow hard: 1 can, ITc,
ample yellow hard: t ear, !; 1
car. tte.
Sample mixed: I car. lie.
' , CORN.
No. 't whilst '.I car (ihlppWg w.lfhtj'.
lie. I care. lie.
No. I whites I mi; I3e. '
No: I white: t car. tSHc '
No, 1 yellowt 1 ear. He.
No. t yellow: J car (shlnper'p weight),
Ue; 1 ear (apeclal Millar). IIV- C
car, He. '
No. 1 mixed. 1 ear. lie.
No. t mixed: 1 car (special billing),
Blc; 1 ear (shipper's weteht), lUics
I rar (shipper' wel(ht), 13c; I cais,
No. t mixed: I car (ihlpper'a weight),
IHie. ' .
No; I white: 4 car, lOe. t
Noo. 4 white: 1 car, ItHe.
Sampl white: i car, 2t,r 1 car,
II e. ' '
I car not eat (SI tier cent mix). IlVic.
. .-.RYU
N.ovl: t ear. Tic.
No. It t ear. loo.
No. 4 I car,' 4e; '
Sample: I ar. 4Tc.
(Cariote. )
" 0
!' H
' I
Today. Ago.
.111 1T
. S Tl
i. IS it5,
.4 I
. 4 I
..140 11T
, . II T
,. H ' JT ,
.. T 1
neat .........
Rye ..........
Barley ,.
Wheat .......
Oata .........
Rye . ... .i.t..
Bertly ' ' .
Bushel Today. Wk. Ato.
Wheat ..'.'..ll.Ml.MI ii.i.
Oata : 8.133.000 4.741.01
Yr: Are.
CarloU . . Today. Ago.
wheat H
Corn ,..,..
Oata .....US 19
Wh4t "....".IS 4M
Corn .... tl.. St
Oata 1 T
. its
, H
Corn .
' 101
Duiutn .
. Minneapolis firaln.
Minneapolis, Aug. . Wheat Cash No.
1 northern. ll.J0i 1.SSH : September,
11.10 HrOeoomber, I1.IS; May. 11.11.
Corn No.-S yellow, IH4Slo.
Oats No. I white, :i9llc.
Barley 4S 5lo.
Rye No. I, IHo.
Flax No. 1. H4THfl)lim.
St. Loala flrnln. .
St. Louis, Aug. I. Close: Wheat ep
tember. 11.11: Dacembrr. 11.14, .
Corn September. ITu; .December.
. Osta September, IH4e: Detember.
34e. 1 -"..;,
New yea Buawr. "
Nw Tork. Aug. I. The raw sugar mar
ket wea unsettled but there were cha"t;
In ouotatlona. with Cuba quoted at 10.
cost and freight, eaual to I Hc r cen
trifugal. There were sales pl S.OM baga
of Cuba floal and 14.111 baga from
store et o,uote4 prleee and at the oleee
there were offering at th gam levll
without being taken.
The raw augar futurea market wgp
eesler under selling by Wall Street and
homes with western connections, prompt
ed by th unsettled feeling In the mar
ket and the poor demand for reftQed
eugar. Closing prieea were at the loweat
of the day and from I to II points below
the previous close. ' - r
September, tile December, t.lloi
March. I.He: May, l.4o. -
The demand for refined surer was tight
and while there were no' change In list
quotations, which are quoted ' from T.Ho
to T.lOe for fine . granulated. It wa re
ported that auger waa. available below
these quotetlon. .
In refined future ...there were a few
ale ot September and October at T.IOc
an advance ot I point ever the previous
close, rinal priree were t lower to I
points higher.. September and , Oetober,
T.IOc. and December. T.SOc. .. ( .. .
; Kaasaa CHy Lire Stock.
Kna City. Aur. I. Cattle Receipt,
10.101 head: beef ateer and ahe-steek,
generally ateady to weak; medium kind.
dulF with some bide lower; arly tap
steers. 110 14. with best bid, HI.II: roost
fed lots. H.00010.00; common grosser
under II 00; bulk, common ta good cow.
II.eoOMO; better grade.;
calve. tady to Ho lower; bulk, best
vealera, '11.004)1.(1; medium' to good
quality heavy and mediant weight calves
mostly l OOfTel; common kind below
11.10: other claasea around steady: caa
nere and enttere mostly .0tS.I0; bulk
bologna bulla. H.loe4.l.
Hogs Receipt. 1.000 hd: alow, trad
era took severs! lead III to HI pounder
at H.H' eteadv to lie higher; ehlpper
not buying; choice lltS0l pounder to
pckera. lo to llo lower; bula.
I SO: packing, tope, 11.35: bulk of thjee
weight. H.Siil.i; packera paid Jaady;
chelre l0 J0 oounda rs. ItHfLII:
pacidnr sews steady at T.MT.IS; tacb;
plira stesdy to 10c lower. I1.I0II.4I.
Sheep end Lambs Receipts, J. 100 head:
lamns. generally ateady to Ho lower; top
ratives. SU.SI: bulk better grades, HLTI
1S.00; four cara Idaho, flt.ll; sheep,
steady: few light ewe. M.TI; meet fat
native. l 0064.00 1
Slaejg. C"T IJee.Rtwk.'
Sioux City. ' la.; 'Au. I. Cattle Re
ceipta. 1.00 a4: market ateady t
strong: fed ateerh and yearling. I0.00O)
10.10; grass ateer and yearlings. M
i I 01; grass cew end better, H.00).IO;
fat eawa and hslfera. H OI I II; eannira,
I.Mf.S.H; -veala. II.OO0IIO: feeders,
0C)T.TI; calves, 4.lld)T.H; feedla
cow and heitera, t.0l.t; atockera,
Hog Receipt. T.Oll head: market
atreng: top. II. lis botchers, II.IOCMl;
deelrabl mixed,; peeking
gradeoH Td , - -
Sheep Receipts, 101 head; market weak,
Sto la we
Chicago Grain
Omaha Be Lea art Wire.
Chicago, Aug. 9LiquUttion waa
on in graim from the Hart. All de
liverirt of wheat, corn, oata and rye,
with the exception of September
wheat and Derrmber rye, told at a
new low for the teaion and closed
within m fraction of the bottom. Net
lotiet on wheat were ita Hie, on
corn, IHlKt; on oatt, ytfic, and
on rye. yie.
Owing to feari of thara fluctua
tiona In exchange, due to the London
conference, foreisneri are taking lu
turea inttead of caih grain. It wit
ettimated that 600,000 to 800.000
. . . . j ( . i j ..
DUincil were Dougni aunn; ins oar.
The governmrnt report, while
conttrurd at bullith, had no lasting
rtli-rt Stnn lot orderi were uncov'
ered on the way down. Liverpool
closed amm lower. .
hart Mala tape ar.
There wee asthma In too crop nwa ta
Indue buying. Aalde from the rmol
of hadfea timi buahole of reah
train to exporter and the foeeien hirrlne,
Ihe hulk of the support cam from ahoria.
Eaatora and local lone alerted lo aell
oet their linee of eorn on the beanan
hiii nuiia he the covernmeat report.
Kor Ihe third elrelpht day. aeptembor
brako aver lUc from the flnleh or tn pre-
vloue dy, toucMOf na unnni
II Ha to II He Removal or neapr oo
alee of IH.I4I boahela to exporUr had
urn. irhci. (!rao reoort ware etenerauy
favorabla and with lioaidatlon -on trader
generally looked for a etui lower rang.
neceipie. ill care,
atoa lou ordara In oata were caught an
tin hraaii. raah loii ware aomewhet easier
aa eompdred wlu Beptemher. Becelpte, JI4
re. 1
Him raealota af nra In the northweat,
Puluth having 111 eara while Winnipeg
had II cara of new grain', combined with
the weakneaa la wheat, caused a lower
range. Buying wag acatlered. ;
Bit Koto. . . ,
Tiaitad Kleedam wheat eron la officially
aetlmated at H.HI.Ht bushel agalnat II.
aoa ana huahaia harveateil laat year. Oat
crop. tl,,HI buehel against 1H.I0I.IH
buaneia last year, mkssi -esiiroairs p'f'
the Trench wheat crop at IM.Oeo.HI
buahela, with a earry-ovar of H.0,HI
huakala from the old crop. Corn la detert
orating In Juge-Blavta and la In poor eon
dltlon. according lo afflelal reporta. Wheat
crop medium. Oermen wheat and oata re
porta unfavorable. , Rain have fallen In.
Argentina. Heavy ' rain In tn unites,
Kingdom Tnceday did aonv damage.
There le talk of. Ihe 'Canadian wheat
board holding tack' grain "to advance
prices. Those oppoelag thle movement
ear th site of the -Canadian 'crop 'la too
wall hnokn to Eurbpeaa buyer, who-are
holding off and show lesa'anxlely aa to
futures upplles. . -..
') look for the price of lard to go
higher before fall, ss tba dorrtistlc con
sumption la vory largest to 30
ahy. Milwaukee packer. ."Urantlng the ex
port trade le II to II per cent less than a
year ago, and counting upon '.the present
demettio demand to. Keep up. lard should
bo scares about October, 1. Lard, subatl--tutee
will not affect the consumption if
r,i mtMih halora that period- .as It takee
eome time for the trade to switch from
one to the other" ...
"The unfortunate oerman financial si'-
Hon aa that country la one of our berft
customers, has ne doubt caused the decline.
In lard." said Charles Sincere Co.'s pro
vision specialist.
Close. I Tes.
.71 1,
.tl I
Sap. '
10.10 10.10
ll.T lOJO-
Ribs ,
1S.0S J0.I0
io. os
KiHna City Grain. .
Kansaa City, Aug. I. Caah Wheat: No.
1 dark hard, H OT: No. 1 red. 11.04 1.H-
Corn Market cent , lower : : t
white, imS4o; No. 1 yellow,. lt)Mc-
HayMarket unchanged. :' .' ' .
Kansas City. Mo.. Aug. I Wheat September,-
ITe; December. - IIHc; .May.
''co'rn September, I0e; December.
47c; May. H- '
MrnneopotiB Flo or.
uinnaannlia. Minn.l Aug. .' Fltur Un-
Bran 111.00. .
Omaha Produce
.Furnlahed by the1 stlt ot N4braa,' dj
arttrlent of egrieulturl. bureau ot, rnaf-
keta and marketing i
SI11H :
T II .11
.11$ .13
Broilers ,.
Kens. light
Man, light
Cocks . .
' .! .IT
. .IT
00 A .11
.11 .15
Ducke .
Hen ...
Cfecka .
Ducks .
.na .ta .110
III il
.ii .is
.ISO .10
KA -
No, 1
X!aa eeunt. base
Creamery, prtnte. .........
Creamery.- tub...
Craametk. eoraroon .230 .34
36 '.tt
BUtien xai, i- -w ...
tlon pric '...... C0 -i
-,-:AT.- v - - ;
'Prairie. No, 1 upland, lll.IO0M.ldl
No. t upland, tll.OI01!.OO; I, I upland.'
IT.!! 0 10.00 ; Wo. 1 midland. 1.10 0 H.50 ;
No. I midland, 11.60011. 10; No. I mid
land, tf.OO0l.OI;. No. 1 lowland. 111100
10.10: wo. l lowiabd. .
-Alfalfas-No. 1,' 114.00011.00; atandard,, 011.01; N.;t. ll.IO01l.OO . t.
S. oo 011.00,
Straw Oat; tl.tl0l.ll; wheat, 7.OO0
I. OI.i:. v .,:i'. . ;
i .;.: FltUlTS. ,k ,A :
' Banana, pit lb.. l0Te. Oranges:
Slse 211 and larger, 11100 tll. 00; alia HO,
H.00010.00; site HI, 11.00 0 8. 10; six 914,
I4.3S 07.00. Lemana, according to slse,
per box. 17.1101.00. Peaehe:. California
Elbartaa. per box,; California, per
bu.. t3.0 0 lit: T Apricot. . '.Waahington,
I .basket crate, 11.00 :.," Plume. 4
baaket crate. 11.00 UI. Cherriee, per
lug. Apple: Old. Wlnaapa. per box,
II. lit new cooking, par basket. tl.HO
2.00. Pears, Baitlstt. par bos, 1.271 01.10,
Prunes, 4-baskst crate, Figs, CaU
fornla. 14 cartas! No. ,t, 13.00.
Potatoes, new Early Ohio home grown,
per lb., 11.91c. . Sweet POtatoee, per bu.
hamper. ll.IO0t.fl. Lattaoo; Head, per
erate, tl.llr held, per do.. tl.IS0l.4O!
leaf, per do., tt0Oo. Egg Plant, per
daa, 11.40. Oaten: Tellow. par lb., J 4 0
4e: red. pes lb., 3e; apanlsh. 'pVr-crslaj
IS. 36; home growa. - tie. ' . Cacumbtra.
horn grdwn. merket-bkt,' lot .'CVbT
bag, new, hemp grown, - par lb., 3 0 Jo.
Tomatoes, home grown, per basket, 0 0
71c Badlahea, per dot . 15010c. Spinach,
home grown, lee. Oreen Peppers, par
basket. 11.04. Creen and . Wax-. Beaas.
market baaket, 11.00 01.34.- Parsley. Per
do, benehee. 41c. JWatsrmaloa. per lb.,
3 He. Caataloopea: "Per crate., H.1003.35';
flat. ll.llfttH. Celery. Michigan,, per
deat.. lO0ic Turjilpa, Carrots aad Beets,
pr-bt,-eee.-"--- ' t -.- ;
- Hew-CaeerWM frame,' IMI:
Dates CaseHdt paekagesvv ta.fer reb
baskeis.. crate. HI baketa.;.:0. 'i.
Crmcker JKk Can : H v plain,- 11.71;
. Ilea (lain. 3.l..- . . '
Wats Peanuts-. Cart em e. II lb.. 30 'Ibe-.
tt lba.r per rh.. lie i drum aalUd.. HI lbs..
per IV, lc; paU aalted. 1 lb., par lb..
14: Jumka rawper Js. lA; Jamb roast,
per lb. l14c ' English walnuts: Small
Iota, per lb.. 4ia;I.aakIata. per lb, 22c
High; LnwT"
1.0l(,J 1.04
"Ml 1.0"
"i.ii "i"i'"
.Tl .V-.TI I
.74 .Tl
.11 .111
' .Ills . ..
'" .', '..I4.
'''.51 "'.
' -.ijf.:fli
" .!" ".ii'
1.0S . l.M
1,0S14 1.00
1.01 1.00 H
1.0S 1.11
1.10 in
i.i; I.ii,
.1114 h' .73?
.161 .71 ,
, ii& ,'.l"
. .-54 v.n
' .IT
.11'.. 12
:si .;s
:.! -I til
l'.t1' ' t .T
Live Stock
Omaha. A eg I.
("attla Hun kites
Receipts wsre:
Offu il Meadsy,.,.
t'tfuiel Tuesday..,,
keiimaia Wsdaceday
Three day this wk,
Senao laat weak
Kama I weeks as .
1 tie
11 all llijl
, 4 111
I le
.31 ear
lilt list
l.tea UTS
tl !M 44 III
ll.t'l la III
.10 141
Ol.lul 14 101
bam I weeks aiat.
li.tet . el. all
Im days r ga
:.ll JI.4I4
Reeelpte aad diBoosttiaa of lite etoek
al the I'm oe siak srs. ttmaha. .Veb,
for 14 heute, ending u I k uH August
itECEiPTt cam,
C. M St, f, Ry 14..
Missouri re. Hi' nr. ... a a ..
l iaoo) Peelfle X R. ... II 14 41 ..
'. a N. w. Hr.. east ... I I .. ..
C. A K. W. Ry.. weet ... I II .. ..
v., pi, r. m. o. nr. a a ..
f. H. q Ry., out ... II I
C, n W Ry., weet ... It II ..
C, R. I. A P., eatl ... II I t
V , R. I. f . weet ... I 1 ..
Illinois (,'sniral Ry. ... I . .. 1
Chicago Ureal Weeiera li I ..
receipio JIT II
Armour A (' fit 114
I'udahy Harking to. , 111 eu
Dold Packlug Ca.,.. 44 lea
Morrl Park. Ca. ... I "
Iwlft A Co 144 117
J. W. Murphy lit!
Swarti l'e .... 147
Lincoln peek. ca. ... 44 ....
Wilson Perk., t'o. ... 71
Hlgglna Peck. Co. ... f ....
Hoffman Bra II ....
Hayrowlrh Vail .. IS ....
Mldweat Parking Co. I ....
Omaha Parkin Co. . I ....
a. a reek. .. ... n ....
J. H. Bulla ......... 71 ....
K. M. nutrus a co. x ....
. O. Chrlsti A Boa I ....
l'ennl Francis ,,. It ....
Ellis At Co II ....
Joba Harvey '..'lit ....
r. a. KeHogg a . ...
Joel Landgren t
r. r. i-ewie es .....
Mo -Ka. C. A (J. Co. I ....
J. B. Root A Co, .. il
Sullivan Rros. v I ....
Werthelmtr A Deion I ....
Smiley Broa. II ....
Other buyer 121
Armour.' boo. ran iti
Cudahy, Kansaa. Ctly II ....
Swim. Kansas city 71
Klrpatrlck ., 171
Leuharper ., .t. 41 . . . .....
Total ... ii ' lJ3 illtt
i t
' r.ttle Becalot.. S.20A head. Steers aeld
on anotWsr 'draggy market today. There
waa a fair Inaulrr for real - caolc Kinds
and thsy looked gensrally steady, but all
other were elow to, If anything, a little
lower. Beat-eleer of all wlght,btught "She stock asm a sbout a
steady baei nd dasiradle binds of stock
era and feeders were -fully ateady, though
ft vie a dull, weak market on -th plainer
grade. '. .
Quatatlon on caltler CholC to prime
beeveav gill flftt Jl; geod to cholcei beeves.
tl.4O0l.Sti' fair 'to good beeva. H.7I0
i.ii: common to fair oeevea.
.h.i.. .... i i . ea tnait .1 -
W....1. , V yiiwm h..hi-, .WW. ..-,
good to choice yeerllngs,; fair
to good yeerllnge, fi.S40t.OO;
fair' yearlings. tl.H0l.2S; choice. to prima
heifers, II (001.36; good to choice-heifers.
I7.OO0U5; fsW to good heifer. 16.40
07.00; common to fair heifers. HOI
4.00': choice ' to prime eows, 11.7407. It.;
good to choice cows, H.OI0I.IO; oommen
to fair cows. 13.7101.10: good to chalet
teedera, tT.IO0t.36; fair to good feeder.
I0.teej7.l0; common to fair leaders, ts.ev
04,75; good to choice atockera, 17.150
1. 10: fair to good atockers. SI.SO07.S5;
common to fair atockers,. . I5.3S0I.2I;
lock heifers. tl.OO0t.IO; stock cows, 11.26
44.10: stock calves. - veal
calves, tl-1001.10;. bulls, stags, ato.. IS.fl; gooa to cnoico crass oeevea.
01.21: fair to aood era as bssvas. 16.760
7.10; common to fair graaa beeves, 16.760
0.75; good to choice grse cows, H.260
1.01; fair to gond grass cewa, 14.3605 16. ,
No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. Pr-
IT STT S 60 II 1281 I 00
21 1031 10 16 i TH I IS
21. .'.. .'-.1201 , S 36 ' 23 113 140
II.. .'...1131 10 00 46 100 10 is
40 4211. -10 20 13 HOT .10.35
ST. 771..:. S U .l,...'..'.lte:.'.r-.t'
si..'..., t.-,-i.!s '-.-iii..., H4-- am
Im,m.WI ! IJ..v.Iltt 10 06
41....... Ill 10 15
1 COWS. -. ; A
170 5. 4 00 yM.v.Ui .4 10
..'.-.. V I-' 4 " !..!.. 104 t 4 TS
Hi.:,;'. ii ''i is f 4v:.-'...io86' -e io
. "' ' HEIFERS. -''.
'...;.':; 627 .1 10 ' 13.V-..'.' Tit t 36
8l.r..'H2 ;40, -10 i.,a .t 7.
12....'..-,116 t St 2.'i.... 100 ... 7 0
Uwr..V:.tT Mf-ta.- ;; :..... -.,'.,,
' : BULLS. V- .. .
1... I. .1110 3 71 , li.-f. TH ' 110
'1 llio 4 is i,,:.t.lS2o too
.1 650 I II : -
1 311. t 76 201 T 00
2 Hff t 09
. Hoga Receipts, 4.700, "head. A broad
ahipping demand today -was., in evidence
and prices during the early rounda on
511 gradea were 16026c higher. Weakness
evaioped later; with the closing session
slow and most of the advance lost- Light
hog sold mostly at 11.00 01.46, with a
top pried of fl.SO. Medium, weight butch
era moved at 11.60 01.00 and strong weight
butchers, tl.OO0S.IO. Heavy mixed and
packing grades sold largely at I72607.76,
with extreme heavies at Bulk
of all sales was I7.2tf,i5, .'
' . HOOS.
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. .
33.. 453 70 7 00 06 . US 210 7 60
31. .311 ... 7 40 07. .Ill TO T 65
Mj.301: '.... ' T.TI ' M. -.34' ... T 10
41. .313 40 too H..2S3 80 126
23. .334 ... S H 01. .214 ... t 10
3. .811 .., I 10 44. .171 ... t 10
- Sheep Receipts. 12,700 hesd. Trading
waa largely at a decline ot He on killing
classes, with th market slow on this
bssls. Bulk of native and western lambs
moved at Hi. 75012.00. with a top price
et 112.25 paid early iter, a small lot. of
stives. Teeders were weak to 25c lower,
With- bulk Ot the movement at 111.500
11.75.- "Small lota of ees were abeut
steady, light ewes selling at 17.00. Year
lings, were 26c lower, several loads of west
ern moving at 0.75 and wethers at 11.00.
Quotations on sheep: Fat lambs, good to
choice. 111. 75012.00; fat lambs, fair to
good, 111.00011.75: feeding lambs, 1 3, 009; cull lambs, .O01O.OO; fat ewes,
light, 44. 8007.00; fat ewes, heavy. 14 000
I. 0. '
No. Av.' Pr. No. Av. Pr.
25-Nat... 70 .11 50 3S Nat.. 67 12 0
Chicago Livestock.
Chicago.'' Aug. ' I. Cattle Receipts, 11,
hesd; batter tgradea beef ateer and beef
cows and heifers, steady: lower gradea
both classes, uneven, weak to llo lower;
eanner cowe showing more decline, beef
steers and light yearlings. 110.50; long
yearlings, 110.65; bulk beef steers. 8.7S
010.25; bulls and atockers about stesdy.
calves closing strong to 26c higher; bulk
butcher she-stock, I5.250T.2I: canners and
cutters largely 12.8603.75; bologna bulls,
mostly 14.0004 25; veal calves, largely
41O.SO01O.75; few beat vaalers, around
t-li.00 and 111.26 to packers and upward
to' 111.50 to city butohers.
Hogs Reeelpte, 20.000 head; strong to
15c higher than yesterday's average; top
lights. 11.10; bulk lights, fl.7001.85; 111
to 250-pound butcher. H.1001.60; bulk
270 to HO-pound butchers. 11.40 01. 00;
packing eows. mostly 17.0007.75; pigs,
largely H.2601.60; estimated holdover,
42.000 head.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 17,000
head; fat lambs generally ateady to 16c
fower; mostly 10c to 16c off; closing best
time: top natives, 112.00 to packers and
city butchers; bulk natives around IU.76:
top western, 111.40; bnk. 112 10011.40;
fat aheap, tady: lighr native awea. tT.00;
lamb weight yearllngl. 110.00; heavy kind.
II. 10) feeder lambs, dov; two loads about
6-pound kind on country account, $11.15;
about 75-pound feeding yearlings. 19.00 to
traders. .f '
St, Joseph lira Stack.
St. Joseph. Mo.. "Aug. I. Hog Re
cwlpts. 8.000 hesd; slow; few early aalas
to packers about ateady with yesterday'a
average: bulk 111 to 230-pound butcher,
11.1501 60; shipper going slow; pecking
sew ebeut steady, mostly 11.7607.16.
Cattle Receiptst- 2.000 head; market,
'butcher atuff and fed steer mostly steady;'
no westerns Mid early; top beef steers,
early. 111.11; eome held higher: bulk de
ferable beef eteera, early, 11.00010.11;
bulk beef cowe. 14.2104.01; calves steady
io ti.i."
Sheep Receipts, 2.101 head: market
slow; very little done early: few drive
la lamb barely ateady at tll-S0ll.T;
fly lead Idaho laraba and aaveral beat
rlt native net sold: few early sale
fteavx ewes nsady at ll.OI0t.SO.
p' Factory Prifce?
New Urea aa "
low aa
. At klvsb Sprat trctrj,
15th axtel CMtaiBf
Oaaalia He Leased Wire.
New York. Auk. 9.-Thai finan
cial markrlt thmild, to ail intenta,
have stood itiotionlett wai natural
enough with the labor controversies
in o peculiar a position. All aigna
continued to indicate the termination
ot the coal nrikr. but no announce
ment of any kind came during bu.i
neii hours and inraniime the railway
strike had evidently reached a period
01 tisnirniiiK deadlock.
Knowledge that consideration of
the president a compromise plan by
the railway union and the railway
managers it set for Friday, with the
prctumption that no freth develop
ment in the controversy would occur
until that day, left the situation gb-
toiutely unchanged. The moit that
could be laid of the day i movement
wai that the atock market gave no
sign whatever of iinraainrig and
that the bond market again moved
fractionally upward.
fieranaa Mark Sluaau.
If the nature of th negotiation and the
probable reaulia wet ohecur In our own
labor controversy, they were Impossible
to Judge In the news from th London con
ference over Oerman reparation. Thle
uncertainty found espreaaion tn a further
aociine or rrenrn ana uerman esrnanaa.
The mark al ona lime touched .onllla,
.101111 being the low record 'to data and
Ihe franc at I IIW rents reached the loweat
price la nearly a month, not roach above
th year'e. law rato of T.7IW. Thle par
ticular weakness may eeslly have resulted
from Ihe day tandom talk In Landort of
a breakup ef lha conferenoe and a atrald
a IB entente,
It le aol all nrobabla that financial
market. were aerlously Impressed with lha
second of these eupposltlons: but the
oeaaiecK between rsncnsn asa rre,nrn orri
clsl opinion.- with .Germany almply aa
sumlng the attitude ot a helpless Insolvent,
was discouraging. I ne one grouna tor
bopa af at least a working haala of In
Irrnatloaal nollov wan the evident cfact
rhaj,. iba ezUeina noaltlon of affaire no
longer leave ia oiu svtituav- v a uraK
a possibility.
Wan Street Topic.
Wall atraat'a Intaradt la tha earreat' re-
fort of freight movement' converged, on
wo o'olnts. the coal alcuatlon and th
condition or mercnenoise ana misceHsar
eoua freight, considered a good Index aa to
etneral buatnees activity. - "
With the railroad end coal, strikes. as
suming a more encouraging outloOK, cer
tain WalU.trV internet hava besn
eonductlng a review of some, of th basle
Uidustrlss to ascertain Just where they
stsnd aa regards fuel during the coming
month. Among, the railwaya and. pub.
llo urllltle It I ' reported thet the east
ern consumer are. not confronted with
the possibility of an' .Immediate fuel
famine, aa eome of those la th west .ere.
According to tha report, moet of the
eaatern farriers are well provided with
.r..l whereas tha Rock Island. -St. Fan),
Burlington and AtcTiiaon are- unoeraioou.
tn have leas tnan two weoica aDwyanq
tha Alton oven leas than that. ' Among th
esstern roada th New Tork Central Is
described aa mora concerned than other
eastern rosds, and inquiries are said, t
have been made abroad for fuel, but
without promise of Immediate deliveries:
Wall street heard the statement of earn-
Inga of the 'American Locomotive company
for tn la roonui ena:u rfuii. v, ..-.
..tit .hm Aftflt riua tn Inventory wrtte-
otf. This would seem surprising In view of
th harp advance In th etpek of the
company during recent weeks, but clreula-
tloa or me esumaio viau-
the stock, which closed .unchangsd for
ths day.
. New York Stocks
TIanra of . of the leading . stork
furnished by Logan A Bryan, S4S Pet era
Truat building:
KAlljKUAUB. ' .
. .; '. Tueaday
Hleh. Low. Close. Close.
A T. A 8. F 10H4 102 102 1014
B 0....v:.:.. 1714 tit IT. 17
Canadian Palficj.l41i l'O ,H1H 140V4
N. T. Central...... S8 17. 17 IS
Chesa. Ohio 75 7SV 74 ..74
Great Northern.... 81 . . ! ' T
Illinoi Centre!. . . .101 101, , lOI, 12,0 ,
K. C. Bothera..2 86,. SO.. it
Lehigh Valley.'..'.. 00 5 - ;. 00
Missouri- pacific.. a'T
N. T. A N. H .21 21 Sl Sl
Northern Pacific. .. 82 SO 82 11
Chicago ft N. w.., ss -saw. aevs "
Pann. R. R. ....... 44 .44 44 46
Reading 70 'TO ' T6 TT
C. R. I. P...... 45 44 44 .46
Southern Pacific 12 11 2 12
Southern Railway. 26 2 26. 26
C, M. A St. P .- 32 21 32 S2
Union1 Pacific... .-145 143 145 144
Amer. Car Fdry. 172 171 171 172
Allls-Chalmers ... 63 62 6) '4 63
Amer. Locomotive 120 .319. 118 119
Bald. Locomotive 125 123 124 134
Bethlehem Steel ..78 '77 Tt . ' 71.
Colo. Fuel AVIr6n"3 J ' to U M : .
Crucible . 0 : tMtJ-
Amer. Steel Fdry. 41 40 . 40 .40
Lackawanna Steel 75. 76 75 - 76
Mldvale Steel ... 34 33 34 34
Free. Steel: Car ..S3 12 - 81 2
Kepub. Steel A Iron 71 Tl 72 T2
Bail. Steel Spring ..... 101 ?
U. S. Steel 101 100 101 101
Vanadium 49 41 41. . 41
Otis' Steel 11
Anaconda..,.....- 14 53: 53 64
Amer. S. A R. CdT 01 0 00 0
Cerro Do Pasco- ..80 . SS 30 '38
Chili ...w.-. 22 21 21 21
Camels for Wives
AskforJhe Omaha
' aBBa ."
The Omaha Morning Bee
t'hiuo )l il l JS4.
Ureen L'eaaaea ..... II
Inspiration ,, 40 4 4S4a
Kenscl II I4S ' '
Miami 11 : 11
Kvv. tbtaattlideied. , 17 If II 10
Nsy I'easalideted,,. 14 I4'4 14 14
ketie-'a It 12 II ....
Ilea 15 11 It t
tleneral Aspball... Is 14 ! f
t'osdsn , U'i 49 4 4!V
aal. faterol 11 14 k 14 17
I. land Oil,.
Invin.lble Oil 13 lju tit, -
Metitan l'.irol.,.17l Ho si 1H,
Muldi Misies i: D i: ljv
I'etlfle Oil 51 41 !! 13 .... 74 72 71 71,
Phillips 411 41 11 11
Plena Oil .'.... TW K T T
Pure Oil II) lt. :u II w
Hayal lialrh 11 V 11
Hlnelslr Oil 10 lo 10 .30
HismL Oil, K.J,..ll 171 171 1
Tessa Co
44 '44 rllv 41
1'nian Oil
2iu us . :iw . it.
w hile oil ' i
fhan.ller 11 11 17 IS
tleneral lli.tnre .., 131, J (
Willys-Overland .. 7 1 7 T
Pierce. Arrow 11 11
White Motor 47 41 41 47
Studebeker ..I3l.i:t Ul 110
Klik 13 11
Uoodrlih 34 31 SO 31
Kelley.Mpgriil. ,...41 4: 4S' 43
Keyslon Tire I s 1 S
Aja 13 11 11. 11
V. S, Rubber 64 69 11 11
Am. Beet Sugar... 41 47 41 44
A . O. A W. 1 20 :s HI 30
Am. Inter, t'orp... 11 II 11 31
Amerlren Sumatra !
Am. Telephone.... 1 11 131 133 133
American Can..... 11 51 61 61
Central Leather... 11 33I !
Cuba Cane 16 15 . ll 16W
Cuban-Am. Sugar,. 34 l ".toSt 17
Corn Products.. .11 114 -lr lit
Famous Plavara... I4U ft 114W I3IA
(lensrsl Kleclrlo T7I 111 .17 221 ,
Ot. North. Ore. ... 11 31 ! Slu.4i) )
Inter, rlarvaster -
Amer. H. A L.. pfd. 71 11 70 7
U. S. Ind. Alcohol 41 01 13 .
Inter. Paper .... 54 63 54 , 62
Internal If Id pfd M" 0I4 ea 44ft
Ainsr. Suasr Ret.- . 81 80 80 - II
bears-Roebuck ... 16 .84.' S -.!.
Stromaburg: s . . . . 44 41 44' U
.. . .. . . .... I , 'am mi
Worthing Tump '11
w son Co, -ft
Westing. Bleetrlo 61 41 IIHijMU
American w.ooi. ..rut ei in ,
Amer. Cotton Oil
Amir. Aar Chemical 87 17 IT
Amer, 4Jnssed .. 33 11 11 .13
I'nlni tv-P r)M... :ztt)i
Bosch Msgneron.Vnita,lA,4J. rjll
Contlarnlal Can ... -v-'.'H
California Park.... 12 82 82 81
Colum U k Kl .... Ml 3 -
Colunlbula Garph.. 4 8 8 4
United Drug .-. n..'TI Tl 71
National Enamel. - 54' 6tT 6t
United Krull 1MJ
LorlllarM Tob .r -r. .'. M4J
National Lead ....ioi-i0' ew
Philadelphia Co .. 40 40 40 40
Pullman ..131, 121 111 121
Punte Alcgre Hug. ei ,ot . ei i
So Prt Rio Sg....'- 13 18 63 ..
Retail Storea 14 83 14 ;3
8t L A 8 F t 28 30 30
ya Car Chern .v- T -2J?S tT yX1
Totsl sales, oys.iju nrea.-, ;
. I i Close Close.
Money -. .rf...4 .V. ..
Man ;I.v...joii .it
Kersr York Cotton. '
New Tork, Aug. t.r-For the first time
: . j .. . u . ... . n M.,t.l eealaf-
in several aaja . . . .... .
ed jtressure and around mld-aesslon 0-
vanced around o-a pound on ahort cov
ering.' but moat of tnla Improvement wa
... . . . . . . i ptu II . nno.
lost, in tnt isicr iraums. e ."-v
Ing two points higher to five lower, re.
acted 10 pornia on --.eariy auutnarn b.u-
. . . ,n mafnrtA Iiaiip ana
inc, mil biwuibu " r 1. : ,
' .... 1 1k .n m nninta
from the prevlou close, on demand rom
comtniasion nousesr wu -
trade. Business quieted down In: th
afteinbbn and' prices altpped off until at.
the close the market waa unchanged to. 10.
point .net higher. . ' . . ..
tsuot uulet. 10 polnte advance, for' mlo.
dling upland. Salea nil. ..'.;:
Southern, apota. were: Galveston, 20,45c!
unchanged;" New Orleans, -.20.26, un
changed; Savannah, ,20-oc.. unchanged;
Augusta,;. 20.11c,. live- , point dvanc;;
Memphis, 21.50c, unchanged; Houston,.
20.45c, 10 points advance; Little Bock,.
21.60c unchanged. .!..! '
.'.''' , Omaha Bay Marker.
prairie Hay Receipts are very light and
demand . la good on, .lest ' grade at top
quotation. The lower grade are alow
'."-AUa'lra. Hay Receipts are : very (gM
and demand fair on top grade and light
.on the lower grade. 'j
Prieea below are, .for carload lots f Up
land prairie No. 17 tl4.0016.00; No. I
prairie.. tll OO13.00; No. 8 prairie . 17.00 ,
10 00: midland prairie No. 1 . 111:110
14.00: No. 2 prairie, 8.611.00; No. t
prairie, 7.O0BJ!l.O0 lowland pralrla No.
1, t800l.00;. No. .-J prairie;, IL004J8.0J.,,
Alfalfa No L tll.00fl15.00j Itandard.,
11.60tll.60; No. 2. .tln.011.50: No..
2, 18.0010.00.: Straw oat. tt.00l..
Wheat straw, 17.00 Ql. . ' ' -r j
Newt irorlt Cmeral.' ' '
New York; -Auf.- 8. Cornraaalf Market
easyt fine whlto and,.' yellov granulated, M:ji ':; "; " - ' 4
WheatSpot; '.market oaaiafi. No. T.
northern spring. 11.45 i No. ,4 .red win
ter. U.21; No. 2 harj winter. 11.13;
No. 1 Manitoba, tM and No. I tn tJ
durum, 11.25. c. 1: f. (track. New Tprk.
Corn Spot; market weak; No. 2 -yellow
and No. 2 white, 1lc,-and No.,1
mixed, 78c, c. ' 1. f. New Tork. all rail.
Oata Spot; market steady;, No. 2 whita,
8Lard Market steady; m'lddleweat, 111.41
11.50. ... ' .
' Other article unchanged. . .
7 Built to supply enough Ht Watar foi
the average home at a price the average;
home-owner can pay.
' A! small payment puts one In youi
home, balance-monthly with gat billav
; Continuous satisfactory performance
is guaranteed by av -;
.. esteading vr 25 yeala.
Talaphen Commercial Papt.
Metropolitan Utilities Diat. , .
1509 Howard Strwot " DO tiflag 0605
People have traded from the
beginning of. " time farm
products for' groceries and.
elothing live stock for busi
nesses cars' for home -(and j
in Africa even camels for
wivea). ; V'-'
1f If you have an automobile .-.
and want a home if you have
a farm and want eit$ prop-
erty, or visa versa get in
touch ' with the very person .
who has what you want and
wants what you have through -a
"Want" Ad in the :For Sale"
of Exchange" column, of The
Omaha Bee.
H Eeraember, too, Omaha Bee
"Want" Ads Bring Better
Results at Leaaer Cost. .
New York Bonds
S'eV Tork. Aul. t Irrefulsr iM
chanaea presild in today a bend market,
l'reitn bnda er reactionary, reflect.
I( I lie wesknsaa of foreign echne,
0141 - meal domestic Issue held film.
French ! and asm of Ihe munteiei
eased, toiaiker wuhelhe fraaus me
Itreslllaa laaues also wars weak but asm
of Ibe aeaadlnatiaa bond unproved la
tun. ...
reansylvfnla'lleneral 5a ross a peinl la
a new hub record, aa diU the 4i,e. I'oa
aplcaoua airentfh In Ihe rail iroup ala
waa shewn b krie 4s, aarte A, t'hlrsie
Alton lies. IU four 4 and Mis
souri Pacific Oenersl ae. I'roln tsklat
reussq rereseioaa in in aeenora line is
euee and Atcbiaon Oenersl 4s
Oaodyear and Kelly biinnsfleld II re
acted n response la recent euis in lira
prtroe, while t'ubaa eussr Issue fell Ibe
errert or tne pianer tarirr auty unposea
by ths senate oa.thal product.
Tma I sales (par value) were lll.
Itf.tvO. I'. . Bonds.
Sales (In II Hub Low 1 Ooee
114 Liberty l 11 II I0IM 109 14
II Liberty 1st 4W ..!! II ln II lot 14
1SI 14 Ska . ISS1I ISA IS 1SS It
riaia Liberty Id 4te ..l4 lone oi5
si Liberty sin 4b ..11.1
III Vlrtory 4 tun tit nen lee II
III Vlrtory 4s 104 41 lol.ll ISI.5I
t'orelcn (iovernmenl. Male aad Manlelnal.
I Aeaeiuine 7s Il ln 11
7 Thiness Uovt Ry Is 11 51 II
. II Herns Is 111 111 111
II Bordesbs'l I3l. f.'t U'i
1 fhnetisnla Is .....101 mi
III Copes hs sen l ... 12 IISI 12
II Lyons 4s. IS II II
4 Msrastlles Is 11 i: 11
II Rio de Janeiro. I .. 11 11 II
It Hen Psulo s 11 II 11
5 Toklo H.. J. 71. 71 71
. I liurlrh Is.'.;, 114 Ill's 114
, 44 CsscHelo Rsp a ct. 11 11
t Pan Hunt I. A.. ..Ill - III 111
; II Pept Seine 4s 11. t 10
41 Pom fen !s 21. ..101 111
; II Para. tan 5a !tw...l 11 10
i 11 Pom Can Is 51..... III, II
) II Pet B Ind as 47. ... II 14 11
1 II fifth Ind I I2. . 15 ( 15
J 15 Preneh Reals .....10V lnot. ln
15 rrerreh RepTs... 11 II 4 11
7. II Japanese let4a.. 11 11 1 !
1 t Jepaneae 4. ..i..,. 71 71 71
I Relllunt 1 ;vi'l'..10l l)4
1 Delilum I ..' 11 M 11
" II Denmark -.'..'.... II 11 II
77 NathereaJiUl.-sa. .... 17 11 17
I ill 110. us
11 Sweden Is .. 104 14. I4
; it -ArhvLy-Med ta.... 71 7( .77
: sen uoirrwj e i... S5 es
4 Itin ClVlm la id 103V Klltk ftU
tt rjueenlsrrd-7' 101. ,101
17 Qljnslaad -;... 101 .102 101
Kiour ao nui aa.... "
2 Swiss t)rr Is 11l-.ll 111
5 K"n' 12.101V 0l.-lO
I 15'!C0, U '.5a ,21.110 11 101
hia 'j u (c t es di.iuia jvvis 1 , -ai
44-U a-Brasll le ..'... 101 10 11
44 .O S' MMIf II'.' . . . II 51' 5
1 ,U 8 Ull.o (e. , , . . . 44 41 44
Railway and4 Mlsceiraneoui.
, 1 Adams Kz 4s 14 10 10
1 Am A( Chm 7s..lft4 104 104
1 Am Cot Oil Is 91 II II
2 Am: Smelt '5a ...;. 14 IIH 14
, 41 Am Sugar 6a ..104 10S 103
1 Am I ov .sa. ...iie :jioi ih
I Am T & t'o t Is... I j.
4 Am Writ Pa 6a .... 14 14 16
1 Armour Co 4s.. 10 10 10
41 A'T tc sli.v H-! 114 11
5.,A,Re.4',..,M. J02 .1.08 JOl.-e.
2! Balt Ohio la .?..10T 101 101
43' Halt ft OMo'ev! eV4s ' s .. -2
Bell Tel Pana . 7a, . 101 . 107 107.
4 Beth St ref 6s...... 16 -
It Beth St p m 6s 12 I2 12
J Bkln Ed en 7s D..107 ro7V 1074s
I Cal O & By 6a 17 17 .17
. 4 Can North la ....111 111 111
20 Can Pao d 4s 10 0 10
. 11 Cent Ga 6s 101 100 101
': 1 Cent Leath 6a 11
Id Cent Pao gtd 4a 10 10 10
11 Cerro Pasco Is 126 114 125 .
"11 Ches ft Ohio cv 6s.. 14 16 16.
42 Ches ft Ohio cv 4s 11 '
42 C B & Q ref 5 A... 101 101 111
' 22 Chi & K 111 6s 12 S2 12
' T Chi Ot West 4...-.. 60 60
145 C M & St P cv 4s. 72 73 72
17 G M fl St P ref 4s 17 67. 67
V54 CM ft St P cv 6s.. 77 76 76
. 1 C ft N W 7s. 108 101 101 'I
1C&NW6... 111,1U 111
31 Chi Rys 6s. .... .".12 61 M
. 4 C R I P gsn 4a.. 84 84 ,14
Il c n 1 fl r ret is
83 11 83
14 Chf ft W Ind 4w.. 76- 74 -74
t Chlle-Cep la... 1.... 14 104 104
II Cblls Cop 6s '. 13 92 13
5 Colo ft So ref 4s.. IT 10 II
. 11 Cpn Coal Md ta. ... . . -M 10 10
i 19 Cuba Cane Sg d 8s. 93 92 13 --
28 Ct)ba Care Si a 7b. 91 90 tl-'
It Dal Bvd-ew f.r.-t : 98 r
:" 1D1RO Imp 6s.-. 81 11 81
1 Pet . Ed ref 6s. . . . . .103 10? 103 ,
I Pet Utd Ry 4-s, I3...83. 82 I
9 Dltnnd -Jdtch 7s..l0 -107 107
38 Dpnt.Nen 7s 108' -.107 107 i
18 PiVtuesno Lt 6 ....104 :rlo4 ?104
26;Entp G ft F 7s ctt.9.8 98 .91
10 Erie gen 4s. .. 66 56 . 66.
t -2 KUk Rub 8s. ...... .106 106' 1
t' 8 Kramer I D 7a....,..l7 .16 16
1 Gen Eleo d 6s. 102 , 101 102
,. 50 Goodyear' T 8s 21. .100 99 99
',: 22 Coodyear T "41. .Ill' '-116 115
V 3 Gnd. Tnk Ry'C 7S...117. : 111 111
' if Onil Tnk Ry C . .104 : 101 103T4
i .. e
;IW;,asja,M Morning
:1: -
.U . ' . DUtributed by. fi " J -
II Orl Narih 7s A. ... 111 lit III
tl on North IS H-141 III 11
I HuJ a M rel A . 11 11
I htu4 M 4J In ta 14 41 44
I lad M Is e.l !' 0,H
I nl Mel 4Ws 11 11 l
t int Mat 414 rt. 11 11 11
tit Int H T ref te 16 II 41
44 I 4 tl N d 4s tel. II . II II
II lal M M f le..... 11 14 II
. II Int Pa ref I a 11 II 11
I Invine Oil Is 11 It II
II la Cent ref la 14 41 41
I K 1' M I I H 4s.. lull
I K t' be is 11 I4W
t K 41 Term 4s.' 14 14 III
II Kell Mprmi T aa... .114 S 141
1 1 La Ita at le tl lei e lu
I 1-e. Ie.l a at 1, let I 13 11
Mill! II. 11 11 11
t l-erlllard ta 1
Ik l 19
t I. 4 N unified Is.,
I Mki St Ry ran la.
tt Mhh Cent d la....
I Mid Ml ev Is
11 J 11
Sl 11
11 II 11
11 11 11
I M ft l L ref I
11 47 47
i m at p a hum ii i 11
21 M K ft T a p I'la A. Ills 26 14
114 M K ft T a sd I A. 11 IIS, 11
t M K A T 1st 4.... It 11 11
111 M Pseeoals 111 ll 11
44 Mo Pen Its M 41 . 47 41
t Mont re 6s A.... tl II, II
41 N K T A T let 4s stf 11 II 14
II N tl T ft M Ino le. . It TI 73
?4 N Y (' rn 7a IH'leM, 11
- II N T C deb 11 101
I N 7 r r. It 11 41
II N T Kd ref 4SS . . .IU 111 III
31 NT Nit II ev Is 41. It .11 12
INT Rys ref 4a rtf., 17 37 17
INT Tel d 4s 41. ...117 01U 107
51 .V Y Tl rtf Is 41.1.04 104 144
1 N.T W A wee 4e, 55 16 .11
I.Nerft Wref ev Ie.ll4 111 111
II iorth Pjr Ilea 4 II l
111 North Pee, ref la.. 101 11 101
I Nor Sis P ref Is A. 11 11 11
4 N W Bell Tel Is. ...101 I7,17
I Or A CaJ 1st Is 100 110 14
I O S L gtd la ctf.114 14 101
I O 8 L ref ea 13 11 11
II Or-W.h KHAN Is. 13 II IS
t Otis HI Is A.V 100 100 n
II! Pse O 4 Kl Is 11 11 11
It Pee T T tt U tit. 11 11 11
t Packard Motor (a.. 107 147 107
t Pan Am PIT T..1A 101 1HU
II Pann R R tVa'.T... .110 111 llt
It Pena R R (en la.. 101 ll 11
47 Penn R R en, 4a.. 94 14 II
7 Penn It R gen 4s II 13 14
II Pere Mara ii ta.. 11 I
1 P ft B lne,4. ..,'... 16 33 16
1 Pert R L P-.....-8 II "
tl Pub Sfv-Ts 16 II It
tt Roadlng fen 4p. 11 16
t Rep I Si eol If.. 11 11 11
:i n i a. 1. mi.... 11 si s
L t Ml A & rt 4a : 11 11
L ft 8 P ad t.. 12 12 IIU
L 4 H P Ine I.. 74 14 74
II St I.
41 St L
41 St L ft 8 T p I 4 A 71 71 71
II St P ft KC L 4 11 II
It B A A 4 P let la.. SI U 7IU
b s flaBkAa.a 2 r. Sa SKSL SAaL
74 8 ea board A L ad la 21 21
tS Seaboard A L ref 4a 46 46
4 Sharon St Hp la' A. 11 11
I Sinclair tTufl one. '4
s i HlncliaW-ev- T.14 initt 104
II BtncliTrierll .! s
eWl T.. H 74 . fH
13 11 ,!
4a-..-.x 0. t.'t
a....lll 112 10
Is 41 41 11
j 00 t-so. ,r.v as,...
II 80 Pao ref s
II So Ry gen
41 So Ry gen
7 So Prt Rk 8 7s. 101 101 101
I 8tsn Oil-Col d 71.104 1M 111
36 Third . Ave ed ,6s.
I4W 14
Ifl Third An f 4a.. HI
I It
21 Tldswatr Oil t.14l 10i 101
41 Tob Prod 7s :.106 15 06
8 Uii B A P Is A ctf.'.tt 11 11
, T Un Pes 1st 4r 16 ' M tt
10 Vn Tnk Car 7a 19 89 89
: 3 Utd nrug Is 144 103 114
It Itld '-Puel Oa 6: . lit 11 111
i Utd Ry lriv 1st la P 17 17. 17
U 8 Realty is 17 17 17
10 U S Rub 7s 17 17 97
2 u.s Rub is, ...... .Lot ioi -mi:
JUS Steel ef 6s..,.. 94: 11 90
14 Uta P ft L 6s 104 103 104
1 v Car Chm ..; ll. 41 tli
!1 Va-Car Chm 7 ctf.101 105 104
11 Va Ry it. II . Il II .
2 Wabash 1st Is...'... 11 11 91
41 West Md 1st it !,,. 66 61
3 West Pao 6s....... 81- 14 '!
WaUeh Cn t...lll 11T 1ll
lJ-Wejiflng- Erec vs.:,108 111 -141
' 19 AVilyon ft.Co sf 7.4 114 1,5.4 ,,
' 28 Wilson ft Co cv s. 93 93 43
Total ssle of bonds today were 113.
641.001) compared with 111. 417.000 .previous
dav. andl9.886.00p a Veer ago. ' . . .t.
Turpentine and Bqaln.
Savannah, Ga.. Aug. I. -Turpentine .
Quiet; - $ 1.01; ssles, none; receipts, til
barrels: shipments, 326 barrels; , stock,
8,51 fcarrels. . 1 . . 4 '
. Rosin Stesdy; 410- lit ssks; ' re
ceiptsr 1,705 cssks; ehlpmsnts, 1,416 essks;
stock, 17,320 casks.. . . .' . . , ,.' ,
Quote: . B, t4.90;. DV 16.00; E, t.aai.
5.07; P, O, . 16.056.07;-' H, I5.0S
610; f, 15.10; K. 15. 106. 15: M. 25.20A
Jf.26-: V, tt.4042t.5t; W, O, 16.00; W, W,
Chlcag Produce. .. .
.Chicago, Aug.". I. Butter Tiowar:
creamery extras, 21 o: flra'ts, 27 a 21c;-.
Seconds. . 2627q; standards,' tie.
. Eggs--8teady; receipts, 11,893 case;
flrt, 19fl20l4c-; ordinary firsts.. 18
18c: .miscellaneous, ; IB t)9;', storage
packed "eitras not quoted; aiorage packed
firats,,21822: . ' ." r. ..
Kansas City Produce,.' '
Kansas Cliy, Mo... Aug. '. Butter, .Eggs
and ,Poultry--Unchngd.
Mild fV;!:;vv;
Fragrant--- ,
Free drawing- 3
Famous-- vi;; ;
An uhcomirionly mild cigar
of Havana lgrani
beauitinilly made.
Mewart Ogar ia mad by .
Cfrnioliflstrxi Cigar Cefpiitwtioa
NawYerk .
N. Y. Curb Bonds
9fw TaraA e -LTrsaasrlKHis
risw lets iuib bond tnsibei laalay aei
! ' Huh
I Allied Perker la .. 1
Law Clee
HI 114
lelti ueu
1 Aiuiitntwan ia ! .,e
I am T b T aa 'II. ,1.1)14
I Ata f 4 T a 'II..ISIU
I Aaa opper aa ,,,.o
ll M
11 141 1.
t Ana l'e te 'II ....!"
11 Ht
I Anla Am Oil m ni
II alai.'ur ft t'o Is, l
II H tee is 'II ... sl
t Ileal le 'it. ...let
1S ten.
1 SI . A
1 Klw'
14 R la Osa I I 14 14
14 H t'a uas Is IIS II 11
sr .lat.Ky , re. .mis 111 1 ill
t Tan Nat Ry ta .. 11 II
4 t-enl Steal I last lee 14
4 Chareeal Iron Is . . II II 14
I flliea Herv la "(?'.! 1 11 11
I t'ol Orepk Is rlfs , 31 ll tl
4 I'oa U.s Malt 4.. tills 11 li
I t.'on Teslll le ..14 II II t 1
ill' 11
t IT El
A le 'II . .IM 11
4 Cuban
let ' 1 v,s . t"s ivv
1 lsr a co 7s ..! lei
Helen nig till la imv je ei',
II tlovdrV h Tire fs,.IOI 1M 111
lit ''
11 ivutr
11 lluod
111 7 11 104 ' 14 .
Hubbej. 1 .. 19 41 li'a
I OH 7s ,..10 0X tt
I Hamble
If lul.r R T la. 13.. 11 tils
12 Kau O A tire Is... Ilia 16
I Kenneoolt Cop is ll
I King Oo Kl ts.. II II
t l.aelede Oas let .101 11
I IJ-.Wlnrhs Is -.101 101
I Mer Mfgte is... MS 11
II Net Aran 7s ., 17 17
I bat Leather as ., 11 tl
in "
e n t n n ai it ta. . mi ai a. .,
Pub C of N J 7l.ll ! 1'-'
AO Robeat Oali- 7a II 91 II n 1
X Bets Roe 7s. 'IJ,.100 I04 111.
I Shaweheen fa ..'..III 104 III' '
1 a W Hell Tel 131, 11
I St Oil N T 7.'l..l'i6 106VJ, 101.
I Bt Oil N T ts. '24.. 104 114 111 '
t at Oil W Y 7. '37.IOSH tes a, lests
It at .OH N Y 7. '1I.M 14 114 ;
4 St Oil N T Is. '5I.S lOltf litll ;
1 st 011. n t ti...ioi ioi 4 it. ;
3 Stew War la '....101 ltl lit ...
s sun. Ull TS
101 11 ii
11 Swift 4 Co la, '21.101
II lin-Otl Pal .,.. .Ill
ii 11
111 llt ;
I1m till Peiwl la...
i t-- w.. t Si. ru. linn toiei iat;
I"! l
11 Vacuum Oil 7a.. ..107 117 Ir.'.;
1 Valvorln U 19 11 if,.!
11 West Eleo 7 104 lOlC1
12 Argen U. 13 100 lit 1J
t Can Steam 7a .... II tl tt
I King Serb Or I.. 96 16 .
- 4 Russian - 4 II .'It .1 ..!-.
12 Swiss, tub ..111 111 wt .
41 II I Mf a ' 11 It 19
. rhleago Btavrs).
. f I .
Raaie of nrlre of 'th leading Chicago
stocks furnished by Logs n 4 Bryan, til '
Peters; Trust bmlrdlps:.. i,. -
. Cloe.
Continental Motor m T '
Earl 'Motor. .;..!.,...; t
National Leather.,.....'.... v'Vi
stepert-Warner 4t '
Swift 4 Co. ' 104'V
SwICt lnC "l'iT
Union Carbide....... '. 11 .1
waM- . .. a .9'
tt ,
Mew York Poeltryr-
New Tork, Aug. I." Poultry Live; firm:" .'
broiler, 'by freight. ttJc; by-
27033e: roosters, lie. , .
Poultry pressed, stesdy; unchanged. ,'
r. a. i,. . 1 1.
ANWtlWrt t:.,
1. r. to tneroourg ana NniDimruiP Sept. 8 rVpt,ta-
Ana. It Soot. It Oct. S
BEHENO ARIA . . .Anf. tt Sept. It Oet. 10
N, Y. to Plymdnta, Casrboart 4r Haaalurg
CaaONIA;v,.,,,!.st.ti Oet. a Xh.,M
tAXAlNIA .....".' Sept. Oet. 14 .' lf' -N.
YTto Cobh (QuefBstownl 4 Liverpool il ',
CABMAMA Aog.17 Sept, 14 Oct. It
S( VTHIA Yaew) sAug.ll Sept, ta Oct. ia V
LACOMA (newr . ,Snt. T Oet, 8
Sells from Boston September 1. 11.,. -j
1 Nj Y. to -Londonderry 4 Glasgow -,
COLUMBIA Auf. It Sept. IS Oct. 14 .
AIXiERJA Sept, U 't,
CITY of LONDON Sett., t, 1 4 : r :
CAMKROma new Sept. S Oet. 7 Nor. 4
Tl HCAIA Chaw) 'Sept. te H
AS8YaUA . . -Oct, tt 1 1 , 1 r
.Boston to .. Lphdonderry ft Llverpodl
'ASSYRIA .... t ... . Sept. U ' J '
stops at Glssgow. .ti
. Boston to Queenstowa 4 Liverpool '.'..r..
TYRRHENIA (new) Sept. If '
, ' Vla-pfttureamje St Lawreae attoait 4
''r -AtonC! to Glasgow 'b
CASSANPRA ..'.' Adgttl Oet. IT,
bATfJatU. .. . , .Beit: I Oct. S Not. J&
.Maniraal to Llvarnoal
AIJIAIfUr.....Aw.It Sept. 2 Oei W
AliSOMIA ... j.,..Sept. 16 Oet. 14 NOT. II
TYRRHENlA-new Oet. MJeo. V
, Saito-frbor-.aiifa:.. .: .,;
Montreal to iymouili, Cberbourg F
ANDAirtA ...... . .Aug. U SeotJ it Mo.
ANTONIA - new) . .Sept. t Oct. 12 Nov. 1
apply Cant pony Lee Aft. Kverrtrher'
Wntt cifm A' '
.:, teed On i St I ' -
M tt. I .-or !
f r 7a f'rT.
Petftetda ' t "Fta beautiful ..w
Fmoav- I . aoa select the one H .
let ''9 I that auiti you beat: B ---'