THK OMAHA PEE: THURSDAY. AUGUST 10. 1922. Omahans Wed in Berkeley. Amiounci-mrnt i nwk of lh tturriste of Mr Helen Drummond, ilmghlrr A Mr. snd Mrs. Ism Otumniond e( this city, 10 Chsrlrs l'artridet of fltrkrlcy, Isi. Mr, Pirtridi wit a widower, and tht wilding look vUrt at Ihc home of hi daughter, Mr. Stirling IVr. and wa a quift affair. Mis Drummond bat just recently tmistied a course at the University of California. Mr. 1'artridge ii a formrr Orrishsn, and he and hi wife sre expected here for a viit in September. They are now on a motor trip through Tali tornia, and will make their home in I-os Angeles. KreUe-Ssmsrtd. Tht wrdding of Mi Pauline Stmrrad and Herman Krrll took tilarc Utt evening at itoe Castrlar Presbyterian church, A reception followed at the home of the bride'i mother. Xlikt Srinerad had maid of honor Mix Bc Wasco of Howell! Xeh., ami hr two matron of honor erc Mr. Renjamm Koonman and Mr. It. F. Krelle. The bride wore white, canton crepe with i crown veil, Miss Watco wore coral Mr. Krelle an orchid ihade, and Mn. Koopman wan gowned irr peach crepe. They carried colonial bou- cuets, while the bride carried rosea ;iid lilie of the valley. 1 The Kcv. f. A. Burkliolder read the icrvkr. and f r. Krelle had as liis best man Benjamin. Koopman His usiicri were Bert Krelle and ictor Button. Little Virginia Srnilcv was flower pirl .ind Walter Janccclc and Clark Krelle stretched the ribbons. After a two-weeks' honeymoon Mr. j pnd Mrs. Krelle will be at home at the; Coronado apartments., ! Popular Visitor From Settle. Wany affairs are being given for t Mr, j. M. Hcnsmait,, .of Seattle, 'Wash, who i here visitinjr her j brother. Dr. W. H. I.atey.. and her i sister. Ifrs. S. E. Underwood. She j spent last week-end in Jefferson. la., I as the Knot of Mr. and Mrs; Ralph Howard. Tuesday Mrs. Wilfiam H. Gould, jr.. was hostess at luncheon ! at her borne, honoring Mrs. Hens- man, when covers were laid for Mes ; dames B. Brooks of Portland.W. H. I-atev, S. E. Underwood, R. O. ' Luckey. Ethel Could, W.'H. Dor ' rancc, Gcrtrufle Cahow, B. E. Rog "ers and Miss Betty Jean Gould. Dr. and Mrs. Latey gave an cld-time party at their home last evening and Mr. and Mrs. Under wood will entertain at dinner Fridays evening at the Carter Lake club for her. Mrs. Hensman will motor to Elkhorn Thursday for dinner with Mr. and Mrs Eugene Whitney. She wijj spend next week-end with rela tives at Center, ;Neb.. and will re turn to -Omaha to visit until August 20, when she leaves for Seattle. !; Bridge for Ohio Visitor,.-; r, Miss Gladys. Summers, entertained at bridge Tuesday evening at her home, complimentary to Miss Flor ence Chapman of . Ashland. O.. who is visiting her aunt, Miss Alice Geisel snan. For Miss Sutherland. Mrs. Terry Reimcrs entertained at a bridge luncheon Tuesday at her hohie in honor . of her sister, Miss Gejorgianna Sutherland, of Grand Island, Neb. Covers were placed for the Misses Sutherland. Ruth Miliar, Sarah Smeaton, Geraldine Nusbaum, Alice Kimberly, Betty Kennedy. Helen J Stoltenherg, Jubanta Harper, Mar jjorie Pancoast, Katherine Smith, (Elizabeth Morgan and Marguerite IHcss. ' , - ' Old Soldiers Entertained. Vocal selections by Rev.' and Mrs. G. H. Schleh, Comrade D. M. Haver ly and Comrade Emory Johnson will be a feature of the lawn social to be i given by Betsy Ross tent, Daughters I of veterans Thursday afternoon from ! 2 until 5 o'clock, at the home of Com rade Johnson, 1018 South Thirty-first ; street, for members ofOld Guard and Phil Kearney posts, their families and -widows of civil war veterans. Mrs. Alton F. Munnell is in charge of the affair. Miss Leach Honored. Miss Ruth Wallace was hostess Wednesday at a luncheon at her home complimentary to Miss Nancy -Leach, the guest of Miss De Weenta Conrad. Covers were ; laid for 12 and bridge followed. Porto Rico has nearly 4,000 women school teachers. Fixtures and Lease Must Be Turned Over to New Owners Sept. 2nd Entire Stock of New Fall and Winter Merchandise Must Be Sld Regardless of Cost. The unexpected hat transpired with but a few hours! negotiating,, this store, established nine years age, has sold Hs lease and fixtures and agreed to effect an absolute disposal of the entire stock hj Saturday Sep tember 2. The;; opportunity for money savings will be the most startling ever offered in Omaha. Jttor Closed All Day Thursday to Arrange Stock Sale Starts Friday . Watch Papers for Full Details of This Gigantic Event! Personals The Misses Edythe and. Helen Hartch have returned from a week's Hay at Lake Okoboji. Mix lobrl Buit wick left Wcdue dav ior her home in Pasadena. Cat. after a vim here with Mrs. Victor Caldwell, William Wallace will leave Friday for Berkeley, where he will enter hi second year at the University of Cat i for nia. Mr. Ferdinand Adler left Wednes day for Manitoti and Kite Park. Colo. She will not return to Omaha until October. Mm Mary Louise Bryan, daugh ter of Mr. Xnd Mr. Charles liryan nf Lincoln, is visiting Mist Kuth Mil ler for a few day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry De La mat re returned Wednesday from a month's trip in Ohio and Michigan, where thry visited relatives. . Mr. Lloyd Holtapple, who hai been visiting her parent in Hudton, N. Y ii expected to return to Oma ha the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nelson, who motored to Woodland Park, Colo., are now at the Broadmoor hotel with Mrs. Nelson's lister, Miss tmma Hiatt. . Miss I la Adams, daughter of Cap-i tain and Mrs. C. E. Adams, has gone to California lor the month of August. Mie win. visit relatives in Los Angeles. Miss Alice E. Httte, supervisor of art in the Omaha schools, is spend ing the summer in Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Anna Adams and her sister.' Mis3 Fanny Adams, are also summering in Los Angeles.. Mrs. Edward L. Burke and son. Ned Burke, left Wednesday by mo tor for Estes fark tor two weeks. Mr. Burke, who is on a camping trip in Nevada, will join, them at Estes Park before their return. Prof, and Mrs. E. S. Luce of Lin coln were in Omaha Tuesday enroute to Minnesota. They .will visit thei. daughter", Mrs. Paul Schoby at Rochester nd go to St. Paul, Min neapolis and a number of the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Victor White of Omaha arc in Los Angeles for a few days on their way to San Diego, where they will spend several weeks. Late in August they will attend a Masonic convention in Salt Lake City; : Miss Henrietta Rees returned Wednesday from six months' trip in Europe. While in Pans she met Mrs. A. V. Kinsler and Miss Mary Munchhoff of Omaha, who are sum mering abroad. Miss Rccs will be with Mr. and MrsSamuel Rees for a few days. , " Miss Alice Putnam, daughter of Mrs. Irene Putnam, who has been spending the summer at Camp Tee- ree-lonica on l.zkc niaaison, is now at Watertown, S. D., on her way to Sioux Falls, where she will visit her mcle, Dr. E. D. Putnam, and fam ily. Mrs. Putnam will join . her daughter about the middle of the month. 1 Birth Announcements. . A son was born August 8 at Lord Lister hospital to' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parsley. ;: . ' . A daughter was born August 8 at the Methodist hospital to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. De Veries. Mr. and Mrs. T.. F. McCloud an nounce the birth of a daughter Au gust S at, the Methodist hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Swanson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Au gust 8, at the Methodist hospital. Dn and Mrs. Herbert Davis an nounce the Dirth ot a son at tne Clarkson hospital. August 6. Mrs. Davis was formerly Miss Ulga Metz. Announcement is made of tht birth of a daughter at the Methodist hospital, August 6, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weiner. Mrs. Weincr was formerly. Miss Fanny Grcenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Wash ington, D. C, who have been occupy ing the C. M.-Wilhelm house for the summer, are host and hostess to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dixon of New York. In September Mr. and Mrs. Smith will take Miss Carrie Millard's apartment until after the holidays. Junior Girls to Hold 'Their Annual Tennis Tournament. The junior girls' tennis tourna ment i scheduled for August M-19 at the Omaha Field club. The tour ney is held under the national tennis tournament and i for all girls up to 18 years of age. It ha been held for cveral ycai, and the school nirls are eager to make it an annual affair. Miss Letha Cant. Miss Eleanor Smith and Mis Margaret Shotwell are in charge. Thirty-two entries are necestary and there are already 21. Further entries may be made with Miss Shotwell at Harney J449, Entrance fee is $1.50. Among those now signed up are: riaranr l)rk, Ruih, M'l.n Hoovtr. JoMphln ant Malnth Koory, aiivi ioio iirnin-r, tuirt abimim, 'Mr. Milt Wyrknfr. KlalM Nu.wlnvin. rrn rH HtrriMn, Klu.lwlh KoMrli, Klnnar Drown. Kutti.rln. Ullhrr, Kmm Mih Bridge Tea. Miss Geraldine N'usbaum entertained the following at a bridge tea Wed nesday afternoon at her home: Mrs, Terry Reimers, Mrs. John O. Yeiser, jr.. the Misses Georgianna Sutherland of Grand Island, Miss Mary. Louise Bryan, Lincoln. Sarah Smeaton, Bet ty Kenned, Marion Howe, Ruth Miller. Lucilc Lathrop, Alice Kim- berly. Mary Alice Turney and Mary Findlcy, Mrs. leiser presided at the tea table. f Kappa Pai Delta.. Miss Mary Kinian will entertain the alumnae of the Kappa Fsi Delta sorority (at her home Thursday evening. Problems. That Perplex amj BEATRICE A Question of Right Dear Miss Fairfax: J, tod, am coining to you for advice, but not about a sweetheart I have one "un til death do us part." What I wani to know is, have I done right ? Last September my stepmother-Jn-law died; a lawsuit followed, and my husband and I came here from our ranch to help daddy, my father-in-law. The lawsuit is over and my hubby has gone back to his ranch. My husband and father-in-law are -not wealthy, but each one is well fixed. My husband could well afford to take me with him, but there waa no one to take-care of daddy. Room and board Is easily gotten, but it isn't like home. My daddy-ln-law did not like ma very well before I married hla son, but I have won his love and he thinks there-is no one quite like me. Both husband and daddy-ln-law are "dear to me, and, knowing that my husband would be gone only about four months, I decided I would stay here. I cannot tell you how happy it made daddy when I told him I was going to stay with htm. Now we are living in an apartment. I do the housework and help him in the afternoon at -the store. I was at my mother's yesterday and one of" her neighbors came in, and I was talking about daddy. After Mrs. Neighbor left mamma said to me: "if - .don't .want everybody to know, that you and Mr. G. are living together, don't tell her, for she will tell everybody, that she knows." ' - Now, Miss Fairfax, do you think I have done wrong in making 'my decision? Daddy has taken me to the theater and' says, we will go to the park orthe theater every Sun day evening while my husband is gone. Is that -wrong? My mother says I should stay at home until my husband comes home. My. mother does not want me to Keep house for daddy, but I should come and live with her and my,:own father. But, Miss Fairfax; I -woUia be miserable. I would have to ask her what to do and how to do it,, and It. wouldn't be a bit like home, while now I. can do things like I want to, go and come in the daytime as I please, but when there is a :meai to get- It Is on time, and I go to bed at 9 p. m. Daddy is 95, I am 21 and my hus band is 34. This makes my second marriage, and mamma has objected to both. The first time I was too young and the second time the dif ference was too much in our ages I have been married 17 months Stee $&fef y For Infants, lovtBdi sad Orowhtc Chjldrm Tbe Orfelaa! Feed-Drink Foe An Ana My Marriage Problem Adela Garrison'! New Phase of ' ' "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" (Cvr-yrfcht i:t) Tht Entertainment Lillian Offered Madc. There wit a tenenes in Lillian's manner which told 'me that "the new Herbie brought," to which the had referred so, flippantly, was, in reality, of great significance. With an rxperiene bora of years of associa- i tun wun nrr, i iiianc iici nw it-l'7t knowing that she wished none, aiuF she would without questioning tell me anything she wished me to know about Dr. Pcttit's news. ""You will no dobut be delighted to hear that the ankle of our distingusli ed neighbor, Mr Smith, is entirely well," she said, and I guessed that she was usiflg the mask of mockery to cover the excitement which she scorned to betray. "Herbie's going to telljhim so tomorrow, and then we canlook out for a little high-class diversion. "Funny thing." she. went on. "I'd have sworn that Smith . would have tried to turn. the. trick, before this, for he's been able to use the ankle for two or. three days,', only Herbie advised him against it. . But I fancy he must be one ol those birds who believes everything a doctor says is gospel, and it a lucky tor us he does, it gives us a cnance to get ready tor nim. "No one will ever accuse you of making a doctors word law and A. ' FAIRFAX. and during that time I have lived eight months in the sanfe house with my daddy-ln-law, and there has been no quarrel. , I oftentimes ask daddy for advice and when he gives it I do it and do not stop to ask ques tlons. Our fault-finding is given and taken tn -the same way. My husband was willing that I do as I have done. A DOUBTFUL. WIFE, I think since your husband agrees with yon that you are doing rlght- Your own mother and father have each other, and It Is only kindness that yon should wish to take care of a lonely old man who depends on you. The difference in your ages is so much that I cannot see that you are defying the conventions by stay ing with him. . Why Do They ObjoctT Dear Miss Fairfax: T read your column every Jay and you have given many others good advice. Do (you think that cousins should marry? If my folks object to my. marrying would It be right to? They have no reason why I should not. .Or would it be right If one doesn't - care and the other does? Hoping to see my letter in the- paper, and thanking you for your advice, BLUE EYES. Scientists .' tell us that' if- two eousins"re healthy, and, there are no bad tendencies In their famines, there Is no harm ln..thelr marrying, but marriage between first cousins is forbidden by law In Nebraska, You sav voiir parents have no reason for objecting to your marrying. They must have aoma reason or they wouldn't object, and unless I know what their reason is I cannot aqvise you. '. . '. ADVERTISEMENT. Easiest Way to Remove Ugly Hairy Growths (Beauty Culture ,. Here, is a method, for .removing hair from arms, neck or face, that is unfailing and, is quite.- inexpensive: Mix a thick paste with Some pow dered delatone and water and. spread on hairy surface. -After 2-or 3 mm utes. rub it off, wash the skin and every trace of hair has vanished. No harm or inconvenience results from, this treatment, but be careful to get genuine delatone and mix fresh at wanted. . IIIFAHTS ed INVALIDS ' ASK FOR rue ungual .Avoid Imitations W Substitute' . Rica tank, aiakad pais extract in Powder No Cooking Nourishing DlgestiM 7 gospel." 1 iuterpoed dryly, remem bering cveral uccaions when she had Hilly dicrtgarded her physkian'i order to remain in bed. and had ac toinpliiihed an important piece of work while running a temperature which would have prostrated a less intrepid spirit and body than hen. M A Secret Conference." She iiuaV a gamin-like grimace at "Your trick," she acknowledged. "Hut, as I was saying when I was interrupted" lie pointed the quota tion with an impressive frown "it promises to be an exciting day to morrow. Have you any engagement for the rct of the evening?" She akt'd the question with as much gravity if we had been dining at a fashionable restaurant in the early evening. I looked at my wrist watch involuntarily. It was 10 o'clock!" "I had thought of dropping in at the .Metropolitan. I said, with an attempt to match her mood. "But if you have anything else in view " "I don't think the bill there is very g6od tonight," she responded in Icind, "while I can offer you s secret con ference with three count 'erh, three charming men present." "It sounds very attractive." I com mented lightly. "Is it too presuming to ask their names?" "Your father, Allen Drake, and Tom Chester," she replied. "When Herbie- left , tonight I told him to round up young Chester and' get him over here. He ought to be along pretty soon,., and then we'll be able to get a line on this thing." "You mean," I stammered, sur- Nurses & physicians reconunend Resinol For yeararthey have relied upon It in the treatment of skin and scalp troubles, because they know that Resinol Oint ment so quickly stops itthing tfhd gen erally clears away the disorder. From, baby's slight rash to severe cases ol eczema hundredsof letters bear witness to its healing power. It's easy to obtain easy to use.. Why don't you try it? At all druggists o Puritan Hop "Flavored Malt Sugar Syrup has the Green Label pritd, "that Mr. Chester and Mr. UrAt will both be here?" She (lashed me an enigmatic, mirthful look. "I'll keep them (ioin cUwing r-icli other," she Mid slyly, and 1 Ml my face fUme with resentment at her gibe beraiue of my own anger at my banality. "But " I snatched at the iirt word which came to my mind, "is Mr, Duke well enough for a eon ferenre?" Madge Is Curious. There was reaon lor my inquiry. I had nut ceii Allen Drake since the day he had so signally put the ac colade of approval unon my solving of the punting rode found in Smith's eyeglass rae. Hi long hours of ar duous mental labor over the code had brought on a succession of ter rific nervous headaches which had kept him a prisoner in his room un der the care of my father. "Ycst he's mnch better today," the ropoiulrd, and in her tone there was. or to I fancied, an indifference to the man's suffering which 1 re tented. I-iHian is so flaming an en thusiast that she sometimes lacks common human sympathy, I told myself hotly, and the next instant was ashamed of my stricture. "I with you'd go and haul Katie out of bed, Lillian went on, "Sorry to have to disturb her slumbers, but to put Jhis stun over I'd interrupt Gabriel blowing his horn. There's a good deal at stake, you know." Did I fancy it, or was there a re try it, or was, there a' iilcd in her words? buke concea concealed my wonder with a quet tion. AVftirk FURS FURS IMITATE., a. 2.Zm .M0t Malt SUGAR ?WlTAMi4Aiafi ?MPANY niCAG0l Malt Extract Is Only Rich As the Malt A SUIT of clothee ia only as good as the cloth that goes into it If the wool isn't there, the cloth isn't there. Thecloth depends upon the wool and the tailor depends upon the cloth. ' A Malt extract is only as rich as the malt and the hops that go into it And the malt is only as rich as the barley it is made out of. So be sure and ask for "Puritan" if you want results.- With Puritan you can ha7e your choice of two products. You can get the plain Puritan PURITAN MALT Hop Flavored ' Plain Extract With Sugar Syrup O Fresh Pressed Hops For Sah at All Good Store Distributed by . JERPE COMMISSION CC). Omaha, Neb.; ' "Do you want Katie to dress and tome dtfHii hete?" "You have gueed tuy meaning exactly," Lillian retorted. "As Kane ik to have a prominent role in our In lie comedy tomorrow the powers grant it be only comedy she c use lit to rehere a bit. I)ont give her a hint, though. Jut tell her I want her." I went up the atairt to Katie's rom with in v curiokiiy mounting at every tep. And I had not reached her door when I heard the ring at ilie doorbell, which I knew 'an nounced Tom Chester's arrival. Legion Auxiliary Names Delegates to State Meeting at York. The American Legion auxiliary elected the following delegates to the state convention to be held in York September 1R-J0 at a meeting Tuesday evening in Memorial hall, court house: Mesdame Sam Rey nolds, llarrv IIoug.h. William Mett Irn, II. M. Conklin, Leo Crotby, Tat Hoy le, Marie Rhode, Carl Kraus and Miss Minnie Isaacson. Alternates will be chosen at a tpecial meeting. Tuesday evening, August 22, in Memorial hall. At the Field Club. Mrs. Gedrge R. Watson entertain ed at luncheon Wednesday in honor of Mrs. T. J. Hartley of Peoria, III., who is her house guest. Covers were placed for nine. At the dinner daii(c latt evening Albert Cahn had 10 guests,. Dr. Ceorge Potter had nine and Mr. and Mrs.'). F. Hamilton entertained 2. "From. Trapper to Wearer" The woman with discriminating taste is now-buying her furs from the NEBRASKA: FUR MFG. CO.' . She saves at least 30 through our method of buying direct from the trapper.. Her garment is "manufactured for her ALONE in our own factory and work rooms. She can 'also make an additional saving by. taking advantage of our August Fur Sale. Her garment will be stored for her until November 1, 1922, without' any additional charge. Nebraska Fur Mfg. Co. 5026 South 26th Street ,2 Li- v'-'lS H Puritan Malt Extract plain has the Gray Label Malt Extract, which is the richest malt ex tract made, with the separate package of hops that are pressed to keep them fresh; or you can get the Purjtep Hop Flavored Malt Sugar Byrnp. which is the same rich malt extract already flavored with imported Bohemian Hops. Buy which ever you are used to, be sure you ask for Puritan if you want the best results.- In buying malt extract, it actually doesn't pay in either time or labor to use any but the best So ask for and demand Parents' Problems What ran Ik done to help a little girl of 5, who, in the country for the firt time, is to afinid of grass hopper, brrtlc. toad, etc. lhat she is unable to be happy out of doors? pegiii very gradually Jo overcome the terror of intrcts hy telling storie. of ants, bees, and butterflies their nature and habitt, and alto by read ing to her of them. Show her the wonderful home the spider makes for iUelf, and help her to make a drawing of it. At nightfall find the firefly, and explain all about 'hi lantern. Point out the bees and tell of their habits. All this will awaken an in Urrst and the fear should be a thing of the past. A magnifying g!at might be used to good advantage. Women rice woikeis in Italy work 14 hours a day. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION jDiccsrro! 6 Btll-ANS Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AWS 25 and 75 Packages Cverywhor As mm FURS FURS I I I P. SALESLADIES ' HADTED SALESLADIES 17AUTED S. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas Street (3 L