The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 10, 1922, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA BEEi THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1922. 11 Yon Have S .Hard ProMem to solve, give the work to an Omaha Bee "Want" Ad. You will find these "Want" Ads willing little workers on the job twenty-four hours a day. In addition, Omaha Bee "want" Ads bring better results at lesser cost. Phone AT-lantic 1000 and ask for an Ad taker or mm ) dl r r." ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS NB. t. or three-roum apt; modern. Everything fam., II to I IB ;7 ti1. HI, VKKlf desirable houaekeepmg room; block frem Harney nr. J A. 4144. SU or J-roon 114 K. ltd HI. apt, wiih itiicaeasite- BOARD AND ROOM 1IUXK rnkiM, southern etrte. attractive. Ir appointed room for discriminating bueinSea men or couple In beautifully (ur. melted home, esilmlie Whi remain lle trlrl. conveniently larated. HA. 4411. LA HOB eoutheatt room for couple; I null; nort desirable location la U)f .leo Hiil room. HA. 4441, WANTkti Be hire or rhlldrM (a board and room, modarn horn. Co. liluffa phone Mtl-W. rouL. rum and board; II week: I gen tlemen. Honecem I'ark diatrtct. HA. 1141. HOUSES FOR RENT Modern Dundee Home Rent, $75 month: nlna Urea rooma and finished attle: newly decorated throughout, lira It at 41 1 Tndge HI. Open from 3 to 4 p. m. for Inanertlon. He It today. BUCK. 741 Omaha Nat'l. JA. IMO. BEAUTIFUL, frama duplex; upper 4 -room and dan; beat furnlahed. HA. (944. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-fear apartment building, 141 apart manta. ralnf oread concrete, arao. lately fireproof. Murphy bad or bad room apartment.. Call ua. and wo will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AOBNCT. Fireproof Apertmeute, JA. 1494, AT. 1741. Corner 17th and Howard Streeta. OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL O O 1TH AND DODOp BTRKET8 O O Apartment, consist of llvlnc room, O O deeolng room, kitchenette and O O bath. Weekly rental Includea beat, O O light, gaa, phono and maid aerv- o Slca. Either weekly or permanent O gueste. PaoB. AT. 1110. O O O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 4Very Choice Apartments S room. In Mercer Apt.., 1110 ' Cumins Sa,, .urrounded by a rac vlar park with lot. of nice ahada tree, and away from tho nolo, of ,W. Farnaro Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam St. J A. 0444. TWO WEEKS FREB RENT ha all asartmanta ranted daring the month of Auguat; rammer rata., 147.40 to .10; winter, 147.10 to III. REMEMBER WE PAT THB COAL BILL BHOPEM CO., Realtor. 3a. mi. 114 Kooltno Bldr. BANDY l-roora baaamant, juat rlsht for aummer or winter; eleotrlo light and ga. furnlahed. AT. 4741. BEAUTIFUL Apt, l-room accora., oloea la and In fin. Apt Bldf.. 4I Mo. Refer J A. ITJa. awTPTT-T madarti. ehearfnl l-r. apta Murphy bed. oak (loon, at earn heat 3S14 V. at saa oi. -f.i ha Btrtetlr modern 7-room brick flat. 2811 Callforala. Vacant Sep tember 1. Peters Trust Company, , - WHERE OMAHA RENTSi o FINE I room apartment, weat Farnam llatrlct Call HA. 7114 or HA. 44. MODERN 4 and T room.: low rent, cloaa la. Q. P. Stebblna. lilt Chicago. MODERN alx-room flat, with beat Call WA.- 4661. , FURNISHED APARTMENTS. TWENTT-THIRD ST.. 4111 SO. 5 or I- room furnlahed apt, moaern. ma. aa. DODGE ST., 1045 Two neatly furnlahed and cool rooma, all modern. AT. 6887. FORTY-FIST Ave., 418 N Five modern furnlahed rooma. ISO. WA. 1448. JONES St., 106 Two-room apt, clean and cool: everything furnlahed. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT 0000000000000000090000000 FOR RENT. Btore room at S106 Farnam. Con talna 6800 aq. ft Will divide Into amaller room to ult tenant!. Ton can obtain very reasonable rental for abort or long term. BANKERS MORTGAGE LOAN CO. til So. 18th St JA. 1014. 00 00 00000 00 00 q 000 000 00000 KEELINE BLDO. Two very desirable offices for rent. Im mediate possession. Apply Room 617. TBL. J A. 041l-l per month rente roll top desk, use of telephone and typewriter la Omaha Loan and Building Ass'n. Bldg. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and J one. 8ts. FARMS FOR RENT. to ACRES north of Florence. Improved, wltli 4-room house, garage, chicken house, garage and barn; only one-half block from school. Will take 10 from now until March 1. Will also give leas, for another year. See H. H. HARPER 1T1I Howard St JA. 24. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE 4fc VAN CO. MOVINO PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. . x - Household Goods and Pianoac Reduced Retea Thla Week to 'LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1147-11 Howard St Jockeoa 4184. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked room, for household gooda and plaaoa, moving, packing and hipping. BEKINS OMABA VAN AND STORAGE. 101 South 14th. DO. 4141. ESTIMATE furn. on packing, mov. and atoring. Contract, taken by job or hour. Olobo Van aV Storage Co., JA. 4318, AT. ! 1110. . Grossman At Sons, ewnera. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE havo cash en bead to loan oa Omaha realdeacaa. x K. H. LOUGEB. INC. 111 KeeUna Bldg. 4Vi PER CfcNT MONEY 6 PER CENT." Loana on City Real Estate. - UK. SHOSTAK, JA. I1S4. FIRST mortgage loana made promptly oa Omaha real estate. Ehopen At Co., Real tors. J A. 4MI. Ill Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL E6TATB CO 1.11 Om Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackaon HIa. Farm Loans "5 Xloke Inveatment Co 141 Om. Nari Bk. Il TO 114.440 loana wade promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. U. BOWMAN, 111 B. 14th 8t Weed Bldg. At 41L LOANS ON REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 441 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ; ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY." BONDS. STOCKS. MORTGAGES J. at- MITHBN pay. moat for LIBERTY BONDS. Ill City Nat'l Bank Bide BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS PATENT ATTORNEYS. 1. -W. Martin! Patent Attorney, lilt DeeUos room IS, aim aablagtaa. D. C 1 help I ii Tea tore au their pateata. DENTISTS. DG7TAL X-RAYS. 44 each. 11 a full act. Ill Securities Bldf., nth and Farnam. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCOHDIUN 1'Lh.ATINO. ACCUHUION. aida, haife, boa Bieotlng, covered button, all aiylaa; heeejetltehlBg, PutloBheiee. writ Idoal Button A Float tag Co.. ioi Brow a Mock. Omaha, Ms. phono JA NEB. PCEATING : HUav la. Cover- ad Bat ton 1411 ran am. Id riee no, ifia. CONTRACTOrl1. OAKAOICS built. ay (irleaadelss. lit. bb. i -secrete work. Btlcaim L4BNI Wrecking Co. Tat WB. till. A. V. LEbSARD SONS Remodell- and h...ll,eli.. f-ti a eg ""Willi. ee J , 9mr psrriCCTIVBS. KKI.LARLK Peleotlv Bora a. Railway S.S. Miag., J A. Iltlt BlgBt, KB. 4114. Independent Detective Bureau, 14 Novtll Ulk. AT. 4441j night. WA. 444 KB. 4444 J A 11 Kb ALLAN, til Navlllo Blk. Bvldeaye eecurea in an eases, at. Ilia. IIRE88MAKINO. B1JITS, drcasea, ram, rrss. prlcta. HA. 4104 VURRIBRS. FUR aaala, chok.ra made. Clnd. HA. 4144. PRtNTINO. KDDT Printing C. til 8. II St. DOT 114! TINNERS. SPOUTING SPOUTING Havo pour houee .pouted with fuaraataod pouting, 17o par foot. TV A, 1014. Sua oeo Tin chop. KODAK riNISHINO. FILMS DEVELOP RD FREB. Tho Eaalga Co.. 144V Howard at TREB TRIMMING. TREB trimming and .praying, trao eurgery our epeciauy. work done by experta. Call ua for fraa advlco In tba caro of your ". exwrae uanoacapo oervice, jt pj, in ot. liu. am. MIBCBLLANEOUB ANNOUNCEMENTS. nTAUnXmC Wi par tbo k 4niwiy prle.. with prlvlleka to buy back at email profit. OROB9 JEWELRY CO Omaha, Nab., 401 N. lata nt. Telapbona DO. 44. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattrasaea made over in new tick, at half price of new bed.. Pillow, renovated and made up la new feather proof ticking. Old bod tick. waenee. 1SS7 earning. JA. 144T. UK. loui. bmernorr, di.ta.rn of woman ana cnuaren, sis n, net Bt. at. 4764. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at na a nnermaa afouonaan vrwM atoraa. AUTOMOBILES PorHSaXT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o Free State License and i .Wheel Tax With Each Car PurcTiased This Week. Down t 10 too 120 140 104 140 14 40 100 . Price ..1100 .. 110 .. ISO .. 600 .. 6(10 .. 40 .. 440 .. 160 .. 250 Ford touring ., Old. roadster Olda touring Old. sport Bulek roadster Willy.-Knlght Coup. Colo I roadater Chevrolet . Overland , Chummy. . . O o A Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. U.ed Car. That Can Be Uae. o o O o o AT. 1770. Howard at 18th St. o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o Fords Fords New and TJsed. Cash and Terms. We .Have Them All Price. All Modela. Be .ur. and see ua before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealer. 15th and Jackson St.. do: iioo. Open Sunday, from I till 11 a: m. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O rt DO NOT MISS THE BIG USED O TRUCK SALE ALL MODELS ALLPRICES JONES-OPPER CO., . 2511 FARNAM. OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOQ REAL USED CAR BARGAINS . 50 new and used can. Forda and Dodges, other models. Cash or time; ISO up. ' GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES COMPANY 1318 Harney St ' J A. I4i. SOME bargain. In used FOrda; prompt delivery on new Ford. M'SAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. ISth and Jackaaxi Bta. DO. ISM WE BUT and ..11 new and used can. Cash or time. GOLDSTROM AUTO BALES CO., 1318 Harney St J A. 1411. CAR FOR LOT . 80x111, paving paid, 1H block, to Har ney car. south front Moniciair jiqauion. Phono WEbetor 4140 or Jackson 1411. ntiTCK ill! model EX6. 4-paasenger coupe, good tires, reflntshed, new .eat cov ers, cheap. Cash or term. 1061 Farnam. Dour. 1187, NEW AND USED TIRES, 11.11 AND UPT B. B. TIRE AND AUTO w. J888 Farnam St. HA. 7404. USE Motor-Tonlc-Oll In your gaaollaa. Cete ga. bill, la hair. Agent, wanieo, nn Box 164, Alton, lews. kOOK over enr list of ed cara. Tsaal AUTUaaiva TsV... toil Farnam St AT. till. MARMON. 7-paasenger touring 4, wire wheel., excellent condition, bargain tor quick sale. HA. 1S64. . USED Ford part, at half prica. Part, for all atandard make cara. Nab. Auto Part., 1411 Harner St - U8ED CAR. & N. Bonney Motor Cow 1114 Farnam. USED radiators, all make for aaie. Greeneugh Radiator nopair. seaa rmramiu. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, all 8. 14th. Buildings For Sale To Be Torn Down and Removed ' Frame buildinf, 128 South 25th Street Brick buUdiaf, 131 South 25th Street Brick buildmr, 201 Sooth 25th Street Brick buildinj, rear 129 South 25th Ave. Sold separately and to include all plumbing and heating fixtures, etc. Bids to be received by R. R. Grotte, City Comp troller, 203-City Hall; bids to be opened Monday after noon, August 14th at 2 o'clock. Certified check or cash equal to 29 of offer must accompany bidsf AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PATENT Pullman beda. built lata your eato, t PFKII'FEHS. III! Leavenworth. 1414 FORD rueduer. Vlalea Uaage, 1111 vision Bt, AT. 44T. I kin Forda. all tuedela, Co.. 1114 Cemla Caed rend Car ONB good Maxwell touring for eala, cheap. AT. SS'I. NEBRASKA LANDS Cash for Your Land Sals mad In II ceonllea of Nebraska, Cel. Mark Carraher. Central rtiy. Neb. IT A R MHO "P- Writ. M. A. av aaviakr Larson. Central City. Neb.. your want, for farms, acreage tract., etc. FARMS, ranehee, aale. exchange. Willi. CadwalU Broken Bow. Neb. IOWA LANDS 104 ACRta ideal atork ranch In Pottawat tamle County, Iowa, 4 mile from railroad atatlon. Address Y-II74, Omaha Hoe. OKLAHOMA LANDS. 110 ACRES Improved creek bottom farm. 11.144. Terme on 11,400. Send for Hat Moore Brewlngton. Wleter, Oklahoma. MISCELLANEOUS LANDS. MEND for free book deecrlblng oppor tunnies offered tiomeeeeker. and Investors tleag tke Oreat Northern railway In Min nesota, North Dakota, Montana, mano. Washington and Oregon. , ,s. c. Lseay, Dept. M. St. Paul. Minn. WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for .ale, APTS. for rest, W. J. Palmer Co., Real Eatate Management Specialists. Keellne Bids.' AT. III. Charles W. Young & Son Real BMate, Rentala, Inaaranoe, 1141 City Nat Bk. AT. 1444. Llat Mat your bnmewBuy your home, BINDER & OTIS. Real Eetate. Loana, Rentala. J A. tllL HAVE client for l-room cottage, will pay 14.004; can pay caan. rnone u. at one If you have a homo of thla o . a- . e. r.... Realtor,' AT. till. To bur or aril Reel Eatata see FOWLER & M'DONALD Member. Multiple I.latlng Ex. Real tore. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. 1101 Farnam St Phono AT. 1141. . FOR BEST RESULTS IN HOME SELL ING . J. L. HIATT COMPANY. First Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 1100 GOOD LISTINGS COMB TO US. WE SELL THEM. HOME REALTY CO.. AT. 1111. OROVB-HIBBARO CO., modarn 114 Ky. XUCBg. Bldg. AT. &. SHOLES, D. V. triTembV;'; Multiple LlaUng Exchange. J A. 444. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. H. 8. MANVILLE. Realtor. AT. 1401. - 617 Peter. Truat Bldg. WANT I or T-room, well located, la Dun dee, by tha flrat; have cash. Bos 111. Omaha Bee. LIST your home for .ale with us. W have tke customer a. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. GRUENIG ua"for aickJre.ul'ti 1111 Fin Nat'l Bk. BMg. JA. 111. flPHf GRVR Estate. Investment KJRBLOD 1 i,et U. Sell Your Home. 1111 City National Bank. Dougl. 6838. 6TRAIOHT 1-year loana, H per cent I AMOS GRANT CO., til llth. Arthur Bldg. AT. 1380. LIST youf property with W. Farnam Smith Co.; 161 Farnam St, Equitable Truat Co. Realton. AT. 1444. Western Real Batata Co JA. 17. Wlllard C. Slabaugh. . Realtor. J A. 1161. fO SELL aeo Glover & Morell. AT. 1623. ACREAGE FOR SALE OOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANUFACTURING SITE O AND BUILDING WITH 4 GOOD O LEVEL ACRES SUITABLE FOR O POULTRY RAISING, FARMING. O VINBYARD; CARLINE; PAVED O STREET. LOW PRICE FOR IM- .0 MEDIATE SALE. O KE. 0174. O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A lt?'!? A r T? tract., large and .mall. AVlvJjlVjrJ!f Easy payments. Hast ing. A Hoyden; 1114 Harney Bt AT. 0060. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Do It Now For .ale or exchange a. first Jayment on 6-room modern cot age, well located and good condi tion. 1 have a Ford ton chaasl. with epeclally built body for travel ing or for making county fair and carnivals. This chaasl and body cost i860 lekl than 1 months ago. I will aacrlfloa for cash or trail u rle-ht. Thla la no 1unk O and moist, be seen to be appreciated. AISO a 114-n. -pnso 11" uk aw Century motor, I months' use. Look them over any tlmo at 4130 North 17th Street OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTED to Exchange Half section good level wheat land, all fenced and under cultivation, for atoek of furniture, In good county Mat town. Must ho well estab lished business. Land )n Colorado with in .on mil. of thriving town, good public ecaool. light, water, two banks, , two lum bar yards, two elevators, etc. Address Bos Y-1480, Th Omaha Bee.- OUT JF TdWN PROPERTY ron iilk ciakt-room modern home," !Vs block, from Stat. Normal grounds, Peru, Neb. i' garage with Bleeping porch above; chicken house and park; cow barn; thro lot, tardea, I bearing fruit trees. Blackberries and raspberries. Built about II yean. Trie 14.100. - Act at once. Bat tle M. Steveneen, Auburn. Neb. VACANT PROPERTY Building Site Lot 10x111 feet, located Just south of Howard on ltd St.. West front 13.160; can be handled on 11,710 cash and 130 per month. i George & Co., , REALTORS. AT. 1084. LOCK WOOD; largo lot 11x116; north front oa Jackaon. aear 63d Street, at bar gain price. C. A. Grimmel. JA. 1611. VACANT PROPERTY QqIa rt.lato" '"'a and aeroaga tract kjaiC paw going .a. Bpeeial tsrme and price, made. $iot up; sinsll pa man! down, bale ao easy terme. M. or pnoae Siewart. ha lei on 14-W. WILL build to your order an our beauti ful Iota In Kdg.woodi very eeay temuk Allaallo 144. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o 0 o 0 o o o o o o o Nifty New Five-Room f liungalow Juat a block from Ante Av. car we hav a lovely new bun.alow of I rooms, eturro. well built; aaal front; all oak floors, bulll-m book laaes. writing daek. klifben cup. boards, ate. Complete, vine. Only o 0 ' 14.400, with ll.uoo nnwa. Baay 0 term, -on balanre. Hrand near, 0 ready for you to move into. Call 0 u. uow. O C. G. Carlherg, O Q O REALTOR O JA. Ollt. til Brand. Th. HA. 4747. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Close-in Bungalow Hrand new, Flv. room, oh on floor, attle and baaement. Oak aad enamel finish, a'loee to car. On paved atreet. Price 14.400. Raay terma. Shown by appoint ment Call Grant Benson, eve nings, Welnut 1440. 2 Benson & Carmlchael ? O REALTORS. o o O 111 Paxton Blk. Atlaatlo till. o e OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1-ROOM HOUSE AT A SNAP. Not hew, but In good condition. All mod ern. Priced for quick aale, 3.ibo. A lew a. 1160 cash. Balance lea than rent. Located Bear llat and Decatur. Call AT. lit or WA. 7111. 4117 ERSKINB ST. 4-rm., mod., oak floor and finish. 1760 cash, pal. monthly. Crelgh. 101 Be. AT. OIOO. MUST SACRIFICE New l-room bungalow, near Milter Park. A bargain for someone. WA. 6666. - COLORED l-room. partly modern, 1110 ceeh, balaneo monthly. E. M. Davie. 1110 Grant Bt Web. 1410. NEW 6-room bungalow, oak flnlah. built in features, larke east front lot KE. 0410. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, oak finish. Call Ken. 4441. D. E. BUCK A CO. buy and oell homes. We makw 5 Loans on Omaha ' Property . Home and ' Apartments v Bullae Properties 6 Monthly Pay. ment Loana if Desired Peters Tkusj Ccmpany Peters National Bank lll!lllll!lllllltllllltllllllll4llllllll4llllllll4lllllflllll4lt4lt4lltn ! Wanted by the ' I I C. n. & ST.P.RY. ! Mechanics and Help ers for permanent posi tions. Machinists. Boilermakers. Blacksmiths and Sheet 1 Metal Workers, seventy (70) cents per hour. Machinists' Helpers. Boilermakers' Helpers. Blacksmiths' Helpers f and Sheet Metal Work- ers' Helpers, forty-seven (47) cents per, hour. Freight Car Repairers. and Inspectors, sixty-, f three (63) cents ' per hour. The men to replace men who are fi s on strike agalnet the decision of th United State. .Railroad Labor Board. " Apply la person to EUGENE DUVAUGen'l Agent 1 407 South. 15th Street, I OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Iltlllllllltlltllllltlltllllltlltll4lltllllltll41l4llllltlltlltll6ll4lltll 9ltlllllintl'llll!lt!llllllllllll!t!llllllllllttllMtlltlltll4!lllltlllg On Account of the mechanical craft ployes haying gone on a strike the : . Colorado and Southern Dy. Co. will employ in the shops, roundhouses, and car de partment at D e n t r, Trinidad and Cheyenne mom suitable for such serrice. Board and lodgngvfree under ample protection. Ideal climate and working conditions. Wire or write H. W. RIDGWAY, Supt. Motivo Power, . aOenTer Colsv ;.it.:4,l..l:.t.t ;al4;ltiil:il:il:;ttiil!i4i!l.4.;6:;6.ilmti4ci SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Six-Room and Garage Rig lot, ehrotihery, pavrd alreal. handy la ear, .Is. Three fine bedroeme; handy kilrhe.i tar living room kquare din ing room thai will eu, "scrifip C. G. Carlberg, . . HEALTOII J A 0111 or II A. 1717. Ill Brsndel. Th. I ttiHJM UfNiiAI.UW AT A BARGAIN Flv. reams, all on one floor, all medera and good rondllien. I'riosd fr utrk aale, 1 444. Small cash payment down and monthly payment leaa than rental, l ocated near itth and Upauldlng. Cafl AT. 1114 or WA. 711. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY MX -ROOM modern hrniaa. 44 IDS: 1400 lilt. raah. Call Mr. Ilaylord. HOMB RRALTV COMPANY, AT. RtMM houee. all modern. aor.-a.A aleeplng port h. hot water heat; ejcolrto ll.hla and kaa; eaat front. HA. 1114. WEST SIDE PROPERTY West Farnam Bungalow $3,950 Just listed a brand nsw bunga low In the cathedral dtetrlet, with four rooms and hrrakfaat room. -Modern and complete In every de tail. Terma. 1760 raah, balance . 140 per month. The Byron Reed Company DO. 0147. 1411 Faraam St. 4 ! We Have Money to Loan ! I at 5i to 6 I ! fin VkiiQirtoae rdeiAavna nnovl 8 I I ment house property in Omaha. I - FRANK H. BINDER i 823 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Ja. 2561 IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllj, Railroad Mechanics i md llelFsrs Wanted 1 by the Illinois Cen- v tral SytJjn MachmiaU , Blacksmith. Sheet Metal Workers Toolmakera Boilermaker Pipefitter Electrirlan Qualified Car Repairmen And Inspectors, Etc. Free transportation and board and housing will be furnished. . Permanent positions. Wage standard aa directed by United State Railroad Labor Board. 5 Apply at once at Room SI 7 City 9 National Bank Building. 3d Floor. - OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Office hour. 8:30 a, m. to 5:30 p. m. iiliiliillltiiliiliitiitiiliiliiliililllitiillitii4lltii6llliililllliitujs WANTED By the Wabash Railway Co. J Skilled mechanics for the railway shops on their system. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS ELECTRICIANS ' PIPE FITTERS and other akilletl craft Free tran.portation, ample pro tection and permanent po.itions. Wage and worktac; ! condi tions preicribed by the U. S. Railroad Labor Board. - APPLY ROOM 123 Paxton Hotel, v Omaha, Neb. To the Men Who Are Willing to Think , for Themselves: The Rock Island Lines have a limited number of positions open for Trained Machinists, Boilermakers Black smiths. Pipefitters. Car Carpenters, Repairmen and Helpers. These-jobs will be permanent if you desire a good job Apply now at 211 Leflang Building 16th and Capitol Avenue ' WEST SIDE PROPERTY Real" Value at ,$12,000" West Farnam Preetlrally new, Kellaalene ron siriMliani nine rooms , finished auioi two be i h rooms, aunroom and aleeplng parch: fireplace and built in beaturee; on room finished In kaaameift; full lot; aaraxe aad driveway. Owner ha. lefW rltr and Ihia la the price for quick sale, Straight lea, 17,444; 14,164 t-aak reaulied Glover & Spain. Realtors jackaon :.a iii-ii ciiy Nailenal Two Really Good Houses one 4-room with 4-room accommodation, 11.400; 7lt raah, 1440 par month: one 4-ronm bungalow, 4,I44. 1 1,006 cask, 144.74 per month. Holh located In an assailant neighborhood on paved alreat Holh houaea all modern. You can have your own selection of Interior and oi ler lor finish on wood wrk. Call WA, 8431 day or nlgfit, ONB HUNDRKD CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All moders l-room bungelow In beautiful Clslrmont. Large is.foot lot ahada tree, gerden. paved atreet, leaa than block to ar. Hee thla today. It won't laat long at only 11,404 with terma Evening call KE. 4417. . R. V. CLARK CO., Reallore, Member Multiple Listing Exchange. 41I-1I Securities Bldg. AT. 3111. 4-ROOM, oak finish, tl.ttl. Beat buy la elty; list and Dodge. Call Prank C Rest. AT. 4110. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. RAILROAD MECHANICS AND HELPERS WANTED BY THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN . A RAILWAY CO. On account of the action of a number of our shop add engine house employes, who left the services in defiance of the United States Labor Board and are now on a strike, the Chicago & North Western Ry. is in need of the following: Machinists and helpers. , Boilermakers and helpers. Blacksmiths and, helpers. Car repairers and helpers. Sheet metal workers and helpers. : i Wages snd working conditions prescribed -by the United States Labor Board, effective July 1, 19ZZ, will be applied. An excellent opportunity for young and energetic men to en gage in railroad work. Apply at once ta 7 109ji South ISth St. , 14th and Davenport Sts., '-or Room 405, Wilkinson Bldg., 12th and Farnam Sts., . ' . Omaha, Neb. DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Opportunity Fiae eoiaar resident's on 41th Ave. Ua usually well hulll with I rooms and sleep. In Borrh. ele.ant emootb aak fleer, hreakiaet rue in. sleeping erh. duhl ara.s, fruit and ahado lalur. rrk n letma rt Schroeder Investment Co., BKAtTOHS. JA. 1111. Ill Sund.rl.B4 Bldg. IROOM MODERN DUNOBB t-.l. frame gara.e, wall dwerated. near rer and eloreo. I'rlced to sell at 11.604. Heaaenabla terma. CHARLKS C. BKLalAV. AT. 1110. Til rater Trual rlllg. FLORENCE PROPERTY NBTHAWAT Mil aad tradsa. KC. Ill ' 4.'i''.i.iiMii,iii'i(itt l iiii.lj Great Northern Railway Permanent Railroad Jobs in the Great Northwest. Machinists ' Boilermakers Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters Car Repairers Pipefitters Good wages. Time and oni half after 8 hours and for Sundays and holidays. Free 5 transportation. . ' i APPLY TO I A. J. CHEESEMAN Room 120, Millard Hotel 13th and Doufla SU. OMAHA, NEB. 1 :.4HI Illllllllllllllltlllllllllllisilll4ll4ll4ll4ll4n4lllll4li4ll4i." Crleebanies The Chicago, Burlington etc Quince- Railroad i. now employing- men for it Shop, Roundhouie and .Repair Track at the atandard wage and over, time conditions -laid down by tke United State Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE Welders " PIPEFITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Working hour will be those necessary for maintenance of the lervice. Board and lodging, . der ample protection, furnished. Young, active men detiring to go ,into railroad service will be given an opportunity for training in (toady, detirable employment. Apply at once, firat Floor, Burlington "Building, Tenth ft Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. SOO h.r. Z fkf ttJf v,b,t 'if1"? P'ov this company, who are mm Paul 5!nlR,hPe, fc" 0M " , the Minneapoli" St. ftated Pliln- niL'T7 'g5.ny offers employment at th. wage. stfc wZJtSE&gSZ- ne" " th' r,t" prttcribe! b' th MACHINISTS P"'7"0U,' BLACKSMITHS .1. . I Tfte SHEET METAL WORKERS .!....... ....! :;.";" Tol ELECTRICIANS . .. .7...""! . .. . . . 70a BOILERMAKERS ' ', ''.' Joe CARMEN PASSENGER .i.. iiT CARMEN FREIGHT "i..?.liBar",t,,k,S ?.'., 5e First National. Sa Line HntlillfiM , $100 ONE IIUriDRED DOLLARS nEl'JAflD For evidence producing arrest and con viction of parties who kidnaped employes or, who otherwise have violated, or who hereafter violate United States Court In junction which prohibits picketing, or any form of interference with this Company's employes present or prospective. Chicago & Ronni Westerh nr. Co. BENSON PROPERTY A COST NKAT HOMR, Flv ntc slsed rooms, ranvrnlenllr ar ranged In the keel lieneon netihlxirhnod aad lhara.hly modern mar be fcuusht fur a small iseli ialinlil and tliea lent naner. Lre Istrl lot. 1'av.d sireel. J 4. 1414 day, uatll 4 t in. then WA. 4IU. 4"4.4'4''i44.4...,4.4.l'4.'.'4 4"l n Certain eainloyeo of this Comaenr, aaeiag eeeitned ta ereevt ike lie. stolon of tke United Btatee Ra. rued Laker Board, and being a gaged In a alrike at all points on Ite line of fUllwef where It em. Biers the following elesses of labor snd this Company beiag required to replscs Ihem. WANTED BY Chicago, St. Paul. ; Minneapolis & t 'Railway 1 MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS SHEET METAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS CAR REPAIRERS ELECTRICIANS WELDERS At wages authorlted bt United Slates Labor Board. & Apply at Division Superintendent's dice, ISth and Weh.ter Streets, Oaseha.'li.ll.l.ll.ll.n4ll.ll.:i:'.ll Wanted by Missouri Pacific Machinists and Machinists Helpers , Boiler Makers and t c T-jHelpers :; j ' BjkcWsmiths andv Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers ' Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St Louis, Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatoinie, Coffey ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply' 217 South 14th Street, Omaha. Neb. LINE I I .........."I" 63c I So W" UraPloinent Office. Room m $100 awiaBB. w 4VSBJaBBBBT w eTSSTSBVBaaV V mmmm A