THE OMAHA BEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST B, 1022. the gumps WKIWlt- Ilk vu to uom Htn. oo wmo too. omi mvum- tow an ut to f V t 0)T Ktt. COOCVNOj OOl ' U( Off: Cw ve CHM&Vtt E OOlWw VOMt SOU 6tP FACKtO UkC NOV) MttX. UAVtWG sin worn vwiu When f oi Have a Want or Am Offer to Be made known to the thousands of readers of The Omaha Bee Call AT-lantic 1000 and ask for a "Want" Ad taker. Omaha Bee "Want" Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. CLOTHINO AND PURS I HAVtS amured ths Omr all-weather cos is egePt-y; rain ana overcoat In ana. Absolutely guaranteed. Call At, Oltl and 1 " DCNO-iS WuOLklN MILLS, for sale, (aw unclaimed, all-wool "Iun4.4" lulls, cheap. alUratlona free Northwest Cor. 15lh and Harney St.. EDUCATIONAL DAT CnOOL NIOHT CHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkseplng, eomptometry, ab art hand and typewriting; . railroad and wireless telegraphy, rrlca and all Kndlaa and commercial branchaa. Wrlta, call or phono Jackaoa lill tor largo llluacratod catalog. Addroaa BOTLES COLLEOK. Boylaa Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Bualnaaa. Day and tlvanlng School.. . B. cor. KtnaUenth and Douglas Bta. voiuias ti. WANTED Men. itdias and boys to leara barber trade; big daiaandv wag, while laarnlng; strictly modern. Call or' write 1401 Dodge Bt. Trl-Ctty Barber College. DO you want to Increase your Incomer Write the National Auto School. 2114 M. 0th St.. Omaha, lor catalog. Day or evening sessions. ' DWORAK BUSINESS COLL EG B, Weed Bldg.. llth ind Farnam. AT. 7411. MOLER BARBER COLLEOE. lis 8. 14th. Write for catalog. ANNIE K. OLA8O0W, voice and plaoo. Ml Karbacb Blk. J A. 1411. MUSIC LESSONS. CALL WA. ltdj HOUSEHOLD GOODS LOOK AROUND! ' ALL OVER OMAHA! To. will never, ilnd the furniture bargains, and pick-ups that are offered at the suctions, held at STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE lfiof Capitol Ave. Next Auction Is Tuesday, August S. at 1:30 p.. rra, . then Wednesday.. Furniture owned by people, who. through altered circumstances, sre compelled to raise cash quick ly: furniture owned by people who are leaving the city and -do not want the expense of ship- . ping: furniture that has been re placed by other articles that please a passing whim or fancy, la offered to the buying public In our suctions, all at a price you feel like paying. Come In at sny time and Inspect the goods on our floor. Compari sons Invited. FRANK B. STEPHENSON. Auctioneer. When you want to sell household goods, call AT. Sies or WE. 4478. AUCTION. AUCTION. Big furniture sale In Dowd's Auction House, llth and Webster Streets. Every Monday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 1 p. m., and every Tuesday and Friday evenings, at 7 p. m. Including pianos, talk ing '' machines, rugs, all sizes, and kinds, overstuffed parlor suites, dav enport and library tables. Very ex- pensive American walnut and mahog any period dining room suites, beau tiful bedroom suites, including Amer. lesn walnut, mahogany and old Ivory, gas ranges, kitchen cabinets, garden hose and hundreds of articles too nu merous to' mention. JAMES L. DOWD ft CO. Auctioneers. It you have anything to sell call AT. 09 or WA. 4213. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Retailed at wholesale prices, $75 buys the best. Phone Douglas 4428 FOR SALE Furniture of five rooms, complete. Call HA. 2821. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES OOOOOOOOOO OOOOO 0000 oooooo O ' o O TTPE WRITERS. O o o O AND 0 0 ALL MAKES bought end sold, O O rented and repaired. Sole sgents O O for tbe CORONA. Get our prices be- O O fore you buy. Every machine o O guaranteed. O O CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC, O O JA. 4120. 1(11 Farnam. O OOOOOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOOOOOO V buy. sell safes, make desks, show, cases, eto. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co S. W. Cor. llth and Douglas. J A. 8724. BURROUGHS adding xaachlnes 4100, fac tory guarantee. R. A. Fisher. AT. 0181. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 15th and Harney. DO. 14?!. EVERYTHING In Radio supplies. Mail orders solicited, Omaha Sporting Goods Co., 1404 Harney St. FOR SALB Athletic ciub membership, 0. Address Box W-157, The Omaha Bee. ' ' LAW books. 185 Northwestern Reporter and 14 Digest, 1276. Cal. Law Book Exchange, San Francisco, Cal. WANT TO BUY DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desk, oatd desks boaght, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. PLUMS. peaches, grapes, apples; all sprayed fruit. Plums and some peaches now ripe; 100 trees budded peaches most peaches begin ripening during August. Forty acres of apples, Jonathan and win ter varieties; prefer eeUleg orchard run. Phone SSJO or write Mt.-Oltve Fruit'Farrn, Starry Kerns. Brownsville, Neb., miles east, 1 mile south. 1 mile east of Aurora. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Hunting dogs, pups; purest bred Llewellyn setter pups. White with black spots and ticks. Write for lull de scription. Price 114 to 424 each. A. Bergt, Schuyler. Neb. PRIZE ' winning pedigreed Persian kit tens, splendid type, heavily coated. Af fectionate, house trained pets. 4414 Dewey Are. HA. 4544. LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE 1 nanny goata and 44 kids. J. T. Aull. Box 4. South Omaha. MA. 44(4. BUGGIES and harness, cheap. WE. 146. BUSINESS CHANCES RESTAURANT and soft drink parlor, lo cated at 164 Leavenworth St. ONE-HALF INTEREST. In a gwd paying business. 2005 Cuming. OARAGB for sal. Brick garage, 49x80 aad, cos ten ta RasrUls, RaerUle, eb. syr.a.g'sj Mitn ttv rt Wk tVmge BUSINESS CHANCES HAVK FOR SALB Franchise, equipment end business, successful auto freight line, doing business over 14 years. Retiring account of age. Price Terms to right party. Income 416,oou If in terested call or write De la Cerda A Hwett, suit 47-I7A-44 Bacon building, Oakland. Cal. CAFM and confectionery, town of 1,000, excellent business, reasonable rent In good fireproof building, located on Blue Grass ana Jelterson nignwsys. esi rsre in southern Iowa. Wish to sell because of sickness In family. A. F. Adama, Osceola, la. FOR SALE Battery and Ignition station In oil field town. A goin concern with excellent business. This Is a rsai nargain that will stand the cloeeet Investigation. For particulars write Auto Klectrio Co., Hot 837. Shldler, OKI. FOR SALE Grocery store; will sell stock and fixtures or will sell nxiures aione. At a real bargain. Store located In Fre mont, Neb. Address T-1471, Tbe Omaha nee. Oaraxe. tools and stock for sale; good business In live town; must sell on ac count III health. Cash price 11,400. vox 121, Pittsburg. Okl. FOR SALE) Bakery, 45.000; terms. New equipment, good 'location; wholesale end retail; 4100 day business. Lilly Bakery, Drumrlght, Okl. BARBER shoo for sals. Reason, sick nsas. John Currle, Grand hotel. Coun cil Bluffs, is. ROOMS FOR RENT . WELLINGTON INN HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS. NICE LY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATTRACTIVE WEELT, RATES. MR. RAMET, THE MANAGER, WILL GLADLT SHOW THEM TO TOU. FURN. rms. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. DODGE ST., .1711 Nice large front room for I gentlemen at IS per week; 1 block from postoffice. . HA. 4366 Furnished room and sleeping porch; Hanscom Park district, 1 gentle men or married couple. HOTEL SANDFORD. 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. HANbCOM - Park District Lara-e south room- In private borne; newly furnished with twin beds. HA. 4648. THREE rooms, very desirable, steam heat, water, lights rnd phone furnished. 1309 So. tta St.' ONE large southwest room, reasonable; walking distance. AT. 2377. 647 Lin coin Blvd. i LARGE front room, newly decorated; walking distance, very reasonable, wis. 080J. DUNDEE, 6119 Cass St. Wonderfully cool room in smau private lamuy. v j.. ki NICE, clean room; private family; close io car; lor respectnuie gpu nn., mw. TEL. . HA. 2563 Cool rooms in private home. Harney car line. HOWARD ST., 2018 Sleeping and bskg. rooms for men, 43.50 week. DO. K534. FURN. room: private home: close to O. H. S. and Crelghton; gent. pref. HA. 4671. 2419 California Nice cool room; close-In. Call AT. S722. THREE unfurnished rooms; employed couple preferred. 3S59 Calfornla. TEL. HA. 4751 Delightful room in lovely pr'vate home; no other roomers. Garage. FURNISHED rooms. 629 S. 19th Ave. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In. strictly modern, reason able rent, call at. tav TWENTY-FIRST ST., 3819 NO. 2 lovely light housekeeping rooms. Private family. CHOICE suite- of S rooms, modern, first floor. 2674 St. Mary Ave. DO. 8915. ONE, two, or three-room apt; modern. Everything rum., 44 to io. ZiUJ uoafte si. BOARD AND ROOM HOME cooking, southern style, attractive ly appointed rooms for discriminating business men or couple In beautifully fur nished home, ' exclusive West Farnam dis trict, conveniently located. HA. 4885. LARGE southeast room for oouple; S meals: most desirable location in city; also single room. HA. 6462. THIRTEENTH ST. 111 N. Rooms for rent and board. Tel. JA. 1111. Sam Spataro. HOUSES FOR RENT CATHEDRAL district, 1514 Burt St., 4 rooms, hall and bath; oak finish; strictly modern; large shady lot; 1 block from car line and Bemls; ref. required. 175. AT. 7931. 2S04 SHERMAN AVE., 4 rooms, strictly modern, on car; 440 per month. George F. Jones. Realtor. AT. 4645. APARTMENTS FOR RENT oqooooooooooocTooooooooooo O MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL O O 1STH AND DODGE STREETS O O Apartments constat of living room, O O dessing room, kitchenetts and O O bath. Weekly rental Includes heat, O O light, gas, phone and maid serv- O O Ice. Either weekly or permanent O O guests. Phone AT. 8210. 6 O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TWO WEEKS FREE RENT on all apartments rented during the month of August; summer rates, 447.50 to 450; 457.50 to 460. REMEMBER WE PAY THE COAL BILL SHOPEN & CO.. Realtors JA. 4228. 224 Keeline Bldg. FQUR-ROOM heated; beautiful floors, private bath; back stairs for delivery; entirely separate from first floor. HA. 6125. DANDY 4 -room basement. Just right for summer or winter; electric light and gas turntsnea. at. oijj. BEAUTIFUL Apt. 3 -room sccom.. close tn and In fine Apt. Bldg, 444 Mo. Refer ences. J A. 1734. Tel. HA. 41S4. Strictly modern 7-room brick flat, 38SS California, Vacant Sep tember 1. STRICTLY modeta. cheerful 1 and 5-room apts.; steam heat. 1S14 D. at 23d St. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms: low rent, cloee In. 0. P. Stebblns. 1414 Chicago. MODERN six-room flat, with beat. Call WA. 4641. FINE 4 room apartment, west Farnam district. Call BA, 112 4 or HA. 4944, ROUND ONE OLD TIMER GETS A DAY r vmo Mtc Sao ai.ym& ro? TW Off TO. NOO? MXO GOT 0) Atl. THrVY flNe TOO "foWl tKTN?.4AN& THEN CA) TXCK USOVTT CHASING Ufc MOMfc ,tHK"t' 6ftA."TTUbt TrtATS A,?mciA.ToH- vita., s APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-four spartment buildings, 461 apartments, reinforced concrete, also, lutaly fireproof. Murphy bed or bed room apartments. Call us, and w. will take you out DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartments, JA. 2806, AT. 4701. Corner 17th and Howsrd Streets. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. NEW 4 -room apartment; adults only. . 604 North 41st St. Wal. 1204. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., llth and Jones Sts. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE VAN CO. MOVING PACKINO STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. . Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0284. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, ntoving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 804 South 14th. DO. 4164. LOANS ON REAL, ESTATE WE have cash on nana to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. (36 Keeline Bldg. 6V4 PER CENT MONEY 6 PER CENT. Loans on City Real Estate. L. K. 8HOSTAK, JA. 8336. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen ft Co., Real tors. J A. 4228 234 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. . . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson S716. Farm Loans Vrar" Kloke Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat'l Bk. 4100 TO 410,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. II. BOWMAN, ' 410 S. 18th St Weed Bldg. At. 0151. GARVIN BROS.. 645 OMAHA NAT Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DEkAY. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat 1 Bank mat. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS LAWNS graded, seeded; cement walks, driveways, fence building; work guaran teed. C. M. Hume & Co.. WE. 4153. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 17U Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. 1 help inventors sell their patent. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. 212 S. 13 St. DO. 8647 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button. & Pleat ing Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING ETaES. d Button. 1804 Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. 6676. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS, 50 each, 83 a full set, 6r Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. CONTRACTORS. GARAGES built, any atyle and size, 1100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklm Lumber ft Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6556. A. ,C. LESSARD & SONS Remodeling and building. Call AT. 1632. MoBreen & Snyder, Cement work. At. 4724. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., J A. 2056: night, KE. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville Blk. AT. 5501; night, WA. 4046: KE. 0465 JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases, at. lids. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING and aewlng; low prices; work guaranteed. Call WE. 0986. SUITS, dresses, rem. reas. prices. HA. 6804. PLAIN AND FANCY SEWING. JA. 0736. FURRIERS. FUR coats, chokers made. Clnd. HA. 6804. TINNERS. SPOUTING SPOUTING rtave your no us a opouteu wua Buurumeeu spouting, 17c per foot. WA. 3034. Dud- i A Tin fihnn .'liiliiliiliiliiliiliiliilijlnliiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiHiMiiiiijHiiiiiiiiir Great Northern f Railway ! I Permanent Railroad Jobs in the Great Northwest. - 4 Machinists Boilermakers Sheet Metal Worker Coach Carpenters Car Repairers J Pipefitters. Good wages. Time and one- hall after 8 hours and for ? Sundays and holidays. Fret transportation. " Apply t A. J. CHEESEMAN j Room 120, Millard Hotel, 13th and Don(Ia Sts., -Omana, N'cb. m, Monday, August 7th, After f 3 P. M. liliillitiil;.iiliiliiliil!:tininulin:iliili;liii,li:i;il::liil:;l.i tt t untNT Mt . kvu one. caw pect rww .BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS KODAK FINISHINO. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 1407 toward St. LAUNDRY WORK. LACE curtains and wool blankets laun dered. 2618 H Capitol Ave. HA. 1110. TREE TRIMMING. TREE trimming and spraying, tree surgsry our spsclaity. Work done by experts. Call us for free advice In the care of your trees. Horns Landscape service, til xi. 24th St. DO. 4116. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS XP.US to buy back at small profit. OROSS JEWELRY CO., . Omaha, Neb., 404 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 4. OMAHA PILLOW 'CO. Mattresses made over in new liens at nan price or n V 1 - tlHI,-,.... H.nir.1. . ,1 1 a H II T new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks wasncu. turning, ja. .toi. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman ft Mcconnen urug stores. DR. Louis Smernoff, dlstases of women and children, 315 N. zist Bt. at. siss. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE VERY late Buick six roadster; like new for 1600. JA. 3564. wnvivn iNin STORAGE. ESTIMATE furn. on packing, Jnov. and storing. Contracts taken ny jod or nour. Glob. Van ft Storage Co., JA. 4338, AT. 0230. Grossman ot sons, owners. One-Ton Truck One-ton International, at a bargain. 81 i South 24th St AT. 68 REAL TIRED CAR BARGAINS 60 new snd used csrs. Fords and Dodges, other models. Cash or time; 450 up. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES COMPANY 1318 Harney St. JA. ze. WE BUY and sell new and used cars. Cash or time. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1316 Harney St. JA. 2446 CAR FOR LOT . 60x115, paving paid, 1H block to Har ney car. South front Montclalr Addition. Phone WEbster 6260 or Jackson 2414. 1921 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX TOURING. New Goodyear cord tires. A real bargain. See today. Cash or terms. 2052 Farnam St. NEW AND USED TIRES, 42.60 AND UP. B. ft B. TIRE AND AUTO CO. 2858 Farnam St. HA. 7404. USED cars, worth yuor money. The Ne braska Oldsmobile Co., 18th and Howard Sts. AT. 1770. FREE Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Parts Co., 2414 Farnam St.. AT 9814. 1920 BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. Refinlahed like new. Terms. 2052 Far nam St. BUICK "6," 6-passenger; H-45, 1919 mod el: excellent condition. 3820 North 19th. WE. 2972. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2554 Farnam. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. S054 Farnam St AT. 7826. USED radiators, all makes, for sale. Creenough Radiator Repair, 2039 Farnam. PATENT Pullman beds, built into your auto, at PFEIFFERS, 2525 Leavenworth. 1920 FORD roadster. Vinton Garage, 1680 Vinton St. AT. 3587. USED Fords, all models. Used Ford Car Co.. 1814 Cumin. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 412 8. 24th. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1016 HARNEY ST. llllllllllllllllllMlllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllll I Wanted by the ! C. M. & ST. P. RY. 1 4 a . ' Mechanics and Help- ers for permanent posi- tions. i Machinists. I m - Boilermakers. Blacksmiths and Sheet f Metal Workers, seventy (70) cents per hour. I Machinists' Helpers. I i Boilermakers' Helpers. I Blacksmiths' Helpers i and Sheet Metal Work- ers' Helpers, forty-seven (47) cents per hour. Freight Car Repairers and Inspectors, sixty- three (63) cents per I hour. . 5 - Tnese men t. replace men who sre i " en strike against the decision of th. s United States Railroad Labor Board, i Apply in person to I EUGENE DUVAL, Gen'l Agent i 407 South 15th Street, - OMAHA, NEBRASKA. f 4ilt4u4li4l!4u4U4ll6!W14ll4l OUT Drawn for The AMD at TtU. VOU JMAN.lftXlb'0?.M . VUWC IP i 60 OOT CE WOP iVMlKb 0? r- "AM VOU MIC- k0 IVintV. 'VOU OMtTHNO Ut - VWtN wt or&cavj rre goiho to e . FROM ttNUAl MOT A,,1.t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o Guaranteed Used Cars o o O Every oar w. sell Is overhauled, O O and If not . satisfactory may be O O returned to us within one week O O from date of purchase and credit O O will be allowed on any car w have . O O for sale. O O We believe that the used car buy- O O sr 1 entitled to the same value O O for his money as the new car O O buyer. O O We hav. an exceptional payment o O plan. O O Buy a ear with a real guarantee, o O All Makes. All Model. O O Buy Now. Pay Later. O O O O Willys-Overland, Inc., 2541 Farnam o O Factory Branch. Open Evenings. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fords! Fords! New and Used. Cash or Terms. We hav. them all prices all models. Bs sure and ses us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealer. 16th and Jackson Sts. DO. 4500. SOME bargain In used Ford; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Hsndy Ford Service 8tatlon. USED Ford parts at half price. rn io. an s.anuurri make cars. Neb. Auto Part, 1016 Harney St. NEBRASKA LANDS US-ACRE FARM FOR SALE 106 acre In cultivation, 16 acres In tame grass pas ture, is acres aitaira ana 5 acres orcnara, 68,000 worth of Improvements, 1H miles to town, high school, church, etc. All grain, live stock, machinery, furniture in house and everything on farm goes th the price. All complete for 130,000; 4t,000 cash, balance easy terms, possession given at once. Call or write Holger Holm, Elba, Neb. FARMQ6 acre "P- Wrlt M. A. X" AXViUO Larson, Centra City, Neb., your' wants for farms, acreage tracts, etc FARMS, ranches, sale, exchange. Willi Cad well. Broken Bow. Neb. I'liiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiieiieiiiiiiiisiiiiiiuiiiiiisiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiuw.i Certain employes of this Company, 5 having declined to accept the De- 9 s cision of the United States Rail- f 5 road Labor Board, and being en- ? gaged in a strike at all points on " c its line of Railway where it em- 5 ploys he following classes of Labor j s and this Company being required to 5 replace them. WANTED BY i Chicago, St. Paul, ! Minneapolis & Omaha f Railway J MACHINISTS I BOILERMAKERS I BLACKSMITHS SHEET METAL WORKERS I COACH CARPENTERS 1 CAR REPAIRERS i ELECTRICIANS f WELDERS 2 At wages authorised by United States Labor Board. : Apply at Division Superintendent' " 5 Office, 15th and Webster Streets, Omaha, '.llll!llll!JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl!l!llllllll!llllll!l!!llllllllll!llllli3t 5illlliilill;.liilHliiliiliilllli.liili;liiliili;l!;iiiliilnli;liiiiiiiu s On Account m of the a - mechanical craft em- 4 I ployes having gone on a strike the r SB Colorado and Southern i Ry. r. Co. will employ in the shops, roundhouses and car de partment at D e n r, Trinidad and Cheyenne men suitable for such service. Board and lodging free under ample protection. Ideal climate and working conditions. Wire or write H. W. RIDGWAY, Snpt. Motive Power, Denver, Colo. Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith it'opriht 1421 OP TrisVT HOVwC OKLAHOMA LANDS. 120 ACRES Improved creek bottom fsrm, 43.009. Terms on 41.400. Send for list. Moor- A Biewlngton. Wlstor, Oklahoma. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 44TH STREET, 16 PER CENT INVESTMENT Two brick store building and five living rooms, hot water heel, property In ex cellent condition. GALLAGHER ft NELSON 651 Peters Trust Bldg .. JA. IStt. WANTED REAL ESTATE GOOD LISTINGS OOME TO US. WE SELL THEM. HOME REALTY CO., AT. 1111. GROVE-HID BARD CO., modern bouse. 624 Ry. Excbg. Bldg. AT 4964. OrinT l7G TV V Company. Real OrlUijiO, Lf. V.tors. Member Multiple Listing Excnange. JA. 0044. WANT 6 or. 7-room, well located, in Dun dee, by' the first; have cash. Box 111, Omaha Bee. LIST your homes for sale with us. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. r'TJTT'iT'MTP Realty Co. List with LrXVUXjlNllj us (or quick results. 1418 First Nat'l Bk. Blg JA, 1444. rMJMQPVRol Estate, Investments. LTvlUOD 1 i,ct Us Sell Your Home. .... . . , r, ,. r .. .. - i,f 1010 t.liy INanonai nann. iuuBii. v-uw. (STRAIGHT 6-year loans. H per cenL AMOS GRANT w.. . 101 8 18th, Arthur Bldg. AT. 8844. OEO. T. PORTER ft CO. Real Estate, Rentals Insurance, 106 South 16th. AT. 4444. Equitable Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 4446. Western Real Estate Co -I A. 1441. , Wlllard C Slsbaugh. Realtor. JA. 2458. Ijlllllllllllllllllllllttll!llltlltllllltulllllltllllllllllllllllll"ll ! Railroad Mechanics i f and Helpers Wanted i ! by the Illinois Cen- I f tnl System f Machinists Blacksmiths' Sheet Metal Workers Toolmsker Boilermaker Pipefitters Electririans Qualified Car Repairmen And Inspectors, Etc. c Free transportation and board s and housing will be furnished. Permanent positions. i Wage standard as directed by s i United States Railroad Labor Board, s Apply at one. at Room 317 City " - National Bank Building, 3d Floor, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. - Office hours 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. tliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiilniiiliiliiliiininitiliiliiiiiliiliitiiiniiiiiiiiii RAILROAD MECHANICS AND HELPERS WANTED BY THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. On account of the action of a number of our shop and engine house employes, who left the services in defiance of the United States Labor Board and are now on a strike, the Chicago & North Western Ry. is in need of the following: Machinists and helpers. Boilermakers and helpers. Blacksmiths and helpers. Car repairers and helpers. Sheet metal workers and helpers. Zar inspectors. Wages and working conditions prescribed by the United States Labor Board, effective July 1, 1922, will be applied. An excellent opportunity for young and energetic men to en gage in railroad work. Apply at once to Room 405, Wilkinson Bldg. 12th and Farnam Sts. or 14th and Davenport Sts. Omaha, Neb. WANTEDREAL ESTATE ItOMKS fuf Mll,'r14 ll MM, W. J. Palmer Co., Real Seleie U4l Speoeast k-use his T. s4. Charles W. YounglfSon Rest totals. Real!, laeuresra, ss4 Cur Hit Ra. AT. 444. 4si ouf (wife Uuy eeur home, HINDER & OTIS, tl ftttUt Uft RAfttnUt. ,14. tilt. T 'uy ir .til tmH Hl Vttm FOWLER & M'DONALD Member Mullipls listing .'l Keello'a Reed & Co., Reel Ralel and lasurteee. MoT rsrasm St I kea. AT. 4144. I.lkT our pri'peri, with W. farnam dmnh c. Il6 r'.rn.m Hi. TO tl.L m Olnt.r a kUrsll. AT I'll. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTY Polt MAI.B kiatiVroum nioj-rn horns, IS hi", ks fr.itn Htsi Normal grounds, Peru. Nb I (' srlth sleeping pan-h sbot; thicken h"us snd rack, c We; three litis, gsntrn, 4 beeiing fruit tr-. Illsrknerrlss snd rasi'berrise. limit s'ul II years Wite 64,l. Act at nave. Mat lie kl. Auburn, Neb, ACREAGE FOR SALE acreage V:;;vv:v.i K'i Inss Hsyd.n. 1414 Hsrner at. AT. 6. VACANT PROPERTY U UUWN, II I KK MONTH Three fin lois. Iusll6 feet each: sewer, water, ga snd sldeeslks; on block west of Kru psrk) on block I. rr line, 1700 each. J. Ij. HIATT COM r A NT. riret Nst. Tlsnk Mldg AT. I6. 416 DOWN 66 MONTH Fin corner lot, lacing seutb and ssst, ewer and wster In etrset; nrsr ear, 146. H. a MANVII.LB. Realtor. AT. 1401 414 Petere Trust Rldg. Colo ' Hal.ton tots and acreags tracts kJCeltJ now going on. Special terms snd price mad. 6140 p: amall payment down, balance easy term. See or phone Ftewart, ttaieion io-vv. 6010 (est at 14th Ave and Wool worth. An exceptionally fine building alio. A bargain at 11.1(1. C. T. SPIKR A CO., realtor. loi l'slers Trust lildg. DO. 46T. KKAUTIKUI. Kvaitstnn lot, 144 (est north of Ksrnam St.. 60114, at 11.164, oa easy term. Ask for Mr. Car, AT. 1411, days. , LUCKWOOU; large lot. Ililll; north front on Jackson, near 64d Street, t bar gain price. C. A. Orlmm"!. J A. 1416. m'NDHB CORNER LOT 119 feet on Dodge, 64 feet on 61d street Owner. HA. SS13. WILL build to your ordsr on our besull (ul lots In Edgswood; very easy tsrm. AVantlo 6640. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY CHOICB KOl'NTZB PAKK HOME. A BIO BARGAIN FOR 16.160. Seven rooms snd sleeping porch, choice oak finish. Full brick foundation, lined with fire tile. East front. 1 blocks to Psrk car. Closs to schools and churches. It.OOO will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 614 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. lilt. 4137 ER8KINB ST. 4-rrn., mod., oak floors and finish. 6760 cash, bal. monthly. Crelgh. 606 Bee. AT. MOO. Mechanics The Chicago, Burlington A Quince- Railroad is now em ploying men for it Shop, Roundhouse and Repair Tracks at th. ttaadard wag and over time condition laid down by th. United State Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE Welders PIPE FITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Working hour will be those necessary for maintenance of (he service. Board and lodging, un der ample protection, furnished. Young? active men desiring to go' into railroad aervica will be given an opportunity for training in teady, desirable employment. Apply at once, Firet Floor, Burlington Building, Tenth A Farnam Street4, Omaha, Neb. SOO ) uwmg to the lact that former employe of this company, who are mem- Iners oi tne various shopcrafts have gone on strike, the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault fit. Maria Railway company offers employment at the wages I stated below, to the following classes. United btates Railroad Labor Board: MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS BOILERMAKERS CARMEN PASSENGER CARMEN FREIGHT Apply at nearest shop or at th rirsi .national, boo Line Building. Minneapolis, Minn. To the Men Who Are Willing to Think for Themselves: The Rock Island Lines have a limited number of positions open for Trained Machinists, Boilermakers, Black smiths, Pipefitters. Car Carpenters. Repairmen and Helpers. These jobs will be permanent if you desire a good jolb Apply now at 211 Leflang Building 16th and Capitol Avenue NORTH SIDE PROPERTY 5-Room Bungalow, $5,000 t'ONNfcN UT. fAVBIt am, OAHAUR west p.wi . Ml M. ... Htm, tW liuuh tun suutfe fii, (Miasr let, AMUt 11.644 sash. f Glover & Spain, IlKAl.TOK, JA. I44. 411 44 Ctr Nstlsnsl. r-vlt"hiMivl himee, li. .Is, lniu4' sr.. 414 Turks. I'HtxisI tnedet. bun!., ok finish, fs i Ka. !. Il K. Iltii'k txj. sxav ead sell sum SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Field Club Home" SplsadM sKhi.ruum brU'k an4 ftsni been, esk sud mskogsny finish, firsplse. vie., doubts '. let. stills, priced tkt uf sf painiitient rail nations KKAI.TV t'OMPANT. 41 I'etMo Trust Itl.lg JA. I1U. 3 WEST SIDE PROPERTY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O KDUrWitr CrtfONIAL o O lIUNOALuW. O O o O Pram with brick fnundsllnn, O O I'riflt nd cement terra's pun h. O O Five sure fine rooms. Iteautlful- O O ly finished tn otk and enainst. O O Houth fri.nt lot on pavsd strest, 0 O A very allrsMlv plr Inslds snd O O out, snd well worin the price, o O II. 000, Shown only by appoint. O O ment. rati Oram Benson, WA. O O lis. Sunday and svenmss. O O O O RKNHON 4 CARM1CII A KI, O O O O AT. 1644. Ill Fas to. Block. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A Real Home Dandy two-story bom masistlng of all large rooms snd bsth, finished In osk, es optionally wsll built; garage, rhiilra esst front lot, about V44 will handle. Triced right, Inratrd tight. Call OSHORN'B IlKAI.Tr COMPANY 414 Pel-rs Trust Hl.lg. JA. 1141. fHOK'K UI'NvlAI.OW. 11.00 t'AKH 1'RICK 16.604. Five room and bsth. tlol.Un ask finish, bullt-ln bookessrs snd buffet. South front close to rer and Columbia school Bargain. 4HHUHNR REALTY CO.. 414 Peter Trust Hide. JA. IMI. FIVbl-ltOOM UUNUALilW. Nearly eompteud; hss oak floor ' and finish: good lot and paved street, !4,66j 1404 cash. 1IOMB REALTY COMPANY WA. 4666. AT. Illl. 4-HOOM, oak finish. 16.464. bur In elty; list and Podge, Call Frank C. Hast. AT. 4114. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAT sells and trade. KB. 1444. Wanted by. Missouri Pacific Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers. Blacksmiths and Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For, St. Louis, Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coffey vCle, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha. Neb. LINE I i These are th. rates prescribed by tbe Per Hour too 70e 70a 70c 70e 70e ,...,63 Soo Lin. Employment Office, Boom 424 .11 n.t ; v. t 14 . X, 11 ,1 t A'-? $1 e -w i IO"' SI" ?- .W.r s-,l. .B4 '-flu. - ? i T- , ft ' 'St .!:'. oiel .i - T fejsr Vr r"