WE OMAHA liKE: MUMUi, aiaiU&i t, ivn. 4- i i ( i h TUC rJTTXlDC lU "TCU. SOU. MIJ SOU COOK IS SO bOOX SiMtLS k TlftftCT HOC Of- rXtV 60 B(kCC I'M OF SUOt IVX.CVS i T-VHC WOMfc WVIM There Is No Way in Which Yom Can So quickly and surely get in touch with someone who can supply some particular need of yours as by fol lowing the changing wants and offers in the "Want" Ad columns of The Omaha Bee. MALE HELP WANTED 0000000000000009000000000 ' MEN WANTED. FOR COUNTT BRIDGE) WORK. WtCKHAM BKIDOB AND PIPE COMPANT. NINETEENTH ST. AND FIRST AVE. OOVNCIL BLUFFS, IA, OO 00 000000 OOOOOOQOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 8ALKSM AN Wtt Iti-d. . . MauulaiiUrer O O would like td iiear roni CKpabla O. O aalcaman who In lnttroatad In aa- O O curing a faat tr:ilnf line auto ac- O O ceaaorlea to dealer and Jobber trails. O O Can ba handled exclusively or In con- O O nectlon with another accsaaory line. O O Weekly eommlsalon arrangement. O O Unueual opportunity large earning O O aaaured to a producer. Tell ua about ,0 O youraelf In latter to The HyKon Mfg. O O Co.. Alliance. Ohio. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Salaamen wanted to repreaent the Oerlach-Barklow Co. of Jollet, 111., manufacturer of art calendar da lux, fired by mall adver- tiling. Media holiday greeting, to. For peraonal Interview tele phone Jame R. Talcott, Hotel: Fotnll. Monday and Tuesday. OftOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BALESMEU Wanted Experienced llveatock" rmdy aleamen. Thl la a very unuaual propoltlon with old etabltahed firm. De pendaHa 'mercbandla; unlimited opportunity for future develop- mant with Ut manager; Coun cil Bluffs Remedy company. Ju W. Broadway, Council Bluft. la. OOOOOOOOOO OOOOO 00 00000000 SEVERAL . more ex-aervlce men, easy work, goon pay, -u y ! : : 4 X nn rfr O f si 1 1 n 11 1 O O o o O o .0 8' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o :o o o o o o o HARVEST HANDS NEEDED In Minnoaota and North Da kota along the Great Northern railway to harvest enormous crop. 8pec)al rate of 16.60 each from Sioux City, la., to point In Minnesota and North Dakota for partlea of five trav eling, on one ticket. . F. J. D0N0.HUE. Great Northern Railway, Sioux City, Iowa. o 000000 0000 00.000 0000000000 WINDOW ahade man wanted, experienced; capable of maKlnpr ana nnnging inion. Hardy Furniture Co., Lincoln. Neb.. Drap ary Dept. , AGENTS W are now licensed in your atate and desire general aitents for our monthly ' accident department. Experi enced men will find an unusual oppor tunity by writing us Immediately. Ad drea In confidence. Commercial Casualty Insurance Co., Newark. N. J. FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping itc. attend the American College of Business. 1SU Farnam. Positions guar anteed; all our graduates are in po sitions. Call AT. 7774 or rlte for catalog. SITUATIONS WANTED GRAIN BOOKKEEPER. Thoroughly experienced In all depta. of the business; will be available for position Augn. T. Minneapolis and Omaha refer M ces. P.O. Bex -434. Minneapolis. Minn. MAN, som tenograihle and inside sales Ixperienc, Salary $18.00 atari. Walnut 1991. DAT work for white woman. AT. 4S. ATTRACTIONS DOLLS. BALLOONS. RUBBER BALLS. NOVELTIES. Ask for catalogue. Globe Novelty Co., !? Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. ..n nrtTv- crinu Tho Joy spot of Omaha." Autoa watched free. Bathing 8 a. m. to 11 p. m. frHB "Melody Five" Jan band. Jo Drake. WE. 1372. 18J8 N. 28d St. EDUCATIONAL Van Sant School of Bualne. Day and Evening School. S. K. cor. Nineteenth and Douglaa St. ' Dona-las S890. WANTED Men, ladles and boya to learn barker trade; big demand: wages while , learning; atrictly modern. Call or writ ltffi Dodge St. Trt-Clty Barber College. PO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto School. .814 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. Pay or evening sessions. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wead Bldg. Hth and Farnam. AT. 7415. MOLER BARBER COLLEQE. 11 8. 14tb. Write for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice sad piano. (01 Karbaxk B-, JA, 10SL- se it in colom THE SUNDAY PEC MXt COHt OUT THAt MCI COOWtt.TO Uf. EDUCATIONAL DAT 8CTIOOL NI0.HT SCHOOL CompUt courses la accountancy, ma ehlns hookkeilng, comptomatry, short hand and typewriting; railroad And wlreleaa telegraphy, civil aervlc snd all Engllah and commercial branches. Writ, call or phon Jackson 16(1 tor largo Illustrated catalog. Address HOVI.LS COLLEGE. Boyle Bldf., Omaha. Neb. MUSIC LESSONS. CALL WA. 114. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney St.s I HAVE secured the Comer sjl-weather coata agency; rain and overcoat in one. Absolutely guaranteed. Call AL 0Si9 and I will call. FULL DRESS aults and Tuxedos for rent. ' JA. I1JS, 109 N. leth St. I. Feldmsn. AllMV shocH. $2.90 T3 No. llith. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AUCTION. AUCTION. Big furniture sal la Dowd'a Auction Houae, 18th nd Weheter Street. Every Monday, Wedneaday, Thurs day and Saturday at 1 p. m., and every Tuesday and. Friday evenings, at 7 p. m. Including pianos, talk ing machines, rugs, all slr.es, and kinds, ovrrstuffed parlor suites, dav enport and library tables. Very ex pensive American walnut and mahog any period dining room suites, beaue tlful bedroom aultes. Including Amer ican walnut, mahogany and old Ivory, gas range, kitchen cabinets, garden hose and hundreds of artlclea too nu merous to mention. JAMES Lv DOWD & CO. Auctioneers. If you have anything to soil call AT. 0966 or WA. 6113. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Retailed at wholesale prices. $76 buy the best. Phone Douglaa 4423. FOR SALE Furniture of five rooms, complete. Call HA. 2221. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TYPEWRITERS. AND ALL MAKES bought and sold, rented and repaired. Sole 'agents for the CORONA. Get our price be fore you buy. Every machine guaranteed. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC, .JA. 4120. - 1912 Farnam. o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc, Omaha Fixture & Supply Co,.. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. BURROUGHS adding machine $100, fac tory guarantee. R. A. Fisher. AT. 0881. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. APPLES for aale. 4112 N. 62d. KE. 3743. WHITNEY crabapple for sale. W.A. 6781. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing;. MICKELS. 15th and Harney. DO. 17S. EVERYTHING in Railio supplies. Mail orders solicited. Omaha Sporting Goods Co., 1806 Harney St. FOR 160. Bee. SALE Athletic club Address Box W-157, membership. The Omaha LAW books, 185 Northwestern Reporter and 14 Digest, ' $275. . Cal. Law Book Exchange, San Francisco, Cat. OMAHA Athletic Club membership. Make offer. Must bo sold quickly. DO. 4692. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your used piano on anew player piano. Balance as low as $10 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1613 Dougla WANT TO BUY DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, ustd desks bought, sold and traded. J. 0. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Hunting dogs, pups; purest bred Llewellyn setter pups. White with black spots and ticks. Writ for full de scription. Price $16 to $20 each. A. Bergt, Schuyler, Neb. PRIZE winning pedigreed Persian kit tens, splendid type, heavily coated. Af fectionate, house, trained pets. 341 Dewey Ave. HA. 3560. 8 old geeso for sale at varied prices. KE. 2034. LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE 40 nanny goats and 40 kids. J. F. Aull. Box 6. South Omaha. MA. 0450, GOOD saddle horse. Webster 2355. BUSINESS CHANCES CAFE and confectionery, town of 2.000. excellent business, reasonable rent In good fireproof building, located on Blue Grass and Jefferson highways. Best cafe in southern Iowa. Wish to sell because of sickness In family. A. F. Adams, Osceola, la. CLOTHING STORE, yearly business $30, 000; clean stock of advertised lines; in voice approximately $12,000; up-to-date fixtures; best location in live eastern Ne braska town. Splendid opportunity. Y-19T5. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Battery and Ignition station in oil field town. A goln concern with excellent business. This is a real bargain that will stand the closest investigation. For particulars write Auto Electric Co., Box 837. Shtdler, Okl. FOR SALE Grocery store; will sell stock and fixtures or will sell fixtures alone. At a real bargain. Store located In Fre mont, Neb. Address Y-1971, The Omaha Bee. FOUNDRY AND MACWlNE SHOP Owner retlrinr; rare opportunity to step Into paring old established business; $12. 000 swings It. Enterprise Iron Works. Albert Lee. Minn. FOR SALE Bakery, $5,000; terms. New equipment, good location; wholesale and retail: $100 day business. Lilly Bakery. Drumright. Okl. BARBER ahop for aale. Resson. sick ness. John Currie, Grand hotel. Coun cil Bluffs. Ia. RESTAURANT and soft drink parlor, cated st 2569 Leavenworth St. ONE-HALF INTEREST, in a good paying business. ;oo5 Cuming. QARAOE for sale. Brick garaa. 6?xSi I ft, and contents. BaeviUe, P.aeviile, Neb. IN THE COOL OH 1.4, VORXM wntKl ITS M4 COOW fVt ut scvuttvr mow hwn kcohci vm.t i T',j jiirn l ' ' Ajt. sou csu.t, ow- t-uno smart V Ik 6O0 iRV- . y rr-nr ' 'H'i,4- IV VNMW NOW- At A UVJM. TM,N. Marriage m ? r lift 1 1 .0 BUSINESS CHANCES Oarage stock of the Mangold Oarage at tlkborn. Neb., ronslstlng of all tools, electrlo motor with machinery qulpmeiu, ready to go, stock of Font part, ac ceaaorlea, oils, tlrea, etc. This stock 1 In good order. In a moat daslrabl loca tion on the Lincoln Highway, and Invites your Investigation. Inquire of Geo. M. Mangold, Trustee. Bennington, Neb. HAVE FOR BALE Franchi, equipment and bualne. aucceasful auto freight line, doing business over It year. Retiring account of ag. Price 120,000. Terms to right party. Income 116.000. If In terested call or writ Da la Cerda A Bwett, suit J7-37A-38 Bacon building, Oakland, Cat. ROOMS FOR RENT TEL. KB. 0395 Large cool mom In mod ern home with privileges, for i young men or married couple employed; beauti ful neighborhood; 1 block to car; garage. KURN. rma. with prlr. bath; warm, com (nrtable, cheerful; pricea reasonable, day or wk Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. MODUE ST., 1711 Nice large front room for gentlemen st $5 per week; 1 block from postoffice. HA. 4366 Furnished room and sleeping porch; Hanscom Park district, 2 gentle men or married couple. HOTEL SANDFORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. HANSCOM Park District Large south room In private home; newly furnished with twin beds. HA. 4656. THREE rooms, very desirable, steam heat, water, lights end phone furnished. 1309 So. 22d St. ONE large southwest room, reasonable; walking distance. AT. 2377. 647 Lin coln Blvd. LARGE front room, newly decorated; walking distance, very reasonable. WE. 0802. DUNDEE, 6119 Cass St. Wonderfully cool room in small private family. WA. 1849. NICE, clean room; private family; close to car; for respectable gent. HA. 6726. TBI,. HA. 2563 Cool room in private home. Harney car line. HOWARD ST., 2018 Sleeping and hskg. rooms for men. $3.60 week. DO. 85J4. FURN. room; private home; close to O. H. S. and Creighton; gent. pref. HA. 4671. PACIFIC ST.. 3019 Large front room for 1 or 2 employed, $8.60 week. HA. 1046. SMALL furnished room, HA. 6729. modern. Phone 2419 California Nice cool room; close-in. Call AT. 3T22. THREE unfurnished rooms; employed couple preferred. 3859 Calfornia. FURNISHED rooms. 629 S. 19th Ave. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS THREE large unfurnished, cool, newly dec orated rooms,, near car line modern; no children. KE. 0609. NEWLY decorated rooms, near Hanscom park; gas and light furnished. Cleanest rooms in town. 1029 S. 30th Ave. . UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, strictly modern, reason able rent. Call AT. 3250. MASON, 3068 Two connecting, south front rooms, for housekeeping; private home; adults. HA. 1159. 2 SUITES housekeeping rooms and 2 fur nished' rooms; very desirable. 2546 Chi cago St. JA, 3164. FOUR unfurnished light housekeeping rooms and screened sleeping porch, in pri vate home: references. HA. 2948. TWENTY-FIRST ST., 3819 NO. 2 lovely light housekeeping- rooms. Private family. CHOICE suite of. .2 rooms, r lodern, first floor. 2673 St. Marys Ave. DO. 8915 ONE, two, or three-room apt; modern. Everything rum., 4 to jio. 2707 Dodge st. 19TH ST.. 626 So. Housekeeping room; newly decorated; close in. AT. 3618. THREE or 4 light housekeeping rooms with bath. Call AT. 1272. BOARD AND ROOM HOME cooking, southern style, attractive ly appointed rooms for discriminating business men or couple In beautifully fur nished home, exclusive West Farnam dis trict, conveniently located. HA. 4885. LARGE southeast' room for couple; 2 meals; most desirable Iocatloh in city; also single room. .'- HA. 6452. THIRTEENTH ST 111 N. Rooms for rent and board. Tel. JA.-3121. Sam Spataro. HOUSES FOR RENT CATHEDRAL district, 3615 Burt St., 6 rooms, hall and bath; oak finish; strictly modern; large shady lot; 1 block from car line and Bemls; ref. required. $75. AT. 7931. 2604 SHERMAN AVE.; 6 rooms, strictly modern, on car; $60 per month. George F. Jones. Realtor. AT. 6635. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-four apartment buildings, 85? apartments, reinforced concrete. alrao lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed room apartments. 'Call us, and ws will take you out.. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, Fireproof Apartments, J A. 2806. AT. $701. Corner 17th and Howard Streets. TWO WEEKS FREE BENT on all apartments rented during the month of August; summer rates, $47.50 to $50; winter. $57.50 to $60. REMEMBER WE PAY THE COAL BILL SHOPEN ft CO., Realtors JA. 4228. 224 Keeline Bldg. ACACIA APT3. 2214 D. between 22d and 23d St. New, cheerful, strictly modern; oak floors; five rooms; Bteam-heated apartments. FOUR-ROOM heated; beaotiful floors, private bath: back stairs for delivery; entirely aeparste from first floor. HA. 6125. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. DANDY 3-room basement. Just right for summer or winter: electric light snd gas furnished. AT. 6732. BEAUTIFUL Apt, J-room accom., close in and in fine Apt. Bldg., $45 Mo. Refer ences. JA. 1734 Tel. HA. 3136. Strictly modern 7-room brick flat 2883 California. Vacant Sep tember 1. CLOSE In, three or four-room apartment, all modern: 22'4 North 21d St MODERN 4 and 1 rooms: low rent, close in, P. SUbbin. 1610 Chicago. OF THE EVENING A r 11 I' r- ' mi SOU t?H VNt VOH'T tUfMCVtmuX A J" fr'i.M; A coOKtNCi Things juii. md-kf v. uov. I - if l.IIM 1 i: J I " w w . v . 1 APAR TMENTS FOR RENT MuDkUN six-room flat, with heat, WA. 4661. Call FURNISHED APARTMENTS. PACIFIC. 8016 Elegantly furnished room Apt.; privet bath; first floor, ga raae. AT. k74 except Sunday One room, kitchenette and bath, until October 1, NEW 4-rooin apartment; adult only. 608 North 41at st. Wal. 1(04. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT FOR RENT. $514 HARNEY STREET. Store room. 16x122, with full basement accessible from paved alley In rear. Can be nmrie available this month. BANKERS MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 311 s llh St. Jackson 1014 LAHGFl corner room with 92 linear fe,i: of plate window, space on two atresia, ground floor.' Area contains 2,400 suuaro feet, with full basement. Well lighted, BANKER S MORTGAGE LOAN CO., JA. 1014. 318 South 18th street, MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones St. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE ft VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 4288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished. Contracts taken on Job or hour. Globe Van & Storage Co. J A. 433S; AT. 11230. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. t E. H. LOUGEE. INC. $38 Keeline Bldg. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen ft Co., Real tors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne'BIdg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS, : CTKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 271$. Po-PTVl T nono No delay on western a. ux iii jfvsK Neb. farm, ranchea. Kloke Investment Co.. 846 Om. Nat l ua. Loans on real estate at 6 per cent. GUARANTY REALTY SALES CO.. 310 Arthur Bldg. JA. 3336. $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly, F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 310 8. 18th St Wead Bldg. At. 0151. GARVIN BROS.. 645 OMAHA NAT Bldg, ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN pay most for LIBERTY BONDS. 21 City Nat l Bank mac. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS LAWNS graded, seeded; cement walks, driveways, fence building; work guaran teed. C. M. Hume & Co., WE, 4153. FIRST-CLASS rooming house. Informa Hon at 417 North 26th St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventor sell their patents. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. 212 S. 13 St. DO. 8647 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles: hemstitching, buttonholes, writs Ideal Button & bleat ing Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb, Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING firsts ed Buttons. 180$ Farnam, 2d Floor, DO. 6670. CONTRACTORS. GARAGES built, any atyle and size, $100 up. Concrete work. Micklin Lumber ft Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 656S. A. C. LESSARD & SONS Remodeling and huilding. Call AT. 1632. McBreen & Snyder, Cement work. At 4724. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway EX. Bldg., J A. 2056; night, KB. 3813, Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6501 : night, WA. 4045; KE. 0466 JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT. 113. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS. 60 each, $3 A full aet, 619 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING and sewing; work guaranteed. Call WE, low pricea; 0986. SUITS, d reuses, rem. reas. prices. HA. 6804. PLAIN AND FANCY SEWING. JA. 0736. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St LAUNDRY WORK. LACE curtains and wool blankets laun dered. 2613V4 Capitol Ave. HA. 1130. FURRIERS. FUR coats, chokers made. Clnd. HA. 6804. TINNERS. SPOUTING SPOUTING Have your house spouted with guaranteed fpouting, 17c per foot WA. 3034. Dun dee Tin Shop PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. PAINTING and paperhanging: reason able: work guaranteed. Call AT. 0379. TREE TRIMMING. TREE trimming and spraying, tree surgery our specialty. Work done by experts. Call us for free Advice in the care of your trees. Home Landscape, Service, ill N. 24th St. po. 6115. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS pay the best prices with privilege to buy back at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St Telephone DO. 5049. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreases made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks washed. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman ft McConnell Drug stores. DR. Louis Smernoff, dts'aee of women and children. 21 N. 21st St. AT. 74L AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. UOLLI. eaperl auto trimmer, all 8. 24th. Drawn for The i : 1' f ArrawAVit. x ooot vsiomah- no.jj tak sou vwrt AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SIMPLEX type No. 38, shaft drive, one with victoria body and one with Urunn limousine body. Roth In excellent con dition end bargalna for Immediate aalo, Address Quale Uarag Co., 2i04 Main 8t., Buffalo N. Y. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS (0 new and used cars. Fords and Dodges, other mndela. Csah or time; $51) if)'. UOLDSTROM AUTO SALES COMPANY 1318 Ilnrney St JA. 2468. HUDSON SUPER-SIX SPEEDSTER. Disc wheels, cord tires, etc. Perfect con dition. A real sacrifice. Can arrung terms. 2052 Fsrnam St. WE BUY and sail new and used cara. Caah or time. - GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. JA. 2468. CAR FOR LOT . 60x116, paving paid, IV, blocks to Har ney car. South front. Mnntrlair Addition. Phone WKbster!250 or Jackson 2419. 1921 STUDEBAKKR LIGHT SIX TOURINO. New Goodyear cord tires. A real bargain. See today. Cash or terms. 2053 Farnam St, 1921 DODGE TOURING. Goodrich Sllverton cord tires. Practically new. fash or terms, 2052 Farnam St. USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all atandard make cara. Neb. Auto Parts, 1016 Harney St. 4-PASSENGER Stephens, like new. Terms or take coupe on trade. Address Box W-161, Omaha Bee. FREE Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Part Co., 2416 Farnam St., AT 9314. 1920 BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. Refinished like new. Terms. 2052 Far nam St. BUICK "6," 6-paasenger; H-45, 1919 mod el; excellent condition. 3820 North 19th. WE. 2972. . USED CARS. O.' N. BonOey Motor Co., 2664 Farnam. LOOK over our list of uaed cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2068 Farnam St. AT. 7836. USED radiators, all makes, for sale. C.reenough Radiator Repair, 2039 Farnam. PATENT Pullman beds, built Into your auto, at PFEIFFERS, 2525 Leavenworth. 1920 FORD roadster. Vinton Garage, 1630 Vinton St. AT. 3587. USED Fords, all models. Co.. 1814 Cuming. Used Ford Cat!' WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation, Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. lll;ll ilMI:;li:lllliiMI:!i:rli,ll'lii!il' l'Hj:l!'l:'ILI!;l:l'; Great Northern j Railway ; Permanent Railroad Jobs in the Great Northwest. Machinists i Boilermakers Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters Car Repairers Linemen I ' Good wages. Time and one- half after 8 hours and for jj Sundays and holidays. Fre transportation. i Apply to i B. R. PERSELS j Room 120, Millard Hotel T 13th and Douglaa Sts., " Omaha, Neb. Monday, August 7th, After - 3 P. M. I ll.'ilnl'ililliiliiliiK.liil.iliiliiiiiiiijinli.l.il.iluliillilin jllIII:il!llllllll!li:il!lllllllllllllllllllllllll!lfllllll!ll!IIIIIUIJt Railroad Mechanics ( and Helpers Wanted by the Illinois Cen- j tral System Mschinist Blacksmith Sheet Metal Workers Toolmaksr Boilermakers Pipefitters Electririans Qualified Csr Repairmen And Inspectors, Etc Free transportation and board and housing will be furnished. Permanent positions. Win standard as directed by United States Railroad Labor Board. Apply at once at Room 317 City National Bank Building. 3d Floor, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Office hours 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. 11 ' .1: 1 I: H I.,! I I 1,11 1 Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith iCuihikM I I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. One-Ton Truck One-ton International, at a bargain. CRHSS-TOWN GARAGE. 81! South 24th St. . AT. 363. SOME bargains la used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Ford. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service station. 16th snd Jackson St. DO. 8501 WISCONSIN LANDS. so ACRES For sale, farm stock, ma chinery, crop. Death compels me to sell. Write to C A.- Johnson, H. 2, Box 69, Necedah. Wis. NEBRASKA LANDS 135-ACRE FARM FOR SALE 100 acre In cultivation. 15 acrs In tame grass pss- ture. 15 acres allalta and 5 acres orcnara. $8,000 worth of .Improvements. 1V4 miles to town, high 'school, church, etc. All grain, live stock, machinery, furniture in house and everything on farm goes with the price. All complete ror $3i.oo; 15,000 cash, balance easy terms, possession given at once. - Call or write Holger Holm, Elba, Neb. CHATTEL LOANS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o . . MONEY TO LOAN. O $30 to $500 ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, ETC. Lcfs than legal rates, mon'thy pay ments. Quick, quiet and confidential. OMAHA LOAN CO., E06 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2295. Southeast cof. 16h & Douglas Sts. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO li:i;i;!liil:ilili!l'll:illil!i.liil!il,:l!iliili:l:iliiliill!liiniiillt 1 Wauled by the I j C. M & ST. P. RY. j Mechanics and Help- ers for permanent posi-, tions. I Machinists. i Boilermakers. Blacksmiths and Sheet i Metal Workers, seventy 1 (70) cents per hour. Machinists' Helpers. Boilermakers' Helpers. Blacksmiths' Helpers i I and Sheet Metal Work- I ers' Helpers, forty-seven (47) cents per hour. Freight Car Repairers f and Inspectors, sixty- three ,(63). cents per ; I hour. I ? These men to replace men who are z ? on strike against the-decision of the " United States Railroad Labor Board, i f Apply in person to f EUGENE DUVAL, Gen'l Agent f " 407 South 15th Street, a I OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ' ; M i 7il;:li:li:i:ull:ll':ll!llii!lii;illllllnl'lllllllllillil;llllli,l Mechanics The Chicago,' Burlington & Quincy Railroad is now em ploying men for its Shops, Roundhouses and Repair Tracks at the standard wage and over time conditions laid down by the United States Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE Welders PIPEFITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Working' hours will be those necessary for maintenance of cfae service. Board and lodging, un der ample protection, furnished. Young, actire men desiring to go into railroad service will be given an opportunity for training in steady, desirable employment. Apply at once, First Floor, Burlington Building, Tenth ft Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. Employment Office Open Sunday NEBRASKA LANDS VOl'Rfsn.ri.r lasu-li lir4 nuiflilr IMn ,Nel"i ILII AUllU '. r Cili, Nk. M A. Loiwa, Mir.j A, tAKU, rn.h. rliM. Willi 1 .tll. Iliuktx Nob WANTEll REAL ESTATE W. J. Palmer Co., Rnl Cam Mtp mM IpwitHtia. Kalin Hltf AT. . ! Will, buy a fuur r fu-radiM Iiuum (.ir h Mul iifUvl riiht. ll in wr nil Iimuio in 1111 lir. tt'.IM, It. I Wll.l. buv 'ir r ,v rjiim huu for rh Mux nl nahl. OI ro n,l o. tio m IHI l"r, not W in, Hit aoou fTnTi son riTw k'to 1" UK HF.I L thkm llilMB HKAI.TY in, AT IUI, UHO V E II I HIM HI) :iT 7" nimtim "(! lit Hr Krh. bill. A? H Otmj PC n V Cumpn. lc.l" OllUlUi;) TiijiuiK js MulllU I.MInf Krin. J A. WANT! " Vr'i, wall 'lrid. In Iun Art. Iiy tli f I rat 1 hv cun. H HI. "niitli r.iHT your hum for l with u W h.vo the cuatuui!. PATNE ISVKHT MKSTl' Charles W.'Young & Son Itral rttai. Rntala, Inauranr, It OS City Nat. Hit. AT tttl Lt yur honi Buy your horn, BINDER & OTIS, Rnl KiUtfc Loan-, RtnUla. JA, till, r.t iiiiw t.r -mii nmiHi lt-l Kt-t im FOWLER & M'DONALD Mmhra Mulllpl l.lntln; K Hraltor. Reed & Co., Rl Katat And Inauranr. 1J07 Karnam H Phon AT. I4. r"t)ITT?MTP Kaalty Co. Uat with unuumvi u for quick rtaulta !4I. rirat Nail Hit. BltC JA. lift. "IDTNfCDV Ileal Fstat., lnv..tmnie Sell four Home. 1 r. 1 6 City National Bank. Douglas 62. bl'UAIUHT 6-er loans, i lr cant AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 J 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. $30. OBO. T. FORTrK ft CO. , Reel Estate, Rental Insurance 106 South 18tb. AT. $91$. LIST your property with W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. TO SELL ee Glover A Morell, AT. 2623. Fqultable Trust Co. Realtor. AT. 2148. Western Real Pat ate Co J A. $607. Willard Slabsugh, Realtor. JA. 196$. ACREAGE FOR SALE A CT) T71 A PI? tracts, larn and small. iiXVrjiUrj Easy payments. Hast Inas A Heydn. 1614 Harney St. AT. 050. VACANT PROPEF.TY $26 DOWN $5 MONTH Fin corner lot, faclnx south and salt, sewer and water In street; near, car, $450. H. S. MANVILLK. Realtor. AT. 2408 $15 Peter Trust Bids'. l.uliiliiliilijliliill'liiliiliiliiliiiilliiliililliiliiliilNliilnli:' Certain employe of this Company, i having declined to accept th De- i cision of tha United States Rail- m s road Labor Board, and being en- 5 jj gaged in s strike at sll point on ) it line of Railway where it em- " - ploys the following classes of Labor " and this Company being required to " a replace them. ? WANTED BY f I Chicago, St. Paul, f i Minneapolis & Omaha ! i Railway j MACHINISTS I BOILERMAKERS f BLACKSMITHS I SHEET METAL WORKERS I . COACH CARPENTERS I 1 CAR REPARJSRS 1 I .ELECTRICIANS I WELDERS 1 At wages authorized by United s States Labor Board. m - Apply at Division Superintendent's " f Office, 15th snd Webster Strut. - Omaha. ? m . " m -.uliili;lhli!iiiil:,liiili::i:il!il'il'll !:il:i:'lnli!iiin. RAILROAD MECHANICS AND HELPERS WANTED BY THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN , RAILWAY CO. On account of the action of a number of our shop and engine house employes, who left- the services in defiance of the United States Labor Board and are now on a strike, the Chicago & North Western Ry. is in need of the following: Machinists and helpers. Boilermakers and helpers. Blacksmiths and helpers. Car repairers and helpers. Sheet metal workers and helpers. 3ar inspectors. , Wages and working conditions prescribed by the United States Labor Board, effective July 1, 1922, will be applied. An excellent opportunity for young and energetic men to en gage in railroad work. Apply at once to Room 405, Wilkinson Bldg. -12th and Farnam Sts. or 14th and Davenport Sts. Omaha, Neb. SOO Osrintr to the fact that former employs, ef this company. he are ! Jf. or nons sboperafts bar con on strike, th Minneapolis. St. p S"l' 6te. Marl. Railway company offers employment st thtws stated below, to the followtnf classes. United States Railroad Labor Board: MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS BOILERMAKERS CARMEN PASSENGER CARMEN FREIGHT ... Apply at nesrest shop or st the Son Line Employment Office. Room First NstionsI, 800 Line Boildinr. Minneapolis, Minn. 1 YA.CANT PBOPEKTY HIV nee iikUs. . up, l ttttwl,, !" r teru n.o.il H. I W UMll lltSMt . tt ttiur ..'.II I I.. I ol inh Ats ! ti Kta.ull, An rk.ei'l.').e'll til .ilt.l,i sll I..K.IH si It ,' ' T M'l'U a . I.'.1!,,!! M 'rl,l Tl'iUl Itlilf I l. Vjl- l.iH KWlWlll, Tar lol 1:1S. .' ' float i'S Jt.'kSfU. "' fid ""!. st ll sum irire i A tlmmiiel. JA Ml$ III1 N PKk'i'i H I" It 1,1 t" II f.sl '. I so firl va M street, tinrr, II A- t4- WILL bund l taur ,ijr uu uur ferauli. fill M In Kdgsituod, ! leiuia. Aliunde SHU M)RTH SIDE rKOHEKTY "jSo"MW.V tlt en f those bland rw linmra n rrv Irtllls MeltHl t..l Sll-t I'Ln III I m will bund a 4 ir fc.i.M'iii i'rili iii.'dctii liuiiauln ii. r 4' III ami liinhil ,r !.. tiful lo,alin, nsr -h."l sikI aiiii.'. I'm re l. o and 1 imi K..i n.-n . Iirk your ol in. Yu ian'1 le n ihu. fall I'r.l.r.rn HA M.i i.r AT til? ! KtVfcl room and aunruutri, sirlttlr ind ern. Ha lo fmni tuiite hi iW. aak f'ur Ihroushuut, fine-half t Ini'h ( nr. uin At, and Ames $.tso. iii imabt tisn.ll II. Tall HA 4117 KIUKINK PT trm, mud., oak floors snd finish. (' rsab, bal. monthly. l-rin, modem houe, fruit and shntlw tree... Oty and rsln water in huue- rut well water III yard H XV tor II. I A I. site '1VK rtiiOM house, Ur site, all mod em. MIS I'orbj. l K. IIIH-'K" IhJTTiu and ll boinea. 9 SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Field Club Home "nlendld eight-mom brick and frame bom, oak and mahogany fini.h. flreplare, ir., double saras., Il. Hillt. priced right. Ko' i'iuliiiinnt vail ONMdliNK IUU.TY COMPAN'T. IIS Pst-ra Tru.t lll.lt. JA. $:. WEST SIDE PROPERTY Knit Hal by Un.t-bplrmlid 4 -room, all modern home, foil cem-nt-d basement ; Ki,n, DuriiKe: nar Peaf Institute 11. loo. HIS Hpenrer lrt. w 47 t n'oo Ms kTl n Is h. $S. i. Rest buy In rlly; list and Podg. Call Frank C. ll-t. AT. IP you have sum cash ee this. Uuy from owner, g'd location, 7 rooms, mod ern, lot tun 160. II A. k$. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAT sell end trades KK U0. ?l,,:IM, .:i,,ii'i i:l fill, l',l"n:'IMI:ii:r,li'.: i i On Account. of the m m . 9 ? mechanical craft em- I ployes having gone on 2 I strike the I Colorado ! and Southern ! Ry. Co. will employ in the shops, i roundhouse and car de- 1 partment at D e n e r, Trinidad and Cheyenne men suitable for such service. Board and lodging free under ample protection. Ideal climate f 1 and working conditions r Wire or write ? I H. W. RIDGWAY . Jl Supt. Motive f'ower, Denver, Colo, m ?.!ll!llllllll'lll:!l!TIii!l!ltll1lll;!!;l!ttll3 Wanted by Missouri Pacific ' Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St. Louis, Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coff ey ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. LINE Tines an the rates prescribed by th Psr Hour 70e 70c 70c .' 70c 70c 70c 63c 421 I Ism!