THE OMAHA BEE: MONDAY, AUGUSP 7, 1922. Survey Finished for IrrisatittE Nebraska Land Wrl End of Krith County 1'rojVrt Gone Over by Engi nrvri Reiervoiri and CnuU Plattrd. I 04lUU. Nrb.. Aug, 6 (Special.) The wft en'l f tUt irrigation ur i vey of Keith, Ueul nl IVr kuit court. lie table Und proved compleied I Uet week and the aurvrynf the et r, rntj, iduth of l'4'on nj Sutherland winll be fim.plnc4 net week. I The wot end of the projeit eom- template irriifiing shout 50,000 ; acre o( level tal'le lind. lying 1e- tween OualUU an.1 Grant in Keith i am) IVrkin enuntie. The eiiRinerrt I have hern at work rompleting the ! aurvey (or the Ut i month, i Plan Large Reservoirs. I Twelve large natural Morale reier. J vinr with a rapacity of SO.titK) acre J fret luie lieern atruratcly tirvfyrd ' ami all the main raiuU and lateral ' lcatling to and from the rriervoir j have been turvryetl. tOfrtncr witn ait t!te irriiiahlc land lyiux under each I re-i'-rvoir. ' The uionry railed for thi work ha hrrA iuliirihed hy enterprising Ian. uwiier in the locality. In a short time, petition will be iirvM-ntrd to the eounty commission e-r asking that a permanent irriga tion ilMtrirt be organized and a bond ixHiic fur the required amount be uh milled to the landowners for their approval. Tin i not a government proposition but will be a bonded dis trict. Like Juleiberg- Project This project is very similar in every respect to the Julrsburg, (Colo.) irrigation system which was completed at a cost of $20 an Sere about M years ago. According to government statistics. 180,000 acre feet of winter storage water is available for . use on this project, but it is now believed that about onr-half of that amount will be all that will be required. Plans for Sheep Feed Yards 1 Completed by University f Lincoln Sheep feeders will be in ' tercsted in the plans for sheep fetd-- ing yards and equipment which are issued by the agricultural college of the University of Nebraska. New 4 tUn have been prepared which de- ' scribe several of the best feed bunks for hay and grain and also show de t tailed plans for the arrangement of i"$ feeding yards. This material was pre- pared alter extensive visits to ex :f : perienced sheep -men of the state. Plant Are Completed for Holstein Breeders' Picnic Beatrice The Gage county Hol stein breeders met and completed ar rangements for the state picnic to be held at Chautauqua park August 9. Prof. H. P. Davis of the Nebraska extension bureau, and J. E. Palm, president of the Nebraska Holstein Breeders' association, will be the principal speakers. Hundreds of dairymen and their families are ex pected. Farmers' Union Notes Lara crowds of fnrmers and their famlliea hava been hearing W. C. Lani don ot Sallna, Kan., lecturer of the Na tional Farmers' union, according to re port received at stata union headquar ter, in the past week Mr. Lansdon apoke In Stone's grova near Broken Bow, at tha Aurora Chautauqua, at Crystal Lake In Adams county, and at Cowles, llolbrook and Franklin. Ha will speak at Sidney on August 7 and close his Ne braska tour at Tocumsoh on August 10. Mr. Lansdon Is accompanied by President Osborn of tha Nebraska Farmers' union. Haka Good Bcport. St. Edward A large voluma ef busi ness and a good profit were shown by tha Farmera' Union Co-operative association here In the fiscal year closing June 30. In tha produce department, which han dles cream, butter, poultry and eggs, th volume (or the year waa 134,186.75, with a net profit of (1,111.56. The grain and merchandise volume waa 1138,, handled at m net profit of 2, 165.43. The elevator received and shipped 301,604 bushsls of grain, which, waa handled at a coat of only l.S cent a bushel, said to be a very low figure. Twenty-live per icent of the net earnings will ba set aside for reserve, and the balance will ba used to pay dividends. The association now has sufficient reserve capital, the officers atate, to make It almst Independent of borrowed money. Pay Insurance Promptly. Concord Frank Reynolds, a farmer of this community, thlnka ha holds the rec ord In having an Insurance claim paid promptly. He suffered a loss by fire at In the evening of August 1. The loss waa reported to the locar adjustor of the Farmers' Union Co-operative Insurance company of Nebraska, In which the prop erty was Insured, and tha adjuster took It up with th head office in Omaha. A check for 1485, covering the loss in full, waa mailed at 4:30 p. m. on August 3. Btducee Operating Coat. Wisner Operating costs In tha Farm era' union store of this place have been reduced from 10 pe; cent of sales two years ago to 10 per cent at the present time. The result la attributed to care ful accounting, which ahowed where costs could be reduced in proportion to vol ume. In .th six months ending Juno 30, thia store had total salea of $89,978.48, and showed net profits of $2,(26.61. The Wisner Farmers' union store la said to ba one of th largest co-operative stores In the state. On the marketing aide It han dles) cream, butter, poultry and eggs, and on the merchandise side groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, hardware, farm Implements, plumbing supplies, pumps and windmills. The association employs men to do plumbing, make wells, repair pumps and set up windmill. Vnlqoe Lose Sharing. Tutan By sharing losses on a per centage basis the Farmers' Union Co operative association here has done something which ia unique In co-operative affair. At the close of the fiscal year last January, the association had a deficit of 13,790.46. At the annual meet ing the officers explained that this ap parent loss waa due to buying grain and selling merchandise on narrow margins, and that what appeared on the books of the association aa a loss waa In the pock eta of the members. The meeting voted, therefore, to make good the deficit by an assessment In proportion to patronage. In the first six months of this year the asoclaed showed a ne profl ot $1,011.34. Manager Reelgne. Orchard S. B. Whltmore. manager of the Farmers' Union Co-operative associa tion alnce It was started, has resigned to engage in business for himself In Wayne. He will be succeeded by Philo Grove, who bas been assistant manager for several ?'eaxs. A recent audit shows that tha first seven months of this year the as sociation had a turnover of 1130.000. In addition to operating an elevator, the as sociation has a general store and lumber yard, and sells coal and farnrimplementa. Deficit Is KedaeetL. Blue Springs A profit of per cent ra grain volume of HS.000 and a mer chandise volume of $J1,08 was msda by the Farmers' Union Co-operative company In the first six months of this year. This profit reduces the deficit of 11,30 carried ever from last year down to S1.10. Th company operates an elevator and gen eral store, under one corporation, but with separate managers. This Is one of the earliest farmera' elevators In the state. It was taken over by the Farmera' anion In 1911. Manager Craig has been la charge ever since it was started. T. O. Jones is manager of the atore, and Si. Wltjenburg U president of th com- f With County Ager.1 msay tr tk slant af Ik itittmit r asMasa aarimnurai ei lg ik auributiag st iiaa fuf kis.kies ! furauaed kr Ik t ll4 Skim silil uf asruulluf rM dxribuiie I uiHn ok B'lgBl BSe-ly tt II. Th III CltlK f ika iii dwun that ikta ro servlr aa M le sauca ar fcwrau ra It fce diecualiaaed Ika ertrP'!alla far ifcmBuiewr sad rs disiriSull f in tseti, Ther la, Bwr, a nasality ef ika mib a hand aufrirlant la autly Ika ! af ika aiaia for mv. aral a or skvatlis aa4 II "ill a at- " a wsusi s tea aa ll lasts. THAYER COUNTY. Htrn Last ,; ssteral maian mrm ra r Tfcar taualy mat al ika (arm fcura arrira a4 arana4 lha Haaraa U'lun Himirt akippiaa aaaarialla. Tk lur(vu at id n auorlaiiun la ia aki luiluna ce opfii(( ia tarlaa4 aia la piaia nra my ara na44. la abiaia (air rira fur nlona. la abiam Ika Iwil marital an4 la ttj ika aaia anU luaa Hal imit.. frata liamlmg markaia wh.ra lhara la no kaawU4a an ika ran at Ik inlivl4iial aa lo lha aaailt at Ika markai. aom- i Thrr rawniy mlon inn kaa a ar mora arraa ef malana rar H.brtiB. and if lha mtlaa niaiura, aa lha lrut-aia indirai., ihra will ba a Ian rra aaainni a mtrkl. Offlrari at lha farm kuraau dn-lara lhara la a inianlloa aa Ika part af lha arowara la lha aa klpma aaaariailiia la nhiain an anuiuallr nan prua iur ina prvauri, nut mar la k Intra la market mrlma le baiiar art vaniaaa and al Im ri than If ika crop waa markaiaa by inditidual irowara Club work Is Tbr county ha proven "f papular Una of sunsion or. Tnirty rluta are nuw c nnrfuctintf aork with mora than a&a tBmba ,. roll.d. the county anl reports. He stales m,. it me time or rr to erganis a fsll h-al rtuti and sialalns that f a fall wheat Hub is i study the pro duction af surh whest an Nebraska farm In sui-h a way as la prove Interesting, In structive end proflislile, iioys snd girls Wlwevn lha sift of II and yesrs of sse sre eligible le anler I he rlub. Ten or more acres of wht will be planted and rami for by eah rlub member. Records of labor and othee numu will ba k, pi. Wiwe competing for slate prises a standard rlub will be organised whlrh requires that five mimbera work en the same project. Tha Union Panfir Railway company naa a arnolarahln at tha agricultural college to Theyer county boys m puieiu, corn ana wneai projects. The Thayer County Poultry club teams w-rr nrmru two nays last went In demon stratlnn work by C. T. Cornman. eaten, Ion specialist, and L. C. Christie. Thayer eounty agent. Tha rlub leaders sre plan- ' to no ronsiueranie demonstration work af tha rnunly fair, and If aurress rrowns I heir effnrla. a team or twa will compete at the slate fair. The Dig clubs also hava had e.n.rt drilling fur demonstration work by Carl Jonra. livestock club specie list, 'who se lected the county demonstration team for woraat me atale fair. The team selected Is composed of l.swrence Baldwin, Bernard Christie and Paul Muls, with John Bald win ana Lawrence Hherwnod aa alternatea. All pig club members, however, will be engiDie to compete in the livestock Judg ing contest to ba held at tha rountv fair. .iiurn practice work in demonstrations will ba given by experts from now until th stat (air. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Blair John P. Hooka of Cumins Cltv re. ports that poultry culling has paid him spienniniy, rne first asmonstratlon In Washington county wis held at his nlara ana iwo-iniras or tne nock waa culled out. lie now reports that the one-third left him produced aa many esse aa the whole flock aid before culling. Mr. Hooks mated pedigreed sire to his flock of hens and expects to Increase the egg production on me noosi term tnereDy. Myron Cook, secretsry of the Washing ton county farm bureau, reports that ha has threshed out his oats variety teat. He had planted No. 21 oata with common Kherson at the solicitation of the county agent. The No. 21 threshed out 4 bushels per acre. It is estimated that thia waa five bushels more per acre than ususl. The county agent polnta out that tha beat variety ef oats If sown on a large scale will aoon change oata raising from a losing proposition to a profitable enter prise. SALINE COUNTY. Crete !lrl Scout troup No. 1 of Wahoo, consisting ot IS girls, has Just finished an encampment of eight nays' duration at Mills park, one mile east of Wahoo. This camp was In charge of the acout leader, Mlsa Bees B. McDonsid, and three patrol leaders. The majority ef the girls hsd never had camping experience before. Many of the girls visited the farms here abouts. Crete At a meeting recently of the Sa line County Farm . Bureau board, it was decided to move the scrumdepot from the Farm bureau office here to the farm of George Leavltt, five miles northeast of Crete. Leavitt will keep a supply ot serum, vscclnating Instruments and Agre sin on band. On sv large percentage of Saline county rarms, it nas frequently Deen xouna tnst poultry flocks have an Inadequate sup ply of shade. This leads to hens being overcome by heat after which they will retire Into corners to die and the cause of death Is laid to some other factor. The county agent advises chicken raisers to oonstruct frames covered with burlap for shade on farms where there la insuffi cient sun shelter. Some form of shade, he saya, aids materially In keeping up the summer egg production and also Is said to be Important in postponing the moult ing. JOHNSON COUNTY. Tecumaeh J. F. Purbaugh. county agri cultural agent of Johnson county, reports that the average wheat acreage of farms In Johnson county is approximately 40 acres. This year In production the aver age Is only about 18 bushels. The average for SO years past Is 16 bushels. Figuring 40 seres at 18 bushels per acre and SO cents per bushel, the total la $648. Mr. Purbaugh claims that after expenses and interest on Investment Is figured the aver age farmer Is In the red aa to his wheat raising. He says that It would be much better to raise chickens where an average would bring In a nt profit of 1600 an nually. Mr. Purbauarh. the county agent, sug gests that Johnson county farmers seed down mpre land to alfalfa and raise more hoas. cattle and noultry and leave the wheat .raising to communities where the experiment' has been a little more prom ising, tie says tnac statistics snow m Johnson county averaged three tons of alfalfa per acre for the past 10 or 15 years. Alfalfa brings more tnan siu per ton considered as a low average price. Lands after several crops of alfalfa would so far be Improved that eventually better grain cropa could do raisea. ne says. FILLMORE COUNTY. Geneva John P. Davis has resigned from the executive board of the Fillmore county farm bureau. He haa been president of the bureau for more than a year. Hia resignation was tendered because he de sired to take an active part in the cam paign In 12! and could not consistently act as an officer ot the bureau and en gage extensively In political endeavors. Mr. Davis was succeeded by. Charles W. Flory of Shickley, former vice president of the burea,u, who becomes president. Will lam Wulf of Ohlowa wa elected to the board to fill the vacancy. Geneva Township Woman' club held a picnic at the Sutton park last week for members and their families. The executive board of the Fillmore county farm bureau has decided to work up an exhibit of the different lines of farm bureau extension work for the county fair. The exhibit will Include samples of dress forms, millinery, variety crop teat, poultry work, results ot pure bred sires' campaign, boys' and girls' clubs and canning work. SAUNDERS COUNTY. Wahoo Twenty-four club leaders or as alstant club leaders of Saunders county are working on plans for the annual club picnic to be held August 14. Last year the club picnic waa a huge suc cess, snd arrangements have been made to make this year's picnic even more in viting. Crops on Creston Farms Promise to Break Records Creston, Ia. One of tlje best yields of oats and other small grains which have ever been realized by the farm ers in this section is now being threshed. Oats are averaging from 40 to 50 bushels to the acre, and other small grain in equally large averages. Corn has never looked better at this time and with favorable weather conditions will make a record yield. Custer County Fair Callaway, Neb. The Custer Coun ty fair will commence thia year on August 22, and will last for -four days. The stock exhibit this year Tax Reductions hy Counties Are Shown by Table Slate Commiiiionrr Osborne TclU Rftult of Dccrfie in State Levy From 1921 Tax. Lincoln. August 6. (Special) V H. Osborne, dale lax commiiiionrr, today prepared statistical ' table ihowing reduction in date taxet in every county of Nebratka a areiu ol the H 1-3 per cent decease in the itate levy. The table thawing the amount raised by the lV.'rievv ant the amount of the 1922 levy follow reanlles. It. I4I.TT4 M.474 im .l7t It lit Mil 41.111 :4.mi iimi 101.11 II. til lie oi i 114 114 IMtl II. 0! 1M11 M'T 4.4M Mt.H1 lll.Sil U.IU 41.111 m: il.74 74.44 14T.4S 14. "M j.i:$ iu.:4 41.171 11.14 l.U 14.111 30,4.11 127 IT.!" 11.41 4S,740 10. ll .lia 4I7SI 14.141 14.11 14.(11 1.114 11. 0! 17.11 li.117 7.4 . 11.135 41. Ml 107.171 111.71 10.171 11,131 ,1 111.111 1.170 71.641 H.Bfll 11.117 77.S 7I.4HI 111.114 4,J7 11.121 1,110 S1.6T 141.915 1.41 4,7! 10. 10 17.1(4 117.501 (12.200 15. 171 71.S24 110, JtS 4. 4s,m 1D.03 71.310 I0,I1 MM (.ill (1.11 1.111 0.(14 6S.J54 12, 115.894 (,71 111. Adsms ... HI 47 Antelope ll.'t Manner , . Iilame ... IM 11.7 linens . . , . 14. I M Dull Hilt Hard Hrown .... nuffala ... Hurt Hutl.r .... i.4 1 II 177. 1141 171.71 ' t'edar t'hase t'herry rheyenne . ('lav 1M.SM :7.i7 144 111. 11.71 144.11 Coif a i Cuming Custer I.t7 11.177 1M17 Dakota .... 71.14 Paeee lewffOB ... ri.u.l llion Dodge Itouglas .117 141.41 44.l 117.41 211.44 l.lso.m Dundy Killmore ... Pranklln ... Krontler ... Purnaa (lags Harden .. , llarfleld .. (loaper (lrsnt Oreelejr . . . Hall Hamilton . Harlan ... Hayea .... Hitchcock . Holt Hooker ... Howard . i Jefforson . . Johnson . Kearney ... Keith Keya Paha . Kimball .... Knex Lancaster .. Lincoln .... Logsn ..... Loun 41.17 Ki.m 74.01 1440 15.44 141.11 44.7 41.140 20.1 11.14. 154.40 144.431 71.101 It 151 61,11. 114.01 II. ( ,154 141.41 i.m K.IOS 0.7 11.14 1.1(0 1111 11,1141 117,451 11.711 11.11 111.111 Madison .... McPheron . 1011. S Merrick .... 101.171 41.4 Morrill Nance 1.114 117.11 111.141 11.101 Nemaha ... Nuckolls ... Otoe Pawnee .... IT.I4Z Perkins .... Phelps 41.451 11.100 Pierce Platte 111.10 101,094 111.II7 7. 034 111.31 ti,4 174.47 . 11.75 iii.iti 104.154 Polk Red Willow Richardson Rock Saline Sarpy Haunders Strotts Bluff Sewsrd 1S1.70 73.716 67,011 43,43 113.111 1W.M9 14,71 7.11 7. 04 131.114 131.13 89,460 Sheridan . Rherman . . Sioux Stanton Thsyer ..... Thomas ... Thurston . . . Valley Washington Wayne ..... Webster Wheeler ... 19,424 Tork 171,410 Arthur ... . 1.755 Total ..I7.I3S.15I 110,130,107 Improved Strains of "Wheat Greatly Increase Yield Lincoln If everv farmer in Ne braska grew an improved strain of winter wheat, the extra wheat pro duced would be worth in the' neigh borhood of ?16,(X)0,000, according to experts at the University ot NebraS' ka agricultural college. These im uroved strains have constantly out yielded the common wheat in the ncinhborhood of four bushels per acre, they declare, it rapiaiy in creases the cost of producing wheat to put in extra work on the seedbed and often this does not pay, it is reported. 7 few dollars, however, will Dav the extra cost of better seed wheat and this will turnish seed for the future. i Pawnee County Peaches Are Being Sold on Market Table Rock Pawnee county peaches are on the market here, and according to tne growers me crop is excellent and quite abundant. The most of the yield is coming from small orchards over the county, since there are no very large peach orchards in this section of the- coun try. - - York County Wheat Yields 46 Bushels Per Acre York A. B. Cantrell, who lives on farm' near McCool. threshed 45 acres of wheat that averaged 46 bush, els per acre. The seed sown was the "Kanred. and was snippea irui Kinase Small tracts over York county averaged from 30 to 35 bush els. The gneral average from large acreage was 20 bushels. t Friend Elevators Are Swamped With 1921 Corn TJrienrl. Farmers In this part of Saline county are marketing their 1921 crop of corn so fast that the buyers are having difficulty in han dling it. All tne elevators arc iu and cars are not being received fast enough to get the corn out. All ele vators received grain late into the night Dad needn't do all the flfurinf, The youns-stere can help him now, They'll know how he un the book for the farm. The schools ars to teach them how. The man who keeps his hogs growing rapidly and gets them ready for the early market win lare best. The best part of health is a fine disposition. It is more essential than talent. tmerson. One objection to Nebraska silos is their scarcity. ' One on every farm would make a richer state. To make 'em big Feed 'em young. All erains and concentrates mate better feed if they are ground. Control the mites before they con trol your poultry profits. "When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization. Culls The Farmer's Wife- By MARY ANN CRAY. "Well begun ia half done" i most applicable in cooking. Material in sure better result when caieiully mixed and atemtted than when thrown together haphazardly. Keep a imall magnet hanging in the kitchen. It ran be ued to pick up spilled tack and with it you may recover a imall metal part of the stove which' sometime tlipt out of puce. Two Good Meat Substitutes. Egg and l'otato Dish In a bakine- dish arrange alternate layeri of cold potatoes and hard cooked egg cut in quarter-inch slices. Sprinkle with lajt and pepper and nearly cover witn winte sauce, urated clieeie may be sprinkled over each layer. Cover with loaned crumbs and bake until thoroughly heated. Tea and Heart Souffle One cup of pea or Dean puip, one-third cup bread crumbi, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, three egg, white sauce (one-half cup milk), one-half teaspoon salt. Make sauce, add crumbi, pulp and beaten yolks. Fold in beaten whitci. Uake until firm in a moderate oven. The meal hour should he a hannv. cheerful one. Avoid if possible dis cussion of business affairs. Remem ber that "a meal well chatted i half digested." Hazel Atlas Clan, mm nan v , holding a canning contest, 6pen to any girl or woman in the iTm'ieH States. A grand champion cash prize of $250 is offered to the eirl or woman who conserves the most adequate supply of fruits, vegetables, pickles, meats, preserves, jellies, etc. for home use in Atlas E-Z Seal and Atlas Good Luck jars. ine object of the contest i to encourage thrift in conserving all available products during the season of abundance; to encourage the pro vision in the home of a better qual ity, larger quantity, and greater va riety of wholesome food for the tamily. . The prize will be awarded on the following basis: 1. auantitv. 40 ner cent; 2, quality. 20 per cent; 3, va riety, 20 per cent; 4 size of jars, 20 per cent. All products to be eligible must be put in Atlas E-Z Seal or uood Luck jars. The contest close November 1, 1922, and all reports must pe in not later tnan Wovem ber 15. The person of the small familv will Have the same opportunity as the person of a larger family as the to tal number of jars will be divided by total number of persons in the fam ily. If any girl or woman is inter ested lit this offer and cares for fur ther details call or write this office and we will be glad to furnUh you with a copy of the offer. Average Iowa Farm Lost $1,400 Last Yeai Mount Ayres, Ia.. Auir. 6. A great deal of discussion has been going on in the newspapers and magazines regarding the ability of the farmer to-make a living under the present conditions, declares the farm bureau director of Ringgold county, who has just completed a survey of the bust. ness records of the 14 members of the 1921 Farm Management club in the county. These 14 records show that the average loss per farm for the year was Sl.478.JV. Ihis loss might be called loss in management accord. ing to the director, since in making this summary i l- per cent interest was charged on the equity in the land and 5 per cent on working capi tal. The operator was allowed a wage of $40 per month and a small amount, possibly $100 for the labor done by other members of the tam- Knox County Fair Will Be Held SeDtember 12 to 15 Bloomfield The annual fair of the Knox County Better Livestock and Fair association will be held Sep. tember 12-15. Reports from over the ounty indicate that exhibits in all departments will be immense. The new grandstand, built to replace the one destroyed by k tornado a few weeks ago, is now completed. Work on getting the half-mile track in shape for the fair will start at once The swine exhibit, has grown each year and new barns have been erected to take care of the surplus. Even with the additional barn room, from 30 to 40 temporary pens have been necessary and present indications are that even more will be needed this year. Henry Kuhl of Plainview is president of the association and W. H. Weber, Bloomfield, is the secretary. ersey Cattle Expert Will Speak in Nebraska Lincoln. The agricultural college of the Nebraska State university has arranged with the American Jersey Cattle club to have the club s repre sentative, Mr. Lee, visit Nebraska this month for a series of illustrated lec- f tures showing the Jersey cow as she is developed in this, country. It has' been arranged that Mr. Lee attend assemblies of farmers and cat tle- growers at the following places Lincoln, August 8; Auburn, August 10; Tecumseh, Agst 11; Clay Center, Agust 15; Mitchell, August 18. Those in charge of arrangements are: For Lincoln, H. C. Young; Au burn, Elmer Doval; Tecumseh, Wal ter Campbell; Clay Center, W. F. Holcomb; Mitchell, J. C. Wcodman of Morrill. Large Livestock Exhibit Assured for Dodge Fair The Dodge County fair will have an unusually large live stock exhibit this year. Although the regular building for the swine exhibits is Is large, the entries so far are 500, so the management has been com pelled to buy several large tents to house them all. Ihe live stock ex hibit will be unusually large, as Dodge coupty is the home of some of the finest herds of purebreds in the state. Saline County Farmer Threshes Big Wheat Crop Friend Fred Sims, a large wheat raiser in this section of the state, has finished threshing a field of 320 acres of winter wheat which averaged 20 bushels per acre and tested a fraction over 60 pounds to the bushel. The wheat was grown on a half section of Building Boom on in Chicago Construction Pernuta Total ing $127,000,000 I..ucd in Firot Seven Months. Omaha He l-eaaed Wire. Chicauo, Aug. 6. This j the big gest building year in the history of Clsftago. Permits for the construction of $l.'7.;iJ,000 worth of buildingi retidrncei, apartment building., office buildings, factories and other structures have been ismed during the first teven month of the year. That is more than has ever been spent for buildings in any 12 mbnihj heretofore. The 1922 total may reach $175,000,000. The high mark heretofore was list year' record of $125,004,510. The previous high, mark was that of 1916. when permits for $112,835,150 worth -of building were ismed. Th total for 1920 was only $79,l02,d50 and tor tne first seven months last year, $6f.554.lX)0. In seven months this vear oermit for 3,904 residences and 2,238 apart nieut building have been taken out according to the building report 1 hese permits' mean approximately 13,500 new homes, as compared with 4,566 acquired during the first seven months of v)i. State Probes Hog Remedy Sales Near Bloomfield Bloomfield It is reported that agents have been telling a hog reme dy in the territorytnorthwest of here which has worked exactly opposite to claims, and a large percentage of the hogs given the treatment have died. One farmer, who had been victimized, succeeded in calling up the hank in time to stop payment on his check. It is said that the agents gave the understanding that they were working in connection with the State Agricultural department. A representative' of the department is in this vicinitjl now making an in vestigation. t Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha Bsc Lrur4 Wire. Chicago, Aug. 5. Buying power gave out in the wheat market today, While there was a fair early advance in September on a continuation of short covering, the finish was about the low point. There were net losses of 1 3-82 l-8c. Other grains were influenced by the action of wheat. Corn closed at losses of 5-8lc, while oats were off l-25-8c, and rye, 1 l-4(a)2c. All grains sold at a new low for the season during the last week. Speculative buying was not sufficient to absorb the hedges without price recessions. Wheat closed with net losses of 1 1-8(3)3 l-4c. while corn was off JfS'l 3-8c; oats, 1 1-41 l-2c, and rye, 4 l-8(n'5c. Lard finished with a loss of 471-Z5Jc and short ribs, 80c. null Positions Weak. Bullish enthusiasm was lacking today and the bulge of the previoua day weak ened the technical position. Rains fell In Canada whore the late crop will be bene fited and there was no activity in ths expert demand. Spot premiums were He lawer .as compared witn ine pepremopr. lower as compared with the September. Kulf ports th past week surnclent to take out around 7.500,000 bushels of strain. Corn and oats are completely under the domination of wheat. There was UMle In the situation to cause any material buying and with Increased hedging pressure oats sold down to within a fraction ef the lowest figures of tha season. Bulk cf the trade was of a local character. Crop re ports on corn were generally favorable except from parts of South Dakota and Minnesota, where rain Is needed. While there was no material pressure on rye. the undertone was easier In sym pathy with wheat. No. 2 on track sold at 2 54C over Beptemrjer. Fit Note. Threshing returns covsrlng parts of southern Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota, as received by C. E. 'Lewis & Co., showed average yields of spring wheat of 20.7 bushels; rye. 23. bushels; barley. 24.3 bushels, and oats, 40.S bushels per acre. Wheat and rye are about an average and oats and barley somewhat less than expected, although much better than tho last two years. Italian wheat harvest is progressing. Crop is estimated at 148.000,000 bushels r busneis less man last, year anu 141.000.000 bushels in 1920. Russian crops are deteriorating.- Unless rain Is received the yield will be small, German rye crop is larger than tha average and wheat an average. Rainfall In the Punjab diatrlct of India la ample. New wheat crop In New South Wales I estimated at 40,000,000 bushels. Reserves of old wheat are estimated at 3,zuu,uuu hiiRhels. Total axoorts so far this season are 71.000,000 bushels or 9,000.000 bushels less (nan the general trade estimate as to the amount that country has for export. Wheat receipts at primary markets since July 1 aggregate 62.232.000 bushels, com pared with 79.541.000 bushels for the same time last year. Chicago has received 12, 87.000 bushels, compared with 18.276,000 bushels last year. Kansas City. 13,538,000 bushels, or almost 10,000,000 bushels less than last year: St. .Louls, 6.235,000 bushels, compared with 11,888,000 bushels last year. Contract storxs or wneat in pudiic ele vators are aald to have been reduced 1,000,000 the last week and are estimated at 250,000 bushels, the smallest of the season. At the end of May they were more than 7.000,000 bushels. In five days nearly 4.000.000 bushels of wheat were loaded out of public and private elevators last week, also 1.749.000 bushels of corn. 288,000 bushels of oats and 32.000 bushels of rye. There were also Heavy loamngs on Saturday. In all nearly 6,000,000 bushels of grain were loaded out during tne wecK Chicago Live Stock, rhicsen. Auir. 6. L. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Cattle Re ceipts. 1.000 head; compared with week ago. beef steers and yearlings. 26c to 60c higher; spots up more; In-between grades showing most gain: top yearlings, for week. $10.76; best matured steers, tio.70; better grade butcher cows ana neirers and canners and cutters, loc to 25c higher; in-between grades rat ane-stocn, slow: uneven: bulls. 25c to 40o lower; veal calves mostly 76c higher: stockers nd feeders, strong; spots hlgner; weeg s hulk nrlcea heef steers. $8.90010.90: stockers and feeders. $5.5006.50; butcher she-stock. $5. 2607. 25; canners and cut ters. $3.1603.99; veal calves, 110.000 0.75. Hops Receipts. C.5D0 neaa; ngnt nogs, dull, 25c to 4"c lower; others weak to 26c lower; top, $10.70; btHk desirable ngnt around $10.50; spots, 2S5025O butchers, J1(l nniflio 26: bulk, medium weights and heavy butchers, $S.75.60; bulk packing sows. $7.6508.10; pigs, quiet; desirable kinds. $10.25010.40; holdover moderately liberal; heavyweight, $9.1010.00; me dium, $9.75010.60: light. $1O.S501O.O; llrht llarht. 110.21010. 0: packing sows, smooth. $7.60W8.36; packing sows, rough. $7.1007.60; killing pigs. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,ou nesn; market steady; compared week ago, klll- ng and feeding classes steady to mc tlaher, mostly: cull natives averaging 25c up, western lambs comprised bulk of sup ply: week hulk prices, native lambs. $12.26 ei'iz.fio: western. .i.3& rai ewes. $3.5007.25; feeder lambs. $12.150 12.50; cull natives, $8.0009.00. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Aug. 5. Cattl-Reeelpts, 500 head. Market for week: Beef steers nd fat she stock mostly 25050c higher; spots. 75c higher; canners 25c hlghsr: cutter 50c higher; bulls steady: calves, mostly 25050c higher; fat cows and heif ers strong to Z5c higher: stock calves steady; top steers, 110.90. Hogs Receipts, 1.600 head; market ctive to packera; steady to 10c higher; plainer kinds showing advance: godd !0n to 240-lb.. $10.15010 25: few loads good 200 to JOO-lb.. S.SO0.9O: packing sows steady. $7.7508.00, Sheep Receipts, i.son neaa. Marxet for week: Lambs 25040c higher; top ns- ives. II". 00; light ewes steady; heavies I Financial Trade Review 1 i BY ALEXANDER DANA NOYES Umaka I bts4 M Ira, New York. Aug, 6, The opinion of the financial community, alter a good deal of careful rr licit ion, lias unmistakably been that the mo event ot 1 uesuay ilternoou the Hiliour note on debt and rresidciit Harding' pub lulled term of miluntut between Ihe railway and the striking me titanic embodied i olitul mi lake. The reason for o regarding the British ministry' declaration wa that, so far at could be seen by the market, it accoinplithcd nothing and could have accomplished nothing to Dctter the situation, but that on the contrary, by announcing a policy on inrir mutual inuciiteuncsi u waa 1111 possible to carry out, it complicated the already contused lituation in the German reparation. The reason for to regarding the White Houe propotal in the railway ttrike, was that it laid down terms of compromise to the opposing interettt when the reception of thoe lermt by one of them should have been known tj be impossible. I'arararabl lhrlpmels. Hi, in lha news (rum Washington and lha news from Lnniluii, thsrrfots, count t aa unfavorable ilsvaliipmsnla In tha (neral situation. Yet neither annuunrs menl. alttlouah one was followed by r Jsctlon of lha Whits limit plan by lh railway praslrtenix and IDs oinor uy in receding sf franc from Ita conciliatory atrliuda Inward uermany, caused lha least commotion In financial markets. Ktrn i lha stock etrhsnsva prices hava held firm with, on In whole, mors sil ts m-es than declines. This was not sartly explainable rsrept on ths around mat neitnar or tn two miatases waa re tarded as Irr'trevlabla and that both were considered lo leave lha situation substantially where It had Ixan before. Tha longer course of events will de- tarmlns whether this vltw of th matter Is correct or not. In looking at tha ac tion of th financial markets, It Is natural !o consider precedent. In th nation Kid anthraclt strlks of 102 work wss suspended at tb union mines from May II to October 23. on tha Block Ux rhangs ther vtt a temporary fall In values, but lha market recovered, re mained aulet and siesdy during th early summer months snd advanced with con siuereoia animation uuring aukui, not withstanding th failure of President lloosovi-lt's first nexltliitiana la terminate th strike. That Is to say, th Stork Kxchangs sorrecly forshadowed the the eventual settlement. In Ih autumn, however, even after the rnal atrlka had been settled a violent downward reaction occurred on th Stock Exchange, which forshadowed ths severs Industrial reaction ot 103. No Parallel With lOt. This mlaht seem an unpleasant prece dent; yet when judged by financial sod sconomlc circumstances outside the strike Itself, ths autumn movement of 102 pro vided no parallel with present conditions. The position on the Stock Exchange ot 19U3. and in the money market waa far mor analogous to that of 11 than to that ot 122. A huge speculation In both finance and Industry had depleted, bank mnti drives ud money rates to fantastic hslghta; nothing of th kind has prevailed today. The extremely amadrolt statement sent out by the British ministry caused uneasi ness In thres distinct ways. It appears to call for settlement of the French war debt to th British government, inua iiire shadowing refusal of France to com nrnmiM nn the German reparations. It seemed to Intimate that payment of In terest on England war debt to our treasury, already planned for by the British exchequer, would b abandoned tinier aa waa wholly probable. France were to settle Its debt with England. In language also Intimated that the can cellation of all foreign obllgatlona to our treasury waa expected as a condition of the Oerman reparations settlement. Sioux City Livestock. Himiv ntv. Aue. B. Cattle Receipts 500 head; market tompared to week ago, fed steers and yearlings, zsc hlgner; grass steers and yearlings. CO to 75c higher; grass cowa and heifers, 60 to 7uo nigner; top beeves. $10.26; fat cowa and heifers, 85e hither: canners. 25c higher; veals, steady; top. $9.60; feeders. 25 to Bno high er; feeding cows snd heifers. 25c high er; stockers, 26 to 60c higher.. Hogs Receipts. 4,600 heed; market 25 lower; top. $10.00; tutcher. $8.75(S.75;. packing grades. 17 008.00; native pigs. 18.00; stags, 5. tjOQ3.ii. Sheep Receipt 3,000. head; market steady. Omaha Produce Furnished hv the state of Nebrasks. de partment tf agriculture, bureau of mar kets and marketing; - LIVE POULTRY. Wholesale Wholesale Buying Selling Price. Price. Broilers IO.23IO.26 $0.28?8$0.M Hens, light 16 .17 .19fi .10 Hens, iheavy 17 .18 .1 .21 Cocks 099 .12 .120 .15 Ducks 16 .20 .18 .25 DRESSED POULTRY, Broilers , Leghorn broilers .35 .28W .230 .160 .22 Hens Cocks Duck Eoas. Select .26 .16 No. 1 .19 .169. 30 16 14 .220 .180 .160 No. 2 Crscks Case count, , case. 6.10 BUTTER, prints Creamery, .330 .320 .260 Creamery, tub. . Country, common .26 .230 .26 putter rat, sta tion price Butter fat, direct shippers .300 .3$ HAT. Prairie No. 1 upland. $14.001S.OO; No. upland, $11.0 0 0 13.00; No. 3 upland, 17.00 010.00; No. 1 midland. $13.00014.00; No. midland, is.6uepi2.oti; no. 3 midland, $7.0009.00; No. 1 lowland, $800010.00; No. 2 lowland, $7.0008.00. Alfalfa No. 1, $14.00016.00: standard, $12.00013.00; No. 2, $10.00011.00; No. 3, $8.00010.00. Straw Oat, $8.0009.00: wheat, $7,000 8.00. MEATS. Wholesale prices of beef cuts are as follows: No. 1 ribs, 21c; No. 3 ribs, 20c; No. 3 ribs. 15c. No. 1 loins, 27c; No. 2 loins. 254c; No. 3 loins 17Hc. No. 1 rounds, 19Vsc; No. 2 rounds, 19c; No. 3 rounds, 15 He No. 1 chucks. 13; No. 2 chucks, 12c; No. 3 chucks, Sc. No. 1 plates. 6 hie; No. 2 plate, 6c; No. S plates, 4c. FRUITS. Bananas: Per lb., 6H7c. Oranges: Slie 216 and larger, $9.00011.00; size 250 and larger, $8.00010.00; site 288 and larger, $7.0003.60; size 324 and larger, 16.2507.00. Lemons: Box, according to size, $7.5009.00. Peaches: 18-lb. boxes, St. John California, $1.60: Arkansas, bu., $2.5003.50. Apricots: 4-basket crates, Washington, $2.0002.25. Plums: 4-basket crates, $2.0002.26. Cherries: Home grown market basket, $1.50. Apples: Wlnesaps, 11.60: apples, pippins. $3.50. Fears: Bart- lett, 60 boxes, $3.764.00. Prunes: 4- basket crates. $4.00. Figs: Calflornla. 24 cartons. No. 8. $2.00. VEGETABLES. Potatoes: New California, No. 1, per lb., 3c; new Early Ohio home grown, 2c; aweet, puer bu. hamper, $1.50. Head lettuce: Crates. $4.0005.00; dozen. 1. 5001. 75. Leaf lettuce: Doien, 35040c. Egg plant: Dozen, $1.50. Onions: Crystal wax. 45-lb. crates. $3.00; yellow, lb., 3c; red, lb., 3c; Spanish, crate, $2.26. Onions: Home grown, 35 0 40c.- Cucumbers: Hot house, market basket. 75c; home grown, market basket, 60c. Cabbage: New, per lb., home grown, 2 05c. Tomatoes: Horns grown, basket. 75c. Radishes: Dozen. 15 0 25c. Spinach: Home grown, Mc. Green pep pers: Lb., 2.0c. Green snd wax beans: Market basket, $1.0001.25. Parsley: Dozen bunches, 40ffl45c. Watermelons: Lb., 2 He Cantaloupes: Crates. $2,500 3 50: flats. 11.00 01.40. Celery: Michigan, 60065c. Turnips. - csrrots and beets, 60c. Dates Dromedary, $6.75, Checkers and Cracker Jack Per case of 50. plain. $1.76; per case of 100. plain. $3.50. Honey fer case. Z4 frames, Vd.&o. Repack Baskets Per crate. 250 baskets. $3.0. Nuts reanuts: cartons, 13 lbs.. 10 Ins.. 35 lbs., per lb., 13c. Drum, 120 lb., per lb.. 13c; pall, 30 lbs., per ID., lie. jumbo, raw. sack, per lb., lc; Jumbo rotated, sack, per lb., lOHc. English walnuts: Sack lots, per lb., 23c; small lots, per lb, I6c. Factory Price New Tires as CC QC low as t Ps7J At th Sprsfue Factory, 18th and Cumins By R. G. DUNN A CO. isiii is nans fur as 4ijil af Ike irKMIrwtersiea. nasi minis sasl r4 siiike ar still ftm as is sasia rrovrr I'rugr s ai b.a romclelely rhrk4, but II Is ! latsrrupiitt in aiflsient sjusrler. n4 suaaa (in last samiia nsv s aiasusR St larking. Ths sf th lkse trouble sal slun apir I feslrn led r sV'lld and deleted merrhaaslt saa meals, but a l.ii in rurisiM baring wsr sa. risls summxlliy arte. Wall Hub list ef holuls quotations see at 41s. this a uariHularly .Ua uss sf 4a this wk. sum leading markt hav traded shasply upaar4 sad Iks sirsagial af l Iron price, fcss been fsamr fs (real Uon sad sl.el laduMiy Is so 4pe 4eni ua fuel supplies last mill sr4 fur. nsrs asipuia But unnaturally rsflarl lh leslrainl Imposed by lha cos I shorts'. an4 retarded shipments ef mssufsrtr4 nialenal awraua sf ralltoad prlerily r 4ers sad embargoes ara tesaanirg Ih solum of pew Imsinesa Th virtual withdrawal sf sales forces from Ih r4 In cerlaj instances I s development (ksl would sol hav been witnessed If strikes war absent. s cansumpllv requirement srs larg and a continued broadening sf rtemend waa foreshadowed. Tn general situation reveal many Irregularities and contrasts, and sctlvliles ais suslslned In om lines, a n th hid trade, aa If here er ns serious drawbacks present. Willi labor unseiilemenl In such Important Industrie as rnal mining snd railroading. hnwsvsr. practically aril business Is sf. feetsd. ellker directly or Indirectly, snd reduction ef purchasing power resulting irnm ins nuenss or thousands ol wnrksra Is beginning la make Itself manifest In sonis sections Tha fsct tsat ronlldenr In Ih future Is maintained Is snrnursging. hul Ihe deleterious Influence of fully four monins or co.i irik and or mor than mould of Ih railroad sink Is plainly vlsllil. and III handlrana will be the mara illfflnilt ia avercom Ih longer Ih con troversies roatinus. rot ton Crop s "urprls. Th government's ewp condition report this week took th cotton trad by sur prise, snd prices roe about I a kale m a slnsle day. Tha market hsd previously tended downward berauaa it was believed that th crop was Improving, and Ih general expectation was for a condition estimated somewhat above that r a month ago Instead or this Ihe official flgur announced on Tuesday showed that ths crop had deterlnratfri ellehllw ittirinip July, Ih condition of 7(1 per cent rep resenting a loss of a little leas than on half of per cent. While thia mark. l. a trifling setback, the Washington report . -UBr .-!- puying oy ootn domestic snd foreisn Interests, snd sperulsllv short covering waa urgent for a lime. The pres ent Indication is for a production consider, ably In excess of Isst sessnn's small yield, but August Is a critical month and usually brlnrs a decline In cron condition AK-,,nt reaction followed the early rapid prlc up. turn, hut th net result for Ih wsek was moueraie advance. Hesitation In Textile Trade. One of tha effects of Ihe relsttvalv ! cotton crrrp condition estimate was to line a turiner stitrenlng of fabric prlr. and to suggest the probability of sddl- , lonnw. wn monerai trailing, prices of print clothe .h..n... snd convertibles rose a llttls this week. but certain goods hava been offered t concessions to move stocks. Oenersl con ditions are rendere.d uncertain by th de lays In settling th cosl mining and rail road strikes, as well aa by double about tariff matters, and hesitation In forward operations remains s conspicuous fea ture. While retsllers srs marine man small orders, comm.ltmente of magnitude are th exception, and Jobbers ar taking staple good for future delivery In a cau tious way. On the whole, textile produoa tlon Is well maintained, although ther Im continued talk In Fall River of curtail. Ing production User It cotton prices reach NOW PLAYING She thought ska could liv. with, out love o they calls! ber Ihe Woman Walked Mm Enacted by Dorothy Dalton Wanda Hawley Milton Sills Now Showing For thrill for --romsnce for all the clamor of tho aes don't alas ALLEN HOLUBAB'S Orsmstle Sensation Starring; DOROTHY PHILLIPS NOW SHOWING BERT LYTELL . in Sherlock Brown A screen oroduction aha th arerats; on you'll enjoy seeing. NOW PLAYING Continuous from 1 t. M. Hizel Green Her Jazz Band S Other Excellent Acta f CONWAY TEARLE In "Love's Masquerade" fliPn J a t v r-O LAST TIMES WEDNESDAY James Oliver Cut-wood's 'The Girl From Porcupine' still fcl(har lsl fH ths beglalag f ik sets erp svmat. Ai4lB4 la al ladiraitans, eay buret nit miss Is Nts Vsrh sett week I ll4 Ik inlag sf a mr. haadislaf fair thai III aliaua fr fHBigkl. rif Irsa'tHsMrw MUr. Am k4 seaerttly iets4. Ik ri sf pig ir sutpui 4elin4 during July Tke stsrefat maks fur Ih moats) . Hi la eprBia gals f !. iaaa r th pr dwell in Iks skrlr aiHll sf Jua. July's dally svrgg sf 11.411 loos msrk a redweiloa sf I. It loss from Iksi sf Jua. aiopuag sf p. srsllsas ky Iks ro sinks sad railroads Irotjfcl resulted la a lose af fur. see as Ik seilts list, snd Ih espauity f Ik III fuinacas In blsst .on August I waa kul 1.s trio par day, as ae.rly IIS n lets lha Ik rapacity f Ilia 11 furnarea si work on July I. The samparlsans, wklrb ar made from sta tistic compile ky Tka Irus As. hr Ikal production ks met with a dis tinct cheek, la Ik rlrrumsisBre. II la net alrsna Ikal Ih prlr trend eontinue upward, different grsdes pig Iran be ing from is l Is higher I his week. Mranglk a Hade. Notwithstanding suerlv advance during rwenl weeks bids prices havs touched sllll higher levels. Th rls hss embraced soth demnsllo snd forslsn stark, snd general upturn marked th ptics movement st th I'srls suctions laat week, oan trad lalerests contend that hid price ran scarcely go much higher un I big tathr demand 4vlnpa, but It Is pointed sul I other quarters Ihst Iks msrkt Is In m v ery trong siallatlssl position. He, sua of ih unusually low price that prevailed during Ih greater Kart nf last vear, production of hide wss materially curtailed, snd It la not sur prising that Ih rtrlrllnn of supplies snd ths mar normal consumption nf leather have caused a rapid lies In raw material. The successive advances In hide prlrea hava attracted much attention In Ih footwear trad, and II Is reported that retailer who deferred fsll pur. chases ars beginning in regret their de lay. Hvrl price Increases nn ahoea havs alresdy been sstsbllshed, and th prospect nf a further rls Is not balng disregarded, Tsrpostl sad stoaln. Savannah. Us., Aug. t Turpsnlln rtrm; ! : tale. bbls ; receipts. 7( bhla.; shipment, 11 bbls.; stock. 7. HO bbl. , . Rosin Firm; sale. 7 casks; receipts. 1.01 essks; shipments. 1 casks; stock. Ml casks. Vluots: 11. Olc: D. K. (etc; r. it. I.loe: I. K. I Itc: M. t lie; N, MOe; WO. ots WW, t.ltc. .. 'I BEE WANT AD RATES Iq pr lino each dsy, 1 or I dare. I to per Una srh day, I to days. 10c pr line each day. I days or longer. Thess rsles apply to Ths Sunday Be as well a ts Th Morning snd Evening Be. All weekday advancements appear In both morning snd evening editions st tb ons cost. Th sbovs rates snnlr exclusively to Want Ada whits Br commonly farmed "nablle wsnts." sod do not Include sd- vertlelng or exploiting tkslr bustuM. THE BER reserves th right to deslg- nsl what constitute a, pobllo want Want Ads' accepted at th following offices: MAIN OrriCB .,171b. and ramara Its. South Omaha 140 N St. Council Bluff 11 Scott St. Telephone AT-lantlo 1. Csll for Want Ad Dspartmsst. An sx- perlenced want ad tsksr will receive your ad and bill will be mailed latr. Tb rates quoted abov apply to lthr charg or cash orfjsra. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:41 s. m. Morning Edltloa t p. m. Sunday Edition p. m. Saturday. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE KVENINO BEE. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing concrst burlai vaults. Recommended and for sale by ali leading undertakera. Waterproof, no steel to rust, no wood to deoay. Insist upon ths AUTOMATIC SEALING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 621 M. 10ta. Omaha. TL Kenwood 1077. CEMETERIES. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o O - VIHIT FOREST LAWN. O O Forest Lawn Cemetery la a placs O O ot pesce where beautiful green O O Iswns snd many trees delight th O O eye and afford pleasant mem- O O orles of the lsst resting pics. All O O revenues ar used for perpetual O O car and Improvement. Offices st o O the cemetery (north of elty limits) O O and 730 Brandels theater. "O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNERAL DIRECTORS P. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stack aV Falconar OMAHA'S BEST. hAMBULANCPhTO Thirty-third and Fsrnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmere.. Phone HA. -0266. Office 2611 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 1124 Cuming. LARKIN BROTHERS" FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 4813 SO. 24TH CROSBY-MOORE FLORISTS LEE T.A RMfiM . Doug...- Phone DO. (244 SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HK53 A 8WOB0DA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. U HENDBRBQN. 160T Fsrnam. JA. llit. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. 10. PERSONALS SMALL BOYS LEFT HOME, August 2, about t s. m., two small boys aged and 7, on weiring blue overall! and jacket, the other blue unlonalls and blue cap. Pleas notify WA. 0846. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Leona La hey, after this date, August 5, 1922. (Signed! , WILLIAM LAHET. Electric bsth. massage. 201 Neville Blk. LOST AND FOUND. FOX terrier lost, male; answers to name of "Bim." Reward If returned to H. C. Nicholson. 6117 Chicago. WA..0S21 LOST Bunch of keys Thursday afternoon. Phone KB 4761. Reward. HELP WANTED jVIALE. CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED, at once, apply In person or write The Merrltt-Schwler Cry. Co. Great Bend. Kansas. Tear around - dressing. 10,000 head capacity feeding station. DRAPERY cutter wanted, experienced, capable of handling high grade work. On who understands making lamberqulns, etc. Hardy Furniture Co.. -Lincoln, Neb. Drap ery Dept. LIFETIME.opportunlty. minimum 1160 snd "" numser young men wanted. ...... .mium uo., ro um. Nat'l Bank. .,,. MEN WANTED! AMERICAN SMELTING & REFINING CO Fifth and Dougia Sts. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O MECHANICS WANTED. O O o o o- o o o o Only thos having experience ftn Dodge cars need apply. References Required. See Mr. Bbyln. J. H. MARKEU Dodge Bros. Dealer, 12th and Q St LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o MEN WANTED. FOR GRAVEL HAULING. Several excellent Jobs open. Men on this work now earning 126 te tit per day. Must be reliable and sbls t buy track, paying part cash, balancs from earnings. Quick action ts neces sary as limited number only esn be takes care cf. When replying give phone number Jf possible. ADDRESS BOX W-llt, OMAHA BEE. Jj fee U5S lwsest ever received, l Daniel Webster, rolling land and was ali in one field. LJi. 0c lower, ' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO