THE OMAHA MSB: MONDAY. AUGUST 7. .022. Babies Laugh, Coo and Cry as Judges Look for Wiuners Infants of Ex-Smice Men Are Given Pritet in Con test Staged by War Motbrri. The clougiittoy and the gob are Kill in the service of their country keeping it e from race suicide. Thii fact wa demonstrated at Krug I'ark at a baby con test for ex mice mrn'i families, put on by war mother!. More than 345 were officially reg istered when entriei closed Thurs day night, but fully 1.000 babies, old er brothers and itrrs of the con testants, swarmed the huge dance pavilion while the event was on. Some were chubby, some wiry, active little elves; some blue-eyed, oine dark and redhaired, blond and brunette; some were pretty, aome not to, except to their own adoring parents anyway there were babies of all sizes, classes, sects, race and description. Weighed and Measured. A staff of doctors, headed by Dr. Harry Murphy, and nurses, headed by Miss Elizabeth Bradford of Kose Human post of the American Le gion, weighed an measured the ba bies prior to the promenade before the judges. District Judge Sears was the only judge who reneged It is rumored he rode out to Krug park, took one look at the crowd of laughing, cry- ing, squawling, smiling youngsters and fled. But Harry Hough, re doubtable American Legion adju tant; Father Buckley, Mrs. Blanche L. McKelvy, a candidate for the legislature, and Mrs. Frank Furness stayed bravely at their post, J. M. Buck, orginator of the gold star tribute tor fallen heroes, pre sented gold lockets to the three "gold star" babies easily the center of attention in the the big throng. They are daughters of men who died in the service. Their names are Grace Barker, Mary Catherine Par kinson and Dolnhine Anne Drabek. "In placing this emblem on you three, there are two meanings one father, the other country and what one did for the other," said Buck. "May you fully understand this act later on,' Dressed Like Daddy. The twins of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Humphrey, Don Robert and Richard Daniel were the center of another group. Raymond Gerrity, jr., 2679 Burt street, was dressed in a sailor suit, just like his daddy who was in the navy. James Pardy, jr., 321 South Fiftieth avenue, rode proudly in a gocart, gaily decorated by Mrs. Warren Oehrle. Prizes of jewelry, toys, clothing and other articles dear to the babes or their mammas, were awarded to the following prize winners: , Harriet Ramsey, IS days, youngest baby; Edwin Mileris, fattest baby; Robert Sepuinski, prettiest boy baby; Betty Eselin, prettiest girl baby; Jean Hatley and Marie Louise Catro, . prettiesrujt 18t24-iBonths class; Hollis Kane, jiFotfiest, 24-J6-months class; Raymond - Gerrily, prettiest, 36-42-months class; Dorothy Denton, pret tiest, 3-4-year class, and Leon Wtl lard, prettiest red-haired boy. Steel Mills Closed Sharon, Pa., Aug. 6 All depart ments ' of the Farrell works of the Carnegie Steel company, with the exception of ohe blast furnace, were .closed because of scarcity of cpal. American Legion John Barton Payne, national chairman of th American Red Croat, will be one of the visitors at the fourth annual na tional convention of the American Le clon In Nevr Orleane, La., October lS-ift. An effort la being made to have Edwin Denby, secretary of the navy, who la on an extended tour of the Orient, accept the Legion's Invitation to apeak before the convention. Organised labor and organised baaeball wilt be repreaented at the -National con vention of the American Legion at New Orleans th October in the persona of Samuel Oompers, president of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, and Judge Kene saw Mountain Landls. high commissioner of organised baseball. Both are down on the program for addresses. Clarence Reeder, an erstwhile "top ser geant," who is a staff artist on a New Orleans newspaper, defeated IS competi tors In a contest for designs for a poster to advertise the American Legion con vention In New Orleans next October. The officer ot the American Legion auxiliary are desirous of obtaining the name and address ot the American mother who tarnished the greatest number ot sons - to the national cause in the world war. An Indiana community has furnished the name of one whe gave seven sons, two in th navy and live in the army. A num ber of mothers have furnished as many as ttvt) sons. Mrs. Edgar B. Penney, Nebraska state president ot the American Legion aux iliary, on her return from Chicag6, ex pects ts devote practically her entire time to the plans for the state convention of the auxiliary to be held in York, Sep tember 18-20. A three-day progam la being prepared, which in addition to gen eral sessions, will include an address by the national president, Mrs. Lowell F. Hobert ot Cincinnati,' O. A parade and a reception arc to be featured. Every le gion band in the state will be present. ITiSTCASHD If s toasted. This on extra process gives a delightful quality that can not be duplicated Lower Prices Ford sixe Tir ......j.. .. $5.95 At th SprtgtM Factory,' 18th mmA Coming VACI 6 ARETTEy Phantom Rum Pirates Make Life Nightmare Modern Captain Kidd and Crew Seize Precious Cargos of Hootch Smugglers Outside Four-Mile Limit Invite Members of "Prohibition Navy" to Have Drink. New York, Aug. 6. The presence in outer New York harbor of phantom rum pirate, which pouncei on liquor smugglers by night and joshes the prohibition navy by day, was revealed to customs official! when the United States rum scout Taylor returned to port after trying for a week to capture this modern Captain Kidd. Numerous talei of the escapades of the mystery ship which has thrown consternation into the- fleet of nondescript craft engaged in coastwise liquor smuggling were brought in by the crew of the Tay lor. The name of the craft is unknown, for no one of its victims or pursuers has seen a single mark of identifica tion on its grey hull. Its lines were described at those of a high-speed schooner over 60 feet in length, and HVAmtuj ku tu nniiflxi caantine 1 UV'UU " J .. v ---- C motors, which send it skipping out of danger when approached by an in quisitive visitor. ... The pirate capiaui is taia to Dc s dare-devil disciple of the Captain v.AA mUie his rreur of eieht. an armed gang of reckless outlaws who carry automatics, ana arm or hama whisky instead of Jamaica rum. Their cratt hovers just ouismc uic it y.mlt mt eha rM nl the ocean lane traveled by tugs, schooners, trawleri and yachts, engaged ' in u..: liminr from Nassau. Ba- liauimsi v ------ hamas and St. John, Nova Scotia, to New ioric ana ew jersey n"'- CrAn instance of the pirates' method was recited by a member of the Tay lor's crew as toiiows: a .mmndfr't rrift wis anchored outside the safety or the four-mile limit, waiting for the speedy harbor launch which would transfer its - car go of imported liquor to waning bootleggers ashore. . Suddenly and silently, the pirate ship appeared out of the evening 37 Killed; 137 Injured in M. P. Irain Wreck irantinutBd from Tm One.) nrivnirian administering to the in jured for teveral hourt until relief trains arrived. ' "UiA T enmo assistance we miKnt have saved some of the dying," Dr. Hull tola a representative or ine -,:t.A Pr. ""At one time I was trying to treat 25 persons simultane ously. Cries Heard for Block. ti. :;,.! rrr. of the iniured could be heard for blocks. Mothers begged for news of their babies and children cried for their parents. One 14-months old child who wat unable to tell her name, was found a mile t ,u. nt th HUastpr. ask- ing for "mama." A woman from St. Louis took her in cnarge. n, n( h caHHrst scenes, reported was that of the Degonia family of St. Louis, rive ot tne umiiy. oi s UlleH and the father is reported dying in a St. Louis hospital. Four of the Degonia cniiaren, aniarea, , Ralph, 6, Melvin, a, ana months, lay dead to the right of their father and Mrs. Degonia lay dead to his left. Mildred had been mumbling aud ibly the Lord's prayer and just as she recited "Thy will be done" death sealed her lips. Mr. Degonia, in his semi-delirium, reached oyer anu grasping his infant son to his breast, ranA-irt hptmrm irroans of pain. "Thank God, Bobby, we're all alive" not knowing the hearts in tne Dreasis of his wife and children were still. Thirty-four Known Dead. TWv.fnni- AraA riv been aC. counted for but the death toll is ex pected to exceed this number by at least a dozen, as in the confusion several bodies were hustled upon the relief trains before being checked. Many ot tne DOdies couia not dc .Aatit'tt.A hf-atle their efforts had been scattered over such a wide area. The railroad tracks parallel tna Micci.einn! river anrl trip trSt1p On which the disaster occurred spans Viiaise creeic wnere . h enters , mc river. As a result, a report was cur rent that a number of bodies were hurled into the Mississippi. Ihere was no way of verifying this report, however. Darkness Hinders Rescue Work. ,VJ. lV n V11 T eat? ases,. w - nsvsa , uj ca.v ui (t Vf v-i i i.- ass mhi village is without electricity and the rescue workers ana moroiaiy curious mi At ilioif nrsv amAnc m .mace ft luauv , uvts TV ea Htvi5 a twisted steer and crumbled wooden coaches by the aid ot Kerosene torches and lights on sticks.- Thousands of persons visited here late last night and today to view the wreck and roads were blocked for Law Snubs Beach Romance Honeymoon Party Lands in Hoosegow on Charge of Grand Larceny After "Borrowing" Automobile for Trip to New York. Omaha Bao Iniil Win. Asbury Park, N. J. Aug. 6 The stern arm of the law punished Dan Cupid for a row of bright steefhand cuffs here. One perfectly good elopement was adjudged bankrupt, and a merry and bright -wedding trip ended in the calaboose. Never was a beach romance more sternly snubbed by an unkind fate than that of Donald Slavin and the piquant Lena Bowski. Don is 18. Lena is 16 and lives with her mother. Both are handsome and New Yorkers. Don's folks and Lena's mother have been summering at Asbury Park. Don and Lena met on the beach and Don was soon down for the third time. Len jumped in after him and they went down together. When they came up ways and means were discussed. Williim Ub bans, Don's buddy, was admitted to the secret. They set forth in a car belonging to Robert Kopf, who was also stopping at the Bristol in An bury Park. here the other three had rooms, .They bad a license and for Liquor Runners mitt and drew alongside. Its skip per boarded the anchored vessel, flashed a huge roll of currency and bargained for the purchase of 200 cases of whisky. When the liquor had been trans ferred from the hold of one vessel to the other, the pirate calmly stuffed hit roll out of tight and leaped aboard hit own craft. The victimized crew ran for their guns. When they returned they found themselves look ing into the muzzles of eight auto matics at the mystery ship silently dove away into the darkness, This quick disappearance act has earned the pirate ship the name of 'Teli can" among those in the rum-running trade, it it said. Numerous small thips engaged in legitimate coastwise trade have re ported to harbor police and customs officials that they were boarded by a husky crew. When their cargoes were examined and found liquorless, the huskies in each case clambored aboard the "Pelican" and made a quick getaway. Capt. D. S. McDonald of the Tay lor reported having seen the "Peli can", several times during the week he wat on its trail, but never once did it venture inside the four-mile limit without whisking away to safe ty when the Taylor hove in sight. Sometimes said McDonald, the Caotain Kidd would shout an invita tion to the crew of the rum chaser to have a drink. At other times the crew would line the rail at a sate distance drinking from a newly opened bottle of liquor. Edward Barnes, assistant solicitor to the collector of the port, declared his department is planning drastic steps to prevent rum running smug- Iers trom gaining a nrrn tooting, ecret importation of opium and other narcotics may be expected as the bootleggers next activity, he said, since they are more profitably handled than liquor. a radius of three miles'. Dr. Hull, who was among the first at the wreck, told the Associated Press that bodies of dead were found 300 feet from the scene of the accident. One body was buried waist deep in a bog. Dr. George W. Elders, coroner of Jefferson county, said a thorough in vestigation of the accident woulcfi be made. Burlington at Alliance Reports Business Increase Alliance, Neb., Aug. 6. (Special.) Despite the strike of the shopcrafts the volume of business handled by the Burlington on the Alliance divis ion, Edgemont, S. D to Ravenna, Neb., showed a substantial increase during July over June and also over July, 1921. In July, 1922, the gross tonnage handled was 1,245,513, as compared with 880,902 tons for the corresponding month last year, or an increase of approximately 30 per cent. The tonnage for June, 1922, was 1,070,602, or 174,911 less than for July, 1922. The number of trains run over the division also shows a decided increase, there being 475 in July, 1921, as compared with 718 for July this year. v The total increase of cars loaded on the division was 206 over last year. Rail officials an nounce nearly three-fourths normal working forces in the shops and roundhouse, although none of the strikers have gone back to wort American College of Business Is Now Accredited School The work done by the American College of Business in Omaha has been recognized by the American Association of Vocational Schools, which accredited , the college. This association is national in scope and its mission is the better training of young people for positions of respon sibility, honor and profit. Before a school can become ac credited and admitted to membership in this association a thorough in vestigation is made concerning its courses, its faculty, its equipment, its standing in the community, both among young people and business men; the moral and business integ rity of its officials; its past record for fair and honorable dealings; its policy of service to both employers ind employes. , Election Ballot of 1894 Found in Express Package Broken Bow, Neb., Aug. 6. (Special.) George Mauk, cashier of the Burlington station at this place, found an official city ballot dated 1894 tied 'to an express' package ad dressed to Broken Bow. The ballot was for a system of water works, an issue which was defeated. Read The Omaha Bee every day, you will- like it. were headed for New York when Kopf missed his car. A general alarm was sent out and a policeman stopped the party in Elizabeth. They explained that they merely meant to borrow the car and that they couldn't tell Kopf about it be cause' they were running away se cretly. Unsympathetic court officials wrote the charge of grand larceny against Slavin and Ubhans. and they were required to produce $3,000 each for bait Lena,--who was m court with her mother, was paroled in the custody of her parent. DRBURH0M TfoCkiropnicfor, SECURITIES BLDGL Woman in Jail Charged With Slaying Mate "I Tried to Help Him Go Straight," Prisoner TelU " . Police- Don't Care What Happens. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 6 (By A. P.)-Mr. Dolly Moody, 35, it held at police headauartert for the kill' ing of her husband, Edwin Moody. Neighbors are looking after Will iam Edward Moody, 2, their ton. On a cot at police headquarters, behind bars, Mrs. Moody told her story to a correspondent of the Asso ciated 1'rcst. "1 married him 10 years ago," the said. "He was always in trouble. 1 tried to help him out and. help him go straight, lie wouldn't, though. He had been driving a taxicab. Last April he quit that. He took to ped dling corn whisky, I asked him to quit. He laughed at me. He told ine about a married woman he was go ing with. She had a boy 7 or 8 years old. He told me how she used to fan his head and tell how 'sweet she was to him I' "This afternoon he came home and lay down by the buffet. He talked some more. He told me about the woman and the whisky and when I asked him for some money for Will iam bd ward he cursed me. He said he was going out to sell some whis ky. Then, he said, he was going to see her. 'I picked up a revolver, an old thing. It had been around the house for a long while. I pointed it at him and I said: 'You'll not leave here to night!' And then he grabbed it and the thing went off. I didn't mean to kill him. God knows that." I don't care what they do with me," she said. "I am awful tired of living." Over at the neighbor s house Will iam Edward being only 2 vears old. was laughing. He didn't know what it was all about. When it got dark he went to sleep. Chalmers Motor Company Announces Cut in Prices Detroit, Aug. 6. Reduction of $210 on the five-passenger touring car, $150 on the seven-passenger touring car, $160 on the roadster and $400 on the coupe were announced by the Chalmers Motor Car com-, pany. The revision of list is the 12th in the industry during the last week and is marked as one of the most radical in the extent of its reductions. The Paige-Detroit company also announced reductions in four models. Trained Employes Sought, Head of College Asserts "The person who has been trained in shorthand or bookkeeping never knows what it is to be out of em ployment," states H. B. Boyles, head of the commercial college. Praise instead of pity is tWe re ward of the fellow who has some thing to' offer' the employer of of fice help. ihis is something to think, about for the young person, and older ones, too, who are forced to get out anrl hustle for work. Creighton University Rev. William RlKge. Francis Betten and Alfr.rl TCaufmann. S J., attended tha edu cational meeting held at Campion, col lege. Prairie du Chien, Wis. , MaJ. Corblt S. Hoffman, U. S. A., called at Creighton with his son, Corblt Hoffman, Jr., to take leave of the faculty of which he has been a member for three years. Under his oommand the arts and high school units of the R. O. T. C. at Creighton have been highly successful. Dean Schulte of the college of medi cine is taking vacation at Manltou, Colo. Dr. Charles Schwab, M. D., '16, has fin ished a year of postgraduate work on the ear at Philadelphia, ana nas returnea to take up a place on the Creighton med- trnl faiMlltv. Archbishop Harty spent the evening at the College of Arts July 31. Rev John Bankstahl, Joseph Kroeger and Albert Wise, S. J., all formerly at the Creighton faculty, were among visitors at the university. Saint James School FORMERLY LOWER SHATTUCK 'Faribault, Minnesota A home school for boys from 7 to 13. Episcopal. Limited number. Small classes. Thorough and ef ficient training that brings out the best there is in the boy. Mil itary drill. Athletics and outdoor , life tinder supervision. Ideal sur . roundings on an estate of . 90 acres. Free catalog address, FREDERICK E. JENKINS, Headmaster Adelaide Fogg Instructor of Dancing BLACKSTONE HOTEL Opens October 2 Build Your Fulure on Bed Rock The Creighton University is developing- leaden. LAW Oor Law School require! two yean of college work before Um student can enter this coon. MKDICIN'E DENTISTRY . Creighton Medical and Dental Colleges are both- equipped with excellent laboratories. The Medical College will ac cept only a limited number of students. This la a Csthollc institution, bnt we do not bar Protestants. Creighton'! Athletic achieve ments are recognised through out the Middle West. CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY OMAHA. rBlV Golden Wedding Is Observed at Schuyler Schuyler. eb.. Auk.. 6. (Special.) Mr, nd Mr, William Smith, rei. denti of Uuilrr county since 1 S4, were given surprise celebration of their golden wedding anniversary at their home by on, daughters and grandchildren, numbering ii pertoni. Others present were Krv. and Mrs. G. M. Gates, Judge and Mrs. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. 11, I. Smith ol Lin coln, Mrs. H. II. Smith of David City and Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Smith oi Fremont. A program in the yard was followed with the presentation oi a $J0 purse to the sued couple. The eight sons and daughters, all present, were Frank F. .-Smith, Snowflakc, Manitoba; Charles, Ed ward and Mrs. Cora Wicks, Prim rose, Neb. j Albert Henry and Wil liam, Schuyler; and Mrs. O. Ii. Streetcr, Loretia, Neb. Superior to Stage Big Open-Air Pageant Superior, Neb,, Auir. 6. (Special.) Superior boosters have pUnncsl an advertising: trip to all towns within a radius of SO miles Tuesday, August 7, in the interest of the big out-door pageant, "America in the Melting Pot," to be put- on at Superior August 25. This production is backed by busi ness men and citizens of Superior and the American Legion. About 200 World War veterans will take part and an AO-piece band, composed oi the Nelson band, the Deshlcr band, Rurr Oak (Kan.) band and the Su perior band, will furnish music. Nearly 500 singers and actors in cos tumes of the different periods will react scenes from American history, beginning with the landing of the nilgrims on Plymouth rock to the World War period. Lad Playing on Bridge Nearly Electrocuted Rainold Hron, 15. son of F. J. Hron, 4122 T, street, narrowly es caped death by electrocution Satur day night at 7:30, when he came in contact with a live wire while playing about the viaduct at Forty-third and I streets. Young Hron is in the St. Joseph hospital badly burned about the body, but with no bones broken. The shock threw him from the top of an iron girder, to which he climbed, to the ground, 20 feet below. Platinum Ore Found Manila, P. I., Aug. 6. Ore testing 68 per cent platinum has been found in the Lianga mines operated by Persian capital, which is making a thorough survey to ascertain the ex tent of the deposits. Platinum is widespread in the islands but here tofore has been found in unpaying quantities. Locusts Stop Train Manila, P. I., Aug. 6. Dense swarms' of locusts held up a passen ger train 20 miles from Manila for two hours, and an extra engine was needed to move the cars along the piled-up rails. The majority of the provinces are heavily infested with the locusts, many districts being de nuded of crops. Mount Saint Mary's Seminary Sisters of Mercy In Class "A" of schools accredited by the University of Nebraska. Graduates of the Normal Department receive certificates entitling the holder to teach in the rural public schools. COURSES Classical, .Musical, Art, Commercial. Special work in Dra matic Department. School reopens Sept. 8, 1922. Address THE DIRECTRESS. , St. Benedict's College Atchison. Kansas A Boarding and Day School, Affiliated with the University of Kan sas arid Accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education as' a Senior College. Liberal selection of Courses. College of Arts and Sciences, School of Commerce and Economics, High School, Business Courses, Music. Maur Hill, special Department for Boys in the Grades. The Eternal You hear it on every hand you are asking it yourself. But what are you doing toward answering it? Certainly you will not wait a lifetime for opportunity to come to your door. Not if you are like hundreds of other Omaha people who are succeeding in business. You can train for active service; can set for yourself a definite goal and attain it. But you must start soon, must take the first step then the way will be easy. Boyles College will train you to successfully fill well-paid posi tions; offers you a choice of training , unequaled by similar commercial colleges. Send for the booklet that most interests you decide - upon a course of training. Do it TO DAY and answer the eternal question for life. BOYLES 1 8th and Harney, Omaha, Neb. Phone JAckson 1565 School AH Summer Both Necessity May Compel Germany to Han Liquors Economic Atitlioriiica See Prohibition Looming at Mat trr for IinlMilual Re. raue of Kuril Timet. Berlin, Aug. 6-ly A .) Germany's heart may never change sufficiently to adopt prohibition vol untarily, but the frclin stems to be growing in various quarters that eco nomic necessity may ultimately drive the fatherland into a place alongside the United States, Economic authorities are drawing attention to the fact that the worker is finding himself increasingly harassed by high prices and rela tively low wages. The prohibition issue, they assert, thus promises to hinge upon the inclination of the in dividual since the government's spir its monopoly is recognized at one of the nation's chief sources of revenue, a fact which would loom large with the country as a whole in the ours tion of wiping out the alcohol in dustry. Spiritt In Demand. Spirits are increasingly ill demand for industrial purposes and the gov ernment it saiJ to be inclined to sup- . i , . i . i . , pori mis departure ior inc sane oi reducing the importations of fuel thus replaced. Coupled with these features of the situation it the high price of drinks. A litre of Munich beer costs about 20 marks, enough to buy a quarter of a pound of meat, which the work ing man is at present unable to af ford more than once in a fortnight. The cheapest wine, with the tax, runs over 25 marks for half a glass. The scientific branches also are feeling a pinch in the higher prices of alcohol, which costs 13,000 per cent more than before the war. P ERU State Teachers College Oldest Teschrr Trslnins; Institu tion in Nsbrssks. A school with S.200 graduates. A faculty ot forty speeislists. A four-year col legs course with A. B. degree. A two-yeas college course with Di ploma and Life Certificate. Special Supervisors' courses In Commerce, Early Elementary Edu cation, Home Economics, Manual Training, Expression, Physical Training, Public School Art. Public School Music, Science and Rural Education. DEMONSTRATION' HIGH SCHOOL Courses : College Preparatory, Normal Training, Commercial, Vo cational Home Economies, Voca tional Agriculture, Manual Training. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kindergarten grades 1 to 8 in elusive. Special Instruction In Voice, Orchestra and Band Instruction in all athletic sports. Splendid gymnasium, swimming pool and athletic field. A. L. Cavlness, President ft. D. Overholt, Registrar Registration for Fall Term Sept. 8-9 All Our Graduates Are in Positions II you are looking (or a better Bus iness College without any extra cost, investigate this school. Low tuition, easy terms. Come and see us or write, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Fully Accredited 1912 Farnam St. Tel. AT 7774 s J. A. Youngstrom, Pres. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR Question What Can I Do What Shall I Be? CURRICULUM: Complete Commercial Shorthand and Typewriting Private Secretarial Bookkeeping, Bankinf, Auditing Telegraphy Civil Service Complete English Comptometry Machine Bookkeeping COLLEGE Merriam Block, Council Bluff Phone 576 Day and Evening Classes. S I - s,t 2 J V Hoover Atkvd to Find "Yankee Ilartender Washington, Aug. e-Snrcury lI.Mnrr wj asked ti find a "com print! Yankee bat tender" for a new liuairmtld lull I. Oilirwl rrporit to the Commerce department transmit, ted the request on behalf of tht proprietor of the Guatemala ho,''.ry which, the reports declare, will eater especially M American talesmen and be "American in every respect." All purchase of supplies are to be made in the I'niied Nates, but this is thought to apply, the department said, "lo construction materials mainly." Academic rrclrs see a grave danger in in to viermaiiy s lamous rncmi cal and pharmaceutical industries, since it threatens to force thousands of students in these lines to give up their careers because thev cannot af ford to pursue their studies, Cxsrina't Plight Related. Daylight saving was enforced on the Uie ciarina of Kusoia while she was imrisoned at Ekaterinburg, ac cording to her diary, which it 'now appearing serially in the Berlin press. The guards required her to put the clocks ahead two hours in order to save electricity, the thermometer in her room was smeared over so the could not tell the actual temperature, while the window! were painted while to prevent her observing the weather conditions. TARKIO COLLEGE V. Expenses Double Dormitory Hystem culs larg est item. Moderate Tuition. Few In cidentals. "Student Activities" Kee. Helf-Help Opportunities. 8ne School Sentiment Prise Awards, Substantial Scholarships. 8e catalogue estimates. Address Pres. Thompson, Tarkla, Me. The University School of Music Lincoln, Nebraska Twenty-Ninth Year Begin September 4th MUSIC DRAMATIC ART A large faculty. Complete courtet in all depart ment. Degree, diploma, teacher's certificate. Anyone may enter. -New catalog on request Address ADRIAN NEWENS, Director 1103 R St Choose the Right School The choice of your school is of vital importance because in securing a business education you cannot afford to waste time, money and effort. Our up-to-date teaching: methods, our conscientious instructors, and our modern school rooms and equip ment combined with reasonable tuition, make the Dworak Business College the school for you. Individual instruction in Shorthand, Touch Type writing, Bookkeeping-, Correspondence and Penman ship, Higher Accounting, Auditing and C. P. A. training. Day and Evening Classes. Positions for Graduates. If you cannot call, write or telephone for catalog Telephone ATlantic 7415. Dworak Business College WEAD BUILDING 18TH AND FARNAM. StudyCW I R.OPRACT I c .OiV chiropracticHountainfteQd You can become Independent for life and bring health, the greatest blessing, to thousands. You are not too old or young to learn this greatest of all science. ask tor literature giving course, cost and y sV . advantages to you. loin die big 3,000 JtsUlTlCr School OT CbirOpraCUC student body in our specious classrooms. 1200 Brady Street Davenport, Iowa t The Right School The Bee is prepared to give information regarding schools or colleges teaching the fol lowing courses. This information is free. Simply indicate with an X which course you are interested in, fill out the coupon below and mail to The Omaha Bee's Information Bureau. Boys' School Business Training Schools Chiropractic Colleges Corrective Speech Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic Art Name -. Street City 1866 SHATTUOC Mil r rwpsrw bey for college Recent grad- a tap rh.-Vk U,M ow Trj, i rinrw ton, Watt Point and twenty-atven t h t r eol. leges. YVIdt reputation for good teami tnd clean sports. A Church School (Eplteopal) with tht experience, tradition! and Ideal t fifty yean. Boys should. enroll now for Sp tember, 13112 or 1923. Far MIsUfM sd View Beak, lisVill SHATTUCK SCHOOL, FARIBAULT, MINN. The University of Omaha COURSES: College af Libera! Arts and Sciences Department et Fine and Applied Art Home Economics Department Teachers' Training School Klndsrcer ten Departasent Prs-Medical Department School at Law Two Years ml Engineering Estensle Department Department el Music and Eapressleei Fall Term Begin Sept 18 Fine Arts School Law School Military School Music Conservatory Normal School Young Ladies' School .vr. . . . . No , ....... State...... rjt'JJ J fn rll ME1 I 1