The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 06, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    S A
Body of Inventor
Is Laid to Rest
on Mountain Top
Mortal Rrmain of Alexander
Graham Bel! Buried in
Tomb Blaotrd From
Solid Rock.
Bsddeck. N. S., Aug. 5. All the
villager of Baddeck trudged to the
peak of Beinu Bhroagh mountain
Ult evening and itood in reverence
at millet while the body of Dr. Alex
ander Graham Bell was laid tenderly
to ret after a liie of 75 years in
which he gave to the world the tele
phone and other inventions.
Over hit tomb, blamed from rock,
that looked down on all of eatern
Nova Scotia and the beautiful Hras
'd'Or lakei, itood the watch tower
built years xo by the inventor. Be
low the quiet woodland and the se
rene lakei on whose water Dr. Bell
experimented with speed boat and
fast water sleds.
Short Service at Home.
First there were short services at
the hillside homestead, attended only
by those who had been very clo to
Dr. Bell at work or play. When
these were ended, bronzed workmen
employed on the estate lifted to their
shoulder his casket which had been
built in Dr. Bell's workshops out of
rugged pine, and carried it to his
coach, which led .the cortege up to
the very highest tip of the mountain.
There, his aix-foot frame silhouet
ted against the twilight sky, stood the
village parson, Rev. John MacKin
non of the Greenwood Presbyterian
church of Baddeck. Clustered about
him down the slopes of the moun
tain were the Nova Scotians and a
few who had come from the United
States for the burial, one of them.
Dr. Bell's sister-in-law, a resident of
Washington. .
Recite Favorite Poem.
frnends of the inventor recited one
of his favorites Longfellow's "Psalm
of Life:"
Tall ma not In moornii! numbara
Lira la but an ampty dream.
Then as the day departed and
night came on, the body was en
tombed in the rock.
For one moment during the service
all the 13,000.000 telephones in the
United States and Canada were si
lent " y
Ford to Build New
Plant in Illinois
How to Keep Well
r W. A. EVAN I
QlWtllM IWMMI fcyfiaae, eeaiie.
iwa aae arvllaa af tlMiM, "
ailtaa la Dr. liM twtm al
Tka Sm, wM be ata aaaMa
auaae (a aaear liaaitellaa, a
tiaaipW. ae4raaaa4 eavalaee M
)m. Dr. fcvaaa will aa etaka
laiaaal. ar aaaawiW lar al
riiuiHi, Aeeaae iellart hi ar al
Taa Baa.
CaDyricatl lilt ,
Site for $10,000,000 Assem
bly Factory Purchased on
Outskirts of Chicago.
Hammond, Ind., Aug. S. It was
learned here that Henry Ford had
bought 60 acrs of land in Heges
wieh, III., as a site for a $10,000,000
assembly plant located at One Hun
dred and Thjrty-fourth street and
Torrance avenue. The purchase price
is said to be $1.000,qp0. The tract is
on the Calumet river just below the
forks which is at present the limit of
deep water navigation. The channel
will probably have to be deepened
for one-half or three-quarters of a
mile and a turning basin provided.
This will make it possible to ship the
automobile parts from the Detroit
factory by boat and assemble them
right in the heait of one of the
greatest distributing centers. The
best of rail facilities are at hand.
Torrance avenue at present does
not cross the river, but the commis
sioners of Cook county have already
let the contracts for construction of
one of the largest draw bridges in
the country at this point.
Assistant to De Valera
Buried With Simple Honors
Chicago, 111., Aug. SSpecial
ed the funeral of Harry J. Boland,
close friend and assistant of Eamon
de Valera, who died Tuesday night
of wounds received while attempting;
to evade arrest by national army
troops. The band, which is a usual
feature at republican funerals, was
sbsent. .
Countess Markievicz, a prominent
republican leader, sent a wreath with
a ! card bearing the inscription
"From Eamon de Valera.". The
funeral procession, which included
32 members of the clergy, filed past
Mount Joy prison in order that the
republican prisoners could see.
Woman Wants Guardian
Appointed for Parents
"Lenox, la., Aug. 5. (Specials
Mrs. Julia Kirkman has filed a peti
tion in the district court of Taylor
county asking the appointment of a
guardian for her parents, John and
Julia Kinksley, each of whom is 85.
.Mrs. Kirkman is the only daugh
ter. In her petition she alleges her
parents own 80 acres of land and
about $900 in moneys and notes, and
that the yearly rent of $600 on the
farm has not been collected for a
number of years.
Federal Reserve Bank
I Building Urged for Omaha
'Washington. Aug. 5. (Special
Telegram.) Senator Hitchcock has
introduced a resolution authoriring
the Federal Reserve bank at St.
Louis to build a handsome bank
structure in Omaha. The cost of the
building, it is estimated, will be in
the neighborhood of from $500,000 to
$800,000. The law now prescribes that
no buildings shall be erected costing
more than $250,000 without consent
of congress.
Black Faces Operation
San Jose, 'Cat, Aug. 5. John
Black, famouf golfer, who ap
proached to within one stroke of the
national title at the recent cham
pionship matches in Chicago, faced
an operation here today, confident
that it would assure him of retaining
the form that has made his name
known wherever golf is played.
Black sustained a brain concussion
and seven fracturers of the shoulder
and ribs in an automobile accident
here last Monday night in which
V. .Amnininn mat death.
'. Surgeons attending Black said the
ration" uld sot endanger his
A few years hack we published the
itory of an Indiana man who, having
eoniumption, chatcd the cure like a
ihuitlecock between Indiana and the
wet in a very (ooliih way.
lie uied up all hit own fundi, all
the fund he could get hii hand on,
threw away whatever chance to get
well he had, possibly spread infec
tion widely, harmed himself and a
good many other people, and all for
the want .of tome common ene.
Here i a companion tory which
coniei from the Detroit health de
partment. A man entered the eoniumption
ward in the Herman Keefer hospital
in 1918. He left the institution with,
out permission after having been
there only a few months.
He had an idea he would get wen
if he could go west.
He solicited fund for that pur
pose. Since that time he hi re
peatedly solicited funds for the pur
Dose of soinff somewhere. He is
armed with a letter from a physician,
who itate that the Dearer has con
sumption and will go west to live
if given financial assistance.
He must tell a fine story, for this
is the record of his travels on col
lected money:
To Colorado and return, three
Illinois and return, three time.
To Minnesota, once.
To Iowa, once. '
In addition he has been in various
Detroit tuberculosis sanitaria a total
of about ten different times.
Vaughan learns that for a time at
least this man collected . $160 a
month for several months from busi
ness men.
From the standpoint of the eiven
this record is highly credible to the
human sympathy of the business
men, but not to their knowledge.
judgment, and common sense.
From the standpoint of the collec
tor, the record shows salesmanship
of a high order, but that is all that
can be said for it.
If .the Colorado climate offered
him anything, he should have stayed
there. Whatever advantage there is
in climate, it is only for those who
settle down, become contented and
happy, and fit in.
If the sanitaria in Detroit were the
place for him he ought to have
stayed there.
Knocking around Minnesota. 111!
nois and Iowa, chasing a cure, was
about the last word in foolishness.
How much consumption he spread
as he traveled around there is no
way of knowing.
The amount of money he has
wasted could have saved the lives of
several people had it been wisely
"Off again, on again, Finegan," is
not a policy that cures consumption.
Unwise giving in this case did no
good. In fact, it did harm.
Ants Come After Food.
Mrs. E. D. writes: "Will you tell
me a good remedy for my room? It
is very damp. My bed and bedding
smell moldy and damp. I keep my
house clean, but it is very annoying
with this damp odor at night. I air
my blankets and feather bed as much
as possible.
"My bedrooms are set off from
the outside of the house and per
haps that is the reason. In summer
I am also troubled with centerpedes
and ants. I live in the basement of a
private brick house. Get plenty of
sun and air."
Nothing equals- sunlight and air. If
you have plenty of these disinfec
tants, you need nothing else.
Ants come in after food. Cleanli
ness is an effective anti-ant measure.
Write to the bureau of entomology,
Department of Agriculture, Wash
ington, D. C, for recent bulletins on
control of ants.
What you call "centerpedes come
into your house in search of insects.
Thev catch and eat ants, flies and
other insects. -
If you get rid of all otner insecw,
the many-legged boys will quit you.
This Hidebound World.
Nancy writes: "I notice that E. L.
H. writes that he or she has an il
legitimate son.
.it i;ir tn taVa violent ex-
1 WUU1U nin; v . . ,
ception to the use of 'illegitimate as
applying io cuui. -w.
not 'illegitimate;' they are right as
rain: as legitimate as sunshine or
., . i; Tt i the father
me air ire uivamv. -- -
and mothers who, 'without benefit of
clergy' thrust them into an unfeel
ing world guided by hidebound and
moss-coverea conventions,
"Don't you agree with, ooctorr
REPLY. Vanrw von have cut off
quite a'chunk. Being so peeved, yon
Will HOI Siuy mil" jvu '-a
the matter, I am sure. '
First tackle the churches, then the
women's clubs, then the legislatures
and, finally, the dictionaries.
When you get the dictionaries
changed, count on me to fall in line.
Milk Quaffing Hazards.
Mrs. K. writes: "Please let me
know if it is safe to drink milk.
"I hear the milk is not pure.
If you live in a city in which the
milk is pasteurized under good su
pervision it is safe to drink it; other
wise, drinking milk is somewhat
Sun-Lamp ' Treatments.
B. I. writes: "Will you kindly ad
vise me if the Alpine sun lamp is
in any way beneficial and in what
Yes. In the treatment' of tuber
culosis, especially of the bones, joints,
skin and glands.
In rheumatism, neuralgia and neu
ritis. In rickets and other diseases. 1
Goes at
"Slf Union Outfitting Co. pgS Union Outfitting Co. H
You'll find hara Conch
Hammock., Porch Ham.
mocai. Porch Safin,
Parab R a i k rj ami
Chain, ata. Juat aalaet
yaur datlrad Waa and
par iut onAiaK tna
markad tickat prlca.
Far Eumpla Tha lltua
1 rat ad aohd oak 4-foot
Forth 8win. eompltta
with chaint, ate., regular
ly priead at 14. IS will
ba aloaad out at ..$2.45
Uayd Co-Carts will to at
II discount during
our Auruit Bala.
Bit Rad Lava Sarin
Spatial at 84.95
And there are many reasons for it. First, we have one of the largest and finest stocks in our entire history.
Secondly, people, generally know that prices hero in a regular way were at rock bottom. It is little won
dcr, therefore, that the response should be so great when we announced discounts from prices already low.
This is your one big opportunity to furnish your home in a manner in which you can take pride and com
fort and you should be quick to take advantage of it
Mother, bring tha kid
dles, they will also
njoy a glass . cf
healthful "Suokltt
Every Day
4-placa Ira Plrk Salt. SOe a1
"Mpruataa" Mop Outfit
for tc
Drorndahla Drooma .
Adju.t. I'orrh Cataa, tlM
Good tlrlrla Iront, 8J..S
;lv. Wa.h Tuba ,.Sc
Minna Howl Kala ,.SAc
"Iry.llot" llottlaa . .88
Coar Poimm Dollar
at M
lial. 10-,L Paili ..!
Curtain Htrrtrhan, !.
Fry Ovan Glata Etta,
4a2-in. Poor Matt for
only $U
Etc, tie.
This Bed, Spring
and Mattress .
Mail Orders Filled
These remarkable complete bed outfits go on sale at
a saving that is convincing evidence of the values in our August
Furniture Sale. '
Excellent Quality
This is a full size Simmons Steel Bed,
gold finish, with large two-inch posts
and one-inch fillers, equipped with a
restful link fabric spring, in addition to
a full size, substantial mattress.
$1 Down-50c Week
Not only are we offering1 you this re
markably low price on this outfit, but,
as usual, 'we are offering you these easy-to-pay
terms. Early shopping is greatly
advised, as your good judgment tells you
these outfits will go fast at this low price
of $17.95.
A Mighty Sale of
4 pi
Body Identified .
Lake Geneva, Wis., Aug-. 5. The
body of a youth found shot through
the heart on the road near here last
Thursday, has been identified as that
of Frank J. Maier, Des Moines, la..
on receipt of advices from the chief
of detectives -at Des Moines. No in
quest was heldthe district attorney
holding it was a case of suicide.
34 Women Joined the
Hoosier Club Saturday
Supply Limited
And but one dollar -weekly pays for it. Come in tomorrow
and let the factory representative explain how the Hoosier
Will save you time, labor and hundreds of additional
steps daily.
The Union Outfitting Co., who are exclusive Omaha agents
for the Hoosier, offer .
5 Big Features
For Those Who Join This Week
This sale is by far the greatest
rug selling event of the year.
By purchasing a rug now you
actually save from 20 to
30. Buy now, pay later on
easy terms.
Axminster .Rugs, good grade,
in 6x9 sizes, in this mighty
August Sale at
Tapestry Rugs, excellent
quality, in 9x12 sizes, at the
closeout price of
Handsome 9x12 Axminster
Rugs at the phenomenally low
price of
Beautiful 9x12 Seamless Vel
vets at the ridiculously low
price of
Sale of the Famous
Through a most fortunate purchase
we are now in a position to offer you
a 4-burner Baker Gas Stove for only
It is made of polished Wellsville
steel, and has a white enamel oven
door and porcelain handle valves.
During our August Sale we will con
nect your stove Free, and offer you
the most unusual terms of
$1 Dawn and Balance Payable
75c per Week
Genuine Hoosier Porcelain Top,
White Enamel Kitchen Table, priced,
during the Hoosier dem- frfy QC
onstration at ijJ'.JO
Chippendale Cedar Chests, as illus
trated, priced during C 7C
our August Sale, at. . V lOa O
8-piece Genuine Walnut Veneer Dining Room Suite Priced sepa
rately during our August Sale.
48-inch Table, walnut veneer top, only..; $37.50
54-inch Buffet, walnut veneer front and top, solid oak
interior, only 39.50
5 Chairs covered with genuine leather and one Arm Chair
to match, each 5.95
1 14-piece Aluminum Set 'FREE with Each
a '
2 A New 1922 "Hoosier" Cabinet for $46.50.
3 One Dollar Down Delivers the Hoosier.
4 One Dollar a Week Pays for It
5 One Dollar . Holds a Hoosier for Later
Delivery. ,
3-piece Tapestry Living Room Suite, with full spring construction,
Queen Anne design, complete, during our C1CQ Cfl
August Sale, only J i OaaOU
3.& CG3. 16& JACXSOM ST8.
Scores of New Ideas in Smart
at Moderate Prices and Term a
We've slashed prices to the core, all thoughts of cost
and selling prices have been forgotten. Come in and
select your favorite tomorrow.
of All Our
Voiles, Ginghams and Organdies in two lots
at $4.95 and $6.95
All Summer Silk Dresses, worth to $44.50 $14.50
The very latest mid-summer styles made up in fine fig
ured crepes and crepe de chines.
All Summer Suits and Coats one-half off. :
All Waists and Skirts 20 per cent off.
Your unrestricted choice of any Lady's Canvas and
Sport Oxford, formerly valued up flo nr
to $7.95, only pj.d
We Are Closing Out Our Entire Stock of
Smart Summer
at this unheard-of
low price
Styles That the
Well Dressed
Man Likes
This unusual event is
held with the idea of
making hundreds of
new friends and en
abling every man to
look the best for the
US' u
r .
Boys' Two-Pants Suits 9M
Models tailored from sturdy fabrics that will stand the
hardest kina 01 service.
Skull Cap, all colors, 15c