The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 06, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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8 A
few. It
Monday-Sale of 1876 Pieces of
Hand Embroidered
Every Piece to Be Sold at Exactly
alf Price
An opportunity for you to purchase the
fancy linens you have been waiting for at prices
you may never be able to duplicate.
Remember the Regular Prices on These Pieces Range From 2.00 to
350.00 In This Sale 1.00 to 175.00
Madeira Napkins
Madeira Scarfs
'Baby Pillow Covers
Mosaic Napjcins
Linen Banquet Cloths
Baby Carriage Robes
Main Floor West
Madeira Sheets
Luncheon Napkins
Japanese Lunch Cloths
Domestics and Wash Goods
At Low Prices for Mid-Summer. Clearance
Imported and Domestic Zephyr
Dress Gingham
In handsome plaids; checks and
plain colors. Regular price
75c. Reduced to, yard, 59c
Shirting Madras
In a splendid range of new pat
terns and coloring, sz mcnes
wide. Specially priced, per
yard, 25c
Bleached Seamless Sheets
81x90 inches, made of eastern
sheeting, free from all filling.
Each, 1.25
Unbleached Sheeting
40 and 50 inches wide, correct
width for making single or full
size sheets. 5 to 10-yard
lengths. Per yard, 19c
Dress Poplin
A yarn mercerized quality that
is excellent for early fall wear,
in a splendid range of plain
shades, 36 inches wide. Spe
cially priced, per yard, - 48c
Silk Mixed Tissue Gingham
In a good assortment of patterns
and colorings. Regular, price
75c a yard. Reduced to 48c
Genuine Windsor Plisse Crepe
A variety of pretty patterns on
white or tinted grounds. Un
surpassed for practical under
garments, for it heed never be
ironed. Per yard, 35c
Basement North
Peter Pan Cloth
Warranted fast colors in a won
derful range of plain shades.
. 36 inches wide. Per yard, 65c
Bleached Twill
A cotton fabric constructed for
hard wear; ideal for boys' and
girls' wash suits, middies,
night shirts and other pur
poses. 36 inches wide. Spe
cial, per yard, 29c
Mill Remnants of Dress Gingham
32 inches wide; assorted colors
in neat checks. Per yard, 19c
Black Sateen
A lustrous twilled quality, 36
.inches wide. Per yard, 35c
The Fall Line of Pacific Package Goods
The announcement of the arrival of the new season's offerings in Pacific Packages is always of interest
to the needle woman. Each season they bring out new and unique features in art needlework; while the ma
terials and workmanship in their garments is admittedly the best.' The assortment includes Baby Dresses,
Children's Dresses, Women's Night Gowns, Combinations, Camisoles, Pajamas, Aprons, Scarfs,' Luncheon Sets,
Center Pieces, Bed Spreads, Curtains, Pin Cushions, Card Table Covers, Towels.
Third Floor West
Monday Starts the Second Week of Our Annual
August Fur Sale
Many foresighted women have purchased their furs in the
v first week of this important event. In so doing they have saved
at least 25 of what the Tegular fall, prices will be, they have
had first choice of the season's pelts and the advantage of au
thentic 1922-1923 styles.
You May Select Your Fur Now
and by depositing a small per cent of the purchase price
it will be held for you until fall. If you desire, you may make
additional payments each week or month and have the gar
ment entirely paid for by winter with little inconvenience.
Among the Outstanding
Features Are:
J k'l
I 1
135.00 Civet Cat Coats
36 inches long, an attractive
sport model. August Sale
price, , 99.50
Beautiful Hudson Seal Coat
40 inches long with Siberian Squir
rel, Northern Beaver and Minne
sota Skunk collars and caffs. The
seal used in this coat is unusually
fine. August Sale price, 289.00
250.00 Caracul Cape or Coat
With Squirrel or Skunk col
lars. Coat 40 inchs long,
cape 45 inches long. Au
gust Sale price, 195.00
195.00 Sealine Coats
With handsome Squirrel or
Beaver collar and cuffs.
40-inch model. August Sale
price, 145.00
Second Floor North
125.00 Natural Muskrat Coat
40 inches long with reversible border. Made with large shawl
collar; can be worn with or without belt. August Sale
Price, L, 95.00
Laces and
Our European buying tour ob
tained no better values than
these bargains in embroideries
and laces. This merchandise is
not only unusual in price, but in
novel and attractive patterns.
Imported Val and Cluny Lace
and I ertioM French and
English importations; H to 1
inch wide; many to match; per
yard, At
Imported Embroideries Edgings
nd insertions, well made and
of good quality materials, 1 to
2 inches wide, all white, per
yd, 3
Swift Nalaiook aad Cambria Em
broideries, I start lone end
. Baadingt 2 to 3 inches wide,
all white; Monday, half price,
per yui, Oe
Org aadr Trimmings Embroi
dered in pretty contrasting
colors, to 2 inches wide;
Monday at leu than half price,
per yard, 9e
1,000 Imported Baby Irlib aad
Imitation Filet Medallion
These interesting importations
have just arrived and have
never before been displayed.
In square, triangular, diamond
nd round shapes. All are
new and attractive patterns.
Monday 3 for 50 or, each,
Main Floor Center
Second Floor North
August Sale
of Silks
At After-Inventory
These prices have been slashed
during the inventory period aad
are offered now, in some in.
stances, below today's cost,
Theta include the most beautiful
sport silks of the summer sea
May Queen and Silk Pearl
These are the finest of silk
crepes and the woven stripes
of heavy artificial silk look
almost as if they were embroi
dered. Jade ereen with white
stripes, tan with navy, navy
with white, beige with ecru
and all black. 40 inches wide,
per yard, 2.95
Black and White Striped
Canton Crepes
A heavy quality with washable
woven black stripes. Very
smart for skirts with a black
silk jacket or sweater. It re
quires only 1 yards for a
skirt, 40 inches wide. Per
yard, 2.95
All-Silk Plaided Ratine
A heavy quality that drapes
beautifully and can be worn
late in 'the season. In sport
colors, plaided with white,
. green, tangerine, honey dew
and all white. 40 inches wide.
Per yard, , 2.95
Canton Crepe
White silk Cantons with red
stripes and wide block effects.
Desirable weight for dress or
blouse. 40 inches wide. Per
yard, 2.95
Silk Faille
A corded silk for early fall
suits. All the new street
shades, 36 inches wide. Per
yard, 2.95
Neptune Crepe
A radium weave in white only;
washable quality. 40 inches
wide. Per yard, 2.95
Black Charmeuse
A heavy grade that is lovely for
the new draped gowns. 40
inches wide. Per yard, 2.95
White Crepe de Chins
A limited quantity in a heavy
dress quality. 40 inches wide.
Per yard, 2.95
Black Radium
A satin striped radium that is
new and dilferent for early
fall wear. 40 inches wide.
Per yard, 2.95
Main Floor Center -
Floor North
Wall Paper
All Short Lots Sold
Regardless of Cost
Bedroom, Rear Hail, etc O
Light colors, roll, OC
Sold with matched borders.
30-inch Oat Meali All the best
colors. Fine cutout Q
borders; roll, 2C
Low priced specials' for par
lors, dining rooms, halls, etc.
Our contractor will do your
hanging at once. . ,
Monday Clearance of 900 Remaining Pairs of
Women's Spring and Summer Low Shoes
Patent Leather
Black Suede
Brotvn Suede
Black Kid
VI and
Blacl( Calf
Brown Calf
White Linen
White Canvas
It is our policy to clean out all short and discontinued lines after
every season. Therefore we have collected all short lines of
spring and summer shoes and reduced them for this sale with
out regard to original cost. You practice real economy by pur
chasing two or three or more pairs of these shoes.
These Are Our Better Grade Shoes
400 Pairs of Infants' High and Low Shoes
Ranging in sizes from 1 to 5. First step
soles. Formerly $2.25 to $3.50. Mon
day, per pair
Third Floor East.
for your phonograph
with a
Thrift Bank
on this pldn you may select either a
Victrola or a Brunswick
If you are contemplating the purchase of
a phonograph or some new records you are
entitled to the use of one of these Thrift
Banks all that is required isia' deposit of
$1.00 which makes you a member of our
Phonograph Thrift Club
Please understand that the $1.00 deposit
will either be credited to you on the pur-
chase price of a phonograph (Victrola or
Brunswick) or on return of the bank will
be refunded.
Start Now Be Assured of
Your Phonograph This Fall
Step Into Our Phonograph Department
See our complete stocks and let us explain our -
club plan in detail
There is a price and
a finish to suit
every taste and here
you have the advan
tage of selecting
from the World's
Best in Phono
graphs.' Main Floor West