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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1922)
THK OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. AUGUST 5. 1922. 9 Women Deli'jrates to G. 0. P. County Convention Meet Pjim Motion Akiii! Hqrrii tatinn at State Convention on Hum of Strrnpth tit County Confab. Women who trt elected a dele fate to the republican county nn vention ami at iirrcimt committer; ivomrn, met yemerday afternoon itj Die city couiuil iluiiiltrr tft ilicu their prospective duties, under tho Ieitrrship of Mm. Draper Smith, vice chairman of the republican county central committee. A short and snappy distUkkioti -arose over the question of whether the ftotnm should ask for representa tion at the republican state conven tion on the hatit of their voting strength ai reflected at the polk or on a basis of their representation at the county convention next Thursday afternoon. D incus Representation. Mrs. K. G. McKilton, backed by Mr. JjHu Kilnuriin, out ihroiiKh a moduli t!ut otiri kltouM i"k tor tate convriitiuii rtpree iiuiimi sc cordms to llieir airength at llie County convention, which hrura the relation of four women to five men. Mrs. JVrl R. Hrady of the Kmhth ward opened the diiuion with the uiiiietii)ii that women thnuM W for reprrsentation !aed on their recorded voting strength. "We should not ak the men to give ut something we arc not entitled to." said Mrs. Hrady. Mr. Hrady1 idea was favored by Mr. l.alirllr I. l.iititiUt win) "The franchise has been extended M the women who must work for what fhry pet and are entitled to." Does Husband's Work. Mrs. Kilmirtin was of the opinion that it was up to the women to make Uteoiselvei seen and heard in poli tic. She explained that in her pre cinct of the Ninth ward Iter husband was a republican precinct committee man, but left alt of the work to her. Some of the women believed Mrs. Kilmartm was not alone in her ex periencc. "No matter what vou may decide on this aiternoon you will find the men of the county convention very generous," vouchsafed Mr. Smith. The following ward chairwomen were announced: First. Mrs. Agues Sluntr; Second. Mrs. Kva M Scott; Third, Mrs, Henry l Mesrrt; Fourth, Mr. Howard Smart; l nth, Mr. Koe V'ukery; Sixth, Mr, t J. Hum; Seventh, Mr. William Hrrry; Kighth, Mr. A. II. IVttet; Ninth, Mr. L M. Lord; Tenth. Mi. K. U. Miliillon; Eleventh. Mrs. C. I), liirkctt; Twelith, Mr, lirurtjc Ueve reu. Tinililiu IJcfftuU Fast Omaha 'Vote in Lettor A. L. Timhlin. former attorney of Fast Omaha, election official, an- I wered the charge of William Hrmk ley that illegal vote were cast in nominating road overseers in lat Omaha precinct in a letter. He stated that the law did not require him to serati h off the names of the overseer from the village ballots, although Timbliu held, that only those outside the village 'were entitled to vote for these officials. Strikes for Fear of Having Hi "Block Knocked Off" Andrew Meier, a striking railway shopman, testified that he went out on strike because he. was afraid be would get his "block knocked off." in the suit of his wife, Mamie, for di vorce in district court yesterday. Meier is not a member of a union. BUEHLER BROS. Omaha's Leading Cash Markets for Quality Meats, Lowest Prices Quick Service STORES CLOSE AT 9 P. M. 212 N. 16th St. 4903 S. 24th St .2408 Cuming St. e .n Me know our. MEM'S Villi. !?ttA,se YOU WEU- SO MUCH, THAT lfcf FOLKS l: Choice Lean Pork Loin y or whole 16c Native Steer Chuck Roast 124c Fancy Fresh Spring' Chickens 2-lb. average 33 Choice Lean Breakfast Bacon 22c i Fancy Young Hens 25 MARKET SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Pure Lard in any quantity, per lb. 14c Prime Beef Rib Roast 18c Choice Beef Pot Roast He Choice Rib Boiling Beef 5c Choicest Cut Round Steak 22c Choicest Cut Sirloin Steak 22c Choice Beef Rump Roast. ..... .15c Choice Fresh Cut Hamburger Steak. 15c PORK CUTS Fresh Lean Pork Butts 18 Choice Lean Pork Chops 20fr Fresh Spareribs 9 Choice Salt Side Pork 18d Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs .... .25t Fresh Made Breakfast Sausage ... 18 Fresh Made Bologna Sausage. . . . .15 Fresh Made Liver Sausage 15$ Fresh Made Wienies or Frankfurts 18$ Fancy Summer Sausage . . . .20$ Choice Leaf Lard -12c Special Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozep.23$ BUTTERINE ; Evergood Liberty Nut, 1-lb. print. , 20$ Evergood Liberty Nut, 5-lb. carton. 95$ Evergood Butterine, 2 lbs ; . -45$ Evergood Butterine, 5 lbs .$1;00 CANNED GOODS Carnation and Value Brand Milk, tall cans, 3 for .25$ Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans. . ...30$ Fancy Sweet Corn, 3, .cans... . ..... ,, .30$ Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans.. . . ... .'. . .40$ Fancy Early June Peas, 3 for. .'. . . .40$ American Sardines in Oil, 5 cans. .25$ Fancy Red Alaska Salmon, 1-lb. tall cans 25$ Choice Lamb Stew .122$ Choice Lamb Chops 20$ SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Skinned Hams 28$ Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 17$ Sugar Cured Strip Bacon 17$ Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon 16$ Cudahy's Puritan Hams 30$ Cudahy's Puritan Bacon ...34$ Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 10-lb. pail for :v $1.85 Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 5-lb. pail. .95$ Special Danish Pioneer Creamery . Butter, 1-lb. carton .-34$ VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Shoulder Roast 14$ Choice Veal Stew . . 11$ Choice Veal Chops 18$ Btfehter Bros. White Naptha Soap, 1-lb; bars, 4 for ..... .... ,;.25$r Special Sweet Pickled Beef Tongues for 25$ Choice Corned Beef 122$ CHEESE Fancy Brick Cheese, full cream. . .25$ Fancy American Cheese, full cream 25$ Fancy Swiss Cheese, full cream. . .25$ Buehler Bros. Royal Brand Coffee. 35$ Mona Coffee, special at 25$ MAIL AND EXPRESS ORDERS FILLED FROM THIS LIST of Washlfey , Piggly Wiggly Open Two More Stores Two more atorea are to be oifiiii Saturday by the riuk'Iy Witfirly rompany, one at Vinton Mrert, the other at HI 10 MiliUry avenue. With the openini? of these storea the riirtrly WiirKly company will hnve nine ttorea in opcrntion in Omrthn. Leases have been secured on sev eral other propertiea in the city, and much before the fir.t of the year the store management expert to have a largo chain of them in full operation. 28th and F.rnm St. Har. 0188. SATURDAY SPECIALS Extra Fancy Elberta Peaches, small basket 25 Guarantee Water Melon, ripe ami swept, they average 20 to 25 lbs. each. Whole St a lb. Halves 3 a lb. Fancy Bartlctt Tears, small backet 30 BLUE BELL FLOUR made out of old wheat, per 24-lb. sack, 97 Large Star Naptha Towder, each 23 Pearl White Soap, 10 bars...30), Lux, 3 pkgfl 29 Apple Blossom Milk, 6 for..50 Monarch . Orange Pekoe Tea, .Mb. can 57k Swan's Down Flour, per pkg., 35 Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 2 pkgs 21 Best Creamery Butter, lbi, 35 Snow Drift, 1-lb. can 21 2-lb. can ; ,41 Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb 36 Friday orders mean early delivery Saturday. Mail orders filled at above prices. The convenii ru-e of. and time j Former Senator Die raved, in Mi one', own Rrocery , A 4.-tS,erial clerk apparently .a meeting with Tl.r.(1() K,,,n , ,., WjllVr. public approval, a the stores U , 4II m., Mmrrly uie .rn.tor ir.. ready in operation report an in-1 1 1 u ml. Neb., died in a luopiul creased busines each week. ' here. 1 10 to 50 Discounts On Furniture, Rugs and Draper ies, Stoves and Refrigerators. $39.75 Walnut Chif f orettes $24.50 Big Reductions on Used Graf onolas, Sewing Machines, Hand Power and Electric Washing Machines. Your Terms Are Our Terms. Howard Street Between 15th and 16th We Deliver to Any Part of the City (VCNTIINTM AT Phone DO uglas 3940 Give Your Food Buying Dollar a Chance to Do Full Duty This great uptown, homelike market with Its last Mock and startling low prices sends a buying ap peal to every honsenlfe throuKDout greater Omaha. Vou dure on every purchase here nnt Iteblnd these featnrea stands a service standard that ranks sec ond to none. Our Fruit and Vegetable Dept. Alone Is as Large as the Average Grocery Store Right here, any hour in the day, you can enjoy greater values than if you were to attempt pur chases direct from the commission markets. Our underselling policy has no rival in Omaha. Get Your Full Share of These Offerings Finest Alberta Teaches, per basket 23 California Ilartlett Fears, per basket 29 Large Alligator Pears, peclnl, at, each . ..65 WaterJU'Inus, guarnutecd street, per lb. ....3K Kipe Juno Eat ing Apples, at, per basket.. 25 Law Slie Honey Dew Melons, at 50 and 35 Fine Hand Picked Cooking Apples, per pecU 39 Potutoes, large home grown, per peek 27 Sweet Corn, shaker or yellow bantam, dosen at....'. 12 Cucumbers for slicing, per basket at 25 Cucumbers, Dili slie, per basket --456 Colorado Teas, per lb. at 17H Egg Plant, home grown, large slie at , 20 Beets or Carrots, market basket for..... 45 SATURDAY GROCERY SPECIALS That Overshadow All Others Compare to the limit. Prepare your list of Grocery Wants for Saturday and bring them direct to the Table Supply. We guar antee to Have yon money. I Bluebell Floor, guaranteed Omar Wonder Flour, 481b. old wheat floor, 48-Ib. sack, . . ffl- OK special for $1.75 I ack scM S1'95 Old Monk Olive Jiffy Cake Floor, Del Monte Aspar. I OH, qt.,.$1.19 Per pkg. ..10 agrns, can ..39 Elkhorn MHk. tall cans, 3 for 25 Talm Royal Soap, 6 for ..' 23 Pearl White Soap, per case at $2.98 Pearl White Soap, C bars for 23 Carotene Milk, 2 cans for 15 Skinner's Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2 for 15 Flora Vora Malt, per can 59 Armour's Baked Beans, 3 cans for ' 35 BUTTER, EGG AND CHEESE DEPTS. Idlewild or Seward Butter, per lb 36c Danlah Pioneer BnUer, ,1b., 344 Strictly FreKh Kkk. snnrantei-d, nt, per doxen 27 d h'rmh Country Eggi, doc, 23 A'cw York Cream Cheeu Tea Coffee Spices itnkola Coffee, 3',i Golden Santoa Coffee. 5 lba. pedal for 81.0S lee Tea Blend Japan Ten, ape- rial, per lb 29 6 Benner Cocoanut. balk lb., 28 Hamford Baking Poirde r. . . lg per lb. v. 234 Wisconsin Brick Clieexe, lb. 234 Advo I'eanot Butter, ll. ...154 I'imciito Snndwich Cheese, nt -P'r lb 35 CIGARS Just Inside the Door Sello de Tampa, 10c Cigar 5c Box of 50 for... $2.50 DELICIOUS, APPETIZING MEATS ,At Lowest in the City Prices fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb. 32'.i Fresh Dressed Young Hens, per lb 25H Fresh Dressed Young ltoastiug Chickeus, per lb. 17 Extra Fancy Young Veal Boast, per lb. 15 Extra Fancy Young Veal Hreast, per lb 10 Prime Boiled Rib Boast, per lb 22 Extra lean Fork Chops, per lb 20 Boston Pork Butts, per lb 17 Choice Steer Beef Boast, per lb 12 Morrell's Extra Lean Bacon, per lb. 32 VtW Everything orSHTJ Table ST'illQa r.niuva 16 Douglas Dhonc-AT. rS490 Harney Dhone DO. r1796 Antral' most conv Special Saturday Offerings From qualities' Greatest Markets MEATS Fancy Fresh Dressed Broilers, per lb. ...... 32 k Pig Pork Roast. - - r7 1 r lb , 1 2C 16 k Best Cuts of Steer Shoulder Roast, lb.. Young Veal Breasts, per lb. Dold's Narrow Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb..., Fancy Fresh Killed Younff Hens, lb GROCERIES ?an Sugar, 100-lb. lack 10 lbs. Sugar for .... 9c 26k 27k Fancy"Steer Pot lioast, 1 per lb Fancy Young Veal Roast per lb Dold Sugar Cured Bacon Backs, lb Special sale on Swift's Premium Frankfurters, lb. 13k 175c 18k 9r A big balloon free with each lb. BUY YOUR SUGAR BY THE SACK AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE IS lbs. Gold Medal Flour 4S lbs. Gold Medal bas., 25; bus Shredded Wheat. i pkgs. for Shrimps, wet or dry, special, per can Fork and Beans in tomato sauce, 5 cans. $7.48 73c $2.25 $2.25 33c 15c ... 48c P. & G. Soap, 10 bars for , Crystal White Soap, 10 bars for Carnation Milk, per can Beet Sugar 100-lb. ; sack for , 1-lb. cans of tall Red J per can, 25; ) 5 cans 48 lbs. Gooch's Best Flour ! Milk, 6 tall cans I for 45c 25c 9c $7.23 Salmon, $1.20 $1.98 50c Matches, 5 boxea mi for lZC Imported Sardines, can Domestic Sardines, can, 5; cans for 25 CENTRAL, SPECIAL. COFFEE per lb., 30f ; OO 3 lbs. for . . OOC Extra Fancy Santos nr Coffee, lb.. 20 and Zt)C Our special grade of Tea i p for Ice Tea, per lb 40C Graham, Cheese Wafers. Cream Dainties. Tea Biscuits. Oatmeal j nd Vanilla Wafers, f) per lb FANCY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LAST CHANCE FOR YOUR APRICOT CANNING THIS SEASON BUY WHILE YOU CAN GET THEM AT THIS LOW PRICE Fancy Apricots, basket. 50. , Santa Rosa Plums, per crate 01' 1 per basket ; it baskets! I ! w Freestone Peaches. per bushel Fancy Plums, per basket ..... Burbank Plums, per basket $2.98 59c 40c ! Fancy Head Lettuce, per head, 15c and Homegrown Cucumbers, per basket Fresh Gardon Peas, per lb 49c 20c 25c 15c W a v nr r!roti Q .!. c I Beans, basket ! Ripe Watermelons, per lb California Cherries 15-lb. box , i Blue Plums, i per basket . 30c 2 k $2.75 45c CANDIES McCombs Fresh Pecan Kisses, matte while you ar waiting. Saturday, Our Fresh and Salted Nuts of All Kinds for That Pic nic Lunch. Central Xtra Quality Package Butter. lr lb. '"reamery 35k! Jus ran teed Fresh Coun try Eggs, dox. Wiitc.- .-.! Brick or .' 'Theesc. lb.. 18 k I 24k i rpecial. per lb 60 risars Jnst Insl the Poor. Tuxedo, full pound St.OS 'i KS. Whale Snokina. full !b . . SC GeorR V.'ah'rirf'.n T'Ji:t Sm.,li.r.c. lb.. -. 5J D. 0. JAMES Delicatessen 223 S. 241k St. AT 4837 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY t'uiituloupr, tnu-h .....10 Tomalofi, H ft reaches, banket 20 Your Inspection Invited ipiANO U Tl'Nt rt AND Kt TAIMrU All Wwk C.tii..l4 A. HOSPF. CO. HIS Doug I. LI. Ui, B1M I 11 mm urn mm Mm 1 Wii,..- j lk X uawer BR.EAD IT'S MADE WITH MILK I lf; iET THK QUAKER BE YOUR BAKER Mail Order Filled Satisfaction Guaranteed. Write for Complete Price List. 1814-16-18 FARNAM STREET. I Phones I 1 4603 J You'll Like These Saturday Prices Phone Us Early Open Saturdays Till 9 I We Deliver to All Parts of the City Groceries I SUGAR ' 1 I C. A H. Cane, I I 100 lb., I I 97.54 I I 10 lbs., I I 73 J I FLOUR Omar Wonder or Old Wheat, 48-Ib., $1.89 24-lb., 99 Pet or Carnation Milk, 3 cans 25 Red Dot Sifted Peas or Mon arch Corn, 20c value, special, 14 Per doz $1.65 Windmill Salmon, tall can, 25 Crown Jewel Imported Sardines .. . 12 Kamo Wet or Dry Shrimp, 15 Fresh Iten Assorted Cookies 19 P. & G. Soap, 10 bars. . .43 Royal Baking Powder, 25c can 14 Kamo Grape Juice, quart, 43 Shredded Wheat H Shampagne, pint bottle, 24 Schlitz Beer, 2 doz. . . .$1.95 Quart jar Queen Olives, Sweet Pickles, Relish or Chow Chow 39 Windmill Preserves or Jelly, large jars, all flavors . .20 No. 1 can Apricots or Peaches in heavy syrup 14 White Granulated Sugar, too . . .$7.24 Visit Our BAKERY DEPARTMENT The finest and cleanest in Omaha. A large assort ment of good things daily. Meats Fancy Fresh Dressed Broilers, 1H to 2 '6 -lb.., 32 Steer Round I Steak, I 20 I Fresh Dressed Roasting Chick ens, lb ......17 Steer Sirloin Steak, lb. ..25 Fresh Pig Pork Loin, lb. 15 Fresh Pig Pork Chops,. lb .18 Steer Pot Roast, -.JJ..y ...11 Fresh Genuine Spring-'Lamb Legs, lb. V.:.24 Fresh Spareribs, lb. . . i . 8 Fresh Pig Pork Butts, per lb 18 Fresh Rib Boil, lb 4 Fresh Veal Roast, lb.;. 14 Young Veal Stew, lb. . . -8 Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. 19 Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, per lb .....16 Puritan or Supreme Hams, or whole, lb ... 32 Puritan or Supreme Bacon, ! or whole, lb... -34 We Specialize in Imported Table Dainties. Cigars Just Inside the Door Vacation Special Prince Albert, full lbs. $1.19 Camels, carton .... . . - $1.39 THOMSEN DAIRY MAID xf! otj FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER Fancy Tub Butter . , 34c Danish Pioneer Butter 35e Country Cry Pky. Butter 33c Rex Nut Butterine 20c Wisconsin Full Cream Brick .... 22c Creamed Cottage Cheese 15c Eggs, Chex and No. l's in car tons 20c ine Highest Grade Macaroni Products 3 pkgs., 25 Pearl White Soap 10 Bars, 35t Have You Tried nj-j-B Coffee and Tree Tea 45 lb. 81.30 3-lb. eaa The Best We Ever Handled M IV., 35 Ak for Free Tickets Now for Food Center Picnic, Lakeview Park, Monday, August 7th. ! Try mm & f IIKAI The New Whole Wheat Breakfast Food