The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 05, 1922, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. AUGUST 5, 1922. i How to Keep Well f . W. A. KVAM QweslMa mimln trrttaa, eaaMatlaa sad prooeetti to Ur. f vom S rmtimt 4 lbs W, will be one 1 1 I & t laa Mifc - - J - . ! oUI mm s disease mt prassitbs Nr Mvtdoel ihmh, Asarsot Mtw la tot at The 0e, Ceorrissti Hit. pro ! el dim, eubaUtud nmN a in illy. etiajesi to ! M "'m, ur, ff THE CASE OF CANDY. f' The I'lace A my diriy trcct cr bnt thoroughfare. Th Time Five o'lUxk pn hoi Auautt afternoon. The Scene Open with child. boy, 2 -2 yeart old, stated on the (ill ol basement wimiow, tucking lollvnon of the lour-hour variety. The child' nuke-up consist of lines of dirt radiating from each corner of hit month. From time to time the tucker it used to make markt on the window till and pane, after which it it returned to the habitual parking place of lollypopt ntnce inc rauianng nnrt 01 um si the eornera of the mouth. Of courte it it not right to give a JO-moiuht-old child candy espe cially in hot weather. It upsett nil aourtite. and ili.turbt hit digestion It maket ordinary milk, bread, eerralt and vegetable! taite flat. : WJiat can be the excuse for giving t 'i t . i : - l. .. . .... 1. a cnim oi um sgc a ium-nuui vi er, to be uted part time at a thing to be tucked and part time at a marker of window tillt and window Dints? Dr. LeWall recently protested against the practice of giving chil dren candy of the abiding varietiea. lor instance, on the market now are eandiet made at pocketbookt, in hich children collect their .penniet and in a few day tpend the penniet and eat the pocketboolc ', Or another inttance, which parents .will think more probable, candy. ' ahaped like catt. The child fondles, pttt and .lives with the image for a Si me, and then eats it. & We are shocked when we read Scrny de Gourmont and Henri Fa bre to learn that females of certain varieties of insects eat their loving' jiutbandt. 1 They . draw pictures of charming ladies embracing their hut tands as they populate the earth incidentally eating the head on their jord and master as a part of the pro ceedings, or sharing the feast of min gled love and death by passing around an eye to Samuel and a leg '.to Maria. Whether feeding candy images to children, that they may live with them awhile and then eat them, will finally lead to eating their pet cat and dog, and eventually to chewing eff the head of their spouse, I leave io Ezra Found. But now come Tanner and Davis, Iwho tell us that eating candy is not ,'as dangerous aa we have thought. jCandies which contain wintergreen, peppermint, cinnamon, cloves and lrmoa art made almost sterile by thete oils. Hard candies made a very good showing. Sugar itielf it aomething of an antiseptic when uted eoncen trated. Do wt not can with sugar at a preservative aid? . The candies of toft centers and those containing figt and other fruits did not come out so well. Although the bacteria which cause typhoid do not thrive tn candy, they might man age to live there for-a long time and might even cause tyhpoid. All in all. the making of candy after dirty fashion does not get a clean bill of health, and the need of examining candy-makers for ty uhoid is suggested. Hut this paper explains in' part why the dirty-cheeked baby of the hrtt paragraph often survives. Sleep With a Pillow. A. L asks: "Is it better to sleep with or without a pillow? "Is it best to sleep on the back?" REPLY. All in all, it is rather better to sleep on a small pillow. It you try to sleep without a pit low you will have to sleep on your back, and if you sleep on your back, your, mouth will fall open; you will breathe through your mouth. Breath' ing through the mouth causes snor ing and dries the mouth. It also increases the danger of in ftction slightly. it you try to sleep on your side without a pillow under your head your neck will tire troin the twist. VI course, after you get old and asthmatic and short winded, you must sleep on one or more pillows. The objection to using large pil lows is that they tend to cause stoop shoulders. . " Better See a Physician. J. W. writes: "About 12 years ago (I am now 64) I was rejected by a life insurance company in an application for increased insurance. The reason given was an intermitting heart and albumen, and advised to see my doctor, which I - did, with gottd results. "My heart gotvery troublesome in the early winter,and I went south for two months, where, after a tittle while, I ate, slept and felt like a 2-year-old. ' Mind you, I have been under your care, and followed your Instruc tions, but I hud myself unable to sleep. After being in bed for about two hours, wake up with a smoth ered feeling, unable to breathe, and heart beating very rapidly, which maket m nervous. "I. Would the climate have any e lectf "2, Would driving an auto 50 miles a day te harmful? 'J, Would I be benefited by medi cine r "4. Should I continue exercise?' REPLY, f. I do not think so. 2, 3 and 4. I think you should have a physician examine you and size you up. Mv guess it that you have an organic heart trouble with a com pensation which hat been kept good by the application of good, sound Kmt to your living for 12 yeart. Now your compensation it break ing. Thit thowt itself by mild an gina at night. therefore, you need to change tome habitt. especially at to exercise. and to take some medicine until you build up your compensation some what. Co mmon Sense Art You Working for Beauty About the Homer If more persons would consider the future in setting out trees, shrub. bery and ilowers, a lot of time would be saved and better results would delight the eye. study your surroundings and take into consideration the space relation you bear to others who live nar y.u- . . .... Look around you and see it the dwellers in the neighborhood 8cm to have a general plan in mind. If to then do your share to help along the big scheme. If there seems to be no definite plan thru work out one for your premiset which will make not youri alone, but those next door on either tide, look better. With thought, thit ran be done and with better rrsultt than if you thought only of your own likes and dislikes. There must he at broad a stretch of lawn at possible. Try not to cut up the broad sur facet, and then line edges, cover un- s ghtly walls and try for successive flowering eftectt. August, in fact from Augu.t on, is a good time to get many things started for blossoming next year, such at hollyhock borders, etc.; and think of the joy of the next year, at you watcn tne uiitoidmg. ICopyrlfht. .) Parents' Problems Is a child of 3 old enoueh to un. derstand the nature of a promise f Yes. Teach her bv keenimr vour promises to ner. . ,:. iif Milk For Infanti Invalid! MOCOOaUNO Th. "Food-Drink" for All Age. Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and Fountains. Ak for HORUCICS. tar AtoM Imitation! a Substitute! Chesterfield Ice Cream Here's another taste sensation in the fam ous Harding Sunday Special Ice Creams. It's a combination of luxurious flavors that will leave a lingering memory of goodness. The Harding dealer close by has a gener-' ous supply. mi a i 1 1 a mm m CtttMR of nit XCE CREAM 4C sr. . . 3 2 -A1 ' ' ' '''''''''' ''" ' " '''' '""''' ' ' ' ' '''' ?X ." The abere dmwfaig Is of tje mat new IHamood Crystal factories at St. Clair, tftt knl M p ' jjQjiMj Mlthlfaa, where aU or nit Is made and shipped direct to Omaha. p-ttiOjj 9 It LJ Becanoeilieftfioiilvfialf fes -m m Hi lsmeoaiveait that ball oaIt-Tsuoe JfemmidGystal Salt MIL THE S BRItJGS TUO mm STORES TO OMAHA , SATURDAY, AUGUST 5TH STORE No. 8 1712 Vinton St. STORE No. 9 6110 Military Ave. (Benson) A FLOWER FREE TO EACH LADY-A BALLOON FREE TO EACH DOY OR GIRL You will be welcome and you will not be asked to buy. Nobody Is ever asked to do that in a PIGGLY WIGGLY Store Today There Are in Operation HOI M'i ?22 Piggly Wiggly Stores PIOOLY WIOOLY hu succeeded for the same reason the locomotive, the reaper and typewriter have succeeded. PIGQLY WIGGLY Stores have succeeded because the PIGGLY WIGGLY System is the most economical, the most efficient and the cleanest method of jetail food distribution ever devised. PIGGLY WIGGLY is one kind of a store for every kind of people. The pea sketch above Is ol the Fcteraen & Pecan Baklng Co. plant, located at ltn and Jackson Streets, Omaha. J: You will ba Interested in our forrnula, because it will tell you just , -why Tip-Top and Hard Roll Breads . are al ways superior and unl. form in quality. FLOURS Occident. Special Gold Medal. Special Omar. s MILK Merrell-Soule'a. LARD Cudahy'a Rex. SUGAR Domino Cane..' ' MALT : American Dlamalt YEAST ' Fleitchmann'a There is no other salt as pure as Diamond .Crystal. ' ' Besides being thoroughly sterilized and every particle of impurities removed by patented process, Diamond Crystal Salt is more flaky, is more readily dissolved and flavors more uniformly. These are important qualities in making BETTER BREAD. When you buy Tip-Top or Hard Roll Bread you are certain of getting the BEST BREADS made, for none but the best of each ingredients are used. ri I ml Petersen & Pegau Baking Company HndlIlDrecd : Iblop Broad Red Wis Grape pint. 284: quart Hire' Root Beer Extraet, 4 os luerwk Orange Extract, pint Jug... Certo, for Jell mak ina, per bottle Deborah Glngrer Ale, quart Peaaat Batter, Beech at, 10c ixe 20c die, 16c); and JOc aize Canova Brand, It 0X8. Ipleea. all JOo size for Dr. Prleo'- Extract, 171 1H ' ox. Barnett'a Extract, . 45o size, 2 os Chocolate, Walter Premium, K lb, ?k"' '"."'T?"'. 10c Campbell's Seapa, 1A all kind AUfc Milk, Carnation, Ql. Pet, tall .72c Wilson or Kn Baby , OC Saaaet GeM Milk, best or money back, y Bacle Brand Cendeased Milk, 25c size Kraft Cheeee, in tins, ISc size Maraschino Cherries, 5-oz.. 20; 3-oa. A, 4b H. Baking tojla, Vi lb.. 4Hd; 1 lb..., Sal Beds, lOo size P. G. Seap, bar .... . Jalce, . 49c . 19c , 59c . 33c 25c ! 9c 25c 29c 8c oz.. ...28c ..37c Baker's ...20c 20c 13c 13c 8c .........4Hc LEMONS Lemons, gnnklet, Isrsre ...83 slse, per doa. 1 Petreleae Soap, bar Crystal White Soap, bar Fels Nsptha Soap, bar Claaale Soap, bar Geld Dost, large, v ise, pkg. i. Small size,' pkg. Star Naptha Powder, AJ. large size Small size Rab-No-More Powder, large . . 6c size at Sea Foam, , Sc size Oh Jey Pondered ioap, 35c aize Bates Lanndry Tablet, 25c size...... Large $1.00 "".' size Palmollre Sesp, lOo bar size . . Create Oil Soap Ivory Seap, large, llttf; small Jmp Rose Toilet Soap Lava Soap, to bar Kirk's H. W. Csstlle Soap, lOo bar Olo Falas Seap, bar Whla Hand Soap, - for mechanics Mavis Talcaal Powder, 25c can .... Lax, 12a every where ... .. 8c .. 6c .4V.C .. 28c ..'24c ;.....4c 28c ......4y2c .... 29c 19c ..... 89c ..:.8c 8c .... 7c 9c . .. 5c 8c 5c 8iac 21c 10c Large Elberta Peaches and Bsrtlett Pears, per dos. 8T Paffed Wheat, Pkg. 13c 16c 20c 4c 4c 8c 22c 5c 12c Paffed Rice, pkg Kelloga-'s Bran, per pkg. Cora Flake, small lOlr) pkg.. large... "72c Yaentan, Spearmint. Doable- mint, jaiey rrait, Beechnat Gam, pkg.. Crackerjaek, fresh, for Angela Mah- znallowa for . Kaex Gelatlae, 25c aize for .......... Matehea, full count, per box Shlnola, all colors, for 2-ln-l paste, all - colors, for Black Silk Steve lO- PeUah, at loKj Rice, fancy Blue ftl!f Rose, per lb... "72 C H. P. ...12Hc 14c 15c 7c 12c . 23c 12Hc .. 21c 9c Navr Bean. Micbigan, , per id. Lima Beaas, Fancy, California, per lb..... Cocoaat, Baker's Wet, per can.. Shredded, - 3-oz. pkg. . .'. Shredded. 4-oz. pkg. Shredded, 3-oz. pkg. Tapioca, Minute brand, pkg Argo Gloss Stsreh, 3-lb. pkg. ror Elastic Starch, , 15e sixe for Extra Faacy Evergreea Sweet Cora, dos. . ISst Old Dateh Cleanser, per pkg. Saabrito Cleanser, per pkg. Kitchen K tenser, per pkg. Boa Ami Powder, per can Boa Anal Bar, at Sanl-Flaah, 25c size for Abraao Alnmlaaat Cleanaer, amaii, ivf; large , , Eagle Lye, 15c size can for Merry War Lye, large can for Rainwater Crystal!, 04 and Tomatoes, No. i tin for Fancy pack No. i tin Cora, B. & M. Paris brand, can Pride of Illinois Fancy Country Gentleman Strawberry Jam, os. pure iruu and sugar Beeehnat Jelly. 30o size, assorted..... Beeehnat Orange Marmalade for Wrlsrht's Oraaga Marmalade, It oz S Bees Honey, . 5-ox. else for ........ S Bees Honey. 9-oz. six for Premier Salad Dressing, COo size,... Yacht Clan, ll-ox. site for Wright's Saareasa Mayoaaalsc, I ft -ox... 9c 5c 6c 12c 10c 21c naer, 25c 13c 12c 22c 16c 13c 18c Cora, .... 15c large, IS- .... 25c .... 25c ...33c ...14c 23c 39c 32c 29c NINE CLEAN STORES 12 MORE ON THE WAY 3922 Farnam St. . 1712 Vinton St. 6110 Military Are. OPEN SOON. 5003 UNDERWOOD AVE.2211 MIUTART AVE. 2417 Farnam St. 113 8.16th St. v 818 N. 16th St. 1518 H. 24th St. 5301 N. 24th St. . 8507 N. 30th St s 1 11 A