THE OMAHA PEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 1. 1922. Range Conditions Bring Idaho Sheep to Local Market Shipper Say Dryness Ii Cause Run of Lambs to Slacken Up in Few VtYrU J. G, Grave 'f Murray & tiNives. hog utters fif Silver I'rrck, w on jfktrnUy'i. mnrkrt with 4 shipment 1-1 90 hK. averaging .'15 pounds, that o!l fiT $10 15 a hundred In 1 lie 'rotisigiiim nt were extra heavy weights and nme pretty lean onr. onr of thrm weighed around .VH) (loiir.i!-., while ome were leu than 175 pounds. Michael McN'amara, representing ti.v ii ... . ,i vv..i any l liuhl. Idaho, in lour ih.ulile decks of lanil.' to the market yester day, vv'hieh brought ?U-'5 a hun dred, the lop priee of the day. The big run of lambs from Idaho will slacken tip in ahout two weeks according to Mr. MrN'aniara. He said that, due to the dry condition of the ranges, lambs have been moving pretty freely from Idaho. Beeves Bring $8.65. The highest priced western beeves jold on the local market were brought in yesterday by (). O. Fer brache of Haiti, who had 3l) head of tiittle averaging 1.2J7 pounds, for which he received $8.65 a hundred. Mr. Ferhrchc also marketed a few younger cattle that he sold as feed ers for $7.50 a hundred. He. said he had his cattle earlier than usual, but thought now was a good time, as the grasshoppers had done considerable damage to pastures, causing a scarcity of feed. $10 for Yearlings. Two carloads of cattle were on the local market yesterday, brought in by M. J. Lauby of Lexington. The shipment averaged 910 pounds and was of such quality that it brought $10 a himdred. which was the high mark of the day for yearlings. , The Omaha Livestock exchange will be represented at the annual meeting of the Wyoming Wool Growers' association to be held at Sheridan, Wyo., August 2-4, by a number of local sheepmen, who left last night. for Shooting Mate Chicago. July '31. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. Marie Miller, 28, who came here recently from Council Bluffs, was arrested today for shoot ing and probably fatally wounding her husband, Thomas Miller, Satur day night. She told detectives they were mar ried in Council Bluffs last June and both agreed to refrain from quarrel ing. When he broke the agreement, she said, she left him and came here. He followed. . Fearing he would kill her, she procured a revolver. She said he met her Saturday near her rooms and struck her, land that she shot him in self-defense. He is in the county hospital. The bullet entered his neck and1 lodged in his chin. Wife of "John the Barber" Kills Sister Over Husband It" Tha Great Three-Day DRUG AND TOIL! i GOODS SALE ' is in full twins at tha 5 Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores BIG VALUES BIG SAVINGS 10 to 50 Discounts Furniture, Rugs and Draperies Staves and Refrigerators Sala An Used Colombia GraphonolaB 165.00 Fanlapliona $57.50 $75.00 Graphonola $49.15 $100.00 Graphonola 6.7S $ihmx Graphonola $4.13 VOIR TERMS ARE OCR TERMS Vsed Records t5e Hoirau tit., Bet. 15th and lSth Sts. Gkn am chartered aad tindarttssnantefcibt rafxattfnffrMUndabtfetit ' tomorrow. Lsl tha' work cf Nt r tablata.lNatan'aRanMdT kam 1 f bodyfunctloMiisala,iniproTaa 1 IIIM SW i.. r i H Halm alkBl JSaBV mm W JUHrOII Uttla Nt Ona-thlrd tha raga- lardoaa. Made of aama Ingredients, than candy coated. For chil dren, and adaha. a, . S . ! -' ' f 1 frV if WMm m A x i vw' Admitting that she murdered her sister. Miss Bertha Kate (above), Mrs. Minnie Reisler. wife of "John the Barber." well known in sporting circles as a fight manager, was arrested in her home at Brooklyn, N. Y. The girl on her death bed said she was shot by Mrs. Reisler's son, but, ac cording to the police, Mrs. Reisler confessed she did the shooting. Use of Detector Tubes Explained Principle of Vacuum Bulbs Simple; Very Little Current Used in Operation. The vacuum tube is still a puzzling oiece of apparatus to a great many of the people who have just become interested in radio, when in reality it is a comparatively simple affair. In the first place there are several dif ferent types of tubes on the market, chief of which are the tubes put out as radiatrons. .These tubes are "also known sometimes as Cunningham tubes. Among the various types of these tubes are the V. V. 200 type. This is a detctor tube only and the U. V. 201 is an amplifier. The differ ence lies m the fact -that -the hrst tube has a small amount of rare gas left in it, while the amplifier tube is exhausted to a very high degree. This is what sometimes makes these tubes a golden color. The tube known as the U. V. 202 is a five-watt transmitting tube, and the ,U. V. 203 is a 50-watt transmit ter. The largest type is known as U. V. 204 and is rated at 250 watts. This type of tube is also known as a P tube and is the one that is universally used by the broadcasting stations. A Perfumes That Enhance a Woman's Charm Dainty, subtle and sugges tive of discriminating taste are these scented concentrates from the old world. From France Guerlain's, Caron's, Legrand's, Coty's and others. From Great Britain Yard ley's Old English Lavender. well as the favored do mestic essences of Hudnut, Woodworth, Vivaudou, Col gate and others. -.all grades all prices! Your inspection is cordially invited. FONTENELLE PHARMACY 'A Drat; Star for Everybody' station such as WAAW at the Oma ha Grain exchange uses seven of these large tubes, the retail prices of which are $110 each. This may make some of the amateurs, who are averse to paying $5 for a detector tube, feel that after all they are lucky that they do not have to use P tubes. Another type of vacuum tube is the A-P. These are made in only a very few sizes, principal types being the electron relay, which is detector, and the A-P amplifier tube;' which is another of the tubes that are ex hausted to a high degree. . Both of these tubes are very good. and con sume a little less current than the radiotrons, thus making the life of the storage battery longer. Those amateurs who listen in on extraordinary long distance stations may be interested to know the radio program of station WVVJ for next Wednesday and Thursday nights. WWJ The Detroit News. Eastern Standard Time (360 Metera) ""- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2. S:30 A. M. "Tonight's Dinner." and a special talk by the Wom an's Editor. 9:40 A. M. Music reproduced. 10:15 A. M. Weather (485 metera.) 11:55 A, M. Time. 12:05 P. M. Music reproduced. . 3:0 P. M. Weather (486 meters.) 3:40 P. M. Markets. 5:00 P. M. -Sport results. 8:30 P. M. Tho Detroit News Or chestra. The Town Crier. Beulah Wendorph, lyric soprano. "Lullaby from Jocelyn." "Tour Eyea Have Told Me So." Bartiett Holmes, tenor. "Baby Blue Eyea." "California Rose," and other musical numbers. WWJ The Detroit News. Eastern Standard Time (350 Meters) THURSDAY, AUGUST 3. i:iO A. M. "Tonight's Dinner." and a apeclal talk by the Wom an's Editor. 9:40 A. M Music reproduced. 10:15 A. M. Weather (485 meters.) 11:65 A. M. Time. 12:05 P. Mm. Musis reproduced. 3:30 P. M. Weather (485 meters). 3:40 P. M. Markets. 5:00 P. M. Sport results. 8:80 P. M. The Detroit News Or chestra. The Town Crier. Edith M. Ruebekam, mu sic lecturer. H. E. Blythe, baritone. Cecils Ouelette, singer. Marie Arata, soprano. "Musette." "Semprellba." Soviet Prosecutor Asks Death of Revolutionists Moscow, July 31. (By A. P.) Death by shooting of 30 of the so cial revolutionists on trial here, in cluding four women, was demanded by the prosecutor, M. Krylenko, in summarizing the evidence against the defendants. The prisoners shout ed their defiance in answer to his accusations. i He said there had been shown, link by link, the connections of the defendants with the various plots charged to them, including the as sassination of M. Volodarsky and M. Uritsky, soviet leaders in Petro- grad in 191s, and attempts to kill Premier Lenine and War Minister Trotzky. Being without counsel the prin cipal defendants will make addresses in their own behalf. Senator Crowe Sinking. Uniontown, Pa., July 31. United States Senator William E. Crowe, who has been very ill at his summer home in the mountains near here, suffered a relapse late yesterday, and his physicians said his condition to day was grave. Pi; Fictula-Poy WJien Cured A aiild sratem at treatment that cures Plies, Fistula aoa atae Beetal Diseases in a short tine, without a sever surgical f- eratiea. Ne Chloroform, Ether er other general aneetneue asaa. A ear guaranteed ka ererr eaa accepted for treatment, and so money is ta b paid aati isasa. Writ for book a Baetal Diaaaaes, with names and tcstimoniala of nor taaa l.ttt aromiiMat people who kar area permanently cured. Three States to Name Senatorial Candidates Aug. 1 Miouri, Virginia am t'rt Virginia Hold Primaries Tuesday Hard Fight on Against Kmi. Washington, July 31 Three sen atorial primaries on Tuesday are commanding the iittruiimi of politi cal Washington. Mioiirt, Virginia and Wet Virginia will select their candidates. Interet irntert chiefly in the Missouri rontot, where Sen ator Keed i having the filit of his life to secure renominatiou against Breckinridge Long, former astiot ant secretary of state. The principal is.uc in Missouri appears to be Wilsmmnt. Senator Keed, a democrat of the old school, was one of President Wilson's stern est critic and an ardent opponent of Mr. Wilson's pet project the league of nations. Long was one of Wilson's most ardent supporters. The expreident. from the seclusion of his Washington home, has writ ten several letters to the voters urg ing them to defeat Keed and send Long to the senate. Outcome in Doubt. Advices received in Washington from Missouri are to the effect that Reed, stumping every corner of the state with a circus tent, has been conducting an uphill fight. The odds against him several months ago appeared insuperable. His qual ities as a stump orator ana cam paigner have enbled him to make fti Aewtm cyaine it ic crnra1li admitted, and latest reports from I Missouri are to the effect that the outcome i in rxiriiic doubt. Senator Herd's i-ulleauura in the senate, republican as well as drnio ci stir, almoat to a man are pulling for his rcnomiuation, It is no 1 1 ret that many republicans would like to see nun re-eiecteq. Woman in Race. In West Virginia Senator Suther land i having a hard tussle tor re nominal ion w ith 11. C, Ogden in the republican primaries. On the democratic side, Mrs. Izetta Jewell Brown, a gitted young widow and formerly a well known actress, is campaigning in lively fashion against former Congressman M. M. Ncely. Senator Sw.inoi, one of the democratic leaders in the senate, ii contesting for reuoniination against ex-Governor Westmoreland Davii in Virginia. A in many other stales south of the Mason and Dixon line, nomination on the democratic ticket is the equivalent to election in Virginia. Interest is also being shown in the Oklahoma primaries, where Con. crrtswoman Alice Robertson is up for renomination. Mi&s Alice has sent word to Washington that she expect to win. Paris Dans Fees for Use of Park Benches Paris, July .11. As a tribute to the shopgirl, the "midinette" of French literature, fees for the use of scats in municipally controlled parks have been abolished during the two-hour "dejeuner" period, from 12 to 2. Ktfort is being made to obtain the same privilege for the lunching shop girl in the nationally controlled park the Tuileries, the jardin des plantes and the Luxembourg. Seattle Clubman Killed. Seattle, Wash., July 31. Harry Whitney Treat, capitalist and club man of this city, was killed last night in an automobile accident on Vancou ver island, his family announced to day. NAM belongs in every home where there is electric light and a heating plant Electric light, Plumbing, Nokol Automatic Oil Heating these are the three great modern conveniences for the modern home. That's what owners say, who use all three. - Simply becauseNokol saves more labor and gives more solid comfort than any other convenience you can put into your home. Nokol gives you clean, even heat at just the temperature you wish, no matter what the winter weather is. Nokol operates without attendance. Nokol forever rids your home of all the dirt and drudgery of building fires, of shoveling coal and carry' ing out ashes. Nokol is economical to operate, and Nokol fuel (kerosene) is al ways immediately and easily obtainable. Nokol can be quickly installed in any home heating plantsteam, hot water or hot air. Nokol belongs in every home where there is electric light and a heating plant. That's the judgment of those who know best your neighbors who have put Nokol to the test. . The Nokol Heater burns oil, in any type of heating plant, instead of coal. It can be in. tailed in a few hours. Controlled by a ther mostat, it consumes only the amount of fuel necessary to maintain the temperature desired. It operates automatically. . - 150 Installations in Omaha Ml 0KJ Automatic Oil Heating for Homes Nicholas Oil Corporation "Business Is Good, Thank You" Protected by Doble Detroit Patents Before that little skin eruption becomes serious apply Me stool Even in severe cases of eczema, -r other like skin troubles. Resinol Ointment, aided by Resinol Soap usually brings quick relief and in a reasonable time, clears away the trouble completely. How much more. then, can this simtile inexpen sive treatment be relied upon to dis pel skin troubles in their earliest stages. It is a standard skin treat ment, prescribed for yean. Don't wait try it today. SMhutuu. Chicago Firms Preparing for Tramway Strike Plans Made to Transport Thousands of Worker by Trucks and Autoi; Hotels Expect Rush. Chicago, July Jl.Wit ha general strike of surface and elevated street car men only a few hours awav. ac tive preparations were made to trans port the thousands of workers U and from their homes and to insure speedy transmission of mail and merchandise. All the large institutions arranged several days ago to care for their em ployes by transporting them in trucks and automobiles. The telephone com pany will taken an entire floor of one of the largest hotels and house its employes there. Surveys have been made by all big establishments of the number of cars available, those belonging to the firms and also individual cars, and these will be requisitioned to trans port their employes. Downtown hotels have placed cots in hallways and additional beds in all rooms, to care for the thousands who will not attempt to get to and from their homes. Suburbanites who travel back and forth on steam cars will not be'affected, as the rail roads are putting on extra trains and running all night service. Employes of the stockyards, num bering several thousand, are fairly well concentrated in that area and can walk to and from their work. The packing industry will not be materi ally hampered by the strike. Tha Gnat Thru-Day DRUG AND TOILET GOODS SALE 4s in full swlni at tha , 5 Sherman & McConrtell Drug Stores BIG VALUES BIG SAVINGS Ak Secretary Hurt Leaping to Watch Unloading Circus Hera's th reason Chsrlty Oard. nsr, secretary of Ak-Sar-Ben, is encumbered with s slight limp. Csrdner went out to Cheysnne (or the Frontisr Dsys show with the Omaha delegation, Hs wsi slumbering peacefully in his berth In a Pullman parked in the Chey enne yards when hs was awakened by the arrival of a circus trsin, "I never have seen circus (in. ish up a lob o( unloading." solilo quised Charley. "This is my op. portunty." i Whereupon Gardner jumped out of his berth and hiked for the dressing room. But a (ellow voy ager had left his traveling bag pro truding into tha aisle and Char, ley'a smsll toa cams into (orciblc contact with it When he returned to Omaha ha learned two rones were broken. "But I saw tha circus unload" quoth Gardner. CUFFERERS from chronle Indleaanen will had quick r 1 1 is or vt. an Faaaln. It laa yoa artlflelsllr tha from a ta doaaa Caldsraira ara Papain aalura may havsda- Btivad von si and tha lack of wblen catusa draptpsis. You will find 11 much aaara affaetlva than ebaaiog tablets tad flavored aandtss. DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN THE r AMB.T LAXATIYI Dr. CaldweU'a Syrup Ptptia as. Ulna InaradUati affaetlva in drtpsp. sla and constipation. It la a eombla stloa of Erypttaa Baooa and othar Inpta laxatlra harba with papain. Tha formula it en tha pachaes. It bu bsaa success fnlly used lor SO ysara. Try it I Ooaboula wiU prevails worth. HALF.OUNCS BOTTLX PM Fas- KOt ceajdaarisa, so nan you do met isam a faaavfca at tali msavml In ai and ysa a HoJfOancs Trial Botrit a at; Syrup PaMm FREE OF CHARQfi to lAax yu unli hm k ImwaS Aan nmdii. Simply and jpout aanw uaWwi as Dr. W. B. ColoWU, ju VaaSmftM St., MsMfcsao, III. WriltiMudaj. Auto Impounding Bill to Be Offered by Dunn One rmuictrd u( driving s motor car while mtosusird or uudrr hr inriumrf of any rittnUc would lose the riiiht to drive gan (or months. Thsn ons's car would be pounded tor st trait W dsyi. And if one violated those pro visions one Mould go to jail (of 10 to 0 days. Such r provision of a hill io be presented this week i the city council by V, H. Dunn, polite com-miioner. "tmk valBc giving atoalM m 10 to 60 Discounts Furniture, Rugs and Orapsrlas Stovti and Rsfrlgeratora Sals aa Easrtrta and Hand r i JsiMajaaaaBaair Waaalaa Machlase Ttad Band rawar Mac him 3.m to Xaw Klartrla M4.1S to Vnar Tanas Ato Oar Tanas Hoarard St., BXsnaa Mk and . tsth at. "Seniority Rights" and the Railroad Strike To the Public: The public should clearly understand what is involved in the question of "seniority rights" which grows out of the present strike of the railway shop crafts unions. Seniority is based on length of continuous service, and determines who has the right to work. In every railway shop there is a list of men whose names appear in the order of their length of service those oldest in point of service being 4 the top of the list, those newest in the service at the bottom. On most railways there are not enough places now for all the men employed and all who struck. If, therefore, the strik ers should all be allowed to go back to work with seniority rights over any men now work ing, many of the men now at work would have to be laid off Furthermore, in periods when shops are not being run to their capacity, the position . on the seniority list determines what men shall be kept and what men laid off. The position on the seniority list carries with it other rights and privileges, but the foregoing are the most im portant rights now involved. Not only justice, but the public interest, demands that in any settlement of the strike the seniority rights of all men who are now working shall be recognized. If those who have struck against the decisions of the Labor Board and tried to interrupt transportation are favored in any settlement that may be made, the incentive of men to stay at work in case of future strikes will be destroyed and the difficulty of maintain ing transportation service in creased. The new men in many case left other employ ment with the understanding that if competent they would be retained in their present po sitions. The men who have stayed at work or accepted employ ment during the strike have been given assurances of pro tection not only by the rail roads but by the government itself. The Railroad Labor Board in Resolutions adopted on July 8 said that: ' It muii be conceded that the men who remain in the ' service and those who enter it anew are within thnr rights in accepting such employment; that they are not strikebreak ers seeking to impose the arbi trary will of an employer on employees; that they have the moral as well as the legal right to engage in such service of the American public to avoid inter ruption of indispensable rail way transportation and that they are entitled to the protec tion of every department and branch of the government, state, and national." President Harding, in his proclamation on July 12, re ferred to the fact that: "The maintained operation of the railways in interstate commerce and the transporta tion of the United States mails have necessitated the employ ment of men who choose to ac cept employment on the terms of the decision (of the Labor Board) and who have the same indisputable right to work that others have to decline to work." Chairman Hooper of the Labor Board in a statement on July 3 said "the men who re main in their positions and the new men who may come in will be protected by public senti- 1 .1 r si mem ana tne ruii governmen- Thus it will be seen the fact that all the men who are now working have claims upon the railways and the public su perior to those of the strikers has been repeatedly recog nized by government bodies and officials; the question now is whether their rights shall be protected or sacrificed. Western Railway Presidents' Committee on Public Relations. .Sherman & McConnell ML at. R. TAXXY 9aMU)ersa, Fars TnlBaBaa Bkif-)