THE OMAHA BEE: TUESDAY. AUGUST 1. 19-2. 1 1 THE GUMPS wtU.efttLL A I ITvro vrOtrtrt VaYVVT 5l Vlht-TO mi VSkBUWjU WIBMiA'a . - I fgrtiaii Til w" WW - NfifXINb JCtV vu MM'tNlt tN NOU w "Ml, When rented immediately or quick action of any kind is on the SITUATIONS WANTED WE. Hit A nllabl. enloMd woman to do day work. DAT WORK or dlahwaahlac. WE. Ill) ATTRACTIONS WANTKD Coaowilona and attraollona for old a.ttlar'. slealo, to b. bald Ancuat i, at waatarn, 0. Aaareaa i i. iawta, aAcreiary, 10LL8, BALLOONI. HUBBBK BALU NOVELTIK0. i Aak for eatalofua. Olob. Novalty Co. i - 1 1 0 Faraam Bt.. Omaha. Nfb. WANTKD: Concalons. frea and Paid at tractlona for annual picnic. Ohlovra, Nab., Auguac 10. A a arm ricnic tomm. THE "Malodv F1va" Jan band. Joa Draka, wis. aivi. it ii n. no sc. EDUCATIONAL PAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Comptot. oouraaa In accountancy, ma china hoakkaattlnv. comntomctry. abort hand and tynwritln(; railroad and wtr.lea. talarrapby. civil arvtoo and a.11 Enatiah and eommarelal braactaaa. Writ., call or pbona Jaekion Hit (or mr lliuatrataa cataioc Aaaraaa Boyles College r Boyiea ciaa;., umtiii. nro FOR bookkeeplns, hortbund, typewrltlnl. ito., attend (ha American Collece of Bualnaaa 11J. Omaha poiltlon. guaran taadj all our graduate, ara In position.. T.l.phon. AT. 77T4 or writ, for catalogue WANTKD Men, ladlaa and boya to loam barker trade; big demand) wagaa wnne learning: atrlctly modern. Call or writ 140S Dodge St. Tri-city warper ia- Van Sant School of Builneea. uay ana jbvening wovwi S. E. cor. Nineteenth and Pougla. Bta. Douxlaa tl0. DO you want to Inereaea your Income? Write the National Auto School, 2sl N. 2flt St., Omaha, for catalog. Pay or evening seaalona. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLBOB. Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. AT. MOLKR BAKBi'R COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Writ, for catalog. ANNIE B. OLASaOW, voice and piano. 9S Karbacb Blk. JA. 108t. "CLOTHING AND PURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" autta, cheap, alteratlone free. Northwest Cor. Wh and Harney St. a FULL PRESS .una and Tuxcdoa for rant. J A. 1111. 10 N. ltb St. I. Feldman. ARMT ehoea. fl.10. 101 No. lth. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES " TTPBWRITIBS AND , All MAKES bougM. .old, rented and repaired. Sol. agent for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. ETv.ry machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 4158. 1HI Farnam. W .buy aell iafee, mak. dek, how oaaea, .to., Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. BURROUGHS adding machine. 1100, fac tory guarantee. R. A. Fisher. AT. 0S81. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE fj IPERT eewlns machine repairing. MICKEL3. th and Harney. DO. 17. EVERYTHING in Radio supplies. Mail ordera solicited. Omaha Sporting Goods Co., 1808 Harney St. FOR SALE Largest site O. E. .lectrlo fan. WE. 278. OMAHA Athletic Club membership. Make offer. Must be sold quickly. DO. 4692. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. PLUMS, peaches, grape., apples; all prayed fruit. Plums and aome peaches now ripe; 100 trees budded peaches most peaches begin ripening during August. Forty acres of apples, Jonathan and win ter varieties; prefer selling orchard run. Phone 3530. or write Mt. Olive Fruit Farm, Starry & Kerns, Brownville, Neb., 8 mile, east, 1 mile south. 1 mile east of Aurora. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your uaed piano on a new player piano. Balance aa low as 110 per monta. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas.. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AUCTION! AUCTION 1 Two complete home, of furniture, ruga and furnishing to be sold in Dowd Auc tion House. UTH'AND WEBSTER 8T8. TUESDAY NIOHT AT 7 P. M. Including piano, talking machines, over stuffed parlor suites, library tablea, ruga, nearly all sites and kinds; very expen sive American walnut and mahogany period dining rooms suites, pictures, drapes, linens, fancy and staple dishes, beautiful bedroom suites. Including Ameri can walnut and mahogany, brass and Simmons beds complete, gas ranges, steel ranges, kitchen cabinets, garden hose and hundreds of artlclea too numerous to men- JAMES U DOWD ft CO., AUCTIONEERS. It you have rnythlng to sell call Atlantic ( or Walnut 8213 BEDS, complete, dresser, washatands, ruga and other artlclea to numerous to rnen- tion. 1238 8. 13th. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Retailed at wholesale prices. IT buys the best. Phone uougiaa AUCTIONS are held daily and evenings at Dowd'a Auction House. 18th and Wecster atreet. Phone AT. 0866 for detail. "POULTRY AND PET STOCK. PEDIGREED Boston terrier puppies, best Wool Uses ebtalnarte. Fern. Fester, X7S3 Ranch. Kearney, Neb. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DES, New desk, nstd desk bought, sold1 and traded. J. C Reed. 13f Farnam. AT. 14. WANT TO BUY WAITED To buy for cash secondhand notion picture machines, either Simples or Powers, for export. State exact model and number for cash price. Writ or wire at once to Mr. Edward 'Stuart car Technology Club. 17 Gramsrcy Park, yw York City. N. T. BUSINESS CHANCES MILLINERY store, t year established. Thriving western town, county seat, terms to cult. Box T lt. Th Oma ha Bee. ONE-HALF interest in a good paying business. f0i Cuming. RJ IS COLCM IN THI iWDAV ars voau gaw. w A.. kf4j iwv wv 1 VttU Vlvt a House job. Try it and see Telephone ATlantic 1,000 and ask for a "Want BUSINESS CHANCES BAKkiKY for sale, doing lit cash busi ness day, located In the beat town in Colorado, population 1,000; mining, rail road and Irrigation develoumtnt going .a. Priced right. Reason for selling have farming inter.!. Aauree. ine traig Uakery, cralg, colov t n nWK Br..,...... Hi,. J b,.,.a vine ineaier, long icaae, ressonaoie rem; atat. amount of capital and experience. s .. J .. 1, 1 . - . , A V: k ,J JX-HHVU7, (w.r w iia, iv t.vitn --.a . . V, 1 1 1 1 - . r . Bin"., oinins, muni. FOUNDRY AND MACH1NB SHOP Owner retiring; rare opportunity to atep into paying Old MtaBiisnea Business; n. 000 swings It, JCnt.rprls. Iron Works. A inert i.ef, Minn. HAKHKR SHOP, S chairs; modern, elec tric equipped; 1 shop. In town of 1.000; doing a good paying business. Prlc. 8H00. Artdresa T-im, Omaha He.. RESTAURANT and aoft drink parlor: llv. lug roro In rear, soil 4 street. MA. mil. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS CONTRACTORS. OARAGES built, any atyle and Hie. 1100 up. concrete work. Micklin Lumbar at Wracking Co. Tel. WC (its. ACCORDION PLBATINO. ACCORDION, aide, knife, hex nleatlnar. covsred buttons, all atyles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Writs Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co., 808 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. teiepnone it a. I7e. NEB. PLEATING MISS. ed Button. 1(08 Farnam, !d Floor. DO. (870. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway kjx. mag., ja. zoss; night, KB. 1112 Jndependeat Detective, 804 Neville Blk. AT. noi : night. WA. 40(; KB. 04 I JAMES ALLAN, 113 Neville Blk. Evidence ecurea in nil cages, at, his. DENTISTS. DENTAL X'-RATS. 60 each, a full aet. 811 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. . DRESSMAKINO. DRES8MAKINO. plain sewing. WE. 0988. KODAK FIN18HINO. FILMS DBVHLOPBD FREE. The Ensign Co.. ItOT Howard St LATHING, PLASTERING. LATHERS AND PLA8TERERS Work guaranteed. Call Harney 0S6S. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. V, . Martin, Patent Attorney, 171. I ndse, room 109. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventor aell their patenta. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. PAINTING and peperhanglng, reason abls; work guaranteed. -Call AT. 0379. PAINTING and paperhanglng; reason able; work guaranteed. Call AT. 0378. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. 31i 8. 18 St. DO. 8647. FURRIERS. 1TTTPQ remodeled, rellned, cleaned. U XV O Kneeter Alaska Fjr Co.. 808 So 15th St. DO. 7783. TOWEL SUPPLIES. FRONTIER Towell Supply, furnisher of clean linens. HID California. AT. 621. TINNERS. SPOUTING SPOUTING Have your house spouted with guaranteed itjuuiing, tiu per tuu l. TV ovo,. jus ee Tin snop. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS prices with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 403 N. Hth St. Telephone DO. 6049. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price or new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking, on Dea uetcs washed. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the ( Sherman 4 McConnsll Drug stores. DR. Louis Smernoff, diseases of women and chlldrsn, 816 N. 21st St. AT. 6766. ROOMS FOR RENT WELLINGTON INN HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS. NICE LY FURNISHED, . WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATTRACTIVE "WE ELY RATES. MR. RAMEY. THE MANAGER, WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. WILL rent sleeping porch and front room to married couple or two girls. Partly furnished, home privileges. 6605 Wirt St,, WA. 6098. ROOM for one or two gentlemen, private home. References. HA. 2111. (08 Park Ave. FARNAM ST., 4216 Nice modern front rm., very reasonable, pnvats family. WA. 4433. LARGE airy, eaat room, private home; suitable for 3 young- gentlemen; references; garage. HA. 3(06. 1024 S. 82d strset. ELEGANTLY furnished front room, pri vate family, board. If desired. Hanscom Park District. HA. 6002. ONE south and one north room In brand new home. Strictly modern, walking dis tance. Harney 7487. NICE airy bedroom, 3 teds, for t men; private horn.; references required. HA. 2817.' TWENTY-SIXTH ST., 65 S. Furnished rooms, with or without board. JA. 2493. BEAUTIFUL furnished room, lit South, Slst Ave. Take Farnam ca: TWO sleeping rooms for rent; modern. cool, desirable. 1803 N. 19th St. TWO comfortable home-Ilk. bedrooms, gsrage privileges. HA. (242. 3 MODERN sleeping rooms, next to bath. 104 N. lath St. AT. I1T1. Large, cool room and garage. HA 74(1. 2418 California, nice, cool room; modern; close-in. AT. 3733. NICELY furnlehed double room, modern; 470( North Uth St. KE. 2888. BEST of board and room for children (girls); mother1 care. AT. t(8(. WITH or without beard, AT. 7334. 31th and Cass street, , Nice, cool housekeeping room in mod ern borne 3203 I St, MA 8451. GROUND floor, all kinds housekeeping reoms. 1. up. Inquire 1104 No. 16th. MODERN bskpg. rooma, reasonable. WE. 34K. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS (18 No. 23 St. Attractive aast front room in modern brick flat. A LETTER OUT fO XL tMCt. IX. mi. VKt. fc 10UM h46MT wfc JUL WtHT, VOft lONu tRIVt. fcOY KOMI ABOUT t JO TWCC VUVt .NVVTlP Ml OUT 4Am TOMORROW W TM'Vt tltN 10 KVNb YO TO tWWTilN "TvtH WWtM Must Be Sold or HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TWO splendid room and kitchenette; everything furnished complete for house keeping. Call WE. 1178, LIGHT housekeeping rooms In private horns, hi block from street car. 1(42 Ho. 3ftb St. HA. 8161. FUKN. rms. wild priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, da or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4T0I. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, strlutly modem, reaaon able rent. Call AT. 98(0. 3 Hl'ITKS housekeeping rooms and 3 fur nished rooms; very desirable, 3(41 Chi. cag. St. J A. 3184. S408 CAPITOL AVE?.; two light housekeep ing rooms; one 8, and one 87; modern. WE 1,1, furnished room with use of kitch en, $3.50. J A, 2348. 1406 S. lith. BOARD AND ROOM NICE large front room, with board. In private home with htm. privilege., for two ladles employed; 'no other boarder or roomers, (7.(0 per week. 2223 Vinton St. SOUTHEAST room, furnished In Ivory, private bath, also garage. Breakfast If Ui sired. 11 A. 178. COOL rooms and board; two gentlemen; 87 per week. Haascom Park district. HA, 65.10. NICE attractive room for two with board, home privilcgea. Hanacom Park. HA. 3166. NICE coot south room for two gentlemen; with board (10. 4246 Farnam. WA. (442. NICELY furnished front room, excellent board, for two. 3614 Jones fit. GOOD board and care to small girl; board parent. JA. 3493. HOUSES FOR RENT NINE-ROOM, strictly modern home, good condition. 186. 4813 Dodge St. For keys rhone i D. E. Buck & Co., 742 Om. Nat. Bk. JA. 3000. FOR RENT 8-room modern houss; fruit, shade trees, city, rain and well water; sur roundings agreeable. Southwest corner 31st and Lake Sts. 2604 SHERMAN AVE., 6 rooms, strictly modern, on car; 160 per month. George F. Jones, Realtor. AT. 6635. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-four apartment buildings. 853 apartments, reinforced concrete, abso lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed room apartment. Call us, and w will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, Fireproof Apartments, JA. 2805, AT. 3708. Corner 17th and Howard Streets. NEWLY decerated apartments of 4, 6 and 6 rooms, all outside rooms. The Chlodo, 2Sth Ave. end Marcy. Phone JA. 1422. Peters Trust Company, WHERE- OMAHA RENTS. NEW AND USED TIRES, 12.60 AND UP. B. A B. TIRE AND AUTO CO., 2858 Farnam St. HA. 7404. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms; low rent, close in. G. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. CLOSE In, three or four-room apartments, all modern; 220 1 North 23d St. FIVE-ROOM modern flat except heat; fine location. 35. JA. 1525. 4-ROOM modern apartment and garage. 608 No. 41st St. WA. 1204. UNFURNISHED, cheerful, strictly modern five-room Apt. 3214 D St. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of livings room, ing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental Includes heat, light, gas, phone and maid service. Either weekly or' permanent guests. Phone AT. 3210. WALKING DISTANCE. Nloely furnished 2-room apartment, new ly redecorated; outside rooms. Rent very reasonable. 2618-24 Davenport. TWENTY-EIGHTH ST., 573 6. Choice 2 room apt.; cool. Reasonable. HA. 5096. NICE and cosy S-rm. apt. furn. ; bath, J7 per week. 2010 N. 23d St. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished apartment. 3312. WE. How to Be in Business for Yourself- Without Investment A national organization, with millions of custom ers, is doubling its production due to the quality of its product. v This means that the door to opportunity is wide open for local representatives. Each representative is Riven an exclusive franchise. He sells direct to the consumer and does no delivering or collecting. He builds a permanent business, in virtual part-' nership without investment. His customers' repeat business insures his success and independence. He be comes a business man. livinsr at home and serving a clinetele to whom he is always welcome. . 'Such representatives are today makinsr $50 to $100 a week and promotions to executive positions are added opportunities. The entire organization is supported by powerful national advertising in The Saturday Evening Post and Ladies' Home Journal. If you are the kind of man who wants to build such a business for yourself, we are always glad to talk to you. REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS 433 Soscurities Bldg. FROM HOME I If VttU, H9t1C WkYiMtj A 00O II U9 IT- CHEflU I. VIME If Vila B166VNS T "THE flYMX JO1 M Xl.TkHDM Af.)T N0U- "TVnNKe Mi) UTHW. THE flBUTX MUM M TWt tCn "OH VOtt- Vt WJkp HAH sNt HtMOMfc SHS I CO (J JtftT Hfct A UTTU. 6IRU- $TW AS lONd AS NOO UK. WtB A.t FINE .t- Ut la GOOD Rl-(,(5 TO fcU LACt - NOV. LOvmG WT needed, YOU will FURNISHED APARTMENTS. HUNTER INN Home for th. traveling man to leave ml wife In comfort and aafety, AT. 8860. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT OFFICE and atore room for rent, at miKinson iiiiig., i;tn ana farnam. in quire or janitor. MERCANTILE HTORAUb) AND WARE' HOUSE CO., Ilth and Jones Sis. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY avanco, MOVINC PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rate This Week to T.OS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0181. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata looked rooma for household goods and planoa, moving, packing and snipping. BE KINS OMARA VAN AND 8TORAOB. 808 South 18th. DO, 4163. ESTIMATES furnished. Contract taken on Job or hour. Glob. Van & Storag. Co. J A. 4338; AT. 0330. CHATTEL LOANS Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. QUICK. QCTET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO.. (06 Karbaoh Block. Tel. JA. 2:95. Southeast corner loth and Douglaa Sts. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on band to lean on Omaha residence. E. H. LOUGEB. INC. (38 Kaeline Bldg. r?nrm T Stan a No delay on western r ariil IjUaXlS Neb. farm, ranches, Kloka Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat'l Blc FIRST mortgage loans mad promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen ft Co., Real tors. JA. 4228. 234 Keelln Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NKB. FARMS. OKEJSPIS rtSAL, E.STAIU IAJ., 1016 Om. Nt. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 8716. 8100 TO $10,000 loans mad promptly. F. D. WBAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 810 8. 18th St. Weed Bldg. - At, 01 H. GARVIN BROS.. 645 OMAHA NAT Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DISLAIJ BONDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 821 city Nat'l nana mag. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., 2564 Farnam. FREE Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery ana farts CO., 1110 Farnam St., AT 31t. LOOK over our Hat of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 3056 Farnam St. AT. 783S. USED cars, worth vour money. The Ne braska Oldsmobtle Co., 18th and Howard 8ts. AT. 1770. FOR SALE STUTZ SPEEDSTER, CHEAP. GOOD TIRES; WIRE WHEELS. HARNEY 0800. USED Ford Darts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parti, 1016 Harney St. NEW AND USED TIRES, (2.60 AND UP. B. & B. TIRE AND AUTO CO. 2858 Farnam St. HA. 7404. ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Serv. Ice. PFEIFFER'B, 3525 Leavenworth. USED radiator, all makes, for sale. Greenough Radiator Hepalr, 2039 Farnam. ONE rood Maxwell touring for sale, cheap. AT 8587. 1 BIG 6 Studebaker, overhauled and paint ed. Call HA. 6760. ONE 1819 BUICK, OVERHAULED, NEW TIRES. CALL HA. 6760. U8ED Fords, all models. Co.. 1814 Cuming. Used Ford Car HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. S12 8. 24th. NEBRASKA LANDS PA PMC! 5 acres up. Write M. A. "IV-XOr,,r,on. Central City. Neb., your wants for farms, acreage tracts, etc. FARMS, ranches, sale, exchange, Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. Drawn for The 7T 4T- yov) An A find Omaha Bee AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Fords I Fords 1 New and Used. Cash or Term. W have them all prices alt model. B. sure and .e. u befor you buy. , McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Servic Station." Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealer. 16th and Jackson 81. DO. 3(00. Open Sunday from t till 11 . ra. SOME largalna In used Ford; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson St. DO. 8(00 WE BUY and sell new and uaed cara Cash or time. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St.. JA. 3468. BUY A OUT L. 8MITH USED CAR. A Safe Inveatment, 26th and Farnam St. Phone DO 170 DODGE roadster; real SACRIFICE; 13 26; leaving town. MA. OJSs. NORTH DAKOTA LANDS. 6.000 ACRES Golden Valley. N. D. Choice atock land for sale cheap. Box 88, Sauk Center, Minn. WISCONSIN LANDS. no acres For sale, farm stock, ma chinery, crops. Death compels me to sell. Write to C. A. Johnson. R. 2, Box 69, Necedah, Wis. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE fi nil and cltv lota for sale or trade In the city of Tomball, Tex., 32 miles north of Houston on main line railroad. Beautiful for a winter home, or wonderful proposi tion tnr nil. nil wella now In ODeratton In a radius of 10 mile. Deeds and abstracts can give clear title. I am owner and will ell for cash or will trade for something useful. What have you? Address Norman Russell, Elm Creek, Neb. Prop Lincoln hotel FOR sals or'trade the furniture and tusl ness of a good hotel or rooming house j : .. A hi,.!..,, 4J rnnmi will trade for southern Nebraska land In south ern part or northern Kansas. Value about (8,000. A. J. tsnscxeirora, wicnua, xvan. 207 Miller Theater Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT 8 or 7-room, well located, In Dun dee, by the first; have cash. Box ljl, Omaha Bee. LIST your homes for sale with us. Wa have ' the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. TO SELL oulck and buy right, see Fike & Price, 819 City Natl. Bank. J A. 241. Willard C. Slabaugh, Realtor. J A. 2963. TO SELL see Glover & Morel, AT. 3623. Fqultable Trust Co. Realtora. AT. 2845. Weatern Real Estate Co JA, M37. Money to Loan On Omaha inside business and wsrehouse properties. Interest Money delivered immediately alter ap plication accepted, title approved and mortgage recorded. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 13ZO Farnam Street JA. 0S64 WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. .iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKHitiiiitiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii i Railroad Mechanics i I and Helpers Wanted f I by the Illinois Cen- i tnl System Machinists Blacksmiths Sheet Metal Worker Toolsukar Boilermaker Pipefitters Electririans Qualified Car Repafrm And inspector. Etc. Free transportation and board and housing will be furnished. i Permanent position a. ; Wag standard a directed by - United State Railroad Labor Board. - Apply at one at Room 317 City National Bank Building, 3d Floor, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Office hours S:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. 8l.!41ltU8u6ll8ilBllButllBli8ll6ll8l!8ll8.i6ll8iltll8l:tl4UllBl3 Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith (Copyright lm "BMlt M00WU0HT R0td TlLU CANT TtU..A TwiNCj' Aout v0Mtt t. TXtM TMC SACK 0W HkWl ANt tJVOT tm AKO Nov) "tVtNK 04 Twt NM TO CHOOU- TVIH "WtT TOtN AK6VND "TV) EM Look lkc rvi.-a wr. inn vl iw iTtt OLD P ftlH r u..r. - ..vw Tvy "Want" ads right Ad taker. WANTED REAL ESTATE Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. 1307 Farnam St Pnon AT. (141. PPTTeTXTTl'l ReeUy Co. List with UAUCiiNlU a for quick results. 2418 Flrr Nat'l Bk. BMg. JA. 1386. nPlUCRVOul Batata, Investments. KJRalOD I Lst U. Sell Your Home. 1518 City National Bank. Pougla (118. STRAIGHT 8-yr loans, H P cat. 301 Uth. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8330. BO. T. PORTER CO. Real Estats, Rental Insurance. 18( South 1301 AT. 338. NEW homes, completely flnsnced. Pay Ilk rent. C. T. SPIER ft CO.. Realtors, 304 Peter Trust Bldg. DO. 4887. GOOD LISTINGS COME TO US. WE SELL THEM. HOME REALTY CO., AT. 1111. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern bouse. (36 Ry. Exchg. Bldg. AT. 4968. SHOLES, D.-V. W.mb'.r. Multiple Listing Excnange. JA. 0048. LIST your property with W. Farnam Snlth Co., 1330 Farnam St. lull lliliiniiiiliiiiiiiil:iilliiliiluliliilillnlllllllllllilil I Wanted by I : American Refrigerator 1 Transit Company i 2 300 Car Repair Men. ; i Foramen. Inspectors, " . Piece Work Checkers. Steel Workers. . Painter. . Machinists. Blacksmiths, s ' Carpenters. Steel Metal Worker, And Common Laborer for Ksn. g ; city, at, Louis ana wnicsgo 10 g - work on liberal piece work basis. S Transportation furnished $ r seniority commence irons in date entering our service. " Apply befor 10 a. m., 1900 Her- nay St., Grain Exchange Bldg., t i Omaha, Neb. iiliiliilt:li!li:liiliiliii:liiliililiiliiliillililiuiniiiliiiuril"l Wanted by Missouri Pacific Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St. Louis. Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coffey ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. W I partment Notice to Men With the Interest of the U. S. at Heart: To release a few officials that temporarily filled positions vacated by striking shopmen who walked out in defiance of our government's Railway Labor Board, the Rock Island Lines will employ a limited number of BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS PIPEFITTERS BLACKSMITHS 'Also helpers and laborers at the standard rates prescribed by the TJ. S. Railway Labor Board. 211 Leflang Bldg. The Jobs Will Be Permanent. Make It Snappy Act Nowl WANTED REAL ESTATE Itnuet far Mi. rTa tar rk W. J. Palmer Co.. tmt but MMtnil tylm HK T. Chaflea W. Young & Son DMtla. Inlllt iiMMa4 Ht Pity Wit, AT BINDER & OTIS, ' DnI Calaft. Loftna. Ran 'a la, JA. Tn hiv At tl Oman a Hal (( FOWLER & M'DONALD alvmlirrff Utiliipla taatlnt Kl K'lHr. I lb T f0urprMly ftlla) M. L. ClaiH C-i H0urMiM Bid ACREAOB FOR SALE ACREAGE SE5r.'. ."JTIt Ing ft Herd. 141 MaraerSi. AT. . VACANT PROPELTV $4,750 Dundee Lots $4,750 Corner, Ixl33. Hsif block to t'naorwooo avenue eer. overlooking Happy Hollow, Paving tases tor street, and alley paid. Cash or lerme. JOHN M, MACTARt.AND. ATTT st 1.AW S06-18 Omaha National Hank Bldg. Phone AT. ((. 118 DOWN (( MONTH Fin. earner lot, feeing outb and at, ewer and wlr la treet; near .' 14(0. H. & MANV1M.B, Reader. AT. 348 813 PtrTrut Bldg. $10 Down, $i0Per Month Two fin let. (O1II8 ft. each: wr. water, gaa and lilawlk. On block weet of Krug park. 6700 each. One block to car line. J. K HIATT COMPANY 11(8 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 3800. BUILdTn'O BITE '(-"foot eaat frontage, near Kd and Howard treete. Surrounded by weli constructed home. Taxes paid In full, owner will sell very reasonable. Call AT. 3024 or WA. 1183. On In of Ralston lot and acreags tracts (JWC now going on. Special terma and price made. (200 up; smsll payment tlown, balance easy terms, oe or puons Btew.rt, Halston 10-W. l.OCKWOOD: lara lot. 61x188: north front on Jackson, near (Sd Street, at bar gain price. C. A. Orlmmel, JA. leis. niLU BUIIV 1 v ; uu 1 ,,,ur w, "-'' ful lot In Kdgewood; very easy term. Anemia i.iu. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY 4137 ERSK1NU ST. 4-rra., mod., oak floor and finish. 8760 rash, bal. monthly. Crelgh, 606 Bee. AT. i0. BUNGALOW, garage, eak finish, near Kountse nark; bargain, 14,800. O. P, Steb- blna JA 0237. LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY Quick results, straight dealing, coat you nothing unless we sell. Our large organisation In touch with hundred of buyer. Phone or writ us and w will call te Inspect. , Member Multiple Listing Exchange PAYNE A CtNABY CO. "Your ReeuW SIS Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA lOlt i:aiiBiisti6iiBiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiii6iiBiiaiiaiiantii6ii6iiiim Wiitad k th . 1 c. a. & ST. P. RY. 1 Mochanic and Herpert for pormanont potition. MachinUU. f Boilermaker, Blacksmith. Sheet Metal Worker and ? Electrician. i Rata vntjr (70) cents ? per hour. f MachinUU' Helper. : Boilermaker Helper. Blacksmith Helper. s Sheet Metal Workers' Help- I ers and Electricians' Helpers, forty-seven (47) cents per f hour. Passenger Car Repairers and Inspectors. ? Seventy (70) cents per hour. Freight Car Repairers and Inspectors, Sixty-three (63) cents per hour. I Th man to replace men who are : en strike against th decision of thai United Stat Railroad Labor Board. ? Special attantian will bo given to the " training of young men with or with- out experience la mechanical work, g Choice of location offered man who heve wanted an opportunity to g locate in tho west should apply at s once whll the attractive positions are open. Apply in pert an to " EUGENE DUVAL, Gcn'IAjent i 407 South ISth Strsst, saaaui uonnievl 5 usiAnn, nciannsan. riaiitii8iiaiiBiiaiitiiBii8iiaiiaii8iisiitiitiiBiiaiiaiiBiiaiiBiiiiaiisu ?llllllllIIIIIIUIIIlHlllllllllHIntillllllllIHtllMllIHIL- On Account of the m mechanical .craft trm- ployes having gone on a strike the Colorado and Southern ! Ry. Co. will employ in the shops, roundhouse and cur de- partment at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyenne I men tuitabla for such I service. Board and I lodging free under ample protection. Ideal climate and working conditions, f Wire or write H. W. RIDGWAY, f Supt. Motive Power, I Denver, Colo. .'Hiili!ttiiiil'iti;liniiti,liilniniiiniiiiiiiHiil'j:'iiiiir. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY 1512 r0HI0ST.7 II reams, nttai. . ! (. three op. three . se-'d un.titlu 4 aell eirenged. ! rae, liiiui.4isi po kasai gaed lerii.e HIHkKTr t l It r.'-is JTreal t'da J 4 "8 U CASH Will kulld fawreuni bue mf let and sell M 8ou el 1:8 V" nink II l8 evenlBge, b. n.nucir "iTiti. bo aud iifoBZ 50UTH SIDE PROPERTY l"l S ItTM r ! e.iiu kiitislnw. II III C II Oarlti. ItaaHer, 111 lit, dais Theater Hid. J A .il DUNDEE PROPERTY New Dundee Bungalow $1,000 Cash Hit rortina niri lt builf, nw and tiMtii ftiiUtv ti1tn n Ut 10 tttlHUt IMltI tit. our nw itrawitl A'MMimt, Jui ai ot Ma CM ut (r m tnl irrnti The Byron Reed Co., Imj. JIT lU Psriiam "t iTJ-AtTTIKVLM NKVY iri NIKlTVl'Ms5"" Halls type; polished oak flnera up end down, Living room, lla3, bisaktaat nonk alvi,ihing .ohvun.M, in l"t. duuM garsge, ll.Ao ea.h or will tk good paper r stii.lkr house for equity. I'sll Mr Uavlotd MOMK KKAI.TT 'i.. AT 1 1 8 Brand New The hoot reu have been looking for. PI room., v.rr annuity arrangrmeiit : cedent f'ni.h, Very ' term, arranged. Glover & Spain, ntii.Timi JA !!. IB.; rity Nstlneat FLORENCE PROPERTY NKTrlAWAT aalle and tredae KB. I4M. RAILROAD MECHANICS AND HELPERS WANTED BY THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. On account of the action of a number of our shop and engine house employes, who left the services in defiance of the United States Labor Board and are now on a strike, the Chicago & North Western Ry. is in need of the following: Machinists and helpers. Boilermakers and helpers. Blacksmiths and helpers. Car repairers and helpers. Sheet metal workers and helpers. Pipe fitters and helpers. Ztr inspectors. Wages and working conditions prescribed by the United States Labor Board, effective July 1, 1922, will be applied. An excellent opportunity for young and energetic men to en gage in railroad work. Apply at once to ROOM 405, WILKINSON BLDG., 12TH AND FARNAM STS., OMAHA, NEB. Mechanics The Chicago, Burlington ft Quincy Railroad is now em ploying men for its Shops, Roundhouses and Repair Tracks at the standard wage and over time conditions laid down by the United State Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE Welders PIPE FITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Working hours will be thosa necessary for maintenance of cbe service. Board and lodging, un der ample protection, furnished. Young, active men desiring to go into railroad servic will be given an opportunity for training in iteady, desirable employment, Apply at once. First Floor, Burlington Building, Tenth ft Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb.