The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 30, 1922, SPORT NEWS AUTOMOBILES, Image 22

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Land Business
in Nebraska Is
Back to Normal
July Slump Fail tn Mater
ialize Demand I I'pon
I'arinm ami Not From
I, anil luinnm in N"rLrala fi.i
hern as good this month a it ever
as in Juljr in NVbraka's history,
according to the Sliclton Land rout
lany. Accordinu to I). J. Adams,
manager of the company'! Omaha
nffire, the uttal slump that comrs in
July did not appear this year.
'Intcad.H he naid. "tltrre ha hern
a steady inrrrair. We regard this as
a pood si'ifn of return to normal con
ditions. Thin ii especially true, hrn
we consider that the demand is from
the farmers and others living in the
itricts where land is hrinij sold.
".Vearty all of our sales have heen
to farmrrs. not speculators. This
means stability and confidence."
The Shelton company, ukjch has
offices in Omaha and Denver, has
heen selling moMly in Morrill. Loup,
Lincoln and Wheeler -counties in
Nebraska, and in eastern Colorado.
The l'ayne Investment company,
another targe land concern, -has had
several land sales this month, and
reports a strong demand both in Ne
braska and Iowa.
Money rates are again reasonable,
according to the land dealers and
farmers are "getting back on their
Improvement Are Made
on George & Company Tract
Installation of water and Ras mains
in the new addition being developed
hv George & Co. north of Happy
liollow club house will be com
pleted this week, according to offi
cers of the company.
Laying of sidewalks will start this
v.cck. according to present plans.
George & Co. reports an active de
mand for building sites in this sec
tion, an addition to Happy Hollow
circle district.
Home Realty Firm Has
Visible Filing System
Daily individual attention to exclu
sive listings is a feature of Home
Realty company service as a result
of an unique system just installed in
its office.
It is a visible filing apparatus and
throws before the company's large
staff of seven salesmen up-to-the-minute
information regarding prop
erty open for closing. '
Water Applications
Show Omaha Growing
The bett sign that Omaha it grow
iti if. according to realtors, i eon
tainrd in reports from the Metro
politan I'tiltties diMrirt, showing tire
largest number of applications for
water on record in Omaha. These
applications, according to C. O.
Iktuley, in charge of the water celn
tract department, are practically ill
(or house.
In April there were 107 applica
tions, at that time the largest single
month in Omaha for water applica
tions. In May thrre were 200 appli
cations, and in June the number
went to .ID.', making Ar"l. May and
June record months.
Mr. Dooley believes July, usually
a slow month for water applications,
will pass the 2(KJ mark, or be above
the April fmure.
Real Estate Sales
Pund.a rraaliyt.nan rnnar.fntlon to
n-v ji, Jjirkln, 4 I'ml.rwood av.nur,
I Moo.
Charlotf. A. Orlffllh to Hon K. II.
manrk. fifty cimd airl. hwn lapl-J
iui avvnua ami I'puita airatl, b.,oqb.
tr f. PMI tn Marias V. Br ram, 1011
Nirholaa airtrt. tt.t'-o.
North Kid.
Abraham W.lm tn M. 3. HylaniJ. ITU
Karia Twenty-fourth atratt, IT.SO0.
T. Clrn tn F.nnla O. Voaaa. 1117
Emmott atroat. IS 300.
Carnlln Van B Rnbartaon to Pannta
R. Wooiltirlclf a. Hot Myrllo ivmui,
tf. A. Wolf company to rtoao Elrod,
1130 Wuat at rut, Il.tOO.
A. O. Ouatafaon to O. O. Tartar. Tltua
av.nua, brtrn Twanty-fiftb and Minna
l.u avanur, Sj.OOO.
Rrad O llanlnn to W. M. Whlta, I71
Mary, 17. tOO.
J. D. Ifaxthaiia.n tn Adnlph A. Ortab,
3 I North Twenty-.lahlh atrMt. 14,600.
Uoorico W.lburn to Lola Vt'ainer, 2741
Bruwna atrct, f 5.1 SO.
A. O, Ouatafann tn J. J. Johnson, 1113
Lulhrop atrrat, lii.Sno.
Ho.a Itu.hen tn 8hull Land company.
Tnth ami Orara and Clark atraet. betwatn
Tenth and Blrvrnth atraets. $10,000.
Went Ltavrmrorth.
Tharlra Tlnrn to R. H. Wallaca. May
hrrv. bitwrn Korty-third and Forty
fourth atreeta, $s,SS0,
Newman R. Ilmaon tn Iaaae R. Cat.
latt, Mnaon, between Klfty-aavcnth
and Klfty-elghth atraet, 16,000.
V. L Rlnirla tn J. N. 0. Marallatar. U4I
South Tw-nty-flfth av.nua, IS.400.
Kutte skoumal to Anaelo Nlaro, 1507-11
South Thirteenth atrcat, 15,000.
- Annie. Hngata to Anna H. Brown, 4641
North Fortieth street, 14,600.
Maria Chrlatenaen to C. Caaey, 4011
Charlra street, 14,000.
Hans Thompaon to C. F. Corey, 1001-11
North Twenty-third atreet, 16.260.
W. L. Keep to Jennie Kutler, (SS-II
South Thlrty-flrat atreet. 1H.0O0.
Clara. Rosewater to R. Hall, 205 South
Twenty-filth atreet, 126,000.
Frank It. Boettger to August W. War
ner, 1513.16-17 Cuming atreet, $5,460.
.lake Alexander to Harry Malaahork,
02-4-6-1 North Sixteenth atreet. $10,000.
Alma Taylor to J. B. Robinson, S16-17
North Twenty-second atreet, $5,126.
Field Club.
Harrla Stein to Lottie Teteraon, 3021
Marcy street, $5,200.
Payne Investment Company
City Salfs Total $23,400
Five sales of real estate totaling
t.5,4iW are reported for last week
by the Vayne Investment company's
City department. The properties and
their buyers and sellers are:
Vane street. Oscar l.llnou to Mary
K. Schnell. o,H0O; 5410 North Twenty-fourth
stmt, S. V, Barker to Joe
Fulton, $3,000; 2J02 Laird street.
Louis Stein to C. V. Amende, $5,000;
4411 North Twenty. first street,
Charles A. Fay to Lloyd II. Keran.
$U50; 274o Itrowne street, (ieortje
Wclburn to Frank Wagner, $5,150.
It's a wise woman
cwn neighbors.
who fools her
Wolf Sells First House
in Standard Place Addition
The first new house sold in
Standard I'lare, developed this year
by the H. A. Wolf company, west of
the Field club, has been purchased
by N. R. WiIcok for $5,775. The
house, pot yet completed, it located
at 4o06 I'oppleton avenue.
According to the Wolf company a
contract has been let for sewers and
work is scheduled to start August I.
Water and gas main installation also
will start in a few days.
Winding a clock by merely open
ing and shutting the door is the latest
idea of perpetual motion put out by
a Hamburg firm.
I I going to do I J
August y y
first yy
Nebraska Buick Auto Co.
Lincoln Omaha Sioux City
H. E. StdUs, Pres. Lee Huff, Vie Pres. Chat. Stuart, Save.-Treas.
1 1
u mtamna vecwe
for yetting a choice
of automobiles alike
right pnee
Every Car Is a Used Car!
If Preposterous is the idea that because an auto
is not brand new it is not a safe investment.
Good cars are. all the time finding their
way to the salesroom floor to be sold as
SECOND-HAND. After a car has gone a
few hundred or even & few thousand miles,
it is still at its best, unless it has been
J You can buy a good second-hand car of al
most any make from dealers and private
i, owners who daily list their cars in the
I "Automobile" column in the "ant" Ad
section of The Omaha Bee.
ft It will save you money big money. Even
tually you will own and drive an auto. Why
not start out now, with a good used car?
ft The reading of the "Automobiles" column
of The Omaha Morning Bee-The Evening
Bee will tell you where to find the best bar
gains in this city.
If you want to sell your used car
insert your advertisement in thex
"Automobiles" column in the
"JVant" Ad section of
Omaha Bee "Want" Aus Produce Belter Results at Lesser Cost
Here M- -s-v -
i i
Starts Promptly at 9 O'clock Monday Morning
Hayden'Bros.' policy of selling for caah and selling for less will be more clearly demon
strated than ever during the August Furniture Sale about to be launched. The "already low
est prices in Omaha" have been pared to the limit A comparison of prices with credit stores
will prove conclusively to you and hundreds of customers who will purchase that it would pay
to borrow the money in order to purchase for cash even at a high rate of interest. , If any other
store in Omaha or western- Nebraska advances a better claim than this for your patronage, ac
cord it, without hesitation. This is as far as we can go.
iFurniture Dep't Third Floor:
Note the Prices The Savings Are Astonishing
160.00 Mahogany $75.00 8-Pi Mahogany
Hring Boom BnttM ' Living Boom Suftes
2 Bocksrt, Library Beally Wonderful Value
Table and Xwg Upholstered in High.
Arm Chair Grade Imitation Leather
$86.00 S-Pieca .,
Good Oak Suites,
Including Bad, Daranpori,
Chair and Booker
$200 Orentuff ed
Davenport Suites
S Pieces, Pillow Anas,
Spring Edge Witb
Loose Cushions
$6.50 mite Znam.
el Aluminum Top
Kitchen Tables, so
be placed on sale
Monday, at. . , , . .
$9.50 Porcelain Top
White Enamel
Kitchen Table, to
be placed on sale
Monday, at
$45 Kitchen Maid
White Enamel
Porcelain Top
Kitchen Cabinet
Base, at
Here's a Buy!
$200 3-Piece
Cane Suite
3-piece, cane backs and
ends, loose cushions,
upholstered in high
grade velour.
$25.00 Fiber Chain
and Rocker, uphol
stered in high grade
cretonne, specially
priced, at.iK
$20.00 Fiber li
brary Table; 36-in.
diameter, specially
priced for Monday,
at, each.,
$200.00 Three-piece
Fiber Davenport
Suite, upholstered
in high grade tapes
try, at. 1
Room Size Rugs
1 1 r
in the
Sale Ever
in Omaha
4 Great Lots
Reg. $37.50 Values
Lot 1
9x12 Axminster Ruga
This lot is composed of
a good quality high pile
rugs. A large selection
of patterns in the new
est colors ; some are
Reg. $60.00 Values
Lot 3
9x12 Axminster Ruga
Heavy, high pile, rich,
long-wearing, lustrous
Axminster. This lot
comprises some of the
best Axminster made;
the range of patterns is
a long one.
Reg. $55.00 Values
Lot 2
9x12 Velvet Ruga
Heavy seamless velvet,
wonderful wearing rug
of the best quality;
some in the lot with
fringe; a broad range
of patterns.
Reg. $80.00 Value.
Lot 4
9x12 Wilton and Wilton
Velvet Rugs
A limited assortment of
good patterns and
Selling in the
Clean-Up of
Don't Overlook
a Single Item
Cut in price for immer
diate clearance.
$95.00 Garland Pure
White Enamel, Four
Burner -
$80.00 Estate Pure
White Enamel Gas
$50.00 Equity Gas
Ranges, well construct
ed and reliable r
$25.00 3-burner Gar
land Gas Ranges, excel
lent for small apart
White Enamel
The Greatest We
Have Ever
75-pound genuine oak,
white enamel lined Re
frigerators, sale price
100-pound genuine oak,
white enamel lined Re
frigerators, sale price
Ice Chests
at reduced prices dur
ing the August sales.
75-lb. Ice Chests-
100-lb. Ice Chests
$1 150