The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 28, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Champion Leonard Retains Title in Bout With Lew Tendler After 12 Rounds
Benny Shades
Most of Round
Philadelphia Southpaw Takf
Eighth Round by Good
Margin Kid
Omaha Br I-e4 H ire.
Ringside, Boyles Thirty Acre,
Jertey City, July 27. Henny Leonard
retained hi lightweight title by tie
iratins I-w Tendirr, the ThiUdil
I hia challenger, in 12 fast roundt at
Boylcs Thirty Acres tonight. There
was no decision rendered at the end
of the contest under the taws of th"
ktate of New Jersey, which (orhid
ouch a ruling;, hut it was the opin
ion that Leonard had shaded Tendler
in a majority of the round.
It was a bitter struggle from the
opening; bell and Leonard had all
he could do to outpoint the ag
gresaive fighter from Philadelphia.
As a matter of fact, in the eighth
round Tendler had Lenoard in pret
ty bad shape and for a short while it
appeared that the Quaker would win
right there. In that round he had
the champion staggering from sev
eral hard shots to the chin and one
ock to the mouth, knocking out one
of the champion's teeth, but that was
Tendler'i really big round. Leonard
was the cleverer and hit the cleaner
blows, but Tendler never stopped
tearing in, always pummeling Leon
ard in close with savage chops to
the wind.
At long range Leonard showed to
advantage and it was the punch he
gathered at this style of milling that
probably entitled him to the ver
dict, although he did not win by a
very wide margin. There were times
during the fight when Tendler taunt
ed and kidded the champion to a
frenzy, causing the latter to' miss
repeatedly in his anxiety to take the
In he first round Tendler pitched
into the fight and cut Leonard's right
eye with a left-hand swing. The eye
hied for the remainder of the bout
and served to handicap Leonard to
nomj extent.
In the third round Leonard took
up the going and plastered Tendler
with rights to the jaw, while Tendler
contented himself with punching
away at Benny's ribs while mixing
it in close. During that round Tend
ler was charged by the referee with
hitting low and he apologized, but he
never let tip kidding the New
Fight by Rounds
Sound One.
Tendler led with a right, but wai short
and Benny danced around the ring. Benny
rapped Lew on the ear with a right punch
ae Lew mlased another left to the etom
ach. Benny landed another right to the
mouth. Tendler landed a right on Ben
ny's head and then ehot a ahort left hook
to the champion's stomach. They clinched,
Tendler linking three left punches to
Leonard's midsection. Tendler missed a
hard ewlng (or the head. Tendler nearly
through the ropes after missing a left
swing to the champion's face. The men
dashed Into a clinch, Benny getting home
some good punches to the body. Tendler
drove two lefts to Benny's stomach and
then hooked a left to Leonard's right eye,
cutting a deep gash. Tendler was forcing
It at the bell.
Bound Two.
, Leonard danced away as Tendler drove
a vicious left lead on for his head. Lew
forced Leonard to the ropes and rapped
him with, a right to the stomach. The
champion landed a hard right on Tend
ler'f face) at Lew missed a left try for
the stomach. Leonard landed a left lead
to Tendler's face, but the Fhtladelphlen
was back with two ripping left pokes to
the stomach. Tendler once more forced
Leonard to the ropes and rapped him with
hard rights and lefts to the stomach.
Benny sent Lew's head back with a
straight left to the mouth. Then Benny
missed a hard right try for the head. The
champion forced Lew Into a neutral
corner and got home two rights to the
bedy. Tendler landed a left on Benny's
eheek In a clinch that followed. Tendler
appeared to have the better ot the ex
change. . Bound Three. t
Both missed rights to the face. Tendler
sent a right to Leonard's wind and then
Benny rocked the Quaker with a short
right to the face. Tendler was cautioned
for striking low In a clinch. Benny drove
a hard right straight to Tendler'a mouth
and a moment later sunk a left to Lew's
chin. Benny Jabbed Lew with a left to
the mouth and they rushed Into a clinch.
Lew missed two rights for the face. Benny
uppercutted to the chin and then stabbed
him with a left poke to the nose. Tend
ler waa cautioned once more for striking
low and started to kid the champion. Ben
ny, rapped Lew hard with a right to the
Jaw. but In a clinch the southpaw landed
several bard blows to the champion's
' Bound Four.
They pranced around the ring sparring
at long range and suddenly dashed Into
a clinch where Lew landed two body
blows. Leonard drove two hard rights to
Tendler'a Jaw, shsklng him up consider
ably. Lew landed a hard left on Leon
ard's ear and then forced the champion to
the ropea where he pummeled him with
both hands to the body. Bendy drove a
hard right to Tendler's ear, but the latter
countered with a left to Benny's chin.
Leonard sent a right-hand punch to Lew's
chin and slipped to the floor as he tried
a right swing, Tendler stepping back to
' give him a chance to get up. . Leonsrd
drove three hard right smashes to Tend
ler, but the latter crowded the champion
to the ropes. In a clinch Benny ripped a
left uppercut to Lew'a chin.
Bound live.
Benny drove a right to Lew's wind and
they clinched. Coming out of It Beany
hot & rlaht to Lew'e chin. Tendler is
bent on rushing Into clinches, but Leonard
drove him off with left and right-hand
punches) to the wind and fake. Leonard
drove a hard right uppercut to Tendler'e
stomach. Lew missed with his right and
th .h.mnlAB countered with a sharp right-
hand punch on the mouth. Another
clinch followed, with honors about even In
the exchanges. Benny jabbed Lew with
. l.ft to the head. And aa Lew missed
a left swing the champion landed another
right to tne tuaaer s siomacn. ueunaru
had the best of the mixup which followed
at close range.
Bound Six.
tuiw mlind a right to the face.
Leonard staggered Tendler with a left to
the Jaw and a right to the heart. Leonard
once more rapped him on the head. Tend
ler missed two lefts to the stomach and
Benny smashed him to the face. Leonard
landed a left and Lew crossed him with
. , mah tn the face. Leonard landed
two rights to the stomach and the latter
countered with a right to the champion s
wind forcing the latter to the ropes. Lew
missed one to tha head and the cham
pion hooked him with smashes to the
Jaw. Leonard sent three lefts to Lews
head without a return. Leonard Pl"tJ
ed Tendler with hard rights and lefts to
the face and body. Once mora Leonard
drove his right to Tendler's face, stag
gering the Philadelphia-. Tendler's mouth
was badly cut by a left-hand swing from
the champion at the neii.
Bound Seven.
Leonard danced around his opponent
looking for an opening. Tendler ripped
hi right to Benny' ear and Benny
ruMnUM) m-ith twn lefts to the face.
Benny sunk a hard right, to Tendler's
heart, ionara ataooea renoier -
ether left to the mouth and Tendler went
...., M. tta KmI. fmffl rirht to the
hia and the champion duplicated the
blew a moment later. Tendler tried to
rough It on the ropea and mum i
. him some pretty names. Lew missed with
r,K and riahts and tha champion sank
' lr hard right under the challenger's
aaVt. late-sari uppercutted Tsndler with
Retains Title
I ' , ' I i
i ; . I . t
fK-Jr -.
i H r- , i
V Ft -
two right snd varied hi attack wlth'a
strslght punch with left to the nose. Lew
sent a hard left to Benny'a damaged right
eye. The champion forced Tendler to the
ropes and rapped him good and plenty
with right and lefts to the body.
Bound Eight.
Tendler sent a straight right to Leon
ard's mouth at ths opening. The cham
pion ripped a short right to Lew's wind
snd thsn sent another hard right to tha
same spot. Benny drove two more rights
to Lew's wind. Tendler got home a hard
right to the champlon'a ear and then
hooked a hard left to the champion's Jaw.
Tendler staggered Benny with a hard left
to the Jaw. knocking out a tooth. Benny
held on as Lew pummeled him hard about
the body. Lew shook the champion oft
and forced the latter to break ground
under a volley of hard left and rights
smashes to the hesd and body. Tsndler
sent llenny back on his heels with a right
to the ear and then sent one to the cham
pion's damaged ear. Tendler was chasing
Leonard and asked him to stand still and
fight. Tendler appeared much stronger at
this stage while Leonard was very tired
as he went to bis corner.
Bound Mne.
Leonard landed a light left on Lew's
mouth. The Phlladelphian landed another
left on Benny's fate. Tendler missed a
left to the head. Both fighters were kid
ding each other and It waa evident that
there waa bad blood between them.
Tendler forced Benny to the ropes. Both
landed lefts to the face In a rapid exchange-
Lew made a bluff lead at Leon
ard and then side-stepped him while the
crowd roared. In a clinch Benny got home
two good lefts to the body and In the
breakaway landed a hard right to
Tendler's mouth. They exchanged punches
to ths stomach. Leonard landed a light
left to Tendler's mouth while Lew cam
back with a short left punch to the cham
pion's chin. They wero clinched on the
ropes at the bell.
Bound Ten.. -
Tendler rapped Benny with a light right
on the chin and Benny sent a right to
Lew's ribs, and then runhed into a clinch,
coin sotting nome rights and lexta to tne
body. Benny sent two light lefts to
Tendler's face. Tendler missed with lefts
and rights to the face, but forced Leonard
into his corner. Benny rushed Tendler to
the ropes, landing a right to tho Jaw.
Leonard jabbed Tendler with a left to
the mouth and then rushed Lew acroes
the ring, landing lefts and rights to the
Quakers lace ana stomacn. j,eonara
staggered Tendler with a hard smssh to
the mouth and then Bent a left awing to
Tendler's ear and the latter back away.
Leonard had the better of another ex
change Just at the bell.
Round EleTen.
The men dashed tnto a clinch. Leonard
sent a light left to Lew's mouth. Tendler
missed a right for the head and Leonara
landed two lefts to Tendler's mouth with
out a return. Benny staggered Tendler
with a straight left to the chin. Leonard
sent another left to Lew's face. They both
mlased tries for the Jaw. Benny sent a
short, hard right to Tendler' mouth, but
the latter plunged in anxious to mix it.
Leonard uppercutted Tendler with a right
to the chin. In a clinch Benny upper-
cut Lew with a right to tne cnin ana
followed It with two risrht Dunches to the
jaw. Lew was wild with right-hand tries
for Benny s race, .Benny sent two ien
to Lew's chin and ducked away from a
left uppercut.
' Bound Twelve.
T.cnnarrl drove a rlaht to the heart.
Lew missed with a left to the head and
they clinched. Lew missed with his left
trv for the champion's head. Once more
Tendler missed and Leonard rapped him
With a right to the chin. In a cnncn
Leonard uppercut Tendler to the chin sev
eral times and forced the latter to break.
They sparred at long range for a moment
and Benny stepped In witn a rignt to tne
chin. Leonard sent three rights to fcew's
face In a fierce mixup. Lew rushed
Benny's body with rights ana lefts. Uenny
tried a haymaker but was short and stag
gered Lew with two riht" to the chin.
Benny landed two more to wwi race.
They clinched on the ropes. Leonard
smashed Tendler witn lens ana rignts ai
the bell. Leonard wins the decision.
Vernon After Collegian.
Eueene, Ore.. July 27. Jimmy
Ross, star second baseman on the
University of Oregon baseball team
last year, has been asked to report
to the Vernon team of the Pacific
Coast league for a tryotit.
Grand Circuit Results
Columbus. O.. July 27. Free-for.all
pace, three heats, purse si.zuu:
Sir Roche, b. a., by St. Roche
(Dean) 1 1 1
Roy Gratton. b. g.. by Gratton
Royal (Murphy) 3 2 1
Johnna Quirk, b. g.. by Hedgewood
(Fagan) . 3 3 4
Hal Mahon. b. sr.. by Argot Hal
(Childs) 4 1
Red Lancelot, by Constantino (Wil
son) S S 5
Juno, Logan Hedgewood, Dardanella and
Jimmy McKerron also started.
Time: 1:69, 2:02, 2:01.
2:05 class trot, the Neil House stake,
three heats, purse 13.000:
Great Britton. blk. h.. by Peter
Chenault (Dodge) 1 1 1
B. Colorado, b. h.. by Colorado
B (Cox) .- 2 2 2
Prince Loree, b. g., by Prince Mc-
Klnney (McDevttt) t t 4
Kilo Watts, b. nv, by Gen Watts
(Childs) 4 4 1
Peter Coley. b. g.. by Peter The
Great (Stokes) i 6 S
Time: 2:04. 2 MM,. 2:06V.
1:1 class pace, three heat, purse
Nelta Patch, b. m.. by Ban Patch
(Eaean) 1 1 1
Orphan Peter, b. f., by Peter. The
Great (Walters) 2 4 2
Livery Pointer, b. g.. by Star Point
er (Morrison) S 2 I
Dan L, Jr., b. h . by Dan L.
(Gray) S 2 S
B. M. P.. br. g.. by Little Frank
(Valentine) 4 t 4
The Northern Star, Harley R and Bin
ge n Witts also started.
Time: 2:04. 2:0S. t:7.
J:l class trot three heats. purs 11,000.
Torus Boy. . g.. by Barnie Tolue
(Brienrield) 1 1 1
Park Worthy, ch. g., by Ortolan
Axworthy (Squires) S 2 2
Tallahatchie, b. h., by Etawah Lo
ren) Peter Johnson, b. g., by Jack John
ton (Morrison) 2 4 4
Winter Win, b. m . by Ed Winter
(King) dl
Bty Plena. Search worthy an 1 Otto Ax-
.,-thv mil were distanced.
i Time: 1.11. iM. -M
Surprises Champ
V If
lai 1 I
Lew Tendler.
Wlf Ingten Knock Homer,
Falrbury. Neb., July 27. Hastings won
over Tairbury today, 3 to 0, In a pitched
battle between Wigington and Lovlch.
Wiglngton' home run was the feature.
Crann, rf 4 0 0 0
Rooney, ss 2 t 8 3
Amen, ef
Tomes. If
1 1
1 0
0 0
1 10
0 3
0 13
0 0
1 0
Qoodw., 2b 2
M'Derm.,Sb 2
Serb. 3b
Moeller, lb
Echter., ss
Retohle, If
Wimbu.. lb
Bliss, ct
Jenney, rf
Wlllets, a
Plser, 3b
Lovich, p
zBlttendorf 1
Totals 27 4 27
Totals 28 4 27 10
xBatted for Lovlch In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Hasting 000 002 0013
Fairbury 000 000 000 0
Summary Runs: Tomes, Pizer. Wiglng
ton, Errors: none. Home run; Wiglngton.
Bases on balls: Off Lovlch, 4; off Wiglng
ton, 4. Stolen baseB: Rooney, 2: Moeller,
Amen. Double plays: Rooney to Wim
bush. Struck out: By Wiglngton, 13: by
Lovlch, 6. Hit by pitched ball: Rooney
and Wlmbush by Wiglngton. Earned runs:
Hastings, 3. Umpire: Wheeler. Time: 1:60.
Islander Beat Links.
Lincoln. Neb.. July 27. Sneaker's third
hit of . the game won the first of the
series for Grand Island here today, 6 to ft.
The Links trailed all the way until tho
seventh when three hits produced two
runs which tied the score. Gibson, Link's
right fielder got 'four hits out of as many'
chance. Foulk passed him intentionally
on his fifth trip to the plate. The score:
- 3 0 0 3
4 2 3 5
5 13 2
4 0 12 1
4 4 0 0
6 12 0
6 2 6 0
4 0 11
2 10 3
36 11 27 15
Totals 37 11 27 16
Score by Innings:
Grand Island 203 000 0016
Lincoln 010 200 200 5
Summary Runs: Kranda (2). Roben
(3), Palmatisre, Carr, Gibson (2). Bool,
McCoy. Errors: Roben, Sarvis. Two-base
nits: UIDson, tiooi. sacrince nit: Met.
Struck out: By Chtrpseith, 1 In 3 2-3 In
nings: by Foulk, 5 in 5 1-3 Innings; by
Bailey, 10. Bases on balls: Off Chirp
selth, 3; off Foulk, 2: off Bailey, 3, Wild
pitch: (jmrpseitn. earned runs: urana
Island, 6; Lincoln, 4. Left on bases:
Grand Island, 7; Lincoln, 10. Stolen bases:
Carr. Hit by pitched ball: Roben, Speaker
by Bailey; Bailey and Conkey by Foulk.
Winning pitcher: Chirpselth. Umpire:
Smith. Time: 2:15.
Today in Ring History
Thirty-Five Year Ago.
Charley Mitchell won from Reddy Gal
lagher, Cleveland, six rounds.
Mike Gibbons born, St. Paul, Minn.
Twenty-Nine Tears Ago.
Toung Pal Moore horn, Memphis, Tenn.
Twenty-Eight Years Ago.
Bob Fitzsimmons knocked out Frank
Keller, Buffalo, two rounds.
Twenty-Three Year Ago.
Joe Gans against George McFadden.
draw. New fork, 25 rounds.
Seventeen Year Ago.
Hugo Kelly against Tommy Burns.
draw, Los Angeles, 20 rounds.
Six Year Ago. .
.Tohnnv Coulon against Eddie Campl,
draw, San Francisco, four rounds.
Five Year Ago,
Billy Defoe against Young Rector, no
decision, Brooklyn, 10 rounds.
Safe or Out
Q. Pitcher hits for a base and asks
the opposing team to permit a player to
run for him. The captain of the other
named a substitute and the latter scored.
This was in the fifth inning. In the
ninth the captain of the team that had
been given a substitute wished to use him
as a pinch hitter and the other side ob
jected. As he did not bat what reason
waa there why he could not be a pinch
hitter after being a substitute runner?
A. Once removed from a game a player
Is out for good unless it ie mutually agreed
to permit him to return. It would have
been porteniniike in this Instance to
have given him a chance to pinch hit.
Q. With runners on first and second, a
foul was hit. The runner who was on
second did not retouch the base, but stood
on the line. The ball was returned to
the pitcher who was in his box. The
runner still stood on the line. Then the
pitcher threw the ball from his position
to the second baseman and he touched
the base. The field umpire called the
runner out for not going back to second.
Beth runners ran home during the argu
ment and the ,umpire-in-chiet said both
runs counted. Was the runner out for
failing: to go back to second base?
A. There seems to have been quite a
Jumble In this play. Whether the run
ner was out depends apon whether the
umpire called lay" after the pitcher
had the ball. The rule says the ball Is,
out of play after a foul until tha pitcher
ha It In his possession in hi bosltlosl
and the umpire ho railed "play." If he
did not call "play" the game was stopped
and neither rua could score. If he did
call "play" the runner on second waa out
for not going hack t the base and touch.
'". Must the batter step out of the way
If a runner Is trying to score from third?
A. That I MimctbiBg which h purely
up t the judgsnrnt a tne natter,
o Vf the Ditcher catches a foul and
gets over to third with it after the run
ner haa started home, and ? before the
runner can get Rack is n out in same
as a fair ball?
A. It I.
Q. Two strike are on the batter when
It is discovered that he Is the wrong
batter. The umpire cell him out. Was
that rirht?
A. . The risrht batter should hare
beea substituted with two strike aa-atae
Kranda, 3b 3 10 4 Sp'
Robert. rf 4 2 0 0 Carr,3b 4 2 10 Dye,2b
P'tiere.lf 6 10 0 Conkey.c
Pierce. 2b 4 16 6 Gibson, rf
Sp' 4 3 0 0 Bool.lf
Brewer. lb 6 1 13 0
R'berts.c 4 0 8 1
C'pselth.p 2 0 0 0 Bailey, p
Foulk, p 2 0 0 6.
Schang's Homer
in Uth Inning
Beats Browns
St. Louis July 27. Walter
Schang's home run in the Uth inning
gave the Yankees a 6 to 5 victory
in 11 innings over the Browns here
today. The defeat cut the Browns'
lead to half a game. The Browns tied
the score with a three-run rally in
the ninth inning after the New York
ers had taken the lead in the eighth
by scoring four markers. Pipp of
New York hit a homer in the fourth.
Dave Daulorth, pitcher of the
Browns, was ordered out of the game
in the 10th by Umpire Owens, after
the latter had examined a ball which
Outfitter Witt of New York had
charged had been "doctored." The
hall was turned over to Umpire Con
nolly, who retuseu to let anybody see
BT. LOU 1 8.
Gerber, a S
1 2
Witt, cf
1 4
Tobln, rf S
Hlaler, lb S
Willis's, If S
M Ma's. 2b I
Jaro'on, ef 4
Bevereld, a 4
1 2
1 15
Dugsn, 3b
Kulli, it
2 4
2 2
2 t
9 13
0 3
1 0
0' II
0 0
0 0
Krhang. 0
flpp, Jb
Ward. 2b
Srott, SS
Shaw'ey, p
Bronkle, 3b 4
Austin, lb
Mays, p
Bush, p
V'gllder, p
JVQip, p
Total 4T 14 33 13
Total St 33 It
x Batted for May In 10th.
X Halted for Smith In 10th.
sRan for Bronkie in ninth.
(Batted for Austin In 11th.
Boor by innings:
New York 000 100 040 01 t
St. Louis 000 200 002 005
Summary Runs: Dugan, Ruth, Schsng
(I), Pipp (2), Bislsr, Williams, McManus,
Jaeobson, Sevsreld. Error: Witt, Dugan,
Gerbsr. Kolp. Two-base bits:' Bronkie,
Gerber, Ruth, Bevereld. Three-base hit:
Dugan. Home runs: Pipp, Schang, Stolen
base: Pipp. Sacrifice bits! McManus, Ja
eobson, Vangllder, Scott. Double play: Ger
ber, McManus and Staler. Left on bases:
New York, 13; St. Louis. S. Struck out:
By Danforth, 1; by Bush, 1. Bases on
balls: Oft Vangllder, 2: off Bhawkey, 2;
off Kolp, 1. Hits: Off Vangllder, in
7 1-3 innings; off Kolp, 2 in 1 2-3 Innings
(two on, non out in 10th); off Danforth,
0 In 1-2 Inning; off Wright, 2 In 1 2-3 in
nings; off Shawkey, 7 In 8 Inning (one
on, none out In ninth); off Maya, 2 In 1
Inning; oft Bush, 0 In 2 Innings. Hit by
pltchsd ball: By Wright (Pipp.) Winning
pitcher: Bush. Losing pltchsr: Wright.
Umpires: Owens and Connolly. Time:
Athletic Trounce Indians.
Cleveland, July 37. Philadelphia de
feated Cleveland 11 to 2, hitting three
Cleveland pitchers freely. Prior to today
Coveleskle had won six straight. Blng
Miller returned to the Philadelphia lineup
after being benched for weak batting and
made four hits in five times at bat.
Qalloway made four In a many attempts.
3 2
1 2
Dykes, 3b
5 2 2 1
3. S'well.s
0 4 2
4 2 2 0
4 0 0 0
6 3 3 0
5 1 10 0
4 10
3 111
G' 4 4 13
Perkins, o 3 0 2 0
4 11
2 11
4 0 6 4IO'Nei!!,c
1 0 6L. S'well.O
1 C'skle.p
40 17 27 13Bagby.p
10 3 1
2 0 3 1
10 0 2
3 0 0 1
51 alls, p
0 0 1
10 0 0
Totals 35 7 27 13
zBatted for Mails In ninth.
Score by innings:
Philadelphia 002-400 30211
Cleveland , 000 010 1002
Summary Runs: MoGowan (2). Dykes,
Walker (2), Hauser, Miller (3). Galloway,
erKins, jNayior, uaraner, u. eeweu.
Errors: Hauser (2). Gardner, O'Neill.
Two-base hits: Walker, Miller, Galloway,
Speaker. Three-base hits: McGowan,
Gardner. Sacrifices: Sheer, Perkins (2).
Double plays: Wamby to Mclnnls; Gard
ner to L. Sewell to Mclnnls. Left on base:
Philadelphia, 6; Cleveland, 8. Base on
balls: Off Naylor, 2; off Bagby, 1. Hits:
Off Coveleskle, S In 8 2-3 Innings; off
Bagby, 5 in 3 1-3 innings; off Mails, 3 in
2 innings. Struck out: By Naylor, 1; by
Coveleskle, 2; by Bagby, 2; by Mails, 1.
Passed balls: L. Sewell. Losing pitcher:
Covelskie. Umpires: Nallin and Hilde
brand. Time) 1:65.
Senators Trim Tigers.
Detroit, July 27. Detroit was helpless
before Zachary, while Washington hit op
portunely and won, 9 to 1. The Nationals
scored six runs off Cole in the eighth In
ning after two were out, on two passes, an
error and five hits, one a triple by Zach
ary with the bases filled. "Chick" Gagnon,
former Holy Cross lnflelder, was released
to Rochester by the Tigers. Score:
Rice, cf 4 2 3 II Blue, lb 4 1 10 1
Harris, 2b
1 4
Jones, 8b
ju a Re, id 6
Goslin, It 4
Brower, rf S
Shanks, 3b 6
Pec'gh, ss 3
Plcinlc, c 3
Zachary, p 5
Cobb, cf 4
Heil'an, rf 3
0 0
2 21
2 5
Veach, If 2
0 4
Flag'ad, if
Cuts'w, 2b
Rigney, ss
Woodall, c
Ehmke, p
Cole, p
Moore, p .
0 0
1 2
0 4
1 0
Totals 39 13 27 141
Totals 29 4 27 14
zBatted for Cole In eighth.
zBatted for Jones In ninth.
Score by innings:
Washington 002 100 0609
Detroit 000 010 0001
Summary Runs: Rice (2), Harris,
Judge (2), Brower, Peckinpaugh, Plcinlc,
Zachary, Cutshaw. Errors: Harris, Hell
mann (2), Cole. Two-base hits: .Judge,
Peckinpaugh, pice. Shanks (2). Three
base hit: Zachary. Stolen base: Peckin
paugh. Sacrifice: Goslin. Double play:
Peckinpaugh to Harris to Judge. .Left on
bases: Washington, ; Detroit, 3. Bases on
balls: Off ZaVhary, 2; off Cole, 4. Struck
out: By Zachary, 4; by Cole, 3. Hits:
Off Ehmke, 1 In 1 Inning; off Cole, 11 in
7 innings; off Moore, 1 in 1 Inning. Hit
by pitched ball: By Cole (Piclnic). Losing
pitcher: Cole. Umpires: Evans and Guth
rie. Time: 1:69.
White Sox Win In Tenth.
Chicago, July 27. A 10th inning rally
by Chicago enabled them to nose out
Boston, 4 to 3. Karr was driven off the
mound with one run in and two men on
and Plercy, who attempted to check the
rally, walked Hooper to take a chance on
Strrink, but the veteran singled to center,
Bending home the winning run.
Leverette was hit on the back of the
head with a pitched ball and had to re
tire from the game. He was not seriously
AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.O.A.
5 11 4 2 0
4 10 lMulligan,3b 4 2 15
5 2 8 0IE. Collin. 2b 5 15 6
Foster, 3b
J. Collin.rf
Mitchell, ss
4 13 2 Hooper.rf '4120
4 2 4 0 5 2 3 1
4 15 0 Falk.lf 3 12 1
4 15 2 4 1 14 0
4 0 2 3 Leverette. d 2 10 0
3 0 0 2 zDavenport 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 OlSchupp.p 0 0 0 0
ICourtney.p 10 0 0
37 t 28 10
1 Totals 35 13 30 19
One out when winning run scored.
zRan for Leverette In seventh.
Score by Innings:
Boston 000 200 000 18
Chicago 000 000 200 2 4
Summary Runs: Poster, Burns, Pratt.
Johnson, Mulligsn, Strunk, Sbeely- Errors:
Pratt, Ruel. Two-base hits: Pratt, J.
Collins, Sheely, Schalk. Miller. Three-base
hit: Harris. Stolen base: Hooper.
Double plays: Mitchell to Pratt to Burns;
Karr to Pratt to Burns: Burns (unas
sisted). Left on bases: . Boston, 7; Chi
cago, t. Bases on ball: Off Karr, 4; off
Leverette, 1; off Schupp, I; off Court
new, 1; off Plercy. 1. Struck out: By
Karr, 1; Courtney, 1. Hits: Off Leverette,
8 In 7: off Schupp, none in 1-3; off Court
ney, S In 2 3-3; off Karr. 12 In 1-3;
off Plercy. 1 In none. Hit by pitcher: By
Karr, Leverette. Winning pitcher: Court
ney. Losing pitcher: Karr. Umpires:
Dtneen and Morlarity. Time: 2:00.
, Tremain Wins.
Providence. R. 1. July 27. Carl
Tremain of Cleveland defeated Terry
Martin of this city. New England
bantamweight champion, in a slash-
J ing 10-roiwd battle here last night
W i..Pi t.i W I. Pet
HI. Joseph 31 .r-i Huffalee a 4 ti
Tulsa so J l;llkl lily 4M.wi
Kiousflly M 41 .il. Moine ..J ,!
Wichita 4 tr .IIMxnvtr Ssfi.ltt
leaterdas' Result.
iuui City, 1; ! Moines, (
Ml. JuMph, ; Oklahoma t.'liy, 4
Omaha arrived in Denvrr to la t for
No others scheduled,
Teday' (iamat.
Oman at flsnvrr.
Oklahoma 'Hy si at, Joseph.
Tulsa st Wluhtla.
Sluus City at Us Molnss.
X leadings.
W. L Pi t ' W. I., Pit,
Haatrii 11 .7rirbury S I ,444
Norfolk 11 447 Ud. Island T 10 .411
Lincoln t ,oo Hastings I II ,ltl
yesterday' lUeulls.
Orand Island. I; Lincoln, I.
Hustings, ti Fairbury, 0,
Other team mlased (rain connections
Today' (Jam.
Hasting at Fairbury.
Norfolk at Beatrice.
Grand Island at l.lmola.
W. I,. Tel. W. I.. Pet.
New York 17 84 .it Plltshur'h 44 44 .491
Mt. Louis 57 38 Brooklyn 4t 47 .41
Chicago (0 44 .612 Phtla 83 14 .871
Clnclnn'tl 43 47 .5101 Boston 33 18 .141
Yesterday' Results.
Philadelphia, I; Cincinnati, S.
New York, 13: 81. Louis, 7.
Boston, 8; Chicago, 7,
Pittsburgh-Brooklyn, rain.
Today' Cane.
Chicago at Boston.
Pittsburgh at Brooklyn.
St, Louis at New York.
Cleveland 4 48 .500
Washingtn 44 48 .478
Boston 3 56 .416
l'hlla. 38 63 .411
St. Louis (6 40 .679
New York 65 48.667
Chicago 60 46 .6(0
Detroit 48 47 .610
Yesterday's Kesult.
Philadelphia, 11: Cleveland,
Wsshlngton, 8: Detroit, 1.
New Ygrk, 6; St. Louis, S.
Chicago, 4; Boston, 8.
Today' Gomes.
Philadelphia at Cleveland.
New York at St. Louis.
Washington at Detroit.
Boston at Chicago.
W, L. Pet.'
St. Paul 69 87 .615
Indl'poils 67 41 .682
Mllwau'ee 69 46 .567
W. L. Pet.
Louisville 48 51 .490
Kan. City 60 63 .485
Columbus 48 61 .396
Minne'lis 51 46 .524, Toledo 34 85 .343
Yesterday' Results.
Milwaukee, 8; Toledo, 7.
Indianapolis, 6; Minneapolis, t.
St. Paul, 8; Louisville, 1.
Kansas City, 6; Columbus, 2.
Today' Game.
Toledo at Milwaukee.
Columbus at Kansas City.
Indianapolis at Minneapolis.
Louisville at St. Paul.
Atlanta, 1; Memphis, 3.
New Orleans, 4; Chattanooga, 1.
Birmingham, 7; Nashville, 6.
Mobile, 2; Little Rock, 5.
Vernon, 2; San Francisco, 0.
Sacramento, 15; Salt Lake, 7.
Portland, 8; Seattle, 7.
Los Angeles, 3; Oakland, 0.
Syracuse Shut Out Palmyra.
Syracuse. Nb.. July 27. (Special.)
Syracuse shut out Palmyra, 1 to 0, here
Wednesday afternoon, Roberts, hurling
for the locals, struck out 12 batsmen,
while the visitors used two pitchers, each
striking out three men.
Modale Bunches Hit and Win.
.Modale, la., July 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Bunching hits in the fifth in-
ninar, Modale knocked Powers out of the
box at Woodbine yesterday and won from
the latter by the score of to 4. Powers,
Hamilton and Butler was the battery for
Woodbine, while Shook hurled and Cook
was behind the bat for the winners,
Lodgepole Defeats Dal ton,
Lodgepole. Neb.. July 27. (Special
Lodgepole won from the Dal ton club here
by the score of 8 to 4, )
Oakland Defeats Federal.
Oakland. Neb.. July 27. (Special.)
The Oakland ball club defeated the Fed
erals, fast colored team of Omaha, by the
score of 6 to 1.
Kddyrllle Beat Kearney.
Eddyville, Neb., July 27. (Special.)
Eddyville won from Kearney here In a
fast game by the score of 18 to 2. Bat
teries Eddyville: Line and Clark; Kear
ney; Tompson, Baker and McCoy.
Deshler Beats Bdvidere.
Belvidere, Neb., July 27. (Special.)
Deshler defeated Belvidere here tat the
score of 5 to 4 in 13 innings. Batteries
Belvidere: Stone, Phelps and Bailey;
Deshler: Cherery and Sauer.
Spalding Easy Winner.
Spalding, Neb., July 27. (Special.)
Spalding had an easy time with Albion at
Albion, defeating the latter by the score
oi 15 to 2. The locals nit Kite ror ze
blngles for a total of 42 bases, among
which was one homer, five triples and four
doubles. Selement allowed AiDion only
one hit until the ninth, striking out 18
men. Batteries Albion: Kite and Doug
las; Spalding: Selement and McGrew.
Friend Wins Game.
Friend. Neb.. July 27. (Special.)
Friend won from Seward here by the score
of 8 to 4. The feature ot the game was
Anderson's batting and Walkers pitching.
Batteries Closman. Walker and Murphy
for Friend; Janecek and Schlaumberg for
Decatur Wins From Craig.
Decatur, Neb., July 27. (Special.) De
catur defeated Craig In a fast game, 3
to 2. Lambert, Decatur hurler, struck out
10 men. He has struck out 72 men in 69
innings. This is his first year in baseball
as a pitcher.
Ashby to Meet Ellsworth.
Ellsworth, Neb., July 27. (Special.)
Ashby will cross bats with Ellsworth here
next Sunday. Last Sunday Ashby lost to
Whitman, 12 to 22.
Roper and Martin to
Battle Before 'Buddies'
Lincoln. July 27. (By A. P.) A
decision bout between Bob Martin,
who won the heavyweight champion
ship at the tournament staged by A.
E. F. fighters after the armistice,
and Captain Roper, heavyweight
champion of the service men who
remained in America, will be one of
the leading features of a bpxing card
to 'be put on by legionaries at tho
annual convention to be held in New
Orleans, October 16 to 21. At that
time a full card with such fighters
as Mike O'Dowd, Pal Moore and
Harry Greb will be introduced before
Baseball Records
Made This Date
July 28. 1875 No-hit game "Joseph"
Borden. Philadelphia against Chicago
(K. A.)
July 23. 1900 No-hlt rime-P. Dow.
ling. Milwaukee against Cleveland (A. L.)
July 28. H9I No chances offered, to
catcher. In 1 Innings R. Breinshan, New
York (N. L) (14 innings.)
s -m.
f -rTUnii
Elsh's Single Beats
Des Moines Boosters
Dri Moines, Ja.. July 27.-EI.iV.
ingle with Hemingway on second
.cored the deciding run of Sioux
City's 7 lo 8 victory over Me
Moines in 10 innings today. The
Boosters, after being fix rum be
hind, staged a rally in the seventh,
which drove Williams to the show
rrs. Koran's double with the banes
loaded tied the score. The latter' ac
curate throwing from the outfield
cot runners down at the plate in the
eighth and ninth inning. Grauey
also heaved out a runner at the plate.
Query's two doubles scored three oi
the Sioux City runs, Tesar allowed
one hit in three and one-third in
nings. Score:
Ilam'n, s tit 4 O.nln. rf t 2 8
IWm'y. t I S l Wasn't. Jb 4 113
Kl.h, ct S S Horsn. rf I I S S
Mais, lb I llitrah'an, lb SIS
Oal'ard, rf SIS l tlranay. If 111
Msttlrk, If S I Oitiorma. lb I 1 I I
Palmer, lb 4 t I 4; Tui-enn, i lilt
Query, e SIS I Wilson. I S I
Wil'ania, p 4 Bsnner.o ISIS
Tesar, p 1 i Lynch, p 4 14
I (Cooper
Totals 41 It It 141
f Total 81 8 10 14
Balled for Wilson in seventh.
Score by Inning (It Innings):
"lous City (Ml ool to I 7
Us Molne 000 000 040 t
nummary Runs: Hamilton, Hsmingway,
Ostsrgsrd (t). Mattlck (li. Palmar, tienln,
Wagner, (iraney, Gorman, Turceon,
Cooper. Error: Uorman (3), Turgeon.
Lynch. Two-base hits: Query (1), Tur
geon, Koran. Stolen baaes: Hemingway
(1), F.lah (2), Hamilton. Left on bases:
lie Molne. 4; Slous City, 11. Htruck out:
By Lynch. 1: by Williams. 1: by Tesar. 4.
Bass on ballot Off Lynch, 7; off Will-
isms, . nil y purneu Dan: r)y Lyncn
(Ostergard and Mattlck), Earned runs
and hits: Off Lynch 4 runs and II hit
In Innings; off Wllllsm. I and 8 In 2-1
Innings: eft Teasr. and 1 la 11-8 In
nings. Losing pitcher: Lynch. Winning
Stioneri Tesar. uouoi plays: raimer lo
smlltoa to Mat (8): Oranav to Wilson:
Horaa to Banner. Umpire: Donahue and
risia, Tim: 8:80.
Bainta Wla Opener.
St. Joseph, July 17. Bird pitched ef
fective ball in the pinches and St. Joseph
won the opener on the bom lot from
Oklahoma City, s to 4. Bob Browne'
work at short ddsd noticeable strength
to ths infield. Browne arrived from Min
neapolis this morning. Score:
AB.H.O.A. lit
0 0
Tote, 3 b
t l
1 0
S 1
Flsher.rf 1
Bt'v' 1
M'D'n' 4
S 0
0 4
Totals It 14 14 7 Total 10 10 17 IS
Score by Innings:
Oklahoma City 611 000 00! 4
St, Jossph 400 100 001
Sdmmary Runs: Pitt, Olnglardl, Felber,
Long, Olson, Fisher, McDonald, Nufer,
Kandlar, Bird. Errors: Nufer, Kandler.
Earned runs: Oklahoma City, I. Bases on
balls: Off Love, 1; off Bird, 4. Struck out:
By Love 7; by Bird, 6. Left on bases: Ok
lahoma City, II; St. Joseph, 4. Two-baa
hits: Nufer, Long (2), Kandler, Corrlden,
Nufer, Long (), Kandler, Corrlden.
Olnglardl. Three-base hit: Long. Double
plays: Krusger to Felber; Browne to
Nufer to Olseon; Nufer to Browne to
Olson, Sacrifice hits: Olson, Stevenson.
Stolen bases: Pitt (2). Umpire: Ormsby,
Time: 1:60.
Homer Wins for Phillies.
Pltiladelphla, July 87. A seventh in
ning rally, In which six runs were seored.
enabled Philadelphia to make It three
straight over Cincinnati, the score being
i to S. William's 15th home run of the
season, with Meadow and Parkinson on
base, gave the local the victory.
Burns, cf 5 1 1 0
Dauber t, lb 1 1 10 1
Rapp, 3b 4
Parkins , 2b 4
Wlllia's, cf 4
Walker, rf 3
Duncan, If o
Harper, rf 1 4
Hargrave.o 3
Pinelli, lb 4
Caveney.s 2
xRoush 1
Luquo, p i
Keck, p 0
xBressler 1
Mokan, If
Lee, lb
Henllne, e
4 1
4 1
4 811
8 11
Meado'a, p 1
1 0
Totals 33 8 17 17
Totals 31 7 34 12
xBatted for Caveney In ninth.
matted for Keck in nintn.
Score by Innings: I
Cincinnati 001 030 0005
Philadelphia .. 000 000 0x 8
Summary Huns: Burns (!). Daubert,
Harper, Luque, Parkinson, Williams, Mo
kan, Fletcher, Lee, Mesdows. Errors:
Burns, Fletcher (8). Two-base hits: Dau
bert, Fletcher, Lee. Home runt Williams.
I mw I llJr cigarettes
V? Buruy
Every rigarette fuH.
weight and full size S v
Copy right 1922, LtMriT&MTitiToaAtxoCot
blulen baa! PinIU. aeiifl.' )uhrt
Iniulila piaa: Maadue to Klalt bar lo
.ee; Hs.p Parfcinsnn la l !- en
iNtaasi tl.ela.sll, 1, flMlaasllfkls, 4
Haaa AS fella: tMf Meedawa, 0. efl
I U'lue, I, nifutk eol tlr Unto. I: by I; by M-a4oa. I till. Off LU'IU.
in I I in.tvfa: nil Keck, a i I 1-1
Innings Hale M'sdnwe. Irfwtn iiiehr:
l.uuu. t'miiliaa. Matt nd I'aV Time:
glaal Kafeel laidlasla.
New York. July II Th Kaar Yark
tllsni made II ihrt nribt Ironi m.
I.nuia, winning. II te 1. four Cardinal
Pitchers ear. t met bared under a
avalanche ut bits, Hsncrufl. Hswlmss and
Kelly leading lbs a"a.-a with Ihr. s - .
baa'rft had odd recatd, s.ertnf .ore
In aech of Iha dial four Inatngs. Mlotk
fratured tor Iha lueara. driviag In sis
run llh lay home run drive. Job
Htuerl. former Ohid Htale alar, atsitad
for th. Caiditiala, but asa ukm oui after
pitching I Ihre tialaman. .tor a;
All II i) A All II OA.
r !. rf 80 B M ni- n. as
J.atmllh.rf 4 :b 4 I
Hi hit. If 4 0
r' rniar, lb 1
0 It Wl IS. ID
4 t'narh ll
I'Meueel, If
llVoun. rf
0! Kelly, lb
I'NIan.el. rf
Niock. lb
A amllh, e
t 'I' in' lis. o
Ijivan, ss
rtluarl, d
P lica, u
North, D
1 1
i o
I t
8 0 i n sham, rf 1
I I i
K Kmitn, I
'Hnvdrr, c 1
4 1
0 J H'r es, 8
Totals 40 it zi
aToportar I I t
Totals II 1 14 101
iHatled for Alnamllh In sith.
xHslted fur Sherdel In ninib.
Brora by Innings:
at. Iuis .lot 000 7
New York 114 40 tU II
nummary Runs: riark. Hornsby (II.
SVhulis. Fournlar, Stock 111, Bancroft
(4), Rawlins". Kslly (I). Nienael til, K.
Smith 1), anyUcr, Emus: Stuart, Ban
croft, Frlsrh, Kelly. Two.base hits: K.
Smith. Cunnlnshsm. Thrae-bsae hits:
Stengel, Rawlinss. Iloina runa: Stock (II
Stolen baae: Schulis, Hnrnsby. Sacrifice:
J. Smith. Left on bases: New York. II;
St. Iula. I. Bases on balls: Off Stuart.
I; off Pertlra. I: off Blierdel, I: off J.
Barnea, 4. Struck out! By J Barnes. S:
by Parties. 1; by Sherdal, I. Hits: Off
Stuart, none (faced only three bsttsrs);
off Pertlca, I In 1 1-1 Innings: off North.
8 In 1 (two out In fourth) 1 off Sherdal, S
In 4 1-1 Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By
Stuartt (Rawllngs); by Pertlca (Stengel).
Wild pitch: North. Passed ball: K. Snillh.
Losing pitcher: Pertlca. Umpire: Klem
and Sentelle. Tims; l:lt
Brave Beat Cub.
Boston. July 17. In hsavy hitting
lmi. Boston defeated Chicago, I to 7 In
10 innings. The winning run csms with
two out In the 10th when Powell tripled
and scored on Nixon's single to right.
Fotrt mad five hit, Including two
doubles, In five times t bat. Chrlsten
bury replsced Crulss when the tatter waa
Injured sliding Into th plate in the second
Inning. He made a home run nd two
ingles. Scors:
Malsel, rf t I 1 0 Powell, e 1 8 0
Hol'her. ss 8 8 S 1 Nixon, lf-rf 800
Terry, lb 1 1 I 4 Cruise, rf 1
D. Mll'r, If 6 8 1 0 Ch'bury, If 4 1 J t
Frlb'g, cf 118 11 Boeckel. lb S I 1 1
Barber, lb t 111 HHolke, lb 4 1 It
Krug. lb I 1 1 HFord. ss I 6 8 S
O'Far'll, e 4 4 0Kopf, !b 4 16 1
Ald'dge, p 4 1 0 6! O'Neill, e 414
Cheeves, p 10 0 llMsrq'rd, p 2 06
1 Oesc'ger, p 0
Totals SI 14xJ 16iF. Miller, p 10 0 2
IsOibson 110
IsGowdy 0 0 0 0
I Totals 41)110 11
xTwo out when winning run scored.
zBatted for aMamuard In seventh.
xBatted for Oeschger in eighth.
Score by Innings: .
Chicago 000 204 100 07
Boston 100 010 060 11
Summary Runs: Hollocher, Terry, L.
L. Miller 1), Frlberg, Barber, O'Farrell,
Powell, Crulss, Chrlstenbury (1), Boeckel,
Holke, Ford. Kopf. Errors: Terry, Kopf.
Two-base hits: Fond (2), Holke. Three
base hits: Aldrldge. Powell. Horn run:
Chrlstenbury. Sacrifices: Terry (2), Krug,
Kopf, O'Neill. Double play: Hollocher (un
assisted). Lelt on bsses: Chicago, 8; Bos
ton, 10. Bases on balls: Off Aldrldge, It
off Marquard, 2; off Oesohgsr, 1; off
Cheeve, 1. Struck out: By Aldrldge, 2; by
Oeschser, 1: by F. Miller, 1. Hits: Off
Aklridce. 14 In 7 Innings (none out In
Sth): off Cheeves, 4 in 8 innings: off Mar
duenl. 12 In 7 innings; off Oeschger, 0 In
1 inning; off F. Miller, 1 in 2 innings. Hit
by pitched hail: By Cheeve (dowdy).
Wild pitch: Marquard. Umpire: Maran
and Qulgley. Time: 2:10.
Tennis Pairings j
Setnl-Flnal Bound.
Phil Bagby, St. Louis, ply Fred Wil
liams, Kansas City.
Wray Brown, St, Louis, play W. II.
Brown, St. Louis.
Final Round.
Louise Hammann, Kansas City, plays
Jessie Grieve, Lbs Angeles.
Seml-Flnal Round.
Bagby and Newell play Brown and
Mayer and Dross play McCermlck and
Battles to Decide
New York Champs
New Vork, July 27. Datrt for
three important bouts to be held this
tummer in the Metropolitan dint rid
were announced today by the New
York ttate boxing commission.
Harry Wills, negro challenger, who
will probably meet Jack Dempey for
the world's heavyweight champion
ship a year from now, ha been
matched with Tut Jackson of Wash
ington Court lloue, O., for August
2V at Ebbrtt f.ield, Brooklyn.
Dave Ksrnhrrg and I'hil Krug will
meet at the Metropolitan vetoilromt
August 14 to decide which shall be
recogniied a world's middleweight
champion o far at this state is con
rented, Champion Johnny Wilson
having been shorn of his title because
he did not meet Harry Greb. Greb claim in it by declining to be
matched with Kotenberg.
Johnnv Dundee, New York, and
Dannv r'ruth, Cleveland, will battle
for Kew York state recognition as
the world's featherweight champion
at Ebbetts field, Brooklyn, August 15.
When the state commission deprived
World's Champion Johnny Kilbane
of his title for not mate ting Dundee
it offered to pronounce the winner of
a Dundee-Frush bout the champion
within the area of New York state.
Missouri Valley
Tennis Results
eanl-riaal Bound.
I.oulae Hammann. Kansss Clly. de
feated Ruth Hager. Kansas City, :-, 4-1.
Jessie Orlave. Lo Angeles, defeated
Balde Peer, Kansas City, t-1, l-t.
Fewrttt B Biiad
Bagby and Newell defeated Nichols snd
Bannister, t-t, 41, t-1.
Brown snd Brown defeated Ktnntdy
snd Newell. 4-1. 1-7, t-1.
Meyer and Gross defeated Bssrkl and.
Flnkel, 4-4. t-1, t-t.
MaCormlck snd Scribner detested Jtek
on snd Williams, -!. t-1, t-1.
Second Round.
Hager and Bagby defeated Zimmerman
and Culllngham, 6-1, t-1.
Currey and Stocking defeated Mr.
White and Elliott, t-4. 4-1.
Hammann and Jackson drew a bye.
Grieve and McCormiek defeated Stela
baugh and Benolken, 6-0. t-1.
Third Rennd.
Hager and Bagby defeated Curray and
Stocking, l-t, t-1. .
Golf Kvcts
Q Does ths rule which allow a player
t lift a ball and tee it with a loss of two ,
strokes In medal play apply where the ball
stops in a hasard? Also, ran th ball b
dropped bark of th hasard T
A. A ball may be lifted from a hasard
under the conditions named. It mast he
teed hark ef the place from which It'
lifted, but th player can go aa far lack
a he choose.
Q. What 1 th proper Interpretation of .
the rules In the following case. A, whose
ball Ilea nearer tha hou putt and holes
out on his fifth stroke. His opponent, B,
had already played five and his ball lay '
some twelve feet from the cup. B charged
that In putting out of turn, A lost the hole,
A, not knowing any better, did not pro
test, B then picked up hi bell and
walked to the next tee. B won the match
by one hole, and the above facta were not .
made known until the match was over.
A Under the conditions, A woa th
hoi In dlspntet At beat B eoald sj no
more than have A replace hi ball when
he pntted out of turn without penalty,
Since he did not do so, and further failed
te hole ant, he must taoa the hoi. . .
Q A player on a te takes a practice
stroke a yard or more away from hi ball,
but due possibly to slight vibration ef the
tee, the ball rolls from the tee. It (he
Player penalised, or can h re-tee without
A. He may re-tea without penalty. A
practice swing taken a club length from
th ball I net a atroke. A ball that roils
from a tee en a teeing ground may be re
placed without penalty, before It I a lay,
in other word, before a stroke ha bee
played. i
Q In a foursome, on partner ad
dresses the ball on the putting green,
end as he groundsd hi club th ball rons
forward an Inch or so. He then played a
stroke and the other side claimed the hole,
saying he had played two eucceeslve
strokes. I that right?
A The claim of the opposing side Is
correct. Under the condition the player
Is considered to have made th ball more,
which count a stroke, but le not a peaaHy
stroke.. It waa then hi aartner'a turn te