The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 24, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    "HE OMAHA BEE: MONDAY. JULY 24. 1922.
Buffalos and Saints Split Double-Header-First Game Goes Eleven Innings
Buffi Overcome Fipht-Run
Lrat! of St Joseph in
Initial Content and Win
Aflir Tlixfc Houn.
The Iluffilon and Saints ntnt
50 50 cm their scheduled double-
hrtdcr at Lrague park yesterday, the
hfrd aiiiifxinu the opener by the
score of 15 to H in a regular old
1 1 -inning slugtjiinr bee, while the
league leaders tucked the tecottd
contest away after seven innings, 3
to 1. The last game was called in
the seventh by agreement.
The Saints started out like they
were going to clean tip on Burch't
hired hands. After the St, Joseph
club-swingers finished their section
of the fourth inning they held an
eight-run lead on the Buffaloes, the
score at this period reading 13 to 5
in favor of the Saints.
When the Buffaloes came to bat. I
they immediately set to work with
their sticks and cut the Saints' lead
down to three runs, scoring five tal
lies on a homer by Grantham, double,
two errors and base on balls. It was
in thia inning that Pitcher Grover
was derricked in favor of Haid. In
the fifth the Buffaloes increased their
run column to 11. -
Buffaloes Knot Count.
St. Joseph registered its 14th run
in the sixth and then the Buffaloes
came back in their section of the
same spasm and brought their total
number of runs to 13. Griffin's base
qn balls, followed by Wilcox's single
and a wild pitch, knotted the count
in the seventh.
Both clubs glided along until the
last of the 11th, when Apperson's
single to center paved the -way for
a Buffalo victory. Grantham singled
and the "Jack Rabbit went to sec
oiid, taking third when Manush
played the big brother act. Herman
walked and urithn came through
with the single that scored Apperson
with the winmnnr run.
Burch trotted his string of hurlers
cut before the grandstand and
every one of 'em got a chance to
show his wares, with the exception
of Fincher. who was saved for the
second contest. Darrough started,
and, sad to say, lasted but a short
time. Okrie was next. His reign
was short. Cofhndaffer took his turn
on the firintr line and faced the en
emy for two and two-thirds innings,
when the husky Dan Tipple went out
to the mound.
Tipple Finishes Game.
Dan hurled his usual good brand
of ball. Allowing the Saints only one
hit in the hve innings he pitched
and these were; the last five frames
of the came.
Grover started for St. Joseph. He
was treated rather rough in the
fourth and had to retire in favor of
Haid. The latter didn't, last very
long, just long enough to allow the
Buffaloes two runs on a trio ot hits,
Hovlik relieved Haid and finished the
The Saints bunched their hits in
the second game, scoring a tally in
the first and another in the third,
while the final St. Joseph run came
m the sixth inning of the abbrevi
ated same. '
Homer Bird took his turn on the
hill yesterday in the second contest
and what a bird ot a pitcher ne
turned out against the Buna
loes. Homer allowed Omaha five
hits in the seven innings, but he kept
them scattered. Bird flapped his
left wing to such an extent that he
whiffed seven Buffaloes.
"Bit Bill" Fincher was Burch's
choice. Fincher was nicked for six
hits, the majority of which came at
the right time for the Saints.
The Buffaloes scored their lone
run in the second inning, Catcher
Kandler's bobble allowing Herman
to tally.
Cardinals Drop
Lead in National
League Race
St, Loui. July 23 The Cardinals
lot the lead in the National league
hv fintton'f 4 to 1 victory, while
New Vork wai defeating Cincinnati.
Closing their home stand, in which
they won 17 and lot six game, the
Cards departed for New York for a
live-game ncs with the Giants.
score :
uoatnv. I sr. Loris! AH II OA
Powell, rf 6 14 I KUik. rf 4 I S
Niton. If S 1 ! Mann, rf Slid
f'rutM, if I I I lmuh. -f 1 9
Mob , rf I t t 0;Huriuby,lp 4 0 ! f
Hoersel IB 4 I 1 1)" null i, If I 0
Baseball's Charlie Chaplin
Hulk, lb
Ford, m
Kopf. :b
illl.aon. a
Mani'il. p
W.Kon, p
Golf Evcte
O. Can a Oliver lie penalized for asmng
the approximate distance he has to cover
on a stroko Be n preparing io piay
A. If he Mka and willingly receives
such advice from anyone except tala cad
die, hla partner, or hla partner's caddie,
he ia peenealized. Such information might
easily Influence htm in playing the stroke.
Q. Is a bait that croasea out of bounds
territory (for instance, where a boun
dary corners near the line of play). but
lands on the course conslderedto have
been played out of bounda?
A. No. The role applies only to a ball
that lies out of bonnds.
J. Is a player required to play a ball
from a depression that gives him a bad
He. where ha haa lifted and dropped the
ball as provided by the rules, or la h
entitled to lift and drop again?
A. Ha must play the ball from where
It stops, nnless It rolls Into a haaard. In
which ease tt can be lifted and dropped
again without additional penalty.
" J. Do! a player Buffer,- a penalty
where his caddie, standing at the hole to
handle the flag, triea to lift the flag as
the ball approaches, but ia unable to get it
out In time to prevent the ball from
atrlking It T
A. Tea. It Is the duty of the caddie
to see that the flag- la In each position
that It eaa be lifted when he la ready
to do so.
Q. Am I allowed to lift and drop my
ball without penalty If it stopa In caaual
water In the rough, or doea thia apply
only through the fairway or putting
green? -
A. "Tea ran lift and drop without pen
alty from casual' water la the rough.
Strike of Railroad
Shopmen Bumps
' Association Teams
Minneapolis, July 23. The
first known interference with
America's national pastime base
balldue to the strike of railroad
shopmen, became apparent here
tonight when it was discovered
that the Columbus team of the
American association would - be
unable to reach Kansas Gty
Tuesday night for the Wednesday
game, because of curtailed train
service. -
r As a consequence, the visitors
will play a double-header tomor
row, the playing time of the
Tuesday game to be used in
travel. .
4 1 II OiOalner. Ib t 0 10 1
4 I I II f' 1 A I 0
1 S SI Harfnot. p 0 e 1
9 I i !T-porcer,3b 9 0 I a
9 I SlHfo. k, ib I n 0 0
ISA tjl'lsmnna. o 9 1 S 4
1 I-avan. as 391
ft II :T U Halnea, p I 0 0
enamel, p o o l
sMuellsr 1 0 0 (
Totals 90 I2IH
t Baited for Barfoat In ninth.
Hcoro by Innings:
Roston 010 ni 4
St. Louie 000 001 0001
Summary Runs: Powell 19), Nlion,
Kopf. Lavan. Errors: fVchutti, l.avan,
Haines. Two-baaa hlls: U.u, Gibson.
Three-baa hits: I'owell, Flack. "scrltloe
nils: Kopf. Ulbson. Double playa: Mar
iiuard to Ford to Hoiks (!, Hornaby to
l-avan to llalner. Left on baaea: Ho. Ion,
: 81. l.oula. 4. Base on balls: Off Mar-
nuanl. , struck out: By Haines, 9; by
Mbenl'll, J: by Harfoot, 1; by Marquard.
9. IIIH: Off Halnea. 10 In S Innings: off
Kherdell, none In t Innings: off Harfoot,
I In 1 inning; ore Marquard, t In 1 in
nings; off Wat.on, I In 2 innings. Win
ning pitcher: Marquard. Losing pitcher:
Haines. Umpires: Qulgley and Moras.
Time: 1:40.
Cub Beat Dodger.
Chicago, July 99. Chicago won the
series from Brooklyn by taking the final
game, 4 to 1.
Olson. Jb 4 19 4!PI Ihc'te, cf 4 9 9 0
Myera. cf 4 11 OIH'll'cher.aa 4 9 9 6
Griffith, cf 9 11 0 Terry. Ib 9 9 9 4
Wheat. If 4 0 9 0 Crimes, lb 9 1 19 0
Mitchell. lb 9 111 OIGarber, rf 9 1 X 0
Ward, aa 9 0 9 4 Miller, If 9 110
Deberry. o 9 0 1 9 Krur. 9b 10 0 1
Schrlver, p I 0 9 9,'O'Fsrrell.e 4 0 9 0
xHuetner l n o
Mam ux, p 0 0 0 0
xQ. Or'flth 1 0 0 0,
Aldrldge. p 4 0 0 9
Carl Sawyer of the Vernon team of the Pacific Coast
league is declared by western fans to be the funniest man in
baseball, and he gives them many a hearty laugh.
21 9 9719
Totala 91 S218
x Batted for Shrlver In ith.
xBatted for Ward in Sth.
Brooklyn 100 000 0001
Chicago 010 090 OOx 4
Summary: Runs Myers. Heathcote,
Hollocher, Terry, Grimes. Errors None.
Two kaae hits Hollocher. Home runs
Grimes. Stolen base Barber. Sacrifices
Grimes. Tarry, Krug. Double plays-
Olson. Ward and Mitchell: Terry. Hol
locher and Grimes. . Left- on bases
Hroklyn. ; Chicago, 8. Bases on balls-
Off Aldrldge, 3: Schrlver. S. Struck out
By Aldrldge, 9; Mamax, 1. Hits Off
Schrlver. 8 in 7; oft Ma maul, 1 In 1.
Wild pitch Schrlver. Passed ball De
berry. Losing pitcher Schriver". Umpires
Sentello and Hsrt. Time 1:31.
Glanta Wallop Beds.
Cincinnati. July 23. The Giants won the
odd game In the series by beating the
Reds, 4 to 1. Ryan, pitching his third
game of the series, was In fine form.
Eddfe Koush came to terms with the
Reds. He appeared on the field In uni
form In the fifth inning and waa given
a tremendous ovation by the 23,000 fans.
Bancr' 4 0 4 8
Rawl'gs.2b 4 14 3
Frisch, 3a, 4 0 0 1
Meusel, If 4 110
Young, rf 4 2 10
Kelly, lb 4 2 11 0
Stengel, cf 4 0 2 0
Snyder, c 4 0 4 1
Ryan, p 3 10 0
Burns, rf 4 2 7 0 3 1 B 0
Duncan, If 4 0 3 0
Harper, rf 4 2 4 0
Bohne, 2b 4 12 3
Hargrave.c 4 0 S 0
Pinelli. 3b 3 0 12
Caveney, as 3 1 0 1
Luque, p 3 0 0 2
Totals 32 7 27 S
Totals 35 7 27 13!
Score by innings:
New York 001 200 0014
Cincinnati 100 000 0001
Summary Runs: Meusel. Young (2),
Ryan, Burns. Error: Burns. Two-base
hits: Burns, Harper, Young, Kelly, Ryan.
Three-base hit: Young. Double play:
Bancroft to Rawllngs to Kelly. Left on
bases: New York, 5; Cincinnati, 6. Base
on balls: Off Luque, 1; off Ryan, 1.
Struck out: By Luque. 4; by Ryan, 4,
Umpires: Rigler and McCormick. Time:
Favorites Win in
Tennis Tourney
Olson, lb ....
Con-den, If-ef . 3 1
Ksher. rf 4 1
Handler, cf-lf ...2 1
Htevenaon, ss ...S S
McDonald, lb ....53
Nuler, 2b 2
Grabowskl. ...7 6
(rover, p-If ....4 1
I.lndberg, ir ....0 O
Smith. If 1 1
Haid, p 1 O
Hovlik, p ...... .2 0
SIS4 10 10 10
o a
0 2
0 0
1 2
0 0
O 1
O 11
1 1
O 0
0 0
0 1
New York, July 23. A field of
18 competitors started olay today
in the singles of the Metropolitan
Tennis championships on the courts
of the Crescent Athletic club.
Brooklyn. Thirty-three first and
econd round matches were played,
none of which was marked by up
In two intersectional matches.
Phillip F. Neer, Leland Stanford
university star, defeated Herbert
Chase, of New York, former Am
herst player, 6-4, 6-0, while Murray
Vernon, of Yonkers, N. Y., elim
inated Earl Douglas, youthful entry
from Menlo Park, Lai., 6-1, o-a
K. Okuma. a Japanese entry, won
a hard fought match from Charles
Chambers, of Brooklyn. 6-4, 7-5.
Robert and Howard Kinsdy,
brothers of San Francisco, arrived
from the coast today. They did not
comoete in the tournament, but
played several practice sets.
ohn Barton Wins
Dakota Tennis Tide
Totals 44 14 18 24 6 2x31 17 4
Olalason, 8b. ...5 2 1 1 0 0 2 60
Apperson, cf...s 12200X30
Grantham, 3b ... 2 4 0 0 2 2 1
Manush. If a 2231OS0O
Herman, lb .... 1 1 2 0 O 13 2 0
Griffin, rf 2 2 2 O 1 1 O 0
WUeox, as IS 4 0 O 0 4 0
Spencer, e 4 11 1 1 O 0 1 0
Darrough. D..-.1 0 12 O 0 0 2 O
Okrie, p 1 0 O O O O O O O
uormaarrer, p .. l l l n erso
Tipple, p, 2 0 0 O O O 0 3 0
Totals 48 15 18 26 2 1 S3 26 1
One out when winning run waa scored
In 11th. - -
Score by Innings::
St. Joseph 7 114 701 000 0014
Buffaloes 302 513 100 0115
Summary: Home run: Manush. Two-base
hits: Olsen, McDonald, Grabowskl, Grover,
Grantham. Ifanush. Hit batsmen: Grover
by Okrie, McDonald by Coffendaffer. Dou
ble plays: Hovlik -Grabowskl-OIsen. Runs
and hits: Off Grover, and 10 in 3 1-3 in
nlnaa off Hnid. 2 and 2 in 2-3 Inning: off
Hovlik, 4 and 6 in 4 3-3 Innings; off Okrie,
4 and 4 In 2-3 Innings: off Coffendnffer, 5
and 6 In 2 23 Inn-lugs; off Tipple, O and 1
in 5 innings, struck ont: By mua, z; oy
Coffindaffer. 1: by Hovlik. 1. - Bases on
balls: Off Grover. 8; off parrough, 1; off
Okrie, 2; off Coffindaffer, 0; off Haid, 4;
off Hovlik, 8; off Tipple, O. Wild pitch:
Hovlik. Umpires: FiUpatrlrk and Davis.
Winninr Ditcher: ThtDle. losing pitcher:
Hovlik. T-eft on bases: St. Joseph, 6; Oma
ha, 13. Time: 3:15.
Second game:
Olsen. lb ...
Corrlden. cf
Fisher, rf . .
Grover, If . .
Stevenson, ss
McDonald. 3b
Nofer.2b 2
Handler, e 1
... s
Bird, p
8 0
X 0
1 0
o o
2 1
0 5
0 5
9 0
0 4
Islanders Lose Both
Games to Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., July 23. Grand
Island was no match for Beatrice tO'
day in a double-header, Beatrice win'
ning both games. Grand Island used
three pitchers in the first game, but
each one was hit hard. Boyles was
touched up in the second game for
two home runs and three triples.
Bowman, Wiggen and Quinn's hitting
First game:
R'n. rf. cf 9 0 lDTg-a, 2b 4 0 3 7
Brew'r, lb 4 0 9 OjK'chner, lb 4 113
II Wiggen, rf 6 3 1
lin'man, cf 4 2 2 1
Mooney, If
S'k'r, cf, p 3 13
P'm't'r, If 3 2 1
Pierce, 2b 2 12
Kranda. 3b 4 0 2
Metz. aa 3 14
R'berts, c 3 0 8
Pr'ard, p 10 0
Babb, p 110
Shupe, rf 10 0
Quinn. ss
Parker, 3b
Unper, c
McKee, p
4 0 0 0
5 9 3
4 12 1
4 2 2 (
4 2 11
Totals 98 14 27 15
Totala 28 24 91
Grand Island 000 000 101 9
Beatrice 021 403 OOx 10
Summary Runs: Speaker, Palmatier,
Delaguerra, Kirchner. Wlpgen, Bowman,
Mooney. Quinn (2), Parker, linger. , Er
rors: Brewer (2), Metz, Babb, Wiffgn,
Ungor. Three-base hits: Quinn. Pierce.
Two-base hits: Quinn, Speaker. Stolen
bases: Wiggen (2), Bowman, Unger (2)
Parker. Sacrifice hits: Parker, Palma
tier. Double plays: Quinn o Delaguerra
to Kircnner 1Z), Delaguerra to Quinn to
Kirchner. Struck out: By McKee 1, by
Pritchard 0, by Babb 2, by Speaker 1.
Bases on bills: Off McKee 4. off Babb
2, off Pritchard 2. Winning pitcher:
McKee. Losing pitcher: Pritchard. Um
pire: Johnson. Time of game: 1:50.
Score, Second game:
Roben, cf 2 0 3 0IDelga.,2b 2 0 13
Brewer, lb 3 1 7 0
Speaker, c 3 1 5 1
.27 3 6
Glslason, 2b .
Apperson, cf .
Grantham, 3b
Manush, If . .
Herman, lb
Griffin, rf ...
Wilcox, ss . . .
Nnencer, e
7 1 0 21 15 1
Fincher, p 2
10 0 1
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 10
0 0 2
0 0 2
0 0 2
0 0 0
Palm., If
Pierce, 2b
Metz, ss
Shupe, rf
Boyles, p
S 1 0 0
2 0 0
10 0
K'chner, lb 3 0 12 1
Wiggen, rf 3 1 1 0
Bowman, cf 3 2 10
Mooney. If 3 2 10
10 4
2 12 3)
10 11
2 0 13
3 0 0 2IQulnn. ss
3 0 1 2 Parker, 3b
Kahmer, o 2 0 3 0
Carle, p 2 0 0 1
Totals 23 7 21 12
0 0
Sioux Falls. S. D.. July 23. John
Barton of Sioux Falls won the
South Dakota single tennis cham
pionship Saturday, defeating Clark
Stone, also of Sioux Falls, m three
straight sets, 6-0, 6-1, 6-0. This is
the ninth time that Bartonv who is
48 years old, has been the titleholder.
Q. Should the hidden ball be used la
high school games?
A. -No. it Is forbidden under the rules
in certain conditions, although It Is still
possible for a baseman to conceal the ball,
provldlna the pitcher doea not co-operate
with him. bnt It Is not good baseball. The
further that trickery can be banished from
baseball the better. It ia never the right
thing for tne ooys.
Q. Runners on second and first bases.
hen the ball was battod, started to ad
vance to the next baaes, but the umpire
called foul. They went back and when
the runner who had been on first wastal
most back to the base he was called out
by the umpire although the pitcher had
not received the ball. The batter waa not
la hla box. Was the runner out and why T
A. Hot ant according to the statement
of the play. Kor Is there any rale which
seems to fit tho ease as the incident Is
d. Cant imagine what the nsanlra
was driving; at.
Q. Batter stepped out of his box while
an argument was going on. Umpire called
"play ball." Batter did not take hla
place. Umpire aignaled to the pitcher to
go ahead and the latter threw the third
strike over the plate while the batter
aa not In the box. How could that be
A. When the umpire called -May- the
gaaae was in effect and the batter re
mained on of the box at his awn risk.
Q. Runner is on first and goes to third
on a foul ball. Going bark to first be cuts
across the diamond and is called out
! Ia that right? i
A. No. He la not eamacUew so reverse
I the bases la order.
Totals 24 1 5 5 0 0 21 12 4
St. Joseph 101 001 28
rjurraioe viv uvu o i
Summary Earned runs: St. .Joseph 2.
Omaha O. Three-base hits: Wilcox, Her.
man. Bird. Stevenson. Olsen. Two-base
hit: Fisher. Double play: Wilcox to
Glslason to Herman. Struck out: - By
Berg 7. by Fincher 8. Bases on balls: Off
uers; u, orr rincner z. umpires: jntzpat-
ricK ana jwvis. irt on oases: i. jo
sep 7, Omaha 1. Time of game: 1:25.
Schlaifer May Meet
. Warnie Smith Soon
"Billy" Uvick, new manager of
"Kid" Schlaifer, Omaha welterweight
mitten mauler, is mapping out a
busy campaign for his protege this
First. Uvick is angling for a bout
with Warnie Smith in Tulsa for the
latter part of August. If successful
in matching the "Kid" with Smith
Uvick will set forth to arrange more
bouts lor schlaiJer m the south.
Schlaifer will start training Mon
day, working out only in the morn
ings. ?
Past WeeVs Record
in Major , Leagues
New York July 23. The week's
record in each league ; of games
played, won and lost, together with
runs, hits and. errors, men left on
base's and runs scored "by opponents,
including game of Saturday, is as
P. W U R. H. . LB. OR.
i jt ,1. 2 40 - 1. 44
T 9 4
.7 4 2
.4 3 9
4 1
1 4
1 S
9 3
St Louis
New Tork 7
Chicago 7
Detroit ..4
Cleveland ......
Washington .g
Philadelphia ..
New Tork ..
St. uuta ...
Cincinnati ..
Brooklyn ...
Pittsburgh .
Bcston ......
94 1i (8 99
II U 1! El 94
94 1 f 41 24
3 41 10
8 34 17
12 43 112 84 38
98 (0 11 83 41
9 97
7 33
W L.
8 4
R. H.
24 42
3 44
24 it
E. LB. OR.
( 44 27
3 71 11 47 3
34 CO 34
34 83 11 M 22
44 32
3 t 19
8 4 34 I
34 91 1 94 4 I
Totals 23 3 18 11
xBatted for Boylesin 1n seventh,
Score by innings:
Grand Island 000 000 0 0
Beatrice 000 303 x 6
Summary Runs: Wiggen, Bowman (2),
Mooney (2), Parker. Error: Speaker.
Home runs: Bowman, Wiggen. Three
base hits: Quinn, Parker, Bowman. Sac
rifice hit: Parker. Stolen bases: Mooney,
Quinn. Double play: Quinn to Kirchner to
Parker. Struck out: By Carle, 2: by
Boyles, 3. Base on balls: Off Carle, 4; off
Boyles, 2. Balk: Boyles. Umpire: John
son. Wild pitch: Carle. Time: 1:80.
Links Split Double Header.
Lincoln, Neb., July 23. Fairbury and
Lincoln divided a twin bill here this
afternoon,- the Coyote taking the first
game, 7 to 4, and tne Links tne second,
6 to 1. The first game draeced throueh
two houraand a half tut the second was
a better xhlbition of baseball than the
count indicates. Score:
W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet
St. Jose'b 62 38 .20 Buffaloes 82 47 .426
Tulsa 88 41 .58Okla. City 42 67 .424
Slo'x City 66 41 ,677Dea Moin. 37 60 .381
Wichita 64 46 .640 Denver 83 64 .340
Yesterday's Results.
Buffaloes, 15-1; St. Johepb, 14-9.
Tulsa, 6-10; Denver, 2-8.
Oklahoma City, 9; Dea Moines, 4.
Wichita, 10-16. Sioux City, i-4.
Today's Games.
St. Joseph at Omaha.
Tulsa at Denver.
Oklahoma City at Des Moines.
Wichita at Sioux City.
; Standings.
W. L. Pet. I W. L.Pct.
10 4 .714 Fairbury 6 8 .429
6 .6431 Grsnd Isl. 6 8 .386
7 7 .600 Hastings 4 .308
Yesterday's Results,
Beatrice, 10-6; Grand Island, I-S.
Norfolk, 8-16; Hastings, 3-8.
Fairbury, 7-1; Lincoln, 4-6.
Today's Games.
Grand Island at Beatrice.
Hastings at Norfolk.
Fairbury at Lincoln.
Indians Lose to
Sox of White
by 6-10 Score
Cleveland, July 23. Cleveland re
turned home after a victorious road
trip to loie to Chicago, 10 to 6. Lev
erette outpitched relay of Cleveland
pitchrri ill the Hty. An outstanding
feature wa the hitting of Jamieioii
and Wambtitanti. Score:
jonnsoass 4 9 1 1 J'misa'n.lf 4 3 1
94 Ills n.ia 4 I !vYamby. :b 4 3 I 4
Hl'-sk.r. (I I
Collins, it I 1 I I
Ifaup.r, rf I I I I 9 3 4 0
raik. If 4 9 9 0
Khesly, lb 4 9 4 1
tk hslk. v 4 12 4
L'verstts.p till
W. L. Pct.l W. T.'pct
New York 63 33 .616 Brooklyn 44 46 .489
St. Louis 67 36 ,613Pittsburgh 43 44 .494
Chicago 48 42 .633Ph!lartel. 30 63 .461
Cincinnati 48 44 .522Boston 31 66 .366
Yesterday's Results.
New York, 4: Cincinnati, 1.
Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, 1.
Boston. 4; St. Louis, 1.
No -games scheudled.
W. L. Pct.l W. T,. TVt
St. Louis 64 38 .687 Cleveland 46 47 .416
New Yo'k 63 41 .6641 Washlnet. 42 46 .177
Chicago 48 43 .6271 Boston 38 63 .418
Detroit 48 46 .616IPhi!adel. 36 61 .407
Yesterday's Results.
Washington, 11; Philadelphia, 2.
New York. 11; Boston, 7.
Detroit, 11 j St. Louis, 6.
Chicago, 10; Cleveland, 6.
Today's Games.
Washington at Philadelphia.
(No others scheduled.)
Wood, rt 1 I
H.w.11, s 4 113
irrln.r, 9b 4 111
Mi'lnnls. Ib I 9 I
O'Neill, o 9 4 t
I'hle. B 08
II. ifiutf. r a a a l
Totals 4: 14 17 llKdwarrie, p I l
I I'SBKy, p 4 i v v
isnsuu lass
8'ph nt'a I 0
Totals 11 II ! IB
anauia mr I.masey In third.
sBatted for Kdwards la seventh.
BVoro by innlnaa
hlcego S mo 10218
Clavsland 001 tot t04 8
eummary Kuna: johnun fit uu nn.
vvuinB, nwpir (if, BirunK, Falk (If,
"hsxly, Jamlrsoa (2), Wamhaganes. Wood.
aoy, onauie. r.rror: i ni. Two-base
mis: Hooper, Mulligan, ralk. Lsveretts,
Bhsojy, Jamleeon (21, ftpesker. Bewell,
Hagby. Three-baaa hit- Juhnum Haerl.
flee hits: t'olllna (91. Wamhaganaa. Left
on bases: Chicago, 13; Cleveland. It, liana
on nana: orr Lsveretts, 4: off Kdwards.
I; off Hagby. 3. Hlls: Off I'hle, 3 In
1-3 inning; off l.lndaey. 3 In 9 2-9 In
nings; oft Kdwards, T In 4 Innings; off
Bat by, 9 In 9 Innings. Struck out: By
Lsveretts, ; by Llndaey, i; by Edwsrds,
3. Losing pitcher: Uhle. Umnlrss: Mor
tality and Connolly. Tims: 9:06.
Senators Trim Athletics.
Wsshlngton. July 23. Washington col
lected 19 hits oft a trio of Philadelphia
pitchers and won easily, 11 to 2. Two
double plays by the local team brought
ineir aeason total io 104. ncore:
Toung, 2b (013
Pyxes. 3b 13 11
Walker. If 4 10 0 3 3 t 1
G'liow' 4 0 3 3
Perkins, o 9 0 1 2
Sullivan, p 0 0 0 0
weicn. rf 4 3 1 o
M'O'w' 9 18 0
Naylor. D 9 10 1
xBruggy, e 3 110
jtScheer 10 0 0
Ecksrt, p 0 0 0 0
Totala 86 1124 16
xBatted for Naylor in aeventh.
XBatted for Sullivan In eighth.
Score by innings:
Philadelphia 000 000 200 2
Washington 140 006 Olx 11
Summary Runs: Pruggy, Harrla (3),
Judge (2). Goslln. Brower (2), Peckln
paugb, Lumotte, Plclnlch. Errors: Young,
Bruggy (2). Two-base hits: Hsrrls, Gos
lln (2), Hauser, Brower. Three-baae hits:
Dykes. Stolen base: Brower. Sacrifice
hits: Francia, Harris. Double plsys: Peck
lnpaugh to Harris to Judge (2). Left on
baaes: Philadelphia, 9; Washington, .
Base on balls: Off Naylor, 3; off Francis,
3. Struck out: By Francis, 2; by Sulllvsn,
1. Hits: Off Naylor, 14 In 6 innings:
off Sullivan, 1 In 1 Inning; off Kckert,
1 In 1 Inninr. Hit by pitched ball: Harrla,
by Naylor. Losing pitcher: Naylor. Um
pires: Hlldebrand and Nollln. Time: 1:44.
Yanks Defeat Red Sox.
New York, July 23. New York won
from Boston. 11 to 7. The Ysnkees won
by scoring seven runs in the sixth In
ning, when 12 New Yorks went to bst.
Collins deprived Ruth of a three-base
hit with a sensational one-handed catch.
Rice, cf 6 110
Harris. 2b 3 1 S 4
Judge, lb t 3 10 0
Uoslln, If (330
Brower, rf 4 3 3 0
P'klnp' (318
Lsmotts,3b 4 3 2 9
Plclnlch, o(191
Francis, p 3 10 4
Totals 38 16 27 It
Omaha Captures
Slugfest, 15:14;
Lose Second 1-3
Wltrhaa Win DouMa Hill.
8isu Our, la. July ji wi.biia task
aula saas of t dautis besdsr are, wia.
slag Iks fir. I gams fcr a s-ols ot I
8 and rapping lha sereM 14 la 8. The
visitors hit lUf I's.ter hurlers hard.
flu-ling lae name ruas Cast In the '
sad saws. Klaus t tir aisds a tuple pier
la tks sixth inning at the fust gams,
Crura flrat talus,
Smith, rf 4 I 3 M mill . a till
HI Isy. If 8 t I " ll m'tt. Ill I I I I
W bum, ID 9 I 0 HKlah. rf 4 9 9 8
Mai, rf 8 4 I siiloU. Ib I I a
11. rear, aa 9 I I 1 Oat t 4, rf I 1 I
Hull. r. IS 4 3 7 Jl Valinw, : 9 0;
Men-la, Mill (Haiti. S. If 3 3 5
Griffin. 33 l Nti'sftntl. 9 1 k
Maun, p 3 11 1 Ouary. e 10 9
i n iigar. p s i
Totals 3119 1114 lete, 8 0 8
sTesar I t 8
llloaaom 8 3 8
Totala 9711 II 18
iiutifl for Rosltgsr In 7th.
sliattsd fur lavia in the tin,
sHan for K!h la 9th.
Wichita : ll 42110
Rioua City 101 80S in: 3
nummary nuns; HlsHatisy. "sinuurn
HI, net tar, nuiier (2), urirnn CI. ueun,
Hamilton (91 llemmingway (Jl. r'.lah
Krreia: Rosttgsr. Two baas hits: Ham-
Ipsway C, Maun, Washburn, Mmlih,
cast. Trims piayi Haminewsy -rainier.
Hat i Home runs: Butlsr and Hamilton,
Sacrifice hila: Hands, and Bera-er. Ptolen
saaea: ttlsh. Waahturn. Eaat. I'ouolt
plays: llanoa-Butler-Waihburo; Osier
Iard-alsts. Hlls and rune: Off Roettger,
and 1 IB T Innings: Davit, 4 and 9 Io 3
innings. L,srt on esass: wicnna. i:
Sioux City. 11. Baaea on balls: Off Maun,
4: orr Rosttgsr, , Pans. t. Itruck out
By Maun. 4; by Roettger. 4; Havis, I
lilt by pitched hall: Ity Maun (Klah and
ralmitr): or rtoenser (Hiunni i nipirea
Uunahus and Held. Tims 2,30.
ncore, second game:
Eddie Roush Fails
to Sim With Reds
All H O A
Smith, cf 4 3 4 0
Il'ksaley.lf 4 8 0 0
W'hb'n, lb 8 3 10 0
Ksst, rf 3 4 3 1
Bera-er. as 3 4 3 2
Duller, 2b 8 18 9
Usnda,3b 3 119
Griffin, 9 3 3 0
Heebe. p 4 18 0
sellers, p r t t
rUl'l'X CITY
All H.O A
H'mllt' ( 9 0 (
Hem., 9b
riian, er
Blossom, p
Mais, Ib
Palmar, 9b
Mattlck, If
guery. a
4 13 3
3 1 1 t
3 10 1
8 313 1
4 0 3 0
3 0 8 1
Williams, p 4 3 4
sRuattger 10 0 0
49 1(17 101
I TOtsIt 4112 27 29
sBatted for Query In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Wichita 129 024 04216
Sioux City 000 110 010 8
Summary Runa: 8mlth, Blakealey (8),
Wsshburn (4), Eaat (4), Bergsr, Griffin
:), seebs, Hamilton (2), oatsrgsra. Mat-
tick, Williams (2). Errors: Blakssley,
Berger. Butlsr. Hamilton, Palmer (2),
Williams. Two-baas hits: Bergsr Griffin
2). Beehe. Blakealey. East. Williams.
Smith, Blossom. Homs runs: Eaat (2).
Sacrifice hit: Beebe. Esrned runs:
Wichita. 11; Sioux City, (. Stolen baae:
Elsh. Hlta and runs: orr Williams, is
nd 10 In 8 Innings; off Blossom, 6 and
in 9 Innlnga; off Beebe, 19 and 8 In
1-3 Inninga: oft Seiiars, nons and none
n 1 2-3 Innings. Left on bases: Wlchlts.
r: Sioux City. 11. Bsss on balls: Off
Beehe, 2: off Sellari. nons; off Williams,
2: off Blossom. I. Struck nut: By Beehe,
2; by Sellara, none; by Williams, none;
by Blossom. 2. Hit by pitched ball:
Smith, by Williams; Query, hv Beebe. Um
pires: Held and Donahue. Time: 2:10.
Indians Heat Boosters.
TV Moines. July 23. Oklahoma Ctly
hit Lynch hard In the latter part of the
game, after Dea Molnea had batted Payne
fiom the box and had acquired a 4-run
lead. The visitors won, 9 to 4, Love, who
succeeded Payne, holding the locals run-less.
Ptlt. rf 4 10 IIGenln, cf 4 14 0
uiwagner, 3D
Witt, cf 4 2 2 0
Plpp. lb 6 3 16 1
7 0 Meusel, If 4 0 1 0
6 81 Ruth, rf 2 0 0 0
0 3Schang, c 4 2
6 0Ward, 2b 6 2
2 2 Scott, ss 6 3
2 HM'Nally, 3b 4 3
0 1
0 0
0 01
Bush, p
Jones, p
2 0
2 0
0 0
6 1
1 3
1 6
1 2
0 3
0 0
1 0
Totals 37 16 27 18
W. L. Pet.
St. Paul 67 36 .620:
India nap. 66 39 .689
Milwauk. 66 45 .664
Mlnneap. 49 45 .521
W. L. Pet.
l.OUisvllle 48 49 .495
Kan. City 47 63 .470
uoiumbua 40 58 .408
Toledo 33 62 .347
Rooney. ss 2 0 0 1
Cl'v'l'd, 3b 2 1 0 0
M'D'm't.rf 4 2 3 01 Dye. ss
Relchle, If 6 3 3 0 Gibson, rf
Sarvise, cf 8 0 3
Carr, 2b 3 0 2
2 0 5
W' 3 17 0
Bliss, cf 6 2 10;
G'd'n,2-3b 4 0 2 1
O'C'nor, c 4 2 9 3
Lovlch, p 3 111
Jenney, 2b 8 1 1 1
Willey, cf 0 0 0 0
Conkey, c
Bool, If
McCoy, lfc
Smith, p
6 0 0
4 2 11
3 0 1
2 0 4
2 0 1
4 0 0 2
0 0 0
Totals 28 2 27 9
Totals 36 13 27 7
Fairbury 012 030 0017
Lincoln 030 200 0004
xspranger ran for Conkey in 6th.
Summary Runa: Rooney, McDermott,
Relchle, Bliss (2), O'Connor, Lovlch,
conkey, Bool. McCoy. Zlnker. Errors:
Clevelandl Wlmbush, Goodwin, Zinker.
Two base hitsf McDermott, Bliss. O Con
nor, Conkey. Sacrifice hits:. McDermott,
Wlmbush, Goodwin. McCoy. Struck out:
By Lovich, 8; by Smith, 9. Bases on
balls: Off Lovich, 10: off Smith, 6. Hit
by pitcher: By Smith (O'Connor and
Rooney). Stolen bases: Rooney, Cleve
land, Wlmhuah, Jenney. Bool. Earned
runs: Fairbury, 5. Left - on bases:
Fairbury, 12; Lincoln, 8. Umpire:
Wheeler. Time: 2:30.
' Score, second game:
Sarvis. cf 4 2 3 0
Sp'nger, ss
Dye, 2 b
Gibson, rf
Conkey, e
Bool, ir
McCoy, lb
Zlnker. 3b
Bailey, p
Rooney, ss 4 0 6 1
Jenney, 2b 4 1-3 1
McDer., c 4-046
Relchle. If 4 1 1 0
4 16 0 Wimb'h, lb 4 1 8
4 2 3 0 Bliss, cf-rf 3 0 0 0
4 3 9 0Goodwln.3b 3 113
4 10 SO'Conn'r.rf 3 0 2 0
4 0 0 ljWolfolk, p 3 0 0 2
6 13 0
6 2 2
Totals 39 13 27 8 Totals 32 4 24 12
Score by innings:
Fairbury 000 010 000 1
Lincoln t.110 000 04x 6
Summary Runa: Dve. Conkey. McCov.
Bool (2), Zinker, Bliss. Errors: McCoy,
Sarazen and Hoffner
' Defeated by Hagen
and Joe Kirkwood
Philadelphia, July 23. Walter
Hagen, British open champion,
and Joe Kirkwood of Australia,
Saturday defeated Gene Sarazen,
the new open champion of Amer
ica and Charley Hoffner, the
Pennsylvania and Philadelphia
title holder, 2 and 1, in an 18-hole
exhibition golf match at the Phil
mcnt Country club.
Rooney (3). Two-base hits: Jenneq,
Wlmbush, Gibson, Bool, Sarvis. Struck
out: By Wolfolk, t: by Bailey, 6. Base
on Balls: Off Wolfolk, 1. Left on bases:
Fairbury, 4; Lincoln, 9. Earned runs:
Fairbury, 1; Lincoln, 6. Passed balls:
McDermott (2). Conkey. Wild Ditch:
woiioik. stolen Bases: zinker. umpire:
Wheeler. Time: 1:60. Attendance: 3,000.
Elkhorns Win Two.
Norfolk, Neb., July 23. The Elkhorns
recorded three straight from Hastings by
tatting Dotn games of today's double
header, the first, 8 to 3, and the second.
a seven-inning aiiair, io to 8.
Pizer, 2b 3 112
Crann, rf 2 0 0 0
Amen, cf 5 0 2 0
Tomes, If 4 0 3 0
Athert., ss E 11 0 3
Mitc'ell, 2b 4 2 3 3
Marr, 3b 3 2 0 1
Clark, o 4 0 10 1
Serb, 3b 3 0 1 1 Rouse, It 3 3 0 0
Moel'r, lb 3 1 6 0
Echtm., ss 3 1 1 0
Wlllets, c 2 17 0
M'Wade, c 2 1 2 1
Wiggin., p 4 1 1 2
Knapp. rf 4 0 0 0
Graves.' cf 3 0 2 0
Warren, lb 4 0 11 0
Dldler, p 4 0 1 4
Totals 34 8 27 12
Totala 31 6 24 6
Score by innings:
Hastings .. 000 100 0203
Norfolk .. 302 002 Olx 8
Summary Runs: Crann, Amen, Moel
I'er, Atherton (3). Mitchell (2), Marr.
Rouae, Graves. Errors: Serb (2), Moel
ler. Echtermeyer, Atherton, Mitchell,
Marr, Didier. Home runa: Rouse. Two
base hits: Rouse. Sacrifice: Marr, Crann.
Sacrifice hits: Atherton. Gravea, Mitchell,
Piser. Double plays: Marr to Mitchell to
Warren; Atherton to Mitchell to Warren.
Bases on balls: Off Dldler, 7; off Wigging
ton, 9. Struck out: By Didier, 9; by
Wiggington, 6. Hit by pitched ball: By
Wlggingtnn ( Rouse and Graves). Wild
pitch: Wiggington. Umpire: Smith.
Time: 2 hours.
Second game:
Pizer, 2b 2 0 0 2iAth'ton. ss 3 111
ann. rf 4 12 0!Uitchell. 2b 8 3 3 4
A'en. cf. lb 4 2 3 OlMarr. 3b 4 2 11
ro'es. 4 2 3 0 Clark, c 4 0(1
Serb. 3b 4 3 1 0Rouse, If 4 3 18
M'll'r. lb. p 9 2 9 OIKnapp, rf 5 4 10
E'tm'r, ss 1 0 0 0Qraves, cf 4 10 0
3'Khan. ss 1 0 1 2!Wafren. lb 3 0 2 1
M'W'de, c 1 0 1 OlW'k's n. p 2 2 0 0
Wi eta. c 9 12 1 Federle. d 2 113
rraux, p i i o i
P't'a'n, p. If 3 0 9 ll Totals
Smith, rf 6 2 9 0
Harris. If I 0 I 0
Burns, lb 4 1
Pratt, 2b 4 S
Dugan, 3b 4 0
Collins, cf 4 2
O'Ro'ke, ss 4 1
Ruel, c .3 1
Fergu-, p 2 0
Rusnell, p 0 0
Plercy. p 0 0
xMenosky 1 0 0 01
Fullert., p 0 0 0 J
xKarr, 10 0 0
Totals 37 10 24 101
xBatted for Piercy In aeventh
xBatted for Fullerton in ninth.
zBatted for Bush In sixth.
Score by innings:
Boston 01.1 002 001 7
New York 110 027 OOx 11
Summary Runs: Smith. Pratt (2), Du
gan, Collins. O'Rourke, Witt (3), Plpp,
Ruth (2). Schang, Ward, Scott (2). Mc-
Nally. Errora: Smith, Pratt, Dugan,
O'Rourke (2), Ruth, Scott (2). Two-base
hits: Burns, Ward, Ruel, Smith. Home
runs: Pratt. Collins. Scott. Stolen haseB:
Burns. Sacrifice: Meusel. Double plays:
Scott. Ward and Plpp; Pratt and Burns;
Scott , and Pipp. Left on bases: New
York. 8; Boston. 4. Basee on balla: Fer
guson. 3: Russell, 1; Fullerton, 1; Jones,
1. Struck out: By Bush, 1; by Piercy,
1; by Jones, 3. Hits: Off Bush, 6 in
6; off Jones. 4 In 3; off Ferguson, 9 in
5 1-3; off Russell, 2 in 1-3; off Piercy, 3
in 1-3: off Fullerton, 12 In 1. Winning
pitcher: Bush. Losing pitcher: Ferguson.
Umpires: Evans and Dineen. Time: 2:02.
Detroit, July 23. The St. Louis Browns
played ragged baseball and the seven er
rora committed by members of the team
largely were responsible for Detroit's 11
to 6 victory. Umpires Owens and Con
nolly missed their train at Buffalo and it
was necessary to use Bierhalter and How
ley, trainers of the Browns and Tigers,
respectively, as arbiters.
G'gardli, If
Tate, 3b
Felber. 2 b
M'D'n'l, lb
Fisher, c
Wlndle, as
lioore, cf
Payne, p
Love, p
0 4
3 1
1 1
3 10
2 4
S 1
0 0
1 0
Horan, rf 4
Graham, lb 4
Cooper, If 3
Gorman, 2b 4
OITurgeon, ss 2
Wilson, 0
Lynch, p
Cincinnati, July 2J Krtilie Roui-h
Ur oulfifhlrr mul hfiMotit of thf
Cincinnati cluh of the National
league, today held a conference with
(arry Hermann, pretident nf tht
cluh, relative to the entiling of a con.
tract for the remainder of the tea-
After the nit'i-iinc it was learned
that there ua little protpert of an
Kreciiient. Kminh insists lie mutt
get $.!(.! XH) for thm year and next,
ayinK he would agree lo (tgu up for
$10,0(10 for the rent of this raon,
and $J6,000 (or 19.M.
The directors of the cluh an
unanimous in refuting this demand. V
They ttand ly their original oiler '
of $15,01X1 a year and aa the season
has a little more than two months to
go Roush would receive $5,0(M) this
year. President Hermann Mated that
in any event Roush would not he
sold or traded.
Tekamah Defeats
Omaha Federals
Tekamah. h . Tulv 23. fSnecial
Telesram.) The Tekamah town
hasehall team defeated the Oma
ha Fcdrrals, colored club, by the
score of 7 to 5 here Saturday after
The features of the came was the
hurliig of Schuler of the local team
who struck out 14 Federals and al- ,
lowed onl six hits. Larue, of the
losers whiffed nine Tekamah slug
gers and was nicked for nine hits.
Bob Roper Wins
New York. July 23. Bob Roper.
Chicago heavyweight, knocked out
Eddie Josephs of New York in the
second round of a 12-round match J
Saturday. Josephs substituted for '
Floyd Johnson, San Francisco.
Just Two Days More
Totals 94 11 37 9
Gerber, ss 6 2 1 6
Tobln. rf S 2 2 1
Sister, lb S 1
Blue, lb 4 1 9, 0
Jones, 3b 2 0 3 0
Gagnon, 3b 2 0 0 0
Cobb, cf 5 12 1
Veach, If 9 2 0
Hell'n, rf 6 3 2
Cuts'hw, 2b S 1 3
Rlgney, ss 4 1 2
Woodall, c 4 1
Oldham, p 1 0
Ehmpke, p 0 0
Dauss, p 11
zHaney 0 0
1 u
34 IT )l 11
Totals ' 31 12 12 71
Heatings 011 900 8 9
Norfolk 933 120 x IS
(Seven innlnga by agreement.)
Summary Runs: Pizer. Crann. Amen.
Tomes (2). Serb, Moeller. Willetts. Ather
ton, Mitchell (3), Marr (2). Clark, Rouae
(4), Knapp 3), Graves. Errora: Flier,
Gaughan. Knapn. Home run: Moeller.
Three. base hits: Moeller. Marr. Two
base his: Rouse, Crann. Tomes (2, Wll
klnan. Knapp (2. Sacrifice: .Gaughan.
Baaes on balla: Oft Wilkinson 4. off
Federle 1. oft Traux 6. Off Moeller 3.
Stolen bases:- Mitchell (3, Marr, Serb,
Rouae (3). Knapp, Gravea. Double play:
Federle to Clark to Warren. Hits: Off
Wilkinson 9 in 9, off Federle 9 in 4. ff
Traux ft In 9. off Petersen 8 in 1, off
Moeller 1 In 9. Struck on: By Wllkm
aon 1. by Federle 2, by Traux 1, by
Moeller 1 Wild Bitch: Wilkinson. Um-
I pire: Smith. Time f came: 1:9b
S 0
M'Ma's, 2b 4 3 3 3!
.Tac'on, cf 4 2 4 0
Will's. If 6 2 10
Sev'eid, c 4 1 2 0
Collins, c 10 2 0
Bron'ie, 3b 4 1 0 1
Davis, p 10 0 1
Pruett; p 0 0 0 0
Wright, p 0 0 0 2
Dan'th. n 0 0 0 0
Bayne, p 1 i 0 0 zClark
xShnrten 10 0 0
Totals 39 11 27 13
Totals 40 14 24 14!
xBatted for Danforth In eighth.
sBatted for Jones in fourth.
sBatted for Ehmke in fourth.
Score by innings:
St T.nui 320 000 100.
Detroit 000 918 OOx 11
Summary Runs: Tobln (3), Bisier, lie-
Manus (2), Davis, Blue (Z), uagnon, i-odd,
Veach (3), Heilmann, Cutshaw. Woodall,
Ehmke. Errors: Gerber, Sisler (3), MCMan.
us. Severeld. Pruett. Gagnon, Oldham.
Two-base hits: Heilmann, Tobin. Sacrifice
hits: Jacobson. Rigne, Heilmann. DouDie
plays: Cutshaw and Rigney: MCManus,
fierher and sisler. Left on bases: Detroit,
11: St. Louis. 11. Struck out: By Davis, l;
by Ehmke, 2: by Dauss. 2. Bases on balla:
Off Ehmke. 1: off Davis. 2: off Pruett, 2;
off Wrlaht. 1: off Dauss. 1. Hits: Off
Oldham. 3 in 2-3 Inning: off Davis, S in
3 2-2 innings; off Dauss, 7 In 5 Innings; off
Ehmke. 4 In 3 1-3 innings;; orr iruett, i
in 1 1-3 Innings off Wright. 0 and 0
off Bayne, 1 in 1 Inning; off Danforth, 4
In 2 Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By
Ehmke (McMamia.) Struck out: by Ehmke,
1; by Dauss. 2; by Davis, 1; by Pruett. 1.
Winning pitcher: Dauss. Losing pitcher:
Pruett. Umpires: Bierhalter and Howley.
Omaha Barbers' Nine to
Play Kennard Town Club
The Omaha Barbers' baseball club
will journey to Kennard, Neb.,
August 6 to do battle with the Ken
nard town ball team.
The local tonsorial artists and the
Kennard athletes have arranged the
game on a 60-40 basis.
Jack Light in manager of the
Omaha club.
Totals 98 14 27
iHttaA fnp T.vnch In Sth
Oklahoma' City 000 014 0138
Des Moines 202 000 000
Summary Runs: Tate, Felber !), Mc-
Daniel. Fisher (Z), Wlndle (3), wagner
(2), Horan. Errors: Genin, Cooper. Three
bass hits: Wagner. Two bsae nits: winaie,
Love, Wagner, Horan, Graham. Sacri
fice hits. Pitt. Moore, Love, Cooper.
Stolen baaes: Pitt, 2. Left on leaea:
Oklahoma Cltv. 9: Dea Moinea. 5. Struck
out: By Lynch, 3; Love, 4. Bases oil
balls: Off Lynch, 3; Love, 1. Hit by
Ditcher: Bv Lynch (F sherl. W Id pitcn
Lynch. Earned runs and hits: Off
Lynch, 6 and 14 In 9; Payne, 4 and 7 In
2 (none out in third); Love, 0 and 4 In 7.
Winning pitcher: Love. Umplrea: An
derson and Richardaon. Time: 1:50.
i Tulsa Wins Bargain Bill.
Denver. July 23. Tulsa took both games
in a double-header from Denver, the first
5 to 2 and the second 8 to 1.
Score, first game:
Bennett, If 6 0 1 0 Gomes. If 4 2 2 0
Baum n.3b 4 12 2Kerr, ss 4 14 9
Davis, rf 4 2 0 0Long, rf 4 110
Lamb, cf 4 3 1 OJShanley, 2h 4 2 13 4 18 0P'tt'rs'n.3b 4 111
Stuart, 2b 4 2 2 3!C'tw'ght.lh 4 0 13 1
M'G' 3 0 1 2IO'Brlen, cf 3 12 0
Crosby, c 4 0 11 0
Boehler, p 4 1 1 1
Parker, o
Hall, p
4 12 1
3 0 18
10 0 0
Baseball Records
Made This Date
Totals 38 10 27 S
I Totals 35 9 27 15
zBatted for Hall in ninth.
Score by innings:
Tulaa 010 130 0005
Denver 010 001 0002
Summary Runs: Bauman, Davis, Lamb,
Stuart, McGlnnis, Shanley (2). Errors:
Lamb. Kerr. Earned runs: Tulea, 5;
Denver, 2. Two-base hits: Lamb, Stuart,
Boehler, Patterson, O'Brien. Three-base
hit: Stuart. Home runs:' Lamb, Shanley.
Sacrifice hit: McGinnis. Struck out: By
Boehler. 1; by Hall. 2. Base on balls:
Off Boehler, 2; off Hall, 1. Double play:
Bauman to Stuart to Lelivelt. Left on
bases: Tuba. 6; Denver. 8. Umpires:
Ormsby and Holmes. Time: 1:31.
Bunter Trots Home
First at Cleveland
Cleveland, O., July 23. Punter,
driven by H. Fleming, won the Rainy
Day sweepstakes. $5,000 purse for 3-
year-old trotters, in two straight
heats at North Randall track Satur
day at the opening matinee of the
Gentlemen s Driving club. Best time,
2:11. Four trotters competed.
The $1,000 Consolation purse for
2-year-old trotters was won by Oli
ver Wood, driven by V. Nuckols, in
two straight heats. Best time 2:20.
the flattest picture '
of ,rrr cancer
Thurs. -Fri.' Sat.
In "Trimmed"
' Thrills Throbs Smiles Tears
One of the biggest and best; entitled:
"One Clear Call"
With an sll-star cast,' and
Buster Keaton
In "The Blacksmith"
Six American Women
Golfers Entered in
International Play
Dieppe, France, July 23. Six
American women are among the
32 who will tee off Monday in the
international woman's champion
ship tournament They are Miss
Derosenko and Mrs. Horton of
Philadelphia, Mrs. H. F. Whitley
and Mrs. Fletcher of the N.-.ssau
Country club, Miss Isabel Kemp
and Miss Rosamund Sherwood,
Fifteen English and 11 French
players are entered.
Booth Tarkinfton's Claaaic Comedy
"The Man From Home"
With James Kirkwood,
Anna Q. Nilsson and
Norman Kerry
Toonerville Comedy
Selznick News Events
Baseball Today
failM vs. St. Joseph
Game at 3:30. Ladies, 10 Cents.
July J4. 1882 Most chances accepted by
second baseman In a game. 18. F. Dun
lap. Cleveland (N I..).
July 24. 1882 Most assists bv second
haaeman In a fame. 12. F. Dunlap. Cleve
land IN. L.. The record Is also held by
Horace Ford. Boaton (X. L.) 191
Jnly 24. HIS No hit tame. Terry.
Brooklyn afainst St. Louis (A. A )
33x4 Non-Skid Cord
At the S prague Factory,
18th and Cuminf
i trkUfiat Pirt.tre at the Year
"MaiTj law and God's"
Jack Livingston and
Ethel Shannon
The tumorous story of a mroct-by-mail
courtship by proxy which sorely
perplexed a dsshini officer pi the
Northwest Mounted and a romantic
young maid.
' Now Until Friday Night
A Super-Satisfying Six-Act Bill
Have the Kiddies See
10c for Children Under 12