17 THE OMAHA BEE: MONDAY. JULY 21. 1922. PERSONALS WANTED REAL ESTATE THE GUMPS S'th? IN COLORS ' MONDAY WASH DAY Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith lOavyrlaM ll.il BIRlTEff TH8 SALVATION Army Industrial bmm solicits yeur eld iathing, furniture. v MllMl. W distribute, Ihx 413 a M, , , rail, !iV!.,V,1 BSSV" '"- IN THC SUNDAY Btl UAL KUTATB a. n UaMta. Insure 94 feters Tru4 Wj.Zi. rkriaf 3I1VHI fcsiat", IiivmI"""" UKiuSU i i..i t's Nail Yaur Hi. lilt fiiy NaiiaelW "''..'?. BT R AJO it T 6 ' lnf. S V" "nt A MOM ORANT CO tl S 14th, Arthur '"oie"T."POHT4R CO. Real Eiat. Rental ""''. IMJIeulhJMI ? 5ltV bom.. eBirle4 lina4 a ,k. rent C. T. HPIKH CO.. 804 P.iers TruslBldlH). 4IU. aROVS.MTijsAltb CO ;"mlam house. ijl Ry. Itvbg Bldg. AT 4 UafcttlNCa OUT THE. WA9AU- Skirt I . T00AT 5 F WWW BOT-. VAtlMKTIC Btb7Vll. Hay relm.t tin wiH ll B. ltt. AT. 911. IXPHUH kales, Swajlish nuui ki repody. Kraai to l. H i loth ". WOOL-WARD Miiui- iwa'u. I..av.n. IT COMING TO MIM M tfNT V CHMCl TO OET AVSlAI A UTTlt VL ? TWE. riM At At KINO 0H HOfUE. 0YM TO QtT rVVOHCj HA A TAM6iA rU ON AU TML 00- .AN nVltV WAvlElOr StlM vail ret. ., month wkWW AAIP VM,0CM ANT fWlL0t0?MY TMfcRE mm.;- wwf.w. iniiB. I, nra., t , w. I T ri.wcTKio batik ir vse, wm. mil 5 A AU1. Emm Wrmt. HI 1 Webster. WOW VOOH AT HIM. MATCRNITf HoUR, 1 a rmm.it. KXftKT MA8HAOH ATLANTIC riUHKR balk. message, at Arthur Bldg. RBNT vacuum cleaners. 7 to. kXPKHT miwn lit No. ITIh TVttcx Tvtt oix YMtLatotnr& wtLLO tormti. weuriN& mama 1 K VlAl",aJ.J.Tt.r f "(ev mrr u wr tmu voutoHt- t ' M tH Hl- CAV, tT TOO V MwW fVM VJ f ll i W-T-l yovn. cvtwt III irw MAftueAaVtWniii a7j a c&MftWeOM Kil , --" lfli lJ V lil I II r I AW I A II V II v II III BaK I I a v a l r r a r "V v-v u i iiiii w r ji v . r i i j u u 11 it i i E7 f.;i W I v. . -fSS. r ' fl iL LOST AND FOUND REWARD H""HSR KIR NGOK Pltce, ktlMP! TIMK HATl' RIM T AKTBHNOON, IIK. Ttt'l-ru 17TM ivn tlTH i iM rviPAr.fcei OR AT KONTKNRLI.B HOTr.L. ririPKK Itr.Tl'RN TO NTH A NX) THEATER AND IIEUEJVK KGWARD, I.ORT TuMilty morning, dark rrown, crew Ull Huatoa bull tarrlr: whin vol ml from paws; alio whit .trip nearly rim nrra. i.ioerei reward, ja, i PRINDI.B Boeton bull, whlla collar, near 1 clrelr nark, acr.w tall. Kama, "8pvt." newer, van J A. it. LOUT Alrdala dug, female, fray and tan namt, "mm;" child pm; pump on atom- n. nfwin, n A . .iis. T j i-r n n. n t,..- ttn n....,..!. ..ti hnrna. Pindar pleat call MA. JSl, or LOST Alrdal dog. "famala. arty and Ian; nam "Bim;" child's pt; lump oa tomacn. n.wtra. MA. 6.HJ. LOOT Saturday, platinum bar pin, dia mond and tapphlr setting. Reward. Wa. nut too. BTHAYED or atolan, blank cocker apanial; 14 yaara old: nam of Toots. AT. till VACATION RESORTS. LAROK Inia on beautiful iforaesho lake, near THB OMAHA COLONY. Northern Wiseoaata: aandy teaoh. pine limber, fln.it black baaa finning In the atata, aold aa easy -terms, For plat and further In fnrmatloa writ Barber A Fltta, Duluth, Minn. ' MALE HELP WANTED - Bricklayers Wanted I'nlon job. It per day, ( hour work. Will allow transportation for men that will atay at lent on month. Mutt be flrat-claa mechanlca. Apply Walla Broa. Conatructlon Co.. at John Morrell plant. Ottumwa. la. DRUO CLERK wantad. Slo(l man only. St. Joaeph Drug Co., St. Joeaeph, Mo. First-Class Cabinet Makers WANTED No'ie othrs nesd appl- Men who can work from drawlnfa preferred. NachtegalTMfg. Co., . :j: Front. N. w. rnnd Kaplds. Michigan. MES WANTED. Your Job Free M furnish free to Omaha tin- Ir.yara employes of ovary kind, and w plac Omaha unemployed oMth employers free of charge. Apply to va for Jobs of every Vind, skilled and f unskilled. Employers Free Employment Service 19J1 Harney St. AT. tHOI . Mechanics Wanted, ' Experienced. Scott Motor Car Co., 301fi Harnev SL Ha. 0010 SALESMEN One who Is Intelligent, conscientious and a hard worker, to represent a reliable and well established manufacturer In the state of Nebraska. Salary and bonus with ex penses advanced. In reply give reference, past sale experience, are and telephone number to Insure prompt Interview. Ad dresa Y-1961, Omaha Bee.' SALESMEN WANTED Exclusive terri tory, liberal commission; should have Ford car. Box W-114. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN to sell portable typewriters In city. 1907 Harney. See T. J. Desmond. WANTED man to buy truck .and take over transfer business; unusually reasonable terms. DO. 8R41, Eva or Sun. HA. 4904. Week days, DO. 8841. FEMALE HELP WANTED Typist Wanted Typist wanted who also knows general office work. Must be capable, neat, accurate speedy worker. State experience and education. Large .office, per- .( manent position. Address Box W-142. Omaha Bee. WOMAN Wanted Capable woman, not I'nder 30. Business experience unneces sary Intelligence and liking for work essential. Right woman will be given a thorough business training, with excellent opportunity for advancement. Addresa Y-196H, Omaha Bee. Give phone number. STTUATIONS WANTED ' . Grain Bookkeeper Thoroughly experienced In all depts. Of the business will be available for position Aug. 1. Minneapolis and Omaha rsferences. P. O. Box 434. Minneapolis. Minn. 'DAY work wanted. References. WE. 8004. DAYWORK and sewing. WA. 4804. DAY work wanted. Ref. WE. 4004. STENOGRAPHER Man, some experi ence, desires position. Salary Hi week lip. WA. 0991. " WANT Job working around house for room and board. Box W-118. Omaha Bee. . WHITE woman wanta dy. wk. KB. 2286. MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Capable, energetio man or wo man as assistant manager in well known Omaha business college. Investment of 81. noo required. Position will earn you l0 per month. "For Interview write Box W-I22, Omaha Bee. NOVELTIES. Ask for catalogue. Globe - Novelty Co., 120 Farnam St:. Omaha. Neb. DRUG CLERK wanted. Give wage ex pected and references. Girl preferred. Box W-1S4. Omaha Bee. - ATTRACTIONS DOLLS. BALLOONS. RUBBER BALLS, GIRLS for cabaret show who can waltz aff (oxtrot. Must be ladle at all times. Apply at onee. MA. 81. THE "Melody Five" Jan band. Jo Drake. WK. S372. 1823 N. !3d St. EDUCATIONAL fiiaY SCHOOL NIQHT SCHOOL Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, oomptometry, short kand and .typewriting; railroad and wiraless telegraphy, civil service and all English sd commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1M tot large Illustrated catalog. Addrta Boyles College Beylee Bldg Omaha. Neb. WANTED Men, ladle and hoy to leaga barber trade; big demand: wages learning: strictly modern. Call or wiK 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. , Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. -114) Omaha National Bank Bldg. - Don alas 489. DO yon want to Increase your IncsmaT Write the National A a to SckooL $814 N. loth St, Omaha, far catalog. - Day or evening sessions. Y DWORAK BUSINES8 COLLEGE Wad Bid?.. Uth and Farnam. AT. 1411. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 11 8. 14th- Writ for catalog. ANNIE B. GLASGOW, rale aad plan. 801 Karbach Blk. JA. 18L fif Yom Have Somethlim or exchange EDUCATIONAL CIVIL aervlc iamlnatlona. July, Au gust. Vacancies. 1130 monthly; ace, 11 upward. Experience unnecesaary. ror free list position! now Open, write J. Lannartl Mnrmar civil ata-vlra examiner), 0 Bqullabla Bide. Washington, D. C. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDBB WOOLEN MILLS. For aala, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alteration fne. Worthweat Cor. Uth and Harney 81a rULL DRESS suits and Tuxedo for rent J A. fill. 101 N. Uth Bt. i. reiaman. ARMT shoa. 10 No. Uth. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. KEAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from ISO and up. Dodge, Bulcks and others, riOO and up. Ford bodies: winter topa. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1818 Harney St. Central Oarege. BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. Model E-46, 1U model. New top, paint and tlrea. Perfect condi tion. Cheap. 385. Cash or terms. 1062 Farnam. DO. 887. SOME bargalna In used Fords; prompt delivery or, new Fords. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Sarvlc Station. Uth and Jackson Sts. DO. 1609 GLIDE SIX. FOUR-PASSENUER Mecnanicauy nam. Good tires; new paint. A bargain at 1376. Harney btzf. SPECIAL sale for 3 daye starting July 20, 32x4 H and 3x6 Standard cord tires at 13 while they last. All other sizes 13 and up. B. & B. Tire Shop. J868 Farnam St. HA. H"4. WE BUY and sell new and used cars. Cash or time. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.; 1318 Harney St. JA. 2468. 5-passer.iter Jordan touring 1921 model, cord tires. Fine condition, 11,200 cash, call HA. 6S. use6 r-ARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co., ZG54 Farnam. rKEB inspection and water for all makes oatiery. nanerj - - - Farnam St.. AT. 13H- USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobil Co.. 18tb aud Howard 8ta. AT. 177. , BUY A OUT I SMITH USED CAR. A Saf Investment. . i6th and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 1970. USED Ford parts at half price Parts for all standard make cars. Neb, Auto farts. 116 Harney St. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. nx: W.rnsm St. AT. 7836. VflH SALE STUTZ, SFEEIJSTBK, CHFAP. GOOD TIRES,' WIRE WHEELS. HARNEY 0800. ONE 1920 Studetaker Big 6; overhauled and -painted; must be sold, at once' to aettla an estate. HA. 6760. 1921 Maxwell, fist class condition: a bar-, gain. Lee A. Weeks. V. S. marshal s office. Day number uu. HUDSON SUPER SIX SPEEDSTER. Looks like new. a reai s Cash or terms, w. ai. ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Serv Ice. PFEIFFER'S, 2525 Leavenworth. USED radiators, all makes, for sale. Greenough Radiator Repair, 2039 Farnam. IF It's a Ford we can fix it. Vanco Garage. 1611 Howara gi. OAKLAND sedan in good condition. 8376. Call Harney 028: BUICK. 1919 Overhauled and painted. can narney oidu. USED Fords, all models. Used Ford Car Co.. 1814 Cuming. ONE good Maxwell touring for sale, cheap. AT 3687. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 813 3. 24th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MUST VACATE PLACE BY AUGUST 1ST Big sacrifice sale on furniture and house hold goods. Everything must be sold be fore August 1. Round tables, 86.00; kitchen cabinet. 84.00: princess dresser, 89.50; hall rack, 83.00: kitchen cupboard with glass doors, 84.00; good range stove, $7.00, with reservoir; all kinds of Simmons beds, two in post. $6.60; library tablea. 83.00: kitchen table 11.00: new cotton mattresses, $26.00, single springs, $2.00 up: chairs, rockers, sewing machines, writing desk. Mason fruit jars, 30c a dozen; all kinds of fur. nlture. Must be sold before August. Open Sunday until 4 p. m. and Monday and rest of week. Do not miss the biggest bar galna xn earth. , 2614 N St.. South Omaha. Mattresses made over. New ticks. Box Springs Repaired. 81 IS Cuming St. AT. 49 9. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES .....it... . .k.!...t. nricea. $7S buys USED Fords, all model. Used Ford Car tba beat. Phono uougiaa AUCTIONS are held daily and evenings at Dowd'a Auction House, ism ater street Phone AT. 0966 for details. BEAUTIFUL buffet and dining table to match.- Cheap. Harney 7113. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLATER PIANO I have one of the est player pianos made and practically new In storage la Omaha. Muat dispose of this at once. Will sacrifice whether for cash, or monthly payments. Address Mr. Lawrence. 9949 Longwood Drive. Chi cago, III. . TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance ss low as $10 per month. A. HOSPB CO.. 1611 Douglas. MISCRULANSOUt FOR SALE Midwest Bottle Supply QUART beer bottles and other bottles of all descriptions. 1638 N. 19th. EVERYTHING in Radio supprlea. Mail order solicited, Omaha Sporting Goods Co.. 1894 Harney St. ATXFERT sewing machine repairing. MICKEL& Uth and Harney. DO. 197$. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. APPLES for sale, $1 a bushel. 411$ N. 82d street. KE. 3743. LIVE, STOCK; VEHICLES. ETC HANDSOME saddle horse for sale. City broke. Call HA Old. I POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHBAT SCREENINGS, SI. 641 per 1 lb. A. W. Wagner. $81 N. 16th. JA. 1141. or want to buy - a job STORE ft OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, ranted and repaired, sol agsnta for th cuo, Get our price before you buy. Brut machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, j a. izo. nil Farnam. Win buy, sal) safes, make desk, show caaea, ts Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Osr. lltb and Doaslaa. JA. 173. BUSINESS CHANCES Partner Wanted An opportunity thst will net you $6,onn to $10,000 in the next six months for your services and If we strike a gusher It will make you Independent for the rest of your life. I have a valuable oil and gas lease on land in Arkan sas; Jtt wells drilling near and surrounding; first well brought In last Monday and is located about one mile north of otir lease. Ex citement Is high. Have organisa tion now formed for drilling and want partner to assist in hand ling mall advertising campaign for sale of shares. Big earnlnga for man who qualifies; small In vestment required. This requires quick action. Box W-117. Omaha Bee. Paying Omaha Pusiness For Sale Just the buslnesf for young couple both employed. Can be success fully managed by any man or woman with some business expe rience. Business clean throughout and ac counts ard pood pay. Equipment and all complete so it Is not nec essary to begin buying extras. Ad vertising campaigns have fully acquainted trade with business. Any reasonable secured plan for payments can be made. Only one way to appreciate this oppor tunity that is to call at Room 9. Wead Building, or phone, AT. 6804 for appointment. BLACKSMITH shop for Immediate sale, cheap. Almost new and fully equipped Blacksmith shop, six lots and five-room house. Shop also equipped with, public gasoline filling pump. Only shop In town. Fine opportunity ror good btacksmttn or garage man. Write or wire, Farmers State Bank,, Bradlsh. IVeb. A REAL INVESTMENT. Cigar, candy, soft drtnk store with foun tain; next to best theater in Sterling. Colo. Have business interests elsewhere find must sacrifice. Terms cash, $1,200. Box 221. steping, Colo. Something New In confectionery. First comes gets the Dargain at price, 417 N. rotn stre&t. GARAGE and battery business for sale; will Invoice $4,600; $1,600 per month busi ness. $1,200 cash will buy. Wire R. . E. Ford, 220 Cherokee, St Joseph. Mo. HOTEL and furniture for sale; only hotel in live western Nebraska town. For par ticulars, write W. H. Bryan, Stratton, Neb. YOUNG man who knows automobiles and accustomed to hard, dirty work can get business paying $200 per month for $1,604. Box W-120, Omaha Bee. FORD agency for sale; well located in central Iowa. For particulars address Y-1966, Omaha Bee. CAFE and bakery for sale, A-l business, located in northwest Iowa. Address Box Y-1964. Omaha "Bee. STORAGE battery and auto electric shop for sale. Good location. Address Box W- 149, Omaha Bee. GARAGE for sale or trade; main line U. P. Box Y-1962, Omaha Bee. ROOMING HOUSES. FURN. 8 rooms, modern; must sell or trade by 1st.-, AT. 69J73. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating. coverea outtons, an styles; Hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. t Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING S-gJSS: ed Button. 1806 Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. 6670. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 107 Howard Sr. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway six. Biag., j a. zone: nignt, ke. ibij. Independent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville Blk. AT. 6601 : night, WA. 4046; KB. 04S JA&ES ALLAN. 813 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT. 113. CONTRACTORS. GARAGES built, any atyle and size, (100 up. vuuu.i. vur. juiuaiin idiuuiwr ei Wrecking; Co. Tel. WE. 6666. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1T11 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventors sell their patents. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO. Large or email Jobs short notice. Good work. CALL AT. 669. DRESSMAKING. D I 17 V Anv !. . . 1 .hi.,. specialty; work guaranteed. JA. 0T38. -FURRIERS. TTTTRQ remodeled, .rellned. cleaned. J? UXVO Kneeter Alaska Fur Co.. 203 So 15th St DO. 781. TREE TRIMMING. TREE trimming and spraying, tree surgery our specialty. Work don by experts. Call ns for free advice In the care of your trees. Home Landscape Service. Ill M. 24th st. jju. ana. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. 311 S. 18 St. Do. 847. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS Z'l to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO, Omaha, Neb 402 N. Uth St. Telephone DO. 64. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks st halt price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up la new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks washed. 1907 Cuming. JA. 147. DR. Louis N. Smernoff, disease of women and children. 31 N. 21st St. .AT. 476. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the i Shermaa A McConneli Drug store. - of lease - of lend youfself use an BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS, (9 each, $9 a full . tit oearttle Bide. ltu u ran WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deski bought, sold and traded. J, C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. I4, USED WARDROBE TRUNK wanted. Will pay cash. Mr. Webber. TT. 1009, ROOMS FOR RENT HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. ' Farnam at 24th. Single room with private bath at $10.60 per week; lor two, 911. so per wesx. Two large outside rooms with bath, 120 per weel. e A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. Largs beautifully furnlahed rooms with all conveniencaa of a home or a hotel. Im maculately clean, five minutes' walk from heart of city: must be aeen to be appro elated. Space In garage If desired. 808 S. 80th St. Phone JA. 620. DESIRABLE? accommodations for 1 or 3 business or professional men In attractive ly furnished bachelor quarters. West Farnam district. Phone HA, 4848 after 6 p. m-, Saturday afternoon or Sunday. LOVELY turn, room In Beinls park dis trict, on Harney car line, near new Technical high school; sultatle for t. and very desirable. Phone HA. 8914. FOR RENT Nice room, bath and tele phone; '-i block from car line. Board It prpicrrea, ail z.m ive., yjouncu xsiuxia; nea j.ii. " HOTEL SANDFORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, lth and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. NICELY furnished clean, cool rooms, first and second floor; light housekeeping and steeping rooms. 405 worm istn street. FURN. rmi. with Drlr. bath: warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern, elec tric lignts. water and telephone furnished. 3U15 weDster t. can ha. Z4i. UNFURNISHED room for' light house keeping, close In, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 8360. TWO rooms, one north and one south. brand new home; strictly modern; walk- lng distance. HA. 7427. CLEAN, small rooms, with closet, $8 large room for two, $5, AT, 6029. 2209 Davenport atreet. PLEASANT room, suitable for two, on Harney car line. 3307 Lafayette. HA, 6176. BEAUTIFULLY furnished sleeping room; private family; Park East car line. HA. 6321. NICELY turn, room; private home, con venient to tmara; modern. ha: tyuu. TWO sleenin? rooms for rent: modern. cool, desirable. 1862 N. 19th street. NICE cool room. 1006S. 30th Ave. Ref erence. LARGE unfurn, rooms for bachelors or storage. In rear, 3822 0. 23rd. NICE large front rooms, running water. 211 m. istn street. 23D. 702 NORTH One or two furnished front rooms, in private family. AT. '331. NICE, cool lovely furnished rooms. 26th and Cass Sts., Oreystone, AT. 7994. DOUGLAS 8T.,, 4260 Pleasant room fot 1 or 2 gentlemen, private nome. WA. uut. LARGE front room accommodating three elderly people. Close In. HA. 2861. LARGE, cool room In private home on 2 car lines: $4. HA. 6969. 2419 CALIFORNIA; nice cool room, mod ern, close In. Call AT. 3722. THREE unfurnished rooms.' HA. 3204. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 3 AND 8-ROOM apts., furnished or un furnished: electric lights, gas and Phone furnished; walking distance. 64 South 26th St., JA. 3161. TWO rooms and kitchenette, first floor, ; single, 14; electric lights, laundry. 2709 Dodge. NICELY furnished, clean, close in apart ment; pleasant surroundings and mod erately priced to couple. $20 North 20th. JONES ST., 2424 Two housekeeping rooms and kitchenette. Good shady place. TWO cool, pleasant rooms; also sleeping room, nanscom ranc. district. Har. omb, vate home. 3206 Marcy. HA. 1926. BOARD AND ROOM LOVELY HOME. Private family; close to car line; pleasant, modern and homelike, $7 per week. 3311 North 60th street. WA. 8178. NICE cool front room, private family, board If desired. WE. 6717. . HOUSES FOR RENT 2602 SHERMAN AVE., rooms, strictly modern, on car; garage: 340 per month. George F. Jones, AT. 6636. 8107 MARCY ST., new five-room cottage, ready July 26. $30. Edith Earle. 3830 Charles St. 1 VERT nice -room house, newly decorated, bath and garage; now vacant. $35, 3023 Fierce street. AT. 282 or AT. UZ74. FURNISHED HOUSES FIVk rooms, either vacant or nicely fur mined; good Inside and out. 3727 North 44th. Call Eagle Shoe Repair, 2234 Far nam. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Corner apt. Can give possession Aug. 1. Three rooms and five-room accommoda tions, in the Undine. Traver Bros. at. fin. 819 First National. FOUR-ROOM apartment and bath in pri vate home with private entrance, screened porch and garage, gas, water and lights furnished. Adults only. $60 summer rate. 08 North 41st St. Walnut 1204. MODERN f-roem apt. with garage. $86 per month. 13 N. 33d St. Call Harney 0333 or Douglas 268. TWENTY-FOURTH ST.. 823. 8. Modern front apartment. $40. The Pershing. AT. 641; DO. 6100. BEAUTIFUL t-room apartment. $80. Chula Vista. 30th and Poppleton. HA. 1713. 4-R, downstairs flat, 2863 Csss St. $25. Ask at 3777 Chicago s MODERN and 1 rooms; low rent, close la. O. P. Stebbtna. 161 Chicago. NEW cool, modern. 3 and t-room apt. Mur phy bed, steam heat 2214 D St MODERN APT 4 rooms and bath, walk ing distance. $60. WA. 1368, of boffow.of Omaha Bee "want Ja APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-four apartment buildings, 858 apartments, . reinforced concrete, abso lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed room apartments. Call us, and w will take you out. DRAKB RENTAL AGENCY, Fireproof Apartments, JA. 2805. AT. 9708. Corner 17th and Howard Streets. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. FINE FOUR LARGE ROOM APART MENT. Nicely furnished; walking dls tance. This Is a snap, $40, Include water. Call JA. 2282. ' HUNTER INN Home for the traveling man to leave his wife in comfort end safety. DO. 6960. FINE 4-room apt., tile bath, halls and sleeping porch. Apply 22(Hi N. 23d. NICELY furnlahed 2-room apartment, modern. 312H4 California St. WOULD like to rent or share an attrac tive apt. HA. 3966. FINE 4-room apt., tile bath, balla and sleeping porch. Apply 220 4 N. 23d. 3 or 4-room turn, apart. WK. 3212. WANT TQ RENT INVESTIGATE our low boat plan of han dling rentals. Edman Erickson. JA. 0415. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT SPACE for rent, very desirable and rea sonable. Includes desk and telephone. Prefer young lady who will be In offioe most of the (lay. Call AT. 9840, Miss Berry. OFFICE and store room for rent, at Wilk inson Bldgv 12th and Farnam. Inquire of Janitor. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones St. LARGE corner store, 13th and JCckson. Apply 1302 Jackson. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY IfvAo. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. . Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jhckson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 4163. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken on job or hr. Globe Van Storage Co., .TA. 4838. AT, 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. CHATTEL LOANS Money to Loan' $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. " QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO.. " 604 Karbach Block, Tel. JA. 2295. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEB. INC. 638 Keeline Bldg. 3100 TO $10,000 loana made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN. 810 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At 0151. Farm Loans S'fOTtt0 Kloke Investment Co.. 846 Om. Nafi . FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on umane real emaiv. ouuicu Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keeline Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL EST Alt, W, 101 Om. Nat. Bk, Bldg. Jackson 37H. 3try p. E. BUCK & co.CS 12 Families on our prospect list who must buy homes by Aug. 1; L If you want to sell quick, ana your price is reason able, call us today; want 5 and 6-R. homes. 2 phones: JA 2000 or DO, 8890. 62 Realtors co-operating through multiple listing ex4 change. D. E. BUCk & CO. 742 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg, FOR QUICK SALES f"vl Wanted: Carpenters for Car Work Permanent Employment. 63c PER HOUR Time and One-Half after 8 Hours Apply at Employment Of fice, C. B. & Q. R. R., First Floor, 1004 Farnam St, Omaha. want to hife someone of get LOANS ON REAL ESTATE ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. OAHVIN BROS.. 646 OMAHA NAT Bldg. BONDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES 1. H. MITHBN pays most foreLIBERTY BONDS. 321 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. ACREAGE FOR SALE A PP TO API? tracts, large and small. AVjIVEl.AU.Ci Easy payments. Hast Ings A Heyden, 114 Harney St. AT. 0060. VACANT PROPERTY $25 DOWN $6 MONTH Fine corner lot, facing south and east, ewer and water In street; near car, $46. , H. a MANVILLE, Realtor. AT. 2408 616 Peters Trust Bldg. DODGE STREET CORNER. Beautiful corner lot, southeast corner 83d and Dodge-streets, 130x80. Owner, HA 3923. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Edgewood; very easy terms. Atlantlo 354. Ralston Lots Z uVwn!" ..a.y; payments. 1-hone Stewart, Ralston 1.W. NEBRASKA LANDS CASH FOR YOUR LAND Sales made In 60 counties of Nebraska Address Col. Mark Carraher, Central City, Neb. YOUR farm or ranch turned quickly into cash. Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Cen tral City, Neb. M. A. Larson, iter.; a. W. Thompson, Auctioneer. t IT. DUB r a h.a aal. trynhanfi-f Willi. Cadwell! Broken Bow, Neb. WANTED REAL ESTATE List your home Buy your horn. BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Loans. Rentals, JA. fill. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, 1102 City Nat. Bk. AT. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD Members Multiple Listing' Ex. JA. 1426. iBBBatSBBBBSMHSBSHMBH On Account of the mechanical craft em ployes having gone on a strike the i Colorado and Southern Ry. Co. will employ in the chops, roundhouses and car de partment at Denver, 'Trinidad and Cheyenne men suitable for such service. Board and lodging free under ample protection. Ideal clirhate and working conditions. Wire or write H. W. RIDGWAY, Supt. Motive Power, ' Denver, Colo. Rock Island I & Pacific I Railway s Machinists and Machin- E Ists Helpers E Boilermakers and , Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers a g Electricians and Helperr s Sheet Metal Workers and E Helpers E 1 Car Repairers and Shop E S Laborers S Apply to gilllllllllllllllillKlllimiimilllllllllHIl!: Men Wanted by 1 Chicago, E Room 211 Leflang Bldg., 16th and Capitol Ave. Sllllllliiiuiuiiuiiiuuiiiuiiillllllllllllli? WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for sal. APTS. for rt W. J. Palmer Co., Re.I Estate Management Specialists. Keeline Bldg AT. $ Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. llM Farnam 81 Phene AT. 14. GRUENIG us for quick result. Ull First Nat'l Bk. Blt. 'A. 1. Wanted by Missouri Pacific Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers Blacksmiths and ' Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St Louis, Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, CoffeV ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses pn the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. t Apply, 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. Wanted Competent Men The Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. will 'employ competent men for railroad service as follows: MACHINISTS SHEET METAL WORKERS BOILER MAKERS ELECTRICIANS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS Standard wages will be paid under rules and working conditions, with seniority dating from time of employment, as prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board. Those wishing to enter the service of this Company will report to H. G. Bock, General Agent, Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, 806 Woodmen of the World Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Med The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad is now em ploying men for its Shops, Roundhouses and Repair. Tracks at the standard wage and overtime conditions laid down by the United States Railroad Labor Board. RATES OF PAY PER HOUR PER HOUR Boilermakers 70c Upholsterers 70c Machinists 70c Blacksmiths . 70c Electric and Acetylene ' Welders 75c Pipe Fitters 70c Plumbers 70c Coach Builders ...... 70c Coach Painters 70c Car Painters 63c Electricians 70c Electric Crane Operators Over 40-ton 66c Under 40-ton ..... 60c Working Hour will- be thot nceeary for Maintenaac of th Service. Board and Lodging, ander ample' protection, will be furnished. Young, active men desiring to go into railroad service will be given aa opportunitf for training in ateadj, desirable employment. Apply at once to F. Newell, Master Mechanic, Firt Floor Burlington Bldg, Tenth and Farnam Street, Omaha. IMMK KKAtTY O W buy M S'll Omaha luin.a AT Ull. !!-; W l. Wltlds sHoles7d. v. lore M '".' MtililPUJAMing 'Js7iJ A. . WANT r i-reem. w.ll "liated. I Dun da, by tb first i hav h. Bo 1. 1. OrehaJe. LIST your "home 'for wiih have the custumw. l"AtNB IMgT- MS NT CO. TO HELL quick anrtbuy right, f l IJ8T-your property with B. D. Clerk C. gecarlttea Bldg, L1HT your property Kb. W. rarsant Hmlth Hi remain WANTKiTn buy" ihcap home from ownirJlliM-.-'---i- - - Wlilard O, Hlabsugh, R)tar. JA. 1 TO SELL ee tilovsr Morell, AT . JCultabl Trust Co. Realtors. AT. SH Western R.af Kstat Co JA 4t. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY 3336 CAMDEN Ave.. rooms, mod.ra with half acre of fruit- II. "00 cash, balance month v. sos nee ma. E. BUCK OO- buv end sell hom FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAY sells And trad KB. 144 Great Northern Railway Pemment Rcilreid Job is the Great northwest Machinists Boilermakers ' Blacksmiths Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters Car Repairers Electricians Welders Linemen. Helpers Stationary Engineers Stationary Firemen Laborers Applicants not me chanics will be trained and as they become efficient, will be ad vanced to positions at higher rates of pay. Good wages,' time and one-half after 8 hours and for Sundays and holidays. Free transportation, "free board, free lodg ing. This is your chance to locate in the prosperous zone of plenty. , Apply to D.H.MORI SON - Superintendent of Employment Great Northern Railway St. Paul, Minn. I ; ianics Brass Moulders . . . Fire Builders Roundhouse Service 70c 38c men 35c Stationary Engineers.'. 6 lev Stationary Firemen. .56 Vic Laborers 35c 34c 47c 63c 27c 27c Coach Cleaners Helpers Car Repairers Car Repairers (Pas senger) Apprentices