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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1922)
V-TI THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. JULY 23. 1922. Big Steel iMergcr Legal, Dauglierty Says in Opinion Attorney General Declares Bethlehem and Midvale Combination! Make Only for Efficiency. Washington, July 22 Attorney General Daugherty in an opinion rubmitted to the senate yesterday in response to a resolution adopted May 8, held that tlir H. thlclicin lckawanna and the Midvalc-lnland Steel mergers are not in violation cf the Sherman act, the Clayton act or the Webb art. THE . BENJ F. BAILEY SANATORIUM Lincoln, Neb. This Institution ii the only one In the-central weit with separate fcuildinga situated in their owo grounds, yet entirely distinct, and rendering; it possible to classify cases. The one building being fit ted for and devoted to the treat ment of noncontagious and nonmen tal diseases, no others being admit ted; the other Rest Cottage being designed for and devoted to the exclusivt treatment of select mental case requiring for a time watchful ear and special nursing. The attorney general declined to state, however, as to whether or not the mergers constitute a violation of the federal trade act. The opinion holds that not every contract or combination in restraint of trade is prohibited under the Sher man act. Such act only applies to combinations and contracts in unrea sonable restraint of trade it declared. The motive which prompts the Ueth lehem company to acquire the Lacka wanna, the opinion holds, is solely the desire to secure greater efficiency and economy in production. The opinion holds that nothing in the Midvale-Republis-Inland merger violates the Sherman act and that there is not the slightest ground to believe that restraint of trade or monopolistic control will result. It holds there is but one underlying purpose in the combination, that is, to enable the new company to com pete with the United States Steel cor poration, which, because of the wide distribution of it various plants and their easy accessibility to the sources of raw materials, is enabled to pro duce and sell its products much cheaper than other manufacturers. 'Thrill Party' Ends in Jail for Lisping Flapper, 14 The Fiye Boys Who Wanted to Play Sweet Daddy to My Loving Mamma Role Rented a Dimbox and Held Up Three. Filling Stations," She Said "It Was Just Too Sweet" Oldest Nuckolls County Citizen, 96, Dies at Hardy Kelson. Krb.. Tulv 22. fSncciaU Mrs. George Tyler, the oldest citizen in Ivuckoiu county, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Vlilfnn in HarHv Sh m) nast 96. Mrs. Tyler was born in Eng land and came to America tn leu, settling at Omaha, and a year later came here. Wheat Makes 44 Bushels. Fullcrton, Neb., July 22. (Spe cial.) W. T. Russell & Sons threshed a field of wheat of 40 acres which averaged better than 41 bu shels to the acre. This wheat is of good quality and of Kanred variety. Kansas City. Mo., July 22.-ThriU parties! Police here claim the discovery of this latest form of flapper amusement. The revelation, they say. was made by Miss Marion Miller. 14, bobbed, lisping "flapperanto," who confessed that she and others of "her set" were "just simply on the verge of distrac tion" from boredom until they dis covered this substitute for the "kicks of life," which long since had failed from the "gin jaunts" and "petting parties" of recent months. The thrill party, Miss Miller ex plains from her cell in the county jail, is quite common. Marion Was Wooed. The bobbed-haired miss is under charge of being the inspiration for a career of crime engaged in by five youths who sought to win her heeart if not her hand by their banditry. "All five wanted to slip me a hand cuff," Miss Miller told Lieut. R. E. L. James, in charge of juvenile crime here. "But to understand the confession of the 'bandit queen' one needs a new dictionary," Lieut. James says. "I have discovered the meaning of part of the new language used by the flapper," the lieutenant says, reveal ing his discovery. "Their terms translated are: "Handcuff an engagement ring. "Dimbox a taxicab. "Static conversation that means nothing. "Oilcan an imooster. "Boob tickler the girl v. ho enter tains her fathers customers. "Ritz stuck up. "Alarm clock a chaperon. "Flat tire the youth who takes his girl for a jitney rule. "Kire alarm a divorced woman. "Strikebreaker the young woman who goes with her friend's 'steady' while the best friend has a mad on. "Forty-Niner" Defined. "Forty-niner a young man pros pecting for a rich wife. "Apple sauce flattery. "Dropping the pilot getting a di vorce. "Hush money father's allowance. "Com shredder a poor dancer. "And the entire language is filled with just such as that," Lieut. James says. But, to return to Miss Miller's de scription of the thrill parties. "A girl can't be a flat tire, particu larly when five men want to slip her a handcuff. If we sit around with our alarm clock always near there's nothing left in life. "Jazz is the oil can now. So are petting parties. A girl gets the same thrill out of playing boob tickler to the borish pastimes society has in vented for us. "All we get at the clubs and gin j-iunti any more is a lt of static "And sa we luve invented the thrill party it's wonderful. "VV'e da all sorts of things. "Once 1 posed as a tire alarm a divorced woman, you know, and went out with a married man. It vas just too thrilling, but I can't tell more. "The thing ! got arrested (or was just too sweet. After "Real Kick." "The five boys who wanted to play sweet daddy to my loving mamma role rented a uunbox and we set out to get a teal kick. "1 wis short of hush money, any- way, and was so tired listening to the apple sauce the corn shredders ot my set handed out that I sue Rested staging a little htld-ui just lor a thrill. "My boy friends held up three gasoline tilling stations just to give me a kick it was wonderluj. Miss Miller told Jieutenant James "all the girls were doing it now." "One jut can't be bored forever," she explained. l'olice lay much of the juvenile crime to the "thrill party." Judge E. F.. Porterricld, presiding over juvenile court here, estimates the delinquency increase among Kansas City girls at 30 per cent in the last year. "I am shocked and afraid," the judge said. "Little girls have always gone down in history and rhyme as 'sugar and spice and everything nice,' while the boys were 'rats and snails and puppy dog's tails.' "But now girls are made of naughtiness and cosmetics," Judge Porterfield said from the bench here. The judge blamed short skirts, gay mothers and unthinking fathers. "Mothers of today do not know the Kves their daughters lead if they did half of them would be in' their graves, the court said. French Swimmer Loses Hard Fight to Cross Channel George Michel Fail to Win $5,000 Offered as Prize Exhausted When Rescued. trfiht, istt. London, July 22. Alter battling for 16 hours in the English channel, swimming and drifting more than Sl miles, tieorge Michel, the French aspirant to the $5,000 Daily Sketch prize, was hauled out of the water at I o'clock this afternoon when he was six miles from the English coast. M. Michel entered the sea at 8 o'clock last night at Cape Grii Nez, once reaching a point less than four miles from the English coast, when adverse currents gripped him as the tide changed, and he was being rap idly swept'to the estuary beyond the South Foreland lightship when he was taken from the water. Trained by Burgess. Burgess, who swam the channel in 1911. trained M. Michel and started swimming from Cape Griz Nez last , night, but he clambered on board the motorboat Eclaire at midnight. M. Michel used the breast stroke al most exclusively.. Occasionally he used the side stroke to rest his wearied musefcs, Five times nourishment of beef bouillon was administered through a horn like those the six-day bicycle racers use. Burgess smeared Michel s body with a thick coating of tallow before the start, but the grease gradually wore olf the body and was absorbed through the pores. During the swim Michel complained of cold. Asked for Passport. The Frenchman also was com pelled to abandon the automobile goggles with which he started be cause salt water leaked inside and in flamed his eyes. He swam naked and was so exhausted when he aban doned the attempt that he had to be hauled aboard the launch bodily. On landing on the English coast. the authorities demanded Michel s passports, but he explained that he did not carry baggage or papers of any kind. Young Farmer, Kicked hy Horse, Dies of Injuries West Point. Neb.. July 22. (Spe cial.) A worrisome fly, an annoyed horse, a kick and Harry Murray, .11, young farmer of this vicinity, is dean. Murray was kicked by the horse attached to his binder when he went to the animal's rescue. In chasing flies the horse's foot was caught in the tug of the harness and it could not release itself. Mur ray was kicked in the abdomen sgid hip. Peritonitis set in. He leaves uirlnw a hriili of four months a mother and several sisters ana brothers. A J V K RT I s KM E.N T. Piles Disappear Peterson's Ointment Pita. a 1st in tall you." says Peter son, "that for Instant rHf from, tht misery of blind, bleeding or Itching pike, there Is not hi n a; ao good as Peteraon'e Ointment, a thousands have testified." Best for old lorea and itching akin. All dniggiita, SSe. Se. 11.00. 12.50, 15.80. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. will sup ply you. . I 1 1 Old Settlers Will Hold Annual Reunion at Union t'nion, Neb., July 22,-C.Special ) " ' At the annual business meeting of the Old Settlers association it was decided to hold the 34th annual re union on August 18 and 19. Officers elected sre as follows: President, W. B. Banning; vice president, J. T. Reynolds; secretary, Charles L. Graves; treasurer. I). B. Porter. Attractions for this yesr are being listed and indications are that this will be one of the best reunions ever held here. AnVr.HTIMKNKNT. Regain the Vital Force of Youth bj rasa asssM mrk mm4 Mmlatl la-lf . .1. Nature's greatest gift to mankind Is I Korei Compound, for the rejuvenation of flagging vital force. If yon eilre to re stored vital nervous energy to the glorious vigor of the daya of youth, try Korea In the privacy of your own home. Gratlfln results are known, usually in a few days. Korea Compound (in tablet form I Is the result of many years of scientific re search. It contains no harmful drugs or opiates. It acta naturally to rebuild the vital forces la man or woman, to revive the power of youthful vigor and stamina. Mora widely acclaimed than Gland Treat ments or bark and animal extracts. It has a powerful nation la strengthening and renewing nerve tissues, and to over come the handicap of physical weakness, resulting from breaking nature's laws. Korex Is distributed and guaranteed only by the Melton Laboratories, Dept. 215. Massachusetts Bids'.. Kansas City, Mo. Aj full treatment of this wonder tnvlgorator sent prepaid for only 1 2. 0. Or, if mora convenient, send no money; pay the post man 11.00 and a frw cents postage when rt arrives. The laboratories guarantee to return your money promptly If rosults are not entirely satisfactory. Cat or tear out this ad now, a ad aesd order today. GEC55i Folks, I'm here! "Bargain Bill from Bargainville"--that's what my card reads. Tm out to get bargains alright, but that doesn't mean Just cheap prices. I insist on getting quality in everything I buy. Now, then, let's see who combines quality with economy Make Your Dollars Double Their Buying Power Special Price I $110 I Own a Schmoller & Mueller Console Model phonograph. Its rich, clear tone and attrac tive appearance com pare favorably with in struments in the $300 class. We know of no other phonograph which can compare with it in quality and price. We have made the special low price of $110.00 in ' order to introduce this new model phonograph. It is an instrument which will grace any home, lasts : for years, and it carries our absolute guarantee. Your old phonograph will be accepted as part pay ment and terms to suit your convenience will be gladly made. Come in this week. Sclimoller & jllucflcr Piano G IJM KrB-Dodie St. - - Onuka from, at MEN'S OXFORDS Men's quality J yf AC Oxfords, in the latest lasts JteU ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR, for Also the well known TOPKIS UNION SUITS. Guarantee fit and wear. Special Now Comes Our Gigantic July Clearance Sale of Men's Shoes and Furnishings SHIRTS, $1.25 Just received several hundred manufacturers' samples, in the best of materials and patterns. AH sizes to select d 1 O Ef . Pl.a&tJ $5.45 . 65c $L00 SPRING NEEDLE UNDERWEAR, ribbed, short sleeves -7P and ankle length, for quick clearance, at-.... OC TIES All $1.00 Ties go at ' the nominal low price of HOSE Hundreds of Men's Silk Hose go at -. JOHN FELDMAN 50c 50c 109 North 16th Street Opposite Postof fice Wolverine Furnaces SELF-CLEANING sold -v- 3 & " J 1 $132.50 Easy- - t to-Own J Com pletely Installed Under 5-Year Guarantee Bond 7 SIZES PIPE AND PIPELESS Hundreds of satisfied Omaha users. Phone AT lantic 4289 and have our heating engi neer call. This service costs you nothing. Mid-Western Appliance Co. 413 South ISth Street v AT lantic 4289 Star Furnaces Give Satisfaction Triangular Grates with Patent Shaking ' Device Let figar and plan jrear Heating System. 1402 Military Are. WA2S71 W. A. Haberstroh & Son Hare Us Do Your TIN WORK It Will Be Hot During July, August, September Awnings Will Be Necessary t Make the House Cooler and Larger. Our Rush Is Over We Have Just Received a New, Full Assortment of Patterns and Can Make Better Prices. Call Us on the Phone and Wt Will Cheerfully Make an Estimate Without Charge. Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Co. Phone. Doug.. 0682. 15th and Howard Gas Ranges at Bargain Prices We have about 20 New Gas Ranges, slightly damaged in shipment, and a few rebuilt used Gas Ranges at close-out prices. We must get these ranges off the sales floor by August 1st. Small payment down and balance monthly with gas bill. ffs asansarapBas jt misr A Few National Cast Aluminum Pressure Cookers $25.00 value at $18.00. $1.80 cash and $1.80 per month with gas bill. METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT Gas Office Watch for Our Special Sales Daily 22c 22c 12k 22c Choicest Cut Round Steak Choici Sirloin' Steak Choicest Beef Chuck Roast Choicest , Porterhouse Steak SMOKED MEATS Cudahy's Puritan Regular Hams 30c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, or wliolc I: a . m ''i 23c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams'. ..... 18c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams. h or whole , .28c Fancy Strip Bacon 18c Choice Rib Boiling Beef . . . . . ... .6c Choice Corned Beef . 12c Choice Hamburger Steak 15c SPECIAL SALE ON ED. S. VAIL EVERGOOD BUTTERINE Liberty Nut, 1-lb. carton 20c Liberty Nut, 5-lb. carton .95c Evergood, 2-lb. carton .45c Evergood, 5-lb. carton .$1.00 Strictly Fresh Creamery Butter, 1-lb. carton ..35c Mail and Express Orders Filled From This List BUEHLER BROS. OMAHA'S LEADING CASH GROCERS Quality Meats Lowest Prices 212 N. 16th 4903 S. 24th 2408 Cuming We Will Save' You 35 on Overstuffed Furniture As we manufacture this furniture ourselves. 20 Off of our entire stock of Phonographs Brunswick Records, lataat asator. 504 Guarantee Furniture Co. 1304 Faraain Street " - Y'A "VI DOufla 0605 1509 Howtrd Street VY