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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1922)
ha kr.tty' mm Mlowr InnaH node it iloo- arn.d Bio laahlon la a Mental Ca ber f Lanent j lor tha JLife. of tha knourh Ir body fclnnatl bp at 0 rice lalu. knge THE SUNDAY BEK: OMAHA, JULY 23. 1922. T A Russian Charges France Wrecked Hajrue Conference lit IlUfll A No Aanii'tl l.y M. , thr advre drci.ion of the fedrul I.HMiioff for Hhmnil)ilily -Claim Roth Arc Kurope'i Kconotiiir I!ncinifit. Pennsylvania Road to Appeal Decision riiiMrli'liu. July .'.'-The Prnn !'4in f4i!r(Mi Mill tuii'l by lli! i(irrilii'llt rrii hn) rtvrin the Union Outfitting Co. Out of tha High Rent District ( "i'.illii, l:t. The ll ii;ui'. J ti ! v -'.'- In rrtrt 'VI '1'hi II.IKHV runlnriwc to Mo. cow, huh tut k 1 v in out to m u I'.iptr liu-n yrlrnl;iy. M. Lltvinolf openly charge that the conference . iv .n wilfully wrecked ry tratic ami lUlRiuin, v. himie lie luraitiric ili-lfrniiiird 10 continue the fiuncial ;iiii economic blockade ftKunw Kiis in. f M. Lilviiicfl ill-Jam llint the (. i m.iih cum- h-ri- ri'iarnl, provided iP'ii'is wiie inririconiiiiu: nrsi, io rmiHiiuY i outlier claim ior damages rrsultiiiK from war ami intrrvrntimi blockades. Second, to recognize prewar debt nut including back interest. Thud, to MtUfy the ciaims of previous proncTiv holders. Three questions remained for The Hague conlerivice to settle. First, the extent of credits. Second, the method of acknowl edgement of prewar debts. Third, the method for compen siting previous property holders. American Legion Posts of Union County Organize Creston, la., July 2Z. (Special.) A county organization of the Aujcr ican Legion posts ot this county, which includes those of Creston. At ton. Shannon City and Lorimer, was pertectcd at a nig meeting held here, M. Lewis, Eighth district adjutant, of Bedford, outlined the work of or ganization, duties of officers and made an address on the "State Ad jested Pension Bill." Ev.-al'd Koppc of Shannon City was elected county commander; Henry Olson of Shannon City, county ad' jutant, and Dr. Ed C. Ayres of Lor imer, county vice commander. The first county convention will be held at Shannon City in July, 192.?. Mayor of Duhuque Wires Harding of Coal Shortage Dubucpie, la., July 22. Mayor An derson of Dubuque yestprday sent this message to President Harding. ' Owing to the almost complete ex haustion of the fuel supply of the Dubuque Gas company, electric com pany waterworks and other indus tries and institutions, and fearing that the prcsnt plan will not meet the urgent needs of the country, the city council of Dubuque request you to assume immediate control of. the means of fuel production and distri bution that the threatened disaster to the happiness, prosperity and lives of the people may be speedily averted." Oldest Fedecal Employe Announces Resignation J V-A, JMcnolasville, Ky., Julv 21. Capt. i.,esi'ptsoti in. the employ of the ted sT l;cra'l government, announced his.- tetion ot. retiring as superintendent ot the national cemetery at Camp Nel son and come to this city so that his little granddaughter may enjoy the .advantages of town life. Capt. Cole was a personal friend of .Abraham Lincoln and was ap pointed to his present position 40 years ago by Robert Lincoln, then secretary of war.." ' - ; Sioux City Attorney Is Made.U. S. Commissioner Sioux City, la., July 22. Audlcy W. Johnson, a Sioux City attorney, yesterday was appointed United States commissioner for the north ern district of Iowa bv Federal Judge George C. Scott. Joh,nson suc-1 ceeds A. C. Waweneld, who was ap pointed a district court judge here by Governor Kendall at the sdcath of Judge W. G. Sears. Bavarian Army Maneuvers Stopped for Fear of Riots Berlin, July 22. It is confirmed that Bavaria has withdrawn all its troops from the maneuvers and is concentrating them in the capital, Munich, fearing that Bavaria's re fusal to accept the new national laws for the protection of the republic will bring outbreaks and strikes on the part of labor organizations. Banker's Skull Fractured. Oakland, Cal., July '22. Walter P. Tatje, president .of the National City bank of Chicago, fell accidentally last night from -a Southern- Pacific train at Dunsmuir, Cal., and suffered a pos sible fracture of the skull. , He was brought to a. hospital here. Tatje was with a party of delegates that had attended the American Institute of Banking convention at Portland, Ore. court of appeals at Chicago in the company t Dispute with the Railroad Labor hoard, In to informing it rmptavr of the ytent, Nice President W'. V, At terhury, in a ktatctnent taid the com pany would appeal he dcciMon to the 1'nitcd Stale mpreine court and that every man who h.i remained on duty or enured the nervier during the strike would he protected a to seniority or any other right that had been guaranteed them. "The Pennsylvania railroad," de clared Atterburv, "will comply with every rule we have negotiated with jour committee." Eleven Are Injured in Yosemite Avalanche Yoscmiie. Cal., July 22. Miss Frances Killam of Palo Alto, Cal., was seriously injured and 10 others received minor injuries in an avalanche on the Ledge trail in losemitc valley yesterday. Avalanche occurred a mile and a half distant from the floor of the valley and a half mile from Glacier point. The injured were taken to Glacier Point inn. There Were 60 hikers on the trail when the avalanche began without warning. AH escaped with the excep tion of Miss Killam and her com panions, who were carried off the trail. The ranger force transported the injured to the inn and then po liced the trail. Heavy rains in the valley are thought to have started the avalanche. Candidate Asks Harding to Pay Strikers More Wages Mitchell, S. D., July 22. Miss Mice Lorraine Daly, Nonpartisan league candidate for governor of South Dakota, wired President Hard ing asking that the government take over the coal mines and railroads and pay the strikers the wages they de mand. If the president takes this action Miss Daly promised in her wire the farmers and workers of the middle west will support you to the last man." "In this hour I beg you not to have strikebreakers mining the coal and operating railroads, protected by sol diers. The entire middle west opposes the injection of militarism into these industrial struggles," the wire read. De Wolf Hopper to Contest Divorce Suit of Wife No. 5 New York, July 21. Through his attorneys, De Wolf Hopper, noted comedian, announced today he would contest vigorously the divorce pro ceedings instituted here by his fifth wife. The announcement added that, as far as Mr. Hopper and his lawyers were concerned, the case would be tried in the courts and not in the newspapers'." Pennsylvania Mayors Beg Lewis to End Strike New York, July 22. John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, was understood to have conferred here yesterday with a delegation of mayors of cities in the Pennsylvania anthracite dis tricts. After 'appealing- to him to .send 'his'. men' Wck to work to stop suffering and business stagnation, the mayors left for Washington. Isolation of Michigan City Through Strike to End Manistee, Mich., , July 22. This city's isolation, due to the railroad strike, will ' end today when the Michigan & Northwestern railroad plans to place in operation a train to. connect with Perc Marquette trains at Kelva. Newspapers were delivered here yesterday,- 36 hours after they were published. " Jury Chosen to Try 'Big Tim' After Five Weeks' Effort Chicago, July 22. After five weeks of continuous questioning in which 1,300 men were questioned, a jury of 12 has been chosen to try "Big Tim" Murphv, "Con" Shea, "Frenchy" Mader, Dan McCarthy and Fred Miller on the charge of murdering Police Lieutenant Lyons, who inter fered in a bombing expedition. Eleven Fashionable Homes Lost in Fire at Fort Worth Fort Worth, Tex., July 22. Fire of unknown .origin yesterday com pletely destroyed 11 homes in Hi Mount, fashionable residence district here. The loss is estimated at $75, 000. to $100,000. A Good Man Gone Right A good man can find a good job these days goesabout it the right way. -if he U Employers may not want to hire many men, but they are more particular than ever about getting the best man for every position. A good man can land a job. tTell the employers of Omaha about your abilities through a "Situations Wanted" advertisement in The Omaha Bee. One, of them may be looking for your, type of man right now. 1i Don't depend on luck to bring something your way make your own good luck by. potting your name and qualifications before every employer in the city who needs competent help. 1i Stop at The Omaha Bee office and let a trained "Want" Ad taker help you find the place you want. . Omaha Dee "Want" AJs Bring Better Results . at Lesser Cost The Omaha Morning Bee THE EVENING BEE Union Outfitting Co. Sixteenth and Jackson Street! Union Outfitting Co. JITOML With Daintr 'Suiuhiae' Cak. Free Please consider thia a personal invitation for you and your friends to come over to the 'Union when you are down town shopping for this delight ful treat. There is NO ob ligation NO purchase is ex pected. Cone for Childr.n With Parent A Mighty Clearance of All Floor Samples in n LI IV! rKvc Si ites With invoices arriving announcing the shipments of fall furniture on the way, we find it necessary to clear our floors of all Living Room Suites so we can properly display the new merchandise. The best way we know of to accomplish our purpose is to make it will worth your while to come in and buy a complete suite. Hence this great One-Day Clearance of all Floor Samples and Discontinued Lines of Living Room Suites at the lowest prices in years and oh your own easy-to-pay terms. TIIREE-piece Cane Suite, Queen Regular SALE Anne design, upholstered in a Price PRICE good blue and taupe velour $225.00 S 145.00 THEEE-piece Cane Suite with mahogany finished frame, cane tides and loose cushions '. .. $245.00 $147.50 THREE-piece Suite overstuffed in beautiful velour with "wiog sides and restful roll arms $225.00 $157.50 Regular Price $237.50 SALE PRICE $169.50 THREE-piece Cane Suite covered with a good grade figured mul berry damask; loose cushions..;. THREE-piece Suite overstuffed in a rich blue velour with loose cushions and wide arms THREE-piece Overstuffed Queen Anne Suite in blue and taupe ve lour with spring edge scats..... $265.00 $179.50 $250.po $167.50 THREE-piece Overstuffed Karpen Regular SALE Suite covered with tapestry, high Price PRICE wing Rocker and Chair $300.00 $195.00 THREE-piece Cane Suite covered with a rich brown ; cut velour loose cushions and spring seat. . . . $295.00 $195.00 Karpen three-piece Cane Suite of very fine construction, covered with figured blue velour $400.00 $275.00 And Many Other Values Too Numerous To Mention Here The Home) of Home Outfits We are special ists in Home Out fits. We pride turselvei on knowing your wants. You simply cant imagine what your savings will be by selecting your furniture during our July Clearance Sale until you note the beautiful styles -and excel lent qualities. 4 Rooms Furnished $267.50 5 Rooms Furnished $322.50 Low Prices This Week Only Dunn Our Big Factory Demonstration Gale of "Neponset" Room Size Rugs This week of special prices on Neponset Rugs is held with the idea of acquainting you with the beauty, durability , and sani tary features of these ideal floor coverings which so many homemakers prefer to linoleum. 6x9-ft "Neponset" Rugs, Special at $A95 9x10-6 -ft. "Nepon set" Rugs, Special at $1195 7-6x9-ft. "Nepon set" Rugs, Special at $Q95 9xl2-ft. "Neponset" Rugs, Special at $1 A 45 A "Neponset" Rug and 49 Other Useful Articles Given Away FREE Friday Night $57. SO Beautiful 9x12 Axminster Rugs These are exceptionally high-grade rugs with deep nap in a number of beautiful de signs and color combinations suitable for Living Rooms and Dinmg Rooms. Other Clearance Values 8-3x10-6 Seamless Velvet Rugs.. $21.50 7-6x9 Seamless Velvet Rugs $31.50 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs .$44.50 Six-Piece Pantry Set, $2,19 'A wonderful set in white enamel finish, comprising an extra large Bread Box, an oversize Cake Box, and large containers for Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Tea. Just a Jim itcd number at $2.19 No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs. .65o 4-piece Ice Pick Sets 30c "Sprustex" Mop Outfit 98c 6-quart Sprinkling Cans, only.. 39c Dependable Brooms 29e Adjustable Porch Gates, only $1.98 C-- ''fixing Bowl Sets, only.. 59c i"Icy Hot" Bottles are. . -. ... . . . .98e Copper Bottom Boiler $2.59 Galvanized 10-qt. Pails 19c Curtain Stretchers, at $1.60 "FRY" Oven Glass Sets. Half Ice Cream 14x24-inch Door Mats $1.39 Freezer, 95c Brass Hose Nozzles Tall Sewing Baskets, only. Tall Clothes Racks at. ... . Good Kitchen Knives. Etc., Etc., Etc. Electric Iron, $3.95 VsOff The reduction is w o r t h while in view of the fact that these are well made, closely woven hammocks in beautiful colors and patterns. Extra heavy stringing cords insure long service. Sewing Table, nicely fin ished with inches stamped on top to a full yard; folds up when not-in use. Monday at $1.79 Library Table, a beautiful Queen Anne model with long, highly-polished' ma hogany finished top and roomy drawer. Selling Monday $22.50 Our' Exchange Department will take in your old furniture at a fair value on any new furniture you select. This used furni ture is, in turn, low priced for quick clearance. Florence Oil Cook Stove. are economical to oper ate, as they use kerosene, making a hot blue flame; 2, 3 and 4-burner models. AT LOW PRICES Ice-Saving, Refrigerator.', a well-known make in- a top icer that maintains a constant circulation-' of cold dry air .... $19.50 COIraPAKTCf If yoii have been wanting a new Suit, Coat or Dress there is no need to put off the purchase of it a day longer, for tHe payment of a DOLLAR DOWN will deliver any article of wearing apparel to your home and in addition you have the advantage of Ihe extraordinary reductions that have been made for the big July Clearance Sale. While the Dollar Sale originated with the idea of making hundreds of new friends, old customers can share in it as well. Any Suit Any Coat Any Dress The newest mid-summer styles are offered at less than you could buy the materials and make them up. Any Skirt 20 Off Any Waist 20 Off All Millinery Off Choice of All Men's SUITS Selling Up to $42.50 for $2825 Boys' Skull Caps 15o The majority are medium weight suits suit able for year round wear even our "true Diue aii-wooi serges are included. MS Boys' Two Pant Suits $9.35 Suits that mothers will like, as they are tailored for service as well as for style new weaves new colors. Women's Oxfords New lasts in white canvas, sport leathers, etc.; worth up if mm ix s.e. con. tern a jaocson sts: to J7.9o; per pair .......,. $4.95