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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1922)
10 B tfHE SUNDAY EE: OMAHA. JULY 23. 1922. City Concert Club Band to Play at Park Program at Elmwood to In clude Both Classical ami Popular Numbers Cor. nctit to Bf Feature. The City Concert club band of 38 pieces, with Arthur E. Smith direct- ! it -i . t -1 i nsT, win inay a prvK"u en ciniwuou park at 5 todsv. There will be trlertiont to meet all tastes, from the "Cavallcria Kus tirana," by Matratcni; the overture, "i'oet and Peasant," by Suppe, to popular old aouthern melodies, woven into a tncine called "i neir 'J'om'a Cabin." Thii band it compote orchestra ami hand miss city, and it helping the City Concert club to maintain a hiRli standard for Kood music. I he program inchulcs Mart h "On the Campus" Rouaa nurture 'Tost unit I'nunl ' Hupp W alts "The Mknier" Waldleufl Tu sons Mr the cornet, to be play. it by I'letro Sleasrrl, rormttlat, (si "Th Itosary," by N'tvtn, and 'Smiling Thruush, by Fnn. Popular Aldlr "Th Jtrst Tel" Wltmsrk INTKRMIKMIOX. Marrb M. Artillery" ....Souse Urinil Selection "Cavallrrla limn Masi aiml rluinoroua SlatTn "The Jolly mil n . .... 1.1)11 "Tha (I low Worm' .... Dream l'lcture "Cncle Tom a Commerce Trucks Used in U. S. Postal Service Commerce truck rliatis will be placed in operation at mail Iruclt in city collection service in large cities all over the country, the first aoittant potmater lias announced The Truck and Tractor corporation, I.MU Jackson street, has distributed this line in this territory for four. year. Commerce motor trucks are now haulm government maij nn routes from Washington, JJ. C, to (jcttys hurg, Pa., and from Washington to Rock; Point. Md. They are also used from postolficrs at Philadelphia. Me Connellsburg, l'a.; Kaston, Md.; An napolis, Md.; Kredericksbiirg, Yr: Penola. Va.: Helper, L'tah and Omaha. These trucks get streniiout service and make average runs of 100 miles each daily. t 4liri t ill II ose i of ar ia. Noted Episcopal tasiriuus in tlie - ' Leaders ot hast Will Visit Omaha Copper I'sirre I.lnkt Cabin' ltnps BYNOI'SIH. I'nrla Tom la drowsing before tha lot fir In tha enjoyment of tha quiet of hla tebln In old Kentucky, when there paaaea bvforo him familiar acenea ot tha old south, and finally a vlaion of tba e ma net ration, with tha melody of "Dixie." Klnla "Tha Star Bpaniied Banner.". .Key King Ak to Entertain St. Joseph Saints Sr. Joseph Saints, leaders in the Western league, will break into the fun league Mo,nday njght by invad ing the Den of Ak-Sar-Ben and making it "baseball night." Visitors from five Iowa towns Avoca, Minden, Atlantic, Neola and Harlan and from every Rotary club in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota have been invited. Samson is urging his claji to turn ' out. "Without all the members pres ent Omaha cannot be the perfect host, he warned. Senator Pepper, Gifford Pin t-hot and J. P. Morgan to Be on Special Train En- route to Conclave. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain 1 1 1 Chicago Grain , Live Stock j Financial County Tuberculosis Test to Be Completed September 1 In the co-operative tuberculosis eradication campaign carried on by the state and federal government the usual number of infected herds were located in the vicinity of Val ley. Several of those herds supply ing milk to the public were a menace to th health of the community, The per cent of infection to the human from the bovine source is given as high as 25 per cent in chil dren under 5, and 4 to 5 per cent in the adult. At effort is being made to conv plete the first test oi the cattle of Douglas county by September 1 The work in Sarpy county, which is carried on in conjunction with Douglas, is progressing and the un tested part of the county is in the process of organization and the completion of the first test of the cattle of that county will be in the early fall. Muny Ice Plant Closes JO Days for Repairs The municipal ice plant at Twen tieth street and Poppleton avenue has been closed for a period of 10 days to equalize production and to take advantage ot an opportune time in which to make repairs. The reserve storage supply of nearly 30,000 tons with which the season was started has not been depleted as rapidly as figured. The number of hot days this season has been below normal. Ice now in storage was produced at a cost of 50 cents per ton less than the cost during the sum mer days. Supt. W. J. Barber stated that it is not economical to carry more stor age than necessary over from the summer into the fall and winter sea son. Omaha Banker Suggests Coal Strike Solution "There are too many coal mines and coal miners in this country and I believe, the coal mining problem should be solved by cutting down the number of miners and then arranging for storage Of coal, during the sum mer," said the vice president of an Omaha bank. "Miners make good wages ' when thev work, but because of their num ber and because they are laid off a large part Of the year they don't work I . I- - . " Tl A more man nan mt nine, x csc . ot ,, conditions should be corrected and Bf. ,-.. cr..n T.0ir. wi W. S. Stryker Recoverliur W., S. Stryker, who was operated on for Omaha will be host to 250 leading men of the Episcopal church from New York and the east. The party will occupy an entire train starting from New York, which will include the Boston delegation and will be joined by the rhiladel phia, Washington, Baltimore, Pitts burgh and Chicago delegations. The solid through train of sleepers will run from New York to t'ort land. Ore., for the general convention of the Episcopal church, September 6. The party will reach Omaha at 9:30 in the morning September 2, and resume the journey over the Union Pacific at 1 in the afternoon. In arranging for their welcome to Omaha, Bishop Sbayler has appoint ed a committee of 25 prominent Omahans under (he leadership of Robert Trimble. Automobiles will meet the guests at Union station and the procession will visit the chief points of re ligious, commercial and educational interest, including all the Episcopal churches, Clarkson hospital and the new site for Brownell hall. Refresh ments will he served at the Episcopal residence, 5124 Izard street. .Notables expected among the party include Senator Pepper, Gifford Pin chot and J. P. Morgan. Lutheran Church to Found $10,000 Mission Kountze Memorial Lutheran church has broken ground at Forty second and Gold streets for a new $10,000 mission. The mission is to be completed about October 1, and tor a time will be operated as Sunday school, with occasional preaching services. It is the third mission to be founded by Kountze Memorial church in Omaha, the other two be' ing located at Nineteenth and Cas telar and at Twenty-fourth street and Larimore avenue, Rev. George Dorn, assistant pastor, said. The latter, Our Redeemer, recently be came selt-supportmg and is no longer a mission church. Money to construct the -new mission has been raised by the congregation over a period of about five years. The building will be the largest and most elaborate of any of the missions founded by that church. , Omaha, July 22. Grain prices were on the down grade avaia today. Receipts of wheat are growing larger each day and the demand is not keeping pace wnn tnis enlargement, weather con tinues favorable in the northwest and spring wheat is nearing harvest without any material damage from black rust or other causes and prom ies a good yield. Weather is also favorable tor corn. 1 he car situation seems to be getting worse and if the strike continues will hamper the run of grain to market. Receipts of wheat at Omaha were 146 cars against 280 cars last year: 45 cars of corn against 102 cars; 48 cars of oats against 35 cars. Total shipments were 142 cars as com pared with 177 cars a year ago. Lash wheat was in lair demand at the going prices which were quot ed 1 to 2c lower on the ordinary wheat and 1 to 3c lower on the dark grades. Corn moved slow with prices 1-Zc to lc lower. Oats sold gener ally 1c lower. Rye was lc lower and barley was unchanged. WIIKAT No. I dark hard: I ear, II 1!; t ear l.j per rem aarm. 11.1a. No. I dark hard: 1 ear (smutty), $1.19 t rare (smutty). II II. No. 4 dark hard: 1 ear (mutty). It II. jn. i nam. winter: t ran. .lots. T rare. 11.04: 1 rar (old). 11.07. No. I hard winter: 1 rar (71 per ran dark). 11.01: S care. II 04: II rare. 11.01 1 ear (41 per cent dark), 11.01 ; I can, No. I bard winter: 1 ear (0.4 poiinda),; i ear torn, amuuyf, 91.11; 1 c II 01; 1 car, 11.0414. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11.01; car (smutty), II. pi. No. I yellow hard: I rare. 11.01. No. I yellow hard: 1 carl, $1.02. CORN. No. 1 white: I car (ehlppefe weight), t.c; 1 car (snippers weight), 11 c i rare. Ile. Sttt. No. 1 while: i car (shipper's weight) ea no. No. 1 yellow: 1 ear. ISUe. No. I yellow: 1 rr (ahlpper's weight) oinoi a care, as no. No. 4 yellow: 1 ear. tie, No. I mixed: 1 car (near yellow), eic; 1 car, oec. OATS. No. 1 white: 1 rar, iir. ivo. 1 wnite: u rara, lIHe; 1 ear (anippera weifnt), lists. No. 4 white: 1 car, II e. Sample white: I rara. lie. No. I mUed: 1 rar. 12 Ue; 1 car, lie. RYE. No. t: 1 ear, 7Sr. BARLEY. Remote: 1 ear. file. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (lariota.) Today. ...,14 .... 45 .... ( Week Aeo. t 1 3G Tear Aeo, 20 103 27 3 1 17 II 18 1 111 68 7 Slayer Reported to Have Escaped From Iowa Prison Shenandoah. Ia., July 22. (Special Telegram.) Ben and Arthur Hick man, one or whom is reported as having escaped from Fort Madison penitentiary, ' are not new to man hunts. After killing Bert Patton, deputy sheriff of Page county, they eluded a posse for two days and finally were captured in woods near Phelps City. Mo. Both were given life sentence. Their trial was held at Atlantic, la., last summer. Hickman is believed to have board ed a train after his escape at Fort Madison. Police in Shenandoah and other towns in this section of the state have been notified. Hickman's home was at Coin, la. Brief City News T Visits Sister Here Miss Nell La- Mar of Davenport is visiting her Bis ter, Mrs. A. C. Keefer, 2213 Sahler street. Back From Vacation. Mr., and 1 Mrs. F. E. Bollard hase returned Recelola Wheat Corn Data Rye Barley 1 Rhlpmenta Wheat SO Corn 6S Oata 21 Rye ; Barley 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Buahee.) RecelDte Today. Wk. Aao. wneat z.389.000 Corn 7I2.O0O Oata 690.000 Shlpmenti Wheat SBO.000 Corn 774.000 Oat 661,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushel Today. Yen r Aim. Wheat and flour 167,000 1,226,000 Corn 271,000 Oata 76.000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. 1,087,000 66,000 660,000 1,040,000 793.000 606.000 Yr. Ago. 313,000 611,000 1,062,000 1,249.000 1,131.000 6OJ.000 Week Year Carlota Today Aro Ago Wheat S67 163 610 Corn 218 256 166 Oata 162 110 193 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Weelt Year Carlota Today Ako A) Wheat 611 205 92 Cora 10 49 S3 Oata 6 13 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Wheat 16S 111 178 Corn 171 64 123 Oata 42 40 45 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Week Year Carlota Today Ano Apro Minneapolis 202 109 326 Puluth 66 77 63 Winnipeg 68 170 170 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Ornln Co. DO. 2627. July 22. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha Me U4 Mire. Chicago, July 22, Heaviness, with a decline to the lowoat of the week for December heat and anly a frac tional gain at the tloe featured the market. Export businrst wa good, but failed to bring in cnouuh (gen eral speculative buying to oluet the effect of hedging and speculative salri. Closing trades showed unc of 1 1-41 Jc on wheat,.! m 14c on corn, -2(ic on oats, 3-4(iilJ 8c on rye, while lard gained 12 I -2c ami short ribi 30c for the day. Movement of prices throughout the week was irregular, with losses on wheat 4(LS 3-4c, corn 5-8(ii Je.oati 2S-833.4c. rye I 1-8(53 3-8c, De cember trailing in all grains. I. aril k off 17 l-2(aJ0c and short ribs 2l)Ctf 32 1 -2c as compared with a week ago. W heal I ntler rrewure. Wheat under preeeure from atari to finish. Tare were a fw email ralllei, r hli h met Increasfd celling pressure, anil, while July ahowed the mt eirengin, aVptmlrr and liecembrr were) eakt. lerilwr was under preesure. breaking fi-nm 11.13 ' to 1110 Uh tha finleli II lot, to I1.10S. with July at Sill,. A fratura of tha trading win (he ei.-l 1! n er of July and of Meptember by ceali homes and huyln oS Drrember. A little buying; of corn wee on early on reporta of temprraturea of 1"0 to 10 the last two nae at ueruen my. nan., wnnn la In the western aertion. It afrenKlhrtird values fur a time, but the break In wheat and genrral selling pressure carried tha prl.e down to the Inweet of tha eeaann. (OHO, with practically no rally at the laer. Oata were under pressure from aperula- tnra and llciul'lnlin longs, wnn nerem ber getting the poorest support and heaviest aelllng. dropping to 3Hr, wlih tha rlose at 3lr. Thrre were export aalra of 226,000 bushela and total sales or. in, bushels. Ky wae bought by eiportera and aold by local tradere and northwestern hedgera. Prlrea declined and closed around tha bottom. a Pit Note. Tba grain trade haa beroma very bear lah, while a number of tha exporlera aro bullish, but the aperulatora Ignore tha rash business and par mora attention to Increasing recelpta than to tha export buying, which la absorbing tha arrivals at a rapid rata. Corn and oata specialists eay that thera la liquidation ahead In both grains. Un- leea tnere la mora outaiue aupport, ine? predict lower prlcea. It would be well for tha bulla who are enthusing over export bualness In 'wheat to refer back to tola periou last year when an enormnua bualneea was going on, aaya J. T. McLaughlin Co. August clearanrea of wheat were S6.96S.000 bush ela. Even with thla big busineas doing, September wheat aold from 11.34, on July 16 to 11.16 on September 10. Decem ber wheat will be called on to take anormoua hedging aalea and we look for murh lower prices for It. Pr mary recelnta or wneat ror tnree weeks In July aggreeata 20.109.000 buh- ela, compared with 39.ttS.000 bushela last year. The big derrraae la at Lhlcago, Kansaa City and St. Louie. Liverpool followed tne, decline in Ameri can markets Friday and ruturea cioaea stct lower, while spot wheata were un changed to Id lower, the latter on red win ter. Receipts were: orruie.1 alanUay,., offirial Tuesday,, . official Wednesday rfu-ial Thursday, 1'flimel Vnday ... Ksiimsis Htiurdey. Mia data tine week daya last week 14,: .'4 as in e daye 1 w s a ..! it Same wis ws ad .33.tib7 ha me 1)4) e tear ago. .21,611 Omaha, July tt. Cattle. Huge, (these I3 i.ti lit.lil is as it, est lo.ot 11. Ms mi s.t6 .: 6 too It, tea ,oiJ 74 4S,:4 ii. tn 7.:k JVo.'il DIM 41.177 t.m 4.141 :i 4,11s : tea 11.471 Iteralpla and disposition of livestock at the I'nlun etot-k)arda, Omaha, ,Nb , fur 24 hours ending at 1 m., July 1:, 1921: nKCKU'TH CAHI.UT Cattle. Hogs. Il'r'a. C , M St I'. Ry a W abash It. H 3 Mo l'a.-. Hy S t'nion l'a. Kio n, K. ) 16 . N. W. Hy., east 3 l'. sv N. W, It) , west i l t. V., SI it. hy,... 16 13 1 i ., II. Q. rly., east 1 3 ' . X. If. Hy.. weal 11 C, It, j, at 1'.. husi S ToUl n -e.ple J! l'lrU'OSlTlOX HEAD. 90 Armuor A Co 'uitahy racking Ci I 'old l'a. king Co Murrla I'm king L'.i riwlft e Co J. W. Murphy h wart a 4k Co Atmuur, from Sioux Kails. Total Omaha Produce Art. Open. I High. Low, I Close. Tea. Wht. I July 1.13 1.13 1.11 1.1141 1.13 Sept. 1.10 1.10 l.Ot 1.0914 1.10H 1.10 1.09 1.10i Dec. 1.11'A 1.12 1.10 1-10 1.11 1.12 1.10 1.12 Rye July .83 ..83 .82 .82 .83 Sept. .81 .81 .81 .81 .81 Dee. .83141 .83 .82 .82 .83 Corn . I I I July .62 .63 .62 .62 .62 Sept. .63 .64 .63 .63 .64 .64 .63 Dec. .61 .61 .60 .60H .61 I . I .60 Oata I . I I ) July .32 .32 .32 .32 .32 Sept. .36 .35 .33 .34 .34 Dec. .37 .37 .36 .36 .37 Lard July 11.47 11.60 11.47 11.60 11.40 Sept. 11.47 11.67 11.47 11.67 11.45 Rlba I July 111.10 111.00 Sept. 11.00 111.30 11.00 ll. 30 I1.00 then the coal miners would be con tent." Women Leave on Auto Trip to Iowa and Minnesota Mrs. Laura Antisdcl, 2887 Capitol avenue, with three women friends, will leave this afternoon on a three weeks' auto trip to Lake Okoboji, la., and several Minnesota lakes. Mrs. Antisdel's gnests will be Mrs. B. B. Combs. 2020 Emmet street; Mrs. Gertrude Cooper, 507 Twenty sixth street, and Mrs. Antone Bes ley of Ashland, Neb. The party anticipates no trouble en route, according to Mrs. Antisdel, who will pilot the machine during the entire trip. And He Still Herpes It Will Reach Kansas A lumberman at the Chamber of Commerce today said he shipped a car of lumber to Kansas July 8 and was notified today it had arrived just 28 miles from the place where it started. Many railroads are accepting I freight shipments only at the ship- pers risk because ot strike condi tions. Auto Club Picnic Delayed. Rain yesterday caused the Oma ha Auto club to postpone to next Saturday a picnic it had planned to hold tody at Auto View Rest, A. B. Waugh, club secretary, announced. Idle rooms are not profitable; let an Omaha Bee "Want" Ad find a feaSbls -tenant joi 709 f,t appendicitis, is 'reported coming along nicely at Lord Lister hospital. Foreign Exchange. New York, July 22. Foreign Exchange Irregular. Great Britain, demand, 14.45; cables, 14.45; 60-day bills on banks, 14.43. France, demand, ,0837c; cables. .0838c. Italy, demand, .0464c; cables, ,0465c. Belgium, demand, .0"92c; .0793c. Germany, demand, ,0011c; .0019e. Holland, demand, .3885c; cables, Norway, demand, ,1670c, Sweden, demand, .2690c. Denmark, demand, .2153c. Switzerland, demand. .1912c. Spain, demand, .1569c. Greece, demand. .0312. Poland, demand. .0t01c Ciecho-Slovakla, demand. Argentina, demand, ,1675c. Bratll, demand, .1376c Montreal, .99 c cables. cables, .3890c. .0215c. 74 ew York Prod ore. New York, July 21. Butte:- Market weak; creamery higher than extraa, 36 IJc. Eggs Weak. Cheeae Weak, etata whole milk flat fresh, specials, 21c; average run, 20 620c; atate whole milk, twins fresh. specials. 21:ic; a'.ata whole milk. twina fresh, average run, 20 c. Live Poultry Steady and unchanged. Dreaaed Poultr Quiet and unchanged. New York Dried Fnrite. New York, July 22. Evaporated Apples Quiet. P nines Slow. Apricota Scarce. Peaches Quiet. Ralslne Steady. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Mo.. July 22. Wheat No. 2 hard, 11.040)1.21: No. 2 red. 11.03 1.04. . Corn No. 2 white. t7c: No. 2 yellow. Sl61c. Kay Unchanged. Kansaa City. Mo.. July 22. Wheat- July, 11.02; September, 11.00; Decem ber, tl.02. Corn July. 6!c: September. 66c: De cember, 65c. Mlnnennolta firmln. Minneapolis, Minn.. July 22. Wheat Cash, No. 1 northern, f 1.39 01.44 ; July, 11.37; September, 11.14; Decem ber, 11.12. Corn No. 3 yellow, 6768c. .Oats No. 1 white, 2930c. naney 4V'cp5c. Rye No. 2, 7576c. Flaxseed No. 1. I2.642,5I. St. Lonls Grain. Sf. Louis. Mo., July 22. Wheat July. 11.07; September, 11.06. Corn July, 63c; September, 63c. Oata July, 37c; September, 34 c. Omaha Hay Market, Prairie Hay Receipts are very light and demand la good on best grade at top quotation. The lower gradea are alow sale. Alfalfa Hay Receipts are very light and demand fair on top grades and light on the lower grades. Prices below, are for carload lots: Up land prairie No. 1. 14.00J 15.00: No. 2 prairie. 111.00013.00; No. 3 prairie, 17.00 10 00; midland prairie No. 1, $13 00 14.00; No. 2 prairie. 9.5013.00; No. 3 pral'le. I7.009.00; lowland prairie No. 1. 1800010.00: No. 2 prairie. 17.0009.00. Alfalfa No 1. 113.00015.00; standard, til. 60012.60: No. 2. 110.00011.50: No. 3. 18.00 0 10.00. Straw oat, 19.0009.00. Wheat atraw, 17.0008 00. Chicago Stocks. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan: Close Armour & Co. pfd 98 Armour Leather Co. com 12 Linoy, McNeil Liooy z Furnished by the atate of Nebraska, de partment of agriculture, bureau of mar keta and marketing: LIVE POULTRY. Wholesale Wholesale Buying Selling Price: Price: Broilers 0.25iB0.30 0.27tO,33 Springs .25 .27 .38 Hens, light 27 .20 .19(fi) .20 Hens, heavy 20 .21 .22W .23 Cocka 10 .11 .12 .13 Ducka .15 .IS .20 DRESSED POULTRY. Droilera 3 Springe 50 0 .32 Hena 25 .27 Cock 17 ffS .18 .Ducks 280 .30 EGGS. No. 1 .21 .520 .25 No. 2 .17 1 -" Cracka 140 .15 .16 .17 BUTTER. Creamery, prints . .340 .38 Creamery, tub 32 .37 Country, common .25 .27 .30 But. fat, eta. pr.. .23 HAY AND STRAW. Prairie No. 1 upland. 113.SO14.50; No. No. 2 upland. I10.0012.50; No. 3 upland, 7.0009.00: No. 1 midland. 112.5O013.5O; No. 2 midland. 19.00 11.50; No. 3 mid land, 17.0008.00; No. 1 lowland, 18.00 a nn- No 2 lowland. I7.ooss8.oo. Alfalfa No. 1. 113. 00015. 00; standard. 111.00012.50; No. 2, $10.50011.50; No. 3, 18.00010.00. Straw Oat, I8.009.00; wheat, 17.00 j 8.00. 1 Wholesale prices or beer cuts eiiecuje July 17, are as followa- No 1 ribs. 21c; No. 2 ribs, 20c; No. 3 ribs, 16. No. 1 loins, 26c; No. 2 loina. 25c; No. 3, loins, 18c; No. 1 rounds, r9c; No. 2 rounds, 19c; No. 3 rounds, 16c. No. 1 chucks, 14c; No. 2 chucks, 13c: No. 1 chucks. 11c; No. 1 plates, 6c; No. 3 plates, 5c; No. 3 plates, 4c. FRUITS. Bananas: Per lb.. 77c. Oranges: Size 216 and larser. $9.50010.00; size 250, $8.5009.00; size 288, $7.257.75; size. 324, $6.0006.25. Lemona: Per box. Recording to alze, $7.5009.00. Grapefruit: Per crate. $7.60. Peaches: Georgie, 6-basket crates, 13.55: California. 18 boxes Per crate, $1 Apricots: 4-basket crates. $2.0002.25 Plums: 4-basket cratea. $2.0002.75. Cher- r es: Home grown. 24 ats. per case, 24 pta per case. $2.50; market baskets, 11.50. Losnnberries: 24 at. boxes, $4.00 4.25. Blackberries: 24 Dt. boxes. $3.25, Red Raspberries: 24 pt. boxes. $2.25. Ap ples: Wlnesap, $2.8603.25; Pippins, $3.50 New Transparent $2. 75ff 3.00. VEGETABLES. Potatoes: New, No.4, per lb.. 22c, Sweet Potatoes: Per bu.. $1.5002.00. Let tuce: Per crate. $5.00; head, per doz. $1.2501.50; leaf, per doz., 30035c. Egg Plant: Per doe., $1.60. Onions: Crystal Wax, 45-lb. crate, $2.0003.00; yellow, per lb., 3c; red, per lb., 3c; horns grown, per dos., 35c. Cucumbers: Hot house, per doz.. $1.1001.60. Cabbage: New, per lb. 2 03c. Tomatoes: 4-basket cratea, 9Oc0 $1.00. Radishes: Per doz.. 15020c. Spin ach: Home grown, per doz., 60c. Green Peppers: Per lb., 30c. Green and Wax Beans: Market basket, $1.0001.25. Pars lev: Doz bunches, market basket. 40045c, Watermelons: Per lb., 204c. Cantaloupes: Per "ate,, $2.5003.25; flats, $1.2501.35. New Peas: Per basket, about 8 lbs.. $1.00, Celery: Michigan, per doz., 75c New York Cotton. New York, July 22. The undertone wis steady and prices were little changed In the abbreviated cotton market. Better weather renorts offset bullish statistics. It was a typical Saturday affair of evening up on tne part or local proiessionais anu outsiae operators, wttn price cnanges nm ited. Trading was mixed, southern inter eats acting on both sides and Wall street and New Orleans selling. By the end of ha first hour, the market was down 6 to 17 points from Friday's finals, and there was no material change in the last hour. The close was steady, somewhat up from tho low. off 9 to 16 points net. Spot quiet. 15 points off, 21.95c for mid dling upland. Southern spot were: Colveston. 22.40c. 10 points down; New 'Orleans, 21. 75c. 50 points down; Savnnnnh. 21.80r. 14 points down; August. 22.50c. unchanged; Mem phis. 22.60c. unchanged; Houston. 22.20c. 10 points down; Little Rock, 22.00c, 25 points down. " 1 lings. ..l.::b ..1.0 . . 762 . . 721 .. I4 . . SI0 , . 2.S9 .. 481 6.300 Cattle Receipts were 100 head. Tha only rattle received today wrrs atoikera and feeders billed direct to tradera, and nm marxct wjs nominally atcatly nn ail Classes, meers and vearl naa flowed dull with the advance noted early In tha week all wiped out. On the close It took the brovee to bring $10.00010.26, She stock Is closing even lower than a week alio, best dry lot kinds being weak to 25c lower, and othera ZUiiiOc lower. Miockers anu reeuera closed slow, but are atlll strong to 25o higher for the week. Quotations on tattle: Choirs to prims u.:evre, a irvtf iu .-a ; good to rnoira Beeves,; fair to good leoevea. $1,000 comon to rair ueevej, is.Zitn.00 choice to prime yearlings. $9.50 10.25 good to choice yearlings. $8.7609.60; fair to good yearlings, $8.0008.75; common to fair yearlings. $7.0001.00; choice to prima heifers. $4.6009.60; good to choice heif ers. $7.5008.50: fair to good belfera, $6.60 a i.ou cnoire to prime cows. good to choice cows. $6.0007.00; common to good cows, $4.6007.71; good to choice feeders. $7.8608.50; fair to good feedera. li "UiJI.IS; comon to fair feeders, $6,000 7.00; good to choice stockers, $7.6001.26; fair to good stockers, $6.6007.50; common to fair stockers, $6.6008.60; stork heifers, $4.6006.00; stock cows, $3.7604.71: stock calves, 16.600100; veal cslves, $5,600 9.75: stock bulls. $6.0001.00: bulls, atags. tr $4.0007.60. Hoga Recelpta were S.700 head. The market waa fairly active Saturday, with II gradea moving strong to 10c hlrher. Light hogs aold mostly at $10.40010.60, itn a top price ot iin.65. and medium weight butrhera at $10.00010.35. and strong weight butchers, $9.60010.00; bulk of tha better gradea was at $9.60010.60. Heavy mixed and parking gradea aold largely at $8.0008.76, with extreme heavies at $7. 7608. 00, and small lota of heavv throwouts at $7.60. Closing prices for tha week Indicate an advnnce of 100 15o on best light horrs. with heavy kinda steady to a ahade higher than a week ago. Montgomery-Ward Co. . . National Leather Reo Motor Car Co Swift 4 Co Swift International Union Carbide Ac Carbon Co... 22 .. 7 .. 13 ..101 .. 19 .. 66 Bu UlTer. Neir York, July 12. Foreign bar silver. $le: Mexican dollars. 63c London, July 21. Bar Silver 36d par ounce; money. 1 per cent; discount rates short and three months' bills, 2 per cent. Flaxseed. Bnluth. Minn.. July 32 Flaxseed July, " Wd; S-epttmbar, sj,,! bldj cf- 7T -i ' ,vt Turpentine) and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., 'Jnly 22. Turpentine Firm, 11.13; sales, 261 bbls.; receipts. 410 hbls. ; shipments, 638 bbls.; stock, 6,654 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 819 cssks; receipts, 1,395 casks; shipments, 464 casks; stock. 71.431 casks. Quote: B. $4.70; D. $4.90; E. $5.10; F. O, H, $5.16; I. $5.20; K, $6.15; M, $5.55; N. $S.7i; W, Q. $6.10; W. W. $6.90. Cotton Future. New York, July 22. Cotton futures opened steady: October. ll.SOe; December, :i.88c; January. 21.74c; March. 31.46c; May. 31.65c. Cotton futures aloaad barely ateadv: Chicago Produce. Chicago, July 22. Butter Market steady to lower; creamery extraa, 34c; firats, 30032c; seconds, 2929c; etan dards, I2c. ' Eggs Market lower: receipts, 13 791 cases; firsts, 3O02Oc: ordinary firsts, 19c; miscellaneous. 19 20c; stnraee packed extras, 22c; storage packed firats. Poultry Market steady to lower; fowls. 21 c; broilers, 23026c: roosters. 13c. Potatoes Market weaker; prices low er; demand and movement alow; receipts. 93 cars; on track, 235 cara; total United Statea ahipments, 632 cars; eastern shore. Virginia barrel cobblere. No. 1. S3.S 5 ? 4 00; Kansas sacked cotblers. $1.8001.90. few sales; sacked early Ohios, partly graded, slightly dirty, best, $1.2501.40; poorer, 21.104rl.25; Mlnneeota racked early Ohios. partly graded. $1.35 01.40; bulk, $1.4001.45: closing prices yeeterdsy Wash ington sacked netted gems. No. 1, one car, $1.50. New York Pry Goods. New York. July 22. Cotton goods mar kets were quiet, cheap batbriggan under wear linea were withdrawn. Burlapa were quiet and firm. No change waa noted In wool goods. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. 42. .348 70 8 00 53. .341 40 S 10 24..3CS ... 8 15 69. .297 76 S 20 8. .288 120 8 25 62. .812 70 8 30 15. .295 ... 8 40 68. .300 60 S 50 CI. .294 40 8 05 61. .307 140 8 70 68. .272 70 8 90 28..27S ... 9 00 67.. 21 7 70 9 15 67.. 251 70 S 25 24. .220 ... 9 60 72. .242 240 9 75 65. .242 ... 10 00 59. .262 40 10 10 84. .209 SO 10 25 67. .220 80 10 30 58. .232 40 10 35 64. .2.16 ... 10 40 84. .193 ... 10 50 83. .212 ... 10 65 Bneep and Lambs None. Thla week s trade has been featured by comparatively liberal receipts, and a lower trend to values on ail classes. Fat lambs aro closing the week 75C0I1.OO lower than a week ago, with best quality natives and westerns selling at $12.25012.50. Liberal recelpta of feedera have forced prices lower on this class, with a total decline for the week of $1.0001.25. Sheep held steady early in the week, hut with a weak closing aesaion are now 25050c lower than a week ago, with best light ewea quoted at $7.00. Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Fat lamhs, western. $10.00(Ti)12. 60; fat lambs, natives. $10.00012.50; feeder lamhs. $9.00 012.00; cull lambs, $0.00010.00; fat wethers, $5.5008,60: fat ewes, light, $6.00 7.00; fat ewes, heavy, $4.0006.00. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, July 22. (United States Bu reau of Agricultural Economics.) Cattle Receipts. 15.000 head; market compared with week ago, choice and prime beef steers, atrong to 13c higher; lower grades, including cowa and Jidfers and canners, unrhmged; in between grassers. sluggish: mostly 25c to 35c 'lower; spots on com mon to medium cows, 50c or more off; bulls and veal calves, mostly 60c lower; stockers and feedera, strong; week's top bppf steers, $10.85: week's bulk prices. beef steers. SS.7n 10.10 : butcher cows and h-lfers. $5.0007.25: canners and cut ters. ;2.9iiD3.5U; ooiogna buna. i4.tu'ir 4.75: veal calves, $9.0009.50; atockera and feeders. $5.75ffS7.00. Hogs Receipts, 4.000 head; market opened steady; closed 10 to 15c lower on good lights and light butchers; others steady to strong; spots, 10c higher: top, $11.00 early: practical top late, $10.85; bulk good butchers, $10.25010.76; hold over moderate; packers mostly $8,00 0 9.00: pigs slow; heavv weights. $10,150 10.65; medium, $10.45lfi10.80: light, $10.75 010.85; light llprht, $10.40iS. 10.86 ; pack ing sows, smooth. $8.40iffi9.10; packing sows, rough, $7.7508.50; killing pigs, $9.60 010.50. Sheep Receipts. 3,000 head; market, compared with week .-.go, fat lambs and light sheep, $1.0001.50 lower: heavy sheep, $1.5002.00 lower; feeders, steady to 25c lower; test yearlings, breeding awei. steady: others. 60c to $1.00 lower: week's top native and western lambs, $13.50; fat ewes. $8.00: feeder lamhs, $13.00; closing bulk prices fat lambs, $12.50013.00; fat light ewes. 6.007.00; heavy ewes, $3.5004.60; feeder lambs, $12.60012.85. By FRANKLIN K. SPRAGUE. Omaha lbs Leaae4 Wlro. New York. July J.'. The course of Saturday's stock market differed lit tle from that of Friday, prices mov ing irregularly tlirnnKhout the two hours of trading. Once attain it was evident that the market has lost much of its enthusiasm and the more se rious aspects of the strike situation were realized. There were scattered advances here and there, but excent in the case of specialties quotations moved with in narrow limits, with a certain de gree of heavincM apparent, consid ering the list as a whole. Again it was noticeable, however, that prices did not give way sharply under such selling pressure as existed. The un dertoiie was actually strong in the tare ot tne weeks developments. With regard to the two strikes which are in the eyes of most people at the momuu and which are receiV' ing particular attention from the financial community, developments continue to be of a character that showed a wide breach between the companies and the men. Hettlemrnl Kiperled. When all la aald. Wall street seems to be still of the optnlotf that aome baala of settlement will be arrived at before many days hava passed and particular notice waa given to the conference between President Harding and Chairman lluoper of tha labor board. Hut perhaps mora Important than thla In creating a more favorable view of tha outcome of the difficulties waa the dispo sition of aeveral of tha roada to make separata agreementa with tha men. aa was don In th case of tha l'rnnayl. vanln. Ultimately this may b tha chief mods of settlement. In relation to tha coal atrlks, tha Idea of rationing supplies of coal could hardly bs looked upon with other than some de. grea of alarm alncs such a plan If put lni effect during tha coming months might cause a discrimination againat In Jintry and a reflection of enforced In activity In Income statements. Tne foreign exchange market again held lihtn narrow bounds and the volume of tranaactlona was relatively email. Marka declined .0019. Cnotlnued pres sure on market can undoubtedly ba ex pected until auch tlms aa the reparationa question la settled a aw high record ot $101 40, with sirenglh tn Din, oi luti p ru Foreign Uauaa wera stagnant at trivial etungea and domestic (alls, Induainala and utllitlra mooed Irregularly, final rt' shuwiag no material klierallulis. Total sales !ar valua) asfietated 7,9tt,00, Nsar York, uJly Folios. Ing are In- dsy'a hlah, loar and I'l.xUng pricra of boiiile on tha New Yotk ato k eaeheii$s, and the total aalea of each bund; I', M. Ilnnda, Roles (In 11.0001 High Low clo. 399 Liberty Je 100 n lae sii luo 4 111 Liberty ll 4s..loi " l"l I" ml. 4" 4.ii Liberty 2d 4a. I7S Liberty Id 4s 1291 Liberty 4th 4WI 13J Victory 4s ... foreign GevarnmeM, atate and Municipal I Argentine 7a 104 100 lot 1 Htirdeaus ta M 11 Chrisliaula la ....lot 1" I Lyene as M 4 Marselllra a (4 14 11 Rio de Janeiro la ..100 100 1 Han Paulo la 101 101 3 Toklo Is 111 111 IH to Dept Seine 7a 91 11 11 4 Dom tan ta 21. ..100 1 ! It Horn Can ta 31.... tt t S 11 Ptih K Ind ta 47.. 96 l 42 IH.h K Ind ta S3.. tS tt t's 31 French Hep ta ....102 103 17 French Hep 7a .,100 ion )uo 75 Japanese lat 4 11 Japanese 4a N. Y. Curb Bonds . . loo si) iiii.;t mo . ,l0i) i4 ion so mo ta ..III tO 10 30 mi 46 . 100 tl IM il It l MS 10-0 lot 14 t.1 U .. 7 7 7t'i ..106 04 101 .. tt t t .. 17 t 96 ..110 110 110 ..101 103 1113 .. 79 79 79 .104 04'i 104'. .105 lfi l"6 .109 101 10t .101 101 101 .100 100 100 lit lis IIS 93 101 tt It tl 15 t New York Stocks Range of prlcea of the leading atnrka furnished by Logan & Bryan. 248 Petara Trust building: RAILROADS. Friday High. Low. Cloae. Close. A., T. & B. T -.101 101 101 100 B. & O., Canadian 65 Pacific. 139 96 68 81 22 30 76 45" 74 43 90 25 27 64 139 96 68 80 54 1 19 95 SSi 81 N. Y. Central. Chesa. & Ohio... Gteat Northern.. Illinois Central... K. C. Southern.. Lehigh Valley.... Missouri Pacific N. Y. & N. H Northern Pacific. A N. W Penn. R. R Reading R. I. & P Southern Pacific. Southern Railway C. M. & St. P... Union Pacific. STEELS. Amer. Car Fdry Alils-Chalmers ... 54 64 54 Amer. Locomotive 115 116 n&!4 22 29 76 44 74 43 90 24 27 22 30 70 44 74 43 90 24 27 .141 141 141 54 139 95 68 80 107 25 64 22 30 76 75 44 74 43 89 24 28 142 166 64 116 .118 118 118 119 77 Bald. Locomo. Bethlehem Steel . 79 Colo. Fuel & Iron Crucible 84 Amer. Steel Fdry Lackawanna Steel 79 Mldvale Steel ... 33 Press. Steel Car . . 80 Repub Steel & Iron 76 nan. steel spgs. 1U6 Sloss-Scheffield 49 U. S Steel 101 100 101 101 Vanadium 48 47 47 Otis Steel 11 11 11 , COPPERS. Anaconda 61 53 63 Amer. S. A R. Co Cerro De Pasco 22 22 29 29 77 '63YS4 '77 '77 36 36 80 60 75 73 106 106 77 31 83 37 78 3fr 80 74 106 47 12 I llelgium 7 a 73 Denmark a . . . 4 N'etherlanda ta t Norway ss .... S Sweden ts .... 10 Parla-ry-Med ts 1 Rep Chile ts 41. 1 Hep Uruguay ts... 1 1 Queensland 7s , . . 13 Queensland ta. . . . I Klo Or do Hul ts 21 Swfaa Con la II K II B t I ! 22.110A 110,1, noA 1 K O H tt I ls 21.110 110 110 II K II II t I 6a 17.104 103 104 33 U R Brasll la 101 101 101 ICS Mexico Se 6t tt 14 U 8 Mexico 4 .... 44 46 46 Hallway and Miscellaneous. 11 Am Ag Chm 7e ..104 103 104 7 Am Smelt Is S3 II 21 Am Sugar 8a 103 03 1 Am T 4 T col tr ta 9t 19 4 Am Writ Pa 7a.... 86 It 3 Armour Co 4a.. SI tl. 26 A T A 8 F gen 4.. 96 96 t At C L ist con 4a.. S3 93 13 At Ref 6e 101 103 103 S Halt ft Ohio 8s 100 100 100 21 Bait Ohio cv 4s 14 84 84 4 Bell Tel Penn 7s. ..108 108 101 1 Beth St ref Ss 6 96 t6 2 Beth St p m ts.... 91 91 11 2 Braden Cop 6s 100 100 100 3 Bkln Ed gen 7s D..107 107 107 1 Bkln R T 7s ctf st. 79 79 79 4 Can North e ..111 111 111 28 Can Pao d 4a 79 79 79 1 Cent Oa 6 100 100 100 12 Cent Pao gtd 4s.... 89 89 89 1 Cerro Pasco Ss ....119 119 119 9 Ches ft Ohio cv Ss.. 96 95 95 11 Ches A Ohio cv 4s 89 89 23 C B ft Q ref 6s A. .101 101 34 Chi A B 111 6s.. 83 82 7 Chi Gt West 4s.... 60 60 1 C M A St P ev 4s. 70 69 T C 11 a St F ref 4s 65 4 5 C A N W 7a 108 107 1 Chi Rys 5 79 79 18 C R I A P ref 4s.. 82 82 10 Chi A W Ind 4s. . 75 76 6 O C C A St L gen 4s 82 82 72 Chile Cop Ca 93 92 Colo Ind 6a 78 78 11 Colo A So ref 4a.. 89 89 8 Col O A El 5a 96 96 8 Con Coal Md 6a .. 89 89 27 Con GilB 7s 123 122 122 7 Cuba Cn Bg d 8s... 17 86 86 2 Cuba R R 7s A. .106 106 106 81 101 83 60 69 4 108 79 12 75 82 92 78 89 96 89 I I'n Pae cv ts ,, 1 I n l ac t f 4 .. Ill' 11 Hub ts , . SUM hi. el sf i... 7 Utah I I. ts , 4 Va-i'r Chut 7s. I Va Hy a ..... k abash 1st ! , I Wet Sid I't 41 Wealing rMe 7 .. '-'t ss tl ,, tt tt al'e ,, l" to l ,.li I"! 11 .. l at tl ,,I"-S l"k !H , . aa tt .. t !' .. t at .lost, .i ins af 7s l"t !"! li 1 1 Wilson A II Wilson ! ' I1 II U'la Cent fen Is., tl H 7 Cie.ho Slo ts elf., 11 11 If I'oiit Can ts $ wl. !' tt Kins OAF 7s.. ts t I Siinlsir Crude ISt. st r.,i.i of bonds today were tli.o.-t compared with (...iloua day and II 01.f0 a year au. New York, July 2i--anactlors nn Ilia New York tuib bond market tud sia aa follows: Honda. lra (In II tool High !- I Alii.. I Packer es etf, at '4 I A in.. I l'..k,r la .. ttS 95 4 Aluminum 7a 26. ...101 101 H'1 I Aluminum 7a 3J. .. . tl ! !"' I Am T A T ts 24. .101 101 lol I Ana' on t op ts . S Armour Co 7s. I At II 4 W 1 ts. 4 lletlt M 7a 35 15 Jikln I'n lias 7a. It Can Nat Hy cl t Chan-oat Iron ts. . II licre A Co 7.,02 1 tialena Mlg on 7s,.m. ' l t' 91 IT,. : it 1.4 ii lilt 100 III IDS l"t 1"! sl 13 lot 101 liij ,! 10t 1" ,nl 0 1"1', IIS 13 tl 103 T"l io:. in ,103 Iojs U'2 l4 0i ...l"l 1' 101 ' ... ti ...l"0 1"" l0' ... S lu 10 ...94 S6 16 ...loo'l 100 ltn Ylg-Wlnrhrster 7s..lnH inoi loin. (looilrli h T tlutf Oil 7s... Ilulf oil ts... Hood Hub 7s . Ilumhle oil 7 Int R T Is 22. Kan O A Kl ts I. arietta Uaa 11 Slasma Cop I Mrr A Slfg 7a.... 5 Nat Acme 7a... 1 Nat Leather a . . 2 NY NH A II 7s, I Pun Srv C N J 7a, 1 Robert (lair 7s .., 4 Hliawshrrn 7a 4 S W llell Tel 7a, 1 Rln O V Y 7s 2t. II I'n Oil Prod 8s.... 103 101 103 1 Utd Rye ltav 7a..i" n'o 1 Vacuum Oil 7a 107 107 107 Weat Klec 7a 108 101 101 6 Winchester 7 103 102 102 I B U (J 7a 21 110 US 1 Honda. 1118 1" ""' 10Q loo jnu 97 17 97 t S t 7 17 17 102 102 l''2 tt 17 17 104 101 104 .103 102 102 .106 106 104 Foreign 1 Argentine 7s 23. in Can Steam 7s .. S Max Gov 3a S NY NH Fr 7a. 8 Pwl's ts 10 V 8 Mex 4s S Netherlands ts . t Mex Gov ta .... .100 . 95 . 12 . 74 .101 . 39 . 90 . 17 100 96 12 74 103 .10 St 17 100 96 12 74 0 31 96 17 Clearing Itouae Statement. New York, July 22. The actual con dition of the clearing house panne ana trust companies for the week shows that they held $3,0.780 In excess OI legal requlremcnta. -i nis is an lucrcaav vi ,- 664,230 from last week. PUTS and CALLS wthteyEwosk 98 98 98 .103 103 103 . 84 84 84 .108 108 108 .107 107 107 .103 103 103 . 66 65 66 .107 107 107 98 9 s Chill Chlno .... Inspiration Kennecott 36 36 Miami 29 29 Nev. Consol 16 16 Ray Consol 16 16 Seneca 12 12 Utah 65 64 OILS. General Asphalt... 71 70 Cosden 43 43 ACal. Peterol isianu mi 't Invincible Oil 13 12 22 29 36 29 16 16 12 64 70 43 13 63 1 37 22 29 41 36 29 17 16 12 65 71 43 61 13 Mexican Peterol. ..168 165 165 167 Middle Pacific Pan-American Phillipa , Pierce Oil ... Pure Oil Royal Dutch.. Sinclair Oil.. State 13 Oil 55 Std. Oil. N. Texaa Co. . . Union Oil.. White Oil.. J.. . 74 . 44 . 7 . 28 . 56 . 31 .180 . 45 . 20 13 $5 73 43 7 27 65 31 180 45 20 13 65 73 44 7 27 65 31 180 45 20 St. Joseph live Stock. St. Joseph. Mo.. July 22. (United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Cat tle Receipts, 100 head; market compared with week ago, best beef steers 10 0 25c lower; others and she stock 25050c lower; bulls 15025c lower; calves steady to 25c higher; stockers and feeders about steady; week's bulk prices, beef steers. $8,600 10.00: beef cows, $5.0006.50; calves, $8.00 08.75; stockera and feeders, $5.6008.25. Hogs Receipts. 3.000 head; shippers took about 900 head; market, light and medium butchers strong to Be higher; bulk 170 to 230-lb. weights. $10.40010.55; packer market opened steady to atrong; closed weak; packer top, $10.50; packing sows steady; bulk of sales, $7.8608.00; top, $10.55; bulk of sales, $9.95010.65. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; market compared with week ago, fat lambs, $1.00 1.25 lower; sheep 50075c lower; week's bulk prices, fat lambs. $12.50013.50; fat ewes. $6.0007.00; Idaho feeder lambs, Tuesday, $12.25. Rlonx City Livestock Sioux City, la., July 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 600 head; market, compared to week ago, good fed steers and yearlings. strong, 25c higher; warmed up steers and yearlings, weaK, L'ac lower; top oeeves, $10.50; fat cows and heifers, strong: top. $9.00; canners, 25c lower; top. $10.00: feeders, 25050c higher; top. $8.00; calves, steady; hulls, stags, etc., steady; feeding cows and heifers, weak; stockers, strong, c higher. Hogs Receipts. 6,000 head; market. steady to strong; top, $10.50; bulk of good i $9. sow 10.40: lights, bulk or tne heavy and packing grades. $8.0009 00: na tive pigs, $9.2509.75: rough packers, $7.50 i 08.00; stags, 16.0006.00. Sheep Receipts, none; market com pared to week ago. lambs, 25 to 50c low er; late top. $12.75; light ewes. 25 to 50c lower; heavies. 60c to $1.00 lower. Chandler General Motora. Wiliys-Overland Plerce-Arrow . . Whits Motor. . . Studebaker RUBBER AND Fisk 14 Goodrich 39 Kelley-Springfield 48 Keystone Tiro 12 AJax 14 U. S. Rubber 62 MOTORS. ... 68 67 ... 14 14 ... 8 8 ... 12 9 ... 4S 48 .135 132 132 TIKES. 14 14 38 47 9 14 61 INDUSTRIALS. 67 14 8 9 48 38 47 9 14 61 13 65 74 44 8 28. 65 31 182 45 20 68 14 8 12 49 134 44 39 48 12 14 61 69 96 69 44 80 69 97 69 44 80 Am. Beet Sugar A., G. A w. 1 . . Am. Int. Corp. Am. Sumatra.. Am. Tel American Can. Central Leather Cuba Cane Cuban-Am. Sugar.. 24 Corn producta call, racking 45 36 43 89 122 56 40 16 Colum. G. & E. , Columbia Graph. Famous Players . Gen. Electric . . . Gt. North. Ore. Inter. Harvester 45 45 3S 36 36 43 43 43 39 S9 39 121 121 121 65 65 56 40 40 40 16 16 16 24 24 24 106 196 106 106 711 Amer. H. A U, pfd 70 . 93 93 93 4 4 4 . 83 83 82 .176 176 176 40 40 40 104 104 U. S. Ind. Al. ..62 Inter. Paper 52 Inter. M. M-. pfd 73 Amer. Bug.. Ref. .. 80 Seats-Roebuck .. 80 Stromsburg 46 Tobacco Product . 56 Worthing. Pumtr 62 Wilson Co 44 Westing. Electric 61 Amer. Wool 90 MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton OH Amer. Agrl. Chem 39 Union Bag, pfd 6 Brook. Rap. T. .. 25 25 25 .. 'Continental Can .. 72 71 72 United Drug 80 79 70 61 62 73 80 79 44 F6 62 42 (1 90 104 70 61 62 73 80 79 44 56 52 43 61 10 93 4 S2 176 40 104 70 61 62 73 79 80 46 66 62 1 0 26 71 80 National I.orillard National Knamel 54 Tobacco Lead ...100 Co. Kansas City Livestork. Kansas City, July 22. Cattle Receipts. 0 head: market, for week, better grades beef steers, strong to 25c higher; top, $10.60; others steady to 60c lower; year lings and fat she stock, steady to 25c lower; spots, off more; calves, 50c low er; canners, steady; bulls and atock calvea. 35c lower. Hoks Receipts. 2.000 head: market. mostly steady; shippers not buying: tulk better 166 to 250-pounders. $13.50013.75; bulk of sales, $9.50010.50; top. $10. '50; one load of choice 360-pound packing sows, $8.25; few stock pigs offered. Sheep No receipts: market, for week: fat lambs, $1.001.25 lower: culls and heep, steady; top lambs, $13.25; beat light ewes, $7.50. l'hlladelphi Pullman Punta Al. Sugar Retail Stores . Superior Steel . . St. L. A S. F. . Vir. Car Cham. Totals sales. Money . Marks . Francs . Sterling 100 38 100 38 .48 64 . .. 27 .- 29 298,600. 48 63 27 29 48 64 27 29 160 101 38 121 48 64 32 27 2 5 Del A Hud cv 6s 18 Det Ed ref 6s 12 Det Utd Rys 4s 3 Dlmnd Mtrh 7s 4 Dpnt Nem 7s.. 3 Duquesne Lt 6s . 7 Erie gen 4s 3 Fisk Rubber 8s 11 Frain I D 7s . . 8 Goodyear T 8s 31. .101 101 101 6 Goodyear T 8s 41.. 116 116 116 4 Gnd Tnk Ry C 7s. 103 103 103 3 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s. 110 110 110 6 Grt North 7s A 102 102 112 30 Grt North 6s B . . 86 85 85 1 Hud A M ref 5s A. 64 64 64 1 Hud A M ad inc 5s. 101 101 101 3 111 Cent 6s 89 89 89 1 Ind Steel 6s 100 100 100 3 Int Agric 6s 80 80 80 1 Int Met 4 12 12 12 33 Int R T ref 5s 69 42 Int M M sf 6s. 07 4 Int P.V ref 6s B . . 69 10 la Cent ref 4s 44 1 K C Ft S A M 4s. . 80 3 Kell Spring T 8s.. 108 108 108 20 Lacks St 6a 23 100 100 100 7 Lacka St 5s 60 89 89 89 1 Lehigh Val 6s 103 103 103 6 L Z N ref 6a 107 107 107 1 L A N unified 4s.. 93 93 93 1 Mkt St Ry con 6s.. 88 88 88 1 Mex Pet 8s 105 105 105 17 Midvnie St cv 5s.. 89 89 89 15 M St P ASSM 6s.l03 102 1 M K A T n p 1 6s A 84 84 15 M K A T n ad 6s A. 67 67 10 SI K A T 1st 4s 83 83 76 Mo Pac gen 4s 65 64 7 N O T ft M lnc 6s.. 72 71 14 N Y C col 7s 105 105 16 N Y C d 6s 106 106 106 1 N Y C con 4s 91 91 91 2 N Y Ed ref 6s 109 109 109 19 N Y Tel ref 6s 41.. 105 105 106 24 N Y W & Bos 4S. 66 65 65 10 Nor A West cv 6s.. 92 92 92 10 North Pac gen 3s. . 63 63 63 6 N P- G N Jt 6S..103 102 103 2 Nor Sts P ref 6s A. . 91 91 91 6 N W Bell Tel 7s.. 107 107 107 10 Or A Cal 1st 6s.... 99 99 99 6 Or-Wsh RRAN 4s.. 82 82 82 7 Pac G A El 5s 91 91 91 2 Pac TAT 6s 97 97 97 2 Packard Motor 8s. .107 107 107 6 Penn R R 6s ..109 109 109 24 Penn R R gen 6s.. 102 102 102 4 Pere Marq ref 5s.. 97 97 97 6 P A East inc 4s. . 35 15 P C C A St L 6s A 98 16 Reading gen 4s 86 8 St L I Mt A S rf 4s 80 10 St L A S F inc 6s. . 71 31 St L A S F p I 4s A 73 2 St L S W 1st 4s. . 79 30 Seaboard A L con 6s 63 9 Seaboard A L ad1 6s 28 7 Seaboard A L ref 4s 46 1 Sinclair cv 7a 104 104 104 18-Sinclalr Oil col 7s.. 99 99 99 15 So Pac cv 4s 92 92 92 11 So Pac ref 4s 90 88 90 18 So Pac col tr 4s. 88 88 88 36 So Ry gen 6s 102 102 102 7 Bo Ry con 6s 97 97 97 17 So Ry gen 4s 89 69 69 12 So Prt Rc Sg 7s... 99 99 99 8 Stan Oil Cal d 7s.. 106 106 106 3 Third Ave adj 5s.. 60 60 60 1 Third Ave ref 4s ... 64 64- 64 27 Union Pac 1st 4s.. 95 95 95 Their ass In Trading In Wsll St. clearly .,,,l.n,r,l In our KKF.S! NOOK LET No. 48. Teehmaaa Ca. 68 Wllllaaa St. New Vert FtrOit FREE lOOKlOa JrtMUNN 8a-CO. Thmf Rnllfllncr. CHICAfiO. ILL. Scientific American ill,)., WASHINGTON, D. C Woolwnrth HulMlns. NKW YORK Robart llldl.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. MONEY If! GRAIN $12. 50 buys guarantee option on 10,000 bushels of wheat or corn. No Further Rltk. A movement of 6e from option price rivet yon an opportunity to take $500.00 ; 4c. $400.00: Sc. S300.00. etc. WRITE TOD V FOR PAR TICULARS and FRF.E MARKET LETTER. INVESTORS DAILY GUIDE, Sothwest Brush Dept. N, 1004 Baltimore. KANSAS CITY, MO. 102 84 57 83 65 71 105 35 98 86 80 70 73 79 62 27 45 35 98 86 80 70 73 79 63 28 45 W VaW. I m , aW taW In the Stock Market- FORTUNES Made From Small Investment Write for Free Booklet The Most Simple Explanation of Profitable Stock Trading We guarantee you that your money is . safe and that you get a aquare deal. I7ENNEDY & CO. Jj Est. 1884 74 Broadway, New York J Some Good CITIES Baltimore, Md., water. . .5 Columbus, O., W. W 5 Cleveland, O., Schools. . .4s Kansas City, Mo., Schools 4t Big Springt, Neb., Schoolt 6s Aiiiiworth, Neb., Paving, 6s Ends, Colo., W.W 6s C. E. JOHNSON Municipal Bonds 211 KEELINE E-LDG. Tel. JA 1720 --Oi Listed Stocks ! "Odd Lots" ii i. Close. '.0019 .0845 1.45 Friday oloae. .4 .002! .0845 4.46 I I UmahaotockDond Company I . PAUL J. VOLLMAR, Manager 1 1 I 250 Peters Trust Building Omaha, Nebraska la v-. .-4 Bonds for Investment Local Securities Ask for information repardingr our 20 Months' Partial Payment Plan.i New York Bonds City Produce. New York (ieneral. NVw York. July 22. Wheat Spot, hare- ,' ly steady; No. 1 northern sprinp. $1.46; i No. 2 red. $1.20: No. 2 hard winter. ' tl . "V 1 1 1 . !.. 1 . 1 cn I V .. mixed durum, $1.28, c. i. , track, to arrive. Corn pot. barely steady; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white. 63c, and No. t mixed. 82c. c. I. f. New Tork. all rail. Oata Spot, steady; No. 2 w hite, 46 fi 47c. Lard Firmer; middle west, $1210 October, Il.tSe; December, 3LI0e; Janul Kansaa Cltr, Jnly 22, Egaa. Butttc and 1 12 20. (The Bee is the only Omaha newspaper which publishes the of ficial close of the New York Stock exchange bonds.) New Tork, July 22 United Statea war loans again dominated the dull bond mar ket, liberty first and fourth 4s reaching SAFETY an) PROFITS In Stork SUrket Trsdins. (.earn how to combine these In your trading by use of STOCK PRIVILEGES Wltb $45 to 1137 50 you can trade In 100 shares of any stork. Writs for KB ex planatory folder o. 14 149 Broadway New York Paul Kaye A BATH A DAY ME DEW ROUD AUT0- MATIC WATER HEATER Number 95 Built to supply enough Hot Water foi the average home at a price the average home-owner can pay. A small payment puts one in your . home, balance monthly with gas bills. Continuous satisfactory performance is guaranteed by a WATER HEATER EXPERIENCE I extending over 25 years. Telephone Commercial Dept. Metropolitan Utilities Diat. GAS DEPARTMEflT 1609 Howard Street DOaglaa 0608