The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 23, 1922, SPORT NEWS AUTOMOBILES, Image 19
0 3 !.- mr ilia tt. iry Id- f -n ft Ind of hit. kho iitee sit; (lit; Iter ght the Ism lu. laiso food BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS " " rHaMAuvi " ' " rTl" "d l'll e.l", I "skill nxii iir arlt mumw.1 ja. an """yhm"ru" VI I PC "rm"4iU. relln.d. cleaned i" UIV.") he. .i.i Alaska rur C. I" ho liiii Si. I'll 1)11 TUl.l. i.limnln nlng mil piring. it'll"' . W. . r.r ir adla in ma ' ":.' t'r., Hull. l.fl(.l4P . ; ti U XI l"i till til H. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS N.w del, m4 deak bought, !'" 1-e.l.l J. i It.ed. u) rmm AT ll. KOOMS YOH KtNT HAMILTON HOTEL IhU'lU't't. fiintm l :. Ping- mom with b'i ' Vtth at 1 I i.r h, l! io. Ill ' Pr ... Too Urn tatlidt rouin with balh, . Vr . inTihr''TrHT p J:lKToi.ive WELLINGTON INN JMn A I'KiV MiSIKAIII.H ll.inMS. MiK. 1 v Kin n isn Kt. with nit wmiurT J ATM. r'OK .'KHMANKNT HI.KSTH AT A1THACTIVB WKLI.V IIATKH. UK K. IKT. TUB MAN AO Kit, W.I.I. lil.AI'I.Y MOW TIIK.rTrt vnr luoKINii l.i ruom Possibly yu have J'lX come lo Hi cily and are looking "f a honielil.e iiiucc. Vuur tecum it l the Hunm." ml. in Ibis column. Look them tliiouull ( 4 '. It you can't tmd ou want com 10 Th Om.U He nffl' and let in aiipply yuu nh a, lurnialiid ri"in directory, fre of charge. nKAtTTIKi'li II' ii'iilS. latg beautifully furniahtil rooms with all conveniences of a home or a holel. Im rnucula'ely clean, flv nilnut.e' walk from lia.- of el'y; mui he cen to I' el'I're leted Hpara in garsge if desired, till B. tilth ft. I'hon IA ''ft. rXTKA'ifll'INAUT large anil beautifully 1 in.h.l rnnma 111 Olia uf the (III Rl I'liian In Hmana, liv minima '.i haart of city: aultabla for yrnfm H"hal or butln' man. l)ot be it'll b apprarleled. i' H. jOlh St, iKBIHAHlTi? affomniodailona for 1 or 5 l ualnrra or prnfaaamnal man In attrai'ive. v riirnlahcd nacbolor unarlara. Ww1 l-'arnam ilmtrlct. T'liona HA. 4I3 nltef I p. im.. Saturilay affernoon or Sunday mvELY furn. room III Beinia parlc dl trbl. on Harney car line. near new lathn'ral blilt arbool; iultatle fur t. and viry deelmlile. Phone HA. P14. J. A HOB room for four people, 4 week; ainKle roomi. II. ARCAPK JIOTEI. Ulh and Iiounlaa Ki'iR KKNT Nlie mom. buth and tele phone; !) block from ear Una. board If preferred. U Hill Ave.. Council Kluffa; hed 547L BK'AUTIFllr, furnished ii.otna In private home for couple, e.iey walking dletnni-e. II and up. 2H Harney St. HA. l)l)8t. HoTKirSANUiroRIi, 19tli ami Karnam. JIOTKti HENSHAW, ldth and Karnam. Special ralea to permanent Kneels. NICELY furnished olean, cool rooms, flrat end eerond floor; light housekeeping and eluepinir rooms. 405 North 1'Jih Ptrft FlIHN. rnia. with pile, bath; warm, coni fortablc, cheerful; pricea rejaonnble. day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 47HI. FIVK unfurniied rooma. all modern, elec trie lights, water and telephone furnished. S.'IS Wehst.-r St. Call HA. B419 , Uf run Htti'U room ior nam ii"i'.r k.enlne:. close In. atrlctly modern, rea- sonable rent. Call AT. S250. iTth and one south. brand new home" strictly modern; walk-' Ins rliatance. 7IA. 742 CLEAN", email rooms, with closet, $3; la rue room for two, IS. AT. 6029. 2209 Davenport atraet. PLEASANT room, suitable for two, on Harney car Una. 3307 Lafayette. HA. f ITS. EK AUTlFri.LY furnished sleeping room: iriva'e family; Park East car line. HA. N'ICliLY furn. room; private- home, con venient to board: modern. HA. 6900. TWO sleeping rooms for rent; modern, cool, desirable. 1S02 N 10th street. NTCE cool room, eronce. lTo6 S. 30th Ave. Ref- I.AKGE unfurn. rooms for bachelors or storage. In rear. 38 So. 23rd. iflCF.-lnrge frontrooms, running water. ill N. 22tb're,',j 2"D. 703 NORTH One or two furnished front rooms. In rrivate family. AT. 7331 NICE, cool lovelv furnished rooms. 20th ami Casa Sts. Greystone, AT. 79M. DOUGLAS ST., 4256 Pleasant room f"l 1 or 2 gentlemen, prlvato home. WA. 0059. LAP.G front room accommodating time elderly people. Close In. HA. 2S1L I. ARilF. cool room in private home on 3 car lines: $4. HA. 6359. J419 CATIFfV.N!A; nice cool rpom. mod en, do,,- In. Call AT. 3722. THREE upfurnlsh.d ro'oms. HA. 3C04. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 2 ill SHERMAN AVE. 4 rooms for llKht ho'isf.keepiiig in privsto home. Modern, no children, electric washing machine. $60 per month.- Cull WE. fifins. t AND 3-ROOM apis., furnished or un furnished: electric lights, gaa and phone furnished: walking distance. 516 South 3iith St.. JA. 5161. TWO rooms and kitchenette, first floor. $J: single, ft; slectrio lights, laundry. T0! Podge. NlCFT.y: furnished, clean, close In apart rnept; ldeannt surroundinsa and mod erately priced to couple. 3jn North 2"th. JONES ST. Two hvllsekeepins room and kitchenette. CJoort shdplac". TWO cool, pleasant rooma: also sleeping room. Hanscom Park district. Har. QMS. TWO cosy cool housekeeping rooms; pri- vate home. 3801 Man:y. HA. lj 2 E. TwI) or tlira ber.utlful rooms; children welcoinp. JA. 0fl5S. Ft'RN'. rooma. modtn; must sell ot trade by 1st. AT. S973. BOARD AND ROOM LOVELY HOMK Private family; close to car line: pleasant, modern end homelike, $7 per week. 8311 North 60th street. WA. 6173. NICE cool front room, private family, board if desired WE. S717. ROOM and board for two. street. HA. 3423. 2759 Webster HOUSES FOR RENT 8-ROOM strictly modern home; 1 acre of ? round; abundance of fruit; 1 block to xr and paved road. $75 a month. 7740 K. 3Sth Bt. -Taekfn ?41t. s Fike & Price SIS City National Bank Bldg. VBRY nice 6-room house, newly decorated, bath and garage; now vacant. $35, 2033 Pierce street. AT. 2S26 or AT. 0274. Sees SHERMAN AVE., 6 rooms, strictly modern, on csr; garage; ISO per month. George F. Jones. AT. 663a. ii ii'cv RT near five-room cottsue. ready July tt. '"$39. Edith Earle. 3S30 ! FURNISHED HOUSES SOUTHWEST corner 10th and Harney, t large rooma. screened porch, two baths, ateam heat double grarre $150 per mo. Harrison & Morton 115 Omaha Nafl Bank Bid. yiVE rooms, either vacant or nicely fur nished; good Inside and out. 3727 North 44ih. Call Eagla Shoo Repair. 234 Far- nam. SEE Mulvihill ad next page on furnished house. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. MODERN 5-room apt. with garage. $i per menth. 13 N. 13d 8t Call Harney 0IJ1 or Douglas ISt. TWENTY-FOVRTH ST.. S13. 8 Modern front apartment, lit. Thai Farthing. AT. t41: DO. ! 4-ROOM apt. $18. Garage, tt. fail Har ey 02i. BEAUTIFUL i-rocm arartment. $0. Chula Viata. Itth and Poppleton. HA. I'll. -R downstair! fiat, list Casa 6t $25. Ask at 1777 Chicago St MODERN 4 and I rooms: low rent, cloa In. O. P. Stebbiar. 110 Chicago TXYH rooms. eed eibb'rhae. with ruxnitur for Mi cheap. UA. 4il j APARTMENTS FOR RENT I Onuiha's Largest Rental Agency. 1 Thl'ly-f -Mr a. ."inM N. fte. ; i inmi (iii.fuf-ed r..n'in, taa-a .,iei i eii ' l'iii'by la t or Med. f i .oio api' '''rtiie. (a-l wf. e4 aftl I take J "'it I HAKH UrNt AI. A'llACT I rn.i.i ..( i.un,.i.' i a .i i at hoi j . rnerj,ib ' Hille d liiriria j THE IDALIA APT. NO. 3 115 N. 3.U) ST. ty i-roiim ai'aMiii.nt. '!r.l f;oot, eeei an4 a-uih et soagte, mm., bvaeeeaieB. Tl ll A n; Splendid Flat Ml rrk Avi- Hit roi'ina. ii eipatura, I'litaia r b oak fu ore Hit iiboui : llendiil ixiidiiioii, rem only 1 . r owi-.'h Payne & Carnaby Co., uM AHA i UKSTAI, MUK ' tl Om Nnl I l:dB .1 A t"l HAMILTON HOTEL r'AHNAM AT :TII A l'euf!fil 4 to"rii at-artinrnl. eaneUi'.nc , "'1 in ilia ,"'iin. .'inula fO Mii, iiri"m kitirhrn hiiii in I'antty and I1 a bot Ny 4' nrm-d Ihrnuvhuiil It i n I be ilui'li' aitd f ir lb mime). Will be ll'J in pbnw It at y"ur futiviiniBiire Tiirner ai'l. fan iv n.i-.iioii An I I'm it ronitie mid live loom a. iQiiimoda' IKiie. In I'ndin. Traver liros. AT . u Kiial Nallonal. A I'l.KAbANT und cotivrttii'iit Z. ni'ijii at n r 1 iiietit , No. la Kinafbar- OlIK'l. Jint Imdae hlleel. SS. PUTtlllS TKI'MI' fuMI'ANY. WIIIIK OMAHA It KNTeV AT Hi4 17th and Kurnem Bu. Kul'lt. luio.M ap-ittinonT aTid barb in pri vate liome Willi private entrance. cr-ened P"n h and airaue, aai. water and lillue furnlalied. Adulta only. 140 aunnner rat. " North 4lat St. Walnut lint. NKW cool, modrrn, 3 and i.rnnm apt. Uur pby beila. .Irani heat. II 1 4 ll HI. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Aparlnianta rnnalst of livln room, dteea Ins room, ultrhenett and bath Weekly icntal lucbldta bent, light, gea. phone anil maid aervlre. Kllher weekly or permanent gurita. Phone AT. 3110. KINH KOfB r.AIililC KOI'IM APART. HKNT. N'irfly furnished; walking dia tanre Tl'la la a enap, ll'i. Include water, fill .IA fiYJ Hl'NTKB INN Home for the traveling man to leave hie wlfo In comfort and safely. HO. 6360. KINL 4-rooiu apt., tile hath, halla and kleepln por'h. Apply 2:111, N. 3Sd. NII'LY furnished 2-room apartment, modern. 312Me J'nllfortlla St. 9 or 4 room furn. apart. WE. 3212. WANT TO RENT INVESTltiATK our low cost plan of han dling rentals. FMnmn Kriekson. .IA. 0415. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT SPACE for rent, very de&lrable and rea- inalile. Tncliulca desk and telephone. Prefer vonn.r li 'V0'1 "t,."1" ly who will he In office Call AT. iv,(i. Mlsa Horry. .-mrr.-e i TT-.TV ('FIHft and 5tor, room for rent. atWMk- 'nson Hit!,-, K'th and Karnam. Inquire ' r .lanitor f1.10' f - dVli.8ht LI'''?' I I to li Individual floor. WE. J4S3. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. Hth and Jones St. LAROK corner store, Apply 1303 Jackson. 13th and Jackaon. MOVING AND STORAGE" Moving ! Packing ! Wa assembU and forward car loads of both household goods and automobiles. If you are shipping to any of the cities represented or to towns ad jacent to our ehipplnt? points, sea us. as we ran save you money, Thfs week ' are accepting shipments to the following cities; Los Angeles. San Francisco. Chicago, 111. Dnvfr. Colo. Kansas Cily. Mo. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co., 310 North Eleventh Street, Phona DO. 0394, Omaha, Neb. Storage ! Shipping! FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackaon 02. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BHKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 41 6S. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken on Jeb or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co., JA. 433S, AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. LOANS blrREAL ESTATE . WE have cash on hand lo loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. bit Keelina Bid. 1100 TO 110,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 310 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At 0151. Farm Loans Neb. farms, ranchea. Kloke Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nafl Bk. FIRST mortgaga loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen A Co.. Realtors. JA. 4328. M4 Keellne Bid OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson $T1$. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 645 OMAHA NAT Bid. BONDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN paya most for LIBERTY BONDS. 21 City Nat'I Bank Bid. ACREAGE FOR SALE $100 Cash Chicken Ranch For Rent Twenty acres, improved. Suit able for poultry raisin. Will rent from now till March 1 for $!!) rash. Located north of Florence. See H. H. Harper. 1713 Howard Ft. Call JA. llonday.. A rT?T? A tracts, large and small. itr.Mljri Katy payments. Hast ings & Heyden. 1614 Harney St. AT. 0t50. VACANT PROPERTY BUILPIXQ SITE 75-foot east frontage, near 2d and Howard Btreets. Surrounded by well constructed homes. Taxes paid in full. Ownf-r will sell very reasonable Call AT. 3024 or WA. 2282. BL'ILPING SITE 75-foot, east frontage, near 52d and Howard streets. Surround ed by well-constructed homes. Taxes paid in full. Owner will sell very reasonable Call AT. 3f24 or WA. 2t2. PUN DEE CORNER LOT. Southeast corner 53d and Dodge. 130 feet on Dodge. Worth fa.Oflrt. What is our offer Owner. Karney 39S3. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful tots in Edgewood; tsjr easy terms. A'lant c 354t. Ralston Lots V.5," St. payrienm. ! bona Stewart. Ralston 10-W. WANTED lo rent, by fHember 1. S or t-raem kens er bungalow. Waat or D un ite, children. Wul (Iv ieiie. VACANT PROPERTY Large Lots $39.) On Taved Street $10 Down, $10 Monthly 1 4ttt m i ft ot it ( , t.H;l h Hn II" ) i.i M l i l tt) ltl 4'tj'iH H4 f tllr'C, ft Mil nnly Liiii H -wtft i( I l mrral Hi h. l' -i fe -tl, Miirt 4i (at r r iiMhi, ft at 4it thill ti iMi'v ihr lu- t. la trv THE II Y RON REED CO. t-r tot iNr no oil I Ruildinp: Site IIP AVI' l AI'll-'l. AVrS'l'B Mian, eilanil), aiub f.yni 'X, llll fr.l, ntaple.iklna Hil pr llfiiloa and Klmjod Park, in blrti 'k In . r lite. Hpe lal ttfk paid in fu.l nanrr ankioua lo George & Co., KM T"HI A'P- i"Jt. Veinlare Mullll'l Ll-llll tiliare DUNDEE LOTS IM.M.', Maf bluik nurih of l'nderane.1 i avenue. auutbujeBt rurtier of elt and Wab eier naenii'iau noirii'i i.aai una ouiiiiMia ana in ihte nnahborhood. Pai'bff leva for irrria and alley paid inn or ifine .iiilIM M tIAi'KAIIt ANI Am- at .w. AT ai t " i mi ilia Nat Hank ll'dc Vacant !""!:?. aiuth fniiit. ltli rawer, water enj I" alto pormuiii'iil aidenatka, cn grade, (or W. H. Gates i 4T Omaha ai Hank in. la 7 A 1114 HI DOWN 13 Mi 'NTH ritia corner lot, facing south and east, (war and water In strati; near car. $4i. If. i. MANVII.I.F. Realtor. AT. !40t Ht Peters Trust Bid. i HOi E lot an Ai,., only t,oii; Terms arranged. Hasp Bros., 113 Keollne Bldg, AT. till. KANSAS LANDS. BIG LAND AUCTION August 3 on Premises AT In O'CLOCK A M. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Three nicely Improved quarter sections of land, 40 miles, southwest of Kansaa City, and one mile north uf Kdgerlon, In John ton county, Kan., on the auto trull. Every tract haa good Improvements, good black limestone soil and plenty of good walar. Wa think thla land worth $150 an acre, may not brln over $100. For further Information address: The Smith Land Livestock Auction Co., 61H Lee Bldg . K. C. Mo. WILL TRADE Ideal alfalfa. btock and dairy farm near Kansaa City. Two dwell ings, four large barns, tile silo, etc; 104 acree alfalfa. Am too old to farm. 44H acrea, $175 per acre, 10 years' time. Want uroall farm or clean merchandise Hock. Writ owner, E. Meiasner, Colony, Kan. NEBRASKA LAND3 House to Be Sold at Sacrifice Owner will sell highly Improved quarter only 20 miles from Omaha, Douglas Coun ty. Nebraska; 2 li miles from small town; all tillable land. Nearly all In, cultivation, nice grove and bearing orchard, near school. Will sell at less than prewar price. This farm shoud make the buyer a profit of $100 per ncre In the near fu ture. For more particulars see HELP LAND CO. 056 Military Ave. tva 1075 CASH FOR YOUR LAND Sales made In 60 counties of Nebraska. Addresa Col. Mark Carraher, Central City, Neb. YOUR farm or ranch turned culokly Into cash. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Cen tral City, Neb. M. A. Larson, Mgr.; A. W. Thompson. Auctioneer. FARMS, ranches, sale, exchange. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. MEXICO LANDS. English translation Mexican colonization lawa.for $1. Mexican constitution. S5. Good laws. land, climate. R. L. Black- Ftune. i asa uentonarlo, Hermosillo, Sonora. Mexico. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. SPECIAL! BARGAIN! QUARTER -SECTION, UNIMPROVED; SIX ACRES OF ALFALFA, SIX ACRES WILD HAY. BALANCE FARM LAND; $65 PER ACRE. TERMS. CASH. FOR INFORMATION CALL KENWOOD 1042. THI8 LAND IS LOCATED NEAR OLD HAM, NORTH DAKOTA. WYOMING LANDS. 640 acres, near Osage. Wyo. Fenced and cross-fenced, good house, barn, corrals; four good springs. 60 acres in cultivation: 200 acres can be cultivated. Brines in $100 per year nil lease; 640 acres adjoin ing leased from state; fepoed, good pas ture, plenty water; 610 acres'can be bought for $12.50 per acre cash. Good title. W. y. Brown, OsRge. Wvo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Acreage Fin six-room house' with a large piece or ground, touitabie for chicken raising1. Located on an acreage tract; about 15 minutes' drive from car line. The owner will trade this for a house and one lot close In. Call AT. 9936 and, ask for Mr. Jensen. 4S0 ACRES improved Yuma county, Colo rado; 320 acres in wheat; also good in come property in Fremont, Neb. Will ex change for 160 acres in pastern Nebraska or western Iowa. A, E. Tracy, owner, Fremont, Neb. FIN,E income property in Kearney, Neb., for acreage or smalt farm. Address Box 183, Kearney, Neb. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS S7e7C"0R 24TH AND DODGE STS, 1-3116 ft. FOR SALE OR LEASE Will divide the lot. See owner before August 1st. 0. S. ERWIN, Wellington Inn. AT. 0114, A Real Buy 14 2 Investment We offer for sale this North Side invest ment, consisting of St. Louis flat and two cottages, all in excellent condition; income per year; paved street. Own er leaving city and priced right for quick turnover. Call Mr. Murphy. Webster 2S05, Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Atlantic OOB0. WANTED REAL ESTATE OT? MQP VReaI Estate. Investments. UXvlVlijiJ X Let I s Sell Your Home. 1516 Cily National Bank. Douglas 5236. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, tV, per cent AMOS GRANT CO., J0 S 18th, Arthur Bldg. AT. 830. CEO. T. PORTER CO. Real Eatate. Rentals Inaurance. 105 South 18th. AT. 2til. NEW homea, completely financed. Pa lik rent C. T. SPIER A CO., Realtor. 304 Petr Trust Bldg. DO. 4857. GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. modern house. il Ry. Each. Bldg. AT- 4956. HOME REALTY CO. TV buy and sell Omaha Homes. AT. 1111. . ltll-tO W.-O. W. Bldg. WANT t or 7-room, well located. In Dun. dee. by the flrat; bav cash. Box 111. Omits Bee. LIST your homea for aale with us. W have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. TO SELL quick and buy right, see Fiko Price, lit City Nat. Bank. JA. 141t. UST your property with B, D. Clark Co.. 9ecnritea Bid. UST your property with W. Smith Co. 1310 Farnam St. Willard C. Slabaugh. Realtor. JA.' 1958. TO FELL see G ov.r at More!!. AT. 3(13. Eqa-tabl Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 1145. Weatera Bernl Estate Co JA. I6tt. THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. JULY 23, 1022. WANTEDREAL ESTATE ' eiouki '"r l. APT far W. J. Palmer Co., Heal tt'a lement p.ieiieia b..nn. ld AT. .7uf hn a lluy eaueTiema, BINDER & OTIS, feat Mtaie, l.eane, Baniali, JA. titl. SHOLES, D.V e ir ' M em b r Mulnpl l.litini ''hvue JA Charles W. Young & Son rll r.'-ll f ' ! W, City Wat. HH- AT, V1- FOWLER & M'DONALD ' M,l""f MulHjila Matin Eir jt III i"" ' Reed& Co., I Real riiut n4 Ineuteara t JOT rtrnam It I'bana AT. till. PPTTPVin "tally fo. Mat with llliU LiiMVI u. for quick raaolia. I III) run Nafl Bk. H- J. RIPlVPTT RKAl. STATIC ;IliiaCilX ,,, Kerne. Inauraa. I Ita Peiera True! Hid. JA. Mil. NORTH I SIDE PROPERTY A Good Home Near a toed school Thla seven, rnntu house tilth largo living room a' rn.a Hunt of house hplendld dining lii'iin aad kitchen. Fust flour haa oak floor and finish Mr'-nnd floor haa four pleasant bedrooms and bath; full cemenled I aaemetit with Imt water heat. Take a link at 3341 Am. a Ave. Tenut are easy, Payne & Carnaby Co. "Tour Realtor." $16 Omaha Nat. Bid. JA. 101$. $1,000 Cash Buys Bungalow Home Forty. first and Wakalay tit. t rooma and bath. Beautifully dec orated and finished. Oak finish and floors. I.trga living room, Just the home for a family. Fine base ment, Inntaqtsn.oua Ruud water heater, li t complete throughout. Kellaatone construction, garage to match. Solid rement drive. If you appreclme location. ae thie home. D. E. Buck & Co., REALTORS. 74! Omaha Natl. JA. JOOt. Sunday: Newlon K K. 1141: Ruck KB iiii. Extraordinary Home Overlooking Miller Park. Six large rooma and bath, oak finish and floors, of course, tlie bath, built-in tub, shower bath, etc. Maid apart ment on 3rd floor. Basement with stationary tubs, shower, toilet and floor drain. Fin lot 44x165 feat. Large well built t-car garage, all for $3,900. Shown by appointment with I . D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors. 741 Omaha Nat. DO. 8. Sunday: Newlon KE. 114K; Buck KK. JS34. New 5-Room Bungalow Stucco construction : lids vestibule, large living room with bookcases, dining room, convenient kitchen with wall cabinets. 2 nice bedrooms, linen closet and bath; oak finish throughout: full floored attic, full cemented basement with plastered coal bin nnd floor drain: large east front lot. Located H9J4 Florence Blvd. Open today. Norris & Norris 15Q2 Dodge Si VhoneJA. 4270. Good7-R., ModrEx. Heat SPLENDID GOOD HOUSE NICE LOCATION $500 down: price, $3,600 and $85 per month; close in, fine shade; fine full porch; four large rooms first floor and three fine rooms and bath on second, in fine condition. Call JA. 2282. Osborne Realty Co. Peters Trust Building. Six-Room Modern House Having oak finish on first floor, brick fireplace, three rooma and bath on second floor, nice sleeping porch, stairway to floored attic, large cement basement, east front lot with a garage at 2122 Sherman Ave. House in best of order. Price $5,500. W. H. Gates 647 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. JA 1284 Seven-Room House FOR $2,700. Located at 2504 Emmet street, having bath and gas, nicely located on a south front. 60-foot lot, house renting at $30 month. W. H. Gates 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1234 New Bungalow Good Location Easy Terms This le a snap and must be sold Let us show you and give you the facta and figures. Located near Miller Park. Call JA. 3336. YOU know the difference between a ho'jee and a home. I build homes and finance them at 6 per cent. L. K. Shostak, "Creator of Pleasant Homes." 810 Arthur Bldg. JA.3336. MODERN, $3,600. Five-room cottage on paved street, paving paid; newly decorated; new furnace; $760 cash; balance $35 per month. Call WA. 1422 this evening, R. P. CLARY COMPANY. Realtors. S4th Street and Ames avenue. KB. 017$. Members Multiple Listing Exchange. MINNE MTS A BUNGALOW. Five dandy rooms; fireplace and extra large living room: all windows weather stripped. Fenced-in back yard. Oak floors and finish. Price $6,250. $2,500 cash, one-half block to car. KE. 4233. S. B. M'DOWELL & CO., AT. 5027. 250 Patera Trust Bldg. Good 5-Room Bungalow Oak finish, highly polished oak floors, nicely decorated and In best of order, two extra rooms on second floor, partly finished, large basement, with cement floor. South front lot. 60x134, at 1474 Lothrop street. To close estate, house, 6 rooms down. 4 up. Paved street, south front. All modern. Lot 60x130 feet. Shade, some fruit, good repair, close to schools, church, car Unei Carry loan of $2,000; property all clear. $4 .250 cash. Lpcated in Clif ton Hill. WA. 4108. NEW 7-room residence, all modern, in Florence. Price for quick sale by non resident owner, at $4,600, $200 or $300 cash, and balance like rent. Possession at once. No colored. Nethaway. KE. 1407. $1,750 $250 Cash buya 4-room house parti ymodern. located at 3327 Miami Stl Will redecorate and pu t in electric lights. Call WA. 6491. 3111 MYRTLE AVE, New bungalow, large pleasant room, lat st finish and arrangements. Owner. HA. 6924. 3335 CAMDEN Ave., t rooms, modern wltb half acre of fruit $1,000 cash, balance monthly. 608 Bee Bldg. JA. t200. D. E. BUCK A CO. buv and sell homes. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Field Club District Seven-room all modern house; fin ished in best of pine first floor; white enamel second floor; quar tered pine floors throughout; hot water heating plant; garage f"r two cars; owner anxious to sell; location 8.3 South 36th St. George & Co., REALTORS. AT. 3024- Nearly New Easy Terms South of Hanscom Park Attractive fi-room 2-story frame and stucco house on a fine corner lot at !e?s than cost. Oak floors and finish; built-in fea tu : beautiful decorations. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 15;n Fernam St JA. 0."64. Sun. HA. 1297. Stop a Minute Small payment down; dandy little I room cottaee newly decorated inside and out; nothing to do but move in and hang up your hat. This all mod era with dandy screened porch Open house today from t p m. to ft p. m. Address 4624 tMuth SevenTth Street. pri" $3 9 OSBORNE REALTY COM PANT, SOUTH SIDPROPERTY "Brand "New, Weli BuHf I'll V. II I'Oi.i I-1 Mat la w fine .orner. both .ireei pid an-1 altet. kellaslone . , M , K . t'tlh 1 bedrooms, ll. I lor, all oa Hum., natt bulf.l. float cl'ieel, Mi'hsil tuphoarda, si' trice, f with ll.C'i H mil U.I I II tlt lU'Wil anl sun room All f I. tor - oak huffi, boiih- e.ce tid finish la I tiHiii't Ki.h. haa til built in f.atur.a, bieakla.i nook, laa tug bediooitu and balk upstairs Prut. Hi"'', II 'H'J cash loll I II - i room bungalow All e.k f,".iia and built ins lit from r"i'b Well siren,. 'I Pnn li I'til, WE OFFER MOST KuB TMR MONKT Ci'MK fiiHVN TOPAV. 1 Til I P M LET V HHHW V'lD HKAl. VAI.IM C. G. Carlberg, HKAl lull, 111 Hrsn.l'.ia Theai.r, Cathedral District I rooms s'i'l aleeplnir h. All large, any looms Flnwhed In Ih best of oak on fleet floor; birch mahogany second floor; nek floors throughout ; llonred at'le, full buck baaenienl. furnaca heat; toi let In bitsetnent. piimlv laige bilk fiult room Screens and alorm window, throughout: lot tsxtlt fct None block to car una. l nis nom is nicely decorated and painted and la In excellent condition. For de tailed information il George & Co., Atlauilo infl Realtor. Mem hers Multiple Matin Exchange A ilUV WORTH THE MONEY r 3401 H. 12D AVE. Bit-room home; oak throughout: modtrti In every way; garao on car. Look litis over outside, then call for further in formation. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1120 Farnam 81. JA. 0184. Evenings and Sunday, WA. 3171. WEST SIDE PROPERTY Let Her Go! Owner's Orders I'nuaually well finished semi-bungalow; finest location la Leavenworth Heights; south front; ha lour room. Including tun room down; 1 upstairs, all elegantly finished In oak and enamel. Snappy and roomy. Price $6,600. Call Schroeder Investment Co., Realtors. JA 1261. 527 Sunderland Bldg. Call Mr. Schroeder. HA. 0411, Sunday. Leavenworth Heights Bungalow $5,250 Just completed. Five fine rooms, attic and full cemented base ment. Oak floors, well built, well arranged and well located. On paved street. Close to car- Easy terms. For full information call WA. 2 HI 2. Nifty New Bungalow Now building on east front lot In beau tisul Benuonliurst. Lot (3x217. Paved xtreet. House has five fine rooms on one floor, full cemented basement and large attic with dormer suitable for finishing fine room. Prte complete. Ja.SOO; easy terms. For full Information cali owner, WA. 1 5fn Sunday and evening YOU know the difference between a house and a home. I build homes and finance them at 6 . t. K. SHOSTAK. "Creator of Pleasant Homes." 310 Arthur Bldg. JA. 3336. $30 Down, $30 Per Month New four-room house and about one-half acre. Located southwest of Hanscom park. Owner will eell to responsible party on terms of $30 down and $30 per month. Call AT. 993(1. Dundee Lot and Cash for 5 or 6-room home, west side, not too old. Lot is all modern and lovely location. Reasonable price. Sunday. Webster t2sn. Fike & Price JA. 54)9. 819 City Nat. Bank Bldg. BETWEEN 27TH AND 3STH ON CAPITOL AVE. Good neighborhood; walking distance. We have 7-room strictly modern home; lot 60x135. Priced worth the money, W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam St. JA. 0564. Evenings and Sunday, WA. 2876. Great Northern Railway Permanent Railroad Jobs in the Great Northwest Machinists Boilermakers Blacksmiths Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters Car Repairers Electricians Welders Linemen Helpers Stationary Engineers Stationary Firemen Laborers Applicants not me chanics will be trained and as they become efficient, will be ad vanced to positions at higher rates of pay. Good wages, time and one-half after 8 hours and for Sundays and holidays. Free transportation, free board, free lodg ing. This is your chance to locate in the prosperous zone of plenty. Apply to D.W. M0RIS0N Superintendent of Employment Great Northern Railway St Paul, Minn. W .ST SIDE PROPERTY A Large House CI.i'kk t.i sr:w i kviiMi ti. iiiiiii For a"ti!i at.rdiitg a lata ii irio tut i.ioiiia ihi. i. ia.i.4 lb b.u aud well s'lula4 A e.KII I "Jul on l.lo.uiu till. I . fa. in (leiKle I'.ik. o", '!" I" cat I , aiuies and k th hol A l.u unit frame hue. well .nli..l and itn-orair.l, bti:eg f ur bedtMOtpt end tile bih en ''ond l!..r. Il.ll w.iei heal, tatsse, leit lot ih .ba t in.. Pipe ie on,.. ii, terms Nuiidey tail Mr. hmieiurn. HA. Jf A. P. Tukey & Son "Tukey Sold It" 4?t fit. I Nl Ilk i. 4?M Real Bungalow Bargain Ilk fine loom, and uu moni al on on floor Csin.nied and pits tared I'e.eiiienl and good utt' ak and eilini'l fini.ll Neatly new and in bn. condition. it. and dine li.eulilul lawn On of the finest plai e, tn!.iii wnrlh Heiabi and only ' f ir tuitk salt Micwn by spi oiut. Call lianl A ll-n.nii, buiidsy and ieniiits, W A. list, or Benson &Carmichael til I'aimn Hio. k. AT. 1M0 Cathedral District Brick Residence On uvet of ikih street hill, to Mum niudrrn, rtira well built, beautifully arranged. ' fireplace, suiirooiii, aleaning pun h. basement brick partloned Into rooma, lot $31,11.0, prk ;i,0u, reanonabl terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., CATIMCUHAL. district .New hume. buy dl 101 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 1711. reel from owner. Equity, cash, balance log time. Th most built-in house In Omaha. 7 rooms. Mortarad, with garage. Extra lot. HA. 041b. BENSON PROPERTY PA?JdT $-room. modern bungalow : lot 11x10; one-half block from nirlin. Frit 13.160. C. A. Orlmmsl. JA. 1611. DUNDEE PROPERTY Three Attractive Homes EACH ON SIGHTLY CORNER LOT. EACH ONE A REAL BARGAIN. M.ato. t rooms. Urge and well arranged; oak finish and floors, fireplace, hook raeen; built for a horn and kept like a home; lot 10x120. $10,100. I largo rooms; quarter-sawed n.-ik and liirch finish: quarter-sewed oak floora throughout. Many fea tures, cistern, garage. 1 car,; . south front. Terms tu good party; lot 50x13a. $11,600. 8 large rooms; quarter-sawed oak finish; hot water heat; garage; south front lot, 76x12, on block to car Willard C. Slabaugh Realtor. M.Cague Bldg. JA. 295$. member Multiple, Listing Exchange. Six-Room Dundee Home $V&7! 41 . 0 0 cash: a real home; full two story; ha target living room with fi re place, built In bookcases, buffet, kitchen 'Hbinets; thre corner bedrooms; bath has bnse tub. tile floor; all In first-clafce fchape; only 2 years old; newly decorated; a beautiful location. Call Mr. I.ormsch, AT. 6347. , $oT506 $750 CASH In best residental district on Florence boulevard, 6-room, two-story frame; Im mediate possession. Fries for quick sale. ATTIC BELMAN wtUT 723 Petera Trust Building. Mortgage Loans ft L eVT.a.! v vr in ait nm A Bank B(d. On Account of the mechanical craft em. tloyes having gone on a strike the Colorado and Southern Ry. Co. will employ in the shops, roundhouses and car de partment at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyenne men suitable for such service. Board and lodging free under ample protection. Ideal climate and working conditions. Wire or write H. W. RIDGWAY, Supt. Motive Power, Denver, Colo. illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlL- 1 Men Wanted by Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway ? Machinists and Machin ists' Helpers Boilermakers and Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers and Shop Laborers Apply to Room 211 Leflang Bldg., 16th and i Capitol Ave. SllIUllMliluuiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliliniii DUNDEK PROPERTY Extraordinary Dundee Home $11,500 Hn k a4 eiu'i roei4 i. . ..i.i i. f ..rural ball, wiih .e.i Ian Una lens auk I'l. pi. a and buMk-ene dim. r i .in l l bail UH buill III i.i. i.iriaxalur oei w fuel lieu, lhi.e bsdreome tad bath n ...uud fi.n.1, lerg Maid fo.fll oil IHIId fio.f M.He!lt ( i .h. l In a mi 4 W e.'U 'li. bit- h.ii ahull Is eiisinel.d ( ll. ll rkalnel liwi.ii t t "e f,.Hi's ii...iuei fullt ei'iipyl launlir ii'ciii. fiu.t loom, real loom, el., Hen. .inn full set ef alum ! il'iai ae en's". sbrubbsry, i0'4' galeae solid dllt,r. I'aiii.a all Laid An Inal. Ilea ill loatinc tuit Ikal I He h,ou 'a tei.iaiasbie 4lu ai Ibt tboi priie, The Byron Reed Company po ior. Mi: Ferntm SI. " Dundee Brick Home SuribWMi cvin.r tl.i Ave and Fsrnaiit. amaulli I loom 3 tnn-v end alllc; ll'a roof, h"! lr beat, 7 car aar4ge, miner lot, Tai:t fi. i.u;i k piuwes.iun Oaii.ft bu'inr.a transfer bun from clir Iriied iiglil for nul'k est A fine boti'i in an excellent loeaiion; reafc'lilile l.tllln Dundee Brick and Stucco Ijrae tiling room. Iibtsry. dining room, sun loom, breakfast room, kitchen flral door; I bedroom., sleeping porch, tile bath, second: oak finlnh; very tllraslive, roe enlnt In car line; east front lot. mrnt drive. H'snnbl terms. No III a) loth Ae Cathedral District $ room. 1 stories, qusrled-tawed oak finish; In fin condition; ast front lot. lOtlt ft I fin sbsd, tree. I'rlc 1100; reasonah teem KxctnllontI vlu. Sunday call KE. Hit. JA. lift or WA 15 , . Fowler & McDonald Realtor. Jtiksnn li:. Ill City Nat. Btnk Bldg. ItRY D. E. BUCK 4 CO. 12 Families on our prospect list who must buy homes by Aug. 1. If you want to sell quick, ana your price is reason able, call us today; want 5 and 6-R. homes. 2 phones: JA 20W) or DO 8890. fi2 Realtors co-operating through multiple listing ex change. D. E. BUCK & CO. 742 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. "VrOR QUICK SALEsf Wanted: Carpenters for Car Work Permanent Employment. 63c PER HOUR Time and One-Half after 8 Hours Apply at Employment Of fice, C. B. & Q. R. R., First Floor, 1004 Farnam St., Omaha. Office Open Sunday Wanted Competent Men The Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. will employ competent men for railroad service as follows: MACHINISTS SHEET METAL WORKERS BOILER MAKERS ELECTRICIANS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS Standard wages will be paid under rules and working conditions, with seniority dating from time of employment, as prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board. Those wishing t enter the service of this Company will report to H. G. Bock, General Agent, Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, 806 Woodmen of the World Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Mechanics The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad is now em ploying men for its Shops, Roundhouses and Repair Tracks at the standard wage and overtime conditions laid down by the United States Railroad Labor Board. RATES OF PAY PER HOUR Boilermakers 70c Machinists 70c Blacksmiths 70c Electric and Acetylene .Welders 75c Pipe Fitters Plumbers Coach Builders . . . 70c 70c 70c Coach Painters 70c Car Painters . .' 63c Electricians 70c Electric Crane Operators Over 40-ton 66c Under 40-ton 60c Working Hour will hm thota necettary for Maintenance of th Service. Board and Lodging, under ample protection, will be furnished. Young, active men datiring to go into railroad tervice will be given an opportunitf for training in tteady, detiretble employment. Apply at once to F. Newell, Matter Mechanic, Firtt Floor Burlington Bldg., Tenth and Farnam Streett, Omaha. Employment Offlc Open Sunday e We Loan at 6 on Omaha Property EITHER monthly payment loans or straight five-year loans. We loan on Homes Apartments Business Property Prompt doting of loan. Cott nominal. See ut if you want to borrow on real attate. Peters Trust Consul i Trs.t esiisis, D-D DUNDtK PJJOPKRTY Dundee OS -f It A . i-eMseesi fatoem b.' a I ims isl kuHi. lei. Il'." I" " ' 1 " r.l.. a4 b....k eas !.'. l a'' '"' in ,.iuiii. i,i .i il.a ItHtiii'e b'l.t -t. n:' Nui m faaimee li.l..l ' ' k, beiy b.dfji'iiia with b.i'l lei leg null. ek an wbilo '"' . !' b.'b l.ll fitluis l4's I 'l, I ,.'... I'l i.e.! 14 .ll. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Ut t amain ' Huiilay aad Itxenlnt WA Is. ytOKavNCK PKOPEKIY I. KTH A W A f aaUe'ead IradM Ka! 111 MISCfcl-I.AN EOUS PROPERTY Tukey Offers Bungalow Bargain . $1,000 Cash $'u tie loon. in one f'.'ior: (i.i.ii - aid I m - tt in maia roiii. While enalllil 111 I'.dioi'll' and bam. full ml bemni. will, $t water h.el.t ll... .J eil lot wllll il "lb' garttl This hi.u.e It itituiul'ly a b. g' ,iiiirnne. Call ti.'Uy W ii I..' S"n 11 f it A. P. Tukey & Son Tukey Sold It" III rir.l Nat I Ilk Hid JA IIII. UAKI'V t room loilata: baigain If eoid oa or bli Tuetday, II" W-ll. Oinslia He., Wanted by Missouri Pacific Machinists and MachinisU Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St. Louis, Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coffey ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. PER HOUR Upholsterers 70c Brass Moulders 70c Fire Builders :.. 38c Roundhouse Service men 35c Stationary Engineers.. 61c Stationary Firemen. .56 V4c Laborers 35c Coach Cleaners 34c Helpers ....-. 47c Car Repairers 63c Car Repairers (Pas senger) 27c Apprentices 27c J