B -B ' " - y "r' V THE .1.,' ,', ,' , , OMAHA, . ien ion rift low Tor Kent mm m ine want -aq section of The Omaha Bee you tell prospective tenants in Omaha about what you have to rent. Every person who looks Oyer Omaha ..mmrr aa a a .see a 4 4 . 4 - ,1 Ti AT 1 j.1 1 ffr . A elV n X AH tlC fT- Dee "Want Ads will be interested or ne would not oe looKing mere, f none i -ianwc iuw aim iui a " Priscilla Dean, Screen Star, Passes Through Omaha is ' ,'V,Jt 'k S ll IV fil Priscilla Dean, screen star of the Universal forces, strolled through Union depot Friday night, accom panied by an entourage of stalwart young men who watched her until she was safely back in her car. This quiet young woman of or dinary stature was en route from Los Angeles to New York, where she will engage in .the preparation of a jicw crook play whose name has not been announced. '' Guarded By Brother. Raymond Griffith, who will play lief brother in the new screen pro duction, was one of the young men who guarded her along the station platform and out into the station. Others in the party were Tod lirowning, who directed her in "The Virgin of Stamboul" and "Outside the Law." and who will direct her in the forthcoming play; Leo McCrarey, assistant director; William Fildew, camera man, and Earl Taggcrt, cut ter. Her real name isn't Priscilla. She iV.' Mrs. Wheeler Oakman. Mr. Wheeler Oakman was not with the party last night. "My husband is home in Beverly Hills directing the construction of our itew home," she confided. New Home Nest. The new home nest of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Oakman will be ready about September 1. There will be a swimming pool where Priscilla may take her morning pltwge, and there will be the cutest little breakfast room, where "the sun will come peep ing in at morn." "Who is your favorite author?" Miss Dean was asked. Lord Northcliffe s Condition Serious Copyright. MM. '' " London, July 22. It was an nounced last night that Lord North cliffe's condition continues to give rise to anxiety. The fever, due to infection, does not abate and heart is in consequence considerably af fected. Lieutenants to Make Longest Army Flight San Diego, Car.. July 22. Lieu tenants C. L. Weber ind Virgil Hines of the army will leave Rock well field here next week on one of tlie longest air mapping flights ever attempted by army airmen. The flight will be made in accord ance with plans of the air service to photograph thoroughly and map every air lane in the United States. The exact course of the fliers as announced is as follows: P.MlP""c". ,J c n T.t . C.l ' Cn rranwistu lu ail i-uac, oan Lake to uenver, uenver to port sin, j Ul.; fori am to aan Antonio, oan Antonio to El Paso, EI Paso to Xogales and thence back to San Diego. A specially reconstructed De Havi land plane is being prepared for the trip. It will carry 150 gallons of gasoline. Omahan to Read Sleuths at Cheyenne Frontier Days Seeking someone to hold the "wild wtst" in peaceful channels, Cheyenne, Wyo, has come to Omaha. Benjamin Danbaum, detective ser geant of the Omaha police force, is the man selected. Danbaum left yesterday afternoon to take charge of a force of detec tives that will be .on duty Monday when the Cheyenne Frontier Days' celebration opens. He will enforce order and keep crooks from preying on the crowds. New Thought Alliance Re-Elects Edgerton Head Atlanta, Ga.. Juyl 22. James A. Edgerton of Washington, president of the International New Thought alliance for 14 consecutive terms, and all other officers were re-elected at yesterday s business session ot its BujUj annual coavenjf f n "I am too fond of golf, tennis and horseback riding to bother about au thors," Priscilla replied. Two German police dogs will be the pets of her new home fiear Los Angeles. Miss Dean said she is a native of New York and that this is her first trip east for six and one-half years. BEE WANT AD RATES 15o per line each day, 1 or 3 days. iio per line each day. 8 to S days. lOo per line each day, T days or longer. These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning ami Evening Bee. All weekday advertisements appear In both morning and ovenlng editions at the one cost. The aliove rates apply exclusively to Want Ads whlcn ar. commonly termed ."public wants," and do not Include ad vertising or exploiting their business. THE BEE reserves the right to desig nate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following ornces: MAIN OFFICE -..17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha 2400 N St. Council Bluffs IS Scott St. Telephone AT-lantlo 1000. Call for Want Ad Department, An ex perienced want ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CL08INO HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:45 a. m. Morning Edition 9 p. m. Sunday Edition p. m. Saturday. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES KASTMAN Charlotte; use, 76 years, months and 27 days; July 19, 1922, at the residence. 1123 North 17th St.; survived by one sister, Mrs. S. Newstrom; one daughter, Mrs. W. T. Martin; and one brother, C. O. H. Kaatman, all of Omaha. Mrs. Kastman has lived in the city for 42 years. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the N. P. Swanson chapel, 17th and Cuming 8ts. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. METZOER William, at his home July 21, the age of 65 years. Funeral services Sunday, July 23d, at i p. m at Hulse & Rlepen chapel, 23d and Cuming. Interment Pleasant Hill ceme tery. Friends welcome. He Is survived besides his wife, two brothers, Samuel Metzger, New York; Jake Schlank, of Blackmore. Okl., and on. sister, Mrs. Mollis Fisher, New York. SELZLE Gertrude, aged 21 years, July 20, 1922. Beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Selile. Survived by fathet and mother, one sister, Stella; two broth ers, Leo A., and Thomas R. Funeral from family residence, 8725 S. 24th atreet, Saturday morning at 8:30, to St. Bridgets Hhurch at o'clock. Inter ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. SWARTZLANDER Dr. Louis C, July 17, 1922. Funeral services Saturday, 2 p. m., from the home, 614 N. 30th street, interment Forest Lawn cemetery. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing concrete burial vaults Recommended and for sal. by all leading undertakers. Water proof, no steel to fust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon th. AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. S210 N. 30th. Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. FLORISTS T1717 T ADUfflM Phot. DO. 1244 uuu AJXXAkXixvyj.x 1814 Douglaa. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS j SWOBODA, 141S FARNAM 8IREI5T. u Henderson. uo7 Farnam. ja. iiss. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. J A. 1101. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new aectlon has recently ben opened In Forest Lawn cemetery Anm . lot' ' heforJ , ehViluTa i dom to select a lot before absolute ; jecessuy compel, one w uo so. , "aieu FOREST LAWN CEMETERT ASSOC1A- TION. T:0 Brandeia Theater Bldg. SALESMEN, packing house stock salesmen: - $6,000,000 issue: constructing new plant; ttttm ct A T niorrTflDO company operating, paying dividends semi- fU'iaKAL jJlKE.il UKa annually. Mountain States Packing Co., 1:2 F. J. STACK & CO., Fo,ter B,dr ' D""ol- Successor to . Stack Falconer SALESMEN Wanted Hlgh-claas securl- OMAHA'S BEST. ' tlea salesmen, sble to finance themselves PIET.CE A f RTTT A MPTSERVICE to aell $3,000.00 common stock North- ARROW"A'AA U AJXilN VjC-ha. 04. western Live Stock and Dairy Loan com- Thirty-third and Farnam. pany. Liberal commission. 307-301 Se- " TIP A T-lTnVT p -TTr, T7T- curitles Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. XlEArEl & HEAr El SALESMEN Sell greases and roof coat Undertaker and Embalmers. accessory garage, hardware, coal Phone HA. e:4l. Office Mil Farnam. n1 lumber dealers. Salary and com- mission. Only experienced specialty Wnlao Xr Ptonan salesmen need apply. Premier Co.. 1111 X1UISC XVlCjJCIl, w nth Cleveland. O. Funeral Directors. $$24 Cuming. sALESMAN-Adverti.ing-who can make T ARIfTM RTynTHTTPC! at least $100 per week on straight torn- AJAAVZVi. JJXVVJi.llIliXVO mission basis In his home territory with FUNERAL PIRECTOBS. 4ll SO. NTH A-l proposition of many years' stand- CROSBY-MOORE 'woT S- '3 . SALESMEN Play-Ola, fastest seller ever ncDcmtit t- offered. It's new: 7.000 sold in one PERSONALS town. Retails for only $l!.0. Exclusive u.a..rr .... 7K..- territory. Live wires cleaning ap. Write MASSAGE. Emma Brott, 1.1T Webster. qolet Uolwd sjp,,, Ca , MATERNITY HuilK. 1112 Emms' S. boat it, Columbus, O, ( PER30NALS THH HALVATIoN Army Industrial home solicits your .14 clothing, furniture, mageilns. Wt rollsrl. We distribute. Phone IK). 4UI null eer ago will rail. Cell end Inepeot our a.w bom. J 1 1-1112-1114 Dodgs ft. JOIN )H. THOMAR H.alth Clun, All people who live awarding to Dr. Thomas' hralih rules have a normal, healthy body, a rlear skin, ne ssress of flesh and a won. ilerful amount of endurance. Dr. F. L Thomas, U Koiinhm .liansport. Ind. KXI'FIIT mechanie and rheuffeur wants la drive ear t. California for expenses; brat i t i.t.rfiim. Address Ilos W-121, t'lttnh He. MAGNETIC baths: Violet Hay treatment with masaagea. II R. lth. AT. till. BLXriH'H baths, Bwnllsa massage, ehl. ropo.lv. Kvenlngs to 1. ot IQlh a'. Wo'iUWAkT) H Msssaia I7OSs Leaven worth. Office I. hr.. IB a, m. to 7 p. m, tl.KCTKlO BATHS for nervousness. WK. IIL KXI'F.HT MAKHAOB ATLANTIC IM riHIIEK baths, massage. 12 Arthur Bid. HKVT vacuum rleanera 7lr. HA. 1071. I.Xl'KRT massage. J10 No. 17th LOST AND FOUND IK you have found something, look through this column and as. If th. owner has adv.rtlsad his loss. It's surprising how many people reed this classification each day Just out ft curiosity, sometimes. IX)HT At World theater or between the ater and 14th and Harney, a F. B. X. key. Name and L'nl. of Neb., '11 en- graved on back. Tel. HA. 8140, LOST On or about July It, one large cameo brooch. Liberal reward for re turn of same. WA. 42SI. BRINDLE Boston bull, white collar, near ly circles neck, acraw tall. Name, "Spud." Reward. Call JA. 1444. LOST Alrdal. dog, female, gray and tan; nam., "Blm:" child's pet; pump on stom ach. Reward. HA. HIS. LOST Cameo brooch set with pearls, on 40th and Cuming car. Valued as keepsake. IS reward. WA, 11SS. LOST Roan heifer, 50 pounda. smsll horns. Finder pleas, call MA. 0111, or AT. Sill. VACATION RESORTS. LARUE lots on hesutlful Horseehoe lake, near THE OMAHA COLONY, Northern Wisconsin: sandy leach, pine timber, finest black bass fishing In th. state, sold on .aay terms. For plat and further in formation write Barber A Fltts, Dulutb, Minn. MALE HELP WANTED ATTENTION SALESMEN Men wanted to carry our patented winter cap aa a sideline. Only S sample and swatches. Liberal commission. Leon Wallace & Sons, 2SS-2I2 East 137th St. New York city. COLORED labor wanted for paving Job. Apply Western Asphait Paving Corpora tion, Independence, Iowa. Bricklayers Wanted Union Job. 19 per day. 8 hours work. Wlli allow transportation for men that will stay at least one month. Must be first-class mechanics. Apply Wells Bros. Construction Co., at John Morrell plant, Ottumwa. Ia. PRUO CLERK wanted. Single man only. St. Joseph Drug Co.. St. Joeseph, Mo. MAN wanted for Nerraska, acquainted with plumbing and hardware trade, for high-class water supply system. Must be man who can handle Jobber as well aa dealer. Decatur Pump company, Do catur, 111. Mechanics Wanted, Experienced. Scott Motor Car Co., 3016 Harney St. Ha. 0010 MEN WANTED. FOR GRAVEL HAULING. Several excellent Job. open. Men on this work now earning $26 to 135 per day. Must be reliable and able to buy truck, paying part caah. balance from earnings Quick action Is necessary aa limit ed number only can I j taken care of. When replying give phone No. if possible. Address Box W-110, Omaha Bee. MEN' To qualify for positions In traffic and shipping departments, railroad and Industrial, foreign and domestic ship ping; salaries excellent, with unlimited chance 'for advancement; experience not absolutely necessary, If determination to learn. This Is no employment agency, but a real chanca for men with ambition. Answer, giving present employment, age and tetephono number; all information atrlctly confidential. Address W-H3, Omaha Bee. MEN 13. 00 an hour. Newest kitchen tool. Every woman uses 20 times dally. Easy seller. Big profits. Sample free. Thomss Mfg. Co., Desk 4133. Dayton. O. NO strikes in the automotlvo business, but steady work, high pay; be an automo tive electrician or mechanic. We train you thoroughly. Best school, finest equip ment. Special proposition. New class starting. Booklet free. Johnson Automo tive Trades School. Electrical-Mechanical, 719 Broadway, Wept. J, Denver OFFICE MAN WANTED High caliber office man. General ex perience. Employers' Free Employment Service 1111 Harney Street. SALESMEN Only one sale dally means 1200 per month! Five sales, $1,000 monthly. Main or side line. Marvelous new 3-lb. sddlng machine. Betails SIS. Work equals 1100 machine. Adds, sub tracts, multiplies, divides, automatically. Speedy, accurate, durable, handsome. Five-year guarantee. Tremendous de mand. Amasing profits. Write quick for liberal trial offer and protected ter ritory. Lightning Calculator Co., Dept. 14S, Grand Rapids. Mich. SALESMEN One who is Intelligent, conscientious and a hard worker, to represent a reliable and well established manufacturer in the state of Nebraska. Salary and bonus with ex penses advanced. In reply give reference, paat sales experience, age and telephone number to Insure prompt Interview. Ad drea.i Y-1961. Omaha Bee. SALESMEN wsnted, familiar with llve atr.ck; honest, dependable men who will not exaggerate, to aell advertised, highly successful mineral feeds and stock reme dies formuleted by one of best known authorities Mallon's first two weeks com missions Bell's first nine days $70. ytcCarlr 0Ver 200 a wok. Big rep.at bun,s,. Conn-Miller Products company. Waterloo, Ia. MALE HELP WANTED KALKSMKN Juat out. fastest Hing ad vertising apecialty: your smallest com mission flo per order: big repeater. Kull or part time. I'oiket sample. Write qulik. I.usem Co., HI W. Huron, t'hl-raga. NoLli'lT accounts for Istkm rullectinn agency. 1 1 00 week easily earned. Apply Immediately for valuable territory. II llnoia Adjusting Corporation, It K. Van Kuren ft, I'hlcsgo, 8AI.KMMEN To sell an advertising premium propoetion lo eumll town mer chants; big money to producers. Write t'nited Pervke. American Hank HlJg , Ksnsas city. Mo KA1.KSMKN Men l.lnten. Hpecla! lo)' overalls and girls longlegseil rompers, sweeping country like wildfire hvery genersi store buys. writ. iUKK. iron alls. 7:3, Cincinnati, O. Salesman -wS"', road man ah grade sta ple line, (live references. W. J, Lornck, Iowa City, la. .ALKSMKN Commission salesmen, call ing on retail hardware dealers; we have a faat catcher fly trap. Addreas F. I'sy ec Co.. Alcester, 8. t. SAI.KKMKN WANTED Exclusive terri tory, liberal commission: ahuld bav r'ord tar. Box W-114. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN WANTED Canned fruit so cially saleaman. Box W-145. SALESMAN to soil portable typewriters In city. 1107 Harney, See T. J. Desmond. t'NUSlTAL opportunity for ambltloua men. Bell Devla 125.00 Quality, made-to-measure clothes from maker to wearer. Year round position. Cjulrk sales. Advertis ing to help you. Entire deposit your commission. Wonderful values. Satis faction or money returned. "Square deal" proposition. Investigate us. Art quick. Write, giving three references. P. H. Davit Tailoring Co.. Cincinnati. O. WANTED GROCERY SALESMEN who have been or are at present calling on retail grocery stores and have the con fidence of these stores. Chanco to earn ISO 10 S100 a week on the side with very little effort. Writ, todsy for full par ticulars. Writ. Dept. U-2.0. Fulton Mer cantile Corp., Woolwortb Building, New York. N. Y. WANTED Mail clerk for large Omaha hotel; young man with some experience preferred: state particulars In first letter. Address Box W.115. Omaha Bee. WANTED man to buy truck and take over transter nuainesa; unusually reasonable terms. DO. mil. Eve or Sun. HA. 4904. week flays, no. KS41. Young Attorneys, Attention ! Claim Superintendent Wanted. TVanted Youn? man for superintendent of claims. One capable of assuming duties as branch office manager; one of the oldest and strongest insurance com panies now transacting business In Ne braska territory. While salary must be moderate to start, quick promotion will roiiow rapid ffrowtn or an active organiza tion. If you can qualify for the position we have to offer, a futuro with our com pany and the permanency of our organiza tion will be attractive to you. Reply iv- mg age ana experience. Address 7 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 1200 per month easy. Drop everything else and sell this new styM written guaranteed hosiery. Big paylnt,'. steady year around business. Sell whole families all their hosiery. Latest styles. Repeat orders bring you steady profits. Experience or capital unnecessary. Spare time satisfactory. Complete sample out fit furnished. Jennings Mfg. Co., Line ions uayion, u. AGENTS Tailoring agents, good, men now earning 150 to $150 per week year around selling our wonderful 129.60 virgin wool tailored tu order suits, overcoats. They sell fast because 120.00 cheaper than store prices. You keep deposits. Protected ter rltory. Prefer experienced, will train in experienced it right man. write J. n. Simpson, Personal, S31 West Adams St., Chicago, Dept. 184. AGENTS Newly Invented .aluminum combinations. Hemarkablyfast sales. New credit plan. Repeat orders, full line. AH credited. Unlimited business with no cap ital required. Wilson Utensil Co., 11 Third. Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS WANTED To advertise our goods and distribute free samples to con sumer. 0c per hour. Write for full par ticulars. American Products Co., 6223 American Bldg., Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS Women agents making big money introducing new style, patented, sanitary bloomerette; moro comfortable than anything on the market. Vulcan, 131 43d St.. New York. AGENTS Commission agents wanted to sell line of sheet metal goods, state lines you now handle, what territory you cover and how often. Address Lock Boy 116. Peoria, III. AOBNTS A business of your own. Make sparkling glass nsme plates, -numbers, checkerboards, medallions, signs. Big illu strated book mailed free. E. Palmer, 180, Wooster, O. AGENTS $60 to $200 week. Free sam ples. Oold-slgn letters. Anyone can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. . Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS Wonderful seller. 90c profit evory dollar sale. Deliver on spot. License unnecessary. Sample free. Mission. Fac tory 2, 2421 Smith Ave.. Detroit. Mich. WHY work for others? Make and sell your own goods. We show you how. Free book, explains everything. N. S. Laboratories. 625 Main. Richmond. Va. FEMALE HELP WANTED AT ONCE Five ladles to travel, demon strate and sell dealers. $40 to $75 per week. Railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept 3 03 A, Omaha. Neb. COMPTOMETER OPERATORS WANTED We have calls for 10 experienced comp tometer 'operators that wo are unable to fill. We need 20 students to go through a six week's course to fit them for just such positions. If you must work, why not prepare so that you will get the most for your time. Let us tell you about It. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. 402-a Mirkel building. JA. 1493. The School That Graduate Experts. DRUG clerk wanted. Give wages expected and references. Girl preferred. Box W 124. Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPER. STENOGRAPHERS. COMPTOMETER Employers' Free Employment Service I'll Harney St. Typist Wanted Typist wanted who also knows general office mork. Must be rapable, neat, accurate speedy worker. State experience and education. Large office, per manent position. Address Box W-142, Omsha Bee. WOMAN Wanted Capable woman, not un der 30. Business experience unnecessary. In telligence and liking for work essential Right woman will be given a thorough business training, with excellent opportuni ty for advancement. Addsess Y-1960, Oma ha Bee. Give pour phone number. SITUATIONS WANTED Grain Bookkeeper Thorougnly experienced in all depta.ofthe business will be available ror position Aug. 1. Minneapolis and Omaha references. P. O. Box 434. Minneapolis, Minn. MR. Employer or Mrs. Housewife. READ These Ads It is impossible for these worthy people to talk with all of you fac to face so they hare used this column as a means of notifying TOU that they want to wnrk for TOU. NURSE Position wanted to take care of small children or invalid lady. Refer ence. Address 852 N. Main St., Fremont, Neb. STENOGRAPHER Man, some experi ence, desires position. Salary fl& week up. WA. 991. "WANT job rnorkim? around house for room and board. Box W-ne. Omaha Be. DAT work wanted. Rirenees. TVE. A4. WHITE woman wants dy. wk. KE. 22"S. DATWORK and aewinr- WA. 404. DAT work wanted. sRcL W. 004 MLEOJM'E MA LE. WAN TKI Capable, eiK-tgellu lusil of wo man ss altnt nianasrr In well known Omaha business sullrge. Investment of II. iinO rsnulrfit. t'osltloii will rsrn v-u IJuO per month . Kor interview write los W-ll.'. Oinsha flee LX1 9 N ? WIIKTIIKIt you're Interested in getting attractions or want to get plsce.l. rd and us this rlsssifliatlon You d be sur prised to learn how many roiireonrs and 'fr-e eltreiilon" people Wk The Omaha He an thry run keep in tnu' h with the various c-lctiraliona advertised. WANTKlTConri-eslnne. ,r'" p1'1 tractions for Yankton County Fair. August 2 to II. Second largest event In Houtli Dakota this year. Address C. V., Dowl- I n g. secret a r y. Ya n k t n . S. I '. DOLI.8, iTaLLOONH."' Itl'illlfcH HAl.l.H, NOVELTIIIS. Aak for ratal. .gue. Ulobe Novelty Co.. 12n Fnrnam St.. Omaha. Ncl OIHI.H for cabaret show who can wait and foxtrot. Must be Is. lira at all tlni'S. Apply st once. MA. "l. THE "Melody Fv WK. SS72. 1S21 N, " Jaxs bsnd. Jo. Draks, tld St. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIOHT SCHOOL Complete courses In aocountanoy, ma chine bookkeeping, romptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wlreleaa telegraphy, civil service snd sll English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson Isle for larg. Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College, Boylss Bldg., Omaha. Neb. EAItN 1110 to 1150 monthly, expenses paid, aa Railway Traffic Inspector. Position guaranteed after I months' spar, time study or money refunded. Excellent opportunities. Write for Free Booklet, L-271, Stand. Business Training Inst. Buffnlo. N. CIVIL service examinations. July, Au gust. Vacancies. 1120 montniy; age, is upward. Experience unnecensary. For free list positions now open, writ. J. Ionsrd (former civil service examiner). lit Bqultnbl. Bldg., Washington. 1. C. OPEKATIVES WANTED. Experience unnecessary: get particulars; exceptional opportunities. HARTLEY DETECTIVB AGENCY. 20J Bushman Bldg. AT. 017. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 140$ Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Van Sant School ot Business. Dsy and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douulaa 5890. WANTED Names of Omaha women over 17 wishing government Jobs; $90 month up. Steady. Address today, Box Y-1945, Omaha Bee. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto School. 2114 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. Day or evening sessions. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wcad BUI.. 18th and Farnam. AT. 7415. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 1081. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sta, FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 3128. 10 N. 16th St, I. Feldman. ARMY shoes. $2.10. 706 No. ISth. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Fords! Fords! New and Used. Cash or Terms. W have them all prices all models. De sure and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Service Station. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 16th and Jackson Sts DO. 8500. Open Sundays from 9 till 11 a. m. Marmon Touring New paint, white wire wheels. Car has just teen thoroughly gone over me chanically, and la in very fine shape throughout. Will accept smaller car in trade, or give terms. Harney 394S. Mr. Grant. PIERCE-ARROW. A seven-passenger Plerce-Arrow car for sale, $2,500 or trade for equity in Omaha real estate or second mortgage or terms. This car Is as good as new. In perfect con dition and can be seen by 'Inquiring at my otrtce. JOHN M. MACFARLAND. Atty. at Law, AT. 68(8. 608 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from $50 and up. Dodge, Buicks and others, $100 and up. Ford bodies: winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. WILL sell cheap, equity In Oakland roadster: can arrange small monthly pay ments. KE. 0841. ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Serv ice. rbKlrfKKo. 2525 Leavenwortn. ONE good Maxwell touring for sate, cheap. AT. 35R7. STEPHENS Salient Six touring. 1921 model, first-class condition, looks like new. priced to sell. Call AT. 9690 after 5 p. m. for demonstration. Car may be seen any time at Omaha Motor Inn., 2572 Harney. BUT an automobile. The best bargains In used cars are offered in this column. Omaha Bee "Want"' Ads are a clearing house for practically all makes of cars. Most of. them are in Excellent condition and can be put to any test. PIERCE-ARROW chassis. Worth $500. $150 cash for Immediate sale. 2415 Cum ing. John MacFarland. Attorney at Law, 60S Omaha National Bank. . AT. 6858. CONTINENTAL motor and wrecked chas sis, $100. A real buy. West Lawn ga rage. John MacFarland. Attorney at Law, 608 Omaha National Bank. AT. 6S58. BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. Model E-45, 1918 model. New top, paint and tires. Perfect condi tion. Cheap. $.185. Cash or terms. 2052 Farnam. DO. S9S7. Car and Csh For West side lot. 1920 Psige 5-passenger touring car; excellent shape. Price $1,000. JA. 241s or phone WE. 6260 eveninga SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 1600 USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co.. 2554 Farnam. HUDSON SUPER SIX SPEEDSTER. Looks like new, A real bargain. Cash or terms. DO. S9J7. r'KEE Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Parts Co.. 141$ Farnam St.. AT. 1314. USED cars, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobile Co.. 18th aud Howard Sts. AT. 177. BUT A GUT L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safa Investment. 2tth and Farnam Sta Phone DO. 1170. USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts, 1015 Harney St. IF it's a Ford we ran fix It. Vanco Garage. 1611 Howard St. OAKLAND sedan In good condition. $375. Call Harney 022. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, ill a. Ilta. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Th. most linporlant thing la con sider in ths purchsse of a ueed or re new ed car is th. reepon .tbility of the s-ller. Our U A ' Flar. lo Buy. J, H. HANSKM CADILLAC CO., Omaha. Lincoln. Sloug City, Our New Used Car Sale3 Policy:' "Bring It Back if You Are Not Satisfied" EVf- .i MAN WHO BUT8 A UPED CAH TROM m Must Be Satisfied Any rustnmsr who buys a t'sed Car of us who Is not entirely satisfied, we will within a period of ssven days from date of delivery, take asld car back and apply all money psld on same on any new or t'sed Car which we have for sale. The XTsed Car buysr must be so entirely satisfied, not only with his csr, but his dealings with this house that he will want to buy a new Overland or Wlllys Knlght from us some day. This house Is too big to stoop to mis representation or sharp practice In sell ing Used Cars. We have a splendid assortment of re newed cars. All are In excellent condi tion and include many well known makes: all overhauled, some repainted. Come In any day this week and Inspect our remarkable values. ASK ABOUT OUR EASY PLAN. PAYMENT Willys-Overland, Inc. 2562 Farnam St, Open Evenings. Open Sundays. FACTORY BRANCH. The most Important thing1 to consider in the purchase of a used or re-new-ed tar la the re sponsibility of the seller. Ours Is A Safe Place to Buy. J. H. HANSEN5 CADILLAC CO., Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City. We Offer For Sale Marmon tourlnjr car Franklin touring Peerles Sedan , Stearns tourinr .$1,000 600 900 500 Buisk touring 950 Buii Sedan 1.250 All in fine condition and ready to deliver. Scott Motor Car Co., 3016 Harney St. ' HA. 0010. CADILLAC. Used Car Department. Cadillac Type 57 Touring Cadillac Type 55 Roadster. Cadillac Type 55 Touring. Cadlllao Type 63 Touring. Cadillac Type 61 Touring. A Re-New-Ed Cadillac, purchased from an authorized Cadillac dealer, who is In terested In every Cadillac car In the ter ritory. Is a better buy than many new cars, at equal and higher prices. A Safe Place to Buy. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., Farnam at 26th. HA. 0710. PACKARD. Single Six Touring. Driven but 1,600 mtles, and has had care of a chauffeur. Just like a brand new car at a great saving in price. J. H. HANSEN, CADILLAC CO., Farnam st 26th. HA. 0710. TRUCKS FOR SALE A contracting firm has asked us to furnish them five trucks driven by their owners for work near Omaha. Trucks may be pur chased for small down payment balance to be paid out of earn ings. Steady work assured at good rate. Their representative may bo seen at our office Mon day and Tuesday. International Harvester Company 714-16 South 10th St. Used Car Bargains FORD SEDAN 1911 model, fine shape, good tires, seat covers, only $425. OLDSMOBILE 8 Late model, classy Job. wire wheels, newly painted, fine merhaniral condition, lots of power for $500. OAKLAND TOURING. CADILLAC TOURING, and good OVERLAND, five-passenger touring. Priced low, $:oo each. Andrew Murphy & Son Durant Distributors. 14th and Jackson. The most important thing to con sider In tho purchase of a used or re-new-ed car. is the responsibil ity of the seller. Ours Is A Safe Place to Buy. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. Omsha. Lincoln. Sloux City. Midsummer Clean-Up Astounding bargains in used cars. Ride down on the street car and look them over. Then you will ride home in your own car. VINTON GARAGE. 1610 Vinton St AT 357. LOOK over our list of used cara THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. $056 Faraam St AT. 7111. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE USED CARS THAT CAN BE USED! 1 31 PA'KAItl l.e l.us. 4 I'ass. I It PAt'KAHD Touring 211 I'Ai'KAHK Touring le;l I.AKATKTTK. 7 rM. Hl'h'K Tuunng ls;i MAMMON Touring. M.'O lluot.'n Hper.l.lcr. 1S3U ril'l f 4 l'as 1.'D Hl'li K K it, s I'srs te:o Kent- Touting ll.'l ri I'l HAkKII lllg His ISjft I 'Ot i K tieitsn mo tiAKLANH ttcdan, U.'O Koltli rnu. l:u NAHM -r"iriiig 1!0 ol.lhl"HH.i: Kit 1:0 HAYNKK MerUer. 11 lll'lliON' I'sliih.let. IMS HI'lisoN Mfdter. ISIS KTI'T. a l-asariiger. ISIS til.l'KMOIIIt.K hl ill lUTM.ilill.K $ l-ass lll tl.l"HMi ilill.B I. Taurine ISIS I.KXINtiTnN riport. 1 91 IxilxlK Ilosdxrr. Ill OAKLAND MIX III 1IAVNRH T Pass. Ill pnniiE Roadster 1111 OI.PHMoHlI.E Eight. Ills I'ol.B $ Touring HIS Ht'U-K K-41 Touring lilt rHr.VHOI.ItT Touring. lilt KTKAKNS K-t. 1I1 K1SHKI, U Touring. Jl II A V N KH Touring. 111! IIAYNK e.l.n. 1!M7 IIAVN' .! Touring. '$" CADILLAC Touring "1" ( Alill.UC 4 1'smi. Body. PHK.MIKK Roadster. til'EN HUNHAYH TO . TERMS TO RKSPONSIMI.B PARTIES MEEKS AUTO CO., J047 Fnrnam St. Phone JA. 4101 WK BUY and sell new and used cars. Cash or time. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1111 Harney St. JA. 24l. HOUSEHOLD GOODS VACUETTE. The Non-Electric Sweeper. 1614 Harney strest. Upstairs. Phone AT. 0050. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattresses msde over. New ticks. Box Springs Repaired. 11U Cuming St. AT.' 4971. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholessle prices. 175 buy USED Fords, sll models. Used Ford Car the best. Phone Douglas 4422. NINE-PIECE brsnd new dining set of lurry Fhsplros, 4227Harncy St. Inquire John N. Baldwin, 1106 First Ngrt'l Bank WIOB. REFRIGERATOR Herrlck white moun tain, whlto enameled Inside; also fumed osk library table; bargain. 2216 Evans St. CHEAP One pair crutches, oak rocker, one commode chHir, one practically new black overcoat. KE. 0841. AUCTIONS are held dally and evenings at iiowd'i Auction House, lath and web ster street. Phone AT. 0966 for details. AN $0 6x9 genuine Whittall Anglo Per sian rug, practically new, $50. Call WA. 01(1. HOUSEHOLD piano, cheap. goods and Icebox, 4H45 Farnam St. 4 rockers, 1 straight chair, cane and ma hog, swing, smsll table, chair. WA. 2663. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS For Rent Most beautiful music studios In tho city: centrally located with recital hall FREE at attractive terms. SC7HMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1514-16-18 Dodge St. Telephone Douglas 1623. PHONOGRATHS less than cost of manu facture, $175 Tathe, $49.50; $175 Emmer- son, $49.60: $125 Victor. $59.60; $150 Columbia, $69.50. Many other bargains. These phonographs are brand new. Used ror demonstrating only. Records, 29c, four for $1. Records exchanged. 10c. Shales Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. PLATER PIANO I have one of the best player pianos made and practically new In storage In Omaha. Must dispose of this at once. Will eacrifice whether for cash or monthly payments. Address Mr. Lawrence, 999 Longwood Drive, Chi cago, in. We rent upright and grand pianos at lowest prices. Also do expert tuning, moving and take instru ments for storage. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1514-16-18 Dodge St. Telephone Douglas 1623. B-FLAT soprano 'Conn saxophone, in case, like new. Wilkinson Mulc Shop, 221 Arthur Bldg. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as $10 per month. A. HOSPE CO.. 1513 Douglss. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Midwest Bottle Supply QUART beer bottles and other bottles of ail descriptions. 1532 N. 19th. EVERYTHING in Radio supplies. Mall orders solicited, Omaha Sporting Goods Co., 1806 Harney St. ELECTRIC WASHER BARGAIN. Reversible wringer, metal cylinder, slight ly used, $60. JA. 1296. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKEL3. 15th and Harney. DO. 17. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green. ough Radiator Repair. 203$ Farnam. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. IF you want to Durchane fresh, whole some fruit, vegetables, baewry goods in luct, anyining in tne loo line watch this classification daily. it will Drove a. nine pnq money saver ror you. APPLES for sale. 11 a bushel. 4112 N. 52d atreet. KE. $743. LIVE STOCK, VEHICLES, ETC, HANDSOME saddle horse for sale. City broke. Call HA. 0106. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BABY CHICKS Purebred White Leg horns, Brown Leghorns, $9 per 100, post paid. Barred Rocks, Reds, $10. Eight other breeds. List free. Booth Hatchery, Clinton. Mo. WHEAT SCREENINGS. $1.60 per 100 lba. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices befora you buy. Svery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 4120. 1912 Farnam. FOR SALE OR RENT Store space. 4302 S. 39th, 4 rooms tn rear; full basement. Keys at 7602 N. 30th. NO. 6 Remington, $10; No. 1 Monarch, $19 50; No. 5 L. C. Smith. $29.50; No 10 Smith. $22.50. Many other bargains. Ail typewriters guaranteed. Midland Of- ice auppiy to., 1404 Dodge. WE buy. sell safes, make desks, show- eases, etc., Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Dou:laa. JA. 2724. BUSINESS CHANCES Partner Wanted An opportunity that win net von $6,000 to $10,000 in the next six months for your services and if we strike a gusher It will make you Independent for the rest of your life. I hav a valuable oil and gas lesse on land In Arksn . sas; 22 wells drilKng near and surrounding; first well brought In last Monday and Is located about one mile north of our lease. Ex citement is high. Have organiza tion now formed for drilling and want partner to anslst In hand ling mail sdvertising campaign for sale of sharea. Big earninxa for man who qualifies; small In vestment required. This requires quirk action. Box W 117. Omaha Bee. BUS I NESSjCH A NC ES Factory Building and Equipment Public Sale l.si nrw. muUern. brick, daylight f. Imilditig and tars tiart of giuuiiil on itSiksie, factory addition, rrrnxxii, N.U, also complete foundry snl itLututm simp equipment, will he sold st public au 'tlnn In the highest li.l.Ur at h East I '"or of the fi.uiitv fmrt House in Fremont. Nrb , July 31, 19::, at t u clock p, in. 1'nu.u il railroad fa'Hitlrs snd locating llunui'i Home ore huv this plant at Ills uw it prhe. Look into it now Abbott, Rohn & Robins Fremont, Nebrssks Paying Omaha . Business For Sale Just the huslnens for young couple both employed. Can be euctess fully managed by any man or woman with some business expe rience. Business clem throughout and sc. t-nunts are good pay. Equipment and sll complete so It Is not nec essary to begin buying extras Ad vertising rampatgna have fully acquainted trade with business. Any reasonable secured plan for payments can be made. Only one way to appreciate this oppor tunity that la to csll st Room 9. Wead Building, or phone AT. i0 for appointment. ELEVATOR AND MILL FOR I ALE. Cribbed grain elevator, approximately 30, oon bushels cipsclty and eo-barrei riour mill, fully equipped, will he sold at publlo auction at llaxtuu, Colorado, July $9. 2:00 p. m. Bertram Falrbank. temporsry receiver of the Farmers Grain and Trad- nf Co. GARAGE stork of tools, machinery snd auto accessories of the Mangold garage, to be sold at publlo sals at Elkhorn, Neb.. July J. 192. Tho acceptance or rejection of bide and tne adjournment of sale at option or ths trustee. Inquire of George M. Mangold, Trustee. Bennington, Neb. Mr. Dunhan, Referee. BLACKSMITH shop for Immediate sale, cheap. Almost new snd fully equipped iilarksmlth shop, six lots and rive-room house. Shop also equipped with publlo gasoline filling pump. Only shop In town. une opportunity for good blacksmith or garage man. Write or wire, Farmers Slate Bank, BradUh, Neb. Colorado Opportunity. Billiard parlor and mcrchanla lunch In Il-year-round health and tourist resort. also gold and silver mining. Must sscrl- fice In $0 days for $1,H00 and Invoice, a money-maker. P. o. Box 414, Idaho Springs, Colo. CHICAGO manufacturer selling hsrdware products to the large Jobber is looking for additional lines suitable for thla class of business. If you have any article of merit which you want manufactured and sold, please write use, giving full Informs, tlnn. Address Mr. Jean, 830 Tribune Bldg.. Chicago. SALES MANAGERS Responsible cor poration wants aeneral salesmanagers to open branch office, manage salesmen. $500 to $5,000 necessary; expenses to Baltimore allowed if you qualify. Ad dress Manager, 603 N. Eutaw St., Bailti more, Md. WANTED A partner with from 1 to $2, 000. Prefpr man who understands motor trucks. Call Mr. Berry, Monday or Tues day between 6 and 8 d. is., at Keen hotel. PROFITABLE cash business; lnrn stork privilege trading. Acquire Independence. Large profits possible on capitil of $125 to $1,000. Wrile for freV book. B. 14. Paul Kaye, 149 Broadway, New York. MONET IN GRAIN H 2.00 buya guarantee on 10,000 bushels wheat; no further risk; movement of 6c opportunity take $50: 4c, 400, etc.; particulars market letter free. Investors Dally Oulde, B26 Pwlght Dldg., Kansan City, Mo. ARE you looking for a busfnns opening or a chance tn get into business for your self"' R;".d the opportunities which ap pear In thi column each day. Kventmil ly you will locate Just the business you want at your price. Something; New fn confectionery. First comes srts bargain at ,j price, $5. 417 N. street. the !5th GARAGE and battery business for sale: will invoice $4,500; $l.r,00 per month busi ness. $1,200 rash will buv. Wire R. E. Ford, !20 Cherokee. St Joseph. Mo. DOCTOR WANTED Young doctor at Em mett, Kan. Splendid location. For par ticulars wrlto Emmett Drug Co., Emmett. Kan. YOUNG man who knows automobiles snd accustomed to hard, dirty work can gpt business paying $200 per month for $1,600. Box W-120. Omaha Bee. HOTEL and furniture for sate; only hotel in live western Nebraska town. For par ticulars, write W. H. Bryan, Stratton. Neb. FORD agency for sale: well located in central Iowa. For particulars address Y-1956, Omaha Bee. CAFE and bakery for sale, A-l business, located In northwest Iowa. Addresa Bog Y-1854. Omaha Bee. INVENTORS Wo aell patents on com mission. Patent Co.. reteraon. Ia. DRUG STORE, 1371. money maker. Call WA. ROOMING HOUSES. FURNITURE of 6-room modern house, clnsa In, income $70 month, rent $45; slsa miscellaneous furniture. JA. 1093. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating covered buttons, all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Trie.! Ttnttnn A Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING-mc.: d Buttons. 180$ Farnam, 2d Floor, DO. 670. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard 8t DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS. 60 each. $3 a full set. 61 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway JA. 2056; night, KE. 3M2. Ex. Bldg., Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 550J: night. WA. 4045; KE. 046S JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In ail cases. AT. 1116. CONTRACTORS. GARAGES built, any style snd slza, $100 up. Concrete a-ork. Mlcklln Lumber m Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 656S. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 171$ Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. I help inventors sell their patents. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PAINTING AND PAPERHANOING. Lsrse or small Jobs short notice. Good work. CALL AT. 15 J. PRINTING. aDPT Printing Co. $11 . 1$ at. Ho. H47T MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. " DIAMONDS turret to bur back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omsha, Neb, 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6049. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses msde over in new ucks at half price of new beds. Plllowa renovated and made op in new feather proof ticking. Old b4 ticks washed. 1907 Camlng. JA J4ST. DR. Louts N. Smernoff. diseases of women nq cnimr.n. sis it. jut gt f. 74. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at Jteuonaeli Drug storeea I 1