The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 23, 1922, SPORT NEWS AUTOMOBILES, Image 17
TMK SUNDAY DEE: OMAHA. JULY 23, 1022. 1 -r Fleliarty Loses to McDonald for Attorney General Omaha Democrat Heaten. Unofficial Return Hiow , Dorey AUo Defeat! Of ' f trial Count May He Needed, j IteUtrd rrturns on the race for democratic nomination for attorney k nrral gave Kniiirth Mcloiuli ol lirulgfporl IA,W7, ami Harry Hcharty of Omaha Io.Sno, with 1777 oi the Mate's IMS precincts reported, strengthening the belief by politician that only the oliirial vole would de die whirh of the two is the winner. A total of I.7.U precincts gave (). S Spillman of Pierce, who led the firhl of candidates for thr republi can lidmmation tor attorney gen, .VU79, m compared to 2X.845 tor William C. Dorsty of Lincoln, hi closest contestant. A. K. Humphrey of Broken How, with a lead of more than 2.000 votes our hit nearest competitor, A. V. Farmer Saves Man-Power (ietirva, Nib., July 22. (Special.) With a traitor pulb.ig two hind er in tandem, Fred Nunns and his U-yiar-old son cut 2"0 acre of wheat and oats in five short day on the Nunns" tarni, five and one-half miles southeast of (ieneva. Mr, Nunn drove the traitor from his seat on the front hinder, which he alo operated. The hoy operated the second binder. Mr. Nunn states he did not use a horse during harvest. Kick of (low Fatal to Aped Cuming County Pioneer West Point. N'eb.. Iiilv 21. Sne- icattcrgood of 'Ainsworth, apparently ! cial.) Theodore Parker, pioneer was assured of the short republican (-timing county farmer, is dead from congressional nomination in the injuries received last week when he Sixth district to oppose Charles W Bea! of Broken Bow, the democratic nominee, to fill the vacancy created ty the death of Rop. Moses 1. Kiu kaid. RandaU Holds Lead. Revised return from the race be tween Charles H. Randall of Ran dolph and Adam McMullen from 10 precincts Rave Randall 49,3.16 and McMullen 48,948, a lead of 386 for Mr. Randall. The counties which had reported complete official return on this race at noon yesterday were: Boyd, But ler, Cheyenne,- Colfax. Custer. Daw son, Deuel, Dixon, Dodge, Dundy, Furnas. Grant. Harlan. Hayes, Hitch cock, Howard, Jefferson, Kennedy, Kimball, Loup, Merrick, Nemaha, Otoe, Perkins, Phelps, Pierce, Platte, Polk. Red Willow, Richardson. Rock, Saline. Saunders, Scottsbluff, Thomas and York. Unofficial Returns. The ccuntis from which complete but unofficial returns had been re ceived were as follows: Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Buffalo, Tiurt, Cass, Cedar. Clay. Cumins;, Da kota. Dawes, Douglas, Fillmore, Franklin. Frontier, Gage, Garden, (iosper. Greeley, Holt, Johnson, Keya J aha, Knox, Lancaster, Logan. Mc pherson, Madison, Nance, Nuckolls. was kicked in the leg by a cow. Due to hi age. 67, he did not rally from the shock. Funeral services were held Friday at St. Mary church. A widows and large family survive. Weddings Coliurn-Van I)Tntfr. Beatrice. Neb. A marring Hearts wi Issuad by Jurlffn Messmors to Rv. W. H. 'oburn, aaalatant paatnr of the First Chris tian rhurrh here, and Mlaa Harriet Aud rey Van Deventyer of Perham, Minn. Rev. Mr. Coburn recently came hare from Dee Molnea, la. Krnnlrk-Niinn. Nelson, Net, 1'rof. .Tarvilln Rennlrk and Miss Gertrude Roue Nunn, auperlntendent and principal, respectively, of the Hord vllle public schools, were married here Wednesday. Rev. Mm. H. U. Wilcox of he Methodist church conducted the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. nennlck will apend a short honeymoon here with relatlvea, after which they will ko to Hwrdvllle to prepare for the work of the new achool year. Anftaraon-Rober. Beatrice. Neb. Edgar Leroy Anderaon, 21, ot Topeka, K"an and Mlaa Kllsabeth Pearl Robem. 20. of Klniont. Kan., were marrlcld by County Judge Mesamore. Marhtr-Srarlrs. York. Neb. Charles K. Marble and Clara M. Searles. both of Greaham and both 7n. were married by Judge G. E. Hopkins. ; Snrir.-Iavla. York. Neb. Frlt Swarta and Eva, Davln ; both of Osceola, were marrteld at the Methodist uarsonaKC Rev. L. R. DeWolf Sarpy, Seward, Sheridan, Sioux, Stan-I officiating. ton, Thayer, Thurston, Valley, Wash-1 Nrntt-onrr. illgton and Wheeler. I York. Neb Clari-nce K. Scott of Strat- Thc niailerl vnte nnrler thp aWnt ' ford' Ia- "nrt N'el,ie F- Ober of Webater ine maiica vote ner ine auseiu . (,ity Ia wcr, marr,d at the home of voters law IS not included 111 the fore- : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rol.inaon. IROo Grant going list Of counties, with the ex-; ivenue. Rev. L. R. DeWolf officiating. ception of Douglas, and whether the mail vote is large enough one way i Kllla-Oden. Beatrice Announcement haa been ., , . . j- i celved hero of the marriage or Alien x.iua or the other to bring about a radical JJj"M7s, 0den. both of thia city, change in the standing is a matter of I at council Bluffs, ia. The groom la an overseas veteran anu huh m v. i Evan EUI. The brldo la a aaugnter oi conjecture. Result Still in Balance. Inasmuch as it probably will be a week before the official count is com pleted in Douglas and some of the larger counties of the state, it is like ly the result will not be, known be fore that time, and even then, politicians think, there is a possibil ity that only the final check by the secretary of state at Lincoln will definitely decide the winner. Primary ballots cast by absentee voters of Douglas county were to- 4iltr1 rtiir K,,f rlM lint tVta- laivvi,, uw, vw. . " T- ,- ,I..Mn . .. . .. r nntm it i.em prv le. la.. ... terially aftcct tnc stanning oi any can- , been arrointed manager of a large itore The groom is a soy of Mr. ana ! Mrs. Wither Martin, old residents of Be I fttrice. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Oden. Boawell-Muntf. Pawnee Cltv Dale Boswell of this city and Miss Helen Muntz were married at Beatrice. After a short honeymoon to different Nebraska points, they will be at home in this city, where Boswell operatea 0c meat market. . - ' ' ' " Trlafca-Brown. Pawnee Cltv A iulet wedding ceremony united Miss Beatrice Brown and William Trlska. both of thia city, at the home of i Mrs. Dollle Perdew here. Martin-Burke. Beatrice Edmond Martin and Mlsi lToi Tturkn hnth of thia city, were mar ried at Falls City. They will make their didate, W. D. McHugh, election com missioner, announced. The commission immediately turned its attention to canvassing the com plete vote of Douglas county and, preparing to work nights and Sun days, too, expects to finish the task within seven days. Votes of Absentees. Ballots of the absentee voters were cast for several offices as follows: Senator Repuliican, Howell, 56: Jef feris, 6S; Da via, 14; democratic, Hitch cock, 55; Shroyer, S; Monahan, Governor Republican. McMullen, 61; Randall, 4; Byruni, 12; democrr'iu, But ler. 15; Bryan, 13. Attorney General Republican. Dorsey, 49: Spillman. 32; democratic, Fleha-iy, 13; McDonald. 1(1. Congress. Second District Republican, Soars, 98; Bernstein, 1G; democratic. .Han lev. 23; Anderson, 19. tiheriff Republican. McDonald, 45; Clark. 37; democratic, Endres, 14; Shan non. 11. Municipal Judges Elgutter, 53; Dineen, 6fi; Wapplch. 45; Shotwell, 36. Homo Rule Charter For. 110; against. Auditorium Bonds For. S2; against, 65. Yowell-Caskeyv Stella .Tamea A. Yowell, editor of the Verdon Visitor, and Mrs. Ada Caskey ivere married at Savannah. Mo., by Rev. Norman O. Rogers, pastor of the Park Avenue Christian church at Savannah. Mr. and Mrs Yowell have been acquainted for moro than 26 years, and -were school mates when their parents were neighbors on farms near Sidney. Ia. Mr. and Mra. Yowell wll make their homo at Verdon. VVIlllnms Deltrick. Grand Island. Misa Viola Deitrick and Thomas S. Williams, both of this city, were united in marriage at St. Paul, Neb., by the Rev. Connell of that place. After a brief honeymoon they will continue to reside In this city. fostello. Howell. N Grand Island. The marriage of Miss Opal Howell of Thcdford, Neb., and Em mett Costello. formerly of this city but l ow residing in Casper. Wyo., took place at the home of the groom's mother, Mra. T. F Costello. in Omaha. After a brief honeymoon trip spent In Grand Ialand and Yellowstone National park, the couple will reside in Casper, where the groom is employed by the Burroughs Adding Machlno company. Platte County Nominees i llnskins-Tarrant. ,.i.nri Mtoe mw.o Hnrle Tarrant 1 if, D.:n Sheridan, wyo., ano aucnaei nasrau AlinOUIlCed Atter rrimary j nt Gillette. Wyo.. were united in marriage at St. Jlary lamoiic rnrtni in ihio city. Rev. August Heimes officiating. The bride was a former resident of this city. After a six weeks' trip spent in Colorado they will reside in Gillette. Wyo. Columbus, Xeb., July 21 (Spe cial.) County officers nominated by the democrats and republicans in Platte county are as follows: County clerk, George H. Bender, democrat; C. F. B. Nicwidde, republican. Coun ty treasurer. W. L. Boettcher, demo craf, Frank Kiernan, County attorney, Otto democrat. Sheriff, D. C. I Reed-Cook. j Grand Island The marriage of Robert T Reed and Miss Fern O. Cook, both of I York. Neb., took place at the First Chrls- republicail. tlan church parsonage, rtev M. li. Rose Fir, 1... I perrormmg me ccremuny. a . waiter, : ,k., ,, ln TPv Kavanaugh, democrat: W. H. Thomas, republic- Brghoi-hi-ort. i , . v The marriage of Miss Minnie Catherine an. Register Of deeds, Jerry Car- schrcedir. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rig. County superintendent. F. S. I George Schroeder. to Richard Berghols, T mii Snrvrvnr T K HntUrrialtr ; son of J!r- Rnd Mr TrUz Bergholz took Letron. Surveyor, L. f. UOttSCnalK. pa(,6 )n s, pau, Envangelical Lutheran democrat.. State senator, Charles J. church in this city. Rev. g. h. Micheimann Thielen. democrat; John Swanson,i.r"fnrmi',B ,nt, "rem", in thpre,71 C..J Tnf the Immediate relatives and a few republican. Mate representative. ; invitfd goesta Miss Anna Schroeder. sls- R. ( . Keean. democrat: tdward H. : ter of the bride, and rranK uergnoiz Hoare, republican. Supervisors. Dis trict 1. William Groteluschen. demo crat: Ed Lushcn. republican. District 3, Henry Schaecher, democrat; J. A. Anderson, republican. District 5, R. M. McGuana. democrat: H. Hob bensiefken. tepubfican. Districts 6 and 7. Hector P.'aser, democrat; Otto Rudat. republican. Returns Are Complete from Jefferson County Fairburv. July 22. (Special.) The following are the nominees on the republican ticket in Jefferson county: E. R. Allen, county clerk; E. Ljenkins. treasurer; Irene King, register of deeds; F. M. Tippin, sheriff; A. J. Denney, attorney; Nel son Collier, surveyor; John Menden hall and W. L. Woods, commis sioners. On the democrat ticket: Earl Wil loughby, county clerk; E. L. Jenkins treasurer; Irene King, register of deeds; C. W. Purcell. sheriff: J. A. Brunt, attorney; D. H. Rich, sur veyor; C. F. Stark and Henry Ahrends, commissioners. Eva Shu man, county superintendent, non political, was unopposed. The rural vote -was very light. Railroad voters called for democrat primary ballots quite generally. E. R. Bee. candi date for sttae treasurer, polled the heaviest vote in the county. Howell received about 2 to 1 against his closest competitor Garence Davis. j brother of the groom, were the only at I ifm'ann Following the ceremony a din ner was served to forty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Berghola will reside in Grand Island. Eckmann-Heiek. Bloomfield (Special.) Peter Eckmann and Miss Lizzie Heick were married at I the W estside Lutheran cnurcn. tne cere mony being performed by Rev. A. Splecke and the couple being attended by John j F.ckniann and Martha Heick. Both of j the contracting parties are children -of j farmers in thia vicinity. They will live on a farm. Schneringer- Mahoney. Callaway Herman Schneringer and Miss Ardyce Mahoney. both of Callaway, were married at Los Angeles, Cal., ac cording to word received here. Nebraska City James Wltherow of Thurman. Ia.. and Jessie Dftvlaon wer united In marriage at the county court room in thia city Thursday by Judge A. A. Bischof in the Presence of the Iride s mother. Business Activities Implement store fold. Beatrice Elerbeck A Hale have pur chased the implement atore of Ernst A Graf. South Sinthystre. and took charge of the business W nesday morning. Rrnel Graf parrnaaed the atore two years age of Chriatlansen as Herman. New Light Plant Manager. West Point, Xeb C. V. Stewart, former manager of the electric light plant at Deshler, assumed the duties of superin tendent of the new city light plant here on Thursday. Barber Shop gold. Beatrice. Neb George Olmstead. who has ben engaged In the tonsorial business at Liberty since ltss. has sold his business to Everett Andrews of Virginia, who haa assumed charge ot the place. All Factions United, Say v Democratic l'arty Leadm Lincoln, July 22. The receiving today by Charles W. Hryan, demo cratic nominee for governor, of tele grams from Will M. Maupin of tier ing and J. N. N'orton of Polk, his defeated rivals, pledging their sup port in the coming campaign, cou pled with the receipt yesterday of a telegram of similar tenor from Dan B. Butler of Omaha, the runner up for the nomination, completely unites all factions of the 'democratic party, state leaders officials of the party declare. Commander MacNider to Visit Columbus Legion Columbus. Neb., July 22. (Spe cial.) Hanford MacNider, national commander of the American Legion, will -pay his visit to Columbus Au gust 4 instead of August 3, as originally announced, according to a message received by officials of the local post from State Com mander Ritchie. Wheat Makes 40 Bushels. Beatrice, Neb., July 22. (Special.) John Doolittle, living near Firth, threshed his wheat this week aJid received a yield of 40 bushels to the acre. This is the heaviest yield re ported in "Gage county this season. Cattle Receipts Show Increase at Stockyards Here Fiif-Day Record Show (Iain of l.l'."." Head Out Simi lar Period During Pmiou Vi'rck. Pining the !at week there has l.nn 4ii iiurr.ic of stot'krr and feed er tattle receipt at the locd stink yard, according M figurr given out by Secretary A. F. Mrvkcr i the I. H-olm k exchange. For the firt five days of the week 4,25t head of feeder caiile were nent out against .I'M I head the Mine period the previous week, and 2,'M7 head for the same days la-t year. According to prediction of com minion nun there will he an in creased movement of Mocker and teeder cattle a the summer seavii advances. Feeder sheep and lambs also exhibited a large increase with a showing of 18.8VS head for the first five days of the week as against II, 35 for the same day of the week before and the same week a ear ago there were only 9,0X8 head rent out. Steam Heat Users Granted Temporary Injunction Geneva, Neb., July 22. (Special.) A temporary injunction has been granted users of steam heat from the electric light plant here against the Public Service company which is controlled by the Continental Gas & Electric company. The injunction will prevent continuance of work on transmission lines fceing built in Geneva, until after the hearing be fore Judge Ralph Brown at Crete, July 25. The action of the patrons of the plant was taken after an nouncement by the Public Service company that no heat would be sup plied this winter. Fire Damages Home. Beatrice, Neb., Tuly 22. (Special.) The home of Theodore Skladany, South Third street, was damaged to the extent of $500 by fire which started in the roof, supposedly from sparks from a passing Burlington locomotive. The roof was burned away before the firemen extinguished the flames. Candidate Has 2-Vote I Lead Over Opponent Wt t Point. Sih. July J.V i SprCLill -l 4iniir .M't it only Inn volet ahead nt ln nppniu.'U, KoOrt R. Mimdic, Ml the ilrtilOCf4ti' i4e fi'r comity jit.-uuy. The mail vole and prill i it i mint may be iitcras.irv M di termini the wmiur. I, I' l.lliiitt U4. the niity null. Lite for the rrpuhlnau miiiniMtimi. Fred Wkcl a tu-m ui.tti ! on il.e repiihlicui tukrt for eoivity tu .inrrr ; lieotite I lew aid, drliio, ami K. KoltiiuTni, innrr ue. For ahrrilf, William t't.iil nil, irpublii'an Aiihur ti. Sexton. d linn r,it, Nriilur candidate for loimtv clerk, K. Brada, democrat. aiu Beit (ii.iunkr, repiildican, had ,inv opposition. Martin Bysivig. re puMiisiii, and Si Tin Nelson, demo crat was nniuiiiated count v es ".i. For slate senator of this ili li iit Henry llehreus carried ('inning county on the republican ticket, and A, K. Oli'snu the democratic. Deaths Ice Price Increased to ?1 Per Hundred at Fullerloii Fnlli rion, Neb,. July 22. - (Special ) -The Nebraska Ga and F.lertrir company, operating the liuht and ire riant here, has increased the prire of ice from 70 rents per lX) pound to $1. The firm gives as the reason the fact that it has to pay Ibe city such a high rate for water. Town .'.round here are selling ire delivered 50 cents per 1MI pounds. A deal is bring made whereby ice ran be de livered here to consumers for 70 rents by trucking it from a nearby town. Garage, Machine Shed, Barn ami Two Cars Hum on Farm Parker. S. D.. July 22. (Special.) The E. K. Costain farm, two and one-half miles east of Parker, was the scene of one of the most dis astrous farm fires in South Dakota this summer. A garage, machine shed and a stock barn, two antos and all of the farm machinery, hay, grain and tools were burned. Two hounds and eight puppies were burned to death. The loss is esti mated at over $5,000 with partial insurance. Kroh Named State Senator. Ogallala, Neb., July 22.-(Spe-cial.) J. S. Kroh of Ogallala was nominated state senator from the Thirty-first district. His plurality was 300 over Johnson of Potter, and Bushee of Kimball. N O IHl. Bhn.M.,li. U The lx.ty nf I'.n t ohm, H, .i.,ririur at lh l,it biH!. lin id hi uia htii al ti,i, kan., fur Initial. Ilia if sariura ant Hill fttaiinuw iu run ihr h-iei ui'itn,il !'! ralu4 lulrr r lka at I'"' b,n an4 a raurtli (,ir iii,iiti.,r ,,f Kn shia i,f i'utunil,iis Mr. Mmtr N'lt IUit,il,ti, N.h n. u.,t l.ia.ur. I .1 Him ot hllrHins 11 the art, i, M nuitiunu r'unrrnl -iti-ea wl lit, Kria l M KMtli lii hur. h mIIs ll" TtrhMlrr. tlanl.i.h, ,SI Thr l-Hlr ,.f NVnli. II lrl r Uurir.l at Uaa'i lv,.irr a klllnl in .(in in Krnia Julv I a, I a r'unrat srrvl. ra Mrr in -hara nf b VVau Ht nt lh Amrruan l."n Mra. Mary V.. frrUln.. huilrr, Nlt r ui (! ,-tt,i f't illra i4iy T. Paifclna itmaha. a funnrr I'l-H'riitk rroilrni oi , huvlrr, wrrt hl't ai ihA htmte of Mra " allrn ramr,ii. Hv. il M. llalrs i'n,lu,'tina? thr a, rvl, r Mia. 1','ililHM aa ,rn In Crairir Tttnn, III, Nutriiihrr II, IX! Mh is aurim-l i,y nnr ttauiihirr. Mra A II i'antrr,n t,f W innrr, H. I., an1 isa anna, John nt i iu l In. m cn an.t T"l nf Krriiiniii, s- a t a VitV. NrK A. .1 Van l.l-w. a tiriu,r ,hnmaraih-r In this illy, air, I at Kn, i 'illr. la The le.y ia hrouaht In V.xk I ter burial. Mra. T. J. Majors. ! Alllturn Kiinrrul arrvl, ,-a wris hrltl'nt Ihn rrahlriirr. in I'vru lor Mra T, .1 l. ma. paili, H" A i Hull rllal ll lll chili, h. .l. Ulli ix e... in iliai.iaii l lin ''I rrr.i J, l alil liiae4 Ui4til-lh4 lelitailta ,,f r',l J-I'-hi, a f.xnui r , khlf in iilae.1 alan,. wtut ,l.,, l hla h'Htir in i,ior, l'iln, ..MH',1 in Una t-ii) fr Imnai. aiviita !-. ills' . eii.lii. I, .1 In Ilia II, i I' II Hal iii.,n f M t'aul r'iSllah I.ulhi4ll , hill. h. .III. lalina Mi l'lil a.i,,.l ,li Uly , ,111111 It, aliiirr aiil a!a" en lh lat I, r f i. .tin ma lua 1..1I.11. r li, ia rlm Mlwrla ll.ikrr ll..,l. l.lanl "VrllH4 All'.i't Hiltrl, 'I.Ukhi.r ( Mr and Mia J.ihn liakri, l l.a .4 at al III" IliMilH Hi tin i.ilil . .. I -f III,. , III' 1 all. 11 lll".aa .l. llll l.aMlllHS tn.llt an lliro'll.Mt ef H l'll .1.. Khn H ,a l ,aia ul,l .'lllrial I. , a Mrlr h,'. (relll th lieill,' llrl . 1111. ,. ili li.ilt hull h elfl. lailnir llrrman H.IImihI, III , I.I.ImI II.IMiaM W.llnllll If. li i'1 Sir an. I Mia Ja.'.li IV.H4111I, ni'l ,.Hh a- III' rraiill ,,( ill.'ull 1114 Hi k " lil.'l M a ,,alh la 111- I e. .,n. talallll al Itir Ink,-, H hi. h ,.,a-iu ,1 M fl lla (11,1 i.4. il, Ml Ultra .'ka all'l. Ihr tltal rain lit ,..llll HI lllat ,.nly a ..r l,t allri Ihr itnlna ef Ilia ia lllttl.ltis Ira.irl Tha U,l. nun lla.l a.'HH 111 1 ha ak Hlih a fu.n.l an. hia li.iihrr. H,.a nl nil. -."I l.v tli" latnll. mini inl.linalii Tlir la ti.nir. l i havr ilii.wniil iM-larrm t mill S Htill.lay .,llfin.'ii. Khiln III" lt"il' net 11 it 1 II 4 Men. lav. .ilitr a iimiiiiiii una ararrh fur alineal in hulirs r' a.ryl.ra are h.l.l ft.itn Hi Mary finlio-In- Itry Kallirr llrlmra ef(l- inlllin Intrriiirnt liaik l." In til" lliaml lal.ill.1 t'rni.'lrry Mra, V.. M. Ilr nontl. R.H'k -V.a haa ir.nli..1 hnr ,.f ilia ,1-ulli ,.f Mra K M al Ma lor a, wall knnwn rral.lrnt ef snlllhraal- j t. nvrr, I'nln. Mra ll,eoil la aurvlv.'.l rrn .-t,rrtraasa. sira jtiamrs nirii i.iiittw. Inf an lllntaa of many months. Infant Armaml. tlralrlra Th llllla son uf Sir anil Mra Walirr 11 Armantl, ferinrrly of Ihla my. Iirtl at Maatmaa Th body vaa brniialit hero for hurlitl In Kvrrarr-n Htiina eania irrv Mra. Armanil Is the ilntishtsr ef John T, Yulr. old rrahlrni uf Hralrlir. vlafr VllllMiiim. Callaway Mr lifr Willmurn. an ruatilrnt ef thia runtunltv, la (trail, hail hrrn III arvrral months. Mra. Mallnda Hehha. Bratrlt-a. Nli Mra. Mallnda Pohha ttleil at l.lnroln attar a brl. f Ulnraa. Thr tody ,ia hrnutht 10 Hrntrira fur burial. Mra. Ilnl.lia una I ha mulhrr (if William lifihha of Wjmorr, rontltirlor on tha rur linaten. and la aurvtvrd liy a number of clultlrrn. Ir. O. Niitllrnn. Mrfnok, Nidi Dr. (I. v. Sulllvan'a body arrived from Raymond, Waah., antl after a, rvtera at Ht. Tatili-k rhtirrh burial waa mailr In Calvary cemetery of tha pariah In thia ety. Kirvrei at the crave wero In eharao of MvCork lod No. 1134, H. r. o k. lark ,1. Maltlittwa. tlrand Ialand Jack J. Matthews, 4?, traveling aaleaman, pnaaed away at the Cienenil hospital In this elty after a brief Mines, d-ath resulting from a complica tion of ailment. Tha body waa shipped to, Ja.. whero the wlfa and brother of tin deceaaed reside. In hr hualiand mid ihrir ihlld, a son !. by a former hnabnnd. (ieneva Farmer Held on Second Liquor Charpe 1'nneva. Neb., July 22. ( 'Special., -John Kempf. farmer living urar Ohiowa, was brought before Judge Fulton of the county court on the charge of manufacturing liquor. His home was raided and four barrels ot mash, some liipior and a Mill dis covered. Kempf was arrested several weeks ago on a similar charge". He was bound over to district court on the liquor complaint and is under $1,000 bond. ?';:!,:" Californian Is Held for Wife s Murder San I'laiuiafo, July 22 Unity Uilkt'iia, gaiaije manager, wa held di aiiawer on a ih.uije of murder .iti-nik! Ii.mii the tlt.iili t'l hia wife, Mi. Amu Wilkni., almt in an auto nitiliile holilup line May .10, at the cutl of hit pti v hraiing. W li kens dcilaied Automobile bandit iroHtleil hit. car to the nub. rohbed him ami tu cd one nhoi when hr reached for a weapon. Mra. YYitkent riitliMvorrtl to ahiiltl him. Wilken a.otl, ami icceived the bullrt in her I' Harold Mcdormick Denied Hi4' in F.iirne to See Fiancee Pativ. Julv 22 -Hat. dd K. Me ('ormii k, on bis at rival here today Irom New York Mid the Associated Press he wai in Furope for busines and a rest mid he had no inten tion of scrim; Mr. Alexander Smith l.'oihiaii (Mine, (ienna Walska). whose engagement tt the American Harvester Magnate has been per sistently reported, and denied. Mr. Xlcl'ormick said be bail re ceived no news of Mine. YValska and that he did not know whether he would go to Switzerland while in Furope. Reports were published re cently that Mr. McCormirk and the singer expected to meet at Carlsbad in August. Mine, W'alska's preliminary decree of divorce front Mr. Cochran i ex pected to become final August 19, al the 60 days interval provided in the provisional decree granted by a French court will expire on tha date. 1. ami Hubert Joaeph. Orand Ialand Mr. and Mra Arthur Floyd, residing at Sin West Charles street, mourn th? less of their little son, Robert Joseph, aged yar, who died at the HI. Francla hospital after a brief lllneaa of suppurative meningitis Heattlea the bereaved parenta a small brother, Ken neth Ralph, survives him. Funeral aerv lees were held from the Geddea Under- Jackie Coogan's Dad and Mother Named Guardians by Court Los Angeles, July 22. Jackie Coogan, child screen actor, by acts of the probate department of the Los Angeles superior court, acquired a guardian in the person of his mother, Mrs. Lillian Coogan, and a business manager in the person of his father, Jack Coogan. Mrs. Coogan's bond was fixed at $100,000 and her duties were stated as managing the estate of her son, which consists of his earnings be fore the motion picture camera. "Big Consolidated School Workday" Held at Orient Orient, la., July 22. (Special.) A "Hig Consolidated School Work Day" was held here Friday, at which time citizens of the township turned out with their teams, plows, shovels and other apparatus to level a lawn and athletic field for the new con solidated schools. A barbecue lunch was served at noon. Missouri National Guard -N Unit Receives Orders Poplin, Mo., July 22. The entire 203d artillery anti-aircraft regiment, Missouri National guards, late yes terday received orders to entrain for Macon, Mo., at noon today ac cording to information received here last night. The New P EiDiard P afcaa arlors The Finest and Best Equipped Billiard Parlors in the Middle West Today Twenty-three Billiard and Pocket Pool Tables, including two Snooker, or English Billiard Tables. All our Pocket Billiard Tables are equipped with return gullies. The Exhibition Pit " ""7lf' " T Soda Fountain and Cigar Counter F V C i an wmnKwt, fl MW'llWW'MWTZaaMa!!T!aiMWTaZrZ!rM '"B"M This is the only exhibition pit in the U. S. today. The pit will be entirely surrounded by seats when exhibitions are being given, having seating capacity for 400. The public is cordially invited to attend the OPENING MATCH GAME, to be played by PEVEN of Nebraska's best Pocket Billiard Players, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1922. This is one of the finest and most complete Soda Fountains in the city. This is an ideal place to meet your friends and get a Light Luncheon taste fully served. This place will be kept scrupulously clean and inviting at all times, as well as every part of the billiard parlors, where ladies are invited to witness the exhibition matches. Main View of Billiard Parlors Make the Paxtpn Private Cues Our Specialty Billiard Parlors Your Headquarters ' Ticker Service on All Baseball Games and Leading Sport Events 7.-J r'Jf' 7 Tl 7 .1 TUT TIT TTT 1 Finest and Coolest Billiard Parlors in the Middle West PAXTON BILLIARD NICK S. WRANIC, Prop. 1516 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. PARL ORS JESS REYNOLDS, Mgr. Phone Jackson 9721 laaMilMaMiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa