The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 23, 1922, SPORT NEWS AUTOMOBILES, Image 15

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Novel Campaign
Is Conducted to
Advertise Tires
lee Company Mount Huge
Billboard on Trurk Which
Makes Tour of
I lie Lee Tire anil Rubber com
ldiiy for ni.iny jrars has always
been a voimisf r ut uer of hillftnards has some of ill largest and finest
billboards in the country.
This yrar it has gone a step farther
hv mounting a huge billboard on a
l.irKe truck which is driven over the
country. The sign is artistically ar
ranged in the Lee colorsblack
letters on an oragne backeround
with a stepped-down section of it
puncture proof tire in the upper
right hand corner. The sign is light
ed at night with searchlights.
A representative of the company
accompanies the truck and lectures
on the puncture proof tire, illustrat
ing his lecture by actual demonstra
tions. The large truck is driven up
onto steel spikes, sharpened to a
needle point, and thoroughly demon
strates the puncture proof qualities
of its tires.
The truck left Omaha early in
June and already has gone over 1,500.
miles. j
Golden Joins Forces
of Nebraska Buick Co.
XA 0
John R. Golden.
John (.olden, many years in the
automobile game, having sold from
four to 12-cylindcr cars, has joined
the Nebraska Buick Auto company.
Alcohol for fuel purposes can be
made from sweet potatoes, says the
Department of Agriculture of South
Lee Tires Praised
by Police Chief
Denver Riot Car Travel
12,022 Miles Without
The Lee Tift Sales company, dis
tributors of Lei tires in Denver.
Colo., recently received the following
letter, signed by II. R Williams, chief
of police at Denver. .
"W't have used Lee puncture
proof tires on our emergency or riot
car and same have gone 2.022 miles
without a puncture or other grief of
anv kind. We alro have other Lee
tires on police cars which are giving
equally good tire mileage. We con-
' sider them exceptionally good for
police department work."
! Hale liixby, rct.ul sales manager
for l.ce, vouches tor the gruuinncss
i of a letter recently received at the
I . I. a I . ,1 . ,-.'
V'uiaua urancn iron. Aiuert ncnrke,
K. F. D. No. 1. Fremont. Neb. Mr.
Oricke stales in his letter: '"I ran
these four Lee puncture proof tires
for 3d months and covered a dis
tance of J.'.IKiO miles before 1 had
any tire trouble."
Columbus found American Indians
using; birch bark canoes that were
more seaworthy than those in t he
old country.
Public Designs Cars,
Asserts Auburn Chief
An Interesting thought was e
pressed recently by A. P. Kemp,
president and general manager of the
Auburn Automobile company, when
he said, in discussing the develop
ment of the modern motor car, that
"the public really designs the car
that succeeds."
'Tick out the rare that have
stayed on the market yrar after
year," said Mr. Kemp, "and you'll
iind cars that have in them worth
while features deired by the public.
"When a manufacturer starts out
in the motor car industry lie im
i mediately tries I lot of his own ideas
, Some of them may be good. Hut
j roon it w'H he noticed that his ideas
j .ire disappearing and the cars coming
I irom his factorv are radically differ
ent from what he first produced,
j "And it also is a fact that the
j longer a car has been on the market
as a success tne more nearly it comes
to giving absolute, satisfaction to
owners, simply because the nianu
fhcturcr has had time to incorporate
the ideas of the public in his product.
"For 22 years we folks here at the
Auburn factory have ben studying
the ideas of the public and our car
has been successful largely because
of this fact. We are proud of the
boast that the Auburn car was de
signed and developed by American
motor car owners."
The Bee Want Ads are best busi
ness boosters.
Nash Car Sales
Set New Record
Butineti So Far Tbii Yrar
Exceeds That of En
tire 1921.
Sales of Nash cars so far this year
exceed the total passenger car sales
of the Nash Motors company for
the entire year of 1921, In the six
months' period ending June 30, all
previous records have been swept
aide, The company's bonks show i
volume of passenger car business far
beyond that of any previous half
Orders on hand for July ship
ments and reports front Nash deal
ers throughout the country indicate a
continuance of the heavy demand
throughout the summer. The factory
is still behind on orders, a condition
which has prevailed since last
March. Additions to the Nash four
cylinder car plant at Milwaukee now
are being made. At the same time,
the Nash Six plant at Kenosha will
be in a position to increase its pro
duction to a point commensurate
with orders received. The new build
ing at Milwaukee is to be 600 feet
long by 100 feet and three stories
"Increasing demand for Nash cars
is due primarily to the splendid val
ue they represent in their price field."
said C. B. V'oorhis. vice president and
director of sales. "In addition to this
and of almost equal importance to
the owner is the matter of service.
Nash dealers throughout the country,
almost without exception, maintain i
rigid policy with respect to the serv
ice they render owners'
Lee Company Makei Good on
Guarantee With Refund
Many motorists have never under
stood exactly what was meant by the
Lee company's cash refund.
When you buy a Lee puncture
proof tire the company guarantees it
not to puncture. Should the tire ever
puncture, regardless of how long
you have had it or how far you have
run it, the company always stands
ready to make good on their 'guar
antee by refunding to the purchaser
in cah. according to the site of the
tire, all the way from $J to $10.
In 1921 this guarantee cost the Lee
company a refund on one tire in
every i0 manufactured.
Lec Company Marketing
Puncture-Proof Cord
For many years it was impossible
to get puncture proof tires in any
thing but fabric construction. The
Lee company, after years of'experi
meiiting, is now marketing puncture
proof cords. The puncture proof cord
is such a success that Harvey II
Jones, manager of the Omaha branch,
stated he thought it would only he a
short time until the company would
discontinue the manufacture of punc
ture proof fabrics and make all of
its puncture proof tires in the cord
Mitchell Starts on
Endurance Run
White Streak No. 2. With
Sealed Hood, oil 10.000
Mile Tet.
Witnessed by thousands. Charles
Ray of movie fame and K II 1-iiHrr,
commisitionrr of weights and meas
ures for Los Angeles, each sealed one
side of the bond on the Mitchell
White Slicak So, i and staited the
car on a P.iKxMnlf endurance run
on the I'acific coast.
The car, a regulation stock modrl,
previous to this tet run, has dune
l.'.iHH.! miles m all around demon
stration wotk. The tact that the
hood is to remain sealed will nuke
motor adjustments or repairs impos
sible during the entite 0,H)0 milrs,
The I'acific is considered to
be the ideal experimental laboratory
tor the testing iif automobiles. l'.vcry
combination of elements, trnipcia
ture, curves, giades, altitude, humid
ity and straight sttctches aie to be
met with there anil a car has to he of
sturdy build and possess the unusual
mechanical abilities to survive the
The While Streak No. 2. on its en
durance run, will visit six of the
western slates and over 700 cities,
both large and small, on the Pacific
coast, In the larger towns the car
will spend a day where demonstra
tions will take place and the seals on
the i.od r siiuiie J and vended M
the Aneu.4'1 tprees company
agent and a notary public
On ihe completion tf the tun, this
far is due hack at Los Angeles wbeie
all ma J data will be examined and
the hood unsealed.
J. I!. Hansen Leave for
Visit to lloyhood Homo
J II. Hansen, president ol the J,
II. Hansen Cadillac company, operat
ing the Cadillac business in Sioux
City, Omaha and Lincoln, leaves to.
d..y for t opruhagen, Denmark, to
ti hs eld home, and he will also Norway, Sweden, (if iniaiiv,
I nglaiid, I'elgium and Holland be
Uie leiiirii ug lo the Tinted Stales
Mr. Hansen' faihrr was the rep
rornlatisr ot the kingdom of Den
m.tik during 'te:denl Knoseselt's
adiuititslsation to I he international
congress which Hooevelt called at
Washington, ! C, for the crusade
to be started against the spread of
Itiherculosis Mr. Hansen, jr., at
that time acted as his father's inter
pteier m Washington,
Posloffire Trurk Tire
Make Wonderful Herord
Remarkable lecouls of the service
of Lee puin-iute proof tires on a
posloilice duck arc furnished hv the
Lee Grand Kaprd branch. On a
Commerotf truck using .5ox6 tires, the
Lee on the left front wheel had run
W.S40 miles on April I. and is still
running Lee tires on the other
three wheels ran ROoJ. R.tSO and
13.'i"4 miles, the latter tire receiving
a bad tread cut.
This truck owned and operated
by Truck and Tractor Corpora
tion, Omaha, Neb,, equipped
with Lee Puncture-Proof Tires.
irNv pi
jJrlLJIi t i
-EyY H :!!'t
li;mi4L ,
'MEl ABE f M
:1 fl
1; - i I
Other Lee
like Ae
y Other Tire!
The above test consists in running a car fully loaded and equipped, with Lee Puncture-Proof Pneumatics
back and forth over the upturned points of sharp nails, driven through heavy plank exactly as shown in the
illustration. Seeing is believing and all Lee Tire Dealers will be glad to make this convincing demonstration.
This test is one which NO OTHER pneumatic tire could withstand and proves conclusively that Lee Puncture
Proof Tires DO NOT PUNCTURE. Anyone doubting the Lee Service can request further proof to substan
tiate the statement that Lee Puncture-Proof Tires are actually puncture-proof .
The shield which makes these tires puncture-proof lies directly under the tread and consists of three layers of
case hardened steel discs arranged so they lap like shingles on a roof. This leaves no point on the tread
where it can be pierced. In fact, it is impossible to shoot through the tire with large caliber bullets.
Actual tests have proven that the Puncture-Proof Cords of today are far superior to the Lee Puncture-Proof
Fabrics of twelve years ago. In fact, the new Puncture-Proof Cord is as resilient as regular cords without
the Puncture-Proof construction and has delivered as many miles per gallon of gasoline as other tires by
carefully conducted road tests.
Let your next tire be a Lee Puncture-Proof. It will save repair of casing, repair of tubes and eliminate all
delay and inconvenience of changing of tires.
Car owners or dealers
interested in Lee Tires
write for literature (jiv
ing further details concerning-
Lee Puncture
Proof ' Tire Construc
tion and, . -puncture,
proof tests..
Address all letters ef
inquiry to Harvey H.
Jones, Manager, 2212
Farnam Street, Omaha,
rm tn ttti Tin T r tnt
ji ire- m Koooeir tompanv oir m i line
General Offices: 245 West 55th St, New York City Factories: Conshohocken, Pa.
OMAHA BRANCH: 2212 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.