The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 23, 1922, SPORT NEWS AUTOMOBILES, Image 14
4 B THE SUNDAY RF.E: OMAHA, JULY 23, 102 Mid City Molor Finn to Handle Stephens Only Manager Johnson Kmt Imi- . trofnn"nli nl Prirf Hc (lurtioii to liring lu The Mil City Motor .tii Supply company a? JJlft-l lanum. hneto. , tor distributors for the Nrplien., Maxwell and Chalmers motor cats in ihi territory, will bandit cmIii nvelv the Stephens S.ilnnt S. It lui fiHtntlrcJ the Stephens ..r the last tour years. I Walter S. Johnoii, m-uuger of ' the Mid City Motor "W are very optimistic about tin-; general conditions throughout the titritory and we feel villi the many added improvenunts and the1 lirge reduction in price that the Ste- j phens will inert with greater success and more universal endorsement by the motoiing public than ever." " J'liere 4: M uete Hiipuncmetits in the te phi n . ur, the nio.t notice .iHe iiioiig t)'i c being t Itc addition j KCiiuiue tirinnirr steering gear i iiupiiifiit. I""i;ir springs ot (nil l ! itei, I .ml., ii .. diid learuii; ihV'Miftm'it. i-iin..t..r in thi cowl, and the lukhrst ttr.ide oi genuine I. oilier upholsuiing ihioiiglioiii the ' ar " " " I he r-' nurkaM showing .i (lit- Supli'ii in the national econ omy run, 'riii: r ever prove the ci'iui-ti in "v ft the Nephens iliil H. I'nr tut- -1 r 1 1 1; 1 1 1 ji it has r.'nked in the l .idcr fl.i at the mi of tln I'ttf Lilly observed econ n:ny run m the Yosrmttr valley of l .ilu'iiriii.1." l inliT lnfhiliiui U Hoot of Moht Auto Tire TroiiMt s Running on tire i expensive. In ilie first place, the tire rim-cut and bruise, shortening the tile. In the second place, there i an actual waste of power due to increased ro, I inction and what is popularly called bulge. Ai cnrdinK t Miller tire men. i.ndir inil.iiion is the root of ino-i tire trouble. It is foolish to try to ride on the rubber carcass of a tire thetmir is available at every service i,iiinn along the way. Sprague Tires Popular in West Car Owner Appreciate Heavy Siili'wall ami Kued (ii.tislrmlion. Omahaus touring through the rt :hij summer doubtless will be sur prised at the large number of prague tires, Irom their own town of Omaha, which thev will see on car throughout the entire moun tain and west coat territory, accord ing to i'red L, Kellogg of Denver, western sales manager for the Sprague lire and Rubber company. Mr. Kellogg spent most of last week at the Sprague mill. He had put completed a trip over his terri tory, which consists of II states west i'i the Kansas-Colorado line, "I'tiejiiestionahly, Spragucs are imoug the most popular and most i vtcnsucly used tires in many parts ot the west," said Mr. Kellogg. "In the sections where road conditions make car owners appreciate heavy sidewalls and rugged construction in Widely Known and Well Liked NA5HJ There has been solidly established throughout the country an active and intense allegiance to the Nash name and the Nash car. Underlying it and stimulating it is the spirited character, of the cars perform ance the restful quality of its travel; the sure ease with which it handles; and lastly, the superb reliability and econ omy with which it serves. , Fours and Sixes Prices range from $g6$ to $2390,. 0. b. factory MAS V sr. NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Tenth and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representatives Phone ATIantie 2916 (omitted from telephone directory) ' Nftfh Lesdi the World in Motor Car Value 8 Better Features That Make Overland iheCjreatest Commercial Car Value in America 1. The chassis has been especially designed for commercial purposes and is not a passea fer ear makeshift. t. The rear axle has been built to stand the train of heary loads and the shaft is quickly removable- 3. The frame extends clear under the entire body, reinforcing it and supporting the load. 4. The patented Overland Triplex Spring Sua pensiocyprovidea comfortable riding and pro tects fragile loads. 5. There is no snperflnous passenger car coed. Its absence provides maximum carrying space, 6. The transmission is of the most advanced three-speed type-. 7- The consistently high gasoline mileage fee which Overland passenger cars are famous is equally a feature of the commercial car. 8. And while on the subject of economy, do not overlook the price the Overland at $450 is lower in price than any other fully equipped ctxmmercial car chassis. . COMMERCIAL CAR WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. Phone HA rney 0353 FACTORY BRANCH 2562-4 Farnam Street Open Evenings tire, Sprigtir are the rtpecial fjMinte." Mr. Kelloss i very opiiniutic over ciHiilniniit in the wfnttrn country. Tdi! ninifi in Ariron rt opening mm, uluch it an iininiuUble kigu of finwnentv: at Salt I-ke C'it v i new $I5,(KM),iH) tteel mill has jul I liei oine a reality; in New Mexieo the 1 lii'.in 1 1 op alone will hrinir nnllioiu 01 tl"!Ui to tne iiuie; ami in van fornia. particularly the outhern part, huniiiekt i good and the country it benetiiej hy the many thousands of tourists, he said. Mr. KelloRu declared that the finuie is assured for prague tires in all of the natei he coven. Splendid jobber connrctions have been inaile ami both dealeri and jobbers are uorkiiiK enthusiastically. Marly Fall Market Best for Pigs, Says Ilulletin Pierre, S. D., July 2.'. The farmer who keeps his spring pigs growing rapidly and s'ts them ready for the early fall market will fare better than his neighbor this year, advised the sUte department of agriculture in its bulletin issued today. The reason for this is sak! to lie in the fact that the number of pig& saved in South Dakota this spring was IJ0.6 per cent of the number saved in the spring- of 1921. Cadillac Plant Has Oldest Set of Gauges Cadillac piee the filst net 01 Johansson blocks imported into thr I'nited States, This interesting bit of industrial romance was bronchi to lisjglit the other dny when it was tmind that the 'oldest set of Kuaiirs in the I'adillac factory en tic the number 7(, When checked up, it was proven that this set was the grandfather of them all, having been purchased by I'adillac early in its struggle toward absolute accuracy, before the rft of the industrial world lecognled i value. " Despite its age, this little set of steel blinks is still in daily use, being kept as a check on jigs and fixtures. The little squares with their exact surfaces still retain the mysterious power of sticking together. Their sides are so perfectly parallel that the molecules in one piece of steel are said to attract the molecules in the other piece. These wonderful blocks are guard ed with great care, fur they are worth their weight in gold. Several sets are in the possession of the Cadillac company, the last set having been purchased about two years ago. The gu4;r at the invention of C. K Johanson, a Scandinavian si .ru tin, who gave them to the world attrr yrar ol experimentation, The nirt-irr giMgrs are accurate to within ((KkNi5 of an inch. Speed Wagon Serves in Spraying Trees Coveting a distance of mote than 1,000 miles during a single spraying season is the near.rrcord for thi tpe of work established by Fred A, Wolfe ot Helvidere, 111 , with his Reo Mccd vyagnn, according to J. M Opper of the Jones-Opper company. 'Mr. Wolfe it on of the largest growers of fruit in northern Illinois and he sprays more than lO.tHK) trees each season with a high powered sprayer which has been mounted on the standard speed wagon express body." says Mr. Upper. "He makes three trips to each of his orchards. "In addition t this service, the truck also enables Mr. Wolfe to make market delivery at Kockford, IS miles distant from bis farm, three times a week; also to Sycamore, 24 miles, and DrKalb, 30 miles distant, and get the top market at all times." Nebraska Tire Firm to Pay 920 Dividend So far tin )ar the Nrbtaka Tire and Rubber f"iupauy lias paid its stockholders dividends lor 1'JI7'I'I8 and IV 19, according to statement made yrstenUy by V. W. Wuchter, president of the company, Mr, Wuchter also stated that on August 15 the dividctnli for I'JJO will he sttit out, thus showing a four years' profit, beginning with I'M 7, to the stockholders. If these facts may It Uken as an indication of better buinrs inudi lions in general, it will be a sign of encouragement to other Omaha industries. In the special edition of '1 he Oma ha Bee Sunday, July 2, an error was made in the full page advertisement of the Nebraska Tire and Rubber company. It should have stated that the Standard Tire company of 410 North Sixteenth street are distribu tors in Omaha and Council ftluifs of the Interocean tire; the Tnllefsrn Motor company of Grand Island and Kearney, Neb., are distributors in central and western Nebraska for the Cornhusker lire. Tlirri Thing Nretlnl f l.uvv.Cust Ilaiit ry Scrrit e A total lottery esprit Mi Jtif things aie iinrs4i) lor low -tost kit ttry sen ne uu unit a itaiuEird make of haiit'i), service it yrnpeilv with liiiiuiit and tegiibir. uJiug and filling, guatd 4g4iust Ovcrflta' Ills.', due t iiveriluiii'iig - I hue admonitions would utuar simple enough ami c.i.y to inflow, but when one ioiim.K'is the (.nl 4bal there aie over Ino bunditd kind ol storage batteries on the market, only eight or 10 ol which 1411 traxiiinhly be called staiidaid makes, uiost persons ate rxtiemcly i4rerj shout j giving any attention whatever to the 1 battery on their car, and tlut trrr f still know when they an uver-ibaig. I mg their batteries, it is tltC wonder tlut the iiianiitji lint 1 s 11111M 'jijsm lam set vice stations all o wl. -the country. ; . . The Willard Storage Hattfry rout p.tiiy of I levrlaml, long ago realising this need for a high-grade product and careful attention to that prod uct, established 4 oervice station or ganization, whose motto, Through Service We Cirow," has made it the largest company of its kind Unlay. Idle rooms are not profitiilJe";Ilet an Omaha lice "Want" A(J Jud a deirable tenant for you. Goodrich Si V aft A O 0 new oie id 11 aftr known irices mikagc Effective July 20th, Goodrich establishes a revised price list that is a base line of tire value. It gives the motorist the buying advantage of knowing that whatever size tire he selects is of the same quality the Goodrich onequality standard. It gives him the longest mileage, the most satisfactory service and the highest quality his money can buy. Results will prove that it is impossible to buy tire mileage at lower cost. Think of being able to buy S wcrtown Cords at such prices as these: SIZE BASE LINE PRICE SIZE BASE LINE PRICE 30x31 CL $13.50 34x4 S.B. $30.85 31x3.85 CL 15.95 32x4S.B. 37.70 30x3fS.B. 15.95 33x4? S.Bt 38.55 32x3jS.B. 22.95 34x4jS.B. 39.50 31x4 S.B- 26.45 4070 32x4 S.B. 29.15 33x5 S.B. 46.95 33x4 S.B. 1 30.05 35x5 S.B. 49.30 No extra charge for excite tax. This tax is paid hy Goodrich GPetw base line prices are also effective on Goodrich Fabric Tires SIZE BASE LINE PRICE SIZE BASE LINE PRICE 30x3-"55" $9.65 32x4 S.B. Safety $21.20 30x3j-"55" 10.65 33x4 S.B. Safety 2235 32x3f S.B. Safety 16.30 34x4 S.B. Safety 22.85 No extra charge for excise tax. This tax is paid hy Goodrich This revised price list affords the motorist as definite a guide to tire prices as Goodrich Tires are the definite standard of tire quality. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY, Akron, Ohio