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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1922)
iO-A' THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. JULY 23. 1922. Babies in Poor Homes Struggle for Life in Heat Bee Fund firing Cooling Ice nnd Milk to Tiny Suffeirri in Omaha. Tiny babies in the home of the desperately poor hive a terrible struggle for life on day like yes terday, l'overty stalk in many homei of the big city, where lone mother! fight the hrave but often iinsucccuful fight for the live of thnr little one. The Hce'i Free Milk and Ice fund Mepj into lurh home more than at the present time and brings 'very day the pure milk and cooling ice that ttindt between the child and ickness or worse. The demand on the fund trr rx tremetv hravv. Can vr.ii Mrh.n. keep the wolf from one of these i i . nnpiess Danes. The Bee will acknowledge in thit column any contribution received. jusi aaaress your envelope to ihe Bee Milk Fund." HrrrivH heretof or 1M M f; : ) n. n., imnoii, la. l oo Maran M. Yon, Nehawha, Neb. ... t.Au Mr. K. M. M 10.00 Two Kmernon iJdle, Effltnm, Nab J. to rnrna 00 Mr. M. Mlrkrlana, Irwin, la. !o Knrcxi VV. Add, fhaeuwn. Neb, . . S.00 i. n.. nunei- iiitirm ... q no Ktbry Bettha Elfattcr I DO I ToUt '. V Legislator Who Fought McKelvie Is Defeated Lincoln. July 2.'. (Special Tele gram)-E. F. Gifford of Tawnec who with Charlr Epperson of Clay, and Albert H. fiyrum of Blooming ton, defeated e,tdidate for notnina lion for governor, fousht everything governor AicNeivie advocated in the legislature. w. de.'cated in the pri. niariei in hi home county by W. T. I'arkinton, according to word re- rnved here. Gifford, in puhlithed letter, declared that hi fight wa on McKelvie' iue. Parkinson, the republican nominee for the lower hou. defeated Gifford by 200 vote. Epperon did not attempt to get the nomination. MM.M Mail Ballots May Chance Final Outcome at Geneva Geneva, Neb.. July 2Z (Special.) Succesful candidates in the prim ary for county offices were as fol low: Kcptibhcan County treasurer,. ciay i nomas; sheriff, John t. Little; attorney, George D. Mathewson. . Democratic County clerk. Wil liam H. Sislerj sheriff. Nick Marson; attorney, Thomas I. Kcenan. Nonpolitical Superintendent' of schools,' Margaret E. Haughawout and Elizabeth Schclkopf. Candidates for state representative of the Fifty-fourth district are: Re publican, Richard A. Matteson (un opposed);, democratic, George Land grcn. The latter "won over his op ponent, J. P. Davis, by only .five votes. A dozen ballots to be returned by mail may change the outcome. ' For state senator of the Seven teenth district, the republican candi date will be V. A. Fellers and the democratic Charles Smrha. j Superior 1922 Pageant Will Begin August 23 Superior, Neb., July 22. (Special.) Major William Akers will head the military section of the 1922 Superior pageant, August 23 and Z4. American J-egionnaires will co-operate. J. H. Agee, chairman, announces the fol ic wing committee chairmen: Fred Day. chorus director: Claire Donahoo, .Oregon trail; Clarence Hunter, property man; Irl Cochran, electrician; Mrs. Levi Woolfskil, children's festival; M. E. McAuley, band director? C K. Hodges, adver tising; Charles G. Hour, tickets; J. A. Jones, police and ushers.','-;.-, j . 1 i . ,i ' Amateur Burglars Steal Tobacco and Cigarets Grand Island, Neb., July 22. Spe cial Telegram.) Three cases of what is .evidently amateur burglary were reported to police Saturday morning. The offices of Mayor & Kroger, law yers; Allan & Wilkinson, real estate, and the Dolan Fruit company, whole salers were visited. Some, loot may 1 tiVe been obtained at the i'qst named, Mr. Mayor being absent and definite knowledge not being obtained at once, but no money was obtained at the real estate office. At the whole sale house 20,000 cigarets and some smoking tobacco are missing,; Quiet Reigns at Fairbury Among Railroad Strikers Fairbury, July 22. (Special.) All is quiet among Rock Island strik ers at Fairbury. Nw men have not been employed. New recruits are promised and ex pected daily and for their protection when they arrive, 35 peace officers have been deputized. One-fifth of the strikers have been retained for picket duty and the others have been released to seek other employment pending : strike settlement. Nebraskan Held in Iowa on Charge of Nonsupport Bedford, la., July 22. (Special.) Harley Davidson, wanted in Nuckolls county, Nebraska, is being held here Bending the arrival of the Nebraska sheriff who holds a warrant for Davidson charging him with non support of his children by his, first wife from whom he was divorced. Davidson and his' second wife were in this vicinity selling oils. He has agreed to return to Nebraska without requisition papers. ." ' ; Governor Sanctions Act . .of Citizens at Fremont Lincoln, July 22. (Special.) Governor McKelvie stated today that the prompt and efficient action taken by Fremont officials in quelling pos sible bloodshed and rioting at the trial of strikers accused of kidnap ing men desiring to work, had re ceived sanction of state, officials. Riot guns used by civilian police had been obtained by Sheriff Quiuton of Fre mont several days in advance from the adjutant general's office. Man Wounded in Booze Car Is Expected to Recover " Grand Island, Neb., July 22. (Spe cial.) No further developments have taken place in the cases of men held since Wednesday morning in connec tion with the illicit beer transporta tion cases. Carson, the wounded man, is improving and his recovery is expected. Federal and state of ficers have left for Omaha tempo rarily. . Boy Scouts in Camp. McCook, Neb, July 22. (Special.) Forty McCook Boy Scouts have I been encamped at Lake Champion, i near Imperial, Chase county, the last week, financed by the Boy Scout boafd and the Rotary club of Mc- Tl :n i t it ! New Bank to Take Place ' of Closed One at Spencer Lincoln. July 22. (Snecial.) I. E. Hart, secretary trade and commerce. j in receipt of an application for a new bank at Spencer, to be known as the pcnccr Mate bank. The of ficer proposed are: Emil Fold, president; Fred Jelinek, vice prei dent; Jame Zoubek, cashier. This bank it to take the place of the First National bank at Spencer, which was closed July 15. 1922. Defeat of Irish Rebels Certain National Army Forces Prove Superior in Battles in the South. Dublin, July 22. A general defeat for the irregular in south Ireland i regarded now a certain in army luancr ncrc. jn numner and tight inir emiinmenfr ihev ArrA have proved inferior to the national army lorccs, wrtoe competently ban- rflfH artillfrv ha hn t ,li. lodge the insurgent from any posi tion iney orcupira. Annari-ntlv the irregular h.n mml. Clonmcl their headquarter after uicir rrirraj ironi i.inicriCK, ana con flicts are considered possible there a well a at Msllnw and Rmnu Though they hold Cork city, their force there is not believed to be a strong one. Can Do Much Damage. Appraising the lituation, however, the Irish Times tay it would appear to be unwise to underrate the oppo sition the nationals are likely to meet. "They can do much damage to property by guerrilla operations." it say, "and ma split into marauding columns, leaving Cork to be occu- pica wnnoui tiring a mot. Inert In Ambushing. Although normal life prevail In Dublin, tlicre h been a teriou in crease in ambushing, sniping and other guerrilla activities, aimed at the national troop, but frequently re- ...I.! ' ! . ' . . ' l r lilting in injury to civilians, sol dier are frequently fired at from roof and bridge and a bomb thrown into the Kevin itrcet technical ichools. The national troop at Howth have been four time attacked with Lewi and Thompson gun a well a with rifles, and they are hampered in resisting; attack bv the presence of numerou camper and summer visitor at that retort. Additional Candidates File Campaign Expenses Lincoln, July 22. (Soecia .) Election expenses of candidate filed in the office of D. M. Amsberrv. see retary of state, today follow: Charlp W. Pool, itrnini-rif ui- tarv of Hate $24 85- S I Franklin third party, congress Fifth district $675; B. O. Hostettler, congress Mxth district, W75.33; Dan Swanson, republican, land commissioner, r - r irrrr ,a a i n MTtWIimifflMl A B 413-15-17 South 16th St Fy YEAR A HALF 7 rv I 1 ,JVrt 3S?SsrTSl Jn DcvHe Quick Time Every Bond's Summer Suit MFoellnDeF MSIle Sale? Purchase Tomorrow at Hartman's on Easy Terms Our special for this week has sturdily constructed frame, almilar In dealgn to the Illustration shown here tn our advertisement Carload hlpmnii mk this wla pMilbl. An Ml In VMtmant for folka ho at trowrtd for room makta en room do th work o( I wo, A hMutlfulljr appolnlMi living room by dayj th famou Krohlr Kodav I lly ron vnd Into full bd. and au u In room tpr a bd room by giant. A tpwlal alyl ofrrd this ik In rhlr of (olda or fumod oak finish In Spanish fabrlcold ap-holittry. YOU HAD BETTER SEE OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER AT 3 PIECES COMPLETE A Few Bargains In RUGS For '1 his Week's Selling 0x12 Boyal Wilton Rags In new and attractive pattern at a saving t 9 O 5 0 that is most unusual. Regular 100.00 values at f y a Mi Seamless Velvets Finished with linen fringe. New designs S( tu biicuuiu cuiunugs. voo.uu values, special C ' Seamless Wool Brussels At a price far below regular value, very serviceable rug and offered special at 9BIHIaKannnnBBWantoaaa -JWifc n . .- 11 S fMM -Xl ESS YouJl have to hurty to take advantage of these wonderful values offered at discounts from Bond's already unbeatable prices. Get them for present wear, for there are still many weeks of hot weather get them for ' next year's wear you'll save money. 3-Piece Bed Combination With 50-lb. All-Cotton v Mattress Tou virtually obtain , th mattresa fr, th bad atlllnr ngularly at 121.00. Full all Simmon iteel bed, with rnlllant apiinga attached, th mattres la well tufted and covered in durable tick- aaw aav In. A Hart- JO 3 85 man Special at T only ajej J Outfit Complete Bond's Shantung Silk Suits J The coolest looking the coolest feeling sum mer suit made for party sport or business wear. A $30 valae specially featured at .Palm Beach, Cool Cloth, Havana Cloth and Mohair Suits All single pant Palm Beach, Cool Cloth, Havana Cloth and a number of Mohair suits in the season'a latest model e are marked to close at Opens to' Full Sized Double Bed 1 II II . , ' Sah of Kroehler Da-Beds A varied display of da beda In all corerlngi. A pedal oHer for tomorrow In chofc of blu or mul berry velours similar t cut; limited stock to of fer at ' 150 NOW-You Can Save Money on a New REFRIGERATOR! We are particularly anxious at this time to clear our warehouse of every refrigerator- carrying- none over until next seaaon. Average family else, . ' white enamel lined, jm C special M I VO Complete I5et of Pieces for th Living Room and Cool and Comfortable MOHAIR SUITS Best grade of Mohairs in solid' colors, pencil stripes, pin stripes and shadow stripes in the latest 'tailoring effects now offered at Genuine Palm Beach Cool Cioth 2-Pants Suits White Flannel Trousers $6.75 Tou'll appreciate ' that extra pair of pants es pecially with there summer, suits. And this sale price is less than others ask for suits with only one pair of pants In Fumed Oak Finish Chosen from aeveral style Just received. Similar to cut, witn upnoiatered backs and cats. The library inuie ib oi convenient sise, wnn aaw aaw ft magazine rack to aides for books J fl j J) this week at .' White Enamel Chairs '2 MajLtj a clean and neat appear ing chair for the kitchen. We have a limited quantity to offer Monday at $2.2a. We urge you to Extreme Value in 5-Pc. Dining Suite-S H rorrn early. Regular price is $4. I Ki!jiyiS7(flM I.Ike all Hartman special sale Pining, Room Sultea this one is one of the best values you can possibly secure the tnble Is the new oblong style. 42x4 inenen tiie ee; or cnairs nave aaaBM bbb. cane backs and genuine leather J M M 5 sal offer. In all Complete wonderful it only. ... Flsnnl Conner' Clark and 2,000 Men's and Young Men's Trousers Neat stripes and plain worsteds; all sizes; special at, (f per pair . pHrUU Shepherd Check Suits Worsted Suits the popular Sum- mar Shepherd" Check special during this sale. ALTERATIONS FREE! -Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention- 7 NswYerk Cleveland Detroit Akron Toltdo Pittsburg ' Yourtf stown 6 Omaha lfc5 1514 Farnani St, Louisvill Columbu Cincinnati St. Louis Kansas City Lorain Omaha ' InT j o Dresser Value Juat as w lllustrat her, with 3 9xS2-inch bevolel mirror. To -full width drawer, with two amailer draw- era above, la 1 Q25 (olden finish . JL f - Davenport Table JL K ' :k Adda sreatly t the appearance of your ml. : . living room. Rich brown mahogany Mf l A sV. finish, round cornered edges Ml ' i ' and measure inches. MT''' " Genuine Leather Rturdflr constructed, with com fortable panel bacJC and full irenutne leather hp Mat. (in- vtne barcaln i M 4 V i X I v-w-. iucj nm mcu tamp juun- f day. 1 -