The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 22, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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in .
West in ravor of
U. P. Control of
Central Pacific
So Sayi Omaha C. of C. Com
mitiiontr on Return From
Trip lo Pacific,
J. David Larsen, commissioner of
the Chamber of Commerce, returned
yesterday from a two weeks' trip
to the Pacific coast where, he de
dared, ha found sentiment strongly
rrystalliied in favor of the Union
J'acttie railroad taking over the Cen
tral Pacific
The United States supreme court
last May handed down a decision
holding that control of the Central
V the Southern Pacific is in viola
tion of the anti-trust laws, and or
dering that the Central be "divorced"
Irom the Southern's control.
"The Southern Pacific is making
ttrenuous efforts to defeat this order
Sy means of legislative action," said
if r. Larseru'It hu not yet despaired
f holding its monopoly which has
S.S.S. fills Out
Hollow Cheeks,
Thin Limbs!
t . a, rtn4 orttr
UVJP vol 4rCN
NO tRt
te. him. j
Drawn for The Bee by McManus
iCupyriskl JMM
wtuwewcT COdHU! MY .
U "irr ?r!3. WATCH I K.
1 tUt1EO hm:
Mm and women, whether ytm win
ever balls youreelf mp to your norma),
luat-rlcht welajtt depends on the nam
tor At blood-eaua la your blood. Chat's
all there la to It It's a aelentifle tact.
If year blood-eoll factory lan't work
tat right, yoo win bo run-down, thin,
your blood witt be in disorder, and
perhapa your faea wfll bo broken out
with plmplea, blaekhaada and erup
tions. 8. 8. 8. kocpa your blood-cell
factory worklna full time. It helps
build aow blood-cella. That's why
B. a a. builds up thin, run-down peo
ple. It puts firm fleah on your bones, it
rounds out your fae arms neck,
Umbo, the wholo body. It puta the
"pink1' In your eheeka. It takes the
hollowneas from the eyes, and It fools
Father Time by smoothing out wrin
klea In men ana woman by "plumping",
thorn up. 8. 8. S. Is a remarkable
, blood-purlfler. White you are sotting
plump, your akm eruptions, pimples,
blaekhaada, acne, rheumatism, rash,
totter, blotches are being removed.
The medicinal Ingredients of 8. 8. 8.
are guaranteed purely vegetable.
B. 8. 8. is sold at all drug stores, in two
slaesr The larger 'alia is the mora
enabled it to enjoy the long haul On
its lines via 1 Paso on millions of
tons of freight annually. The El
Paso route is hundreds of miles
longer than the route via Ogden and
the Union Pacific."
Mr. Larien has a copy of a reso
lution adopted by the Peninsula As
sociation of Chambers of Commerce
of California, stating that "The Union
Pacific, if given control of the Cen
tral Pacific, would guarantee com
pliance with the intent of the original
act of congress of July 1, 1862, when
the Omaha to San Francisco route
was built."
The Southern Pacific sob control
of the Central Pacific manv vears
after that, when the Union Pacific had
serious financial difficulties.
Mr. Larsen visited his Barents, who
live in Long Beach, Cal. .
Threshing Hampered by
Ram in Pawnee County
Pawnee City. Neb.. July 21. fSoe-
cial.) Recent numerous rains have
hampered threshing in Pawnee coun
ty. In some localities the wheat is
growing in the shock because of so
much moisture. Stacking has been
the common resort, and much wheat
is being saved in this way.
The corn crop never looked better,
and is now far enough along that, in
case no more rain fell this fall, it
would make a splendid yield.
Drinking Water Tested
Pawnee City, Neb., July 21. (Spe
cial.) State Sanitary Engineer R.
N. Tracy is in Pawnee City this -week
conducting a thorough investigation
of" the condition of the water used
for drinking purposes here. A 'field
laboratory has been set up in the
local power plat and minute examina
tions, have been started.
Fined on Attack Charge
Beatrice, Neb.. July 21. (Special.)
J. F. Morris of Steinauer was fined
$50 on a charge of assaulting Charles
Shroff, sr., at that place. The case
was appealed to the district court.
The trouble between' the two men
occurred several weeks ago.
Baritone Soloist
Entertains by Radio
One of the features of The Oma
ha Bee's radio concert from the
Omaha Grain Exchange station,
WAAW. last night, will be Edward L.
Kester, baritone soloist, who will de
light radio audiences with two pop
ular numbers. Mr. Kester won wide
attention with the Avon Four.
No Laws Against
Makins 0m Sets
The construction of home made
radio apparatus for one's own use is
not forbidden by patent laws. '
No doubt the foregoing is , infor
mation for hundreds of radio enthu
siasts who are constantly inquiring
whether they will be prosecuted if
they follow patented hook-ups in
making receivers.
BUT those who make home made
sets may not offer them for sale
The patent laws forbid that.
Purchase Partav
When it comes to making appara
tus, for sale there are few patented
parts which it is within the power of
the amateur to make, owing to his
limited manufacturing resources.
However, the safest course in respect
to these parts is to purchase them for
inclusion in the set to be sold, as in
the case of design patents on coil,
etc., or to sell the set without, as in
the case of tubes.
The crystal set is covered by no
patent, to our knowledge, save cer
tain design patents on a few parts,
which may be made io a different
style by the amateur without infring
ing on the patent or bought if he so
desires. Quite a number of experi-
We Have Some Good
Phone Harney 0010
3016 Harney
"The Christian Sabbath
I It Saturday or Sunday?
.... tb.
Lake at 28th Street
Bring your Biblca. Hear It without fail.
J. H. Lawrence, Evahfeliat
III hem urn. sous the
. ' 1 . aa . 1M jr it
vmana Dee wantsia
v . -
1 f .
Pul uouv renl money inio
yomtrownipochiIlwin pay
for your home and build
your hank account ioo.
It's much .easier, to own your own home than to pay rent.
The incentive to save your money is greater the return on your
money is greater. . , - . N
' Become a property owner buy your home through the
"Want" Ads. Every day in The Omaha' Morning Bee The
Evening Bee are listed many worth-the-money homes in all parts
of Omaha. In many-ases a payment of a few hundred dollars
will enable you to move in. Then rent-paying-stops. The money
which you ltve been handing to the landlord in exchange for
rent receipts will be applied on your own home.
' -You may1 not find the house you want at the price you can
afford to pay the first or second day but a consistent daily read
ing of the various offerings will sooner or, later result in your
finding exactly what you have been looking for.
Note to Realtors: Bee Readers are buyers
keep your best offerings before them in
enced radio amateurs are making
their pin money by constructing crys
tal sets for beginners, and there can
be no objection to this practice so
long as the set is honestly made and
sold on a conservative representation.
Induction coil: Or Rhumkorf coil.
An instrument which increases the
voltage of a .D. C. current at the ex
pense of a corresponding loss of am
perage by induction. Comprises an
iron core having a few windings of
comparatively thick wire, over which
is wound a secondary winding of
much thinner wire and of many more
turns. Usually an automatic make
and break, of the hammer type, is in
scries with the source of supply to
the primary winding. Two ends of
secondary winding are attached to
suitable discharges. See alo Tesla
coil. Compare transformers.
Induction motor: One having a
rotating field called the rotor, while
the stator. which is equivalent to an
armature, is stationary. An alternat
ing (usually polyphase) current mo
tor having a rotor of short-circuit
copper bars' in which currents are
induced by stator of field magnets.
Inductive capacity: Facility with
which a dielectric permits static in
duction, to act through it. See spe
cific inductive capacity (S. I. C).
Inductive close coupling: One in
which the inductances of the two
circuits are very close to each other,
but without actual metallic contact.
Inductive coupling: Two oscilla
tory circuits coupled by bringing the
inductance coil (A one into the field
of force produced by, that of the
Inductive loose coupling: One in
which the inductances are relatively
far apart, without any actual metal
lic contact.
Lightning Kills Three Cows
Beatrice, Neb., July 21. (Special.)
Lightninir struck the barn on the
Charles Williams place near Do Wilt,
killing three milk cows and slightly
damaging the building.
No Vacation for
Mothers Toiling
to Save Babies
Won't Your Rct Period Be
Happier if You Make Con
trihution to Milk
. Fund? i
Your vacation a good time rest
renewed energy. -1 will cost per
haps hundred of dollars.
Do you realise that there are nutty
mothers in Omaha whose babies are
almost starving? The mothers worry
and work day and night to try to
keep the spark of life alive through
the summer. They don't even dream
of a vacation.
Wouldn't it make your vacation
happier if you lift a dollar or two in
The Dee's Free Milk and Ice fund,
to help these pitiful infants?
Will you think that over? The
fund is in desperate need of assist
ance. If you decide for the babies,
just mail your contribution to "The
Bee, Omaha, Neb." We'll thank
fully acknowledge it.
teemed heretofore ,
&a ame
Mrs. M. R. L. W., Oxford, ?Srb....
Omaha Jim...
I. C. Daegherty
Hre. riark .
tiunahlne (iaaa, f'hnreh of Cnrbt
aunday fcwbeoL Ord, Neb
l no
I. (XI
Total: 4 S-9I.SS
Breaks Arm in tall
Falls City. b.. July 21.-(Spe-rial.)
Walter George, 7, sustained
a fractured arm when he fell from a
tree in front of his home.
, -i . ' 7
The Original Cushion Tire
: ' how equipped with
All - Weather Tr ead
Several years ago, Goodyear engi
neers invented and patented the
Goodyear Hollow-Center Cushion
Tire for motor trucks.
It was made with a soft base and at
tached to the wheel by sjfle flanges.
This was the first practical hollow
center cushion truck tire.
Later this tire was improved by at
taching to it a steel base, making it
a "pressed-on" tire.
More than 30,000 of these earlier
types have been used and have
established a unique reputation for
resilience and wear.
But these tires were smooth treads.
Now the ultimate development has
been effected by combining the vir
tues of the Hollow-Center Cushion
Tire with the advantages of the
world famous Goodyear All
Weather Tread.
The result is the new Goodyear
All-Weather Tread Cushion Tire.
Look at its outstanding features:
I It has triple cushioning due to the patented Good
year Hollow-Center, the famous Goodyear All-weather
Tread, and the new Goodyear Indented Sidewall.
2 It has the tractive might of the Goodyear All-Weather Tread.
3 It has a special Goodyear pressed-on base.
4 It has the wearing strength of Goodyear Stock and construction,
laV I Cross-section thowt the Qood-
111 ijlf Al I ir Patented Hollow-Center
1 AIV I I I I design of the Qoodvemr All-
I 111 X. Ill V J I Weather Tread Cushion Tire
The new Goodyear All-Weather Tread Cushion
Tire is not a semi-pneumatic It is not a semi-solid.
It is through and through a true cushion tire, built
to meet the special requirements of a particular
type of hauling, and it is resilient to the last mile.
It is a logical development of the Goodyear
Hollow-Center Cushion Tire, and it is a distinct
arid important advance on that splendid tire.
You will get from it an unparalleled measure of
efficient and low cost performance, distinguished
for buoyance, traction and wear.
The new Goodyear All -Weather Tread Cushion
Tire is specified as all-'round equipment for light
and medium duty trucks and for front wheels of
heavier units. It is made in all standard sizes
from 4 to 7 inches, inclusive.
For other types of hauling, Goodyear makes other special tires. Sold
and serviced by your Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station Dealer
Goodyear Means Good Wear
. For Sale by
Truck and Tractor Corporation
; Doug. 0648
1310 Jackson