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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
5 Ktei tew Our Radio Department Saturday Store Hours .9 A. M. to 6 P. M. On other days throughout the lummcr month the (tore closes at 5 p. m. Radio fans art sur to appreciate the completeness of this new department. Here one may select everything- from the Unieit accessory to a complete set. Free classes Mon day, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. lurftuNuk tLUf Dseartsssas Fourta Flae everybody;? store Saturday Opportunity Day at "Everybody's Store" THE OMAHA BEE wants Sports Shoes Sports Oxfords Black and white, and tan and white combinationi. Rubber soles and heels. Special at Pair, $4.95 . Sports Pumps Whit ooze trimmed with Gig kid, and brown calf with patent trim. One-strap fastener. Pair, 14.95 . Odd Lots Pumps All taken from our regular stock. There are all styles, all leathers and all heights of heels. Pair, $3.95 Burrtss-Naab Mai Floor Saturday Is the Last Day of Our Miia Taylor-. Dress S01 le Thousands of Beautiful Mina Taylor Dresses at Wonderful Savings Placed in 5 Great Groups $195 Pretty styles for home and porch wear. They are made of checked gingham, plain chambray and combinations of the two. There are all sizes in the lot, but not all sizes in every style. -$295 Made of good quality gingham in plain colors, checks and small plaids. Novel pockets, pipings or hand embroidery trim them. All sizes, 16 to 46. There are a few stylish stouts up to 62. $195 French and domestic ginghams. Each newly styled, gayly colored and smartly trimmed. Many flap per styles in this group. All regular sizes. Amazingly attrac tive at this price. -$ J95- r-$ r 00- In this wonderful group are lovely summer styles of French gingham in checks, plaids and tripes. All sizes for misses and women; many stylish stouts (in cluded in the group. Dress-up Mina Taylor frocks of tissue gingham, made with pan eled or flare skirt, and daintily trimmed with hand embroidery. There are practically all sizes in the lot. A Special Purchase and Sale of Costume Blouses Quite the loveliest blouses, we believe, that have been offered in Omaha at bo low a pricing. They are made of very, heavy Georgette or of Crepe de Chine, and all are frartd-beadedrin jet, silver, old gold or with novelty beads. $885 Beautiful Cool Colors Dark Suit Shades Daring High Shades Bisque Flesh Flame Black Henna Jade Gotham Brown Navy Copen Rose White Blouses that one may choose with the thought of wearing them now with aports skirts and 'later with a new fall suit. Sizes up to 52 5 styles are illustrated. Burfsts-Nash Blouse Shop Third Flosr BurfMi'Nath Mina Taylor Shop Second Floor New Fall Hats Rushed through for Saturday b, our buyer who is in New for Candy Specials Cream Chocolates Aborted flavors of orange, pincupplo. raspberry, nougat, lemon nntl mint. Tound, 39c Gum Drops Dilling's Trkish stylo gum drops in flavors of lime, orange, vanilla, anise, and lemon. Re duced Saturday to, Tound, 23c t Cream Brazils Whole Brazil nuts thickly roated with deliriously rich cream in flavors of vnnilla and maple. Special for Saturday Pound, 52c Burf ss-Nssb Mnunino Floor We Recommend "Glimpses of the Moon," the new book by Edith Wharton. You will enjoy reading it during your vacation days or those times when the usual pastimes are too strenuous for the hot days of July and August. Copy, $2.00 Burg ni-Nuh Main Floor Smartly becom ing hats new, dis tinctive models that have not been shown before. New Styles. New Fabrics. New Colors. New Designs. For wear with this or that frock that you possess. $coo They may be of crush able velvet which is so flattering, or close-fitting and of duvetyn, or strik ingly larger and of satin. Or $iey may be of mod erate size and a combina-. tion of any two of the three fabrics. Other unusual hats of quality Priced $7.50 to $25.00. Bursess-Nasa Hat Shop Third Floor Unusual Values for the Juniors Organdie Dresses Reduced to $195 Kiltie Skirts (Reduced to $155 1 Clever little skirts for immediate wear or for school days. With the popular , Juvenile blouse, they make an outfit that little girls' mothers consider very practical. The skirt is pleated ; the straps are cut with the skirt in such a way as to pre vent their slipping off the shoulder, and buckles adjust their length. They are of Gaberdine or Rajah. Rose, watermelon, tan or all-white. Sizes for girls of 6 to 14 years. One is -sketched. Burgess-Nash Third Floor We have selected one group - of airy little summer frocks, probably 300, and have marked them especially 1 o w for Saturday's selling. They are frilly styles that are charming with simple trim mings of ruffles and sashes. The colors are: Pink' Blue Buff Yellow Orchid ' ' White Sizes for girls of 2 to 14. Burgess-Nash Third Floor A Sale of Girls' Aprons . From 9. A. M. to 12 M. , Each 65c All have been much higher priced, but are reduced for this special selling. Max Pretty aprons made' bungalow style with belts or tie-back sashes. Made of good quality percale, cham bray, and gingham in sizes 6 to 12. Wash Goods Dress Swisses Embroidered with the popu lar small dot In many colors. lard, 95c Tissue Gingham Sheer ginghams in clear col ors. Both light and dark shades. Yard, 49c Dress Voiles 36 and 40-inch widths. Effec tive designs and colorings. Yard, 39c Sports Voiles Dark and vivid colorings practical and serviceable. Yard. 59a White Gaberdine 36-inch skirting. A service able fabric that launders well. Yard, 59c . White Voile 40-inch imported voile made of two-ply yarn. Priced at Yard, 85c Burgass-Naah Second Floor A Special Sale of. Kiddies' Half Hose All colors in cotton, lisle and fiber silk. All sizes. Priced . , Pair 35c, 3 for $1.00 Burfesl-Na.h Main Aislo Main Floor Girls' Wash Dresses $1 39 Becoming styles for the little miss of 7 to 14. Made of fast colored ginghams in pretty plaids, checks and plain colors, with belts, sashes and colors of contrasting material. All colors. Burfosa-Naah Red Arrow Booth Downstairs Stero ' Kodak Books In which to keep pictures you treasure are made loose leaf style and bound in black cloth. Album size. Priced Each, 95c Bungalow Smokers The set is of antique brass and is complete with cigar rest and match box. It has a 32 inch floor stand. The set, to close out quickly, is priced ' Each, 89c Stationery Vacation trips mean letters home. You will like this boxed paper, for it takes up so little room in your bag. White and tinted paper, 24 sheets and envelopes A box, 21c Burress-Nash Main Floor Burgess-Nash Junior Shop Third Floor Toilet Articles Specially Priced Soaps Remitter's Cocoanut Oil Lemon Soap, cake, Sc. Auditorium Bath Soap, 3 for 25c. Palm Olive Soap, 3 for 25c. Palm Olive Shampoo, 39c. Free! Free! Lournay Masque Free With each $1.00 jar of Lournay Lemon Cream, we will give one package of Lournay Beauty Masque. Rubber Caps Good grade rubber capa for bathing. . Plain skull caps in all colors. Each, 19c and 29c Vivaudou Mavis Lip Rouge, 19c. Mavis Face Powder, 39c. Mavis Vanishing Cream, 39c. Mavis Cold Cream, 39c. Mavis Talcum, 19c Mavis Toilet Water, 69c. Mavis Toilet Water, $1.69. Mavis Manicure Sets, $1.69. Ppwder Puffs A complete assortment of velour and wool puffs, mod erately priced. Satin Velour Puff, 4-inch size . . 25c Free Saturday With every purchase of a 25c can of "Qui Sait" tal cum powder, we will give one Vanity Vial of Lournay Perfume. Burfess-Nash Main Floor Rubber Sponges Large size, 49c Medium size, 29c Small size, 12)ic Thermos Bottles Brown enamel; pint size; aluminum cup. Priced at $1.00. Nickel plated, corrugated pint bottle priced at $1.50. Lunch Kits Black enamel lunch Kits with pint bottle, $2.C. Lister Towels Small .... 39c Medium . , . 49c Large 59c Hair Tonic "Van Ess" tonic a guar antee to grow hair is given with each purchase of three bottles of Scalp Massage, $1.50. Dandruff Remover, $1.50. New Laces We are featuring a new Rus sian filet in ecru color that is effective trimming for dresses. It may be used to advantage in curtains and table runners also. One may chose either the rose design or a Greek pattern. Priced 12-in. width, yd., 65c. 15-in. width, yd., 85c . 18-in. width, yd., $1.00. 21-in. width, yd., $1.35. Fringe to match these at tractive laces is priced at Yard, 30c and 40c New Laces We will make up any scarf or runner without charge other than the cost of materials. Place your order with us. Burgess-Nast Mate Floor s