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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
THE OMAHA BEE. 3 Ladies' WristWatches At Greatly Reduced Prices This collection of 500 high-grade watches, all guar anteed, gives you' an opportunity to select a wrist watch at prices which we believe cannot be equaled elsewhere in Omaha. White Gold Case Solid 14-k. engraved case with 15 jewel movement. Square case with ribbon 1C7C wristlet. Regular 25.00 value. Sale price, lwlJ White Gold-Filled Case 25-year case with 15-jewel movement. A choice of oval, square or octagon en graved cases with ribbon wristlet. Regular 1 A Cft 15.00 value. Sale price, lU.JU White Gold Case Solid 14-k. engraved case with 15 jewel movement. A long oval shape io the new cushion effect with ribbon wristlet. Regular OO CA 35.00 value. Sale price, aW.tJu Solid 14-k. Gold Case with 15-jewel movement. En . graved or plain cases in oval and cushion shapes with gold and white dials. Regular 25.00 value. 1 7 CA Sale price, ll.JU Solid 18-k. White Gold Case with genuine platinum top set with 22 diamonds in the fashionable rectangular shape. Highest grade 17-jewel movement. This is as fine a wrist watch as one could wish to 1 1 C AA own. Regular 150.00 value. Sale price, HiMJU 20-Year Gold-Filled Case with 15-jewel movement. Round engraved case with ribbon wristlet. 1 A CA Regular 15.00 value. Sale price, ' 1 V.UU These are but a few of the many beautiful styles and wonderful values you will find in this sale. . ' Main Floor East TurwMSU" --ill1 T i Saturday An Assemblage of Dainty Porch Frocks Taken from our regular stocks q5 and. priced for Saturday at j)f . In many instances these dresses have been priced $2 and $3 higher Called porch frocks, but smart enough to wear anywhere. A col lection of more than 500 attractive tub frocks in Amoskeag, Renfrew 'and tissue ginghams, dainty batistes, musins, Japanese crepes and other wash fabrics. Outstanding among many pretty styles are the soft, cool batistes, many in black and white designs that will-be ex actly what the conservatively dressed matron is searching for. Besides the multiplicity of styles, these frocks commend them selves by the quality of their making, being full cut patterns and all seams nicely finished. N Sizes from 16 years to 52 bust. Third Floor Center WE havt heard in a striking way from the European Shopping Expedition undertaken lait winter by repre. tentative! of the BrandeU Store. Important ai that expedition leemed at the time, ita real value was not realized even by the memberi of the party. But the mission grew in their view. Day by day the oppor tunities for the purchase of desirable goods seemed not only greater than they had ex pected, but new and attractive markets unfolded their tressures and acquired new ones before their very eyea. ' Long before the Brandela Store agents returned to Amer ica, they poured Into tho home office enthusiastic messages relating to their purchases. Returning, these agents threw into their work a new Interest, broadened ana enlarged by their wonderful experiences. As the merchandise arrived the enthusiasm of these, agents, as they Inspected the goods, was much like we expect our customers' interest to be when they come to examine them. As we have said before, there are stores in larger cities than Omaha who have not undertaken a European shopping tour such as this store carried to successful conclusion. It is not possible to tell of all these treasures, many on our counters and others coming in, of the laces and embroideries, linens, china and glassware; of the hosiery, handkerchiefs' and trim mings; of the cutlery, woodenware and baskets; of the per fumery and toilet articles, combs and notions and leather goods; of the watches and beads and pearls; of the curtains and draperies, the novel mattings and fine rugs; of the alum inum tableware and wicker furniture; of tile novel candles and candlesticks; book ends and wonderful, life-like wax figures. You will learn about them all in our advertisements as they are offered for sale. 5fou will be delighted with the im portations and pleased with the low prices -at which we are able to offer them. Watch our advertisements carefully and come in and In spect these goods. You will want them and you will be able to buy them, for the important feature of our "Lookout-in-the-Foretop" system is to bring the most wanted merchandise within the reach of all our customers. To that end no effort is ever spared at the Brandeis Store, and in the wonderful results of our European Shopping Expedition we have even ex ceeded our own expectations. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. Drugs - Toilet Goods 1.20 Nujol Mineral Oil. 98 SOe Mulsified Coceanut Oil, 39 25e Mention' Talcum Powder, 19 SOe Mennen's Shaving Cream, 37 50c Pepsodeat Tooth Paste, 38 60c Elcaya Creme, 33 Elcaya. Cold Cream, 23 Forhan'a, "For the Gums," 451 Creme. Simoni, imported, 39 30c Amolin, 23J 50c Nan Spi, 37 1.00 Mavis Toilet Water, 79 1.00 Mavis Face Powder, 59 Ambre Royal Face Powder, ; - 1.39 65c Pond's' Cold or Vanuhing Cream,' 49 60c Aubry Sifters' Beautifier, 43tf 39c Cutez Manicure Preparationi, 28J 1.00 Listerine, 79 S. S. S., 83 1.50 Luxuria Cold Cream, 1.29 White Ivory Finished Dressing Combs, 49 Hudnut'i Three Flowers Vanity Case, 1.50 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, 19 1.75 Bocabelli Castile. Soap, large bar, N 1.45 30c Bromo Seltier, 23 De Witt's Kidney Pills, 33 Tanlac, 89 Thermopack, keeps food hot or cold59 J5c Tii, for aching feet, 27 50c Palm Olive Shampoo, 37 Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, U. S. Army surplus, 23 Red Rubber Water Bottle, 69 Rubber Hpusehold Aprons, 39 Bathing Caps, to close, at 49 Stemware Table Sets 18 Pieces Q 4S j I Specially Priced till The hostess with an eye for the nice ties in table glassware now Duysner goblets, ice teas and sherbets to match. This moderately priced set consists of six ice teas, six goblets and six sher bets' in thin-blown optic glass. Fifth Floor East Shoe Findings Bunny Bags for White Shoes These clever little bags of white shoe cleaner , will slip into a cprner of your purse already to touch up the spots that will appear during the day when you wear white shoes from morning until night. Each, 19 Cummer's White Kid Cleaner, ' bottle, 25 Nova White or Palm Beach Cleaner, . box, 20 Shinola, 2 boxes for 15 Sued Brushes, each, 25 Patent Leather Cream, 50 Unilak White Heel Enamel, 25 Neo White, Sand or Palm Beach Cleaner, each, 10 Jet Oil Black Polish, 15 Pyrene Cleaner, removes all spots, bottle, 25 Snow White Cleaner for CanTas and Nu-Back Shoes, 20 Main Floor South Hair Net Specials Humanet Double Mesh Nets Our own importation, cap or fringe style, all colors, priced specially, 3 for 25 The Fashion A perfect silk net with or without elastic, 4 for 25 Carmen Human Hair Nets Cap or fringe styles, a complete line of eol-. on in single or double mesh. Special, 2 for 25 Hair Nets by the Box National or Style 999, cap or frineg nets, single mesh, box of 6 for " 50 Double Mesh, box Of 6, - 75 The Fathionetta An invisible human hair net, cap or fringe style, single or double mesh, 2 for 25 Main Floor South Toy Dept. Specials The Magic Top A most wonderful little top with ten different figures which it performs when you spin it. Complete in fancy box, 10 Dressed Sleeping Dolls With pink, blue or red dresses, hats, shoes and stock ings. 12 inches long, 50 Fancy Dressed Sleeping Doll 14 inches long, with pretty curls. Dressed in blue or pink, with shoes and stock ings. , Specially priced, 1.00 Other Dressed Sleeping Dolls at 1.50 Trick Animals 12 different 'animals that will do all kinds of circus tricks kneel down, stand on their hind legs and so on. There are elephants, lions, bears, tigers, giraffes, etc., each, 15 Rubber-Tired Coaster Wagons With' disk wheels. Priced 8.00 to 13.50 Boys' Baseball Gloves Made of genuine leather, each, 50 Boys' Baseball Bats, each, 10. 25 , and 35, Boys' Baseballs, each, 10 to 1.50 ' Main Floor Arcade Phonograph Records We offer the convenience of ground floor location, a large number of pleas ant, restful hearing rooms, complete stock and musically trained sales people to assist in selections. A completely equipped repair department is main tained, in charge of an experienced man. Why not hear some of these records Saturday? Victor Records, 75c each Lonesome Mamma Memphis Blues Soothing Night It's Up to You 'Neath the South. Sea Moon Brunswick Records, 75c each Three O'Clock in the Morning Indiana Lullaby Stumbling I'm Just Wild About Harry Some Sunny Day Don't Brine; Me Posies Sun God High Brown Blues Main Floor West Summer Street' Frocks Reduced for Clearance to 5.00 Zip! went the blue pencil through these price tags and 300 pretty wash frocks were reduced to but a fraction of their original price for Saturday's selling. But all the saving this new price affords won't do you a cent's worth of good unless you're here to pick one out, preferably early Satur-' day morning. Imagine an endless choice of colors and styles in the choicest summer fabrics crisp dotted Swisses'that are sober or gay in their coloring, according to whether you choose scarlet or navy. 'Normandy voiles, a great favorite with the practical woman because they require so little pressing. Imported ginghams in the smart small checks. And sturdy ratines that flaunt the most striking color schemes in basque styles or jumper frocks. Size for Women and Misses. Second Flo or West A Summer Clearance Sale of Fine Summer Featuring Smart Styles in Fashionable Materials at Decisive Reductions. More than likely you have a new frock that should be completed by a hat selected especially to go with it a wide-brimmed crepe, and off-the-face model in satin or one of the multitude of other attractive styles reduced for this Saturday selling. This sale probably marks the height of your opportunity to select a becoming hat at a decided price advantage. ' We are continuing our sale of all our better summer hats that haye been priced at 10.00 and more at one-half price. i Clearance Bargains for the Wee Folks Who Need Tubable Clothes Summer Wash Frocks 79c An odd lot of dresses in white organdy, colored gingham and ' percale, with and without panties. Some are trimmed with narrow laces, others with colored organdy. There is a good assortment of styles, including plain ones and those with sashes to tie. Sizes 2 to 6 years, specially priced, ' Children's Chambray Overalls Cool 'little play garments of lightweight blue chambray with red pipings, patch pockets and suspender effect at the top. Sizes 2 to 6 yrs. PQ Specially priced, J7C Boys' Flapper Suit Jaunty lit tle Oliver Twist suits in blue or khaki color, fastened with metal buckle. Short sleeves and sport collars help to make them cool and comfortable for the little fellows from 2 to 6 years. Specially QQ priced, 1 0 Third Floor East Sock for Girls or Boys Fine mercerized lisle in short or three-quarter lengths. In white with tops of pink, blue, laven der, green, black and plaids; these are both pretty and de pendable as to wear. Sizes 4 to 9H. OCr Per pair, aSiOC Leather Party Boxes at 2.98 A new shipment that arrived but yesterday. In black vachette; some reinforced with double-handle straps that go all around, others with shorter handles; all of good size, with large, square mirror-lined tops. Moire silk linings with vanity fittings and coin purse. Party boxes like these have been selling all season at a much higher price. It's really great good fortune to offer them at this'low price. Small Leather Bags In solid colors and smart combinations, these smaller bags are verychic in pin seal, vachette and velvety calf with .asUa4-4-A All .' 1 1 . 1 -J . 111. ("II- - 1 i 1 . ii sua. iiueu; some wun linings; Dotn leatner l Qfi vachette. and silk cord handles. Each, - Main Flo or East Candies Specially Priced for Saturday Cream Patties Those smooth cream wafers in dainty colors and spicy flavors mint, wintergreen, clove, cinnamon, pistachio and cho- OQ colate. Packed in lb. boxes, Chocolate Delmonico A rich chocolate fudge with marshmallow between the layers, then dipped in Gold Medal Chocolate. Packed in AjCkg pound .boxes, tUC Peanut Cream Bon Bona A crispy Spanish' peanut confection cut in squares and dipped in a maple and vanilla cream fondant very delicious eating. Special, ' Q per pound, OJ C Chocolate Cherries in CreamMara schino cherries dipped first in a cream, then in milk and Gold Medal Cho colate. These are packed in a cherry red box and tied with scarlet ribbon. Take Her a box of these the next time you call! Pound box, Main Floor West 1.00 Radios Everything from a Complete set to the smallest part for a home-made one. No. 200 Detector Tubes No. 201 Amplifying Tubes Sockets, Tuning Coils, Galena, mounted and unmounted. No. 14 Wire, 100 ft, Insulators, each,' 50t 25 2.50 Lightning Arresters, Crystal Sets Complete with antenna wire, phone,' switch and insulators, at 15.00 Tube Sets Complete with phones and aerial wire, 50.00 Phones and Aerial Wire, 50.00 ; Weitinghouse R. C. Sets, 132.50 MagnaToz,t 45.00 Magnavox, largo, 85.00 Variometers, 4.50 Varl Couplers, 5.00 Vari Condensers, 2.25 Radio Diagrams, 50 Stock reports every hour during the morning at our Radio Booth, near the souin entrance. Main FloorSouth Dress Accessories Reduced Velvet Grip Sanitary Belts All elastic with cloth tabs, . . 19J Kotex Sanitary Napkins Box of 12, 49 Velvet Grip Sew-on Corset Garters Pair, I9i Double-Frill Garter ElasticAll good colors, per yard, 29 Puritan Sanitary Aprons Made of Para rubber, .special for Saturday, 39 Kleinert's Featherweight Dress Shields Sizes 2 and 3, per pair, 35 Main Floor South Watch That Waist Line! "Oh where, oh where has mj! waistline gone?" Mourns the woman who is either wearing no corset, or just a light, boneless "something-to-hold-up-my stockings." She has failed to realize that figure unrestr-.Ined is bound to spread, and sh'e is most fortunate if her unsupported abdomen has not sagged and permitted its contents to become displaced. A Nemo Wonderlift Corset woXRJjfT numerous models of which may be found in our Corset Department has an ad justable Lastikops Bandlet concealed beneath the corset-skirt. This Bandlet returns to,and keeps in their proper places weakened and fallen abdominal muscles and organs. The figure is thus restored to its original grace and symmetry. Style and health are both improved. No. 560 Low top; long skirt. White, or pink, coutil; sizes 24 to 36" 7.25 Selecting your model is only about half the business of buying a corset The other half and the one that is a most important factor in your corset satisfaction, is the fitting of it. Our corsetieres throughly understand many little adjustment that can be made in fitting which will add ao much to the hygienic comfort of your corset. Thifd Floor North