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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
4 ' THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY, JULY Contestants for Best Editorial Discuss Schools l.iyrics in Readers' Contest trpm Near and Far 'ir '. ginian Moxt Distant Cuntrilmtor. Y-TIME fAI L E; S ' MORE TALES OF CUFFY BEAR dv A-rvruiir cmtt dam tv llllUKinilK .Mill I DMILLI ' r I I I T I Mm HILIM1U Are tlic public school ptrt'orming their true function? That is a qurtiou that is attract ing many of thr amateur editorial writer! who have entered the reader contest for the prizes offered by The Omaha Bee. It is being discussed from all angles, by parent., teacher and even by the pupil themselves. Mrs. Mabel Bivrns, a farm wife of Fairmont, Neb.. suggest greater co operation between parents and teacher. Entries are coming from near and far. The most distant contributor thus far is II. M. Jewett of Hertford. V'a., a former resident of Omaha. He writes on "1 anff, L nemploymcnt and Prosperity." The rules of this amateur editorial writing contest limit contributions to 500 words. Each reader' may con tribute three efforts. They should be addressed to the Editorial Contest Editor, The Omaha Bee. First prize in this contest is $25, second is $15 and third $10. The contest closes August 10. The three winning edi torials will have a chance also at the grand prize in a final contest in which the winners of similar contests conducted by 23 ether Nebraska papers also will contend. Xhe prizes in this latter competi tion will be $100, $50 and $25. Editors and reporters are barred from the amateurs' contest. How ever, a professional editorial writing competition is being conducted for them. The Bee will give first, second and third prizes of $100, $50 and $25. respectively, to the Nebraska news paper rhan or woman submitting the best editorials." These may be edi torial! that have been printed in their own publications or those that have never teen the light of day. The awards in each of these contests will be made by judges selected by the -Nebraska Press association. CHAPTER XII f. Cuffy Bear Forgets. "There!" Mrs. Bear exclaimed one morning. ' I've finished my spring houM'cleauing and I'm going oil to spend the day with my Aunt Eliza. I-or I drurrve a rest." Before he went the good lady made the children promise not to 11 ly&l 3 )lT Milk Uli For Infant KM Invalids NO COOKING Th. "Food -Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home, Officered Fountains. AtkforHORUCKS. . war AYoid Imitation ft Sabstitatei oros. Har. 0188 28th and Farnam Saturday Specials Barrington Hall Coffee, A! per lb t J C Advo Coffee, 3-lb. ! 1 IP can for J 1 a 1 J Shredded Whole Wheat "JO,, Biscuit, S pkgs Oa&C Britt's Powdered Am- OO monia, 3 pkgs. , .Oa&C Pearl White Soap, OQ 10 bars Oi7C Dr. Price's 26c Baking OA Powder, 2 cans OlC Morner Eggs, strictly fresh, O 1 per doz J I C Best Creamery Butter, QQ per lb f OOC Home grown large early QO. Ohio Potatoes, per peck 0iC Home grown slender 1 Cucumbers, 3 for XVJC Hand picked Dutchess Q Apples, market basket ...OOC Fresh Pressed Spring A) t Chickens, per lb taSiC Choice Shoulder Beef 9fl Roast, per lb &UC FrMay orders nwan aarly ddtvery Saturday Mail orders lilted at above prlcaa. a Their mother hadn't been gone five minutes before the children had it squabble. But they were sure they hadn't disobeyed Mrs. Bear, because rach declared that the tjuarrcl was. the other' fault. They had a tine time that day. do ing exactly a they pleased. The afternoon was half over when all at once Cuffy stopped playing. A troubled look came over his face. "Oh. dear!" he whined. "What wi that lat thing mother told n?" He was like that. He never could remember hi mother's or hi father'" order. If Mrs. l!er a. Led him to hurry out of the den and bring her an armful of mow for a bed he w more thin likely to go out and come right back and ask her what it m that she wanted. And thie time little Stlkie had forgot ten, too. Cuffy sat on his haunches anj thought and thought. "It was about bringing something into the den," he said at last. "But I can't remember what" So he dc rided there was only one safe wav out of his trouble. He and Siltie would carry into their home every thing they could think of. No doubt among all the odds and end Mrs. Bear would'tiud whatever it was that she wanted. 4 Before the afternoon was gone they had filled the den with an amaz ing litter. Old leaves, moss, dried grasses, stick, stones and even mud all these Cuffy and Silkie dumped upon Mrs. Bears neat floor. You tWhat's ail this ubbili in my clean lous?"ihe demanded. . quarrel and to stay near home and to run inside the den at the slight est sign of danger. Then she put on her best bonnet and trudged away, stopping in the dooryard to tell Cuffy and his sister Silkie one final thing. "Now, don't forget!" she added. Jt " ""I HaW Chocolate Fudge Special rounds good, and tastes good, too, because it's a care combina tion of chocolate cream, cherries and almonds. Try it at the fountain, at home or at your next picnic or outing. After eating Dalicia lea Craam you have that cool and satisfied fealing and it's GOOD for you, too. I ready at soda fountains as you like it. Served daintily or la bulk or in pint or quart sealed packagaa. Mada th. BETTER way by FAIRMONT in Omaha, Crete, Craad Island and Sloua City. 24 "There!" Curty cried at last. "Tint's done, jilie can't v that we lorgot this tune." And thru t!ey began to play again, I'nluckifV they were enjoying an other quarrel jut Mrs. Bear pu.hed through the hti.hrs that hedged her doorway. Rolling over and over upon the ground a. they Mere, scratching and biting, the thiU dren didn't notice her. "So this is the way ou mind m!" Mrs. Bear exclaimed as she pulled the youngster apart. "Here I've come luck iiom the lrt real outing I've bad nine la.t .winner, only tu tmd vmi lighting! Airn't you a.hanted of yourselves?" Silkie whimpered I bit. And Cuffy liHiked unea.y. "We were only fooling," he said. "At lea.t. I was." Mre. Bear stared at them severely over her spectacles. She wa.n't so surprised as she seemed. "Ho try to brhsve yourselves," she begged 1 in 1 BR.EAD IT'S MADE WITH MILK LET THE QUAKER BE YOUR BAKER II As it cleans g0S ' antiseptically, ,wM thoroughly, tXM ' economically TlrJ'Y Specials for Saturday Guaranteed Sweet Cantaloupes . ..10t and 12tt Per crate . . .1 98c Guaranteed Ripe Watermelon, per lb 4c Santa Rosa Plums, per basket .' 27 Freestone Peaches, per basket 25 Loganberries, per bo Home-Grown Sweet Corn, per doz ,....25C Home-Grown Potatoes, per peck .29 Home-Grown Cucumbers, basket 50J Home-Grown Tomatoes 25? Large Heads of Cabbage 5 Stringleas Wax or Green Beans, per lb 10 Finest New Sweet Peas, per lb 15 Real Grocery Bargains Lux, 6 pkgs. for 53t Pearl White Soap, large bars, 6 for ;..23 Oval Sardines in Tomato Sauce, 3. cans for 43d Monarch Baked Beans, 3 cans for , .-27 Olives, quart jars, Advo brand 57? Austin-Nicholas Pure Fruit Jams, 2 for 25 Armour's Corned Beef, 1-lb. cans 33d ,Red Alaska Salmon, tall cans 27 Flo Voro Malt, per can 59J Puritan Malt, per can 59d Blue Bell Flour, 48-lb. sack $1.79 Buttery Eggs and Cheese Department Meadow Gold or Seward Butter, per lb 37d Danish Pioneej Butter, per lb. 36d Strictly Fresh Egss 1 ' 29 Wisconsin Brick Cheese, per lb i. 23d Tea, Coffee and Spices Ankola Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.15 Lipton Tea, -lb. cans '.43d Rumford, Baking Powder, per can 18d Gunpowder Tea, per lb. 35d Ice Tea Blend Tea, per lb 29d . ' Meat Department ' s Fresh Dressed Broilers, per lb .37d Fresh Dressed Roasting Chickens, per lb 17 d Young Mutton Leg, per lb 20d Prime Rib Rolled Roast, per lb 22 d Choice Steer Pot Roast, per lb .12 d Young Veal Roast ...15c Young Veal Breast, per lb. , lOd Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb 20d Lean Pork Loin Roast, per lb 18 d Young Mutton Loin Chops, per lb. 25d ORTMAN'S BAKERY GOODS Tutti Frutti Cakes, each. .75d Orange Loaf Cake, eacji. 30d Pecan Nut Butter Rolls, pan 25d Buns, per dozen 15d CIGARS Just Inside the Door Tuxedo, full lb. $1.05 Tuxedo, half lb... 55 Cudahys , 711 aiTflTl 11- Bacon FOR a Summer appetizer nfttlv ing quite equals Purkan Bacon, the extra delicious dish for the morning meal, the savory garnish, the tasty sandwich filler. Make sure of a rightly filled market basket. See that it brings Puritan Bacon to the tired appetites of your household. THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY VTii iV Ti II 1 rSfTcY$l' VVVfflr Lveryimng or -WTZAfJ Douglas Phone AT. 5490 Hame DhontDQ. 1796 -Fancy fresh dressed Broilers, per lb 39.ic Beat cuts of Steer Shoulder Roast, lb... 160 Fancy young Veal Breast, per lb 10c Dold's lean wide Breakfast Bacon, lb 23?c Fancy young Lamb Shoulders, per lb 12?c MEATS Fancy Steer Pot Roast, per lb Fancy young Veal Roast, lb 17 Vtc Pig Pork Roast, lb .17c Sugar-cured Bacon Backs, lb ...ISc WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF COLD MEATS 100-lb. sack ot Sugar $7.25 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 70c 48 lbs. Blue Bell Flour $1.89 10 bars P. & G. Soap for.: 45c 10 bars Crystal White Soap 45c lobars Bob White Soap , 35c 20c can Shrimp for 15c 6 cans Oil Sardines 25c 20c can Imported Sardines '. 12? vc Shredded Wheat, per pkg 11c Central Special Coffee, lb 30c 3 lbs. for 88c Our fancy Santos Coffee, lb 25c Special Mixed Tea for Ice Tea, lb 40c 100-lb. sack Cane Sugar $7.50 BUTTER and EGGS Central Xtra quality Creamery Butter, per l ib. package 37 ',2 c Guaranteed Fresh Eggs, per doz 22-ic Aged American Cheese, per lb 17Jic Blue Ribbon Creamery pkg. Butter, lb...36!jc Best bulk Creamery Butter, lb 384c 5 lbs. Swift's Snowflake or Jam Nut Oleo, for $1.08 GROCERIES 48-lb. sack Gold Medal Flour $2.25 48-lb. sack Gooch's Flour... $1.95 1-lb. can tall Red Salmon 22 Mc Apple Blossom Milk, 3 cans for. 25c Pork and Beans, 3 cans for 25c Qt. jars of Green Olives.. 40c and 50c Carolene Milk, 2 cans for... ,.15c Large can Del Monte Sardines 15c Bulk Oatmeal, 6 lbs. for '. 25c 3 fkgs. large Jersey Corn Flakes 25c Iten's Rustic Jumbles, a high grade spiced cookie, 2 lbs. for 35a CANDY ' McComb's home-made Pecan Roll, dipped in de licious Texas pecans, per lb 69c Delicious Chocolate Marshmallow Fudge, special per lb f 29c Fresh Salted Nuts BAKERY Tutti Frutti Cake, each 75c Orange Loaf Cake, each 30c Pecan Nut Butter Rolls, per pan 35c Sandwich buns, per doz 15c Fancy Fruits and Vegetables SPECIAL 1,000 CRATES OF ARIZONA SWEET CANTALOUPES. 12 and 15 toCrat Logan or Blackberries, per box 17? ic Red Raspberries, per box 20c Apples, per market basket 35c Fancy Apricots, per basket 60c Fresh Garden Peas, per lb 15c Home-grown Cucumbers, 2 for 5c Fancy Head Lettuce 12 Vic and 15c Fancy Celery, per stalk Fancy Plums, per basket, 40cj per crate Large California Cherries, lb Peaches, per basket 20c Wax or Green Beans, per lb Ripe Watermelons, whole or half, lb . . . Home grown Early Ohio Potatoes, peck ..$1.05 5c , ..$1.50 25c and 25c 10c 3;je .30c CIGARS Just inside the door Tuxedo, whole lb., $1.05; Tuxedo, one-half lb., 55c them. Thru rhe pjed through her a)'. A muffled roar I'roiii uiihin the den told the ihiMmi that something wis aiuim. In another moment their mother burst into icw looking very, vrrv displrisrd. "What's all this rtibliih in my clean home?'' she demanded "I had jmt finished making it neat and lulv. ami here vou two have been nd gone and upsrt things terribly." we rouiaiit remcMiuer nat you wanted us to bring home," Cutty !l I bis mother. "Wt knew there something. Rut ve forgot niiilv what it ii." Mrs. Hear threw up her (oic iav as if she had reached her vt's rod. I warned you" she uid "I warned you just be lore I left not to bring a single thing into the dm, (or I had just finished my spring houseclraning. U'upvrlaht. t: Out-of'Town Orders Filled on Any Item in This Ad. WRITE US NOW Salialactlaa Cuaraalxd ar Maarr diMrlully Rcluadrd. VirrTCfTTHIisieTo'T1 Phone AT. 4603 Right Now For Rush Delivery Service mm m m All Uay Saturday LOOK AT THESE PRICES Fregh Dressed I . Freh pf Pork ifi-la Sp'g Stricken, lb. J J C Loin, lb 10 C Fresh Pig Pork Chops, lb lBVa Pure Leaf Lard, lb. f Steer Rib Roast, lb 4 Vi C Fancy Steer Beef Roast, lb 12y2C Fancy Steer Beef Steak, lb 15 Fancy Young Veal Roast, lb 14 Young Veal Stew, lb 82 Pure Breakfast Sausage, lb 15 Fresh Spareribs, lb ... , 8$tf Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, lb. 164 Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 1912d Puritan Hams, half or whole, lb 33 'gt? BEST WHITE SUGAR 5 lbs 35tj 10 lbs 694 KAMO GRAPE JUICE ftoUU. 43c CURTIS BEST FLOUR Guaranteed 48-lb. sack . $1.73 Six large cans Carolene Milk 44 Libby's Assorted Soups, 3 cans for 22 Standard Peaches, No. 3 size in syrup 24tf Fancy Republic Evergreen Corn or Hand-Packed Tomatoes, 3 cans 37tf Hatchery Red Salmon, tall can 23s? Fancy Oil Sardines, 6 cans 25tf Santos Peaberry Coffee, 25tf 3 lbs. for 72tf Food Center Special Coffee, 30 3 lbs. for. . .89tf Large jars Windmill Preserves, 2 for -43 Best Head Rice, 4 lbs. for 25c New English Walnuts, lb 22VzO Shredded Wheat, pkg lltf Post Toasties, 3 pkgs 25 1 Cocoanut Snaps or Buster Brown Cookies, lb. ... . 19t Kitchen Cleanser, 4 cans 25 Large Roll Toilet Paper, 10c value 5 Norwegian Pure Olive Oil Sardines 10 Victor or Gooch's Best Flour, 48-lb. sack $1.88 MAKE YOUR SHOPPING A PLEASURE IN THIS UP-TO-DATE SANITARY MARKET BEST WHITE GRANULATED SUGAR fM at Quart Old Monk Olive Oil, $1.40 val. fr" $1.08 Haarmann's B a s I Quart Jar Sweat Picklas, Relish 01 Chow 07 Chow O C Pearl White Soap, 10 bars for 34c Seii; The Hie Macaroni Products Bakery Dept. Specials Tutti Frutti Cake. . -75 Orange Loaf Cake.. 30 Pecan Nut Butter Rolls, per pan .... 25t? Buns, per dozen .... 15c Thomsen's Dairy Maid Fancy Cream- O ery Butter . . O C Country Creamery, in plain cartons, 35c. j Eggs, checks ond No. 1, in cartons, 22c. 38c Danish Pioneer Butter . . Rex Nut Butterine, 20c Wisconsin Full Cream Brick, 22c. C r a m d Cot tag Cheese, ISc. r i a rp i rp 1 rresn ureen nppics, mar- A Uxedo 1 obacco I jj. 29c Valley Canta- 25c AT SPECIAL PRICES 1-pound cans ..; $1.05 -pound cans 55 Imperial . loupes, 4 for Special Advertising Price Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 2-25c cans 29c Come In and Have a Free Drink of Iced Tree Tea fir We Take Pride in Recommending M.J.B. Coffee and Tree Tea 45c pound 35c Vz pound Saturday Special Af. J. B. Coffee Tree Tea Try KfE!!ft The New Whole Wheat I yyffl)BIT Breakfast Food (