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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
w. the Omaha bek: Saturday, july 22. vm 1 r. I a City to Operate Under Home Rule Within 60 Davs Omaha No Longer Compelled to Go to Legislature for Changes in Charter. Oinuh will begin to function un der it own home rule charter 60 days from Ut Tueday, when the votert approved the existing charter at a Dasu tor ine nome rule pun 01 lity government. In givinn thia ex preotioTi at the primary Omaha took advantage of a privilege extended by the new atate constitution approved in 1920. Before the home rule charter be romei the book of law for Omaha the city clerk must file a certified irny with the secretary of state and i'lso file copy "in the archives of the city of Omaha." Law la Liberal The effect of government by home tule charter means that the city of Omaha will not be required here after to go to the legislature to have the charter amended or modified. Changes in the charter hereafter may be accomplished by the city council initiating proposals, or electors may submit changes by filing petitions containing not less than 5 per cent of the gubernatorial vote at the last preceding election. Whether the council or electors initiate proposals, they must be submitted to the voters at a general or special election before . they become part ot the charter. . The law provides ftiat alternative propositions may be submitted on the same subject. For instance, if the council submits an amendment, an elector or electors may submit a counter proposition if 5 per tent peti tion accompanies the request The law is liberal in allowing every voter to have a voice in the develop ment of the charjer. Chance to Grind Ax. "No charter or amendment shall be adopted or repealed, except by ma jority vote of electors," reads a sec tion of the law. Corporation Counsel W. C. Lam bert believes the law so liberal on the subject of home rule charter that there may be opportunities "for per sons with axes to grind to befuddle the voters. He also is of the opinion that a charter convention may be called for the preparation of amend ments to be submitted, but he' does not anticipate this plan Mould be favored. He agrees that the . pre ferred plan would be for the council or electors to submit amendments as the exigencies of city government require. How to Keep Well By OR. W. A. EVANS Questions saasanilaf ' kyflaas, Malta. iMa aaa1 pvvvMtlM al sllaaaaa, aua 1114 to Pr. Eui ay mini al Taa Mas, alll as Mr4 parsaaall' sukjsct to araaar Imitation, arkara ataavMa), aaaVaasssI aaala la closVa. Dr. Evaaa wlU aol mtkt dtajiMia ar amcrlha far kMlivktual sllsaaws. AaartM Isltar ia cut at Taa Baa. Copyright i lttl ANOTHER WHIRLIGIG. "Appearing in the paper recent ly," E. V. writes, "there was a letter written to you by M. V. J. under the title of "The Whirligig Woman," which interested nie greatly. "Recently I was in close touch with a' case almost parallel with (he facts as stated by M. W. J. "The woman in question was the youngest of three daughters. The cider daughter seems to be a pcron of education and refinement. The second has a disposition to which a great' many people would take a dis like sort of a cold-shouldered one. Has one son who is not normal. Divorced probably IS to 20 years ago. "The youngest daughter had a very sick spell near the age of 15. I do not know just what it was, but have been told it was very serious and recovery was doubtful and slow. She was 37 last birthday. "She was tricky, scheming all the time in regards to paying her bills, but was not what you would call selfish rather careless in her habits and way of doing housework. In fact, fought with the neighbors wherever she lived even her own sisters and did not see the eldest for 11 years, and was not 'on speaking terms with the other , sister at all times. Her education was probably two years high 'school. She did not finish for her own reasons "Was married twice daughter by first hubsand and daughter by sec ond. She was a good talker, and could command a stranger's atten tion, but could not hold anybody's, friendship very long. She was very' immoral in her talk, not only in the home, but to the neighbors and out siders. Had no consideration for anybody's feeling, not even her own child or husband's. Was very con trary anr would want everything done her own way, regardless of whether right or wrong else there was trouble. "She had been arrested twice. First time for her conduct, and second time for striking a neighbor's child. Final ly it gost so bad in the home that her husband had ehr sent to the psycho pathic hospital. When released after three weeks' confinement, and one week after her release turned the gas on herself and daughter. "Let me add mental tests showed her to have a mentality of 11 years and 11 months and a rating of 74.4. j The behavior clmifiratidn was I 'floater da.'H ! REPLY, This woman was a 1.' year old mo- 1 ron. In addition to her deficient men tality khe had a diseased disposition. Since a nephew is not normal, and since it is more in keeping with the condition, it i probable that her fee-hlc-mindcdncfs was congenital rather than the result of the illness in child hood. Since she had a 12-ycar-old mind, keeping in school during the later years of the grades and the first two years of high school was a waste ol time and money. Since her older sitter was peculiar i' was probable that in this case much of the diseased disposition was inherited. The very severe itinera at 15 might have contributed, in that it inter ruptedand otherwite interfered with training. The twists in personality and be havior you mention are frequently associated with feeble-mindedness. I'erhaps this is becaure of the men, tal limitations in great part. Nevertheless, such cases are fairly amenable to social training, if the process is begun early. Had the effort of her schooling been to teach her book knowledge up to the 12-year level, and to have put the rest of the energy, thought, and money expended on training her in behavior, the result would have been a far more satisfactory citizen. Two Bran Recipes. Mrs. M. S. writes: "What would be your advice to a person who had to take a . physic every day for four years? "I live too far from town to get fre.h fruit and vegetables in win ter. "I aked the advice of our doctor. He told nil I should Rot be that way. H aave me a few pills. "I get plenty of exercif. Have ood health. Over 40 years old hometime have distinct. "Ahe milk and tun constipating? Mau, l krm n,.nlil tA pit REPLY. Bran is eaten raw, cooked or as a cereal, and made into bread and muf- tins. Drink an abundance of water. There are many recipes for bran Here are two: Bran 2 ounce Salt M teaipoonful Agar (powdered) 1-5 ounce Cold water 3 1-3 ounce Mould into cakes. Bake. Bran 2 cupful Melted butter I ounce 2 whole eggs. 1 white of egg. I teaipoonful salt. Make into three cake. Bake. Can Live Without Spleen. W. S. write: "I. Have you ever heard of an operation of the tpleen? "2. Can one live without the spleen? "3. I this a reriou operation? "4. 1 am a young man with an enlarged ipleen and have been ad viied to have it removed." REPLY. 1. Ye. 2. Ye. . 3. Yes. 4. The splenic enlargement may be due to any one of several cautes. In most direases accompanied by en larged spleen that, organ should not be removed. Bee Want Ads Produce- Results. Miles -of Smiles will follow this new Harding Sunday Special Ice Cream wher ever it is served. Vanilla Nut Ice Cream is one of those rare Ice Cream delights so rich in flavor, so smooth and luxurious you'll never forget it. Ask the dealer who serves JCEiCBEAM " ,,a fl Th aewvs UlutratUm la at the Cincinnati plant at the (Mat Americas Diamait fflSBffl ' toM Caaipany when the finest malt qnp ia made and hipped dim ta as. , "iWjC? 3- ' ' RJSlifliSj ThA above Uiutraltioa la at the Cincinnati plant at the area American Diamait tampan? whan the finest malt syrup ia made and shipped dim ta na. si" '& ' a taacq nrjr cecums cqns ttfar Chrd x$h& flayer ui ths romt pare tnitft syrup The pen sketch abort Is at the Petersen A Varan Baking Co. plant, located at llth and Jackson Streets, Omaha, You will be interested in our formula it will tell you just why Tip Top and Hard Roll ' Breads are always su perior and uniform in ' quality. - Flours: Occident Flour Custom-made Gold Medal Custom-made Omar Flour Milk: ' Merrell-Soule's Lard: Cudahy's Rex 'Sugar: Domino Cane fcrood malt syrup, is essential to super-quality breads. It is the natural food for. yeast germs, being more easily consumed than even sugars. By using malt syrups we preserve all the original flavors of both the cane sugar and the hard northern wheat and make possible the better tasting qualities of Tip-Top and Hard Roll Breads. The American Diamait company is the world's largest makers of malt products. Their plants have cost millions and their reputation and integrity have longset the world standards for dependable malt quality. Diamait syrups have long been a part of our formula and have played an important part in our efforts to give you the finest breads made. Petersen & Pegau Baiting Company Dp lop Breed emaeaBBBsaaw ANOTHER PAIR OF SBfBUr T W N Will Be Born on the Same Day 9 A. M.TOMORROW-9 A. M. SATURDAY, JULY 22 818 N. 16th Street 8507 IJ. 30th Street (Florence) " pJV i pi 1 1 n & pi a ymmu$ffc' ira-,S i HiM ,18 w "vi life J A FLOWER TO EVERY VISITOR The Piggly Wiggly Stores have been a pronounced success. The Housewives of Omaha have evidenced, by their continuous, patronage, their unqualified approval of the PIGGLY WIGGLY sys tem. These stores have been visited by the society class the banker class the wage-earner class and by the PLAIN American class all . of whom have said that they liked the PIGGLY WIGGLY way that they saved money that they find a most comprehensive assortment of food,products of the best nationally known brands. The locations of the above PIGGLY WIGGLY stores, which open t Saturday were chosen because of repeated solicitations from those ' neighborhoods that we establish a PIGGLY WIGGLY store in that part of Omaha. The success of the PIGGLY WIGGLY store is no miracle not the - result of skillful or sensational advertising, nor is it the result of any experiment it is simply the outcome of eliminating extravagant and unnecessary, service buying for CASH in tremendous quantities ' selling for CASH and expecting of all'customers the service of serv ing themselves -a, sensible, practical system. Under the PIGGLY WIGGLY system, the customers, instead of being a dead load, become, and are part of the machinery of. service and delivery, and save for THEMSELVES the cost of the service they; render themselves you buy only what you want you select for your selfyou see the SAVINGS that you .make by the plainly-marked price tags on everything, and you estimate at a glance just how much you have earned for yourself every time you visit and patronize PIGGLY WIGGLY. SEVEN CLEAN STORES-14 MORE ON THE WAY 113 S. 16th St. 2417 Farnam St. 3922 Farnam St. 1518 N. 24th St. 5301 N. 24th St. 818 N. 16th St. 8507 N. 30th St. ' :r-v. .-;, ;- ' f I . , I : ' t