11 THE GUMPS SCI IT IN COLOM THAT'S TELLING HIM SOMETHING, LADY Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith WEST SIDE PROPERTY BENSON PROPERTY I'ANDY l-toom, "md 5agl"; 14 44, e half M". fim tatim. riM IN THE SUNDAY Itg copyright nil. i ICAVeNWOftTK HIIONTS li'r.riAi. price II . i.". A. urltuniei. IS laie. Jills WkCK FLORjrNCPKOPERTY WsTTMAWAT tl' dra Tht Bc VintAdi srsj br.t bu.i nns bontirri. On ef th l.rm. fcungtlesr heme I ihi district lr living ream, dm. Ing room, (unrsam stlraaa. first flour, 1M bedrooms gnd haih. ed finer gi-reend-la porch, kalli.ln fssiur.s Oak inrugnut. lurnir heat, riepeny a.srly haw and In fin repair. Oa bioek te oar lino. A real lariain l II.IM, en goad lenns. I'euesslen inert lie. HANSEN INVESTMENT COMfANT, Ifll ll Dougla. AT. I'll. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 21. 102 y m Get the Habit That Will Cot' Bowm Your - , worries and lead to all sorts of satisfaction read and use The Omaha Bee "want" Ad columns every. time there is something you want to buy or sell. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. WIRE?! WIRE! TVIREI Factory wires. M8e!l every uaad nr b. for August lit, regardless of your Iom. Trelnload of new rani arriving, will take II available floor pact." Ev.ry uaed rar In our pasve.ialon will ho told aa flat a overhauled, at unheard ot low price. ALL MAKES. At. I, MODELS. OVERHAULED. ALL Ford Redan and Coupes. Knight Motored Roariatera, ear with Red Seal Continental Motora. many of which ar Ilk nw. Thla la your opportunity to obtain a real car at a amall Investment. Aak "-about our eaay payment plan during thli enormous Clesrane Pale. WILLT8-OVERLAND. Inc.. "611 tarnam, Street. Factory Branch. Open evening and Sunday. We Offer For Sale ynin touring car... i" kiln touring l'c-erlea Sedan Ptaarna touring Bulck touring .$1,10(1 . (inn . son . 601) to nui-k sedan 1.260 All In fin condition and ready to deliver, Scott Motor Car Co., SOU Harney St. HA. 0010. Oh, Mini Here' at brand new light alx Studebaker for aal. California top, front and rear bumpera, winged motor meter; extra tiro and cover. Wead chalna and everything, laen't been run quite 6.000 mllea, and only 4 months old. Sacrifice. Party leaving city. Call him at Douglaa 61581. 102I-2S City Nat l Bank Bldg. Aak tor K. E. Shurpe. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Caah or Time. Buy or Sell. Ford, from $10 and up. Dodge. Buloka and othara, 1100 and up. Ford bodlea; winter top. . GOLDHTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. BUT an automobile. The beat bargaina In uaed ear ar offered In thla column. Omaha Be "Want" Ad ar a clearing houa for practically all make of car. Moat ot them art In excellent condition and can b put to any tut. Car and Cash For West aide lot, 1(90 Paige t-paeenger touring car; excellent shape. Price 11,000. JA. 241 or phone WK. tttO evening. "SEVERAL good uaed truck,'' ctandard makes, priced low. W. M. CLEMENT MOTOR CO., I41 Grant St. Thone WE. 07 and AT. S78J. SOME bargain In uaed Fords; prompt delivery or. nw Ford. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford 8rvlt Station. ISth and Jackaoi St. DO. S60t DODGE SEDAN Reflnlshed, seat cover, wire wheel, perfect condition. Cheap, caah or term., sot Farnam St. DO. 8987 WE BUY and sell new and used car. Cash or time. flOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., iMft Harney St. J A. S46I. ilUT A GUT L SMITH USJBD CAR. - A Saf Investment. Itth and Farnam Stav Ptaon DO. 1170. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Vanload After Vanload of good useable furniture Is being unloaded at our auction houa for the next big sale oa Friday and Saturday. July Jl and it. at 1:10 p. m. Com down during the morning heura and Inapert the good before the auction. At the STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. 1(01 Capitol Ave. Tou will find an unlimited amount of privately owned household good her that are to be aold for whatever you think la a rea aonabla price for them. Tour unrestricted choice ot living room suttee, dining suites, odd dining room piece, beds and bedroom suit, kitahen furniture, rugs, fiber d reed rocker, pianos, Vlctrelaa and other make of talk ing maohine. library and daven port tablea, bookcase, bath ec tlonal and two-door; aavenporta. and duofolda, kitchen and dining chairs, kitchen utensils, mattresses and oouch pad, unitary couches, ga atovo and range, oil atoves and lota of other furniture that you may see and buy It you attend the anctloa. .... "Omaha' Rellabl Auction House." F. B STEPHENSON, Auctioneer. Call AT. tSS whan you hav household good lor raie. Tonieht's Auction BT7 FURNITURE SALE TONIGHT, IN Dowd's Auction House, 18th and Webster Sts., . TONIGHT AT t P. M. Including h complete furnishing from several good Omaha home, conalatlng ox parlor euttea, davenport, table, very -penalve period dining room ault. Includ ing American Walnut and Mahogany: Electric lamp; beautiful Ameflcan Wal nut. Mahogaar and Old Ivory. Bras and Simmon Bed complete; Kitchen Cabinet. Ice Boxes, linoleums, larg and atapl rocker, kitchen utensil, fancy and atapl diahea and hundred of article too numer ous to mention. James L. Dowd & Co., Auctioneers. v , Tf you ha vo anything te Mil call Atlantic or Walnut ItlJ. CITY MATTRESS CO. Mattrease mad over. New tick. . Box Spring Repaired. J11S Cuming St. . AT. 47t. At'CTIONS ar ald daii aad vntaf at Dowd'e Auction Houa. llth and Web- ater screec. rnon at. tor uexaiu. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale price. ST bb7 the beat, mono LHmgiaa 4411. HOUSEHOLD piano. .r heap. gooda and Icebox. 4t4t Farnam St. FOR SALE 7 rooms of furaltur; piano. vlctrola, cte. at. ii ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS KCONOMT roal rant, a (ood new. Bar lain. MA 171. - . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADB your need piano n a new player piano, fllnc a low a 110 par month. A HOBPB CO.. 1511 Douglas. Ml&CELTATlOU& fors"ALe" ELfcCTRif! WAHMirn niKiim RaveralbU wrlntr, metal oyllader, (light- . i.i" 1 ' 1 19. EVERYTHING in Radio auppllea. Mall order solicited, Omaha (porting Good iwijiui nirnff El. EXfaiH'f Mwluv machine repairing. . . M1CKELE 16th and Harney. DO. MAIL1NU LIST of Thurston county for vhi. Aanrea x-ivt, umana Bee. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. IK you wont to nurchas freah. whole ome trull, vegetables, bakery good In inci, anyming in tne iooa line watcn thla classification dally. It will nrov. a time end money aaver for you. C HERRIES. apple. t0 Spragu. KE. 2116. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT SCREENINGS. tl.tO per 100 lbs. A. W. Waghr. 01 N. Itth. J A, 1141. STORE ft OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sol agent for the CORONA. Gat our prices before you buy. Every Central Typewriter Exc, ivis r arnam. buy. aell safe, mak desks, show cases, etc, Omaha Flxtur A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. llth and Douglaa. J A. 17:4. GUARANTEED typewriters, flo and up. Miaiana ouppiy (jo.. 1404 ooqg ot. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE First-class dry cleaning and alteration buslneaa In central Iowa town of 6.000 copulation : alteration bualneaa rfrom one atore alone will run nearly one- nan ot purcnaae price per year; good bua lneaa now; beat of reaaona for selling. Add. Y-1958. Omaha Bee. OARAOB and battery business for sale; will Invoice 14.500; Jl. 500 per month busl neaa. l,200 caah will buy. Wire R. E. Ford, 280 Cherokee. St Joseph, Mo'. DOCTOR WANTED young doctor, at Em mett, Kan. Splendid location. For par ticular writ Emmitt Drug Co., Emmatt. Kan. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. OTEL and furniture for tale: onlv hotel In live western Nebraska town. For par ticulars, writ W. H. Bryan, Stratton, Neb. FORD agency for aale; well located In central Iowa. For particular address T-1058, Omaha Be. CAFE and bakery for aale. A-l buaine, located in northwest Iowa. Addresa Box Y-1954. Omaha Bee. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 to individual Iloora. WE. 49J. TEXAS alrdome. 1760. Omaha Nat l Bank. Howerton, ttO ROOMING HOUSES. FURNITURE of 6-room modern house. close In. Income $70 month, rent 145; also miscellaneous lurnlture. JA. 1093. LSAV1NO city, must sacrifice furnishings s-room apt. ss50 casn. AT. m3. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDIOlj. PLEATING. ACCORDION, aid, knife, box pleating. covered button, an tyi; nemstltcn Ing, buttonholes. Writ Ideal Button A Pleating Co., SOS Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. lSSt. NEB. PLEATING fis-SS: ed Button. 180( Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. 6070. KODAK FINISHING.' FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 107 Howard St. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS. SO each, II full set llf securities Bid;., letn ana Farnam. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway EX. Bldg., JA. 2066; Bight. KB. Sill. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Nevlllei mm. at. enoi; ntgnt, wa. eve: &sh JAMES ALLAN, SIS Neville Blk. Evldaae ecured in all cases, at. list. CONTRACTORS. GARAGES built, any gtyl aad else, S100 up. concrete work. Mlcklin Lumbar m Wrecking Co, Tl. WE. 6668. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN and fancy aewlng; silk shirts speclslty; work guaranteed. JA 01S6. FURRIERS. F'TTPQ remodeled, rellned. cleaned. UXVO Kneeter Alaska Far Co.. SOI 8o IMh St DO. 7111. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin. Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room SO. Alao Washington, D. C. 1 help Inventor axil their patent. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PAINTING AND PAPERHANOINO. Large or amall job' abort notice. Good work. ' CALL AT. 1698. LUPTON Painter; Inside work av apex cialty; cheap for caah. AT. 871T. PRINTING. gPDT Printing Co. US S. IS St Do. 847. RIDING ACADEMT. FOR SALE Several aplendid Kentucky type saddle houses, ready tor prompt de livery. W also hav for rent good sad dle horses at reasonable rates. Safe tor women and children to ride; also gentla ponies for th kiddie. OMAHA RIDING ACADEMY." ' Ak-Slr-Ben Field. Tel. WA. 8068. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS ZZ VviST. to buy back at amatl profit GROSS JEWELRY CO, Omaha, Neb, 40S M. llth St Telephone DO. M4. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreaaea mad over In new tlcka at halt psic at new bed. Pillows re)Tatee and made up la new feather proof ticking. Old bed tick washed. 1907 Cuming. JA 147, DR. Lonla N. Bnttraoff, disease of women and children. Sll N. 21st St AT. S7. PRESCRIPTIONS earefulry compounded at th i Sharmaa At McCuoll Drag star. l - BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS TRKR TRIMMIKO. TREK trimming and spraying, tre aunery our specialty, work aon oy xprt. uan ua for fre idvlc In the ear f your tree. Mom Landscsp service, ill n, 14th St. to. int. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk bought, sold and trauea. j. u nea. J2U7 Farnam. at. sue. ROOMS FOR BENT HAMILTON HOTEL FIRKPllOOFv Farnam at 34th. Single room with private bath at 110.10 per Week; for two, 111.60 per veek. Two larg outside room wltb bath, (10 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. LOOKING for a room Possibly you hav Juat come to the city and ar looking for a homelike place. Your recourse I In the "Room" da In thla column. Look them through today. If you can't find what you want com to The Omaha Bee office and let us supply you with a furnished room directory, fre of charge. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. Large beautifully furnished room with all conveniences of a homo or a hotel. Im maculately clean, five minute' walk from heart of city; muat b seen to be appre ciated. Space in garage it desired. 808 S. 20th St. Phone JA. 0620. LOVELY turn, room In Beml park dis trict, on Harney .car line, near new Technical high achool; tultatl for , and very desirable. Phone HA, 0914. BL'AUTIFUI. furnished rooms in private horn for couple, easy walking distance. II and up. 2611 Harney St. HA. 0828. HOTEL SANDFORD. 18th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. opeciai rates to permanent guest. NICELY furnished clean, cool rooms, tint and aacond floor; light housekeeping and leeplng rooms.. 405 North 19th Street. FURN. rms. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful: prlcea reaaonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. UNFURNISHED room tor light house keeping, close In. strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 1260. CLEAN, small rooms, with closet, 83; large room for two, 15. AT. 6029. 2209 Davenport .street. . PLEASANT room, suitable for two, on Harney car line. 3307 Latavett. HA. 6178. - NICELY turn, room; private home, con venient to ooara; modern. ha. ettuu. 661 S. 2th Ave., furnished rooms: ladles only; no housekeeping. JA.' 2834. BEAUTIFULLY (urn. rm Apt. 1. 720 Park Ave.- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 2 AND J-ROOM apts., furnished or un furnished: electric lights, gaa and phone furnished; walking distance. 646 South zstn St., j a. Sim. 2820 SHERMAN AVE. 4 rooms for light housekeeping in private home. Modern, no children, electrlo washing machine, - isv per month. Call WE. 6608. TWO cool, pleasant rooms; also sleeping room, Hansccm Park district. Har. 0616. HOUSES FOR RENT 2602 SHERMAN AVE., rooms, strictly modern, on car; garage: $60 per month. George F. .Jones, AT. 6635. FURNISHED HOUSES BUUinvTbOl corner uin tmiiu narnry, w largo rooms, tcreentid porch, two baths, BICBIH Ul, UUUKIO gnigr, fivu ytjt uivi -w r-l -Wk BP Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FIVE rooms, either vacant or nicely fur- niahed; good inside and out. 3VZ7 Nortn 44th. Call Eagle Shoe Repair, 2234 Far nam. 16-ROOM rooming house, partly furnished, walking distance; part cash. 648 So. 26th St. Call JA. 3161. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-four apartment buildings, 858 apartments, reinforced concrete, alio lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed. room apartment. Call us, and w will tak you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartment, JA. 2106, AT. 1701. Corner 17th and Howard Streets. HAMILTON HOTEL FARNAM AT 24TH A beautiful 4-room apartment, consisting of living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen with built-in pantry and ice box. Newly decorated throughout. It" can't be duplicated for the money. Will be pleased to show It at your convenience 8-ROOM BRICK DUPLEjX 870. Newly decorated, floora and woodwork re. finished, i large bedrooms and bath on second floor-; 4 larg rooms downstairs Ideal location. See 3346 Harney Street J. L. HIATT COMPANY. 133S First National Bank. AT. 9900. MODERN 6-room apt. with garage, Hi per month. 136 N. 33d St. Call Harney 0S3S or Douglas 2680. BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment. $80. Chula Vista. 30th and Poppleton. HA. 1713. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms: low rent close In. O. P. Stebblns. 1110 Chicago, j . BBAUTIFUIs 6-room apartment .180. Chula Vista, SOth and Poppleton. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. TWO rooms, kitchenette, and bath, in fin modern home, uatil Sept 8. Furnished complete, icept linen and ailvar. KE. !. HUNTER, INN Horn for the traveling man to ltava hi wile tn cflmfort and earety. ru. 6o, FINE 4-room apt- til bath, hall and sleeping porch. Apply 226 H N. 23d. KICfeLY furnished S-room apartment modem. ' I1I1S California St FURNISHED modern 3 -roam apta; la quire tt 8. ltd St. S or 4-room turn, apart. WE. S21S. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for two. (7H Webster street HA. 342 z. WANT TO RENT INVESTIGATE ovr low coat plan of han dling reatal. Edmaa, ErlcfcsosWA. 1411. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT MERCANTILE BTOHAUK AND WARE HOUSE CO.. llth and lone 8t LARCH corner atore, 12th and Jackaoa. Apply 130J Jackson. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY SWca MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPHVa. Household Gooda and Piano. Reduced Rate This Week to ICS ANGELES and 8T. LOUIS. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackaon 0111. PIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household good and pianos, moving, packing; and hipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 801 South 16th. DO. 4161. ESTIMATES furnished on atoraga and . moving. Contract taken on job or hr. ' n . . . . a B. . . . . .... Am uiooo van es oiura w., i- - -. 210. 120-24 North 16th St LOANS ON REAL ESTATE 8100 TO 110,000 loans mad promptly, P. D. WEAD and . H. BOWMAN, 210 8. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At 0151. Farm Loans FSS?ZS$E. Klok Investment Co.. 146 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFIS" REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon STlt. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha realdancea. E. H. LOUOEH. INC. 138 Keellne Bldg. FIRST mortgage loan mad promptly on A . , ...... C u A. -a UDUDi real enaio. ouow" y Realtor. JA. 4128. S34 Keellne Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 646 OMAHA NAT Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS An Investment We Can Recommend Are 'you looking for a real eatate Investment of about 17,500 with. 12,600 down? Then don't fall to have ua show you. Located where valuea are bound to increase. , Preaent Income 75 per month. Wo want to explain to you the possi bilities of this property. Don't wait Call H. Roos. WA. 1667. J. J. Mulvihill 100 Brandels Theater Bldg. JA. 33. A Real Buy We offer for sale this north side Invest ment, consisting of St. Louis flat and two cottages, all in excellent condition. Income 61,100 per year, ravea street, uwner icav lnar citv and orlced right for quick turn over. Call Mr. Murphy. Webster 2806, Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St AT. 0050. 16th Street Investment Brick atore building and frame St. Louis flat, 5 rooms each, 12 per cent on money invested. Gallagher & Nelson 652 Petera Trust Bldg, JA. 338J. ACREAGE FOR SALE A OT TT A sr,1C, tracts, larg and small. AVjKJtlAVJi-i Eaay payment. Hast ing & Heyden. 1614 Harney pi. -vt. ' BONDS. STOCKS. MORTGAGES ... tii m-. -n f- d .Txr tic Ann W Ail -L A v nf luiv t w ntiit. nn J - m a mIiaIais, I nTim a TirOO- erty, very e.Ie. Address W.112, Omaha .ace. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY sunus. z uiiy fist i VACANT PROPERTY , 126 DOWN $5 MONTH Fin corner lot, faoing south and asst. sewer and water In street; near car, $460. H. a MANVILLB, Realtor. AT. 2403 616 Peters Trust Bldg. BUILDING SITE 76-foot east frontage, near 52d and Howard streets. Surrounded by well constructed homes. Taxea paid In full. Owner will sell very reasonable. Call AT. 3024 or WA. 2282. DUNDEE CORNER LOT. Southeast corner 53d and Dodge, 130 feet on Dodge. Worth $5,000. What la your offer? Owner, Harney 3923. Beautiful corner lot southeast corner 53d and Dodg streets. 110x80. Owner, HA. 3923. Ralston Lots Vttf SS payiients. I ban Stewart. Ralaton 10-W. WILL bull'l tn your order on our beauti ful lot li: Fdgewood; vry easy terms, Atlantic 3? in. NEBRASKA LANDS CASH FOR YOUR LAND Sales mad In 60 counties of Nebraska. Addresa Col. Mark Carraher, Central City, Neb. YOUR farm or ranch turned quickly into cash. Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Cen tral City, Neb. M. A. Larson, Mgr.; A. W. Thompson, Auctioneer. CHOICE 160-aer farm, Saunders county. Ity mile vaipanso, iau per acre. Box W-11S, Omaha Bee. FARMS, ranches, auu exchange. Willis Cadwell. Broken Bow, Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE OWNER will consider exchange, eight-room, brick house. West Farnam. district for farm or a smaller house. James O'Brien REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS. 102S W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8294. WANTED REAL ESTATE LIST your home for ssl with u. W have th cuatomera. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. TO SELL quick aad buy right e Fik A Prlee II Cite Nat. Bank JA. till LlST your property with wl Farnam Smith COi 133 Farnam St, LIST ycaar property with R. D. Clark C sannues Bldg, , Willard C. Siabaugh. Realtor. JA. 2SSS. TO SELL a ti erer A Morell. AT. 333. Equitable Trust Co. Realtor. AT. 211. Western Real Eatat Co JA. 16ft. WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for sale, APTS. for rent W. J. Palmer Co., Rial Eatat -Management gpaclallst. Keelln Bldg AT, 8160. Llt your horn Buy you, horn, BINDER & OTIS, Raal Eatafe. Loans, Rental. JA. 3561. sholes, d: v. mm?:l; Multiple Listing Exchange. JA. 0046. Charles W. Young, & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance, 1603 City Nat Bk. AT. 1668. To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD Member Multiple LlBting Ex. JA. 1436. Reed & Co., Real . Estate and Insurance. 1107 Farnam St Phen AT. 614. When buying r selling aee First Trust Co., 400 First Nat. Bank. AT. 0721. ftRTTF.NTfir Realt)r Ca L1,t wlth UXVU J-JlNlVT u, for quick results. 1411 First Nat'l Bk. BMg. JA. 166. nTPTTTTT' REAL estate jDlIVIVr.1 1 8ens, Rents, Insure. 350 Peters Trust Bldg., JA. 0633. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, 6V per cant AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 S 18th, Arthur BMg, AT. 8380. GEO. T. PORTER A CO. Real Eatat. Rantala Inaurance. 106 South 18 to. AT. !. NEW horn, completely financed. Pay Ilk rent, a T. SPIER A CO., Realtors, 301 Peter Trust Bldg. DO. 4867. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern houa. 116 Ry. Bxchg. Bldg. -VS-- SV3I HOME REALTY CO. : W buy and sell Omaha Homes. AT. 1UL 1019-20 W. O. W. Bldg. ; WANT I or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by th flrat; hav cash. Bos 1SI. Omsha Bee. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY Something Nice Hot Water Heat Near Miller park, -6-room bunga low, oak throughout, beam cell ing, panelled wall, built-in buf fet, sun porch. Has good east front lot with garage. $6,460. Evenings call WA. 6666 or AT. HOME REALTY CO. 5011 IZARD ST. This beautiful home has level? large rooms, finished in oak, with oak floors throughout. Three bed rooms with plenty ot closet space; . scjreened-ln front porch; nice lawn and shrubbery. Price $9,000; $1,000 cash, balance $85 per month. Eve nings call Mr. Case. AT. 8661, or Mr. Lovejoy, HA. 4747. C. G. CARLBERG. Realtor. JA. 0585. 312 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Owner Leaving City Says Sell 7 rooms, - modern, nearly new; paved; extra lot: built-in features. You will like this bungalow. Also the price and terms. Eve. WE. 378S. Home Realty Co. 1AT. 1111. Florence Boulevard Home Only $3,850 5 Rooms, $750 Down 1 Modern, close to school and car line. First time advertised. Phone Mr. Fraser with out delay. AT. 5380 or Seavey Hudson Co. 218-9 city National. AT. 9069. VERY FINE NEW BUNGALOW. Five extra large rooms, breakfast nook and tiled bath; all oak and enamel finish of the highest class, choice 60x128 foot, east front lot, on paved street; about $1. 500 cash will do. It can't te beat In any way. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. $1,750 $250 Cash 4 rms., partly modern, cloae to Crelghton Blvd. Large lot, $15 per month. Call WA. 6491. H. W. Volland 710 Peters Trust Bldg. AT. 9585. $2,000 Very good for the price aaked. Large lot, 14x125. Five nice rooms. Terms. $300 -down and $20 per month. Call Mr. Cbuda, HA, 5206, or office, open to 9 p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors AT. 8380. 210 S. 18th St. GOOD six-room, modern house; oak fin ish, brick flreplaoo, (leeplng porch, ga rage; very nice, for $5,500, W. H. Gates , 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1:94. REAL :iGUSE BARGAIN Near 24th and Miami Sts., 8 rooms, all modern, good condition, full south front lot, all clear, and $1,000 will handle it: balance on terms. , priced to sell. W. T. GRAHAM. Peters Trust Bldg. NEW 7-room residence, all modern, in Florence. Price for quick sale by non resident owner, at $4,600, $200 or 1300 cash, and balance like rent. Possession at once. No cqlored. Xethaway. KB. 1407. 1335 CAMDEN Ave.. 6 rooms, modern with half cr of fruit $1,000 caah. balanc monthly. 608 Bee Bldg. JA. 0300. D. R. BUCK A CO. bur itnd aell home. T.H. MAENNER C0. BUILDERS J NORTH SIDE PROPERTY- A HOME THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. MINNE LtTSA ADDITION, 3685 TITUS AVENUE. A Dutch colonial style, two-story frame, eight-room house. The In terior detail 1 par excellence. Large living room, aun room, din ing room and kitchen, with all built-in feature on first floor. Three large sleeping rhsmbers. child's room and bath mom, with tile floor on second floor. O.ik floors throughout. Full base ment with all conveniences built in, . 1 V. lot. Owner must sell and made a price of 19.500, which, la way below the cost of reproduc tion. You con cull at the house for inspection, or call us. H. A. WOLF CO. 6S3 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. AT. 3160. Home Bargain Northwest corner of 21st and 1 -Sprague. A fine home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch; large living t room, oak finish and floors on ' first floor, pine and maple on sec ond floor; three wplendid corner bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch; screens and storm sash for every door and window; full basement: floor drain, gas heater: eaat' front; paving paid; plenty of fruit and shrubbery. Owner la leaving "city and wants Immediate action. Price has been reduced to $5,750. $1,500 cash., Act quickly. Charles W. Martin & Co., Realtors. 737 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. AT. 0117. I 3337 Spaulding St. Six-room, all modern, stove heat, 2 blocks to school, 3ft block to car line, ground, 150x136; fin orchard, 13 cherry tree, 5 pear, 6 apples, plums, strawberries, etc.; chicken yard, pens: 1-car garage; fine view; dandy place for an. income. $4,250; $1,000 for equity. World Realty Co., AT. 8493. World Theater Bldg. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY Nearly New Easy Terms 3051 S. 32d St. Attractive 6-room 2-story frame and stucco home on a fine corner lot at less than cost; oak floors and finish; built-in toaturea. beautiful decorations. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam St: JA. 0564. Sunday. HA. 2897. Field Club District 7-room all modern house; finished In best of pine first floor: white enamel second floor; quartered pine floors throughout; hot water heating plant: garage for 2 cars; owner anxious to sell; location 828 South 86th St. GEORGE A COMPANY, Realtors. ATLANTIC 3021; WEST SIDE PROPERTY ' $9,500 Close in A real house npar 33d and Harney: 7 rms.. full 2-story, with the bungalow eves. This house has a sleeping porch, fireplace, French doora, built-in buffet, quarter sawed oak floors, etc. Lot is large and paving is all paid. Phone Mr. Chuda. HA 6306, or office, ooen to 9 p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors AT. 8.180. 20 S. 18th St. A Knockout $100 Down Swll new bungalow with 14x20 living room with side lights, 2 fine-corner bedrooms, 2x10 joists in basement, built-a In kitchen. All finished in oak and ivory. South front lot 50x130 and garage; paving paid. Balance $52.50 per month. Call evenings: Booth, WA 5008; Mead, AT 6960, or Schroeder Invest ment Company 527 SuntUrland Bldg. JAckion 3261 House Bargains In Dundee, south front, near carline; seven large, airy rooms; modern and splen did condition; quick posses sion; terms to good parties $9,500.00. This house has four good sleeping rooms. Eight-room' modern house, former home of one of our best contractors, in south edge of Kountze Place. Paved street and large lot. Only $5,000. Six rooms, all on'one floor, with new heating plant and bathroom, also double garage, for $4,500. i North Side. Harrison & Morton REALTORS 915 Omaba Nat'l Bank Bids;. 438 North 38th Ave. West FarnamCathedral District This hem I priced surprisingly lew, ran. sld.rlng lcMan; Mil II up today but ar range with ua far Inspection. This II I rooms, all modarn: four bedroom, all In on, repair Priced Mr flulrk sal, $1,101. Glover & Spain JA. Sim. in 1 city Nat, Member Mulllni Mating K'trhang. Classy" Bungalows" W ar now building eevsral up-to-the-minute place In lh bau. tiful rsatrlated bungalow section ef Kdgewood. Price from 11,460 I Il0.l00 rea sonable terms For full Informa tion rail Urant Benson, WA. 1681 evening, or Benson & Carmichael REALTORS. 815 Paxtnn Big AT. 864. A Real Drop in Price West FIVB ROOMS OARAOK $1.$0. Dandy l-room bungalow with oak floors; full remnted basement; S lots, llxlll; but S block to carllnei garage. Phoa Walnut 1124 at one. Seavey Hudson Co. 97I-I City Nations). ' AT. 1081. 6 Sunny Rooms Brand nw brick and Kallalton. Only $1,150. with ll.ono down. JA. 0415. WE. 2811. KR. SOU. BENSON PROPERTY Beautiful 2-Acre Home' Highly Improved Just lilted, this besutlful property . at 2806 N. 66th Ave., consisting of one fine all modern houae of 10 rooms with Ideal hot water heating plant; one four-room cot tage, a garag. tool house, ollUro end olty water; two acre front. Ing on three streets; ofe-half block to Benson High school: IS blocks to car; scads of fruit, ahad tree, etc. Thla can b aubdlvlded and lot old, leaving a delightful home Intact on on of th highest polntl In th city or entire prop erty would make a wonderful homo for some benvolenf organ ization. Let u ahow you thl property without delay. Payne &. Carnaby Co.', 616 Omaha 'Nat. Bldg. JA. 1016. WK ARB BUILDINO IN BENSON. Somo nlc 6-room, all modern bungalows: full cement basement; -built-in features; can change plans to suit; see these to night. Price and term will urpri you. Call Mr. Lewis. WA. 1422. R. F. CLARY CO.. Realtor. 24th Street and Ames Avenue. KB. 0176. Member Multiple Listing Exchange. DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Brick Home Northwet corner 61st Av. and Farnam. attractive 8-room. 2 story and attic, tile roof, (hot wa ter heat, 2-car garage, corner lot, 76x135 feet. Quick possession. Owner's business transfer him from city. Priced right for quick sale. A fin horn in an excel lent location: reaaonable term. Evening call KE!. 4251 or JA. Fowler & McDonald REALTORS. 1120 City' Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1426. Dundee Home Full1)f Sunshine Owner will sell for less than It would cost to build and purchase lot. Must be seen to be appreciated. Has nln roona, doubl garage, and corner lot. Gallagher & Nelson 652 Peters Trua Bldg. JA, 3111. CHOICE DUNDEE HOME. 6-rrn. mod. sleeping porch, gar., oak trim., 1st. fir., white enamel 2nd. In excellent condition, well located. $8,800. Term. CHARLES. E. BELMAN. AT. 6250. ' 723 Peter Trust Bldg, SHOLES spFriAis in South 33d Street East front, strictly modern, well built. Large living room, dining1 room with beam ceiling, den, pan try on 1st floor. Oak floor and finish. 4 fine bedrooms with good closets, bath on Zd floor. Full attic floored and basement with station ary tubs and soft water cistern. 1-car garage, nic yard with fruit and ahrubs. . Fontenelle Boulevard Nifty Kellastone bungalow, five rooms all on on floor. Rooms good sited and excellently ar ranged. Full lot 10x125. 1-car garage. Elmwood Park Hi -story, 7-room stucco bungalow, the most nifty house you have vr seen; complete with built-in fea tures to the last degree; neat a a pin. Breakfast nook, tiled bath, built-in wall tub, beautifully fin ished. Double garage. Price $9,850. Cash $2,500. i. D. V. SHOLES, Realtor BIS City Nat. Bk. JA ckaon 0046 Men Wanted for Service in Great Northern Railway At wages authorized bv the United States Rail- way Labor Board. Machinists Boilermakers - Blacksmiths Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters Car Repairers F'ctricians V adders TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED For Particulars Write D. W. Morison Superintendent of Employment - Wk -. ' M I eat northern Ky. t St. Paul, Minn. OBI i Summer Snaps of W. J. Palmer Co. 4111 iHvenpnrl. Brand nw li.auHful ., loom bungalow li.noo T.rms. Montclair out Myrll Av His room and w parlor; a beautiful home; oonrr Levin city, A bargain for ainii on. Lilrl lw ma $500 Down till HUkory. lamlv inmiern I -ream bunaalow ham; garage; paved iri; good neighborhood; tins I llsn.enm park: beautiful yard, etc: n bierk to isr Liberal terms In re-nonslhle party. Leavenworth Height 4111 Leivenwarth. Five room bunas low US.W. of Hanscom Park On Mouth llth Kt. Fin new emi-BUii low home laved atreel; gaiag. et. $4,100. Term. W. J. Palmer Co. . Keelln llldg. HA. l:l or AT. MM. New Home Purchased Easy Payments. , W hav a very attractlv five-room ' bunglow, ok nd whit namel finish throughout Excellent location, can ll for 14,710 with 1500 down and $51 Pr month. " Gallagher & Nelson ' 161 Peter Trust Bldg. JA, SHI. ONLY 13.160. I room, atrlctly modern, S block to ear, achool and atore; garag. HA. 1514, Ev. Wanted: Carpenters for Car Work Pemamcnt Employment. 63c PER HOUR Time and One-Half after 8 Hours Apply at Employment Of fice, C. B. & Q. R. R., First Floor, 1004 Farnam St, Omaha. Offic Op) Sunday j iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitia Mi S Men Wanted by S atSi '. a i nicago. 1 Rock Island I & Pacific 1 Railway I s :.s s Machinists and Machin- a ists' Helpers s Boilermakers and s s Helpers . s Blacksmiths and Helpers . E Electricians and Helpers S S Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers a Car Repairers and Shop a Laborers , J Apply to Room 211 Leflang Bldg.. 16th and I Capitol Ave. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiia! Wanted by Missouri Pacific Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers : Electricians and Helpers , Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St Louis, Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coffey ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Nth.