The 'Omaha Morning Bee VOL 52NO. 27. tt4 M SMaaaCtaa) MMM Mw A IM. M . 0. UUar AM M Man t, taTfc OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1922. "ul II rMi)i Stih Utr, Ml . tilt, nntMa MM t H tWM mm m (I rai m4 iMi Hit aaata it. M. TWO CENTS "r JV MI ii ii i ii i A If 17 r U. S. Power Pledged to End Strike Harding Aeurei Governors of Prompt Support When ever Their Own Agen cies Inadequate. Coal Must Be Produced Omaha lira ImimI Wlra. Washington, July 18. All the nntxff anl r.tniirr.s at thm iviliim.'iftft Vol the federal government were pledged by President Harding to the IF breaking of the coal strike, Bf" lit a r.nisrklil 9frlr. trt til anv. ernors of all the coal producing states, Mr. Harding declared that a turn cient supply of eoal to meet the ne cessilies of the American people must be produced; that all unlawful hind ranee to such production must be sup pressed and assured them of "the prompt and full support ot the federal government whenever and wherever you hnd your own agencies ot law and order inadequate to meet the situation "To the task of lawful protection and the maintenance of order the fed eral government pledges to you every assistance at his command," was the concluding sentence of the presi dent's telegram to the governors. Follows Cabinet Meeting. The president's address to the gov ernors was sent out after a cabinet H meeting given over entirely to a dis Ei cussion of the industrial situation. mi It sets forth the nblicv which the fed I eral government will follow iu dcat- I ins with the coal strike and empha I izrt acain the determination of the resident to resort to the use ot ted ' eral troops, if necessary, to furnish piotection to the mine properties and enable them to meet the nation's fuel necessities. The message was sent to the governors of the following States: Governors Kilby, Alabama; McRae, Arkamac: Shouo. Colorado: Hard wiik. Georeia: Small. Illinois; Mc- Crav. Indiana: Kendall, Iowa: Allen, Kansas; Morrow, Kentucky; Ritchie, Jaryland; uroesbecic, Micmgan; iyde, Missouri; Dixon, Montana; UVrhem. New Mexico: Morrison. North Carolina-: ..Nettou North Da kota; Davis. Ohio; Robertson, Okla homa; Olcott, Oregon; Sproul. Penn sylvania; McMaster, South Dakota; TaJJor, Tennessee; Neff, Texas; Mabcy, Utah; Trinkle, ' ViTginia; Hart, Washington; Morgan;, West Virginia and Carey, Wyoming. Text of Telegram. ' " The text of the president's telegram to the governors follows: "The White House, Washington, July is, The proposal of the federal government to the United Mine Workers and the various coal operators, whose mines are under suspension, to submit all questions in dispute to a national coal commis sion tor arbitration has oeen aecuneu. The mine workers declined as a bodv. The majority of the bitumin ous operators pledged, unqualified acceptance. The anthracite opera tors filed unconditional acceptance. A minority of the bituminous oper ators accepted the principle of arbi tration, but made specifications which could not be considered. "I had proposed that the operators and mine workers iu dispute should immediately resume coal production under the wage" scales and working (Turn to Fo Two, Colnmn One.) Aguinaldo Trip to Vets' Meet Unlikely; No Funds Manila, P. I.. Tulv 18. (By A. P.) -!-Em!!io Aguinaldo, formerly leader of the Filipino revolutionists, who had planned to attend the Spanish Wsr Veterans' convention in Los Angeles, likely will be unable to make the trip owing to lack of public funds to finance it. ; It was said today in official circles that the independence mission to the United States had failed to set aside i the 50.000 pesos necessary to cover the expenses of Aguinaldo and his staff on this visit to the Los Angeles convention. 'm A Filipino committee is attempting to raise the needed amount, but it is not believed it will succeed, owing to the short time left in which to .work. Woolwine Cleared of - Charges by Inquiry Los Angeles, July 18. The office bf the district attorney announced last night it had been inlormed by the Los Angeles county grand jury that it had completed its investiga tion of its charges made against District Attorney Thomas Lee Woolwine by Miss Ida Jones, formerly an employe of the office, and had iletermined that the facts m developed did not justify any further proceedings. Miss Jones was recently discharged fcy Mr. Woolwine, who accompanied that action with the statement that it took it because he was informed that Miss Jones - was planning to bring charges that he had sustained immoral relations with her. 'Acute Shortage of Coal for Threshing in Iowa Des Moines, la.. July 18. Acute bortage of coal for threshing pur- noses looms for Iowa, as a result bf the coal strike, Charles D. Reed, dVI rector of the crop service declared. "Farmers in some sections of the V state are reported to face the alterna ' tive of burning fences or letting their grain mt ia the field." the bureau clfief Add. England's Richest Heiress and Grandson of Queen Wed ' Edwina London, July 18. (By A. P.) A wedding second only in interest to the newspapers to that of Princess Mary and Viscount Lasccllcs took lace in the St. Margarets West minister when England's richest heir ess, Miss Edwina Ashley, grand daughter of Sir Ernest Cassels, and goddaughter of King Edward VII, married a scion of European royalty, Lord Louis Mounthattcn. Thy groom is a grandson of the late Queen Victoria, a cousin of King George and the closest friend and companion of the prince of Wales, who was the best man at today's ceremony. King Ueorge and Uueen Mary at Harding Receives De la Huerta as Mexican Citizen Minister of Finance Confers With President on Recogni tion of Republic Progress Made. Washington, July 18. (By A.. P.) Some progress toward removal of obstacles to American recognition ot Mexico was said to have been made at a rather lengthy conference at the White House between President Harding, Adolpho de la Huerta, Mexi can minister of finance, and ttrg. Gen. J. A. Ryan, retired, representa tive of Associated American Oil in terests in Mexico. The Mexican minister, it was explained, was re ceived by the president as "a Mexi can citizen." Senator Bursum, republican, New Mexico, was also present at the con ference and later Mr. De la Huerta and Gen. Ryan called at the State department and were received by Secretary Hughes. All the discus sions, however, it wa9 emphasized, were "unofficial" as would be held with any Mexican citizen occupying responsible position. ' Mr. De la Huerta, it was said, gave the president information on Mexican policies and threw light on diplomatic difficulties which have contributed to the deadlock in the program for recognition of Mexico by the United States. The president, it was said, was interested in this statement concerning the political and economic situation in Mexico. The ouestion of recognition, it was said, did not enter directly into the conversation, although it was indi cated that the discussion of Mexican conditions had an indirect bearing, because of their informative char acter, on the recognition question. In conversations with other officials. Mr. De la Huerta was understood to have received ' suggestions as to means for clearing up the deadlock in the recognition situation, which he probably will send to Mexican offi cials upon his return to Mexico City. The Prestige of Property The man who owns property claims additional respect property i prestige. The land owner is the looked-np-to man in every community. It is an enviable position. f Besides, real estate is making money for the owner everjr minute by the increase in value, which travels simultaneous with the city'a growth. . Start building personal prestige by owning a home that you can invite your friends to with pride. f Homes in such districts as Dundee, Leavenworth Heights, Field Club, Minne Lusa, Montclair, Lockwood, West Faraam in fact, any paft of the city can be found advertised in the "Real Estate" columns in the "Want" Ad 'section of The Omaha Bee. . - f -Many 'bargains are advertised in these columns every day because ; ' Omaha Bee "Want" AJs Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost Ashley. tended the wedding, .after which a reception was held at Erookhouse, the I'ark Lane mansion which is part of the bride's inheritance of 5.000,000 and which will be the home of the couple after their honey moe.n in Spain as the guests of King Alfonso and their later trip to America. The bridegroom, whose father, the late Lord Milfordhavcn, was Prince Louis of Battenburg until the king abolished all the German titles held by English royalty, is a young naval officer who acted as aide to the prince of Wales m his tours of Australia and Japan. Charge Made by Lenroot Enlivens Debate on Tariff Wisconsin Senator Declares Threats Used to Keep Republicans in Line on Cotton Schedule- Washington, July 18. A charge by senator Lenroot, republican, Wisconsin, that threats to slash rates in the agricultural schedule had been used in an effort to keep republican senators in line on rates in the cotton schedule of the pending tariff but, enlivened debate on that measure. In took to task some of the colleagues for to task some of the colleagues for what he termed "blindly following" the finance committee majority on eports on the bill, urging that they form "independent judgment." Senator Lenroot, who has been leading republican opposition- to many of the rates in the cotton sec tion, had just lost the fight to cut the committee duty on knit cotton underwear from SO per cent ad valorem to 40 per cent ad valorem. The vote was 29 to 26. After his charge about the threats, Senator Lenroot offered a second amendment to make the rate 45 per cent and that was approved, 28 to 27, with 11 republicans supporting it. This was theonly case in which the committee was overturned, but on all items except handkerchiefs and mufflers, substantial reductions in the original rates were proposed by the committee majority. The duty on underwear also was a revision of the original recommendation, but Senator Lenroot argued that the pro posed increase of 20 per cent over the present rate was unjustified, as the duty now in force practically was prohibitive. Nomination Confirmed Washington, July 18. The nomi nation of James J. Wilkerson to be federal judge for the northern Illinois district, succeeding Landis, was con firmed by the senate. Moves to End Rail Strike Oh Peace Negotiation Again in Fore Grable Stfks to Avoid Trackmen Walkout Issue Before Cabinet Chicago, July l8.-(By A. P.) Peace negotiations in the railway strike again were in the fore today, E. V. Grable, president of the main tenauce of way employes' union, and various railway executives had con ferences with members of the rail road labor board in efforts to avoid further walkouts, and to obtain basis for settlement of the shopmen's strike. While President Harding was known to have a definite plan for peace, it was believed he would take no immediate action. Although approximately 15.000 sta tionary firemen and oilers were re ported added to the list of strikers yesterday, no further addition to the list was expected until after the meeting of the Maintenance of Way Men s grand lodge at Detroit Friday. The meeting originally was set for Thursday, but later was changed to allow grand lodge officers from long distances to be present at the open ing session. The 25,000 maintenance of way men already on strike would not be outlawed "for the moment," Mr. Grable said. Several hundred Texas members of the 16th standard railroad organ izatious met in Waco today to dis cuss the strike and to determine what action they might take. To Be Considered by Cabinet, Washington. July 18. The railroad tnke promised to occupy the cabi' net meeting today. It was evident, however, that the administration is disposed to wait until the trend of developments, eith er for better or worse, can be def initely determined probably with in the next few days, before reach ing any decision ,as to the necessity C f I" r -T ' " .1. - 'l ' ior arasuc action in me situation. Nonunion Workers Flogged. Fort Worth. Tex.. July 18. Four men,, all .under the age ot ii, em ployed as nonunion workers at the local Frisco shops, were seized by a band of approximately 100 men at 11 last night, while at a local dance hall, taken six miles out on the Cle burne road and flogged, according to reports made to the police early this morning by the men. J. he men were stripped and lashed with leather straps, after which they were warned to "head south and not hreturn. ' Several shots were fired at the flee ing men, but none took effect. They anived in the city early today,, where they went to the home of the parents of one of the bos and "told their story. One of the boys declared that the men were very quiet and just before tie was whipped one of the men re quested that the whippers be merci ful, as they were only boys. Nonunion Men at Denison. Denison, Tex., July 18. Fifty non union workers, under heavy guard, arrived here today and were taken to railroad shop district. There was no demonstration. ' Local officers of the Missouri, Kan sas & Texas railroad announced sus pension of 14 passenger trains in Texas, effective last midnight. Shopmen Enjoined. St.. Paul, Minn., July 18. Striking railroad shopmen were enjoined by the United States district court in St. Paul tQday from interfering with the operation of trams of the Great Northern railway company and from maintaining picket lines near and about the company's property, with the exception of specific limitations of the court. Injunction Extended. St. Louis, July 18. The temporary niunction issued by Federal Judge Trieber at Little Rock, Ark., last week, restraining striking employes of the Missouri Pacific from interfer ing with the road's employes or trains in eastern Missouri, was continued in definitely by Judge Trieber. i Colorado Troops to Quit Mines if Coal Cost Boosted Denver, Colo., July 18. State troops now patrolling Colorado's northern coal fields will be with drawn unless coal operators rescind recent increases in prices, Gov. Oliver H. Shoup announced today. Governor Shoup issued a state ment charging it was the "height of ingratitude" for coal operators to in crease prices while the state was paying for guards to enable the mines to operate. The statement de clares that wages of the miners have not been' increased and that "un necessary advances of the price of fuel are not to the public interest at this time . . . particularly when the nation is , now . facing a fuel shortage." v , "As governor," the statement con cludes. "I mobilized a part of the na tional guard and authorized the en listment of additional state rangers to protect operating' mines and min ers who wanted work. I did this in the interest of the public at large, not for the protection of any one's pock et book." Wagging Tongue Cause of Hammer Murder of Girl Alleged Murderess Learns Young Woman Had No Im proper Relations With Her Husband. Los Angeles, July 18. Mrs. Clara Phillips, charged by indictment with the murder here last Wednesday of Mrs. Alberta Tremaine Meadows, was arraigned in the superior court today and her attorneys asked time to plead. They were granted until Thursday. Mrs. Phillips was entirely composed. Los Angeles. July 18. Mrs. Clara Phillios. charged with brutally mur dering a young woman she suspected of stealing her husband, learned yes terday she had no cause for murder, no cause even for suspicion. This was after a coroner's jury had called her guilty of "the premedita ted!' murder of Mrs. Alberta Meadows, a widow of 20, who was beaten to death with a hammer, up in the hills to the north of town. Tile First National bank, for which Mrs. Meadows had worked, an nounced that after an exhaustive in vestigation it had learned that Mrs. Meadows' .husband had left her $3,000; that Mrs. Meadows had bought her automobile, and the tires for it, out of this fund; that she had also spent her own money for a wrist watch. Hammer Falls and Falls. Mrs. Peggy Caffee, the only eye witness to the murder, stated that Clara told Mrs. Meadows: "I know my husband bought the tires for your car, and that he bought you a wrist watch. Mrs. Meadows denied it and the hammer fell. It tell many times, accompanied by the shrill words, "H certainly did," and the cries for pity that grew fainter and fainter. The bank also announces it has proof that Mrs. Meadows spent Tues day night, not with Phillips as Mrs. Phillips believed, but with a girl friend who worked in the bank. They had a casual meeting with Phillips that night, but that was all. The bank made, the investigation (Tarn to Pas Three, Cdumn Three.) Army Flyer to Attempt , Une-Day lrans-u.o. lnp San Antonio, Tex., July 18. Crossing the American continent in one day by airplane and making only one itermediate stop will be attempt' ed by Lieutenant James H. Doolittle of Kelly Field, about August 8, he announced. Doolittle 1 will hop off at . Kelly Field on the morning of August 4 tor Jacksonville, JMa., and a few days later will begin a dash from the Atlantic coast to San Diego, Cal., traveling in a specially built De Haviland plane. Authority for the flight was grant ed last week by the chief of the air service and since that time a new plane . has been placed under con struction at the air intermediate depot here. It will be of a one-man type, with gas capacity of 275 gal lons, and will have an oil tank of 24 eallons capacity. The only stop on the trip will be made at San Antonio, at daybreak, for replenishing fuel supply after the lonely pilot s dash from Jacksonville, following the gulf coast line by moonlight. After a half hour stop ere Doolittle will again take to the air in an effort to reach the Pacific coast before sunset. Nearly a ton of fuel will be car ried, or enough to make a 12-hour flieht without ston. The ship will weigh about 4,700 pounds, or 1,200 more than the ordinary De Havi land plaie. Doolittle expects to make the entire trip in 23 hours, but, should favorable winds spring up, he will be able to clip two or three hours trom his tlying time, air omciais say. Sioux City Mayor Holds Strikebreakers on Tram Sioux City. Ia July 18. The rmU II-ia'c nacGPncrpr tram due viuaua iiiv a . here from Minneapolis at 8:50 this morning bearing nine strikebreakers was stopped by Mayor W. M. Short, Public Safetv Commissioner T. L. Taggart and a squad of policemen and ordered to proceed to the sta tion without stopping at tne snops to unload the nonunion men. The mavnr said he took this action because he feared if the strikebreak ers had. been allowed to enter the hons several hundred striking shop men congregated in the shop districts might have been tempted to violence. Northwestern Railroad I in Line With Injunction The Northwestern railroad peti tioned Federal Judge Woodrough yesterday for a temporary restrain ing order against striking employes. It was the third granted. The judge also granted a supple mental petition of the Union Pa cific, asking that Grand Island shops be included in the order Judge Woodrough issued for this railroad last -week. , Cabrera Given Amnesty. Mexico City, July 18. Gen. Fran cisco Cabrera, the rebel leader who has been operating for some time in the Huasteca oil region has re ceived official amnesty and has sur rendered to the federal ' authorities, according to advices received today from Tampico. Cabrera for some time was allied wib Gen. Gorozave, who was killed by federal soldiers under command o. Gen. Guadalpc Two Killed Scores Hurt in N. Y. Fire Five Hundred Familiei Arc Driven from Home by Blaze in Bohemian Quarter Burns All Day. Three Persons .iMissing New York. July 18.-(By A. P.) A stubborn, puzzling warehouse fire in the Greenwich Village section of the city broke out about 8 Tuesday morning, burned through the day. and was still blazing at niaht after nearly 4,000,000 gallons of water had been played on the flames by 40 hose lines. "The toughest fire I've ever en countered," was the way Acting rire Chiet "moky Joe Martin put it to Mayor Hylan when he returned to direct his men after having been blown out of a doorway by one of a series of explosions which rocked the lower west side. With the flames checked.' but not conquered, investigation showed that two firemen had been killed, three more were missing, about 15 persons had been taken to hospitals seriously injured and more than 175 had re ceived first aid treatment at three emergency stations opened by the Red Cross. In addition, about 500 families were driven from their homes in the Bohemian quarter, and barred by the. police from returning, lest the warehouse walls collapse. Smoke Blinds Firemen. The outstanding features of the fire was the mysterious, pungent black smoke that rolled out of the building soon after the first of the blasts. It came in never-ending clouds, settling down about the base of the storehouse and blinding the fighters so that they could not see the flames they were combating. Though a midsummer sun blazed down until late in the afternoon, when a thun derstorm broke, the firemen found it black as midnight and rigged searchlights in their efforts to pierce the enfolding darkness. .Baffled as to the cause of the fire, experts of the city sought all day to solve the mystery. " Fire Commissioner Drennan, who declared that no permit had been is sued to store explosives or chemicals in the warehouse, worked hard to as certain what was housed within the four blazins walls.' Finally police men were sent through the milling thousands who had gathered to watch the blaze, paging omciais of the Manufacturers Transit company, op erating the six-story warehouse. Property Damage Heavy.. Although the property damage could not be accurately estimated without a check of the contents, said to include newsprint, rubber, rice and eosom salts, it was evident that it would run into the hundreds of thou sands of dollars. One story, which particularly at tracted attention of the investigators was told members of the police bomb squad by Dr. Anthony Paone, a den tist who lives opposite the warehouse. Paone, who turned in the first alarm, asserted that just before the first exolosion he had seen three men with a pushcart stop in front of the building, carrying in several boxes and then emerge. He advanced the theory that incendiaries had started the blaze. ... Another puzzling story was told by Mrs. toseoh Ash and four of her neighbors, who live m an apartment, house on the same block as tne ware rouse. These five homeless ones maintain that throughout the night thev had heard mysterious, muffled explosions. The known dead are: Fire Lieutenant J. J. Schoppe mever killed bv falling debris. Fireman James Carroll, attached to a Brooklyn company, killed when his engine struck a curb while re sponding to an alarm. Doctor Overcome. Dr. Harrv M. Archer, an honorary deoutv fire chief, fell a victim to the fumes while treating tne mjurea. Overcome by smoke, he was car ried to a Red Cross station, where the nurses found he also suffered from numerous gashes. The whole quarter was thrown into a panic with the first blast, which broke windows in St. Vin cent's hospital, at Seventh avenue and Thirteenth street. After the terror of the explosions had subsided, the "villagers" began co-operating with the authorities in relief work. While city chemists studied the flames to determine what was caus ing the heavy smoke and filled test tubes with water pouring trom, the burning building for the purpose of analysis, the artists threw open their studios to exhanted firemen. The Weather Forecast Wednesday possibly showers; not much change in temperature." . Hourly Temperatures. S a. in. a. m. 7 a. m. S a, m. a. m. 1 a. at. 11 a. am. t 1 9. n SI ........ SS S p. n St SS S p. m SS 1 4 p. m. M 1 S p. m. M 71 S p. m SS 11 I I p. n. SI 7 I S p. m M II Highest Tuesday. Cheytnnt M North Piatt ....ii Darenport i0( Pueblo ..........ii TXnrtr ill Rapid City Dm Molnn i Salt Laka ii Dodir Cltjr ( Santa Fa 7 LaiMitr ,. ...... ) ij Shtridaa N Speakers Wednesday at Walther Leagu: . , . . , I, . . I r - V Kev. rredenck Brand, first na tional vice president of the Missouri synod ot tne Lutneran cnurcn, ana di rector of foreign missions of the synod, who has recently returned from a visit to the foreign mission fields. He will preach the sermon at the Walther league international convention Wednesday evening in the Auritorium, Rev. William Dallmann of Mil waukee, who will speak, at the inter national Walther league convention in the Auditorium Wednesday aft ernoon. Pastor Points Out Danger of Modern School Moral Lepers Doing Devil's Work in Every Big Univer sity, Says Walther League Speaker. Rev. A. Haentzschel of Madison Wis., speaking on "The Students' Walher League," pointed out the dangers threatening the student who goes to a modern university. "Every large institution of learn ing has its moral lepers and pet verts who are , systematically doing the devil's work," he said. "And do not forget that the student brings -along the tempter in his own flesh. "The young student will be faced with other dangers in college and university. Bound up with 'brilliant presentations of truth, he may be offered atheism, materialism or the ravings of science gone mad. What wonder if at first he is puzzled and then passes from perplexity to doubt and from doubt to rejection of the priceless truths Which the spirit of uod has engrafted on his heart. Estranged in College. "I could tell you of Lutheran students who passed in a few years from the faith to an extreme where thev no lonsrer asked with Pilate. 'What is truth?' but claimed like the assassins in the age of the crusades, that nothing is true and that there is neither God nor devil. In every city you will find doctors, lawyers, judges, bankers and prominent men of every kind who were confirmed as Lutherans, but who . became es tranged from the "Lutheran church, at least inwardly, during their col lege days. . Establishment of Walther league chapters in the colleges and universi ties would save many of these souls.' (Torn ta Para 7?hr, Colnmn Two.) Denver Slayer of Landlady Held Sane Denver, Colo.. July J8. Orville J. Turley, " confessed slayer of - Mrs. Emma G. Wise, whose mutilated body was found in ,the furnace pipe of a north Denver vacant house June 17, was declared sane by a jury in the Denver-county court today. Turley previously had been de clared insane by three boards of alienists who had examined him but the jury followed the testimony of laymen who expressed the belief on the witness stand that Turley was sane. Turley now must face trial on a charge of first degree murder "in the district court. V Wlffl Omahan Is Winner of Nomination Out State Vote' Defeats Jef feris McMuIlen lias Slight Advantage Over Randall Bryan and Butler Close R. B. Howell of Omaha, republican national committeeman from Ne-1 braska, apparently won the repub lican nomination for United States senator in yesterday's primary. Returns fro 89 precincts represent ing 35 counties gave Howell a lead of three to two over Congressman Jefferis of Omaha, with Attorney General Clarence A. Davis running a very close third. Indications were that Davis would pass Jefferis as out state returns overcame the congress man's Douglas county lead. 'The figures from these precincts were: Howell, 2,563; Jefferis. 1,764; Davis, 1,626; John, 330; Yeiser, 191. Hitchcock Downs Opposition. Senator Hitchcock, on the basis of 60 precincts, defeated his combinded opposition by more than 2 to 1. The vote was: Hitchcock, 1,668; Shroyer, 489; Monahan, 282. Nominations on both democratic and republican tickets for governor were in doubt on these returns. Adam McMuIlen of Beatrice was neck and neck with Senator Randall of Randolph in 92 precincts from 35 counties, but Randall was gaining as out-state returns offset McMul len's Douglas county lead. The vote in these precincts was: Byrum, 508; McMuIlen, 3,273; Randall, 3,284; Sterling, 417. On the face of early returns Charles W. Bryan of Lincoln led for the democratic nomination for governor, but the farm vote was yet to be heard from and this was ex pected to advance J. N Norton. The vote from- 54 precincts stood: Nor ton, 576; Butler, 747; Bryan, 912; Maupin, 194. Twenty-three counties were represented. Judge Sears was nominated, for ennoroas on th rrnuhliran tirlcrr for the Second district. " . " '" election to the board of directors ol the metropolitan utilities district, for which he was also a candidate. The same precincts which gave Jefferis a lead for senator, nevertheless- gave Howell a handsome majority over C, G. ' Carlberg for the utilities job. Eight precincts gave Howell 310; Garlberg, 155, First Out-State Report. The first out-state report came from Hall county, where the repub- United States senator: Jefferis, 18; HowelL I : Yeiser. 0: John. 42: Davis, 9; Gustafson, 6. For governor: McMuIlen, 38; Randall, 30; Sterling, 14; Byrum,2. This is the home county of Frank John, a candidate for the republican senatorial nomination. The same Hall county precinct gave Monahan 5, Sproyer 3 and (Turn to Page Twa, Colnmn Fire.) 2 Hunted as Rathenau Hssassms tall Selves Berlin, July 18. (By A. P.) Hermann Fischer and Edwin Kern, who for many days have been pur sued by the German police as the assassins of Foreign Minister Rathe nau, committed suicide today, ac cording to a dispatch from Halle. The two men shot themselves, the dispatch said, as they were about to be captured in the turret of Saaleck " castle, near BadKoesen, whither they had been traced by the police Stastistical Service for Live Stock Men Planned Denver, July 18. Tne second day's conference of livestock men from the states west of the Missouri river and government agricultural experts and statisticians was sched uled to be field here today. Under plans discussed yesterday, a statis- ncai service ior the industry is pro posed by which livestock men will be kept informed of range conditions in various sections of the country and advised frequently of the avail. able supply of food producing ani mals ana tne probable demand. The range country will be divided into livestock regions under the plan, and geographical lines will be fol lowed. Frank Andrews, Denver statistician, will summarize the re ports for the western states as a whole. Philippine Delegation Fays Honor to Late Senator Denver, July 18. Fourteen mem bers of the Philippine Independence delegation, which has been at Wash ington to plead for Philippine inde pendence, placed a wreath on the grave of the late Senator John Shaf roth of Colorado. In a short address Sneaker Osmr- na of the Philippine house of reore- sentatives referred to Senator Shaf- roth as a man who gave his "sincere and enthusiastic support toward our independence." Lone Bandit Gets $40. A lone highwayman held tin and robbed G. W. Thomoson of Gris- wold. Ia, of $40 at Seventv-seventh and Center streets, Monday eight, ha reported to oocc